PJ ffto guttg SrtwtRB, ASTORIA, OKEGOK: ISSUED BVERY MORNINO. (Monday excepted.)! . P. HALLOEAN & COMPANY. Publishers ana Proprietors. AWHIASrnniUMXo. - - OAMSTKKM. TernuorSulcripUo. issnSrHS.SiafftPsjMk. IS rt ". - 0Qe year. J" .- S Free or postage fo snbscrtESs". 'M .1 ,r' "r DUOS per published on tho nAinw- JZ: wpa ww.mWt. rl v cr J. A-"RrnnfirrTTiQtr J i- at cost. J uueruse3 ves Tho Albatross leaves this morniiwr oa a cruise to the sonth'ard. mommg There are bigcrowda at the theater pleaIeLM8ht ereryona Portland complains of being over- SEw0?!? SePe stffeTers.. A Tew have got down this far. J?ecialBall of 6strioli Pa and feathers at cost, aU stylish colons and flrat-class goods, to-morrow at Mrs. W. J. Barry's. The steam schooner, Maid of Ore gon is in charge of the TJ. S. marshal, having been libelled for the amount of SsiO-wages. The workmen employed on the road around Smith's Point agree that Clat sop milk is too rich for their blood, when drank in large quantities. The weekly meeting of the W. C. T. U. toU 1 be held this afternoon at the 1. M. C. A. hall at 3 p. jr. A cordial invitation is extended to all interested. Tho British bark Brandon after many trials and tribulations has at last' made the trip from Portland, and will now make a start in good oar nets. James Calahan, who was brought from Baker City last week under in dictment for embezzling funds, has been released on bail, K. L. Jeffery being tho bondsman. AstorJjodgeNo. CK.of P. elected the following officers for the ensuing term, last night: C. O, Aug. Daniel son; V. 0., Chris Evenson; P. Martin Olsen; M. at A., A. W. Utzinger. So far the mayor of Seattle hasn't signified yet how he wants that Sl.000 that was raised so quickly last Satur day for the sufferers by the fire. It's .ready for him whenever he wants it. The Oregonian asserts that salmon are now being brought from Eogue river by rail to be canned on the Columbia, and says there is no doubt about their being sold for Columbia river salmon. The secretary of the treasury has awarded the contraot for furnishing provisions for this thirteenth life-saving district for the fiscal year, ending June 30th, 1891, to Foard & Stokes, at 879 per man for the vessels and 43 per man for the stations. Two men in a fishing boat belong ing to tho Scandinavian Packing Co., started frpm Shoalwater bay yester day morning, and when off the mouth of the river were taken in tow and brought safely in by tho tug Escort I'o. 2, none tho worse for their peril ous trip. Ihiring the month of May the ship ments of canned salmon from San Francisco by sea embraced 151,000 case3to England, 510 cases to the East Indies and 153 cases to the islands of the Pacific. There were also 663 packages of salted salmon ex ported from this port in the same month, mostly to Honolulu. Regarding the" repair of Cedar street the ordinance for which was passed by the city council last Tues day night, the street committee are anxious -to get the work all done and completed by Ihe Fourth of July. ' And to t&ose desirous, the committee will issue permits to replank in accordance with the ordinance from West 6th street west to the claim line. The steamer Bertha arrived at San Francisco last Tuesday night,ten days from Kodiak, with 3,665 cases of salmon for the packing company. Among her passengers were Captain of the bark Lizzie Williams, which was wrecKea on tne win oumiauiu. island, where they are -working for the owners oi mo xm.h ..-.. Chief engineer Weeks was busy yesterday telegraphing to various places regarding the immediate pur chase of 2,000 feet fire hose author ized by the city council last Tuesday night He'got an answer from San Francisco one hour and a half 5"fir sending a dispatch. He will probab ly make the purchase to-day. He yes terday telegraphed to the Silsby. Co.. to send set hanging tubes for engine 575. They will be here in about two wees An old river captain, who has navi gated all the streams in this district since 1850, tells a Telegram reporter that never before had he seen the Willamette and Columbia rivers eo low in June as they, are now. it nas always been calculated by steamboat men that during the present month there-would be lots of water in the rivers. Heretofore at Itoseason the river was always over the lower does at Ishstreet, Portland, but it lacks over six feet reaching it now. A newly invented instrumentto pre vent collision at sea is called the eo phone. The eophone is desenpea as follews: That part which meets the eye is a sound receiver made up of two narrow compartments separated from each other by a partition. Tho receiver is rotatory, and the sounds, reach tho ears of the listener through the separate tubes. -When the re ceiver is pointed directly at the sound the vibrations enter both ears. The slightest turn to right or left shuts off the sound to one of tho compartments. It is, therefore, necessary; when de termining the direction of a sound, to turn the instrument until the sound is heard in both ears, whereupon a pointer shows the exact direction. By detecting tho direction of a sound a vessel can steer accordingly, and avoid a collision. The eophone 'can also be used to detect the presence of iana, iceDergs ana outer large Dooies. A whistle or horn is blown on the around the echo will be caught in the receiver ana its position ODtainea it TnOnt Id vst tnatniln iliAA via auVa The trials of .this Jnstrument have been so larvery successnu. PEBSONAL HEjmON. M. B. Bozorfh rtnrnv1 from Hp. attle yesterday. . F. I. Dunbar roturned from Eose burg yesterday. L B. Elbon and wife returned from Portland yesterday. " . . Alsea Fox etuxne'froin a trip to Portland yesterday. Tnejr Took In the Town. To-day Emma Frischkom.aBed 15i years, and May Buckley, 18& years old, ware tried before judge Tanner on charges of vagranoy. rouoe officers Austin, Thomas and Wood testified to the lewd and disso lute life the defendants were leading, visiting saloons at all hours of the night and getting intoxicated. Dur ing the examination of the Frischkorn girl she never flinched under the many eyes fastened upon her, and perjured herself in the most unblushing man ner. She said that she did not believe it wrong for a girl to visit a saloon and drink a glas3 of beer. John Frischkorn, her father.testified substantially that he had no personal control over the girl and frequently requested officer Thomas to keep her out of badcompany, and it he could not do so to arrest her. May Buckley testified: "I stayed out late at night to take in the town." uiiy Attorney Adams wnat ao you mean by taking in the town? The girl Just as anybody else does it I didn't do anything wrong; I only went into saloons to drink a glass of "sody" and" play casino and whist with other girls and boys. This is merely an outline of the tes- sense they are endowed with. Port land Telegram, 11. mm Bret Seed nistrlbntlon. Of the sugar beet seed received for distribution, J. T. Stokes has thus far sent out seed focsowing to the follow ing names and locatiens: Phil Johnson, Lewis and Clarke's: N. Nelsenjiame: O. Nelson, Crooked Creek; J. E. Bull and Mrs. H. Parillo, Crooked Creek; Bergman & Christian sen and Wm. Behfeld, Gray's river; Thos. Smith and B. Bjornsgaard, Skamokawa; Hugh McCormack, T. Christensen, F. Bartoldes, D. Morgan, Young's Biver; J..G. Megler, Brook- xield; J. 1'. Austin, Seaside; Thos. Dot ris, P. Caduc. Cathlamet: John Leahy. Jas. Leahy, M. Leahy, M. Davidson, Klaskanie;"F. Hanson, Jdhn Day's; G. B. Hegardt, Ft Stevens; S. D. Bester. G. Chance, Tillamook; E. G. E. Wist, J. M. Alley. Nehalem; S. B. Plimpton, westport; J. Jb, Jiender, Knappa; a. J.Morrison, C. Ward. J. West, H. Ober, Jno. Welch, Clatsop; D. K. Warren. Skipanon; Geo.Flavel,Tanzy Point; J. W. Cook, Clifton. From each and all of these widely divergent localities good results are anticipated. THE LADIES DELIGHTED. The pleasant effect and the perfect safety with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrnp of Figs, un der all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels. Notice. The ladies of Grace church will give a basket picnic to Tanzy Point and Skipanon on Saturday, June 15th, 1889. Those wishing to go to Tanzy Point will take the Electric from Wil son & Fisher's dock at 9 a.m., and for Skipanon at 1 r. it. from same dock. Tickets., 25 and 50 cents. Tickets to W had" at Griffin & Deed's and. A. VanDusen & Co.'s. An enjoyable time is antici pated, and those desiring can have a sight of the jetty at Fort Stevens; The Verdict Unanimous . W.D. Suit, Druggist Bippus, Ind, testifies: "! can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief In every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellvllle, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medi cine I have ever handled in my 20 vears' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thou sands of others have added their testi mony, so that the verdict Is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at J. NY. Conn's Drug Store. If yon want to have a fine suit of clothes go to the Paris Tailor. He can make the best fitting suits and sells the cheapest Lout. Two piano music books and several pieces sheet music bound with shawl strap. Lost Saturday between Alder brook and this office. Liberal reward for return to this office. I.ost, On trail from Smith's Point over hill to Astoria, a diamond pin. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it withE;v7.Tallant. Astoria, June 7, '89. , Go to Jeff's tor Oysters. OH B0ABD THE "ALBATBOBB.' A Veiy Pinely Equipped Vessel. An iBtrmtlss Branch of the Service. By invitation of CapL Tanner a rep resentative of Tun Astobiax visited the U. S. steamer Alb alrossj at anchor in the stream opposite the city yester day,, and was courteously shown all over the vessel by that gentleman, who took a pride'and pleasure in dis- E laying the arrangements of a craft uilt for a special purpose, and filling that purpose in an admirable manner. The noticeable feature of tho Alba tross, apart from her strength and compactness is the arrangement amid ships, which is devoted to the practi cal work of the.naturalist3 and profes sional gentlemen who accompany the expedition; The Albatross was built under the direct personal supervision of Capt. Tanner, and is the result of ten years' practical experience in this department of public service. The Albatross and her cruise nra for tho development of knowledge concerning the coast, deep sea explo rations, and soundings, location of fish ing banks, and their probable value, the habits eta, of deep sea fishes, and a multitude of minor duties that busily fill every hour of every one on board. Descending from the upper deck is found a room filled with aU the appli ances so familiar to a naturalist, but so unintelligible to one who doesn't sabe birds and fishes. Instruments of all kinds, acids, preparations, tables and all the necessary appliances, bril liantly lighted by electricity. Below is another compartment filled with fish in very good spirits: each speci men has a bottle of spirits, all to itself. Here are all kinds of fish, and marine life from infusoria to a devil fish, all caught on board the Albatross, and hauled up, some of them, from a depth of 3,0Q0, and in some instances 4,000 fathoms. Here also are all sorts of deep sea gear, trawls, Norwegian nets, patent thermometers, logs, sounders, some of them costing 50 apiece. Suspended from the deck floor are some glass balls six inches in diameter, hollow, three-sixteenths of an inch thick. These glass spheres have an inscrip tion which says that the water in them ' was forced through the glass at a depth of 2,600 fathoms, entailing a pressure of 7,600 pounds to the square inch. It appears incredible that water could be forced through, glass, .but there is the water-inside, and there is tho compressed air in the space left unfilled by the water. If heated they burst, with disastrous effect to all in their vicinity. : . Hanging alongside are ingeniously contrived instruments that are self registering, and at the depth of five miles from the surface, show with sci entific accuracy the temperature, the kind of bottom, the density, etc., and close by are trawls, specially invented that bring up fish and other forms of marine life from the deepest ocean. "When I began this service, ten years ago," said Capt Tanner, "I was only able to trawl at an extreme denth of 150 fathoms. Now, with this, fish J at me aentn or. s.uuu latnoms can be brought to Ihe surface for examina tion." This is a good illustration of tlie progress and efficiency of the entire service. The third compartment in this amidships arrangement is full of storesj-amongwhichis several, thou sand gallons of alcohol, enough. 'to' blow 41 fleet' to Kingdom ceme: This is all shut in by -steel plate from the other parts of the. vessel, and in case of disaster can bo made into an immense. float. On the bow is a rigging for taking deep sea "soundings. The outfit let down into' the water on each occasion costs- about $100, and if the wire breaks the whole business is lost Should it break three or four times, during 'the-"day there is objection made all along the line. A patent steam gear to work the trawL a steam steering apparatus and a device fitted up on the stern to take instantaneous soundings attract casual notice. On the port side is hung ready for lowering a steam launch; it 'has a propeller blade directly in the center, under the boat's keeL On the starboard side hangs another one, a stern pro peller. These little boats are built of thin mahogany and spruce boards, clinched, and cost 83,000 apiece. Some idea may be gained of the substantial character of the vessel by stating that though she is only 331 tons burthen, net,' she cost, just as she lies, 8200,000. She has everything that science can dictate or the service can require, and is a model of clean, smart, American intelligence. ' ' ' Capt Tanner, who is a remarkably zealous officer and evidently fitted by nature, education and experience for the post he fills, brought down his latest charts for the reporter's inspec tion. From examination, accompanied by the captain's explanatory comments, it was gathered that the only halibut banks on the-- northwest coast are those off, northwest of Cape Flattery, at tne entrance to tne straits of Han Juan de Fuea, and, possibly at Heceta bank, Lat 44 X, lion, 124", 40' W. The soundings off the mouth of the Golumbiariver, went further to the westward than the usual soundings of the U.S. coast and geodetic survey, and are interesting, as they show the existence of a submarine canyon or valley, evidently tne bed of an ancient river, parallel to the present banks of the Columbia, and apparently indicat ing the' .course of our noble stream when it emptied into the ocean about 35 miles due west of its present mouth. About that distance 'to the west ward, soundings by the Albatross show, on the nortS of. this vallev 78, 102, 231, and 421 fathems: on the soutn, 475, 36, andGOl fathoms, when ine ieaa snows deep sea soundings, in about 125' W. L. ClireuCFTfrPitcMCastoria SOUE EXTENDED EEMAEES Btgardinc Towage and Biver Pilotage Astobia, Juno 12, '89. Emron Astebxax: Tho Oregonian and the O.K. & N. Co;, think that the board of pilot commissioners act'queerly. Tho duty of the board is to main tain a sufficient number of pilots on the bar and river to furnish efficient service. Tho schooner Gov. Moody has enough regularly licensed pilots for the bar. The O. B. & N. Co., have tugs and are unwilling to. affiliate with the pilots on the Echooner, so hired some of them aboard their tugs, and branches were renewed to those so attached to the tugs. There are and were enough' pilots for the riTer more than can .make good wages under the old law; more' man can mace a living under tne new rates. Branches of the old pilots have been renewed. Some new applicants have been presented to the board, but their consideration has, for the time be ing been postponed. The.appointment of new additional men will starve out the old pilots, men who' have faith fully followed this avocation for many years, and against whom there i3 no complaint The new men cannot work cheaper than the old, but they are to be paid by a corporation and to perform other service for the corporation and be really in the em ploy of said corporation though nom inally acting as state officers. Th& river pilots think the now lnw invalid and have brought a suit to test it If invalid the O.B. & N. Co. will probably not be willing to carry out the plans it proposed to do on the passage of that law. if the law is valid it is am to prob able that no one will care to run against the O. K. & N. Co., and the board of' commissioners will find it necessary to appoint' pilots from the O. B. & N. Co.'s employes, because none others will act Just what motives control tha com missioners in their actions I do not know, but looking on dispassionately with ihe interest of the state at large I do not see why they should be as sailed or browbeaten for moving slowly. Tbe new law will be tested in a few days. At this time of the year, but few ship3 come into tho river so that the O. R. & N. Co. can be but little hurt if the old pilots carry tho vessels up and down tho river for a few days or even weeks. But to show that they do not pro pose to oppress the commerce, of the Columbia river, the pilots have' offered and X doubt not that they are as gooa as tneir word to pilot tor noth ing until a decision shall be reached in the present suit to test the law. Tnen whichever wav the suit mav be decided the pilotage question can be more readily determined and settled to the satisfaction of the pilots, the owners of tow boats and the neces sities of commerce-'at1 large. Thus, nt present, it does not seem fitting for the owners of tow boats to rush at tho commissioners and "demand" the is suance of licenses to men, some of whom have never been examined, just as if the board were appointed to simply do the bidding ot.the O. R..& . JO. The commissioners were nhosnn hv the state of Oregon, sworn into office to maintain an efficient corp3 of pilots and not to hastily; -appoint tho em ployes.of tow boat companies. - ASTORIAN. A Womnula Jilscqvpry. "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too. bv a ladv in this county. Disease fastened its clutch es upon her anil for seven years she withstood Its severest tests, but her vi tal organs' wcro undermined and death seenn-d imminent For three montlM she couched incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr, King's New Discovery for Consump tion ana was so much relieved on tak ing first dose that bho slept all night and with one bottle has been miracu lously cured. Her name i Mrs. Luther l.iifr Thus TO,-ltn W f Tlur. lol- .ft. rv of Slielbyvllle, N. C,-Get a free trial oouie at .i. w. uonn's urug atore. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc- can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident nciei, Astoria. When you want a Stove or a Ban ore. call on John A. Montgomery. Telenhoneliodslng House. Best Beds in town. Booms per nicht B0 and 25 cts per week SL50. New and clean. Private entrance. Meals Ccoued to Order. . Prltrtta mnmia fnr loriloa atiA fnmlltnji. at Central Restaurant, nivrt tn Knnnl & Stokes'. Coffeo and cake, ten centa. at tha Central Restaurant Ludlow's Ladles' 83.00 Fine Shees: also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at i.-. J. UOODMAN'S. Thft latest stvlft of Oflntn' Rvrfa ntwl Shoes at . P.J,Goodmak's. AU VICE TO MOTUKKS. Mrs. Wrastow's SooTirrN-a Svnirp should always be used for children teeming, ic sootnea tne child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind cholic, and Is the best remedy for dlar rho;a.'f wenty-five cents a bottle. Stoves and Bailees. Cheaper than ever, at John A. Mont gomery's. WelnliarU's Beer. And Free Lunchaf the Telephone Sa- JOUU, U COULS. Tnnder, Juicy Steak at Jeff's, Holden House. Tho Largest and -Best Private Boarding House In the City, Every room welt 'furnished, well lighted and well ventilated. The tables always sup- Dlied with the Best In thn Mxi-tof V,i. ers Invited, and expected to make them selves ui uurae. Breakfast, e -jo to 9. Hot Lunch, 12 to 1 ao. Dinner, e to 7 &). Bates very reasonable. Apply to MK3. u. o. HOLDEN, corner otrourta and Main. r White Goods New and Seasonable a ! India Linens, Venetian Stripes, French Lawns, Margate. Piques, Figured Piques, Persian Lawns, Cable Cords, French Batiste, Checked Swiss. 4C.H.COOPER, OiX-i "tJ ... -T-iirr Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria. Morgan & Sherman GROCERS And Dealers In Special Attention Clvento Filling Of Orders. A tuL. LINE CARRIED Ami Supplies furnished at Satb- laciory Terms. Purchases delivered la any part ot the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New Building en Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. ASTOBIA, OEEGON. Astoria Gallery.- IfOK THE BEST PHOTOS, TINTYPES Or any Klnd-of Photographic "Work , Call-at the ASTOEIA GALLERY, Good Work and Reasonable Prices Guaranteed. ' . Misses C. &. Z. CARRUTHERS, (Successors to H. S. Shuster.) - Seaside Boarding. Parties desiring Good Board and Clean, Comfortable Lodging at Seasonable Terms, can be accommodated at Mrs. May Ross' Private Boarding House, HThree blocks below .Grimes' Bridge, Sea side, Oregon. DEALEEIN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings specialty; Sign Writer, Grainerand ' Ornamental . Painter. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts., Astoria, Or. Cannery STOies! . 4watchmaker Jeweler. X Dopa IN CO as CO A en z CO bJ9 '&J3 cs o ess 51 CO CO 4th 'W '''I Mf" P" -OF- July Celebration! IN ASTORIA ! Guaranteed to surpass anything yet gotten up. in the - State of Oregon. A WELONBTER PARADE, Boat, Bycicle and Foot Races, Prize Drill by the O. N. G., Firemen's Tournament, Fat Men's Race and Pig Chase, - Comical Curiosities, Grand River Illumination ! AT NIGHT! And a hundred other attractions to please the Babies . . and enthuse .the adults. HERMAN "WISE will see to it that you enjoy your self and' are dressed appropriate to the occasion. His stock is complete and his prices will fetch the closest buyer. A cordial invitation is hereby extended to you to attend The Grand Celebration! t And call for Real Bargains at HIEHAH WISE5E COCO WWt 9! CO eft!55C!COCSb Cs C& WWW (Ulfl The "Reliable Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Boots, Shoes, TrCmlss and ITaliias. Occident Hotel Building, Astoria, Oregon, itmeiit ! ! Goods French Danity, Corded Piques, EnglishNamsook Victoria Lawns, Ferdinand Cloth, Indian Demity, Bishops Lawn, Welt Pique, Embroidered Swiss. Dealer in a 2?yyjj? .fc JL m