The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 07, 1889, Image 3

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Fhc gaity gtton.
JGXK7, 1SS9.
(Monday excepted.)
- Publishers and Proprietors,
A8T0HIAA-.BUILDiyq, . . CASSStkeT.
Term! orSnbtcriptloa.
errd by Carrier, per week is ,.
" ' " oneyear..;nrj.T;S5
Free or postage to subscribers.
.TnE, As'ori.u guarantees to Its adveV-
..viuo migcsicireuiauonol anvnewsnn.
per published on the Columbia river.
Walla Walla will send a car load of
uuu' '" we jounsiown sufferers.
The railroad committee report sub
scnphona aggregating Si 500 addi
tional, yesterday. l
The new tug Lome, said to be the
most powerful tug in northern waters
was launched last week at Victoria,
It is said that Jas. G.Blaine has a
half-brother, professor M. G. Lane,
who .has been teaching for several
jears m this state at Salem.
The steamer State of California
arrived from San Francisco yesterday
nearly forty-eight hours behind time:
cause encountering very heavv head
Capt. M. W. Hnnt,- of Salem, has
been asked to accept tho U. S. colleot
orship at Ounalaska,' Alaska, but will
probably decline as tho salary is too
Judge T. S. Jewett who has been
very sick the past fow days with rheu
matism is so much better as to be
able to take a little out-door exercise
Those who wish to contribute to the
fund"for "the Johnstown sufferers
should do so at once as the subscrip
tion will be closed and the funds for
warded to-day.
Jessie Jewett gave a pleasant little
party to a number of heryoung friends
at the residence -of her mother last
evening, those present enjoying them
selves immensely.
Ex-sheriff S. F. Albert, of Cath
lamet came down on the Telephone,
to settle up the estate of J. Setter
lind. -He returned to Cathlamet
again last evening.
Thomson & Noland yesterday bold
tfle 50x100 lot on the southwest corner
of Second and Olney streets, in front
of Wilson & Fisher's, to Gus. anil
Fred Tisher for 5,000.
Reserved , seats for the 'Chicago
Comedy Co.," which appears next
Monday evening at Boss' opera house
and during the week, are now on sale
at the New York Novelty Store.
The Tiger and Capital engine com
panies of Salem have teams of horses
for their engines and came out the
other day on a still alarm for drill.
The Statesman savs "thev worked
The Astoria Street Railway com
pany have raised their track to the
grade on Washington street, a raise
of twenty-seven inches above ita
former location, where it crosses Sec
ond street.
Secretary of state McBrido Ls lur
ing sent to" all of the county officers
of the state, .copies or the recently
printed session acts of the last legis
lative'session. Justices of tle peace
will' also be supplied.
The citizens of Bakersfield, Cal,
who had subscribed S1.000 for a
Fourth of July celebration met last
Wednesday and decided to send the
collection tothe Johnstown sufferers
and let tho celebration go.
Our exchanges all over the country
report the raising of subscriptions for
the Johnstown sufferers. Their case
is a sad one and it is gratifying to
see -how general is the response to
their cry for aid, from all over our
broad land.
The-greatest interest was man
ifested in this city after receipt of
the news of the terrible fire in Seattle
ancUfrre Astobian office wa3 filled
till late at night by a constant stream
of people anxiously inquiring for the
latest news of the' lire.
SheriffH.A.Smith returned from
Baker City yesterday with James
Calahan who he arrested on a charge
of larceny by embezzlement, on June
13fhM885. It will bo remembered
that" Calahan was engaged in collect
ing poll taxes and decamped with
considerable of the connty funds.
Closing exercises in school district
No. One will take place this after-
r,. ,'n inp. first and
second grades will begin at one
o'clock; third grade at two oolock.
Parents of thepupils and the pub ic
generally are corcuuuj """". -
present and witness these exercises.
r j.-ti n uTiipf enrineer P.
W. Weeks learning that the city of
Seattle was-on tire, ne at """""
the fire bell rung, when an immense
crowa assumuieu " .- --engine-
house, and when tho chief
readtho dispatch, asking for assist,
ance, a large crowd responded, but
the weather being so dry and windy
it was not thought advisable by the
chief to send an engine or hose out of
7 i-t t: no vmmirrea m
Town, Wnicu bcuuu """ --?
by the mayor and committee on fire
and water.
Mr. G. K. Stevenson, of Pittsburg
Penn.Mr.John Porterfield. of Alle
ghany, Penn, and Mr, aSoward, of.
It lifim, Mo., arrived :down oti the
Telephone yesterday on a tonrol in-
nrwvtinti nf Mm Intra V1iitvln ?-
They report the trip down tho Colum-
Dia tne most enjoyable portion of then
trip Bince they left the east. While
here thft fTPTltlpTTlMl T-initvl' n tatxr nt
our canneries and wero simply amazed
Bl wnar mnv Rate JITlrl rm thmr mhirn
home up tho resources of this
pun 01 Oregon, xne gentlemen re
turned on the Telephone last evening.
Now while strawberries are at their
highest excellence of flavor, and are
reasonably low in price, it might be
worth while to try the following,
which has proved ita value to
many nrho are fond of strawberry
dumplings: Put one pint of sifted
Hour into a bowl, rub into it two
ounces of butter, add' a teaspoonful
of salt, a heaping teaspoonful of 'bak
ing powder and sufficient milk to
moisten, about one gill, mix quickly,
take out on a board and roll out into
a sheet a quarter of an inch in thick
ness, cut into cakes with a round bis
cuit cutter, put about three straw
berries in each cake, fold them over
neatly and steam about twenty
minutes. While they ore steaming
make the saueo as follews: -"Beat two
ounces of butter. to a cream, adding
gradually four ounces or a half cup of
powdered sugar, then add twelve
strawberries, one at a time, mashing
and beating until the whole is per
fectly light If it has a separated or
curdled appearance, add a little more
sugar and stand in a cold place until
K. of F. Memorial Day.
Sunday next AstorLodee No. G and
Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P., will
hold Memorial services at Pythian
hall. Bro. A. A. Cleveland was select
ed as orator of the day and Bro, Alex.
Campbell, marshal Bros, J. W. Hare
ana n. wise were appointed a com'
mittee on floral emblems. The Pvtli-
ian flag will be displaj ed at halt mast
during the day. The ladies and citi
zens generally are respectfully
invited to bo present at Astor
halL at 2 p. 11., where the oration
will bo delivered. All members of
Astoria and Pacific Lodge, Uniform
Rank, K. of P. and visiting brethern
are requested to meet at their respec
tive h alls at 12 noon, and march in
solemn procession to the hillside
cemetery, headed by Western Ama
teur band where the graves of the de
Sarted brothers will be decorated with
School Entertainment at Knappa.
The school taught b Mr. Sherman
Case, assisted by pupils from the
Knappa school, and some outisde
parties, gave a very pleasant enter
tainment at Union hall on Wednesday,
evening tho 5th inst.
About 150 people were present to
witness the performance. "All express
themselves as well pleakxl with the
A Fortunate D.rnggiHt.
Mr. Edwin W. Joy a prosperous druggist
on the, comer oX Stockton, and Market
streets, In San Franciico," probably never
dreamed ot rivaling in "wealth'the medi
cine lings of the country. But arious
rumors having been floating aroundtothc
effect that be has struck It big, an Examiner
reporter was detailed to unearth the cause.
It seems that about seven years ago an
English physician, a great student of Bot
any, located iu this city. Ills practice
was not extensive, and yet the few cases
that came to him attracted no little atten
tion. His great success seemed to be in the
treatment of liver and kidney disorder,
aud vitiated blood. He feemed almost
Infallible, and his well kept fecret was as
much amystery as himself. After his de
parture Mr. Joy determined to fathom tho
secret, and copying all the prescriptions
he had filled for tho erratic doctor, he
began a systematic analysis He dlscov
cred running all through the prescript
Ions for liver and kidney troubles, vitiated
blood and stomach disorders a couple of
vegetable extracts indigenous to California
so simple and so well known under home
ly every day names to every school boy as
to entirely disslpato the suspicion that
they wero the active principles involred
So certain, however, was Mr. Joy that he
had discovered tho secret that he cnlbod
ied the now elements In n preparation of
Barsaparilla to disguise the taste, and put
it before his customers under the modest
name of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Im
mediately the same stories came back of
Its astonishing effects, and the m stery was
solved, and the talk it ha: created 'has
already caused it to step Into prominence,
and orders pour in dally from all over the
coast And thus another California Indus
try leaps into existence. .1. F Exnmintr.
Attention Knight.
All members of Pacific Lodge No.
17 K. of P. will assemble at their
Castle halL Sunday, June 9th, at 12
o'clock, sharp, to prepare for memo
rial service. All visiting Knights are
cordially invited to join in the exer
cises. YY. A- SHERMAN,
K. of R. and S.
Strawberry Festival.
The ladies of the Swedish church at
upper Astoria will give a strawberry
festival at the picnic ground in Alder
brook Saturday afternoon, from 3 to
10 o'clock. The proceeds will go to
the church. Everybody is invited.
WcInUard's Beer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Go to Jeff's ior Oysters.
Coffee and cake, ten cents, at the
Central Restaurant
Good Moves, cheap as the cheapest.
Jonx A. Montgomery.
llenls CooKed to Order.
Private rooms for ladlos and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P.-J. Goodmau's.
Tender, Juicy Steak at Jeff's.
Specials to The Astorian.
A Terrible Conflagration Sweeping The
Business Blocks.
The Fire Department Powerless Denor-
ate Appeals for Aid.
Seattle, June 6. 330 p. m. Fire
broke out at 230 J. u. in the Pontis
building on Front street It is now
raging over a district of five or six
blocks with tremendous fury. The
wind is from the north and the direc
tion of the fire along the water front
to a big brick block, between Colum
bia street and the San Francisco store.
The indictations are now that the
whole business portion of the town,in
volving millions of dollars loss will go.
The magnificent San Francisco store,
also other stores in the rear are on
fire and the whole big block will
doubtless go.
The firemen are helpless and have
telegraphed in all directions for help.
Western Union telegraph office is
about to bo abandoned.
Seattle, 430 r. m. Tho disastrous
fire is still sweeping through tho bus
iness part of the city. Two blocks
havo already been destroyed andmany
other buildings are in flames. The
conflagration has passed beyond con
trol ot the fire department.
To add to. the city's peril a brisk
breeze is blowing off the bay and fan
ning the flames. About 1,000 feet
ot nose uas bean burned. At present
no idea of the extent of the loss can
be formed. Opera house block and
the block opposite, and all the ware
houses at the foot ot Columbia street,
also the frame building in the rear of
the Post-Intelligencer office are burn
ing. People in lesler block, occupied
by Western Union Telegraph com
pany and the Post-Intelligencer are
moving out
At this writing the Western Union
has one wire undisturbed, over which
this dispatch is being sent.
Portland, Juno 6. Receipt of the
news of the great fire in Seattle
creates considerable excitement in this
city. Seattle telegraphed to Port
land for assistance from the fire de
partment An engine and one thou
sand feet of hose was made ready but
it was impossible to get a special
train. .
Insurance men say the loss in Port
land agencies will be considerable'.
", A later dispatch just received from
beattle says the Western Union lines
have bnrned. Thn flro is still rncrinrr
with uncontrolled-fury.
In the United States circuit court
this afternoon Sam'l Rierson was
acquitted by the jury of the charge of
perjury. Rierson was indicted Mav
4, by the U. S. grand jury with hav
ing made oath to false statements
while proving up on govenment laud
in Uiatsop county. The jury was
out but n short time. All were in
favor of acquitting the defendant.
it is reported mat Jacob hamui is
intending to build a new boat, tho
machinery for which ho has already
Ten Thousand Searching for the Dead.
Johnstown. June C- -The waters in
the Conemaugh valiey have subsided
almost to their usual. level. With the
recedinc of tho waters the sceno
of desolation becomes hourly more
weirdly picturesque. Like a desert
swept by a simoon, the valley is a
level and unbroken plain for miles.
only at last to find an abrupt termi
nus in a mountain of debris that found
lodgment on a projecting rock, which,
like Ajax, defied the elements.
The work of recovering tho dead
goes on with vigor and with a system
that produces rapid results. A blast
of twenty-five dynamite cartridges at
10 o clock loosened up tne debns,maK
ing it possible to open the mouth of
the old channel. The workmen have
located the day express which was
swept away at Conemaugh. Parts of
the parlor cars have been found, as
well as traces of the passengers. It
is evident that many lives were lost
on this train more than was at first
supposed. The whole train affair is
still a mystery Five thousand men
are at work. It is expected that by
to-morrow ten thousand will be em
ployed. Even this force will not bo
able to remove the debris in less than
several weeks.
Johnstown, June 6. Doubt has
been expressed regarding the accu
racy of the estimate that from 12,000
to 15,000 persons were lost in the
flooded districts. The guessing is
reasonable, conservative and based on
close figuring. At least 2,500 bodies
have been foundf 2,000 at the lowest
calculation are in the burned debris
in tho river: 2,000 in unsearched sand
banks around the Cambria Iron and
Steel works and along the river about
the lower part of Johnstown. Irom
1.000 to 2.000 are scattered in the val
ley from Woodville to the bridge, and
a thousand or two below the bridge
between Johnstown and xtohvar. Hun
dreds were carried down the rivers in
the tremendous current and may
never come into the hands of the
Said Adjutant-General Hastings
this merning: "In my opinion the
loss is greater than we can now show
flsrares for." TheAltoona delegation
wlwhave been all over the district
since Sunday morning, say the loss is
from 12,000 to 14,000. and base their
opionion on talk with scores of people.
The absence of former residents
and fixed, familiar population is most
striking. There are thousands of
strangers and workmen from a dis
tance 'One perpetual question was,
"Where are" people here are about
10,000 whero arc the rest?"
At noon to-day tho borough of
Johnstown and the adjoining boroughs
or what is left of them, practically
passed tinder the martial law, al
though Adjutant-General Hastings
says he has not declared martial law
yet Soldiers are on guard and no
one is permitted between tho lines
unless they have on order from the
Sheriff Smith returned from Baker
City yesterday.
P. W. Weeks and wife went to Port
land last evening.
Mrs. H. T. Hudson of 'Portland is
visiting friends in the city.
County clerk C. J. Trenchard, re
turned from Portland, j esterdnjv
Hon. J. B. Kellofftr and ivife of
Portland are in the city visiting their
uaugmer, Jirs. j. u. liantuorn.
Major Eakin, Capt. Jlerrill, Lient.
Straub and Dr. Walker of Fort Can
by were in the city j esterday.
Milton Bozorth goes to Seattle this
morning. During his absenco E. A.
Noyes will act as ticket agent of the
O. R. & N. ,
Mr. E. I. Packard, chief clerk of the
government works at Fort Stevens
has resigned, and gono to southern
Oregon to reside.
Mrs. G. W. Sanborn and Mrs. S.
Elmore relumed from Brookfield, W
T., j esterday, where they had been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Meglcr.
Misses Nellie and Katie Flavel who
have been spending the winter months
in California, returned j esterday on
tho 2Wepionp,iunch pleased to get
A Safe Investment.
Is one which is guaranteul to bring
you satisfactory tcsults, 01 in case of
failure a return of purchase price. On
this safe plan j on can buy front our ad
vertised Druggist a hottlo of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption. It is
guaranteed to bring relief in cvciy case
when used for any affection of Throat,
Lungs or Chest such a3 Consumption, In
flammation of Lnngs, Bronchitis, Asth
ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc, etc.
It is plpasant and 'agreeable to taste,
perfectly safe, anil can alvas 1m de
pended upon.
Trial bottles free at .1. W. Conn Dni"
Mas. WiNSLOVt'a SooTinxa Svnup
should always bo used lor children
teething. It soothes the child, softens
the gums. allays all pain, enres wind
eholic, and is the best remedy for diar-i7i(Ea.Twenty-fie
cents a bottle
All tlio patent nienicnas .ulM-rtiid
iu this paper, together-with the el.;iv-t
perfumer, and toilet article:), ilc..i.u
he bought lit the low eat puces, .it.l.W.
Conn':4 clrii'' ?!rr- fmiwwifi )i uli.tit
hotel, Astoria.
When you anta$"oe or .1
call on John A. Montgoinorj .
Ntoves and Riiiies.
Chi'.ipi'i than ever, af John A. Mont
TcleihoucIoitsius House.
Itact ltnjl.. 111 (nwti 1?nnmc iur uti.lit
CO and ISi .i nor ucclr S1JJ1. Nn iTinl
clean. Private entrance.
Combines the juice -of the Blue Figs of
California, so laxative a.. I nutritious,
with the medicinal virtues of plants
known to he most beneficial to the
human system, forming the ONLY PLR
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one is using it
nd all arc delighted with it. Ask ) our
druggist for-SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu-
facturedpnly by the
Sas Francisco, Cal.
Looismlle. Kv. N"siv York, N. V
Anil Saturday Matinee.
Commencing Monday, June 10
TDe Cliicap Comely Company.
in the follovritifc Repertoire
Monday te .The Diamond M stery
, . I The Cotton Kins,
Tuesday ..Douhle BillX and Is Marriage
, ( a Failure?
Wednesdaj Lancashire Lass.
Thursday , ;. clear Hrlt.
Friday. Lottery of Life.
Saturday -..lictat ot Leave Man.
Saturday Matinee Erin a Chora.
Popular Prices : 1 0 ao-30cts'.
Resen ed Seats tobe had without extra
charge at the New York Novelty Store. Se
cure them and avoid the rush. - " "
Ross' Opera House.
New and Seasonable
India Linens,.
Venetian Stripes,
French Lawns,
Margate Piques,
Figured Piques,
Persian Lawns,
Gable Cords,
French Batiste,
Checked Swiss.
lading Dry Goods and Clothing
Morgan & Sherman
And Dealers In
Special Attention Civento Filling
Of Orders.
Ami Supplies turiiNhed ..t Satis
factory Terms
llirch.vses delivered In any part of the city.
Office and "Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No, ST.
Astoria Gallery.
Or a Kind ot Photographic "Work,
Call at the
Good Work and Seasonable Trices .
Mlssos C. & Z. CARRUTHERS,
(Successors to II. S. Sinister.)
Seaside Boarding.
Parties desiring Good Board and Clean,
Comfortable Lodging at Reasonable
Terms, can be accommodated at
Mrs. May 'Ross' Private Boarding
Three blocks below Grimes' Bridge, Sea
side. Oregon.
Wail Paper and Oil Paintings
Sign Writer, Grainerand
Ornamental Painter.
Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts AstonavOr.
Siies !
Jeweler. Xtx"
Goods Department ! !
I. H. uUUi En
July Celebration
Guaranteed to surpass anything yet gotten up in the
State of Oregon.
Boat, Bycicle and Foot Races,
Prize Drill by the O. N. G.,
Firemen's Tournament,
Fat Men's Race and Pig Chase,
Comical Curiosities,
Grand River Illumination !
And a hundred other attractions to please the Babies
and enthuse the adults.
HERMAN WISE will see to it that you enjoy your
self and are dressed appropriate to the occasion. His stock
is" complete and his prices will fetch the closest buyer.
A cordial invitation is hereby extended to you to attend
The Grand Celebration !
And call for Real Bargains at
The Keliable Dealer in
Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Boots, Shoes,
Trunks and Valisos.
Occident Hotel Building, Astoria, Oregon.
French Danity,
Corded Piques,
Victoria Lawns,
Ferdinand Cloth,
Indian Demity,
Bishops Lawn,
Welt Pique,
Embroidered Swiss.
House of Astoria.
ww. s