The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 17, 1889, Image 4

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f&to gaify ggfotftw.
.APIJU. 17. 18S9.
hero id. I Klr-ft. Second.
i 2 L 2 2 2
p i a ; h I a h s h I
i T? 5 5
I7 1
1 2a IS Ol 2 0
8 as
9 23
10 2-5
19 29
2 27
-0 5
-0 0
8 02
8 43
9 St
10 28
12 40
2 9J
3 01
4 63
7 26
8 3)
3 21
4 13
5 2j
0 47
Tlw Hours uetween raiduisnt ami noon are
designated by o (a. m.), those between noon
asA midnight by p (p. m.). Oft. oum.a denotes
ui''ingut, vh. Own. p denotes noon.
Tne height Is reckoned Irom the level of
average Iowpi low waters to which the sound
lnis are lven on the Coast Survey charts.
Temple Lolgo, No. 7A.F.A.LI.
llrstand third Tuesdajs In each XX
month, at 7? o'clock, p. ji., at thev
Uall In Astoria. Members of .the order hi
good standing are Im Ited to attend..
By order M the W.M.
Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O.P.
catnpment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the
I)J;e, lu tho Odd Fellows Building, at
ccven r M., on the second and fourth
Mondays of each mouth. Sojourning breth
ren coidlall) Invited.
By order C. P.
Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W.
Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held
in iheir Ilall In Pythian Castle, on
Saturday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock.
Members of the order in good standing, and
Tisiuns Brothers are Invited to attend. Li
brary will be open fifteen minutes before
and after each meeting. By order M. W.
W. B. BOSS, Itec.
Select Knights of A. O. TJ. W,
western Legion No. 2, will be held at
their headquarters in Pythian Castle every
Thursda at 7 0 r. m. Members of the Le
gion In good standing, and visiting com
radesare invited toattend. Drill each month.
Bj older of commander.
W. B. ROSS, Rec,
Astor Lodge No. O, K. or P.
JLX nesday cvonii g at 7 30 p. M. at Pythian
Castle. Sojourning Knights In good stand
mi; cordial! invited to attend.
By order C O.
Kof K. and S.
Scandinavian Benevolent Society.
ty at their rooms in Pythian bulldlne
at eight o'clock r M.. on the second and
fourth luesdays of each month,
AUG. DANIELSON, Secretary.
Company H.O.N. G.
JX day evening. Regular meetings first
Wednesday of each month at 8 p. m
Astoria Building & Loan Association
JL Association a-c held at 8 P. M.. on the
first Wednesday of each month. OWccon
Gencviate street, south of Chenamus.
Xf. L. KOBB.
Common Council.
Xli fourth Tuesday evenings of each month
at 7Vi o'clock.
E5"Tersons desiring te have matters acted
upon by the Council, at any regular meet
ing must present the same to the Auditor
and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening
Erior to the Tuesday on which the Council
olds lis regular meeting.
Auditor and Clerk.
Notice is hereby civen that by virtue
of a warrant issued by tho Auditor and
Police Judge of the city of Astoria, in
accordance with an order made by the
Common Council of the city of Astoria,
by ordinance No. IOCS, entitled an ordi
nance ordering the Auditor and Police
Judge to issue warrants for tho collection
of Cedar street assessments, approved
February 2Gth, 1839. Said warrant bear
ing date the 23th day of February, 18S9,
commanding mo to levy upon lot No. 5
in block No. 125 in the city of Astoria as
laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively,
to collect an assessment of five and 75-100
dollars, which assessment was made for
the improvement of Cedar street between
Vest-Gtb street and Salmon street by or
dinance No. 1005, entitled an ordinance
declaring tho probable cost of improving
Cedar street from West-Gth street to
Salmon street, approved December 13th
18S3, 1 have this day It-vied upon Io' No.
5 in block No. 125, in Shively 'a A-tjrin,
and on Monday,- the 22d day of April,
18S9, at one o'clock P. M. of said d,i in
front of tho court house door in the the
city of Astoria, Clatsop county. Oregon,
will proceed to sell lot No. 5 in block No.
125 in Shively'3 Astoria, to tho highest
bidder therefor, to pay said assessment,
costs and espouses of sale. Said sale io
e for C. S. gold coin.
Astoria, March 20th, 1SSD.
Chief of Police.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the cityot Astoria, in
accordance with an order made by the
Common Council of the city of Astoria,
by ordinance No. 1068, entitled an ordi
nance ordering tho Auditor nnd Police
Judgo to issue warrants for tho colleotion
of Cedar stro6t assessments,, approved
February 23th. 1880' Said warrant bear
ing dato the 28th day of February, 1889,
commanding mo to levy upon lot No. 4
in block 125, in tho city of Astoria ns
laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively,
to collect an assessment of fivo and 75-100
dollars, which assessment was made for
tho improvement of Cedar street between
Vr'est-Cth street and Salmon street by or
dinance No. 10C5, entitled an ordinance
declaring the probable cost of improving
Cedsr street from West Cth street to
Salmon street, approved December 13th,
1833, 1 have this day levied npon lot No. 4
in block 125 m Shively's Astoria, and on
Monday, the 22d day of April, 1880, at
one o'clock P. M. of said day in front of
Sie court house door in the city of As
toria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will pro
ceed to sell lot No. 4 in block No. 125 in
Shively's Astoria, to the highest bidder
therefor, to p3y said assessment, costs
and expenses of sale. Said salo to be for
U. S. gold coin.
Astoria. March 20thl8SD.
Chief of Police.
Sheriff's Sale;
Clatsop, ss.
By virtue of the cohimand of Atex. Gil
bert eiidorsed upon a certified copy of a
certain chattel mortgage, made and exe
cuted by J. E. Flynn, n the 2lth
day cf Dec 1S87 lu favor of Alex.
Gilbert, to secure a promissory
note of even date therewith for the
sum of S3T5.00.wlth Interest at the rate of 10
per cent, per anuum. I did on the 10th day
of April. 18S9, levy upon the foUowlng des
cribed personal property, being the proper
ty described in and covered by said mort
gage, to-wit : One two-horse truck, one 3Ji
Fish Bios, two-horse waion. one
colored horse and one gray colored horse.
ana nouce is nereoy given mat l snail on
Saturday, the 20th day of April. 18S9, at the
hour of two o'clock P. M, of said day, at the
court house door In said county and state,
proceed to sell the same at public auction to
the hizbest bidder for cash, or so much
thercf as may be sufficient to satisfy the
sum of $375.00 with Interest thereon "at the
rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 22d
day of Dec. 18S8," together with the costs
ana accruing costs.
Sheriff or Clatsop County,
April Uth, MW. 4w
Bright clear complexion
Soft healthful skin
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of. the city of Astoria, In
accordance with an order made by the
Common Council of the city of Astoria,
by ordinance No. 1063, entitled an .ordi
nance ordering the Auditor and Police
Judge to issue warrants for the collec
tion of Cedar street assessments, ap
proved "February 2Cth, 1889. Said war
rant bearing date the 28th day of Feb
ruary, 1889, commanding mo to levy
upon lot No. 3 in blo:k No. 121 in the
city of Astoria as laid out and recorded
by J. M. Shively. to collect an assess
ment of.twenly-three dollars, which as
sessment was made for the improvement
of Cedar street between U"et-Cth street
and Salmon street by ordlnanco No.
10G5, entitled an ordlnanco declaring the
probable cost of improving Cedar street
from W"est-6tli street to Salmon street,
approved December lath, 1S88, I have
tins day levied upon lot No 3 in block
No. 121 in Shively's Astoria, and on
Monday the 22d day of April, 1889, at
ono o'clock P. M. of said day in front of
the court bouse door in the city of As
toria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will pro
ceed to sell lot No. 3 in block No. 121 in
Shively's Astoria, to the highest bidder
therefor, to pay said assessment, costs
and expenses of sale. Said sale to bo
for U.S. gold coin,
Astoria, March 20tb, 1889.
Chief of Police.
Notice is hereby given that by-virtue of
a warrant issued by the Auditor and Po
lice Jndge of the City of Astoria, in ac
cordance with an order made by the
Common Council of the city of Astoria,
by ordinanco No. 10G8. entitled an ordi
nance ordering-the Auditor and Police
Jndge to issue warrants for the colleo
tion of Cedar street assessments, ap
proved February 2Gth, 1889. Said war
rant bearing dato the 28th day of Febru
ary, 1889, commanding me to levy upon
lot No. 4 in blocklio. 121, in tho city of
Astoria as laid out and recorded by J". M.
Shively, to collect an assessment of
twenty-three dollars, which assessment
was made for the improvement of Cedar
street between Vest-6th street and Salm
on street by ordinance No. 10C5, entitled
an ordinance declaring the probable cost
of improving Cedar street from West-Cth
street to Salmon street, approved Decem
ber 13th, 18S8, 1 have this day levied upon
lot No. 4 in block No. 121 in Shively's As
toria, and on Monday, the 22d day of
April, 18S9, at one o'clock P. M. of said
day in front of the court house door in
the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Ore-'
Ron, will proceed to sell lot No. 4 in block
No. 121 in Shively's Astoria, to the high
est bidder therefor, to pay said assess
ment, costs and expenses of sale. Said
salo to bo tor V. a. gold. com.
Astoria, March 20th, 1889.
Chief of Police.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Jndge of tho city of Astoria, in ac
cordance with an order made by the
Common Council of tho city of Astoria,
by ordinance No. 10C8, entitled an ordi
nance ordering the Auditor and Police
Judge to issue warrants for the collection
of Cedar street assessments, approved
February 26tb, 1889. Said warrant bear
ing date the 28th day of February, 1889,
commanding mo to levy npon lot No. 6
in block No. 133 in the city of Astoria as
laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively,
to collect an assessment of twenty-three
dollars, which assessment was made for
tho improvement of Cedar street between
West-6th street and Salmon street by or
dinance No. 10G5, entitled an ordinance
declaring.tbo probable cost of improving
Cedar street from West-Cth street to
Salmon street; approved December 13th
1888, 1 have this day levied upon lot No.
6 in block No. 133 in Shively's Astoria,
nnd on Monday, tho 22nd day of April,
18S9, at ono o'clock P. M- of said day in
front of tho court houso door in the city
of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon; will
proceed to sell lot No. G in block No. 133
in Shively's Astoria, to tho highest bid
der therefor, to pay said assessment,
costs and expenses of sale. Said salo to
ba for U. S. gold coin.
Astoria, March 20th, 1689.
Chief of Police.
Lafayette Street Improvement
.NOTICE Is hereby given that the
Common Councilof the Uty of Astoria.
Clatsop county, state of Oregon, pro
pose to order the improvement of that
portion of Lafayette street in the city
of Astoria, Clatsou couuty, Oregon, as
laid out and recorded by JohnMcClure,
from the south side of Astur street to
one hundred feet norih of the north
side of Concomly street, by removing
all plank and timbers now in said por
tion of sald.street, and grading audlill
ing the same to its" lull width", with
earth to Us established grade, and by
planking the same to its full width
with new and sound fir -plank four
inches in thickness, and by building
side walks on both sides thereof. Said
improvement to be made at the expense
of the adjacent property. And unless
a remonbtrahce signed, by the owners
of two-thirds of the property adjacent
to said portion of said street be filed
with tho Auditor and Pollco Judge
within ten days 6f the final publication
of this notice, to wit: on or before
Monday, -May 6tb, 1889, the Common
Council will order said improvement
to be made.
By order of the Common Counci.
Attest : T. S. J ewett.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria. April lOtli. 1SS9.
To Whom It May Concern.
Notice is hereby given that by order
of the-common council 1 will pay a re
ward of S2.50to "any boy" who will im
pound at the city ponnd, at Mrs. O'Bri
en's stable, any cow, found running at
large within the corporate limits of the
city of Astoria, contrary to the pro
visions of tho ordinance prohibiting
cows from ruuning at large.
W. J. Barry,
Chief of Police.
Astoria, Aiarcn 29tn '89.
Savlng Service, Washington, D. C,
March 19,1889.
Sealed proposals will be received at this
office until 2 o'clock p. a, of Wednesday.
April 21. 1889. for the construction of a Llf e
Savlng station at Point Adams, Oregon. "
Plans and specifications containing full
Information, and forms of proposal, can be
obtained from- the Collectors of Customs
Astoria andPortland, Oregon ;Superintend
ent Twelfth Life-Saving l)istrlct. Apprais
er's Building, San Francisco, California,;
Superintendents ot Construction Xite-Sav-Ing
Stations. Pacific Coast, 2 State street.
New YorK .City, and npon applle&tlon to
this office. S,l. KIMBALL, Gensral Superintendent,
Fair white hands.
Great English Complexion SOAP, Sold Everywhere'
Notice is hereby given that bv virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of tho city of Astoria, in
accordance with an order made by the
Ordinance, number 10fi8 entitled an or
dance orderiug the Auditor and Police
Judge to Issue warrants for the collec
tion of Cedar street assessments, ap
proved February 2Cth 1889. Said war
rant bearing date the 28th day of Feb
ruary 1889, commanding me to levy
upon lot number 2 in block 112 In the
city of Astoria as laid out and recoi ded
by J. M. Shively to collect an as
sessment of twenty-three dollars, which
assessment was made for the Im
provement of Cedar street between West
Cth street and Salmon street by Ordin
ance number 10C3 entitled an or
dinance declaring the probable eot
of improving- Cedar street from West
uth street to Salmon street, approved
December 13th 18SR. I have this day
levied upon lot number 2 In block num
ber 112 in Mnvely's Astoria, ami on
Monday the 22nd day of April, 18S9. at
one o'clock r. sr. of said day in front of
the couit house door in the city of As
toria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will nro
ceed to sell lot number 2, in block
number 112 in Shively's Astoria, to the
highest bidder therefor, to pay said
assessment, costs and expenses of sale.
Said sale to be for U. S. gold coin.
Astoria, March 20th 1839.
Chief of Police.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the-Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, in
accordance with an order made by the
Common Council of the Ciiy of Astoria,
by ordinance No. 1008, entitled an ordi
nance ordering the Auditor and Police
Judge to Issue warrants for Hie collec
tion of Cedar street assessments, ap
proved February 2Cth, 1889. Said war
rant bearing date the 23th day of Feb
ruary, 1889, commanding mo to levy
upon lot No. 4 in block No. 138, in the
City of Astoria as laid out and recorded
by J. M. Shively, to collect wi assess
ment of twenty-threo dollars, which as
sessment was mado for the Improve
ment of Cedar street between West-Cth
streot and Salmon street by ordinance
No. 10C5, entitled an ordinance declaring
the probable cost of improving Cedar
street from West-Cth street to Salmon
street, approved December 13th, 1883, 1
have this day levied upon lot No. 4 in
block No. 133 in Shively's Astoria, nnd
on Monday, the 22d day of April, 1889, at
one o'clock P. M. of said day in front of
the court house door in the City of As
toria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will pro
ceed to sell lot No. 4 in block No. 138, m
Shively's Astoria, lo the highest bidder
therefor, to pay said assessment, costs
and expenses of sale. Said sale to be
for U. S. gold coin.
Astoria, March 20th, 1889.
Chjif of Police.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of tho City of Astoria, in
accordance with an oruer made by the
Common Council of the City of Astoria,
by ordinance No. IOCS, entitled an ordi
nance ordering the Auditor and Police
Judge to Issue warrants for the collec
tion of Cedar street assessments, ap
proved February 2Gth, 1888. Said war
rant bearing date the 28th day of Feb
ruary. 1889, commanding me to levy
upon lot No. 3 in block No. 138 in the
City ot Astoria as laid out and recorded
by J. M. Shively, to collect au assess
ment of twenty-three dollars, which as
sessment was mado forthe Improvement
of Cedar street between West-Cth street
and Sal mou street by ordinance No. 10C5,
entitled an ordlnauco declaring the
probable cost of Improving Cedar street
from West-Cth street to Salmon street,
approved December 13th, 1888, 1 have
this day levied upon lot No. 3 in block
No. 133, in Shively's Astoria, and on
Monday, the 2-Jd day of April, 18S9, at
one o'clock P. M. of said day in iront of
tho court house door in the City of As
toria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will pro
ceed to sell lot No. 3 in block No. 138 in
Shively's Astoria, to the highest bidder
therefor, to pay said assessment, costs
and expenses ot sale, said sale to be
for TJ. S. gold coin.
Astoria, March 20lh, 1889.
Chief of Police.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by tho Auditor and
Police Judge of tho city of Astoria, in
accordance with au order made by the
Common Council of the city of Astoria,
by ordinance No. IOCS, entitled an ordi
nance ordering the Auditor and Police
Jndge to issue warrants for the collection
of Cedar street assessments, approved
February 26tb,lSS9. Said warrant bear
ing date tho 28th day of February, 1889,
commanding me to levy npon lot No. 1
iti block No. 139 in the city of Astoria as
laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively,
to collect an assessment of twenty-three
dollars, which assessment was" made for
tho improvement of Cedar street between
West-Gth street and Salmon street by or
dinance No. 1065, entitled an ordinance
declaring the probable cost of improving
Cedar street from West-Cth 6treet to
Salmon street", approved December 13th,
1888, 1 have this day levied upon lot No.
1 in block No. 139 in Shively's Astoria,
end on Monday, the 22d day of April,
1SS9, at one o'clock P. M. of said day in
front of the court bouse door in the city
of.Astorio, Clatsop county, Oregon, will
proceed to sell lot No. 1 in block 139 in
Shively's Astoria, to the highest bidder
therefor, to pay said assessment, costs
and expenses of sale. Said sale to be for
U.S. gold coin.
Astoria, March 20th, 18S9.
Chief of Polioe.
Viriiaia Cigar and Totacco Store
J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor,
Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney.
Floe Cigan, Tobacco and Smoiers Articles,
Sold at Lowest Market Rates.
XI undera'gned has applied to the County
court of Clatsop county, Oregon, to have
his name changed to John E.Parmer, and
that his petition therefor has been. set bv
said court for bearing -on Saturday, April
13th, 16S9, at nine o'clock a. m.
Dated April 2nd, 1S89,
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, in
accordance with an order made by the
Common Council of the City ot Astoria,
by ordinance No. 10G3, entitled an'ordl
nance ordering the Auditor and Police
Judge to issue warrants forthe collec
tion of Cedar street assessments, ap
proved February ,2Gth, 1889. .-aid war
rant bearing date the 28th day of Feb
ruary, 1689, commanding me- to levy
upon lot No. 1, in block No. 122, In tho
City of Astoria as laid out and n-CQrded
by J. M. Shivelv, to collect- n assess
ment of twenty-three dollars, which as
sessment was made for tho Improve
ment.of I'edar street between West-Cth
street and Salmon street by ordinance
No. 10C5, entitled an ordinance declar
ing the probablo cost of Improving Ce
dar street from West Gth street to Salm
on street, approved December 13th, 1883,
I havo this day levied upon lot No. 1 in
block No. 122, in Shively's Aitoria, and
on Monday, tho 22d day of April, 1889,
at one o'clock P. M. of said day in front
of the court houso door in the City of
Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will
proceed to sell lot No. 1 in block No. 122,
in Shively's Astoria, to the highest bid
der therefor, to pay said assessment,
costs and expenses of sale. Said -ale to
be for U. S. gold com.
Astoria, Maich 20th,18S9.
Chief of Police.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant Issued by tho Auditor and
Police Judgo of the City of Astoria, in
accordance witli an order made by the
Common Council of tho City of Astoria,
by ordinance No. 1068, entitled an ordi
nance ordering the Auditor and Police
Judge to issue warrants for the collec
tion of Cedar street assessments, ap
proved February 2Cth, 1889. Said war
rant bearing date the 28th day of Feb
ruary, 1839, commanding me to levy
upon lot No. 2 in block No. 122, in the
City of Astoria as laid out and lecorded
by J. M. Shively. to collect an assess
ment of twenty-three dollars, which as
sessment was made for tho fmprove
ment of Cedar street between West-Cth
street and Salmon street by ordinance
No. IOCj, entitled an ordinance declar
ing the probable cost ot improving
Cedar street from West-Cth street to
Salmon street, approved December 13th,
1883, 1 have this dav levied upon lot No.
2 m block N'o. 122 in Shively's Astoria,
and on Monday, the 22d day of April,
1889, at one o'clock P. M. of said day in
front of the court house door in the City
of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will
proceed to sell lot No. 2 In block No.
122 in Shively's Astoria, to the highest
bidder therefor, to pay said assessment,
costs and expenses of sale. Said sale to
be for U. S. gold coin.
Astoiia, -March 20tli. 18S9.
Chief of Police.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
ronce juugeoitiie city ot Astoria, in
accordance with an order niacin In lin
Common Council of th city of Astoria,
by Ordinance number 1063. entitled an
Ordinance ordering the Auditor and Po
lice Judgo to issue warrants for the col
lection ot Cedar street assessments ap
proved February 26th, 1889, said war
rant bearing date the 2Sth day of Feb
ruary, iBtai, commanaing me to levy up
on lot number 6, in block number 122,
in the city of Astoria as laid out and
recorded by J. M. bhivrly, to collect an
assessment of twenty-three dollars,
which assessment was made forthe im
provement of Cedar street between
West 6th street and salmon street hv
Ordinance number 1003, eutitled an or
dinance declaring the probablo cost of
improving yeuar street lroni west Cth
street to Salmon street, approved De
cember I3:h. 1883, 1 have this day levied
upon lot number C m block number 122,
in Shively's Astoria, and on Monday,
the 22nd d.iy of April, 1880,at ono o'clock
p. m. of said day, m front of tho court
house door in the city of Astoria, Clat
son county. Oregon, will nroceed tn sell
lot number C, In block number 122, in
shively's Astoria, to tlw higi.e3t bidder
mereior, io pay saia assessment, costs
and exoeuses of sale. Said sale to be
for U.ij. gold coin.
Astoria, March 20tb. 1880.
Chief of Police.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of tho city of Astoria, in
accordauco with an order made by the
Common Council of tho city of A-toria,
by Ordinance number 1063, entitled an
ordinance ordering the Auditor and Po
lice Judsc to issuo warrants for the
collection of Cedar street a5sesssments,
approved February 26th, 1889, said
warrant bearing dato the 28th day of
February, 1889, commanding me to levy
upon lot number 4, in block number 112,
in the city of Astoria as laid out and re
corded by J. M. Shively, to collect an
assessment of twenty-three dollars,
which assessment was mado for the im
provement of Cedar street between
West Cth street and Salmon street, by
Ordinance number 1065 entitled an or
dinance declaring the probablo cost of
street to Salmon street, approved De-
ucuiuci loin, 1000, i uuve mis uay levieu
npon lot number 4, in block number 112,
in ShivpIv'.S Astnrin nnrt nn MnnHQ
tho 22nd day of April, 1889, at one
o uiucH. 1-. M. ui saiu uay in iront oi tne
court house door In tho city of Astoria,
Clatsop county, Oregon, will proceed to
Sfll Int. Tllimhpr 4 in hlnrtl- numhrtHO
in Shively's Astoria, to the highest bid-
uer meruiur, io pay saiu. assessment,
costs and expenses of sale Said sale
to be for TJ. a. gold coin.
AtorIa, Marcii 20th, 1889.
Chief of Police.
Boat Building.
Is at the old stand prepared to build all
kinds of boats used on the Pacific Coast.
, Rniliier of steamers Electric, Favorite,
Tuncjiiln, and others.
Model Making a specialty. Stock and
Workmanship flrst.class.
Notice Leading Lines.
S cents per lb. for lead used, includlnz
work of leadings Good work guaranteed.
At Occident Cannery,
Shrlvellins np an Editor.
The small boy is a terror when he has
an inquiring mind. Such n boy strolled
into anditor's room the other day, and
at once proceeded to down the patient
man at the desk.
"Are you on tho paper?'' nsked the
" What do you do?'
"Write for it."
"Write all the time?"
"Don't do anything else?"
"Just wait for somebody olso to do
something, and then write about it?"
"Uni!" ejaculated the small boy with a
look of deer disgust, as he walked off.
The toiler at the desk did not laugh,
never before had he felt so small and :
mean. He had been made to sea him
self from a new and original point of
There is said to have been. a blunder in
the maps of the- Mexican .boundary
whicn will throw tne line oi -lower uaii
forni? sixty miles further south and give
us much of the new gold-fields.
Chronic constipation, with all its at
tendant evils. Is cured by taking Ayer's
Cathartic Pills. Sold by all dealeijin
medicine. .
Ohio farm mortgages aggregate $275,-
BuchlciL'sAriiica Snlre.
Tire Best Salve In the world fin
Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands.
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, ana positively cures rues, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed lo guo
perfect satisfaction, or money ref unued.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J.
C. Dement.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue qf
a warrant issued by tho Auditornnd Po
cordance- with an order mado by the
Common Council of tho city of Astoria,
by Ordinanco number 1.0G8 entitled an
ordinance ordering the Auditor and Po
lice judge to issue warrants for the col
lection ot ueoar street assessments, ap
uroved February 2Gth.' 1839. Said war
rant bearing date the 23th day of Febru
ary loss, commanding me io levy upon
the undivided 3-20 of block number 124,
in the oitv of Astoria as laid out and re
corded by J. M. Shively to collect an as
sessment ot twenty anu iu-iuu uonars,
which assessment was made for the im
provement of Cedar street between West
6th street and Salmon street by Ordi
nance number 1065 entitled an ordinance
declaring the probable cost of improving
Cedar street from AVest Cth street to
Salmon street, approved December 13th,
1883, 1 have this day levied upon the un
divided 3-20 of block number 124 in
Shively's Astoria and on Monday the 22nd
day of April 1889, at one o'clock p. m. of
said day m'f ront of the court house door
in the city of Astoria, Clatsop County
Oregon, will proceed to sell tho undi
vided 3-20 of block number 124 in Shive
ly's Astoria, to the highest bidder there
for, to pay said assessment, costs and ex
penses ot saie. saiu saie to do tor u. a,
gold coin.
Astoria, March 20.-1839.
Chief of Police.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by tho Auditor and
Police Judge of the citv of Astoria in ac
cordance with an order made by tho
Common Council of the city of Astoria,
by Ordinance number 1068, entitled an
ordinanco ordering the Auditor nnd Po
lice Judge to issue warrants for the col
lection of Cedar street assessment, ap
proved February 26th 1839, said warrant
bearing date tho 28th day of February,
1S89, commanding me to lew upon the
undivided 1-20 of -block number 139, in
the city of Astoria as laid out and re
corded by J. M. Shively, to collect an as
sessment of six and 90-100 dollars, which
assessment was made for the improve
ment of Cedar street, between West Gth
street and Salmon street, by Ordinance
number 1065, entitled an ordinance de
claring the probable cost of improving
Cedar street, from West Cth street to
Salmon streot, approved December 13th,
1883, 1 havo this day levied npon the un
divided 1-20 of block number 139, in
Shively's Astoria, and on Monday, the
22nd day of April, 1839, at one o'clock
p. m., of said day, in front of the court
house door in the city of Astoria, Clat
sop county, Oregon, will proceed to sell
the undivided 1-20 of block number 139,
in Shively's Astoria, to the highest bid
der therefor, to pay said -assessment,
costs and expenses of sale. Said sale to
bo for TJ. S. gold coin.
Astoria, March 20th, 18S9.
Chief of Police,
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
ot a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judgo of the City of Astoria, in
accordance with an order made by the
Common Council of the City of Astoria,
by ordinance No. 1068, entitled an ordi
nance ordering tho Auditor and Police
Judge to Issue warrants for tha collec
tion of Cedar street assessments, ap
proved February 26th. 1889. Said war
rant bearing date the 28th day of Feb
ruary, 1839. commanding mo to levy
upon lot No. 3 in block No. 122 in the
City of Astoria as laid out and recorded
by J. M. Shively, to collect an assess
ment of twouty-three dollars, which as
sessment was made for the improvement
of Cedar street between West-Gth street
and Salmon street by ordinanco No.
1065, entitled an ordinance declaring the
probablo cost of Improving Cedar street
from West-Cth street to Salmon street,
approved December 13th. 1838, 1 have
this day levied upon lot No. 3 in block
No. 19-. in Shivnlo'a,;. nl ...
'Monday, the 22d day of April, 1889, at
ujjo u tiutn. ir. -u. vi aaiu aay in iront of
the court house door in the City of As
toria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will pro
ceed to sell lot No. 3 In block No. 122 In
oiiiveiysAsiona, to me Highest bidder
therp.fnr. tn nv ri?! nccaocmm.f .
and expenses of sale. Said sale to be
ior u.a. goiacoin.
Astoria, March 20th, 1889.
Chief of Police.
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
iruncu jimgcot tne uity of Astoria, in
accordance with an order made by the
by ordinance No. 1068, entitled an ordi-
imiiiuuiuciiiig me .a.uuiior ana ronce
Judge to issue warrants for the collec
tion of Cedar street assessments, ap-
nrnvpfl Knhrtinrv ocl icon c?-:.i'
, . -.w...u.j .wm,nwj. .jam war
rant bearing date the 28th day of Febru-
i 'w ' .""""""""'J- me io levy-upon
v" . . " ",uus- -no. ! in tne tiity
or Astnrin n: tnul nnf nA rMnwin.i i...
J. M. Shivelv, to collect an assessment
. ,iicu.;-iuicc uuutirs, yvnicu assess
ment wis made for the improvement of
Cedar street between West-Cth street
ftUd SalmflTl Qtl-Pflf In. nnfmann. XTrt
1063, entitled an ordinance declaring the'
luuuiiuit) cost or improving cedar street
from West-Gth street to Salmon street,
approved December 13th,-1888, 1 have
tills dav lp.viprl nnnn Inf. XTi O it, Mnnlr
No. 138, In Shively's Astoria, and on
munuay, me i-jo. aay or April, at one
o'clock P. M. of said day in front of the
pniirt hnnQO ilnnr In flia (Mttr tr A cftn
Clatsop county, Oregon, will proceed to
sell lotNo. 2 inblock No. 138, in Shive
ly's Astoria, to the'Mghest bidder there
for, to pay said assessment, costs and
PYnpnspQ nf nlp. Kntrt jsaIp tn lio fnr-TT
S. gold coin. ,
Astoria, March 20tn, 18S9.
AStiY ONE fZpl
.ct&aa. A DIAMOND ,
A Dress, or a Coat, ) finy Color
Yarns, Rags, etc. j ten cents
and in many other ways SAVE Money, and mal.e
things look like NEW, by using DIAMOND
DYES. The voA. is easy, simple, quick ; the
colors the BEST and FASTEST kno-nm Ask for
DIAMOND DYES and take no other.
For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles USB
Cold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 Ccnta.
aby Portraits-
tares from life, printed en Cue
. piaio paper oy patent puwo
process, sent tree to :ucuer oi
aay Baby bom within a year
Every Mother wants these
pictures j send et once. Olvo
Baby's name and age.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by ihe Auditor
and Police Judgo of the city of Astoria,
in accordance with an order mado by
the Common Council of the city of As
toria, by Ordinance number 1068, cnti
i. i ?"ordinan! ordering the Auditor
and Pollco Judge to Issue warrants for
the collection ot Cedar sheet assess
ments, approved February CGth, 1889,
said warrant bearing date the 23th dav
of February, 1830, commanding me to
levy upon the undivided 5-20 of block
number 124 In the city of Astoiia. ns
laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively,
to collect an assessment of tmrty-four
and 50-1C0 dollars, which assessment
was mado for the improvement of Ce
dar street between West Cth street and
Salmon street, by Ordinance 1003, t n
titled an ordinance deciaiing the prob
able cost of improving Cedar street
from West 6th street to Salmon street,
approved December 13th, 188S, I have
this day levied upon tho undivided 3-20
of blocK number 124, in Shively's Asto
ria, and on Monday, the 22nil daj of
April, 1SS9, at one o'clock p.m. of said
day, in front of the court house door, in
the city of Astoria, Clatsop comity, Ore
gon, will proceed to sell the umiivKed
5-20 of block number 124, in .Shively's
Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor,
to pay said assessments, costs and ex
penses of sale. Said sale to be for U. S.
gold coin.
Astoria March 20, 1839.
Chief of Police.
Notice is hereby given that bv virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the city of Astoria. In
accordance with an order made by the
Common Council of the city of Astoria,
by ordinance number 1063 entitled an
ordinanco ordering the Auditor and
Police Judge to issue warrants forthe
collection of Cedar street assessments,
approved February 2Utb, 1889. Said
warrant bearing date the 28th day of
February, 1889, commanding me to levy
upon lot number 3 in block number 112
in the city of Astoria as laid out anil
recorded by J. M. Shively to collect an
assessment of twenty-three dollars.
which assessment was made for
the improvement of Cedar street be-
tweenWest 6th street and Salmon street
by Ordinance number 1065 entitled an
ordinance declaring tho probable cost
of improving Cedar street from West
uth street to Salmon street, approved
December 13th 1883, 1 have this day
levied upon lot numocr z in uiocic mini
ber 112 in Shively's Astoria, and on
Monday tho 22nd dav of Anril 18h9. at
one o'clock P. m. of said day in front of
the, court houso door in the city of As
toria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will pro
ceed to sell lot number 3, In block num
ber 112 In Shively's Astoria, to the
nignest oiuuer nieretor, to pay saiu
assessment, costs and expenses of sale.
Said sale to bo for U.S. goldco n.
Astoria, March 20th 1889.
Chief of Police.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued bv the Auditor and
Police Judgo of the Cityot Astoria, in
accordance with an order made by tho
Common. Council of the city of Astoria,
by Ordinance No. 1068 entitled an Ordi
nance ordering the Auditor and Police
Judge to issue warrants for the collec
tion of Cedar Street assessments, ap
proved February 2Ctli 1889, said warrant
bearing dato the 28th dav of February
1889, commanding me to levy upon Lot
No. 2 In block No 121 in the city of As
toria as laid out and recorded by J. M.
Shively to collect an assessment of
twenty-ttircoaoiiars. wnicn assessment
was made for the Improvement of Ce
dar street between West ethstreet and
"Salmon street by Ordinance number
1063 entitled an ordinance declaring
.the probable cost ot improving Cedar
street from West 6th street to Salmon
street,approved December 13th 18S8. 1
have this day levied upon lot mirabor 2
in block number 121 in Shively's As
toria, and en Monday, the 22ud day of
April 1889, at one o'clock p. m. of said
day in front of the court bouse door in
the city of Astoria, Clatsop countv,
Oregon, will proceed to sell lot number
2, in block number 121 in Shively's As
toria, to tho highest bidder therefor, tu
pay said assessment, costs and ex-
genses of sale. Said sale to be for U.
. gold coin.
Astoria March 20th, 1889.
Chief of Police.
Notioe is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Polioe Judgo of the city of Astoria, in
acoordanoo with an order made by the
Common Council of the city of Astoria
by ordinance No. 1063, entitled an ordi
nanco ordering the Auditor and Police
Judge io issue warrants for the collection
of Cedar street assessments, approved
February 26th, 1889. Said warrant boar
ing date the 28th day of February, 1889,
commanding me to levy upon lot No. C
in block No. 125 in the city of Astoria as
laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively.
to collect an assessment of five nnd 75-100
dollars, which assessment was mauo ior
the improvement of Cedar street between
West-Cth street and Salmon street by or
dinance No- 1065, entitled an ordinance
declaring tho probable cost of improving
Cedar street from West-Cth street to
Salmon street, approved December 13th,
1838, 1 havo this day levied upon lot No. t
nnd on Monday, the 22d day of ApriJ,
1889, at one o'clock P.M. of said day in
front of tho court house door in the city
61 Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will
proceed to sell lot No. G in block No. 125
in Shively's Astoria, to the highest bid
der therefor, to pay saidassessment, cost?
nnd expense3 of sale. Said salo to bo for
U. S. gold coin.
Astoria, March 20th, 1889.
Chief of Police.
Magee, Argand and Acorn
toves - Ranges,
Cooking and Heating,
the System
Wltli that most reliable
medicine Palne's Celery
Compound. Itpuriflesthe
blood, cures Constipation,
and regulates tho liver and
kldneySjelTcctuaUy cleans
ing tho system of all wasta
and dead matters.
Celery Compound
combines true nerve tonic and strenpiung
qualities, revrflng the energies andsplrltil
' I havo been troubled tor some years with a
fompllcatlonot OUHcultles. Alter trjlnsr va
rious remedies, and not Undine relief. I tried
Patau's Celery compound. Before taking one
lull bottla the long troublesome symptoms bo
r?u? to subside, and I can truly say now, that I
eyi like a now man. Digestion has Improved,
and I have gained ten pounds m weight since I
nave commenced taktngthe compound."
ti.oo. sis for $3.00. At Druggists.
Wsuc nicnAimsojf & Co., Burlington, Vt
0, E. & N. CO.
to E5,ozfc,2?x.akrex3,
And Way Landings.
The Steamer BONITA
Leaves Astoiia ate aji, via Oregon side
Mondajs, Wednesdajs and Fridays.
The Steamer S. C. REED
Ieei Astoria every morning except
Monrtav, at 7 o'clock, via Washington side
Ihuonlj line of Steamships to San Fran
cisco. ste.".:i!n leive Company's Dock every
ltegular Line of
Tow Boats and Bargee,
For Towage ami Lighterage.
N10Ui OF AU. K1M18.
Inquire at Company's Dock or at City Of
Ticket Agent.
I. E. & N. Co.
Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and llvvaco.
Coniieetliif; by stages and !tea!ili,tt-. fur
Oysterville, Montcsano and Qlympia
jm "GEN. CANBY,"
Tuos. I'AitKKii. Master.
Will iKive Astoria dally (Sundays excepted)
Ft. Stoveno. rt. Canbv and Ilwaco,
atB A.M., except as below.
Wi'h Oysterville Malls and Express dally.
Through Mails to points beyond, and
Montesano, Vf . T on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday a
Tickets to llwnco
(at the olllce) 73 cent
itouiid Trip Tlckcin.... SI .1
Ilwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00
t-For Tickets, Towage or Charter ap
ply at the oRlce of the company, Flavei's
Notico is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by tho Auditor and
Police Judge of tho city of Astoria, in
accordance with an order made by the
Common Counoil of the city of Astoria,
by ordinanco No. 1063, entitled an ordi
nanco ordering the Auditor and Police
Judgo to issue warrants for the collection
of Cedar street assessments, approved
February 26th. 1S89. Said warrant bear
ing date tho 23th day of February, 18S9,
commanding mo to levy upon lot No. S
in block No. 138 in tho city of Astoria as
laid out nnd recorded by J. M. Shively,
to collect an assessment oi twenty-three
dollars, which assessment was made for
the improvement of Cedar street between
West-6th street nnd Salmon street by or
dinanco No. 1063, entitled an ordinance
declaring tho probable cost of improving
Cedar street from West-Cth street to
Salmon street, approved December 13th,
1888, 1 havo this day levied upon lot No.
5 in block No. 138 in Shively's Astoria,
and on Monday, the 22nd day of April,
1889, at one o'clock P. M. of said day in
front of tho court house door in the city
of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will
proceed to sell lot No. 5 in block No. 133
in Shively's Astoria, to tho highest bid
der therefor, to paysaid assessment, costs
nnd expenses of sale. Said sale to be for
D. S. gold coin.
Astoria, March 20, 1889.
Chief of Police.
Lo Rlclinu's Col.len Balsam .Va. 1
Cures Chancres, firs', and second stages;
Sores en tho Lcjs and Body; Sore Ears,
Ejes.Kose, etc., Copper-colored Blotche.
Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and all
primary forms of the disease known as
Syphilis. Price, 55 OO per Bottle.
Lo Itlcliau's Golden Oaliam Ko.a
Cures Tertiary, ilercnrlalSyphilltio Rheu
matism, Pains in the Bones, Pains in tha
Head, back of tho Neck, Ulcerated Sors
Throat, Syphilitio Hash, Lumps and con
tracted Cords, Stiffness o( tha Limbs, and
eradicates all discaso from the system,
whether caused by indiscretion or abuse
cf Hereon', lcavinjr the blood pure and
healthy.. Price 85 OO per Bottle.
Lo Itichmi'j Golden Spanish Anti
dote for the cure of Gonorrhea, Cleat,
Irritation Oravel, and all Urinary or Geni
tal disarrangements. Price S3 SO per
Lo Ulchau's Golden Spanish In
jection, for severe cases of Gonorrheal,
Inflainmitory elect, Stricturcs.ic. Price
SI 50 per Bottle.
Le Richau'a Golden Ointment
for tho effective Iiealinjrof Syphilitic Sores,
and eruptions. Price 81 OO per Box.
Lo It J Chan's Golden Pills Nene
and lttn treatment; loss of physical pow
er, -.-m-cai or over-wort. Prostration, etc
Price S3 OO per Box.
Tonic nnil ?."orTlnc,
S-nt cicryuheM, C. 0. 1)., tccurely packed
tyr express.
C. 1'. niCHARDS & CO. , Agents,
127 h 429 Sansome street. Corner Clay,
- San Francisco. Cal.
I prescribe and fully
endorse Ble O as the
only specific forthe cer
tain cure ot this disease.
0. 3. v.
Amsterdam, K. y.
many years, and it has
Cotm !a
' 1 TO A DATS.
Buo&nalMd aat ul
caus saurt.
,7iven me dcs; ui saua-
D. r. Drcnc & Co.,
Chlc&ro. lu.
Tra&iWHsKjluilSl. Solder. Onrfiltl,
aolibrJuW.Conn, Aitorfa. Onto '
Sigp few
- ""Disf
rffiijfe. 4
t . .