fci .asss -"v"5a (33 ?hc 5 $toia. ASTOHIA, OREGON: AVEDNESS)AY .JULY 3. 1839. ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, ASTOUIAN'BlIItUINO, - - CaSBStRKRT. Terms of.Subscrlptlon. Ser ed bv Curler. er week ... 15 cts .Sent bv M-ill. per month 02 cts " ' one ear. ..$7.00 Free of pottage to subscribers. The astoiuan guarantees to its adver sers the largest circulation of any newspa per published on the Columbia river. Straw hats. And Ice Cream. Look out For Fire. The steamer Idaho sailed for Al aska and way ports last evening. The schooner Hayes lumber laden for San Francisco sailed yesterdav. The steamer (Janby will leave at 7 o'clock to morrow morning instead of 8, the usual time. Money is said to be "tight," some not having enongh to lend nineteen dollars on a 20 dollar gold piece". All the firemen are requested to meet at their respective head-quarters at 930 to-morrow morning in full uniform to take part in the parade. Yesterday the postoffice in this city was advanced to the dignity of a sec-oud-class office, with all the emolu ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. .Tudge Elliott yesterday sold 100, feet square, of lots 7 and 8, blk 114, Shively's Astoria to Mrs. P. L. Cherry, for $1,000. Eight lots in Long Branch were sold for 300. Kobb & Parker have several fine pieces of property for sale at very ad vantageous figures. Get in while yon have a chance. They will aid you in making money for yourself. A detachment of one non-commis-sioned officer and four men will be sent up by Major Jno. Egan from Ft. Canby to-day to ttike charge of the firing of salutes to-morrow. The cars of the I. E. & N. Co. rail way ran off the track yesterday on the" way to Nacottah capsizing them, and strewing lumber along the line for a considerable distauce; damages slight The ladies and gentlemen who are to take part in the ocal music at the literary exercises to-morrow are re quested, to meet at the hall of Astoria Engine Co., No. One, at eight o'clock this evening. Numerous handsome and several gorgeous decorations were up in va rious parts of town yesterday, and by morning the town will be festooned and garlauded and bright with flags from one end to the other. Says the Faciflo Jeurnal: Of the 200 pound nets in Baker's bay prob ably one-half of them have made an average catch so far this season. Quite a number have done so poorly as to be compelled to suspend operations. David Graham, a well-known resi dent of this section, was 'drowned at Gray's .River last Sunday from a log. The body was recovered yesterday. Deceased leaves numerous friends and relatives on both sides of the river who regret his untimely taking off. Quite a crowd gathered iu front of the vacant lot east of the city hall yes terday afternoon to see several boys practice walking on the tight rope. After several trials and wettings two of the boys succeeded in walking across. There s 25 for somebodv in the trick to-morrow. Word comes from Karluk that the Alaska Commercial company will take out their dam at that place. That will be rough on the other seven can ning companies there who expected to put up salmon, and who relied main ly on that dam. The Alaska Cora jnercial don't care a continental, Some time ago two men came ashore here from the bark Earl ofDunraven claiming that they had been shang haied on board at Portland by Bunko Kelly. That worthy, fearing probably that he will lose his fee, has had. constable "Welch and Peter Grant ar rested for alleged removal of the men from the vessel on their arrival here. The charge is a trumped-up one, the whole thing being simply a fight be tween Bunko Kelly and Jim Turk. Messrs. Welch and Grant go to Port land this morning. "What is the most money ever made by a tug in one trip?" was asked by a NewYorkSumanof an old tug man in South street. "The very largest money ever obtained was when two tugs picked up a derehot off Sandy Hook. She was in good con dition, but had been abandoned by her crew who were panic stricken. She was drifting ashore, and the courts allowed a salvage of 828,000 for the two, or $14,000 for a day's work each. But that wasn't a towing job. The biggest price ever paid by a ship t for towing at this port, so far as I know, was when a ship captain had beat his way up to the light-ship after a long winter voyage from Manila. Beaching this point, with the harbor before him, the northwest wind became a gale he could not faoe, and he saw the shores of Staten island fade and began to think he had Ber muda hard aboard. He couldn't stand that prospect and was com pelled to pay $1,500 by a heartless tug captain of about my size and dis position." Tendcr Juicy Steak at Jeff's. COMMON COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. In the council yesterday evening, the last rays of the setting sun were reflected from the windows across the way on the backs of councilmen Berg man, Cleveland, Elbon, Bobb, "Welch and Fox. The noisy church bells drowned the deep bass voice of aud itor and police judge Jewett as he read the minutes of the previous meet ing in response to the announcement of the chairman. After the reading of the aforesaid minutes a petition from J. B. Martini, for a retail liquor license was granted. A franchise was asked to build cable cars on sundry streets by Chas. S. Wright, F. D. Winton, Rort Car ruthers and S. E. Harris: referred to street committee. A petition for grade of street cross in g,wa3 referred to street committee. A communication from chief of police Barry submitting the follow ing names for special policemen on Julv Fourth, was read and acted up on affirmatively: and the chief author ized to make the appointment A. McCroskey. P. Kearney, An drew Uikkula, Jno. Eskala, L. Larsen, M. 01sen,Jas.Tatten, V. iJuyras, ai. Moorya, W.B. Boss, H. G. Smith, Kob't Lanfare. On motion of councilmen Welch three of the above were put on im mediately to serve till after the Fourth. The committee on public property reported regarding the painting of city hall and bell tower, and recom mended that a warrant be drawn for $214 in favor of C. H. Stockton for the work. The report of city treasurer Hustler for the quarter ending June 30th, 1889, was read and referred to com mittee. The report of street superintendent for May was read and referred. Ordinances providing for sewers on Washington and Main streets were read first and second times: the Washington street sewer ordinance was passed uncter suspension oi me rules. An ordinance declaring the prob able cost of improving West Sixth street from Water street to Cedar street, was read first and second times and referred to street committee to report at next mooting, An ordinance making appropriation of $214 for the benefit of 0. H. Stock ton, was passed under suspension of the rules. The following claims were ordered paid: Astoria Iron Works, $13.30; Wilson & Fisher, $10; Sundry Persons, $110 .40; Wilson & Fisher, $20,59; Electric Light Co.; S176; Sunset Telephone Co., $3 Astoria Gaslight Co., $108.60; S15.05; Astor House, $26.83; L. Mar tin, $7.50. The street lightiug ordinauce was postponed to the next meeting. A motion that the city attorney in vestigate the manner of constructing sewers in the city, was passed. Adjourned. Drowned in Gray's River. Gray's Rtvsit, July 1, '89. Editor Asteriax: A sad case of drowning happened here yesterday. Mr. David Graham lost his life. He was running logs down Gray's river. The logs became jammed and in trying to break the jam he accidentally fell off a log. He never came to the surface, but was seen by Mr. McGregor and Mr. Lamb, his partner, to struggle's if, trying to swim, but for a. moment only, when he was swept down and out of sight. The alarm was given and the neigh bors collected and searched for the body until dark. Early this Monday morning about forty men collected and searched for the body, dragging the river and haul ing out large snags and old tree tops; but in vain. All day the men worked until 6 o'clock, when the weary men gave up for tio day, Iiut ea,rly to-morrow the search will be continued. Mr. Graham leaves a wife" and one child to mourn his loss, beside ajlarges circle of friends. S. Walseb. The body was recovered yesterday morning.J Notice. The njeinbers of the Scandinavian Benevolent sooiety are earnestly re quested to meet at their hall on the morning of July 4th, at 9 o'clock for the purpose of taking part in the graud parade. By order, C. Evensev, Aug. Danielson, Sec. Attention, Rescue Two'" AH members of the company will meet at the hall of the company, Thursday morning July 4th at 9.30 a. m., in uniform. By order of B. S. Wobsley. Foreman. Fhl TaOy Genuine Ro&Iqb Brown Bread, At the Oregon Bakery. Black Berries and Cherries, choice lot this morning at Astoria Grocery and Canned Fruit Company. The ladies of the Rescue club and W. C. T. U. request the different com mittees tliat are to assist them on the Fourth, to meet in Capt. FJavePs build ing, (one of those formerlv occunied bv M. C. Crosby) at 1 p.m, to-day. They would also be glad of assistance from any that are interested In temperance work, and extend a cordial Invitation to them to meet them. Woman "Wanted As cook. Must be a first-class cook and have references. Wages $25 per month. Enquire at this office. Wanted. A girl to do private family, son need annlv. general housework in a Mo Inexperienced per- Inquire at Clatsop Mills office. Girl Wanted. To do general housework in a small family, Apply at this office. Coffee, Chocolate and Cake, 10 cents, at Astoria Restaurant Coflee and cake, tpu Central Restaurant cents, at the REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. W. H. Lewis to Howell Lewis NW H NW, WK NEK, NWM , sec. 19, T. 8, N. li. 8 W., $600. Theo. Broemser to Wyatt & Thomp son, lot 4, blk 64, McClure's, $100. John N. Griffin and wife to B. Lev ings, lot 6, blk 1, add. to Ocean Grove, $75. Q. L. Adams and wife to S. S.Smith, lot C, blk 14, McClure's, $2,100. S. S. Smith to H. Weiuhard, lot G, blk 14, McClure's, $2,500. S. Thomsen to Chas. Goddard and W. F. McGregor, NJ blk 10, Adair's, $600. PERSONAL MENTION. B. F. Allenthe painter has gone to Hwaco to do some painting for the I. R, & N. Co. Dr. Alfred Kinney and family re turned from a two day's outing at the Seaside yesterday. Mrs. J. W. Griffiths, and five chil dren and Mrs. T. S. Billings, left yes terday for Port Townsend. Mrs. Jones, mother of Mrs. O. B. Wirt who was fatally injured at Skip anon yesterday, came down last even ing to attend the funeral. Sad Termination of a Ride. The dreadful accident on the beach near West's place, reported in yester day's Astobian had a tragic sequel, one of the victims of the occurrence dying at one o'clock yesterday morn ing. It appears that Monday afternoon, Mrs. Lizzie Wirt, aged 24, and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Susan Wirt, went riding along the beach in a two-horse buckboard. Later in the af ternoou the attention of some men working, was attraoted by the horses who ran along with the empty buckboard, and entangled themselves in a fence. The tracks were followed and some distance on almost submerged by the incoming tide, were founcl the pros trate forms of the two ladies. They were at once carried home and sur gical aid summoned from this city. A gash on Mrs. Lizzy Wirt's fore head was all the mark to be seen on either of them. She was unconscious; Mrs. Susan Wirt partially so. Tho ! old lady was unable to give any ao- count whatever of the ooourrence; her daughter-m-law never recovered con sciousness but passed away at one o'clock yesterday morning, appearing to have sustained concussion of tho brain, Mrs. Susan Wirt, it is thought, will live, The tragic occurrence has occa sioned universal regret in the neigh borhood, where both ladies were old and respected residents. It is supposed that the horse3 ran away, throwing the occupants of the buckboard out, that being the most probable cause of the unfortunate oc currence. In Love Vh flls i "What can I do to ragalu my hus band's love?'' writes Mrs, Carrie R., of Toronto. She adds that seven years ago she was married uuder the most happy auspices, and, until six months since, happiness crowned her domestic life ; then her husband became distant in his manner toward her until now he is positively cold. Mrs. R. gives no de tails, but if she is afflicted with diseases peculiar to women, if her cheeks have lost their bloom and her eyes their sparkle, it may explain the cause of her complaint. In this event Dr. Pierce's Faorite Prescription vfill ejfepta mag ical eharieo and' restore her to health. As powerful Invigorating tonic, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Imparts strength to the whole system, and to the womb and its appendages, in par ticular. For overworked, "worn-out,'' "rundown," debjlltated teachers, milli ners, dressmakers, seamsti esses, "shop girls," housekeepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women genera'ly, "Favorite Prescription" is the greatest earthly boon, being urtequaled as an appetising cordial and restorative tonle. ir Fourth of July, 1879. All the way from Baker City, Carl Adler sends The Astorian an inter esting item in the shape of all the vouchers, contributions, expenses, etc.. of the celebration of the Fourth of July in this city in 1879 ten years ago. The entire business foots up $128.20: $141.25 was collected, about one tenth of what was collected for to morrow's celebration. A WOMAN'S VfAY. Agtartltftff Bailaeii Proposition, When Mrs. Fowlor, of 327 Ellis street) stqpped In fit a leading city druggist's to aakwhat effect Joy's Vegetable Barsapa rills, would have In dyspepsia and sick headaches, Bhe was assured It would re Here both. She was bo incredulous that tho druggist gave her a bottle, not toW paid for unless It cured. Tho following Is the convincing conclusien: 8ak Fbancisco, Foby. 8, 18S8. Deab Sib: Notwithstanding my mls glslngs, Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla did all that you promised. I had tried so many prescriptions that I had como to believe nothing would relieve my dyspep sia and slct headaches, but I have not had a return of either since. You have my permission to make this public, for a remedy that wlU'cure dyspepsia and pre vent sick headaches should be generally known. Respectfully, S27 Ellis street. Notice. All members of Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. WM are earnestly request ed to meet at their lodge room on Thursday, July 4th, at 9:30 a. i for the purpose of taking part in the grand parade. Every member is ex pected to be present By order, W. B. Boss, Q. W. Bucker, Becorder. M. "W. All Fruits in taurant season, at Astoria Res- The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. CMWrea Cry ftrPitcler 's Castor i? ITCHING AGONIES. Every Kight I Scratched Until the Skin was Raw. Body corereit with scales like spots or iuortnr. An awful Spec tncle. Doctors useless. Cure liopelesH. Entirely cured, bj the Ctiticnrn Remedies in Ave weeks I am coins to toll you of tho extraordinary change your Coticurv Rkmkdies performed on mo. About tho 1st of April last I noticed somo red pimples liko coming out all over my body, but thought nothing of it until somo time later on, whon it began to look Iikospots of mortar spottodon, and which camo off in layers, accompanied with itching. I would scratch every night until I was raw, then the next night the scales, being formed mean while, were scratched off asain. In vain did I consult all the doctors in the country, but without aid. After giving up all hopes of re covery, I happened to see an advertisement in the newspaper about your Cuticora Rem edies, and purchased them from my druggist, and obtained almost immediate relief. 1 be gan to notice that tho scaly eruptions gradually dropped off and disappeared one by one, and have been fully cured. I had tho disease thirteen months before IJbegan taking the Cu ticora Rkuedies. and in four or five weeks was entirely cured. My disease was eczema and psoriasis. I recommended the Cuticuka RFUKDiESto all in my vicinity, and I know of a great many who have taken them, and thank mo for the knowledge of them, es pecially mothers who have babies with scaly eruptions on their head3 and bodies. I can not express in words tho thanks to you for what tho Cuticuea Remedies have been to me. My body was covored with scales, and 1 was an awful spectacle to behold. Now my skin is as nice and clear as a baby's. GEO. COTEY, Merrill, Wis. Sopt.2t.18S7. Feb. 7, 1838. No trace of tho diseaso from which I suffered has shown itself since my cure. O. C. Cntleura Remedies. Cure every species of agonizing humiliating, itching, burning, scaly, and pimply disoasos of tho skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, and n'l humors, blotches, eruptions, sores, scales, and crusts, whether simple, scrofulous, or contagious, when physicians and all other remedies fatl. Sold overy where. Piico, Cuncuiu. 50c.: Soap, 25c.; Resolyfvt.SI. Prepared by tho Potter Druo and Chemical Cokporatiox, Boston. VSend for "How to Curo Skin Diseases," 61 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 tostimon ials. niUPLES, black-heads, red, rough, chap l llll ped, and oily skin prevented by Cuti- CURlSoAP. I CANT BREATHE. Chest Pains, Soreness, Weak ness, Hacking Cough, Asthma. Pleurisy, and Inflammation re lieved in one niiuutc bv thn Cuticnra Anti-Pain Plaster. Xotina like U for Weak Lunga, jppffisss Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of California, sar laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER Affl BOWELS 'J Q VO Cleanse the System Effectually, SO 7H M PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it nd all are delighted with it. Ask your jruggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by e CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.. San Francisco. Cal. Louts ills. Kv. Ne York, N. Y Magee, Argand and Acorn Stoves Ranges, Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY WARRANTED. WATKK CLOSKTS, PU'JHUMJ HOODS. PUMPS, SINKS, AM IUTH TITI1S. JNO. A. MONTGOMERY, CHENAMUS STREET. Van Dusen & Co. DKALKHS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas. Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, SeiYing Machines, Paints, Oils, G-rooeriee, 2to. Abstracts of Title. C. R.THOMSON Keeps a full set of Abstract Books and will examine tne 'lltle to any Keal Es tate in the county anil furnish an Abstract of Title to the samo. Terms reasonable. Woik guaranteed. Prices of Lumber. On and after this date, uutd further no tice, we will furnish lumber at the Mill, at the following prices : Rough Lumber. s 8 per Mft. Flooring and Rustic 15 " WEST SHORE MILLS. J.C.TKULLINUER. . . . Proprietor, v AatArfa A-mll 1n fan - i.iiv 1 JilHk White Goods New and Seasonable Venetian Stripes, French Lawns, Margate Piques, Figured Piques, Persian Lawns, Cable Cords, French Batiste, Checked Swiss. Leading Dry Goods and Clothing Morgan & Sherman GROCERS And Dealers In Caieryjiiies! Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED Am! Supplies furnished at S;;tU Mctory Terms. I'urcluses delivered In any part or the city. Office and Warehouse Inliiune'sNew HuUdlng on Water Street. V. O. Rex 153. Telephone No. S7. ASTOIUA, OREGON. Astoria Gallery. FOtt THE BEST PHOTOS, TINTYPES Or any Kind or Photographic Work, Call at the ASTORIA GALLERY, 'lnoil Work and Reasonable Prices Guaranteed. Misses C. & Z. CARRUTHERS, (Successors to II. S. Sinister.) X Watchmaker Jeweler. Seaside Boarding. Parties desiring Good Board and Clean, uomiortaDie .Lodging at reasonable Terms, can be accommodated at Mrs. May Ross' Private Boarding House, Three blocks below Grimes' Bridge, Sea side, Oregon. :b f. .XjX:E2:isr9 DEALER IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings SPECIALTY, Sign Writer, Grainer and Ornamental Painter. Cor. Cass and JeffersoaSts., Astoria, Or. .x IN H. THE 4th -OF- July Celebration! IN ASTORIA ! Guaranteed to surpass anything yet gotten up in State of Oregon. A 1VTOMSTER PARADE, Boat, Bycicle and Foot Races, Prize Drill by the O. N. G., Firemen's Tournament, Fat Men's Race and Pig Chase, m - Comical Curiosities, Grand River Illumination . AT NIGHT! And a hundred other attractions to please the Babies and enthuse the adults. HERMAN WISE will see to it that you enjoy your self and are dressed appropriate to the occasion. His stock is complete and his prices will fetch the closest buyer. A cordial invitation is hereby extended to you to attend The Grand Celebration ! And call for Real Bargains at The Reliable Dealer in Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Trunks and ITaliaee. Occident Hotel Building, Astoria,- Oregon, ailment ! ! Good aaBiaaiis-aaaaaaac iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiuiIMi" aaaaaaaaaaa uaamuia French Danity, Corded Piques, EnglishNamsook Victoria Lawns, Ferdinand Cloth, Indian Demity, Bishops Lawn, Welt Pique, Embroidered Swiss. House of Astori the - ifi ia- -t. -