OJ A t$xmn VOL. XXXU NO. 142. ASTORTA, ORBGOIV, FRIDAY, JUNE 14. 1881). PRICE blYE CENTS BUSINESS CARDS. A A, CLEVELAND, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oin-e-Flayel'-i new brick building, corner -jocund and Can streets ; u, statrs. JOIl a. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Cass street. 2 doors back ot Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. DEBJI KANAGA, ATTORNEY AT LiW. Offlee over White House Cor., Astoria, Or. Q.KO. XOtAXU, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ,.",?ic.6-.llLK15lley'fc Block opposite City fKll. Astoria, Oregon. u.vtoLTON. " o.arntTON FULTOS ROTIFERS, 1T011NEYS AT LAW. yis5aiid 6, Odd Fellows Building. H. A. BOWLBY, r . - i icnruey una Counsellor nt Law Dtllce on Chenaraus Street, Astoria. Oregon T II. MASELL, NOTARY PUBLIC, Real Estate and Commission Agent. Agent (or the American Building and Loan Association, One door west of Telegraph office. Itt. J. K. r,A FORCE., DENTIST. , Rooms 11 ana 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA, .... ORKQON. D RS. A. !. AXI J. A. FUI.TOX. Cass street, between 3rd and 4th. Special attention to Diseases ot Women and Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Special attention to Surgery, by Dr. J. A. Fulton, Office hours from 10 to 12 a. si., and 1 to 4 r.'M. D tt, JAY TCTTIiK. I'HYSIUIAN AND SURGKON Rooms No. 6 Pythian Building. Office hours 10 to 12 and 1 to C. Night call at Room No 9. M ItS. Ill. OH'KXS-ADAIIt, -Onieeand residence, I. K. Wanen'a for mer residence, Astoria, Oregon. Diseases ot Women and Chlldrt-ii, and of he ye and car, specialties. f C. O. KSTKH. I'll YalClAN AND SUKUKON. Special attention to Diseases of Women Hud Siirfferv. tiKKiCK: Opposite Telegraph Office, up Stairs. Astoria, .ireon. A. SSI IT II. DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2 Pythian Building over C. H. Cooper Store. ATJOTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MABTIN OLSEN, Successor to E. C .Holden. The oldest established Commission nome In Oregon. Goods of all Kinds sold on com mission. Auction Bales Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock of Furniture on hand. When you want Bargains" In Household floods go to HAEITIN OMEN (JETTING FOE SEINES AND POUNDS WM. J. HOOPER & CO., i 110 E. Pratt, near Light, BALTIMORE, MD 2 Manufacturers of et -n i l l . MT ! . COTTON AND FLAXGILLMtis.. n f CORKS, SEINE LEADS, AC. ." Setae Twlad r U fctnd, Mb. a. nlUo, cotton Hemp Kope. EL Beauty Is desired and admired by all. Among the things which may best be done to enhance personal beauty Is the daily use of Ayer's Hail Vigor. No mattei what the coler: ol the hair, this prepa ration gives it a lus tre and pliancy that adds greatly to its charm. Should the liair be thin, harsh, dry , or turning gray, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore the color, bring out a new growth, and render the old soft and shiny. For keeping the scalp clean, cool, and healthy, there Is no better preparation in the market. " T am free to confess that a trial ot Ayer's Hair Vigor has convinced ma that it is a genuine article. Its use has not only caused the hair ot my wife and daughter to bo Abundant and Glossy, but it has riven mv rather stunted mus tache -a respectable length and appear, ance." R. Britton, Oakland, Ohio. "My hair was coming out (without any assistance from my wife, either). I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, using only one bottle, and I now have as tln ;a head of hair as any one could wish for." R. T. Schmittou.'Dickson, Tenu. " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor In my family for a number of years, and re gard it as the best hair preparation I know of. It keeps the scalp clean, tlta hair soft and lively, and preserves the original color. My wife has used it for a long time with most satisfactory re sults." Benjamin M. Johnson, M. D., Thomas Hill, Mo. " My hair was becoming harsh and dry, but after using half a bottle of Ayer?a Hair Vigor it grew black and glossy. .1 cannot express the joy and gratitude, I feel." Mabel C. Hardy, DelavanIU. Ayer's Hair. Vigor, FBEPAEED BT j Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maj Sold by DruggUU and Stdamitu. AEBLTH Without Health ?v sot be enjoyed J' I THEREFORE USE JlyJPfurider-fFEz: - fl.iPf4pi4pt USE IT' It is the best lieJp-r to Health and the quickest cure on Earth. Use it in time for all diseasesot the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Skin. ,11 cures Rheumatism, Malaria, Coated Tongue and Headache, relieves Constipation, Bilious ness and Dyspepsia, dm es all impurities outof the Blood and dries uMd Sores. The Business men buy it, the Worflp.wncn use it, the Ladies UVe it, the Children t'"for it and the Farmer, tav it is their best heaa1' -eser er. bold eerywhere.i.V" Pintle; six for fcos. Ho for TJf Sne! Free Camping Grounds at Austin's. There Is an abundance A clams, crabs, trout, oysters and all klmla V.salt and fresh water fish. a Good safe Sea bathing. i.esh air and the best hunting grounds In America. Campers and visitors can find at my store .everything they require In the way of an outfit and provisions. A first class bar and billiard table are connected with my establishment. Hoard from $7 to S3 per w eek. For particulars call on or address JAS. 1 AUSTIN. Store. Seaside, Oregon. Austin's is open the ear round. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO,, SUCCESSORS TO J". O. HOSS County Coroner. i .a First Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Stjles. Caskets and funeral material Next to Abtoki an oluce. FISH NETTING. SEINES, TRAPS, POUNDS, Netting of Every DBscription AND At LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. b.&sbo'cs.'s SALMON NET THREADS. W00DBERRY Seine Twines and Lines. HENRY DOYLE & CO., Bn-aSIS-Marker-SL, SAX FBAXCJSCO. - C1UFGU5IJL RuKpRsfllHiiESiSv' DROPPING A PEN. Why Such aa Action Made a Lawyer Nervous, A client of a well-known lawyer of Philadelphia went into tho latter's otto.ee the other day to sign some im portant papers. After they had been read to him and approved, a clerk in the office, in handing the client a pen to affix hia signature, dropped it on the floor. The lawyer himself sprang from his chair with an exclamation of alarm, and hurriedly picked up the pen andjlaced it in his client's hands. "The dropping of a pen about to be used for such a purpose as this." said the lawyer after the paper had been signed, "always makes me ner vous and uncomfortable, for a case where a delay ot not more than fif teen seconds, caused by the drop ping of a pen with which a man was to sign his name to a will, lost to a worthy purpose a legacy of S100.000, always cornea to my mind. That wasthecaseofH.lt House, one of the pioneer oil operators on Oil creek, who made a large fortune early in the business. He was a native of Warren comity, and in 1861 his wells were yielding him a daily income above the average .man's annual income. He fall a victim to the first great oil well fire, when the famons Hawley & Merrick well began to suddenly spout oil and gas in such quantities that the oil ran to waste and flowed over the ground in all directions and gas filled the air for a quarter of n -mile around. A terrible explosion and conflagra tion followed. The score or more people who had collected to witness the then novel sight of. a flowing well were enveloped in flames, nmong them- -H.. -R. Bouse. He was rescued from death in the sea of flames, by a man named "Uriah Smiths of Mercer, at the risk of bis own lire ana at tne cost or permanent and awful disfigurement. House was -bo horribly burned that hia recovery was impossible, and, af ter being carried to a house near by, he insisted on making his will. His eyes were burned to a crisp in their sooketa, and he was one solid blister from head to foot, but he lay, without uttering a moan or complaint, dictat ing his will, a task that required sev eral Hours, wnen tne will una oeen reduced to writincr and read to him he was. so weak that he could no lon ger speak, and he motioned for the pen to sign the document. When tlio person who had done the writ ing dipped the pen in the ink-bottle and was about to place it in House's hand, ho dropped it and it rolled under the bed. Not more than a quarter of a minute had elapsed before no nau recovered it, but when it was placed in Rouse's hand the hand was powerless to uee It. Tie brave oil prince was deai1. The will he thus left unsigned be queathed 100,000 to the poor fund of Warren county. It also remem bered the man who had torn the tes tator -from the burning mass of oil, who was left a handsome legacy. Rouae'a heirs, not being legally bonadto carry out his wishes, repudi nted.tho moral claims, and Warren County lost her legacy,, as did the man who, at the risk of bis own life, saved the oil prince to his family, at least for Christian burial. And this is why the dropping of a pen gives me a most uncomfortable and nervous feeling." In Indolent Organ. When tbe liver Is Indolent, as It must nec essarily be when It falls to secrete the bile in sufficient quantities to meet the require ments of digestion and evacuation. It should be set at work with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. The healthful stimulus to activity Imparted by this imcomparable alterative. jpeeauy evinces useii inaaeparture oi me uncomfortable, sensations in the right side ; the nausea ; fur upon the tongue ; indication, and sick headache consequent upon inac tltlty ot theilver anduho diversion of ihe bile from Its nrorter channel, irreeularltv of the bowels Is always and painlessly re formed by the corrective Indicated, which Is Infinitely to be preferred, both because ii is saie ana more enicacious. u uiue pin, calomel and drenchlnc Dunratlves of every class. It cares and prevehts fever and ague. ana rueumaiism. New York has a Chinese dentist. His methods are primitive, having been in use more than i,uuu years. CAUTIOX TO MOTHKItH. Every mother is cautioned against giving her child laudanum or paregoric; It creates an unnatural craving for stimulants which' Kills the mind or Hie child. Acker's Baby Soother is spe cially prepajedjto benefit children and cure their pains, it li harmless and contains no Opium or Morphine Sold by J. W. Conn, Druggist. Friends ot the late president Ar thur have erected a handsome mon ument over his grave in Albany, PUIPI.ES.OX IHE FACK Denote an impure state of tha blood and nrelookedupon bymany with suspicion. Acker's Blood Elixir will remove all im purities, and leave the complexion smoothund clear. There is nothing that will so throughly build np the constitu tion, purify and strengthen the whole system. eom anu guaranteed by J. w. Conn, Druggist A 6-year-old girl died at Tiffin, Ohio.irom injuries caused by ex cessive rope-inrnping. We have found no .remedy, for ma laria, so reuBDie. anu aaie as Ayer s Ague Cure. Taken, according to di rectiona.it. never fails. Thepopular sport in El Paso is a fight between rattlesnakes and bull- snakes. Stanley's Whereabouts. Zanzibar, June 12. A letter re ceived hero from Ururi, on the south eastern shore of Victoria Nayanza, dated December 22, 18S8, reports the arrival there of Henry M. btanley, with a number of invalid members cf his force. The letter says that Stanley had sustained heavy losses, a large number of his men having died from disease and famine. The explorer had rejoined and left Emin Pacha at Unyara, on the northwest ern shore of the lake. A Melbourne paper is responsible for a capital story about the wife ot the Governor of New South Wales. The other day, says this journal, a South Australian magnate called at the government house. Ho sent his card in, and waving the footman aside, said he would "go up and give his lordship a surprise." At the top of the stairs ho met a nice looking young woman, and in a fine old gen tlemanly, gallant way, chucked her under the chin and prossed halt a crown into her hand, saying at the same time: "Show me into the pres ence ot his lordship, my little dear." The little dear, with an onigmatical smile, opened the door ot Lord Car rington's study and said: "Bob here's a gentleman to seo yon, and" open ing her hand ''he's given me half n crown to show him where you nro." Surveyor General D. W. Trvlor has let n contract for completing tho survey of T. 2G S.. R. 15 W. This land is near Cape Arago, C003 coun ty. There are a number ot pre empt e'ra and homesteaders in that sec tion mid it is said tliero are some coal lands there. A Family Blessing. Simmons Liver Regulator the favor ite home remedyr-is entirely vegetable, and is the purest and best family med icine that is compounded. No error to be feared in administering, no Injury from exposure after taking, no loss o"f time. It is the best preventive med icine, and safe to take, no matter what the sickness may prove to lip, and in any ordinary disease till clTeot a speedy cure. Calvin S. Brjce, tho many times millionaire, has" been chosen chair man ot tho Denfocratio national com mittee. PKOl'LK EVF.UYW1IKU1: Confirm our statement when we ay that Acker's English Remedy is in e ery way superior to any and all other prepa rations for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping Cough and Croup it is mngip and relieves at once. We offer yon a sample bottle free. Remember, this Itemed v Is sold on a pnstive guarantee, by .1. V. Conn, Druggist. Au excursion train was wrecked near Armagh, Ireland, last Wednes day, and soventy-five people killed. An ounce of prevention is better thnn n pound ot cure. Pfunder's Or. egou Blood Purifier ex pels nil impuri ties of the blood and should be used in nil diseases.of the stomach, liver nntl kidneys. Take it. Execuling.mnrderers by electricity will bo a grim illustration-of the well known snw that lightning doe3 not strike twice in the same spot. AKE YOU SKEPTICAL? If so wo will convince you that Acker's English Remedy for the lungs is superi or to all other preparations, and is a positive cure for all Throat and Lung troubles, Croup, Whooping Cough and Colds. We guarantee the preparation and ill give you a sample bottle free. "The idea of Bilsby's aspiring to a United States senatorship! Why, man, he is disqualified." "How's thatf" "Why, he's only worth S100, 000." Epoch. Ayer's Sarsaparilla requires smaller Anoaa nnrl la mnrft ofConilxa tYtan other blood medicines. Lady Customer Do you keep linen writing paper? Stationer Yes, ma'om. Lady Customer Will it wash? POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not bo sold In competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos S hate powders. Sold only in cans. Kotal akino Powder Co. loe 7;all-st.N. Y. D.W.Cbowlet&Co. Agents, Portland, Oregon. AKlN0 H ' W&mSzf , Its peculiar efficacy Is flua ?.. rTtzr as much to the process and NOTHINQ skill In compounding as to 1 nrr i-r 1 the Ingredients themselves. Lint, iv j Take it in time. 'It checks diseases In the outset, or If they bo advanced will prove a potent cure. Ho lie stall- lie Blount It takes the place or a doctor and costly pre scriptions. AU who lead sedentary lives will find It the best Dreventlve of FOR WHOSE BENEFIT nnd cure for Indigestion, Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Files nnd Mental Depression. No loss of time, no Interference with business whllo taking. For children It Is most In nocent and harmless. No danger from exposure after taking. Cures Colic, Dl-an-hoea, Bowel Complaints, FeverUh ness and Feverish Colds. Invalids and delicate persons will find It tire mildest AperlentandTonlcthey can use. A little taken at night Insures refreshing sleep and a natural evacuation of the bowels. A little taken In the morning sharpens the appetite, cleanses tha stomach and sweetens the breath. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. 'I haveibeen practicing medicine for twenty years and have never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to acuon, and at tbe lame time aid (instead of weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system." L. M. Hikton, m.d., Washington, Atk. Illarks of Genuineness: Look for thered Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, and the Heal and blguulure of J. If.Zellln & CO., In red, ou the side, 'fake no other. Price 81.00. PARKER HOUSE. DAVE. KENNEDY, Prop'r. First Class in Every Respect Thoroughly Henotated and Itepalred throughout S large, sunny rooms. TWO lI.IXO BOOMS. Tables supplied with everything the mar ket affords. Fine ll.ir and liilh.ird Hoom : choice bunds Wine 3, Liquors and Cigars, Frer Coarli to tho House. lletween Thhd and Fourth, Astoria. Oregon. GRAY & PRATT Proprietors. KATES, $1 per Inj-. Special Terpis by the 'Week. New Furniture, New Beds, Clean and Neat lloonis. First Class Meals, Prompt aud l'olite Walters ; Everything flnt-class. Try It and see. NO CHINAMEN EMPLOYED. Serra's Restaurant KeflttcJ and Refurnished Throughout. Kooins to let by the Day. Week or Month. First class In etery respect. Tables furnished with all the delicacies of the season. The finest brands of Imported and Domes tic Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the bar. Zlnfandel Wines. 30 cents per gallon. Families supplied. I3yFor a good bed and a square meal go to the SEltKA HESTAUHANT, Near 0. K. & N. Dock. Astoria. KoMer & Ctae Music House, SOLE AOEXTS FOR The MATCHLESS DECKER BROTHERS, (vers & Pond and J. C. & Fischer Pianos, ALSO MaBon & Hamlin and A. B. Chase Co.'s Organs. Write for Catalogue and Frices. WINTER &.' HARPER, 71 Morrison St., PORTLAND, OU. Sheet Music and Merchandise Dep't Separate. B. W. FISCHEB, Proprietor. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, FKOrjUETORS. Headquarters at Main Street vtharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage Is solicited. J. 0. CLINTON DEALEK IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS, NUTS, Candles. Smokers' Articles, Etc. New Goods Received Dally, OppoRlt " City Book Store. To Canhers. Jensen's Patented Can Capping Machine. ill Cap and Crimp OS CANS per MIXFTE. It has proved to Reduce theLeakage more than so per cent, less thatfhand capped. Price, saw. Orders compiled with by The Jensen (Jan-Pilling Machine Oo. Mai Stree House Goods Markod in Plain Figures. X.OTHCITsrGr - MEN AND BOYSI! SUITABLE FOE ALL OCCASIONS AND OCCUPATIONS. H Business I Dross ! Worls I ALSO Hats, Caps, Furnisliing: Goois, BLANKETS, QUILTS, ETC. I. I. OSGOOD, 0iH)sIt'"C?o?cueCKrisine ilo'use. JLstOSTlSlf OrOgOXli Street Cara running by tbe door. fjALL AND EXAMINE OUR FINE LINE OF LIGHT SINGLE AND DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS, Lap Robes, Sheets, Nets, etc. Astoria Harness F. SAZ2S, OLNEV ST.. ASTOUIA, OREGON'. The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN ASTOBIA, ONLY OF E, R. HAWES, Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E. Rllaweio Agent tor the Buck Patent Cooking Stove AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. -AND- CEILING DECORATIONS! 5000 doable roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of the latest styles and shades just received direot from Eastern factories. Also a large assortment of GARFETS, Of all grades in beautiful now designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call and examine. CHAS. HEILBORN". CHRIS. EYEXSOJT. T. COOK THE Central Hotel EVENSON & COOK. On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order. WATEItSt., Opp. Foard A Htokea A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run In connection with the Premises. The Best ot WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Iloomi. THE VIENNA Restaurant anfl. Clop House. C. W. Fisher & Co., Prop's. Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO ORDER- Fins Private Itooms. .Everything Irst Class. Genevieve Street, rear of Grifflu & Reed's. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 1 4. 0 FOB - Trunks and Valises, AXa-nasex. Is the Leading arid Only First-Glass RESTAURANT. Good Cooking. Clean Services. Reasonable Trices. Polite Walters. Prompt Attention. Try Ilim and You will bo. More than Satisfied, Everybody Says So. Private Rooms. MAIN STREET, - - - ASTORIA. The Astor House, E.E.ROSS, - PROPRIETOR. Newly Repainted, Repaired, Refitted, Re furnished andThoroughly Renovated, A Large, Clean, - -.- f ell-kept House. RATES: From a Dollar a Day Upwards. First-class In all Its appointments, clean. and well kept. " "" YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL. "Free Coach to and Irom the House, ami Saie SbOB JEFF'S