The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 25, 1889, Image 3

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JhuHj gstorian.
Till ltSI)A . AIUUI, L'i. 18j9.
(Monday excepted.)!
Publishers and Proprietor,
Terms of Subscription.
Servcil bv Carrier, per week.
Sent by Mail, per month
15 cts
. bB CtS
one vear..
1'ree of postage to subscribers.
Tub Astoriax guarantees to In adver
tisers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
The election for chief engineer, As
toria fire department, will be to-morrow,
the 2Cth inst
The schooner Sparrow arrived last
evening from Eureka, loaded with red
wood lumber.
Uniform Rank K. of V. meet this
evening at 8 o'clock. A full attendance
h requested. By order Sir Jv. G.
Robb t Parker, real estate dealers,
aro doing a fine business in Railroad
addition lots. Call and seo their plats.
The mother of Chas. Starr met the
body of her son at Portland estorday
morning and took it to Salem for
Tho Black Cat has commenced to
scratch in the field of journalism at
New York. Politically the paper ia
nrobablv "on tho fence."
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of tho Jensen Canfllling Co.,
will be held at tho oflice of tho As
toria Iron "Works at 2 r si , on Mon
day, the 6th of May.
Complaint is made that doga killed
for not having dog collars on are al
lowed to lie and rot on tho beach near
Arndt Je Ferchen's. The stench is
most horrible Take tho carcasses
Tho state printing office has begun
the work of printing the session acts
of tho fifteenth biennial session of
the Oregon state legislature the laws
of 1889. Tho work is expected to be
issued from the press by tho 22nd of
Ma '
In the case of tho United States
against A. Furtado, tho grand jury
last Tuesday returned not a true bill.
Furtado livos at Mishawaka and had
been charged with having sworn
falsely in testifying regarding D.
Ryerson's claim.
If you see a flock of honkers mov
ing along so high np that thoy seem
to be scraping the sky with their
backB, you would not think they were
making rfosc on a hundred miles an
hour, but they are. The wild gooso is
not much on foot, but it means busi
ness every time whou on tho wing.
S. A. Miller goes to Portland this
morning, where ho will meet C. R.
Watson and D. H. Getchell,the three
organizing the Ashland Packing com
pany, with a capital of S20,000. Thoy
have a location near Ashland, a sub
sidy of 83,000, water free for one year,
and will can fruit Ashland is a
splendid fruit country and the new
corporation shows judgment in the
selection of their site.
S. 1L Hauser has returned from
Capt Tom Neil went to Portland
last evening.
Lyman Kinney went to Portland on
business last evening.
Auditor and police judge Jowett
returned from Clatsop yesterday
afternoon and went to Portland last
Robert Wingatera brother of G.
Wingato. of Skinanon. has been nom
inated by the Republicans for mayor
or Tacoma.
F. A. Wheeler, for the last year
cierfi at d. w. Uonn's drug store,
leaves for Savannah, Georgia, this
morning, He bought a drag store
there yesterday and will in future
make his residence thero.
The Cantata of David.
Tho Cantata of David "The Shop
herd Boy," recently give a at Villayo
Hall, under tho leadership of Dr. A.
Dobbins, was a most ontortaining and
successful performance.
The chorus of eighty forty adults
and forty children showed excellent
training and faithful work.
In the art of conducting, Dr. Dob
bins proves himself a worthy follower
o Carl Zerrahn. under whom he Grad
uated. As a teacher and leader he
certainly excels. Boston Musical
aerala, Jsov. i.
This will bo given under Prof. Dob
bins' leadership next Tuesday, tho 30th,
at the opera house, and will doubtless
be a musical success.
Mr. Pattcnun in (nod.
A gentleman who answers to tho
name of W. J. Pattorson was arrested
yesterday ovening by Sheriff Smith
and jailed on a charge of being wanted
for felony alleged to have boen com
mitted in Fresno, CaL
A reward was ofibred for his appre
hension, and two officers will leave
Fresno this morning to take their
man down tor trial.
Mr. Patterson was adorned with
gems of great value and was cutting a
wide swath at tho time of his in
carceration. THE HDIES DELIGHTED. ,
The pleasant effect and the perfect
safety with which ladles may use .the
liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, un
der all conditions make it their favorite
remedv. It is Dlcasinz to tho eve and to
the teste, gentle, yet effectual in acting
on me Kidneys, liver ana Dowels.
In Olatsop Nearly Fifty Tears Ago.
reinonal Xau-atire of Rev. W. W. Kone.
A Man Wlm Saw the "PearocV Wrei led
Iu Jnly 1841.
The following from the pen of a
pioneer of 181041, will be read with
interest It is a verbatim narrative
and relates many historic remiu
isceuses not previously published.
'inrougu tne courtes y or lion. Rin
ger Hermann The Astorian is able
to laj the story before its readers:
Hocstos, Texas, Feb. 14 1889.
lion, Binger Hermann, Congres
sional Representative of Oregon.
Honored Sib;
Your correspondent was for some
time a resident of Oregon, and did
some deeds worthy of remembrance,
having often imperiled my life for
the sake of others. In 1840. in the
month of May I arrived on the Co
lumbia river as a missionary, and tro-
ceeded to the Willamette and pro
ceeded at once to put up a sawmill,
where now the city of Salem stands,
it was at that date eight mile3 in ad
vance of the settlement The mill
was the first house built, and became
the pioneer of civilization.
I then went to the mouth of the
river within a mile of the sea; first
settled on Clatsop plains, or prairies
as they are more appropriately named.
Thero were two of us, Mr. L H. Frost,
and your correspondent. Through
fear we left our wives with Mrs. Bir
ney, at Fort George, which is by
Americans called Astoria. We reached
the prairies by way of Young's bay,
Scapanowan river, then so called.
We passed tho woodland and swamp,
and camped in the prairie, and spent
the night without discovery. At
early day light, the tribes were all at
their winter quarters ten miles south.
our camp fire led to our discovery
tno winte man s smoke rises up in an
umbrella shape, which is not tho case
with an Indian's fire, he makes his
fire entirely of dry stuff which makes
a light scattering smoke. We moved
northward three miles to the bend of
the stream and pitched our tent, and
at once commenced to dig a well
about forty feet from the stream, and
had reached the depth of a little over
five feet, when my colleague looking
south beheld the tribe armed and
equipped for bloody work, which they
were not strangers to. We at once
put our dishes in a trunk and hid all
from the curious eye, and lashed up
our tent and stood in front, and when
they wero withm forty yards of us we.
And patted our hearts, saying, ''Nika
tnmtum klash copa mesika." Then
the chief Kotati, patted his heart and
all the armed braves sat down with
their guns crossing their laps. I then
proceeded to acquaint them with our
design, and soon effected a treaty.
They spent the night with us in
their tents, which they brought with
them, and in the morning returned to
their winter quarters. The chief
looked upon us as a new race, and
favored us with five "strong men to
carry our timber out of the woods
to build our cabin, and with their
assistance wo, in one week, reared our
cabin, up to the plates, and released
our helpers with presents which
pleased them. After living here a
few months we concluded to move
up to tho river shore, about six miles
north. All this wa3 a ventureno one
could have supposed to be possible.
Tho unexpected good treatment
encouraged our wives to take np their
abode with us as soon as the roof was
on the cabin spoken of above. My
wife had been badly thrown by a
run away horse and greatly injured,
so that we had fo carry her in a chair
lashed to two poles supported by
straps over our shoulders. The effort
was a mighty one, and withall we had
to leave our bedding in the cabin,
until we could return. But after
leaving tho prairie and passing along
tho sea shore, for two miles we met
about a dozen natives who never
witnessed such a scene before, and
knowing how good a name the five
mentioned above gave of us, four of
them offered to do the office I was
doing and the rest went baok with me
and brought out our bedding
and other things much needed.
On the arrival of Mr. Frost and son
with my wife; the chief now re
turned to Point Adams at the mouth
of the river, he and his wife ran out
their best canoe and manned it
And sent all up the river at high tide
and did the same for me when I
arrived with my bedding and wares,
for which I compensated him to his
satisfaction. My wife gave tho chiefs
wife a Scotch plaid dress that was
greatly appreciated.
Wo had built on the shore a double
log cabin with side leans. And here
we lived when tho Peacock was
A short time before tho arrival of
tne exploring expedition there was
war on the north sido of tho Columbia
river. The field was from Baker's
bay to Pillar rock. For three months
tho roar of guns was heard from the
snore where I lived, a distance of
about four miles. I saw that this
might lead to trouble with the com
ing strangers, I therefore hazarded
my life one whole day between the
conflicting parties, Tho pioture was
sad, but I fainted not atdthe peril if I
might secure peace, and did effectually
stop it, and secured the friendship of
the tribes for my fellow countrymen,
wnue engaged in tneir surveys.
uneaundayin juiy, itai, i was
preaching in tho village at Tanzy
point a little after 11 a. m., a native
being on the grass near the bank of
the river and his head toward the sea.
cried out, "Sail ho." Instantly the
whole village was agaze I saw it as
distinctly us I ever beheld a vessel in
the offing or Hearing tho shore. But
while we were gazing at the scene Bhe
suddenly headed off southward, and
Point Adams closed the view. I
hastened home only half a mile down
tho shore, and took tnree or the na
tives with me who, with me saw the
movements of the ehip, called by the
natives, "Posita Oanim."
I called out Mr. Frost and a settler
by the name of Tibitts, and down we
went to the point in great haste, a
run of but one mile. And when we
looked out upon the sea no vessel
could be seen above the the horizon,
and was charged by the two white
men with an illusion of the eye. The
three natives averred that all at Tanzy
point saw it Then I contended that
it was a mirage, and after a few min
utes I was with my face up the north
west coast, and there I saw n ship
running down tho coast followed by
another of smaller size, "There," said
I, "is tho identical ship."
I becran to reason of tho great prob
ability of a wreck, and that seemed
inevitable from the fact that they
were too near the shore by which they
would inevitable mistake Mc-
Kenzie's bluff for Cape Disappoint
ment 1 therefore proposed to run out
of the south channel to tne main
channel and hoist a white flag to draw
them from danger, but 1 could nnd
none to assist me,
I then proposed to cross over to
Baker's bay, to this they consented;
and when about half way over, the
Peacock headed inward jvhon a mile
from the channel. I lifted up my
hands in horror and exclaimed, "She
is wrecked," and in two minutes she
struck the north sand bar. The sails
flapped hard against the masts. I
hastened to the bay shore with two
white men, above named, and raised a
smoke to attract attention from the
wreck, to afford tbem some evidences
that the shore would be watched by
civilized men, to afford assistance.
JL then descended to tne snore, en
tered my canoe with my three trusty
natives from Tanzy point The bearer
of dispatches from Captain Wilks to
Uom. Hudson, arrived and aitnougn no
was an Australian ms sympatny lor
Com. Hudson, officers and crew, was so
great that he wished to assist me in
my hazardous endeavor to board the
wreck with a pilot, who was a
native Chinook and was well
acquainted with the channeL
When we passed out of the channel
and moving towards the wreck, sig
nals were hoisted. I asked the bearer
of dispatches what it meant He re
plied that it was an order to the Fly-
mo lfish. a schooner of war. to take
us aboard, but when I saw the Flying
Fish "about ship" and standing for
deeper water, I understood it to sig
nify "keep away." Then followed my
hazard a fog came down and shut out
the view of both land and wreck.
My helpers became alarmed, and said
"hlosh nesika kalapi," that is, it is
good for us to go back. We were
tossed troon the waves with anDarent
great danger, but I remained calm in
order to prevent confusion. I per
ceivedla black streak at tho water's
edge, and concluded that to be the
base of the Cape, and then looking to
my ngnt 1 saw a ungnt streaK from
what I conceived to be the shore at
Point Adams. I took courage, and by
perseverance wo safely arrived in the
bay. I then made arrangements with
tho gathering natives to watch through
the night and aid any who might float
ashore, and I left plenty of salmon.
I made arrangements with the Chi
nook chief to take his best canoe and
at daybreak
And encourage them to come ashore,
that they would meet with friends.
He did so, and brought ashore with
him the purser, Mr. Speiden. I spent
the whole night cooking for the suffer
ers. When it was day a messenger
from the Point came up and informed
me that the vessel had gone to piece.
I hastened off with my loaded canoe,
towards the bay, and when midway I
passed the spar deck going towards
Astoria upon the flood tide. I saw no
one clinging to it and I hastened on
ward, and found that about 120 or 125
had safely landed. I was speedily
ushered with a hearty welcome to
headquarters, with a national banner
floating over me. J. spread mats with
in the tent, and put down my table
cloths, and arranged for a hearty
The commodore was the last man
that was saved, and when the boat
arrived with him, within forty yards
of the shore he arose and shouted
"Huzza I" three times, and was re
sponded to from the officers and crew
on shore with threo times three. Ho
stood before the spread meal and said,
with uplifted hands: "Who could
have expected such a reception, from
a wreck on the northwest coast of
America. Such a reception I" He and
the officers sat down, the scientists
with them, and enjoyed the unexpect
ed repast After eating awhile and
drinking some coffee, the commodore
unbuttoned his coat and out tumbled
his prayer book, then said he : "Thank
God I saved my prayer book." Lieut
Emmons then drew out his bible from
his bosom, where he had concealed it,
because they were ordered to save
nothing but what they stood in, and
he "thanked God that he had saved
the bible his grandmother gave him
when he entered the service."
Safely, and afforded valuable assist
ance to the unfortunate officers and
men. 1 often had the opportunity of
doing service for the officers while on
their duty there. I was obliged to go
150 miles for a replenished larder, and
was gone three weeks, during which
timo my poor wife suffered much
from fear of the savages. A Killa
mook Indian watched to avail himself
of things, such as wash basins, etc.
She suffered from hernia, from a vio
lent throw from horse-back. I was
compelled to take her to the Sand
wich Islands for surgical aid, and af
ter tarrying there with her for
months, her attending surgeon said
that there was no hope for her, unless
I would take her to the Massachusetts
general hospital, America,
The distance was 16,000 miles. Ire
pined at my hard lot, for I saw that
I would lose all I had gained in Ore
gon. I saved the lives of three offi
cers, but do not wish to make a state
ment of the affair.
The tribes were made angry, and
knowing that they tarried at my house
during and after their crimes, held me
responsible. At another time I fur
nished an outfit for the pursuit of an
absconding, soldier, a marine.
And now, when old age has unfitted
me for work, and greatly in need, I
asked of the secretary of the navy for
aid, and am willing, if called upon, offi
cially. And to you I appeal to unite
with Judge Hare, M. C, Col. Chas.
Stewart, Hon. Joseph Seyeres, and
others who have been written to by
myself and others.
Yours respectfully.
Bet. W. W. Koke.
Those Prominent Physicians Astonndthe
Medical World of The Northwest, by
Their Wonderful Cures.
Two j ears ago, tho Drs. Darrin
visited Portland as strangers: In
that space of time they have effected
so many wonderful cures that their
name i3 known in every household on
the coast Their cures and operations
are so quick and miraculous that
some physicians of good standing
have even been willing to take their
oaths that they were impossible. Now,
the Doctors have had scores of cases
from this vicinity and throughout the
whole northwest, that prove the truth
of their wonderful cures.
They submit the following card,
which can be referred to; and could
fill this page with home cures, if we
could spare the space:
Ed. Astebian: Bear Sir. I was
affected with kidney and liver com
plaint for four years and had traveled
extensively for my health, taking all
kinds of sulphur, soda and hot spring
baths, etc., without gaining relief
thereby; I was given up to die. As a
last resort I applied to the Drs. Dar
rin, in Portland, who examined my
case thoroughly and said that I migh
be cured. I put myself under treat
ment and felt much relief, and in a
short time was entirely cured.
I can be referred to at my nlace of
business, Bottom's cigar and tobacco
store, ttkamokawa street, Astoria,
Oregon. J. W. Bottom.
April 17th 1889.
The above card is from a well known
citizen of this city, testifying to the
skill of the well known Drs. Darrin,
wno nave opened oinces in this city at
tho Occident hotel. They are citizens
of unquestionable reputation as their
cures and testimonials can be sub
stantiated by personal investigation,
ana iney nave proved tnemselves
worthy of confidence.
Drs. Darrin can be consulted free at
the Occident hotel, Astoria, Oregon,
and will under no circumstances take
a case they cannot cure or benefit.
Consultation free. Charges reason
able. The poor treated free from 9 to
10 a. m. daily.
Office hours from 10 to 4 daily;
evenings 7 to 8; Sunday, 10 to 12. All
curable chronic diseases loss of
manhood, blood taints, syphillis, gleet,
gonorrhea, stricture, spermatorrhea,
seminal weakness or loss of desire of
sexual power in man or woman,
catarrh or deafness are confidentially
and successfully treated. Cure of
private diseases cuaranteed and never
published in the papers. Most cases
can receive home treatment after a
visit to the doctors' office. Inquiries
answered and circulars sent free.
Ten Dollars!
Worth of goods, and secure a
tree chance m the draw
ing of
Lot No.
Good Goods at Lowest Figures,
and a good City Lot
thrown in.
No other house in Astoria offers
Such Inducements.
There are no flies on
The Reliable Dealer in
Trunks, TTalises, Etc.,
Occident Hotel Building.
Our immense stock is now complete and in
every department will be found the
Latest Novelties of the season.
pecial Dress
We are now showing the very latest shades in
plain goods and fancy combinations in
the following colers:
Tomato Red,
Willow Green,
Old Rose,
Tile Green,
All the new shades of Cashmere and Em
broidered Trimmings to match the above goods.
Leading Dry Goods and Clothing
.... .......
Seaside Boarding.
Parties desiring Good Board and Clean,
Comfortable Lodging at Reasonable
Terms, can be accommodated at
Mrs. May Ross' Private Boarding
Three blocks below Grimes' Bridge, Sea
side, Oregon.
Jeweler. X w
Astoria Gallery.
Or any Kind of Photographic 'Work,
Call at the
Good "Work and Keasonable Prices
Misses C. & Z. CARRUTHERS,
(Successors to H. 9. Shuster.)
John C. Dement.
Successor to W. E. Dement & Co.
Carries Complete Stocks ot
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries.
Prescriptions Carcfnllr Compounded.
Agent for
Mexican Salve and
Norwegian File Cure
Prices of Lumber.
On and after this date, until further no
tice, we will furnish lumber at the Mill, at
the follow Ing prices:
Bough Lumber... . -. $ 8 per M ft.
Flooring and Bustle.- -S15 " "
Astoria, April 10, '89.
Net Floats
Summer !
Department !
Reed Green,
Light Sage,
Frog Green,
Forest Green,
Yieux Rose,
Terra Cotta.
House of Astoria.
Morgan & Sherman
And Dealers In
Special Attention Given to Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered in any part ot the city.
Office and "Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. S7.
Garnahan & Co.
Comer Chcnamus and Cass streets.
Candles. Smokers' Articles, Etc.
New Goods Received Dally,
Opposite City Book Store.
To Canners.
Jensen's Patented Can Capping
Will Cap and Crimp 05 CAS per MI.NUTE.
It has proved to Reduce the Leakage more
than 60 per cent, less than hand canned
Price, $C00. Orders compiled w ltli hy
The Jensen Oan-Filling Machine Oo.
A Fine ami Well Sclccloi sinolt
Watches, Jewelry,Clocks, etc.
Jewelry Establishment.
All goods warranted, as guaranteed
Opposite Crow's gallery, Astoria, Oregon