cu Afefe ol. xxx j i ko. ion. ASTORTA, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY :. 188!) PRI(,E IVE CENTS BUSINESS CARDS. A.'' A. CLEVEliA.XI, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offl -e Flavel's new brick uuildius. corner Second and Cass streets ; u; sta.ri. .J OKX tl. S2I1TH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. .m.-so'i Cay street, 2 doors hack ol Odd IVIi.wh Kuildmg. Astona, Oregon. clKEJJ tt.V9T.YUA, ATIOUXEY AT I.AV. i ...-e over White House Cor., Astoria, Or. :. .02..vs. ? .iroKXEY AT LAW. .i KinneyS UiocK, opposite City woria, Oregon. "LTOV. a. C FOLTOX . . roilN'EYS ATLAW. i-.i-i a and G. Odd Fellows Building. 1. . A. IIOWLBY, rr--i i.nJ 'oiiiinrl.cir at I.nw ..i. i iieirauus Street. Astoria. Oregon ; yi .i :: i.iconch. DENTIST. ;....:mh 11 ana 12 Odd Fellows llutMlng. iVluKIA. - - - - OREGON. fIt4. A. I. AX.I. A. FL'I.TOX. Cass street, bctneen 3rd and 4th. special attention lo Diseases of Women and Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Special attention to Snrgerv. 1 Dr. J. A. Fulton. Office hours from 10 to 12 a. m and l to 4 p M. JAY TUTTXE, 31. I. I'JiYSICIAN AND SURGEON O.-kick Rooms 6 TytUIan Uuilding. Residexck ; SE corner Wall and West 9tti streets, opposite I. W. Case's. M ns. in:. oiv::M-A!).iit. Ofllce and residence, I). K. Uanen's tor met residence, Astoria, Oregon. Diseases of Women and Children, and of (tie Eye and Ear.specla'.tles. nn.o. n.r.sTKS. , h.sician AND sukckon. Special attention li Diseases id Women and Snrgerv. tricK:' Opposite Trlcgr.ipli orllee, up stairs, Astoria, .fit-sou. H. A- K1UT1I. . Vfa DENTIST. Kooms 1 and 2 Pythian Ituildlng over ". H. Cooper's Store. T II. MAXSKI.I,, NOTARY I'UBMC, Real Estate and Commission Agent. Agent for the American Building and I.oan Association. One door west of Telegraph office. Astoria Iroi Ms. i Concomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or General MacMnisls and Boiler Maters. Land and Marine Engines BOILER WORK , Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SFUCIALTY, Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. John Fox rrosident. and Sunt. A. L. For. Vice President J. U. Hcstlku, . sec and Treas. -Airo- POOTDS WH. J. HOOPER & CO., 110 E. Pratt, near Light, BALTIMORE, MD., Manufacturers of D. COTTON AND FLAX GILL NETS, CORKS, SEINE LEADS, &C. Seine Twine or all klndt, Ma nllla, Cotton Hemp Hope. Nap Bfpjfa III A S I 1 III u FOR Beauty Is desired and admired by all. Among the things which may best be done to enhance personal beauty is the daily use of Ayer's Hail Vigor. No mattei what the color ol the hair, this prepa ration gives it a lus tre and pliaui-y that adds greatly to its -harni. Should tae hair be thin, imrsh, dry, or turning gi ay, Ayet's Hair Vigor will restore the color, bring out a new growth, and render the old sort and shiny. For keeping the scalp clean, cool, and healthy, there is no better preparation in the market. "I am free to confess that a in il of Ayer's Hair Vigor has convinced ma that it is a genuine article. Its in- lias not onlycaused the hair of my wifi- and uauguier lo oe Abundant and Glossy, but it has given my rather stunted mus tache a respectable length and appear ance." R. Britton, Oakland, Ohio. "My hair was coming out (without any assistance from my wife, either). I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, using only one bottle, and I now have as line a head of hair as any one could wish for." K. T. Schmittou, Dickson, Tenn. " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor in my family for a number of years, and re gard it as the best hair preparation I know of. It keeps the scalp clean, the hair soft and lively, and preserves the original color. My wife has used it for a loug time with most satisfactory re suits.' Benjamin M. Johnson, M. D., Thomas Hill, Mo. " My hair was becoming harsh and dry, but after using half a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor it grew black and glossy. I cannot express the jov and gratitude I feel." Mabel C. Hardy, Delavan, 111. Ayer's Hair Vigor, "" PREPARED BY Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. w EALTFT I Without Health can not be enjoyed. THEREFORE USE It is the best helper to Health and the quickest cure on Earth. Use it in time lor all diseases of the Stomach,. Liver, Kidneys and Skin. It cures Rheumatism, Malaria, Coated Tongue and Headache, relieves Constipation, Bilious ness and Dyspepsia, drives all impurities out of the Blood and dries up old Sores. The Business men buy it, the Wortingmen use it, the. Ladies tat e it, the Children cry for it and the Farmer say it is their best health preserver. Sold e ery where, Jt.oo a bottle; six for S5.00. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in liUDflKE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES. TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin and Ooppor. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Tbero is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or Sau Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can pet Better Fits, Better Work manship, aud for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. New Coods by Every Steamer. Call and See Him and Satisfy Yourself1. P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. FISH NETTING. SEINES, TRAPS, POUNDS, Netting: of Every DBscriptlon AND At LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. BAHBOTJR'S SALMOUET .THREADS. W00DBERRY l Seine Twines and Lines. HENRY DOYLE'S CO., 517 & 519 Market St., SIX FEAXCISCO, CiLIFOEXIi. SOOIETY ITEMS. Mrs. John Snaggendosh, nee Mies Pusaie SpotUe, Jias.sold enough, of her wedding presents to purchase a pleas ure skiff for Hwaco next summer. Club life is on the increase, and Messrs. Cbromo & Co. can hardly furnish fast enough their illumi nated mottoes "God Bless Our Home," which are on sale at the various pri vate card rooms, and go off among the members like hot cakes. Among the blue bloods little is talked of besides the ball given by Mrs. Pewter -Porringer, for bringing out her daughter, Miss Marie Kate Sallie Emilie. All agree that the coming out dross was a poem in dry goods, and a perfect success. Sleeve less and cut decollete front and back, the fair debutante came out a great deal. Miss Falsctta Mandolin, a cousin-in-law of the well-known street violinist, has returned from Washington, where she was constantly taken for Mrs. Harrison, and at Monday's grand banjo musicale wore a bewitching cos tume of green alpaca and diamonds the ton of diamonds on her corsage ana tne jacK ana ace as epaulettes. Mrs. Shoddintfton Browbeat, nee Philkins, who made a new year's gift ot one tnousana dollars (SIOOO) to the Penitent Females' Kefuge, is receiving the congratulations of her five hund red (500) friends on having secured the faithful services of Olga Olgofsen dur ing spring cleaning at 20 cents a hour, when almost every lad is obliged to pay 25, at least, for ordinary help. Gamaliel Weatherstraw. Esq.. Dissi dent of the Death-on-Divorce Clique, was last night presented with an ele gant punchbowl filled to the brim, as a token ,'ofvthe esteem and sympathy of ins Drotner DHicers witn reference to the trending suit brought by Mrs. Weatherstraw.' Though taken entire- Jyibyl surprise, the gentleman drew from nis pocket some type-written pages and made a ringing and witty speech, in which he said no body liked diptheria'&nd' divorce any better after they had struck his own family; and that the lady he had been reported walking with, was only his wife's niece who was too timid to go home after dark. He was vigorously applauded. A Country of Small Things. Japan, says Mr. Frank G. Carpen ter, is a country of the little. "The men her eare from five feot to five feet five inches high, and the women are smaller. Notwithstanding the fact that they raise themselves three inches off the ground on their wooden sandals, I am continually looking down at them, and a fair sized Amer ican girl towers above them like an Amazon. Japanese trees are dwarfed and, in fact, all nature seems to be made on the six by nine plan. The chickens are nearly all bantams, and the cats, with their bobtails, look like kittens .compared wjth our American tommies,' "and the, horses' are ponies. The houses of.the com mon people are bat one story, and the rooms line children's playhouses. The country, though as big as sev eral states, is full of picturesque scenery, but it is the pretty rather than the grand, and you have beauti ful bits rather than sublime laud- scapes. It is the same with every thing. If 1 ask lor a cup of tea at a little wayside tea house, it is handed to me in a little piece of a shell-like china, no bigger than an egg-cup, and the little Japanese beauty goes down on her knees when she brings it." It is reported that Louis Kossuth, the famous Hungarian patriot, who has resided at Tnrin for many years, is in a precarious condition or health, and his death is momentarily ex pected. Do not wait until to-morrow, when you feel sick, but take immediately a dose of Pfunder's Oregon Blood Puri fier and prevent a serious attack of sickness. It is the best liver regu lator and blood cleanser in existence. Try it. The Mexicans prove that they" do not deserve the nickname of "Greas ers," by refusing to eat American pork. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria KTienBaby was sick, tre gave her Castoria. When she ra a Child, she cried for Castoria, tVhen she became Hiss, she class to Castoria, Then shehad Children, she gave them Castorii Idaho is developing into the great lead district of the country. For dvsnensia nr Ktnmnph ilorornro. merits, no other remedy can be found so ii:.i:j.iub,ljiuujiJi,uiiueuecuve as Avers CatharticPillsr Whita ink ia thfl Inst r-rnn Tt ."a used usually upon" grayish paper. T.pailinfr mprliryil niithnriHoc ;r,,lw Ayer's Sarsaparllla as the best blood medicine. Gas well nr hnintrfifrnnV nlnnn M, Rocky Mountain sloped . Pears' ii thft MnrMt: anil hAof nn ever madvi A Silver Wagon Eoad. "You may talk about nickel-plated railroads," said vice-president L. T. Stanley, of Walnut street, "but what do you think of a solid silver wagon road? The Horseshoe mine, in Col orado, has one, although when it was built they didn't think it would pan out that way. They had to have a road from their mine; a distance of three miles, over which heavy loads were to be drawn. They took the rock that had been taken from the shafts they were sinking, and which lay around in the way, and macadam ized Jthe road all the way through. The wagons passing over the road ground the rock down. One day they had a heavy rain storm, and when things got dry again after the rain, the wind blew the dust off the road and all through the road bed, every which way, they could see big streaks of silver. Well, maybe they didn't collar on to the rest of that loose rock that lay around those shafts! They sent away a lot of it to be assayed, and when the report come back they, found that their road bed was worb. S200 a, ton. It was a little expensive to drive over, but they had to have the road and I suppose they've got it yet, if their mines have held out." Louis Beer dranksomething strong er than beer, wrote a letter telling his wife to take his property and go to sheol. and then drowned himself in E. W. Jones' reservoir at Los Angeles last Saturday. He was a Swiss, 50 years old. To Disloilse The Enemy, When it takes the foYm of disease of the kidneys or bladder, iVatask well nigh im possible of accomplishment. I'enal and vesical maladies are-more obstinate than any others. Counteract, therefore, the ear liest liuIIcation55 ot Inactivity of the many organs with llostetter's' Stomach Bitters, which possesses, among other excellent qualities, those of an efficient diuretic. The degree of stimulation apparent from its use reaches, but never goes beyond, the bounds of safety. It Invigorates always, never irri tates. Briglit's d!sease7 diabetes, catarrh of the bladder, are diseases successfully com battedin their lnclpiency with tins benign medical stimulant and tonic. Besides rein forcing and regulating the kidneys and bladder, the Bitters Is a specific for fever and ague, constipation and dyspepsia. Bradstreet estimates that the in crease in population which will be shovfn by the census of 1890 will be thirty per cent. This will, in round numbers, give tho country nt that time a population ot sixty-five millions. Before thS wedding day a girl gen erally overrates the man she is to marry, but she moro than makes tip for her mipjndgmeut afterward. Homerrille Journal. Opinion of a Leading Kdltor. Almost all the diseases that afflict in from infancy to old age have their ori gin In a disordered liver. A really good liver medicine is the most important in the whole range of pharmacy. We be lieve Simmons 1iver Regulator to be the best among them all. We pin our faith upon the Itegulator, and if we could persuade every reader who is in ill health to buy it, we would willingly vouch for the benefit each would re ceive. Ed. Cincinnati Gazutth. More than one hundred thousand Italians have landed at the port of New York during the last eighteen months. This country received 221,000 Ger mans in 1831 and 99,000 in lbSS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, A marvel of ,mrity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than tho ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or plios- hate powders. So Id only in cans. IUiyal akino FowDRnCo.106 V'all-st,, N Y D. W. Ckowlkv & Co. .gents, I'ortlnnd. Oregon. CEO. M'LEAX. SAM. FREEMAN. McLean & Freeman. BLACKSMITHS. Special Attention paid to all Ship and Steam boat Repairing.- HORSESHOEING, lagging Camp TVorkaSpecialty. "Air kinds of Btacksmlthlog done to brtfer." Shop, corner Jeff ersoivand Olneystreets Astoria, Oregon. ' ' Sill feT rF-vKvffS Its peculiar efficacy Is daa , as much to the process and nothing skill In compounding as to 1 ikf ix i the Ingredients themselves. uirvt 1 1 j Tnkelt in tJrne- xt checks diseases inthe outset, or If they be advanced, will prove a potentenre. 1 Home stall le Wont It. It takes tho place or a doctor and costly pre- . .. scriptlons. All who lead FOR WHOSE sedentary lives will find npMcri-r lt tho best preventive of """" and cure for Indigestion, Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Piles and Mental Depression. No loss of time, no Interference with business whllo taking. For children It Is most In nocent and harmless. No danger from exposure after taking. Cures Colic, Di arrhoea, Ilowel Complaints, revorlsh ness and feverish Colds. Invalids and delicate persons will find It tho mildest Aperient and Tonic they can use. A little taken at night lnsnres refreshing sleep and a natural evacuation of the bowels. A little taken in tho morning sharpens the appetite, cleanses tho stomach and sweetens the breath. A MYSICIAJi'S OPINION. "I have been practicing medicine for twenty years and hare never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would, lite Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to acuon, and atthe same time aid (instead of weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system L. M. Histon, m.d., Washington, Arlc. Marks of Genuineness: Look for thered Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, and the Seal aud Signature of J. H.Zeilln & Co., In red, on the side. Take no other. cams, evknso.v. F. r.OK THE Central Hote EVENSON & GOOK. On the European Plan. LAIIQE CL&lXiiOOilS. A FIHST.CI.ASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. t Oysters, 1'islt, Meats, Ktc, CookecMo Order. WATKll St., Opp. ft'onrd & Stokes A FIRST CLASS SALOON Hun in connection with the Premises. The - Kest of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. flood liilllard Tables and Private Card Itootns. Is the Loading; and nly First-Class RESTAURANT. Good Cooking. Clean Services. Reasonable Prices. Polite Walters. Trompt Attention. Try Him and You will be More than Satisfied, Everybody Says So. Private Rooms. JIAIX STREET, - - - ASTORIA. AUOTIOKT AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN OLSEW, Successor to E. C Jlolden. The oldest established Commission Ilouse in Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock of Furniture on hand. When you want Bargains in Household Goods go to JIAKTIJi OXSFX MIDWIFE. MARY INCMAN, Cp stairs, over Foard & Stokes,' room 13 PARKER HOUSE. DAVE. KENNEDY, Prop'r. First Class in Every Respect Thoroughly Renovated and Repaired throughout : 87 large, sunny rooms. TWO miSIKG ROOMS. Tables supplied with everything the mar ket affords. Fine Bar and Billiard Room : choice brands Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Free Conch to the Ilouse, JEFF'S CASH. es, gentle spring again Is here ; The grass is green that once was sere ; Tlie merry robin "yips." with glee ; The merry-urchin grms- to see Tho PAotloea rinrla tKn, tmlml.. 1..A Buff chest-protectors on his shoes Is lt a wonder that a dude laughs to hear the story If these shivering and brainless flirts Ho,J tne merchants now days have to vork Would wear one of my Patent Chest-Shield .lo vain glory? Shirts, Jt k enough to make them all laugh, and They would not shake so when upon the others too; street, Butitslmplyremindsmeof a story III rebate And ear buff chest-protectors on their feet. now t0 J"0"- They would -wear one ol my Fur Felt Hats Of a fisherman whose pole was made of a over their brains. peacock's feather. And wear my Spring Overcoats and laugh And whose line was made of the finest of while lt rains. leather; ,,. i,. ,., . . ,. .. And who baited his hook with a nibble of To hear some of the merchants call the fish- cheese. etnYLn fine fe"0.,J ., And sat on a town lot and bobbed tor tiers. When they wear Oil Clothing instead ot ,,., Umbrellas. MORAL. To shake them by the hands, call everyone While in this world we all have to fish, or . !os,3. , either cut bait. And tell them they sell everything less than And when we need anything whatever. It is n 1 st cost. cheaper to buv It. I. L. OSGOOD'S, CLOTHING, HAT AND FURNISHING GOQDS STOBF. 1 ovlX&T$w. Astoria, Oregon.) Street Cars running by the door. Asf oria Harness 1 Saddle SHOP. :f s.i2s FII5ST CLASS ESTABLISHMENT. F. SAIZ. atthe former stand of II. Jacolison, is RettiiiK in a complete stock ot Saddlery Hardware. Harness, Leather Findings, etc., and will carry a large assortment of goods in his line; a more complete stock of the kind than anything ever before brought to this city. F. Saiz is an experienced workman, a practical sadcier, and invites the trade of the public, being confident that he can give gen eral satisfaction in goods and prices. OLXEY ST., ASTOKIA, OREGON'. The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN ASTORLV, ONLY OF E. R. HA WES, Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E. it. Ilawes Is also Agent for ili Buck Patent Cooking Stove, , .AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam FiHings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand, Bargains ! Canned Goods AT HEADQUARTERS Astoria Grocery and Canned Coods Co. At Old I. X. L. Corner, Opposite Parker House. M, 3KL THATCHEE, -AND- CEILING DECORATION S0O0 donble roll ot Wall Paper and Decorations of the latest styles and shades just received direct from Eastern factories. Also a large assortment of GAB. FISTS, Of all grades in beautiful now designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call and examine. CHAS. HEILBORN. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE VIENNA Restaurant aiii Clop House. C. W. Flshor & Co., Prop's. Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO OKDER- Fino Private Booms. Everything Irst Class. Genevieve Street, rear ol Grifflu & Heed's. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Notice Leading Lines. I AM PREPARED TO T.KAD I.1NE8 AT 8 cents per lb. for lead used. Including work of leading. Good work guaranteed. ERIK MANULA, At Occident Cannery. kR COODS MARKED IX TLAIX FIGURES. ONE PRICE. SFXU3TG, 1SS9. Eut wait until the salmon all sleep In their cans. Then the fishermen's money is the same as another man's. jvaiftntsrox. -IN- and Groceries. Seaside Bakery. Best Mill Bread and CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturers of Fine Candles. -AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Candies. johnsos, imos. - The Astor House, E.E.ROSS, - PROPRIETOR. Newly Repainted, Repaired, Refitted, Re furnished and Thoroughly Renovated, A Large, Clean,- leMept louse. RATES: From a' Dollar a Day Upwards. First-class in all Its appointments, clean neat, sunny rooms, well furnished and well kept. YOU ARE INVITED TO CAUL E9-Free Coach to and from the House. Bargains ! - 41