01 Mt ga gsWatt. AaTORlA,OBEOOK: TUUUSDAY. 7.,,.... . F.WMM 4l p 1CXX". ISSUED EVERY MORNING (Monday excepted.) J. P. HALLOHAN & COMPANY. - foWbhets and Proprietors, AlTOniAXBciIJ.INO - CA8SSTRVKT. Ttrnu orSnbieripUoa. ., uuo year.., tree of postage tosubscrtDmT one year 14 Ms .KM t ISTtiii3!11 , Ruarantee, to It, adier- ftUw?iCSt cIreula"K ot any newspa per published on the Columbia river. A weak back makeToTk a week behind, sometimes. Hoods and awning are. beinj,' put in place for the summer. JfP' IV2,n?y summoned at an additional TJ. S. circuit juror. The. schooner Argnaut arrived in rrom.San Francisco jesterday. And now comes the festive 11 and makes a bridal chamber of your ear. CoL Copeland, the eloquent lec turer, is expected hero about the 20th inst. The meeting of the W. C. T. V. will be held in the hall of the Y. M. 0. A. this afternoon at 3 p. sr. Robb & Parker have the tlianks of this office for a copy of their new map of the eity of Astoria. Rev. Mr. Campbell has written de clining the call recently extended to lum by the Presbyterian church. The steamship Idaho sailed for Sitka and way ports yesterday, with 200 ton cannery supplies for Alaska. Parker & Philbrick have a handsome city map in blue "and white, clearly outlined andean furnish copies for sale. New pocket maps of the city of Astoria for sale by Robb & Parker, real estate agents, Astoria, price $1.00 eachT A Gates says that he is going to join the fire department, and then he won't have to servo on the jastice court juries. The city assessment roll is now in the hands of the auditor and police judge. All applications for revision should be made before the 15th inst The subscription toward the ad ditional hundred, thousand dollars railroad stock, now aggregates about 75,000, so a member of the. soliciting committee says. There will bo a grand clearance sale to-day of choice strawberries received this morning by the Astoria Grocery and-Canned Fruit company, at the old I. X. L. Corner. The Chicago Comedy 'company "which has been doing good business through the -state, opens at Ross' operft housn next Monday evening. Reserved seats at the New York Nov elty store. L. F. Cnmmings, recently from Westport, died at the hospital jester day morning. DewfWMl was in the 0?th.jearof his age. Death resulted from erysipelas. The funeral will lm ut Clatsop this morning. Yesterday afternoon whiln J. O. Hanthorn's steamer FUher was i-om-ing up from Ilwaco she run into the boat of the pilot schooner toe. Moody, smashing the lxat to pieoes. The- steamer sustained considerable injury to her lxw. s . . It is reported that the Win. Hume property, consisting of 20 acres in McClnre's, the house and lot where postmaster Bell lives and the lot next to the Pioneer office were sold yes terday to Geo. Noland and C. It Thompson for S 12,000. wv,a ataimoln'n Willamette nrrived from'Seattle with a load of coal, for Portland yesterday. J.ne steamer ur egon sailed for San Francisco with a light passenger and freight list. The Willamette Chief took to Portland 1,700 cases salmon to be shipped over land. n xrw vi fnw V Hnnie's can nery that was stolen Tuesday after noon was reiurneu w '"""'": ,-i.. .ntAarAiv mnmimr. The man i:;i t,a ,K,i nnt tnnw what he was doSgwhenhe took the boat as he was drunK at tue time. i " uui arrested. mu i:A ;oii-onnA pnmnnniM. mid J.11C XU.C luouiwuvu . t --! - the mutual assessment companies, and the beneficial organizations ure con siderably interested iu the Johns fnwn disaster. The result will be financially important to many com panies, for, of course, a large percent age of the-12,000 killed had policies and claims. Mention was made in Thi : Astorian last winter of a suit brought by iSor ton Bros., of Chicago against the Jen sen Canfilling company, of this city. C W Fulton went on to Chicago and there took testimony in the case. Last evening Edwin Norton, of the firm of Norton Bros., Chicago, and his attorney, Edmund Adcock, arrived, and will 'to-morrow take Mr. Jensen's testimony when the case goes to trial. ' Mr. Henderson states that he has been authorized to accept and trans mit free of charge a telegraphic trans fer of funds for the-Johnstown suffer ers, when the dispatch if signed by secretary of thereof cmit 'ine sum or 4a on. ..- ; -office yesterday. Parties wishing to aid in this most worthy charity can leave their names and" the amount subscribed at thin nfRrn InJIav TVin sum will bo telegraphed to Drexel & jo., jnmaaeipnia, xo-morrow. The closing exercises of district No. One to-morrow will bo as follews: The first, second and third crades will close with literary exorcises. In the nrst ana second grades exorcises will begin at 1 1 si., and in the third at 2 p.m. In the fifth sixth and seventh grades examinations will close at 12 m., after which the pupils will assem ble at the usual hour in their respec tive rooms to reemvo their pprHficntAn of promotion, where good byes will be said until'the beginning of another school year. A contract has been let bv the O. R. & N. Co. to Kilpatrick Bros. & Collins for the building of twenty-six mile3 of road from Rockford to Spokane Falls, and work has been ordered to begin at once. The construction of this road will give the O. R. & N. Co. a di rect line from Portland to Spokane Falls, and is an invasion of the ter ritory' of the Northern Pacific. It is an onset to the lines lately run through the territory of the O. R. & N. Co. by the Northern Pacific. The work of laying the track on the O. R. k n. uosline across the Uoaur d Aleno reservation will be begun as soon ns twenty miles of track from Winona through Pleasant valley to Saltz junc tion is completed. The O. R. & N. Co. seems determined to make a vigor ous fight against tho encroach ments of the Northern Pacific, and will not wait for the great fight for the supremacy between Henry Villard and Elijah Smith, which is to come off at the Oregon & Transconti nental company election on the 17th. ' SHOUT STOPS. Now the boys go barefoot. ClatsoD county butter of very fine quality is offered for sale at very low prices. Tho fisher fleet is fortunate in few casualties this season. Largo quantities of wood are arriving. The little steamers are all busy. The river boats are handling considerable sal mon. School closes in district No. One to morrow. Rash people are talking pic-nic. Clams meet with slow sale. Smokers on street cars are a nuisance. Oysters and ice cream don't go well together. Herman Wise has a Fourth of July adv't. The As toria building and loan association is prospering. Of 700 assessment blanks that city assessor Dickinson sent out he only got 230 back, and some of those were more of a hindrance than a help to him. r.EUi ESTATE TBAXSFEliS. V. Boellini? toN. H. Webber and R. P. Graham, lots &, 12 and 13, Necani- cum lirove; 53UU. Stato to G. Wingate 293.31 acres in sees. 6 and 34, T. 0, N. R. 7, W.; L. R. Abercrombie and wife to Amelia Holt, lots 3 and 4, blk.C, Brad bury's addition to Ocean Grove; 8400. Jumna U. Dillon to Alex. Campbell and Geo. W.Bell, lot 7, blk C2, Mc Clure's Astoria, S300. "The Ba ot Grade." There is always considerable diffi culty about whit "the established grade" is, whenevercity street lmprove ment is made. At present there is a discussion as to the proper grade on Second street. Ordinance No. 17, iinsaed in the year eighteen hundred and wer-w few, saa The low water line, which is fourteen and ninety-eight hundredths feot (11.93) below the stone water table at the north east corner of the Astoria custom house is hereby established as the liuw uf grades far the streets of the Town. There is a grade mark or nionii meut iu the court house nrd, placed two j ears ago by the U. S. engineers, and that, it appears, makes the grade one foot and eight-tenths lower. There is a little uncertainty and a little dissatisfaction regarding the aforesaid, though it would appear from the record that the ordinance quoted is about as near being definite as an thing regarding this much mixed matter. There has been so much monkeying with the grades of the streets that a good many who would like to lmild are afraid to put 820 gold pieces into residences, etc., lest they might find the street way up or way down, about the time they had the aforesaid castles in Spain erected. Hence these steers. A PlrauDt Affair. Last evening immediately after the weekly arm or company "it," u. h. G., Capt Will A. Sherman announced to the company that this being the twenty-sixth anniversary of his birth he extended'them an invitation to go to Rucker's restaurant and partake of refreshmentSj which they all did. And after doing justice to the viands set before them returned to the meet ing room of the company where Capt. Sherman presented them with a life size bromide photograph of himself dressed in full regimental uniferm: The picture is beautifully framed and will be much prized by tho company. Speeches were made by the members wishing their commanding officer many happy returns of his birthday and on retiring giving 4iim three hearty cheers. Notice. People on streets that are being im proved will save money by having their pipes raised to the grade. JAS.1IV. Welch, Supt. C. W. Co. Wclnhard'sr Brer. And Freo Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. Ludlow's Ladies' S.T.00 Fine Shoes; also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at 1. J. UOODMAS3. SlenlQ Cooked to Order. Private rooms for ladles and families at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & btoKes'. J CST WANTED TO KNOW. And Willis- to be Eipldly Informed. Time, fifteen minutes after arrival of San Francisco steamer: scene, As toeian effice: dramatis personae, two elderly females, one young do., one old man, one heavy walking 'gent, one ju venile performer. Enter, tho troupe. "What is the size of this place how far is it from San Francisco what is its latitude and longitude what is that piece of wood on the wall did it come from here what is the teredo well I want to know and did that really get eaten up that way is that Washington territory across the river do you be long to the office?" "No ma'am, the office belongs to mo, that is Washington territory across the river: that -wood got eaten up by the teredo just that way; it didn't come from here it came from the Seund: it is a piece of the stern po3t of the steamer Quickstep: the teredo is a marine worm that bores timber: the latitude of Astoria is about 4G 15' nerth: longitude about 124 4' W: it is 555 miles from San Francisce: it has 6,000 people." Then she said "Oh!" Old man, loquitor. uWhere is the site of the Astor fort what were those boats catching we saw what are all those poles sticking up out of the water do you raise wheat here how many newspapers have you how long are you here how much good timber around here do you have much rain what nationality is your people is there much game here is this fresh or salt water?" "Brackish at flood tide : plenty : Scan dinavian Russian German, English, Irish ,Italian,Greek,all American: large amount rain: immense quantities good timber: eight years: seven: no sir: fish traps: salmen: that brick resi dence east of here." The old man, having fired, fell back. Young lady in centre ot stage. "How funny the streets look we are from Bawston my paw and my maw and my brother and this young gentleman Mr. Boway:" Mr. Boway jerks bis head ferward: Miss Bawston centinued: "Do many people get drowned here maw just look at that man going past why you have street cars haven't you what is that funny noise I don't think this is a prohibition town do you work on this paper I have a friend in Baws ton who works on a morning paper his wife never knows what time he's com ing home to supper they board seems to me you have nothing but water around here will.we have time to go up on one of those hills is that clock right?" "Yes, miss." . Then the writer grabs ha hat and flees to Scotty Johnson's to see if the Solide has finished loading for Iqui qui, and Mr. Boway and the kid tackle Sellg. , PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Dr. Stone, of Hwaco was in the city yesterday. Geo. Noland returned from a busi ness trip to Portland yesterday. J. M. Hughes of Portland is in the city visiting his father, EdVlIuglies. M. B. Goldstein, manager of the Chicago Comedy company is in the city. - ' Mrs. F. D. Wiutou returned from a trip to Portland yesterday on the Tel ephone. Miss Louisa Tinschower returned from a six weeks' visit to Portland lust evening. -" .. J.H. I). Gray J. A. Devlin and 1L B. Tbielsen and wife went to Portland last evening. Mrs. A. E.,King of Ilwaco came up on the Canby last evening and went to Portland on WiTtlej)hone. HIE L1DIKS I1KLIOUTK1). I hi pleasant effect and the pprftvt safety with which ladies may ue the liquid fruit laxative, .Srupj)t Figs, un der all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing to the-eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting, on the kidneys, liver and bowels. A Govern'inent Inquiry. Major W. A. Jones. U. S. engineer corps, is in the city. He is here for the purpose of, inquiring into the matter ot fish traps as affecting the channel of tho Columbia' river, etc., embraoing the whole subject. He has been detailed by secretary of war Proc tor, for this purpose, and is eminent ly qualified for the work. The in vestigation and inquiry begins to dHy. Merit Wilis. We desire to say to our citizens, that we nave been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumntlon. Dr. Kind's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve ana jsiectnc Hitters, and nave never handled remedies that sell as well, or that haw given such universal satisfac tion, we do not hesitate to guarantee them every trme.-amtwestand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfac tory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely: on meir merits. .1. W. Conn, Drugget-. Coffee and cake, ten cents, at the central .nesiauranu Good Stoves, cheap as the cheapest. John A. Moxtoomery. ADVICE TO XOTBEB8. Mrs. Winslow's SooTinKa Svt.up should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the cums. allavs all rain, cures wind cholic, and is the best remedy for tllar- rncea.Tweniy-nve cents a Dome, All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can be boucrht at the lowest m-Ices. at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident noiei, Astoria. WhenyouwantaStoTe or a Range, can on jonn a. juonigoniery. TVmler, Jalcy Steak .at Jeff's. CMltaCryfcPitclier'sCastoria SOME PERTINENT BEUAEKS. Frestat Needs of The Fire Department. The condition of tho apparatus of the Astoria fire department is not in all respects satisfactory. The Astobian is no alarmist, and has no desire to deal in sensations, but matters regarding fire extinguish ing facilities need overhauling. On such a day as yesterday, with a wind blowing strong from the west, a fire if it once got headway would sweep tho city, and those of us who were able to get out of the way would be in as bad a fix as the Johnstown survivors; and folks in London and Oshkosh and Kalamazoo and Chicago and Pittsburg would be sending money and misfit pants to the Astoria suffer ers. The first thing needful is one thou sand feet of now rubber hose. There is now but 2,000 feet effective hose in the department. Talking about hose. The ASTOBiAX-suggests that it isn't economy to pay Si and gl.lu a foot for hose when San Francisco council men can get it, with three years guar antee for 814 cents a foot. A dollar is just as good in Astoria as in San Francisco. The Astobiah respect fullysuggests to the council that a thousand feet of best quality rubber nose at lowest ruling rates is a nee. essary adjunct ot the department. Both engines need a little looking alter and overnauiing. Alert 11. & L. need a new truck. They can "get along" with what they have, but econ omy suggests a first class state of efficiency right through. There are plenty of firemen, and good ones. Half a dozen cool men working under intelligent orders are better than a mob of excited people, but when a fire breaks out tune is worth 825,000 a second, and when the engines are stationed two things are necessary: that both engines shall sustain steam power enough to pump continuously and that the hose will carry water to the nozzle without bursting. At present these two essentials are not matters of actual assurance in our fire department. A Visitor From The Sucker State. Mr. Gottsuall. the editor of the Waterloo Advocate is in the city tak ing notes and will print his impres sion of Astoria. He's been looking arouau consuieraDie, lie is irom southern llhnois. The first settle ments of Illinois were made in the southern portion ot that state. The land was new and rich, and yielded uuuuuuuu mm uui inuB cultivation. But there were no means of transpor tation, or markets, and money was scarce and hard to get, an old-fashioned picayune looking as big as the bottom of a half-bushel, and was care fully hoarded to meet some contin gency. As a result of this state of things all the surplus population reg ularly every snrin? took nt their line ot march to the Galena lead mines, where they worked during the Bummer, and, as ixegularly every fall took up their line of march f jr their homes in the southern part ot the state. This being the habit of that numerous family of fish called suck era, which then; as now, ascended the streams in the spring and descended in the fall, the bands of Illinois settlers fluctuating between their homes and the mines soou became known as suckers, and later on the name was generally applied, and Illinois became known as the Suoker state, and her ueopie as sucKers. nut Mr. uottsiiall is no sucker. - His Beaallfal Floor Was Too Attractive To Some. William Eckhoff may uudefataud the saloon business, but when ho leaves S20 gold pieces lying on the ttooc ot iiis place to be admired by his patrons, with only a half-inch deal door to protect them at night, be proves that be is but a poor judge ot human nature. On last Saturday Mr. Eckhoff opened the Silver Dollar saloon, on ua corner ot ualieck and Hansome streets. In tho fitting up of the place he followed the lines ot a noted resort in New York, but on a smaller scale. It was a novelty on the coast and crowds surged to examine tho place. The saloon was floored with small square tiles, black and white alternat ing, and in eacn black tile, except the center one, a silver .dollar was im bedded. The center tile was orna mented by n new 820 cold niece. Business was rushing on Monday, and Mr. Eckhoff was congratulating himself on the spending of SGO0 in a coin floor it it was to be the means of bringing in a fortune. He was extremely proud ot his achieve ment, but when he came down to bus iness on Tuesday his nervous system receive! a severe shock. On reaohing the interior of his saloon he found that the 820 gold piece was gone and with it many of the silver coins. Sev eral boxes of cigars, a little whiskev. a few bartenders' coats and mixing utensils were also missing. Eckhoff says tnat tne ontnt was enough to start business on. The thieves have not been apprehended. 8. F. Chron Me. A Safe Investment. Is one which Is guaranteed to bring VOU SatlSTflPtnrv rpnlfo ra In Mfia nt failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our ad vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It Is guaranteed to bring relief in every case when used for any affection of Tliroat, Lungs or Chest such as Consumption, In flammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asth ma. Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and cart always be de pended upon. Trial bottles free at .1. W. Conn's Drug Store. The latest style ot Gents' Boots and Shoes at p. j. Goodman's. NIotcs and Ranges, Cheaper than ever, at John A Mont gomery's. Go to JcS'b for Oysters. Wliile Goods New and Seasonable India Linens, Venetian Stripes, French Lawns, Margate Piques, Figured Piques, Persian Lawns, Cable Cords, French Batiste, Checked Swiss. C. Leading Dry Goods and Clothing Morgan & Sherman GROCEES And Dealers In Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FUL'. LINE CARRIED A ii J MipUcs furnished at Satis factory Terms liirctuues delivered In any part of the city. Office and Warehouse lu Uiime's New Building on Water Stteet. r. O. Box 153. Telephone No. ST. ASTORIA, OUFCION. Astoria Gallery. FOR TUE BEST PHOTOS, TINTYPES Or any Kind of Pliotofixaphlc Work, Call at the ASTORIA GALLERY, Hood Work and. Reasonable Frlces Guaranteed. Misses C. &. Z. CARRUTHER8, (Successor to II. 8. Sinister.) Watchmaker Jeweler, Seaside Boarding. Tartles desiring Good Board and Clean, Comfortable Lodging at Reasonable Terms, can be accommodated at Mrs. May Ross' Private Boarding House;. Three blocks below Grimes Bridge, Sea side, Oregon. 3B. 3F1. .ATiTiEUST, DEAT.ER IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings SPECIALTY, Sign Writer, Grainerand Ornamental Painter. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts., Astoria, Or. Cannery Supplies ! W- De IN CO 03 CO CO CO CO H. COOPER, THE 4th July Cel IN ASTORIA ! Guaranteed to surpass anything yet gotten up in the State of A MONSTER PARADE, Boat, Bycicle and Foot Races, Prize Drill by the O. N. G., Firemen's Tournament, Fat Men's Race and Pig Chase, Comical Curiosities, Grand River Illumination ! m AT NIGHT I And a hundred other attractions to please the Babies and enthuse the adults. HERMAN WISE will see to it that you enjoy your self and are dressed appropriate to the occasion. His stock is complete and his pricesr-yrilt fetch, the closest buyer. A cordial invitation is hereby extended to you toattend The Grand Celebration ! And call for Real Bargains at HIBMAH WISBT'S. The Reliable Dealer in Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Trunks aa.d "S"alis. Occident Hotel Building, partment ! ! Goods French Danity, Corded Piques, EnglishNamsook Victoria Lawns, Ferdinand Cloth, Indian Demity, Bishops Lawn, Welt Pique, Embroidered Swiss. (iiiiiiiiittfliatiiinitiiiti)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii House of Astoria. -OF- ebration! Oreoron. ,-Astoriax Oregor w fm- y