T jy's1 W m Sails IMtorimt. ASTORIA. OREGON: THDBSDAY- .ArRIL 18. 1889. THE MISSING "DENMAEK." No lTews Yet Prom That Vessel. New Yobk, April 17. Tho National line steamship Danmark nrrived this morning. She had nono of the 'wrecked ThinTalla line Denmark's passeDgers. The steamship City of llichmond ar rived this morning, bat brought no news of the steamer Denmark. A IACOE EMIGEATIOX. Liveepool, April 17. A thousand emi grants embarked upon seven steamships hero to-day. Tho majority are bound for tho United States; a few are going to the Argentine Republic. AS EXPLOSION. Vn-sxi, April 17. An explosion oc curred iu Rothschild's colliery at Sufflau. Austria, to-day. Five men were killed and two dangerously wounded. Six are missing. THE SUOAE -JACKET. Losdos, April 17. Su-jar opened at Cd lower, but soon edvanced 21. The mar ket is excited. It is reported that conti nental buyers are purchasing for Amer ioan asoount. FACTFTO GOAST WEAXnEE. Sax Fbascisco, April 17. Fair weather is indicatea lor uregon ana wasmngton territory, preceded by local rains in Washington territory. SIIII TO SE ABRESTED. Paei3, April 17. La Presse says that warrants have been issued for tho arrest of sixty members of the a juiangar party. CESTESSIAI. ISATJOUEATIOS. WAsnisoTos. April 17. Under instruc tions from the navy department the commandant of the New York navy yard will furnish tho custodian of the custom-house with such bunting and flags a3 can be spired for the purpose of dec orating public buildings under control of the treasury department of New York on tho occasion of tho centennial inaug uration. Sailors will also be provided to render such assistance as may be re quired in arranging me aecorauuns. TOSTAIi EOUTES. Washtsgto--, April 17. Second assist ant Postmaster-general Whitfield has begun opening bids for carrying the mails on about 1,500 star and steamboat routes in the country. Nearly 25,000 bids havo been recoived, and tho clerical force of the office will bB kept busy for some days opening and scheduling this large number of proposals. The con tracts will probably bb awarded within one ttcok. now rr axtects so lias's land. WAsm-jaroN'. Amil 17. There was a curious oversight m the construction of tho bill passed by tho last congress for the court which has just organized with prayer at Muskogee. This bill extended the jurisdiction of the new court over No ilan s land as well as over UKianoma and the Indian tribes, but limited it to misdemeanor. Jurisdiction in cases of felony in tho territory was continued to the courts in the surrounding states, but it was forgotten that the courts had never hid jurisdiction over No Man's Land. Tho result is that in the very picnliar section of the United States whioh has hitherto had no government at all, exoept such as free and easy resi dents provided themselves with, there is the judicial machinery for tho Jpunish ment of minor offenses, but there is no tribunal for tho trial of felonies. Debts can be collected in "No Man's Land and fines can be imposed for misdemeanors, but there is neither courts nor law to reach mnrdcrors and thefts. eesato3 arrcnEix. AVasbts-otox, April 17. Senator Mit chell has gone to Now York. Ho said that all the local appointments had been agreed upon by the delegation, and that he felt certain Oregon would bo well treated, as to outside offices, soveral im portant places having boen promised to tho residents of that state. Senator Mitchell will return here before go ing horns. Baforo leaving to-day he called upon tho president ana pre sented his five-year-old grandson, Mitchell Handv. who received the un divided attention of Mr. Harrison for some minutes while n crowd of senators and congressmen awaited him. QUE PORTLAND LETTEB. Criminal Becord of the .Metropolis, Special to The Astobias Poetlaxd, April 17. Charles S. Per kins, indicted for attempting to commit criminal assault upon Gertio Eepper, a nine years old child, was found guilty as charged to-day. Perkins will be sen tenced on Friday morning. - Tao mini mum penalty for tho crime is one year m tno penitentiary, ana the mziuram ten Tears. Intbe criminal court this morning H. J. Diedrick and Fred Fick, were indicted tor an assault with intent to kill linns and Bertha Fick at Summit station, April 12tn. They were arraigned and allowed mi to-morrow to pieau: .uau was uitu atSl.OUOeach. To-morrow morning A. J. Cody, under indictment for mayhem, for biting off the lower lip of Joseph Morin, while en gaged in a fight some time ago at the liolton house, will be brought to trial m the criminal court. Joseph Morin, who has been detaineb in the county jail several weeks as a wit ness wuue ma assailant uas ueea iuc&y enough to havo friends to go his bail Dendinz his trial.will not nrove a very good witness for the defence, this in jury ooupled with his imprisonment has not haa tno tenaency 10 arouse a very frondly sentiment in his heart lor uody. Tlio Sew IH-covcry. You have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about lr. Iou may yo.ir- self bn ona ot the many -"Tho know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it. you are ono of its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing about u is. mat when onco given trial, Dr. King's New Discovery evnr after holds a ulaco In the house. If yon have never used it and shuHlil lip afflicted with a cough. cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest irotiuio, secure a Dottle at once ana give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial Bottles rreeat j. W. uonn's Drugstore. A small houso of six rooms to rent. Apply to J. A. Montgomery. NEW TO-DAY. Net Lost. LOST OFF ALDER POINT, ON NIGHT ot Apnl loth, one thirty-eight mesh net. r iuuer pic&se nouiy j. u. JHegier s (;. For Rent. WITH BOAKD. NICELY FURNISHED Parlor suite, centrallv losateil. to iren- tlcrnan and wile, or two gentlemen. Use of uaiu. Aaarcssr. o. Box 233. ON NORTH BEACH. Lots In front Blocks, facing the Ocean, and S50 each. Only a few left. Call and examine Plat. J. H. MANSELL, Seal Estate Broker, Seaside Lots DBS. DAEEIN ARRIVED. One of the Drs. Darrin of Portland has Arrived in Astoria and has Opened Offices in Occident Hotel. T11EI MAZE A GENEBOUS OXTEB. Through the earnest solicitation and requests of patients and others in this vicinity, the Doctors have been prevailed upon to visit Astoria. One of the Doc tors has now arrived and has opened offices at tho Occident Hotel where he will remain until further notice. They come to us laden with testimonials, a few of which we will present to our readers. Thoy make a generous offer of treating the poor, free of charge, from 9 to 10 daily until further notice. Consultation and Examination at all times free, liead the following testimonials to be con vinced of their wonderful skill. APBOinSESX XJLDTO; COBVALLIS B2CTTE3 BEE EXPE2EEXCE WITH BBS. DAEBEf. Dr. Darrin Dear Sir: I wish to ex press my gratitude to von for the wonder- f ul results your electro magnetic system of cure has done in my case. Two years ago I was stricken down with apoplexy. Numbness and great pain in my bead and neck followed for a long time. Other afflictions came thick and fast. 1 had chills, fever and stomach derangements, causing vomitine for weeks. In short my whole system was thoroughly perme ated with malarial poison, and continued so unui last uctober, when l had a second stroke of naralvsis. Hearing of you I put myself under your care, and now after three months treatment, I re joice to tell you 1 am restored to health, and c?n be referred to at Corvallis. Ore gon. If this will bo of service to you, puDiisnit. mbs. jm. tr. liaioos, A LOATHSOME OATABBU CUBED. Dr. Darrin. Dear Sir: I came to vou for treatment for a disagreeable case of catarrh of seven yeara standing. My head and throat was thoroughly diseased, and it had deranged my stomach and bronchial tubes to that degree that I was partiallv incapacitated to do mv work Alany things in the way of patent medi cines I had tried to no avail. Ycu cured me in two months with home treatment, and I do not begrudge the SCO I paid you. neier poopio to me at saicru, ur. E. ANDEE30N. CASE OT DEAFNESS CUBES. Ed. Statesman Dear Sir: I have boen very deaf for over ten years so I could not hear a watch tick. I called on tho Drs. Darrin at the Chemekete hotel, Salem, Oregon, and have taken a few electro magnetio treatments, and I am now so restored that 1 hear tho watch tick and general conversation. Can be referred to at Salem, Ur. D. W. Eirarrr, COULD NOT BAISE THOU HIS CHUB. Dr. Darrin Sir: I am one of tho lucky ones cured by you of a pain In my back of four years' standing. At timos I could not movo or raise from my chair. uan tie seen at seatco, w. t. A. Jackson'. rOLTPUS CUBED DY EEEOTBICITT. A Card: For more than fifteen years I have been afflicted with nbnormal growth or polypus on the nose. Had tnea various remedies, all to no purpose nntil coming nnder Dr. Darren's treat ment by electricity. He has cured me ana x am supremely happy. 1 am em ployed, at the National Hotel, Front street, Portland, and will be glad to an swer any questions, personally or by letter. J. mooee, A SWEDISH LADl'S EXPEBIEXCE. Editor Oregenian: One year ago tho Cth of October, I came from Pendleton, Oregon, to consult Dr. Darrin for female trouble of ten years' standing, also rheu matism and neuralgia. I was cured with electricity and medicines, by Dr. Darrin, in two months, with homo treatments. I am now living at the Merchant's Hotel, portlana, ana will giaaiy give my expe Hence with the doctors. Mas. CnniSTrsA Makoesek. SHE WOULD KOI TAKE $1,000. To the Public: Six months ago I pub lished a card giving in detail the marvel ous cure Dr. Darrin performed on me by his new electrical treatment, my trouble being a complication of ailments, such as nervous and general debility, heart disease, dyspepsia, liver complaint, and last, but not least, various female troubles in all their complications, which I will gladly describe to any one calling on me, or by letter, at 361 Eighteenth street, Portland. All the above afflic tions are perfectly and permanently cured. I never felt so well in my life. I cannot sav too much in praise of Ur. Darrin. I would not take S1.000 and be placed back where I was before treat ment. A1ES. X. .. JJEWET? AXOTIIEK TJnTtTnrAHT.H CUBE. Editor Oregomon:! wish to express my sentiments regarding Drs. Darrin. I nave ueen nuucieu wuuatut uuujjiiaiub, dvsnensia and malaria. Through their electric and medical treatment I am cured. Beside at tho Metropolis hotel, First street, Portland. E. McMillan. DOCTOBS TECHS OF TREATMENT. Drs. Darrin can be consulted free at the Occident hotel, Astoria, Oregon, and will under no circumstances take a case thev cannot cure or benefit. Consulta tion free. Charges reasonable. The noor treated free from 9 to 10 A. ai. daily. Office hours from 10 to 4 daily; even ings 7 to B: Snnday, 10 to vj. All cnrabie chronic diseases loss of manhood, blood taints, svnhillis. cleet. gonorrhea, atria ture, spermatorrhea, seminal weakness or loss of desire of sexual power in man or woman, catarrh or deafness are confi dentially and successfully treated. Cure of private diseases guaranteed and never published in the papers. Most cases can receive home treatment after a visit to the doctors' office. Inquiries answerod and circulars sent free. MAKKETS. Washington Market. Main Street, Astoria, Oregon. BERUSIAX &. CO, PUOITtlKTOItS flESPECTTFCLLY OALL TflK ATTEN SX Hon of the public to the fact that the auove Market wiualways be supplied with a FULL VAI'JETY AND BEST QUALITY or FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! I Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole' sain and retail. t37-Speclal attention given to supplying eaips. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, -!7"gr"fc.'fcxJ FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CHEXAMCS Street. Astoria, 0. CO TO Thompson & Boss And get some of those No. One California Canned Fruits AND VEGETABLES. We Are Selling Cheap Here'sYonrChancB You Can Euy Lots m RAILROAD ADDITION LOTS AT sto. TO OCEAN PARK At prices froiu $10, $20. SSQ.S10.4 350. Kcra Few Daj-s Only. This Is the best lo cated property on the northwest coast. Is one half mile from Shoal water bay, and a quarter or a mile from the ocean, and the rail road runs along its RESORT. south line. It trill advance In value at once and will double within CO days Best bargains ever offered. At the new town of Sealand, when the road terminates, there Is 45 feet of water at low tide. Plenty of pure fresh water every where. Call and see ROBB & PARKER At onco and secure a lot. E. C. Lewis, Timber Land Broker, Cruiser AND ESTIMATOR. Locator of Government and State Lands. Timber bought and sold ou Commission. Taxes paid and Lands protected from tres pass. Operates In "Washington, Oregon, and California. Correspondence solicited. Astoria, Oregon. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and o. E. Miller, FKOPRIETOUS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage Is solicited. Stockholder's Meeting. TVTOTICE IS HEREBx" GIVEN THAT THE i.1 annual meeting of the stockholders of me Astoria uuuaing ana ixiau Asociaumi. will ba beld at their office. Tuesday. Mav 'Ah. 1889. forthe purpose of electing directors lorme ensuing year ana iransacuag sucu other business as may come befoto the meeting. Election of directors will be held from 2 P. M, until 8 P. M, By order of the president. W. L. KOBE. Secretary. Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF OKEGOX, COUNTY OF Clatsop, S3. liyUrtue of the command of Alex. Gil bert eiidorsed upon a certified copy of a certain chattel mortgage, made and exe cuted by J. E. Plynn, on the 2tth day of Dec. 18S7 In favor ot Alex. Gilbert, to secure a promissory note of even date therewith for the sum of SJT5.00,wlth Interest at the rate ot 10 per cent, per annum, l am on me luiu aay of April. 1885, levy upon the following des cribed personal property, being the proper ty described in and covered bv said mort gage, to-wit : One two-horse truck, one 3K fish Bros, two-horse waeon. one cream colored horse and one gray colored horse. ana notice is nereoy given mai isnui on Saturday, the 20th day ot April, 1889, at the hour ot two o'clock P. M. of said day, at the court house door In said county and state, proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, or so much th-re.f as may be sufficient to satlsly the sum oi tsi3.w witu interest mereou ai me rate of 10 ter cent Der annum Irom the 22d day ot Dec. 1838, together with the costs aim accruing costs. II. A. SMIDT. Sheriff of Clatsop County, Apnl llth, 1839. tw New and Fast Sailing STEAMER, CITY OF AST0EIA. OAPT. J. T. BABBIDGE, ASTORIA, KNAPPA, CLIFTON, and WOODS LANDING. Beginning To-Day, till further notice, will Leave Astoria, Dally, at 2 o'clock r. M. From Wilson & Fisher's wharf. Leave Woods Landing, Thursdays and Fri days at C o'clock a. M., for Astoria and way landings SATURDAYS, to Knappa and return. For Freight and Passage, apply to Cap tain, on board. Astoria, April 9, '89. The Str. Telephone Fast Time Between Portland and Astoria. LEAVE PORTLAND : Foot of Alder Street Dally, except Tuesday, at 1 M a. h. LEAVE ASTORIA: Wilson & Fisher's Dock. Dally, except Tuesday, at 8 KM p. m. J. Abercrombie. (Next door to Carnahan Sc Co.'s.) LABD. HAM, BACON. BUTTER, CHEESE. EGGS, PjULTRY, POTATOES, FISH AND GAME, Fruit, Nuts, and Candles. General Commission Merchant GHENAMUS STREET, - ABTOBIA. Seaside J. H. MANSELL, - REAL ESTATE BROKER, KOTAEY PUBLIC FOB STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Investments made for Outside Parties. Correspondence Solicited. Next W. U. Tclosraph Oflice. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. osJL Book A PULL STOCK OF JLndL ITarief y Agents for the Celebrated Lyon & Healy PIANO AND ORGANS. WHITE -HAS hiSm Up -..Mlig1)MTU) Grin Largest. Finest and Cheapest Line of Goods -IN A3TORIA- And Underselling every house in town. Call and See Us. S-SCHLUSSEL-Eat, - Cor. Genet lec and Chenamus Sts . Astoria, Oregon. SBH - FOR - almim Piiroo oinoc 1 111 II 11 rlIlK rflllrJ llIltJH I 111 fill UUillUy ;almon pound nets, -AND- Fish Nettings of All Kinds By LETTEK or TELEGRAPH shall hare our PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. AMERICAN NET & TWINE CO. Established 1842. Boston, Astoria Iron Irk Concomly St.. Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or Oeucral Machinists and Boiler Maters. Land and Marine Engines BOILER WORK. Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a sPECiAirr. Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. Jon Fox... .-....President, and SuDt. A. L. Fox,-........... Vice President J. Q. Hustles, .....Sec and Treas. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., SUCCESSORS TO County Coroner. Pirst Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and tuneral material Next to ASTOttiAX offlco. Dissolution of Partnership. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between J. W. Surprenant and J. E. Ferguson, doing business under the firm name of Surprenant & Ferguson, con tractors and builders is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. J. E. Ferguson re tiring from the firm. Mr. J. W. Surprenant will continue In buslnoss at the same place, and will pay all Indebtedness and collect all bills due said Arm. J. W. SURPRENANT. J. E. FERGUSON. Dated this Cth day of April, 1889.' OREGON IMPROVEMENT CO. COAL. First Class Nanaimo, S9 per Ton. E. A. NO YES, Agent. jBS-iff ''", ' iJiiIZi& Stor tationer BEAUTIFUL JN Tone Finish", AND Reasonable in Price. Every instrument war ranted for five years. BOUil THE- Mass. Capital, $300,000. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue 7? r. """ .much ujr uu auuitor ana Police Judge of the cityoJ Astoria, in accordant vith nn nrdo, mnAa K .l.A Common Council of the city of Astoria, nanco ordering the Auditor and Police Judge to issue warrants for the colleotion February 26th, 1889; Said warrant bear- ' i""o mu om uuy oi r eoruary, leoa, commanding me to levy upon lot No. 4 in hloclr 12A. in fhn ;to n a...-:.. - laid out and recorded by J. 11. Shivelv. u i-unoui, an BosBasment oi nve ana 75-100 dollars, which assessment was made for tbn imrirnvimf nt n.i1..at..i t... West-6th street and Salmon street by or- 7"" "i ou.iueu an ordinance declariDR the probable cost of improvine Cedar street from 'West 6th street to S5SFI2,i 6treet approved December ISth. i tt ";! iu "ay ieviea upon lot Ho. i in block 125 in Shively'a Astoria, and on Monday, the 22d day of April, 1889, at e. cot bouse door in the city of As- "i """yp wuniy, jreon, will pro ceed to selllot No. 4 in blook No. 125 in Shivelv'a AstnHn. tn tv. i,iu. u.-j ,. therefor, to pay said assessment, costs O. S. gold coin. Astoria, March 2Uth, 1889. W.J.fcABBY, Chief of Police. Free Camping Grounds at Austin's. There la an abnndanr of Hon.. .. trout, oysters and all knda of salt and fresh' Waver H3n Good sate sea bathing, fresh air and the best hunting grounds In America. Campers and visitors can find at my store everything they require lii the way of an vumi. aim piuiuiutA s A first class bar and billiard table are connected with my establishment. Board from $7 to m per week. For particulars call on or address JAS. P. AUSTIN, Store, Seaside, Oregon. Austin's Is open the year round. CANDY Manufactured and For Sale at Wholesale Prices, at The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLETELAXD, Frojr. M Bread, Caie ant Pastry None but the Best Materials Csed. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered la any part ot the city. lluull. Hoiwii Blank Books, All the Latest m IS WHAT YOU GET AT F. oard & Stokes IN Groceries and Provisions. Everything tna Rrst-eiass store ' Extremely Low Figures.; Goods Delivered all over Town. The Highest Prfce Paid for Junk. FOARD & STOKES New York Novelty Store. TT TIB- J . TTT II I OELO . PARKEX. IUU1 lUUUDJf bllfUl WHOLESALE AND ItETAIIi DEALER LN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. 'j Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Frosb. Fruits and Vegetables. BecelvM freah every Steamer. Hughes & Wholesale and Ketall LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of Forelgii and Ho . mestlc Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. H. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val Blatz Bottled Beer. Finest brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Liquors for Medicinal Purpose. Family Trade Solicited. All oiders from the City and Country promptly Idled. Saueuioqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHNKOPP. - - - Proprietor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as HOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any In the Market, AT AH IIKASOXABLE A rHICIl. Tie Nortl Pacific Brewery Beer Is Fore and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and Is Furn ished In Quantities to Suit. Leave orders With A, W. Otzmger next to uerjrman s co.'s, or rrea uoone, next to Foard &. Stokes. Dally Delivery In Any Part of the City. THE COSMOPOLITAN. A. XV. UTZINGEH, Propr. Fine Billiard Tables: Best of Wines and Liquers: Choice Cigars. A Flrst'ciass Place of Social Uesort, Kun In a First Class Manner. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. Ot the Finest of Wines and Liquors ao to Tin: OEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PKOPKIETOB THE Resort Billiard Parlor, OR03BAUER & BRAOII. Prop's. L. FECBEB'S CELEBBATEO Gamhrinus Beer ! ON DEACGHT. Gambrlnus Bottled Beer. J. B. Cotter Whisky. Domestic ana ii.ej- west cigars. Constantly ou hand. Third Street, four doors west ot Telegraph Office, formerly Telephone Bestanrant. ASTORIA, OREGON. GERMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHAR0 LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Gents a Clasp. WW, BOOH, Proprietor, Go Stationery Novelties, CAEl. A. HANSOX Parker & Hanson nnvtoouiu IU o. l. parker, OEALEES IN CEHERAL MERCHANDISE f,ew Goads Arriving Every Steamer this week. WHITE GOODS OVER 30 PATTERNS. The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon AUG. DMIELM, Sample Rooms. Dealer In Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent ror the QTJIOX Steamship Line and he THIXUVALLA Steamship line, direct. Als , agent for "Svenska Trlbunen" ana Svenska Amerlkanaren." Comer of Water and West Ninth Streets Astoria. Oregon. THE GAMBRIMS, Northeast Cor. Lafayetteland First StreeH .V3T0RIA, OKEGON. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars Constantly on hand, A share of tho public patronage soIlclteJ. Large, clean, sunny rooms to rent, up stairs, by the day. week or month. BOENTQEN BROS. Old Corner Saloon 5 riiil. F. Bower, Prop'r. Fine Wines, Liquors Cigars, 101 Chenarant Street, - - AitorU, Of LOEB & CO. Wines, Liprs anfl Cigars. A Large Stock ot FIRST CLASS GOODS. THE TRADE Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately, Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands. Main street Opposite Parker Ilouse, ASTORIA. .--- OREGON. Property Owners, Attention. ORDINANCES havo been passed by the City Council for the Improvement of Benton, Washington and Squemoque streets. The attention of properly owners U hereby called to the foUowInR sectlous of the the Charter of the City In rela tion to granting permits : Sec. 110. Whenever the grade of any street has. been established, tho Com mon Council may authorize the owner or owners of any property thereon to cut down or fill up such street in front of such property according to such grade, at the expense and cost of snch owner. See. 111. Tho authority mentioned In the last section cannot be given after an assessment has been made for the Im provement of the street in front of such property, and in giving such authority tho Council may impose such terms and conditions thereon as may be necessary to secure tho deposit of excavations up on any part of such street as may re quire to be filled up. Any property owners desiring per mits for the improvement of the above named streets must apply on or before the 23rd day of April, 1889, to the com mittee on Streets and rublfc Ways. Jas. W. Welch, Chairman of Committee on" Streets and Pnblic Ways. Street Light Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that bids will be received at the office of the Au ditor and Police Judge until Saturday, April 20UU889, at 1 o'clock p. ir. for 1 Ight nlnetie .streets of the City of Astoria, with gas, eietricity and coal oil. Bids must state the price per light per month.- The committee reserve the right to reject any or all bids. .Us. W. Welch. W-L. ItOBB. I. B. Elbox. Committee on Sts. and Public Ways. Astoria, April 11, '89. Notice. NOIICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT A special election will be held on Thurs day, April 3ith. 1889, at the Hall of Rescue Enelne Co. No. 2. for the purpose of electing a CntePEnetneer of the Astoria Fire Depart ment for tun unexpired term of 1SS3 and 1S89. caused bv the resignation of ji.v. Snyder. Said election to be governed by the rules governlus Department elections. oy oracr O.J.TREKCHARD. Pre-i, A. F, D. E.Z. FERGUSON. 3ec'y. '