pj Site galls SsfmSam ASTOKIA, OREGON: SUNDAY . ..JOLY 7, 18S9. TIDE TABLiE FOB ASTOBIA. HIGH WATEH. LOW "WATER. Kirst. Secood. I First. Second. H 13 ft. m. ft. in. I I ft. m ft. m. 137 2 17 3 03 3 55 4 58 C 12 733 3 11 344 4 21 5 02 5 48 6 40 7 42 839 83G 9 10 9 48 10 31 11 21 0 24 134 2 43 8 52 937 10 21 11 18 12 22 1 28 2 31 8j 8 53 The hours between mldnlgnt and noon are designated by a (a. m.), those between noon aud midnight by p (p. m.). Oft. OOm.a denotes midnight, oft. 00m. v denotes noon. Tne lieight is reckoned from the level ol average lower low waters to wmcn tne sound lugs are Iven on the Coast Survey charts. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE! Northern Pacific Railroafi TWO TRAINS A DAY! NO CHANGE OF CARS ! Shortest Line to Chicago & All Points East VIA . ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS. THE Northern Pacific R. R. Is the ONLY Line Running Passenger Trains, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, Palace Dining Cars (meals 75c), Luxuriant Day Coaches, Emigrant Sleepers (free of charge), FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST See that your tickets read via the Xortheri Pacific B. It. and croid change of cars. Leave Portland at 7 ;13 A.M. and 10P.M. daily ; arrive at Minneapolis or St. Paul, fourth day. PACIFIC DIVISION Train leaves Front and G street daily at ll :15 A. M. and 10 P. M. : arrive at Tacoma 7 :10 P. M., and C:10 A. M connecting with Company's for all points on Puget Sound. CIIAS.S.FEE, Gen'l AVestern Pass. Agent. St. Paul. A.D.CUAULTON, Gen'l Western Pass. Agent, No. 121, First St.. Portland Depot, corner First and G streets. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, rKOPJtIETOHS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage is solicited. J. 0. CLINTON DEALER IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS. NUTS, Candies. Smokers' Articles, Etc. New Goods Received Daily, Opposite City Book Store. Fashionable Dressmaking. A NEW ESTABLISHMENT, Style and Fit Guaranteed. Our aim is to Pleaselour Patrons., The patronage of the Ladles or Astoria is respectfully solicited. Northwest corner Fourth and Cass streets. Mrs. T. S. Jewett & Mrs. Birdsey Proposals for a Sewer. Sealed Pkoposat.s will be received at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria until Tues day, July 9th, 1889, at 4 o'clock r. m., for the construction of a sewer in Wash ington street, McClure's Astoria, from the west line of Astor street to a point one hundred feet north of the north side of Water street, in the time and manner provided by Ordinance No. 1090 of the City of Astoria. Bids must state the price per lineal foot, of terra cotta pipe, price per man-hole, catch basin, branches, reference being had to the estimate and plans and specifications on file in the office of the Auditor and Po lice Judce. Work shall be completed within ninety days after the signing of me contract oy me panics uiereiu. Bids must be strictly in accordance with printed blanks which will be furnished on application to the Auditor and Po lice .fudge, particular attention being called to the note on said blanks. The contract will contain a provision to the effect that in case of failure to complete said work within the time specified, the contractor shall forfeit the sum of five dollars per day for each and every say required to complete said contract In excess of the time specified. The contractor or con tractors when the contract is let shall enter into bond within forty-eight hours after receiving notice of the award with at least two good and sufficient sureties in the penal sum of S for the true and faithful performance of all terms and condition of said contract Said bond shall also contain a provis ion, that such contractor or contractors shall and will hold the City of Astoria and the officers thereof free and harm less from any and all liabilities, or re sponsibility, from any loss or accident resulting from carelessness or neglect, during or resulting irom sucn worn, and the said bond shall be approved by themaj'or of said city. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby re served. J. w. WELCH, W. li.AOBB, I. B. Elbon, Committee on S. and P. W. Dated, July 5th, 1889. Spring and SPECIALTIES OF A GOOD FIT, LOW PEICES AND FINE GOODS. Elegant Suits at San Francisco Prices. Business Suits, Dress Suits. Goods Sold at Forty per cent. Below Prices Elsewhere. Next Door to C. H. Cooper's. J. N. KLOSTER. Hughes & Co Wholesale and Eetall LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. H. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val Blatz Bottled Beer. -Finest brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited. All orders from the City and Country promptly filled. Squemoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHNKOPP, - - - Proprietor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any in the Market, AT AS REASONABLE A PRICE. Tie North Pacific Brewery Beer la Pure and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction aud is Furn ished in Quantities to Suit. Leave orders With A, W. Utzincer next to Bergman & Co.'s, or Fred Cooke, next to Foard & Stokes. Dally Delivery iu Any Part of the City. MG. DANIBLSON, Sample Rooms, Dealer In Wines, Liquors and CigarB. Agent for the GUION Steamship Line and the THING VALLA Steamship Line, direct. Alsa, agent for "Svenska Trlbuneu" and 'Svenska Amerlkanaren." Corner of Water and West Ninth Streets Astoria, Oregon. LOEB & CO. fines, Liprs anil Ciprs. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS. THE TRADE Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands. Main street Opposite Parker House, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. THE COSMOPOLITAN. A. W. UTZINfiER, Propr. Fine Billiard Tables: Best of Wines and Liquers: Choice Cigars. A First Class Place of Social Resort, Run in a First Class Manner. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians, or the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - PROPRIETOB GERMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Class. WAI.'BOCK, Proprietor. Old Comer Saloon, Phil. F. Bower, Prop'r. Fine Wines, Liquors Cigars, 404 Chenratis Street, Astoria, Ogn E. C. Lewis, Timber Land Broker, Cruiser AND ESTIMATOR. Locator of Government and State Lands. Timber bought and sold on Commission. Taxes paid and Lands protected from tres pass. Operates in "Washington, Oregon, and California. Correspondence solicited. Astoria Oregon. PARIS TAILOR Summer THE Resort Billiard Parlor, GROSBAUER & BKACH, Prop's. L. FEURER'S CELEBRATED Gamhrmus Beer ! ON DRAUGHT. Gainbrinus Bottled Beer, J. n. Cutter Whisky. Domestic anil Key West Cigars, Constantly on hand. j Third Street, four doors west of Telegraph uiuce, luniieny xciepuuiie xiesiiiuruiu, ASTORIA, OREGON. Arch Street Grade Notice Notice is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the city of Astoria pro pose to establish the grade of that por tion of Arch street in the City of Asto ria as laid out and recorded by .I.M. Shivelv, between West Sixth street and West Eighth street as follows, to wit; At the intersection of West Sixth street with the south side of Arch street and height of 118X feet above the base of graues. At its intersection wuu tne north side of Arch street at a height of 115$ feet above said base of grades At the intersection of West Seventh street with the south side of Arch street at a height of 119K. feet above said base of grades. At its intersection with the north side of Arch street at a height of 11GK feet above said base of grades. At the intersection of West Eighth street with the south side of Arch street at a height of 127 feet above said base of grades. At its intersection with the north side of Arch street at a height of 124 feet above said base of grades. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street be Hied with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten days of the final publication of this notice, to wit: on or before Mon day, July 22d, 1889, the Common Council will esta'blishsaid grade. By order of the Common Council Attest: T. S. Jewett, Auditor and Police .Judge. Astoria, June 28th, 1889. Hemlock Street Improvement No tice. Notice is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria pro pose to order the improvement of that portion of Hemlock street in the city of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively, between the west side of East First street and the eastern end of said Hemlock street by removing all defective piles and replacing them with new and sound ones, and by removing all defective stringers and replacing them with new and sound fir ones, and by planking the same "with new and -sound fir planks four inches in thick ness, to a width ot 1( leet through the center thereof. And unless a remon strance signed by the owners of two- thirds ot tne property irontmg on said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten daj's of the final publication of this no tice, to wit: on or before Monday. July 22nd, 1889, the Common Council will order said improvement to be made. By order of the Common Council, Attest : T. i. Jewett. Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, June 28th, 1889. Tie Celebrated freich Cnre. Warranted " APHRODITINE"?.rr to euro IS SOLD ON A POSITIVE Guarantee to euro any form of ner vous disease or any dis order of the generative organs of- nith nr sat BEFORE whether ar- AFTER ising from tho oxcessivo use of Stimulants.To bacco or Onium. or thronch youthful indiscre tion, over indulgence. &c, such as Loss of tfrain Powor. Wakefulness, Bearing down Pains in tho Back, Seminal Weakness, Hys teria, :Nervous Prostration, Nocturnal Emis sions, Leucorrhoea, Diuinesa, Weak Memory, Loss of Power and Impotoncy( which if ne glected ofton load to premature old age and insanity. Price 31 a uox, 6 boxes for SO. Sent by mail on receipt of prico. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for every ." or der, to refund the money if a Permanent euro is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, perma nently cured by ArHHoninsE. Circular froe. Address. THE Ai'HBO MEDICINE CO. Box 27. Western Branch, Portland, Or. For salo by J. C. DEMENT, John 0. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. Prescriptions Care Hilly Compounded. Agent for Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. "W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA OREGON IK-jtpfw 5y W INSURANCE. I. "W. CASE, Insurance Agent. REPRESENTING : California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Tortland. Home Mutual Insurance Co., S. F. Phcenix of London. Imperial of London. Robb & Parker, AGENCY OK Fire and Marine Insurance, With an Aggregate Capital of Sio.ooo,0o0. IMPERIAL, of London. CALIFORNIA, of California. CONNECTICUT, of Hartford. OAKLAND HOME, of Oakland. LION, of London. FIREMAN'S FUND, of California. Agents also for TRAVELLERS', of Hartford Life and Accident. Tickets sold for the ALLAN Line of Steamships, from Old Country to Astoria. ROBB & PARKER. At old oilice of J. O. Bozorth. Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE IN FIRST CIiASS COMPANIES Representing 813,000,000 PHCENIX, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York, AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO C. P. UPSHUR, Main Street Wharf - Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London & Globe, North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial ol California Agricultural, of Watertown, New York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Represent in a capital of $07,000,000. a. VAN 1U8EN. Agent. MARKETS. Washington Market. Main Street, Astoria, Oregon. KKIUiMAN & CO.PitOPRIKTOUS KESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion or the public to the fact that the aDove Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! 1 Which will be sold at lowest ratei, whole sale and retail. "Special attention given to supplying ohlps. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & GOMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CHENAMUS Street. Astoria, Og. Roadway Market. P. O'HARA, Prep'r: Opposite Foard & Stokes. A First-Class Meat Shop. Fresh and Salt Meats. All Purchases Delivered in any Part of tho City J. Abercrombie. (Next door to Carnahan & Co.'s.) LARD. HAM, BACON, BUTTER, .CHEESE. EGGS, POULTRY POTATOES, FISH AND GAME, Fruit, Nuts, and Candies. Tea, Coffee, Canned Goods, Raisins. Etc. General Commission Merchant. CHENAMUS STREET, - - ASTORIA. S. ARNDT & FERCHEN ASTORIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHJTA Pl !6 -k WJJ. vx twms&sKmsjKL-fr 71 and v -ssssmaBaBSPfa -,. -....rS uoiier onoo tsAJZSs All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly atteuded to. Aspeclalty made of repairing CANNERY DDES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Fresh Fashion Notes. Colored stockings will soon be things of the past. The skirts of tulle dresses are made in fan plisses. Ribbons intended for sashes vary in width from ten to twelve inches. Sandal shoes are worn with empire and directory gowns, on the other side. Leather chamois trimmings are again seen on traveling and utility suits. The new rococo ribbons look like the beds of a flower garden in full June bloom. Eibbons for dresses, hats and bon nets come in widths varying from two to seven inches. For dressy afternoon, ball and evening toilets the stockings must match the gown in color. The newest earrings are a revival of the Creole hoop3 of gold or silver, plain, chased oraebwith jewels. Some of the daintiest parasols of net and tulle are fringed all around with petals of roses, poppies, lilies or ferns. Small, low hats, low coiffures, un draped skirts, no bustle, full sleeves and wide belts are the features in all fashionable toilets. Ribbons are more frequently striped, checked, flowered and fig ured in broche or printed designs than vari-colored or plaiu this sum mer. The draping of the skirt used to occupy the minds of the designers of dress. Now it is the trimmings, the sleeves and the belting of the full bodice. Broad bands of soft leather, in col ors to match the material of the gown, are worn as hems, cuffs, col lars, waistcoats and revers on walk ing and driving suits intended for country wear. Puffed casings, run with ribbons of various widths, divide favor with gaugings, smockings and bouillones for fashionable gowns of mull, batiste and mousseline de chiffon. In spite ot the fiat of fashion that tight coat sleeves are de mode, there is a lingering admiration for that kind of sleeve with those women who have round, plump and pret ty arms. The revived bareges of this sum mer come with interwoven and printed borders on plain colored grounds of delicate intermediate shades, blue, rose, gray, beige, green, bronze, purple, yellow and cream. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria tVhen Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. 5v"hen sho was a Child, she cried for Castoria, iVhea she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, tYhcn she had Children, she gave them Castoria The Chicago Tribune says that be fore Seattle does any rising from her ashes she should ohange her "eye-sore name." Seattle is .as good as Chica go, which is a corruption of tho Sac and Fox word Checagua.which means skunk. A Ul'TY '1 O YOUKMF.LF. It is surprising that people will use a common, ordinary pill when they can secure a valuable English one for the same money. Dr. Acker's English pills are nposiire cure for sick-headache and all liver troubles. They are small, sweet, easily taken and do not gripe. J. W. Conn, Druggist. Captain Murrell, who saved the passengers of the steamer DanemarTi, has been presented by the Danish consul at Baltimore with the insignia of Knighthood of the Order of Dan nebrog, sent to him by tho king of Denmark. BnclilenTsAniica Salve. Tiik Hf.st Salvk in the world foi Cuts, Uruises, Sores, Ulcers, SaltRheura, Fever Sores. Tetter. Channed Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, ami positively cures rues, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give Derfect satisfaction, or nionev refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale byj. u. .uemenr. The Bochester Union observes that hunger and thirst are inextricab ly intertwined. Where the law shuts up saloons the sole of cheese falls off. The question is raging in the west whether cheese creates a hanker ing for rum, or rum a craving for cheese. PI3IP1.ES ot the pack Denote an impure state of the blood and are looked upon by many with suspicion. Acker's Blood Elixir will remove all im purities and leave the complexion smooth and clear. There is nothing that will so throughly build up the constitu tion, purify and strengthen the whole system. Sold and guaranteed by J.W. Conn, Druggist. There are some curious men on the legal bench in this country. A Con necticut court fines a man 5 for ly ing in wait to kill his wife and atab biug her, and an Ohio conrt calls it assault and battery when four bullets are fired into a farmer and he is robbed of his wallet. PEOPLE everywhere Confirm our statement when we say that Acker's English Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other prepa rations for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping Cough and Croup it is magic and relieves at once. We offer j'ou a sample bottle free. Remember, this Remedy is sold on a postive guarantee, by J. W, Conn, Druggist. One objection to the hammock that it revealed rather too much of the outline of the human form has been removed this summer by the attach ment of a long fringe to each side of the swinging couch, which also adds a good deal of grace to it. Au ounce of prevention is better than a pound orcure. Pfunder's Or egon Blood Purifier expels all impuri ties of the blood and should be used in all diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. Take it. IT MADE M0 "My mother has been using Paike's Celery Compound for nervous prostration, accompan ied by melancholia, etc., and It has done her a world of good lsthconlymcdl- that strength ens the nerves." G. H. Beers, Orblsouia, Pa. Ttalnata faarrr f!nmnnnnfl 13 Of Uneniialftl value to women. It strengthens the nerves, regulates the kidneys, and has wonder fill powe r In curing the painful diseases with which wo men so often silently suffer. $1 per bottle. Six for S3. At Druggists. Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vr. ntMUnun flYPQ True to Name and Color. UlAmUNU UFti Nothing can Equal Ttem. I. R. &N. Co. FROM ASTORTA TO Ft. Stevens.. Ft. Canby and Slwacs. Connecting by stages and steamboat- u Oysterville, Montesano and Oiympi? STEAMER iifi "GEN. CANBY," Tnos. Parkek. Master. Will leave Astoria daily (Sundays excepted) for Ft Stevens. Ft. Canbv and Ilwaco, at 8 A. M., except as below. With Oysterville MaUs and Express dally, and Through Mails to points beyond, and Montesano, W.T., on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridaya. Tickets to Ilwaco (at the otllce) 75 cent; Round Trip Tickets 1 ." Ilwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 Sp-For Tickets, Towago or Charter ap ply at tho ofHce of the company, Havel's wharf. 0. R. & N. CO. Trains for EAST Leave I'oitland at 7 ;15 A. M. and 9:S0 P. M., Daily. And Way Landings. The Steamer BONITA Leaves Astoria at 0 A. ar., via Oregon side Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The Str. R. R. THOMPSON Leaves Astoria every morning excep Monday, at 7 o'clock, via Washington skli TO SAN FRANCISCO. The only line of Steamships to San Fran cisco. Steamers leave Company's Dock every four days Regular Line or Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage and Lighterage. STORAGE OF All . IEISttS. Inquire at Company's Dock or at City Of fice. M. B, BOZORTH, Ticket Agent. E. A. NOYES. Agent. 6ray7s Harbor, Shoalwater Bay and TILLAMOOK. The P. & C. S. S. Co.'s Steamer "ALLIANCE," Wlllsall from TORTLAND, foot of C street, Every Thursday for Grays Harbor-will touch at SHOAL WATER BAY every third trip. A trip to TILLAMOOK will be made as soon as weather permits, Due notice will be given In Tin: Asto iuax of the date of making trips tobhoal water Bay and Tillamook. Steamer leaves Portland at 8 r, ar. on above dates-Astoria at G a. ar. the follow tillV"0" ' FreIgllt received every day The Company reserves the right to change time and place of sailing. C. P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. Squemoque Street Improvement XVwvMiW m iWulmli i clne mmjs Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho Com mon Council of tho City of Astoria pro pose to order the improvement of Sque moque street in the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John MeClnrc, from the west side of Main street to the west side of Madison street, by uradin" ailtl,fi.I.li,nK,the same with earth to its established grade and to the full width . of said street, and by planking that por tion between the west side of Main street and the west side of Washington street to a width of thirty feet through the center thereof with new and sound fir plank three inches in thickness, and by planking that portion between the west side of Washington street and the west side of Madison street to a width of sixteen feet through the center there of, andby building sidewalks on both sides of said street. Said improvement to be made at the expense of the adja cent property. And unless a remon strance signed by the owners of two thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten days of the final publication of this no tice, to wit: on or before Monday, July 22nd, 1889, the Common Council will or der said improvement to be made. By order of the Common Council, Attest: T.S. Jewett, . i. , Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, June 28th, 1889. " I am In my sith year. Have been afflicted ir. several w?vs could not sleep, had no appetltt no courage, low spirits. I commenced uslns Palne's Celery Compound, and felt relief froc. the third day alter using It. I now have a goot! appetite and can sleep welL 3Iy spirits and courage are almost like those of a young man." s. c Kinsaid, D. D., Gonzales, La. Pane9s deferv Compound Strengthens and bulld3 up the old. and cures iuv.il luuruunts. uueumausm, lntugesuon anu nervousness j ield quickly to the curatlvcpower or Palne's Celery Compound. A Perfect Tonic and Invlgorator, It C1VES NEW LIFE. "I am now co years old and have tried several remedies, but none had any effect until I used Palne's Celery Compound. I feel entirely dif ferent for the short time I havo used It. I can walk nearly straight, sleep sound and well, and leel as though there was new life and energy coming into my whole system." II. ?.Iylio3. Cleveland. Tenn. t-;o c..-ov mil be rosy, fiump and merry I "J 'J r o.tUt qnai iZiuTA'fED FOOD. TO SAN MCISCO, GAL., -l'.Y A OV TIIK- Southern Pacific Company's LINE. The Mt. Shasta Route. Ouickor in Time than any Other Route Between Portland and San Francisco, LEAVE PORTLANDS P. Ifl. Daily THROUGH TIME 3D HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFF.T SLEEPERS, TOl'KIST Hf,KK5SA OA (to For accommodation of Second-class Pass-ongei-,, atliuliod to Express Trains. I'ARK from Portland to Snrramcnln and San Francisco, Unlimited .... S25 GO Fir.st 5'InsN Limited - - S20 OO eeatl "iass ' - siU Ot THROUGH TICKETS To all Points SOUTH AMD EAST, via California. TICKF.TOFFICES : City onice-Xo. 131 Cor. First and Alder Sts. Depot ofilce Corner F and Fro' t Streets, rOUTLAXD, OKEOOX. It. KOEIILEK, K. . KOOEKS, Manager. Asst. U. F. & Pass. Agt Now and Fast Sailing STEAMER, a CITY OF ASTORIA, CA1T..I. W. BAr.BIDf.E, ASTORIA, KNAPPA, CLIFTOM, and WOODS LANDING. Leaves Astoria, Daily, at 2 o'clock i ar. From Wilson & Usher's wharf. Leave Woods lauding, Thursdays andFii days at c o'clock a. ai., for Astoria and way landings. SATURDAYS, to Knappa and return. For Freight and Passage, apply to Cap tain, on board. IfewBr: l?5 v& fe3 'AS. HEALTH. LB IZiclxau's Golrton Balsam I.o. 1 Cures Chancres, first and second stages Sores on the Lcrs and Italy; Sore llira, Eyes, Nose, etc., Copper-colored lliotches. Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and all primary forms of the disease Known aa Syphilis. Price, S. 00 por liottle. Lo Kicliau's Golden Balsam IVo.3 Cures Tertian, JlcrcurialSyplulitic Rheu matism, Pains in tho Bones, Pains in tho Head, back of the Neck, Ulcerated Soro Throat, Syphilitic Hash, Lumps and con tracted Cords, Stiffncs3 of the Limbs, anil eradicates all disease from the system, whether caused by indiscretion or abiisn of Mercury, leawn? tho blood pure and healthy.. I'rico S5 00 per Bottle. Le Kicliau's Golden. SpanisH Anti dote for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Irritation Gravel, and ail Urinary or Geni tal disarrangements. Price S2 50 por Bottle. Lio Uicljau' Golden Spanisli In jection, fors-ncro cascsof Gonorrhoea, Inflammatory Gleet. Stricturcs,&c. Price SI 50 per Bottle. do IJichiiu'tf Golden Ointment for the effoctivj hcalinjrof Syphilitic Sores, and eruptions. PriroSl 00 per Box. K.o "ticiiau's Golden Pills Xrrve and Brain treatment; los3 of phj-sical pow er, csces-? or overwork. I'rostration, etc. Price SS 00 per Box. Toasic ni.ii Nervine, Stilt tAfrjv.hpre, I'. . !., securely packed per express. C. I'. BICilATIUj; & CO. , As-entn, f 7 J 4'2D S-ii-wmc street. Corner i 'lay, j -w Sui Franefaeo. fd. CIRCI'LVU MMI.IU) FKEE. i prescribe and fully endorse IMg C as the only specific for the cer tain cure of this disease. O.ri. lNOKAIIAM,M.I. Amsterdam, Is'. Y. "We nave sold P.ig G for many years, and It has riven tne Desi oi satis faction. 1. U. lnvitE & Co.. Chicago. III. Trade SI. Sold by Druggists. Sold br J. W. Conn, Astoria, Oregon, 509 j2& ""c" Qm'&m & xjf ESfe3r f11P i&ttftm Vt&t VrC- 'disease. W TO 5 DA.T3. X3 ABaairintMd not tow JgW cauoBtricttrc u KJ urdoalj tjtha fIZ7iS3 Ciialal Os. . Clncinnati,SMpfi HmilirJ. T) uaatdM: .., s. iiifiTirifn jfjt- -.tSi.jSjjgMU. , 1 1 -m lf&a&