-; in VSa&s-- i" ",23 r - ,--t VOL. XXXII NO. :i ASTORTA, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 18. 1881). PRICE jblVE CENTS " - ., -- wr . x jjf a 7 BUSINESS CARDS. 4, A. CliEVEriAaD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oia-e KhvelN uew brick buildluR, comer Second and Cass streets a sta'W. .! I. M31S.T1I. ATTORNEY AT LAW. U3i:e o i Cass street. 2 dojrs luclc of Odd Fellows Building. A-torla, Oregon. OfiEJI KASAOA, ATIOKXEY AT LAW. oaico otor White House Cor.. Astoria, Or. ni:o. xoiiAxn, VTTOHSKY AT IAW. - in Kinney'.s Block, opposite City i Astoria, Oregon. V l UI.TOf . 0. FULTOIf rill.TW BROTHERS. . I'TOUXEYS AT LAW. mi 5 and e. Odd Fellows Building. t. A. BOWtBY. ...f ii) .iii.l Counsellor ut Law i . na Olieuamus Street, Astoria, Oregon i) U. J. ti. LA FOiica., DENTIST. Jlooiui 11 una 12 Odd Fellows Building, xs-roiEIA. - - - - OREGON. I yiSJ. A. L. A5U .1. A. lCIiTOS. Cass street, between 2rd and 4th. Special attention to Diseases of Women and Children, by I)r. A, L. Fulton. Special attention to Surgery, by Dr. J. A. Fulton. Office hours from 10 to U A. sr and 1 to 4 P.M. JAY TCTTliE, 31. D. I "i SIC1AN AND SURGEOH OKjacn Rooms 8 Pythian BuildlnR. Residence : SK comer Wall and West Jth streets, opposite I. W. Case's, A. K. 8IIAW. DENTIST. K.mis iu Allen's Building, up stairs, cur-i-r Cass and juenioqua streets. Astoria rt;oii. M! us. im. o VKS8.niK, Odlco and residence, D, E. Warren's for mer residence, Astoria, Oregon. Diseases flt Women and Children, and of the Ej o and Ejr, specialties. tt.O. B.E HTKS. i'llVMCIAN AND SUKUKON. Special attention to Diseases of Women and Surgery. Hum Opposite Telegraph Office, up Stairs, Astoria, iexon. a. Hiiini, DENTIST. Rooms t and 2 l'jthlan Building over u. u. uojpers&iore. t u. :axELii. NOTARY PUBLIC, Real Estate and Commission Agent. Agent for the American Building and Loan Association, One door west of Telegraph office.. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our cltirrns to send to Portland or Sau Francisco lor Custom Made Clothes As they can get Better Fits. Better Work inatulup.and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. Now Goods by Evory Steamer. Call and See Illm and Satisfy Yourself. P. J Me any. Merchant Tailor, j9lTJO?IO30- AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MABTIN OLSEN, Successor to E. C .Ilolden. The oiaest established Commission House In Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold On com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock of Furniture on hand. When you want Bargains in Household Goods go to MARTIN OLHE.N OEO. M'LEAX. SAM. FKKEMAK. McLean & Freeman. BLACKSMITHS. Seclal Attention paid to all Ship and Steam- uo;u liepamng. HORSESHOEING. Logging Camp Work a-Spcclalty. All kinds of Blacksmlthing done to order. Shop, oorner-Jefferson and Olney streets, jisujiia, uirguu S. ARjSDT & FERCHEN ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop ULACKflMlTH swop' : a "" g Bclier Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, -AtTD STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to, Aspeclaltyaadepf repairing OANNER3E DEES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. H. raesatf:i mmmmm 49-? JHSVJT.fl TfyfJMirir- kij2FpiF Constipation Demands prompt treatment. The re sults ol neglect may be serious. Avoid all harsh and drastic purgatives, the tendency ol which la to weaken the bowels. Tho bes remedy Is Ayera Pills. Being purely vegetable, their action is prompt and their effect always beneficial. .They are an admirable Liver and After-dinner pill, and every, where endorsed by the profession. "Ayes Pills are highly and univer sally spoken of by the people about here. I make daily use of them in ray practice." Dr. I. E. Fowler, Bridge port, Conn. " I can recommend Ayer's Pills above all others, .having long proved their value as a cathartic lor myself and family." J. T. Hess, LeithsviUe, Pa. "For several years Ayer's Pills have been used in my family. "We And them an Effective Remedy for constipation and indigestion, and are never without them in 'the house." mioses urenier, Lowell, Mass. " I have used Ayer's Pills, for liver troubles and indigestion, during many years, and have always found them prompt and efficient in their action." L,. N. Smith, Utica, N. Y. " I suffered from constipation which assumed such an obstinate form that I feared it would cause a stoppage of the bowels. Two boxes of Ayer's Pills ef fected a complete cure." D. Burke, Saco'.'Me. "I have used Ayer's Pills for the past thirty years and consider them an in valuable family medicine. I know of no better remedy for liver troubles, and have always found them a prompt cure for dyspepsia." James Quinn,90 Middle st.,Hartford, Conn. "Having been troubled with costive ness, .which seems inevitable with per sons of sedentary habits, I have tried Ayer's Pills, hoping for relief. I am clad to say that they have served me better than any other medicine. I arrive at this conclusion onlv after a faithful trial of their merits." Samuel T ..Jones, Oak St., Boston, Mass. Ayer's PiIIs? r-EErAltED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Sealers in Medldne. I Without Health can not be enjoyed. THEREFORE USE It is the best helper to Health and the quickest core on Earth. Use it in time for all diseases of the Stomach. Liver, Kidnejs and Skin. It cures Rheumatism, Malaria, Coated Tongue and Headache, relieves Constipation, Bilious ness and Dj spepsia, drives all impurities out of the Blood and driei up old Sores. The Business men buy It, the Wortingmen use it, the Ladies ta. e it, the Children cry for it and the Farmers say it is their best health presen er. Sold everywhere, J i.oo a bottle; six for $s.oo. INSURANCE. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000 COLUMBIA FIRE AN MARIE INSURANCE CO. FRANK DEKCJI President W. H. SMITH Vice-President JOHN A. CHILD Secretary No. 180 Second St., Tortlaud, Or. I. W. Case, Agont, Astoria, Or. Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE IS FUtST CLA88 COMPANIES Representing 813,000,000 PHCENIX, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York, AGENCY PACTPIC EXPRESS CO C. P. UPSHUR, Main Street Wharf - Astoria, Oregon, $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London & Globe. North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial ol California Agricultural, of Watertown.. New York, London Ss Lancashire of Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Represent In a capital of $67,000,000. B. VAX 1CSEX. Agent. Robb & Parker, AGENCY OK Fire and Marine Insurance, With an Aggregate Capital of 310.000,0(10. IMPERIAL, of London. CALIFORNIA;-?! California. CONNECTICUT, of HartfonL. OAKLAND HOME, or Oakland. LION, of London. FIREM AN'S FUND, of California. Agents also for ; TRAVELLERS', of Hartford , . ,. , Life and Accident. Tickets sold for the ALLAN Line of Steamships, from Old Country to Astoria. ROBB & PARKER. At old office of J. O. Bozorth. I. W Gas, BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in any part of the U. 8. and Europe, and on Hong Kong, China Office Hours : 10 a. m. to 3 r. it. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. Fashionable Dressmaking. A NE7 .ESTABLISHMENT, Style and Fit Guaranteed. Onr. aim is o.Ple ise our Patrons., .Tns.patrQuage of. the. Ladies pf Astoria is rATAMfnllr BnTiMtorf rfohwest corner Fourth and Cass streets. Mrs. T. s. Jewatt & Mrs. Blrdsey w SOME THINGS AND OTHERS. Dickinson county, Kan., has a cat ranch. Pineapple cultnre in Florida yields $100 per acre. Brazil has a prohibitory tariff on hand organs and monkeys. Thero are not less than 20,000 Cana dians settled in Chicago alone. The total cost of the. war of the rebel lion was about $7,000,000,000. Fort Worth, '.Texas, has the only big union stock yards south of St. Louis. The .next congress will consist of, 330 representative? and'eighty-f our senators. EdTsoniaysItfiat .only onefourth of the coal is nsfed the rest rocs up the chimney. During 1888 Washington territory raised 6,&H,S33 -pounds ot hops on less than 4,ww acres. Philadelphia suoDorts a rjermanent company of minstrels, and ia the only city in the country that does. It makes Cuba seem nearer to be told that it is only ninety miles from American soil to the walls oi Havana. St. Augustine, Fls., is theoldest civil ized city in the United Stales, having oeen lonnaea Dy tne spaniarasw 1&02. In Buenos Ayres the punishment for theft is death; but tho penalty is only en forced when the criminal becomes in corrigible. Now there is talk of a great "meat trust" under the auspices of that omniv orous monopoly, the Standard Oil com pany. Iowa farmers last year raised enough corn to pay off all the farm mortgages in the state and loave a balanc" of 100,000, 000 bushels. Santa Fe, N.M., -when first visited by the Spaniards in 1M0, was a large Indian pueblo. It is not certainly known when the whites settled there. .Dr. Chille, the well known statistician, states that the average Wo of women is longer."than,that of aTnan, and in most parts ofthe'United States woman's ex pectation bf life 'is "greater. Steamers bound from San Francisco to Auckland and Sydney can break .thoir continuous runs by stops at Honolulu, 2,800 miles; Samoa, 2,450 miles; Auckland, 1,365 miles, and Sydney, 1,200 miles. 'Elephants are Tery much like human beings," Bays Walter Newman, the ele phant trainer; "that is, the females are very much bettor and nicer than tho males, but when a female is bad she is worse than the worst male." During the past half century tho wages of labor hpve about doubled, while food and clothing cost little less than CO per cent of what they cost fifty years ago. These are facts sufficiently known to be beyond any successful contradiction. The best thing in the gift of a presi dent is the place of consul-general to London, and next to that is the consul ship'at Liverpool. These places return S40.000 or 50,000 in fees. Sheffield, Eng land is another plnm. The total distance to be traversed by ships passing from ocean to ocean through the Nicaragua canal, when com pleted, will be about one hundred and sixty-nine miles, which will require, up on as accurate a calculation as can now bo made, about twenty-four hours to complete. One of the most picturesque and re markable bodies of water in the world is Henry's Lake in Idaho. It is situated on the dome of the continent in a depres sion in tho Rocky mountains called Tar gee's pass. It has an area of forty square miles, and all around it rise snow-capped peaks, some of them being the high est of the continent's backbone. What R. U. Insersoll Says. "I would rather go to the forest, far away, and build me a little cabin build it myself and daub it with clay, and live there with my wife and children, and have the winding path leading down to the spring where tho water bubbles out, day and night, whispering a poem to the white pebbles, from the heart of the earth; a little hut with some "hollyhocks at the corner, with their bannered bosoms open to the sun, and a hush in the air like a winged joy I would rather live there and havo some lattice work across the window so that the sunlight would fall checked on the babe in the cradle I would rather live there, with my soul erect and free, than in a palace of gold, and wear a crown of imperial power, and feel that I was a supersti tious, cringing elave and dare not speak my honest thoughts?' 1 m Catarrh Cured, A clergyman, after years ol suffer ing from that loathsome disease, Ca tarrh, and vainly trying every known remedy, at last Xound.fl recipe which completely enredand saved Mm from death. Any sufferer from this dread ful disease sending a self addressed 8tamped.env.erope.to Prof. J. A. Law rence1 83 "Warren St, New York City, will reoeiye tne.regige free,ol charge. The best family remedy is undoubtedly- Pfnnder'a Oregon Blood Purifier, It may be safely given to the infant. aq.well as he adult, and it will give Relief where" other medi cines tailed to do so. Keep it in the house. Pennsylvania, .Nevada and Oregon mine 23 per, cent, of , the w orld's nickel. Loaded with Impurities, your blood needs cleansing with Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. Thn Awentine Rn'imhliV will arun it 000,000 to get emigrants this year. ' i PAr.8' -is the purest and best Soap tCiUC Hemlock Street Improvement Notice NOTICE p hereby given that the Common Council of the city of Astoria Sropose to order the improvement of emIockIreet In the city of Astoria as laid out ad recorded by J. 1L Shively, from tho west side of Salmon street to the eastern limits of the city of Astoria, by replacing all missing piles, plac ing newvstrlngers where deemed neces sary, and by planking the same -with new and spund fir plank: four inches in thickness to avldth of twelve feet on each side ot the. street railway track, said track to be removed to the center of the street Said Improvement to be madeat the expense of the adjacent prop erty. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of. two-thirds of tho prop erty frontingvon said portion of said street be filed "with the auditor and police judgeonjor before ten days from the expiration of this notico to wit: on or before Tuesday, May 7th, at 1 o'clock p. M-,tho Common Council will order said Improvement to bo made. By orderof the Common Council. " yAttest; T.-SJewett, ,,., 'Auditor andJEoIlfce Judge. Astoria, April 14th, 188ft, - " THIS BEATS THE RECORD. A Sawmill Stolen and Carried to Canada. A Sanlt Ste Marie, Mich., special says A tremendous sensation was created here: to-dayby the arrival of a deputy sheriff from Detour, a point on the St Mary's river sixty miles from here, with the news of the bodily theft of a saw mill building, including machinery, etc The officer came overland with a dog team. He says the Moiles Bros., well known lumbermen, arrived at Detour last Mon day with a tug, two towing barges and nearly two hundred men, and immedi ately began the work of tearing down the mill and loading it on the scovs. They had all the machinery and most of the mm loaaea wnen me sheriff left. The mill was owned by the Moiles Bros., but was mortgaged to Hurd & Hovenstino. of Buffalo for $60,000. A contract was drawn np between the parties to the eneci mat ma juoues snouia saw G.UUU, 000 feet of lumber each season during the pendency of the loan for nurd cE ttavensteinat 2.50 per 1,000; and another provision was made by which the mortgage obtained a fat rake off of SI per thousand from nil logs sawed in which they had no interest and daring the pendence of the loan. These papers were drawn up September 18, 1888, and were placed on record at the court house October 23, of the samo year. During 1885. the tiartiea had n bickering time of it doing business as BDove specinea, ana atter a futile attempt to settle, Hurd it Havensteinbeuan mort gage foreclosure proceedings in the Unit edStates court, February 4, 188G. Moiles uros. tooK opposing steps, ana no result has been reached beyond recent denoue ments. To avoid further entangle ments the Moiles determined to de camp to Canada. Their destination is on the Spanish river, on the Georgian bay. Judge Steere granted an injunc tion to-day, and an officer was dispatched with an order for their apprehension. Thevnro nrobablv well on tlfmr wmr tn Georgian bay by this time. The tclo- grapn lines are cut and there 19 no com munication with Detour. Nothing in history .equals the move in boldness. The mill was worth 100,000 and had a capacity of 125,000 feet a day. Excited Sealew. Victoria, April 16. Sealers are very much concerned about the announcement from Washington that nil vessels seal ing in Behring sea waters will be seized. Hunters and sailors are objecting to go ing on a cruise under the present circum stances. It is believed that a war vessel will enter Behring sea to protect British sealers, but no definite statement has been made to thnt effect. Tho scalers claim that while tho United States gov ernment sends forth a proclamation, and there is a general bragging of what will be done, Great Britain, and Canada have said nothing in the matter, nor informed the public what answer they intend to give, or the stand they will take this year, or whether they will protect British sealing interests. Sealing schooners that go into .Behrinc sea will be armed. and they will not tamely submit a3 be fore to piratical attacks of Amoricnn cut ters. They believo, though, that they should bo afforded protection by the naw. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria (Vhen Baby was sick, wo gavo her Castoria. When she was a Child, sho cried for Castoria, iVhen sha became Siss, sho clung to Castoria, Then she had Children, she gave thom Cast oris There are schools for dnncos in Germany, at which d nil children re ceive instruction suited to their ca pacity. Occasional Faintuess. DR. FLINTS REMEDY, will eonlrol hemorrhage from the stomach and bow els, which is often dependent on too great a supply sent tlrther by a heart that has some form of disease. Descrip tive treatise with each bottle ; or, address Mack Drug Co., N.T. West Sixth Street Improvement Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Com mon Council propose to order the Im provement of that portion of West Sixth street in the city of Astoria as iaiu uui anu recorueu uy j. ji. sniveiy In Clatson countv. Oregon, from tlm south side of Water street to the south siae 01 ueuar street, by removing all de fective piles, caps and stringers and re placing them with new and sound piles, caps and stringers, and by inking it to the established gradeand by planking the same with new and sound fir plank four inches in thickness to the full Width of the streit nnl liv hnlMintr sidewalks on both sides of said portion 01 s,i;u street, oaia improvement to he made at the expense of the adjacent property. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the propcrpty fronting on said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judce within tpn davs after the final publication of this notice, to wit; On or before Saturday April 20thti880 the Common Council will order said improvement to be made. uy oraer or tne common Council. Attest: T.-S. Jewktt. Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria March 29th 1889. - CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice is herebv civen that bv virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and PoIiceTJndge of .the City of Astoria, in accordance with an order made by the Common Council of the City of Astoria, by ordinanco No. 1063, entitled anjordi nance ordering tho Auditor and Police Judge to Issue warrants for the collec tion of Cedar street assessments, ap proved February 26th, 1889. Said war rant bearing date tho 28th day of Feb ruary, 1889, commanding mo to levy upon lot No. 1 in block. No. 138, in the City of Astoria as laid.out and recorded by J. M. Shively. to collect an assess ment of twenty-three dollars, which as sessment was made for the improve ment of Cedar street between Wcst-Cth street and Salmon street by ordinance No. 1065, entitled an ordinance declar ing the probable cost of improving Ce- uar sueei. irum vt esi-wn street to saimon street approved December 13th, 1888, 1 have this day levied upon lot No. 1 in block No. 138. In Shivelv's Astoria, and on Monday, tho 22ddayof April, 1889, at one o'clock P. M. of said day in front of the court house door in the City of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will proceed to sell lot No. 1 in block N o. 138, in oniveiya jisiouii, 10 we mgiiest Diu dcr therefor, to nav said assessment. costs .and expenses of sale Said sale to oe-ior.uuj. goiu coin. Astoria, March 20th, 1888. W.J. BARRY, Chief ofPollce. Sa5iurrtw "iii WDER Absolutely Pure- This powder never vanes, A marvel of purity, strength and w holesomeness. More economical than the on! inary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos Bhite powders. Sold only in cans. Royal akivo Powdep.Co. 10c V'all-st.. N, 1 . U.W.CROwLKr&Co. : gents. Tortland, Oregon. CIITSI9. F.VEXSOX. F. COOK THE EVENSON & COOK. On the European Plan. LA11GE CLEAN ROOMS. A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Prlvato Rooms for ramilles Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, rish. Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order, WATKitru.. Upp. Foard & Stokes A FIRST GLASS SALOON ltun in connection with the rremlsos. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good TiiUUrd Tables and Private Card Rooms. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notico is hereby given that by virtuo of a warrant issued by tho Auditor and Polico Jndge of tho city of Astoria, in accordance with an order mado by the Common Council of the city of Astoria, by ordinance No. 1068, entitled an ordi nanco ordering the Auditor and Polico Judgo to issue warrants for the collection of Cedar street assessments, approved February 2Gth, 1889. Said warrant bear ing date the 28th day of February, 1889, commanding' me to Jevy upon lot No. 4 in block No. 123 in the city of Astoria as laid out and recorded bv J. M. Shively, ta collect an assessment of twenty-three dollars, which assessment wa3 made for the improvement of Cedar street between Wcst-Cth street and Salmon street by or dinanco No. 1065, entitled an ordinanco declaring tho probable cost of improving Cedar street from West-Cth Btreot to Salmon street, approved December 13th, 1888, 1 have this day levied upon lot No. 4 in block No. 122 in Shively's Astoria, and on Monday, the 22d day of April, 1889, at one o'clock P. M- of said day in front of the court house door in the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will proceed to sell lot No. 4 in block No. 122 in Shively's Astoria, to the highest bid der therefor, to pay said assessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said sale to be for D. S. gold coin. Astoria, March 20tb, 1889. W. J. BABRY, Chief of Police. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notico is hereby given that by urtue of a warrant issued bv tho Auditor and Police Judge of the Citv of Astoria, in accordance with an order made by the Common Council of the citv of Asto'ria. by ordinance No. 1063, entitled an ordi nance ordering the Auditor and Police Judge to issue warrants for the collec tion of Cedar- street assessments, ap proved February 26th, 1889. Said war rant bearing date tho 28th day of Feb ruary, l&ey, commanaing me to levy upon lot No. 3 In block No. 139, in the Citv of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J.M. Shively, to collect an assess ment 01 twenty-tnree uonars, wmen as sessment was made for the improvement of Cedar street between West-Cth street and Salmon street by ordinance No. 1065, entitled an ordinance declaring the probable cost of improing Cedar street from Wcst-Cth" street to Salmon street, approved December 13th, 18S8, I have tins dav levied upon lot No. 3 in block No. 139 in Shively's Astoria, and on Slonday, the '22(1 nay 01 April, ltsau, at one o'clock P. jr. of said day m front of the court house door in tho city of As toria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will pro ceed to'selMot No. 3 In block No. 139 In Shively's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, cost and expenses of sale.. Said sale to be tor U. S. gold coin. Astoria, March 20th, 1889. XV. J. BAP.RY, Chief of Police. Roadway Market. P. O'HARA, Prep'r: Opposite Foard & Stokes. A First-Class Meat Shop. Fresh and Salt Meats All Purchases Delivered In any Part of the City. TILLAMOOK, Shoalwater Bay and Gray's Harbor The P. & C. S. S. Co.'s Steamer "ALLIANCE," Will sail from POr.TLAKD as follews: GUAY'S HAIIBOR Thursday, October i. 11, 18 and 23. November 1, 8, 13, 22 and 29, December 6, 13, 20 and 27. SHOALWATEK BAY-October i and 18. November 1.15 and 29. December 13 and 27. TILLAMOOK Monday October 1.15 and 2D. November 12 and 2G.- December 10 and 2L Steamer leaves Portland, from foot of C street at 8 P. M. on above dates. Astoria 8 A M, the following, morning. The Company reserves lhe right to change time and place of sailing. F. K. STRONG, President. C.P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. 8 ft I gSA i CASH. GOODS MARKED IS PLAIN FIGURES. SFXU1TG, 1889. Yes, gentle spring a?aln Is here ; The grass Is green that once was sere : The merry robin "yip" with glee ; The merry urchin grins to see The coatless dude that calmly glues Bun chest-protectors on his shoes. If these shivering and bralnless'flirts Would wear one of my Patent Chest-Shield shirts, They would not shake so when upon the street. And wear buff chest-protectors on their feet. TheovertlheliM5!Sne 0t m Fur FeltHats AniLmJ.J?i,rlDe ercoats d laugh over their brain while In rains. To hearspme of the merchants call the fish- When thev weaTdil Clothing Instead of Umbrellas. To shake them by the hands, call everyone Anflt4t1i.'n:efm they seI1 CTerythIng less than cueaper to ouy 11. I. Ii. OSGOOD'S, CLOTHISG, HAT ASD FUnXISIinfG GOODS ST0BF. Opposite liescue Engine ilouse. &St03?iS.y OrgOH. Street Cars running bv the door. WJlal. -AND- CEILING DECORATION ,VofltSbrol1?W?Jl:liaper,anaDecorat,on3of the latest styles and shades juskreceived direct from Eastern factories. Also a large assortment of OARPETS, Of all grades in beautiful now designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call and examine. CHAS. HRILRnRNT. The New Model Range C AJ(T BE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF IS. R. HAWES, Afient. Call and Examine It; You Will be Pleased. E.B. nav.es Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. FIRE BRICK dealer ih FIRE CLAY Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Brici, Cement, M aM Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. Drajlns, Teaming nd Express Business. TEE 3pply to the Captain, or to J attains ! -IN- Canned Goods AT HEADQUARTERS Astoria Crocory and Canned Coods Co., At Old I. X. L Corner, Opposite Parker House. XXb IXEb HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE VIENNA C. W. Fisher & Co., Prop's. Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO ORDER- Fino Prlvato Rooms. JEverythlne Irst Class. Genevieve Street, rear of Griffin & Reed's. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Seaside Bakery. Best Milli Bread and CARES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturers of Fine Candles. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Candles. JOHNSON, JBROM. Virginia Cigar anfl Tolmcco Store J. W. BOTTOH, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. Fine Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers Articles, Sold at Lowest Market Bates. FRurra.cAironis hotioh3.&o Restaurant aii Clop ONE PRICE. But wait until the salmon all sleep in their cans. Then the fishermen's money Is the same as another man's. Is it a wonder that a dude laughs to hear the story How the merchants now days have to work for vain glory? It is enough to make them all laugh, and others too; But It simply reminds me of a story 111 relato Of a Osherman whoso pole was made of a uwn 11 juu. AndwhSse U& v?m': made ot the finest of leather ; AnchWees81)aite(1 hb ll00k wIth a nlbW l And at on a town lot and bobbed tor fleas. MORAL While in this world we all have to fish, or cither cut bait, And when we need anything whatever. It Is WM.W I IM MMUlMal STEAMER GLARi PARSER Eben P, Parker, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAK. 11. B. PAHKEK. f mmm and Groceries. Is the Leading and Only First-Glass RESTAURANT. Good Cooking. Clean Services. Reasonable Trices. .Polite Walters. Prompt Attention. Try Him and You will ba More than Satisfied, Everybody Says So, Private Rooms. SLAIN STREET, - - - ASTORIA. The Astor House, E.E.ROSS, - PROPRIETOR. Newly Repainted. Repaired, Refitted, Re furnished and Thoroughly Renovated, A Large, Clean, -he- WfiB-tojt House. BATES: From a Dollar a Day Upwards. First-class in all Its appointments, clean. neat, sunny rooms, well tarnished and well kept. YOU ABE INVITED TO OALU lar-Free Coach to and from the Houw, THATCHER. 1 - r y ( .ri&SrfV-