The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 12, 1889, Image 3

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    ' UT
Fhc gattjj gsfotfim.
-ATRII. 12. 188),
(Monday excoptcd.)j
Tubllsliers and Proprietors,
Terms of Subscription.
Served bv Carrier, per week ... 13 cts
Sent by Mall, per month... w cts
" " " one j ear. S7.00
Free of postage to subscribers.
The Astobiax guarantees to its adver
tisers the largest circulation ol any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
The Terpsichorean clnb will give a
dance on the2Cth of this month.
Tho new Methodist church bell
ha3 arrived, nnd will be put in post
trDn to-day.
At three o'clock this morniug the
temperature had moderated consider
ably and rain was falling.
Tho British bark Martha Fisher
left up for Portland yesterday morn
ing, tho Ocklahama towing.
Governor Pennoyer has appointed
John Kelly, of Portland, to represent
Oregon at the world's exposition in
Pictures and photographs and
photographic pictures can be had
from Baokus when ho opens on the
13th inst.
J. W. Bottom, since moving into
his new residence, has enlarged and
otherwise much improved his store
oj Third street.
The poles of tho Willamette Falls
Electric company are set between
Portland and Oregon City and the
wires are being strung.
A baby seal was caught at Sand
Island yesterday and brought up to
Mr. Sam'l Elmore who sent it to
Portland to be put in the park.
Li. Martin, tho boat builder has
just finished building a scow 46 feet
long and 18 feet wide with a house
on it 40 feet long. It will be used as
a station on Miller's sands for sein
ing purposes.
On account of increased traffic,
between Victoria and Asiatic ports,
additional service will bo provided
and after May 1st steamers will leave
Victoria every twelve days instead of
monthly as heretofore.
General Iiufus Ingalls, executor,
and the relatives of the Into Mrs,
Esther Holladay, are having fa news
paper discussion in Portland, which
seems calcalated to show wherein
tho several parties aro imperfect.
The Albany Herald says: "The
Salvation Army, after a two years'
siege in their efforts to reform the
wicked in this city, have packed their
Saratoga, base drum and cymbals and
left for more appreciative fields."
Governor Pennoyer has issned a
proclamation declaring Tuesday,
April 30, a legal holiday in commem
oration of tho first inauguration of
President Washington, and recom
mending suitable ceremonies on that
The Young Men's Christian Associ
ation has engaged the services of
Mr. Richard Hammill, late of Oak
land, CaL, to fill the temporary
vacancy caused by Mr. Hanser'a ill
ness. Business meeting this even
ning. It is said the simplest way to fum
igate a room is to heat an iron shovel
very hot, and then pour vinigar up
on it, drop by drop. The steam aris
ing from this is a disinfectant. Doors
or windows should bo opened, that
it may escape.
Tho 11. Ii. Thompson made her
trial trip to the mouth of the Willam
ette last Wednesday and should be
hero this morning on her first trip
down. She has been almost built
anew nnd will doubtless be a fast and
comfortable boat.
Fino lots at the seasido for sale
located near Grimes' bridge in a
beautiful grovo between tho county
road and the A. & S. C. R. R, these
are the best lots on tho market and
good value for tho money. Call and
see tne plat and get prices of UTilhn
& Reed.
Tho presbytery of Oregon, in session
at Lafayette last Thursday, decided
to hold their fall meeting at East
Portland. Tho Rev. J. V. Milligan
was re-elected state clerk of the pres
bytery for three years. The organi
zation of a Presbyterian church at
Oregon City was reported.
A man named Cook from Missis
sippi arrived in Portland last Mon
day with 31,300. He went into the
country to look at some timber land
and when he returned got into bad
company and was picked up in an
insensible condition tne next morn
iug and overy cent of his money
Instructed by Mrs. A. T.Brakke.B.
S. Worsley will sell, by auction, the
entire furniture of the restaurant,
consisting of a fine new Goldsmith
& Lowenburg iron range, tables,
chairs,dishes,chandeliers, etc., etc.on
the roadway opposite the Pacific Union
cannery, at 2 o'clock P. if. on Satur
day next
The physician iu charge reports
that yesterday Chas. Gratke was
worse from tho results of his fall last
Tuesday, and that he is suffering
from paralysis of the lower limbs
and congestion of the lungs. One of
his daughters came down from Port
land yesterday, nnd the eldest one
will be down this morning.
Governor Pennoyer last Thursday
granted a full pardon to Capt. Hora
tio Oook, of Portland, who was, by a
general court martial of tho state of
Oregon, dishonorably discharged
from the service of the state for
disobeying orders. The pardon was
granted on recommendation of the
state military board, and all rights
are restored.
Dr. O. B. Estes, the health officer
for this port in bis quarterly official
report sent to Governor Pennoyer
last evening, reports eighty vessels
having entered this port during the
quarter ending March 31st, all given
clean bills of health except the steam
er Oregon which was placed in quar
antine on February Gtb, but through
the wise and timely precautions tak
en the spread of disease was pre
vented and the safety of the com
munity secured.
Light snows and no heavy rains
tho past winter have resulted in the
most remarkable drought this spring
that the lumber woods of upper
Michigan have ever experienced, and
over 1,000,000 logs barked and ready
to bo shipped to the mills below, are
hung up because there is not enough
water in tho streams to float them.
Heavy and continued rains alone will
be able to rescue this winter's cut,
and thus keep the mills going the
season through.
In the state circuit court at Salem
last Wednesday, Judge Boise de
cided tuat the act of the last leeia
lature appointing railroad commis
sioners for tins state, went into
effect and became a law immediately
on its passage over the governor's veto.
The decision was given in the case
of V. a. Biggs, appointed railroad
commissioner by governor Pennoyer,
who asked for a writ of mandamus to
compel the secretary of state to pay
him a salary as such alleged com
missioner. T. J. Miller, late superintendent of
the Columbia & Puget Sound, has
been appointed engineer of the Puget
Sound and Gray'a Harbor railroad.
He left yerterday with fifteen men
for Montesano, and will begin im
mediately on a survey of the road
from that place to Summit station,
the present western terminus of the
railway from Kamilche. Tho con
struction of this road has been defin
itely determined on. It will be com
pleted before January 1, 1890. This
road will give Puget Bound rail con
nection with Chehalis valley and
Gray's harbor.
Last Thursday Mayor Moran of
Seattle summarily suspended chief of
police Mitchell pending an investiga
tion of charges of malfeasance in of
fice in collusion with gamblers. Cap
tain Willard was appointed acting
ohief of police. Shortly before hiB
suspension, chief Mitohell arrested
six gamblers, from as many saloons,
and took them to the police court,
where they paid fines of $50 each.
The mayor and council say this move
of the chief was done only for effect,
and chief Mitohell admits that he had
an understanding with the gamblers,
that each saloon wonld be willing to
furnish a man to pay a fine of $50.
One night last week while the Tele
phone was on her way up the river
some person in a fishing boat fired
three shots at the vessel. It is sup
posed that the steamer went through
the fisherman's net and so exasper
ated him that he sought vengeance
with his rifle. The officers of the
steamer say there are no lights shown
by some of the fishing boats and con
sequently it is next to impossible to
avoid striking a net once in a while.
While it is exceedingly aggravating
to a fisherman to have his net wrecked
by a passing steamer, it wonld doubt
less be showing poor judgement for
him to try to mend matters with a
rifle bullet.
At Portland, on Wednesday after
noon deputy United States marshal
Roberts arrested the steamer Joseph
Kellogg, at tho snit of the Portland,
East Portland and Albina Transpor
tation company, who brought suit in
tho United States court to recover
damages in the sum of $140 on ac
count of injuries sustained by the
steamer Alarm, from being run into
by the Kellogg. It is claimed that
the Kellogg waa in charge of O. H.
Kellogg, an unlicensed pilot, and the
whole accident is attributed to the
carelessness of the man who was at
the wheel. The owners of the Kel
logg furnished bonds in tho sum of
S300, and the boat was released from
The ship Kennebec was towed to sea
at San Francisco List Thursday and
as the tug was leaving, the ship
signaled it to return. This was done
and a boat was put off with the
second mate and four sailors from
the ship. Tho sea was running very
high. When the boat was longside,
it was found that it wa3 desired to
put on board a wounded seaman
named Gustave, who had broken his
leg by falling down the main hatch.
He was taken on board just as a
monster wave swept the small boat
about 100 yards ahead, throwing out
two of the men. Another large wave
carried the tug forward. It collided
with tho boat, which was washed
across tne tug and the mate was
thrown down on tho deck. Lines
were thrown to tho two men iu the
water and they were saved. All
hands were finally gotten into the
small boat and put back to the Ken
nebec, but their rescue was con
sidered almost miraculous.
'All who have seen Backus
his gallery, speak highly of both.
The two liveliest places in town aro
Jeff's Restaurant and the. Telephone
Meals Cooked, to Order.
Trivatc rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
Coffee and cake, ten cents, at the
central itestaurant-
Wclnlinrd's Beer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, B cents.
To Bent.
A house of eight rooms comfortably
furnished. Inquire at this office.
Ail the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Cerfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Oe.'Ident
hctei, Astoria.
The latest stylo of Gents Boots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodman's.
Tender, Juicy Steak at Jeff's.
A small house of six rooms to rent.
Apply to J. A. Montgomery.
Seven cooks and eight waiters at
Jeff's Restaurant
Ludlow's Ladies' S3.00 Fine Shoes;
also Flexible Hand turned French Kids,
at P. J. Goodman's.
fin to Jeffs for Oysters.
lire at Pendleton $7,000 Damage.
PoBTiiAND, April 1L A private dis
patch from Pendleton states that a
fire broke out in the basement of the
Bast Oregonian building last night
from the explosion of a lamp. Before
it could be extinguished the damage
to the building was from 36,000 to
87,000. Their public library is a
total loss. It is stated that tho most
of the damage was done by water and
smoke. Tho property was fully in
sured. Tho paper appeared as usual
At the inquest of the body oT a
man, run over by a car on Tuesday,
held to-day, the jury found ho was
killed as previously reported. The
accident could not have been averted
by the engineer. No one could find
a oluo to the identity ot the man.
Neither the short line or the Walla
Walla local passenger trains arrived'
here to-day. They encountered a
sandstorm a few miles east of Celilo.
In a cut extending along the track a
quarter of a mile the track was cov
ered with sand several feet deep.
The storm is still raging furiously
and it is not known when the trains
will reach the city.
The statement comes from good
authority that Nelson Bennett and
Mr. Larabee will soon commence the
construction of two residences on the
Holladay addition property they re
cently acquired.
Observance of Arbor Day.
At 1:30 o'clock this afternoon the
pupils in school district No. One will
observe Arbor day with the following
exorcises, Planting two trees on the
east side of tho school building by
the different grades. The first,
second nnd third grades will plant
their tree to the memory of Miss
Louisa May Alcott, tho fonrth, fifth
and sixth dedicate their tree to the
memory of Henry Wadsworth Long
fellow. This tree will be a chestnut.
This selection is to commemorate his
poem, entitled "The Village Black
smith." During the planting the
scholars will recite appropriate selec
tions. The general public is cordi
ally invited to attend these cere
monies. Who is Your Best Friend?
Your stomach of course. Why? Be
cause if it is out of order you are one
ot the most miserable creatures liv
ing. Give it a fair, honorable ohance
and see if it is not the best friend you
have in the end. Don't smoke in the
morning. Don't drink in the morn
ing. If you must smoke and drink
wait until your stomach is through
with breakfast. Yon can drink more
and smoke more in the evening and
it will tell on you less. If your food
lerments and does not digest right,
if you are troubled with Heartburn.
Dizziness ot the head, coming up of
the food after eating, Bilionsness, In
digestion, or any other trouble of the
stomach, you had best use Green's
August Flower, as no person can use
it witnout immediate relief.
A Communication.
Abtobia, April 11th, 1889.
To the Editor op The Dailt Astoeian.
I was very much surprised this
morning to find published in to-day's
paper a letter addressed to myself
from senators Dolph and Mitchell
and representative Hermann relating
to the appointment of collector of
customs at this port, a copy of
which as stated by the gentlemen
in the letter they had "taken the lib
erty to send a copy of this letter to"
the several parties named therein.
One of those persons took the liberty
of having the letter published with
out consulting either myself or the
other two parties mentioned. This
action I think was injudicious, im
politic and entirely uncalled for, if
not a gros3 breach of confidence.
Very respectfully,
J. H. D. Giur.
Is Consumption Incurable?
Read the follewing: Mr. C. If. Morris,
Newark, Ark says: "Was down with
Abscess of Lungs, and friends and phy
sicians pronounced me an Incurable
Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, am
now on my third bottle, and able to
oversee the work on my farm. It Is the
finest medicine ever made."
Jesse MidUlewart, Decatur, Ohio,
says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption I
would have died of Lung Troubles. Was
given up by doctors. Am now in best
of health." Try it. Sample bottles free
at j. u. .uemeni's Drug store.
Piano Tunin.
W. S. Geary the piano tuner will
return to Astoria, April 15th, orders
left with Miss H. Bitely or at the N.
Y. Novelty Store will receivo prompt
Of all thingsneat, Backus' photograph
gallery is the neatest.
Mrs. Winslow's SooTnrxa Syrup
should always be used for children
teething. It soothes the child, softens
Uie gums, allays all pain, cures wrnd
cholic, and is the best remedy for diar-rhooarwenty-five
cents a bottle.
TelephoneliodKing House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
GO and 25 cts., per week 51 JK). New and
clean. Private entrance.
Rooms for Rent.
nlshed Rooms, suitable lor housekeep
ing, lor rent. MRS.A.RAPPLEYEA.
Cass street, one door south of Astobian
VirpiaCipr ni Totaco Store
J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor,
Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney.
Fino Clgan, Tobaccos and Smokers Artlelci,
Sold at Lowest Market Rates.
For Sale.
A First Class Salmon Fishery
Glacier Bay Entrance.
It Includes 1C0 acres Fine Timber, several
Log Houses, Tanks, Natural 'Wharf, etc.
Owner stopped fishing to work his gold
Will be Sold Cheap.
For full particulars, address
Juneau, Alaska.
Sergeant Brodie is home from Fort
Mrs. H. F. Prael is visiting friends
in Portland.
B. A. Seahorg came up from II
waco yesterday.
John A. Montgomery goes to Wil
Iapa this moning.
W. W. Ward, Ilwaco's postmaster
was in town yesterday.
Bishop Morris and wife came down
from Portland yesterday.
Mrs. Jesse Baker, of Gray's river,
was in tho city yesterday.
John Bryco, Jr., is visiting his folks
in the city for a few days.
Judge C. A. McGuire and family
came up from Skipanon yesterday.
L. D. Coffman and wife, of the Sea
side, were in town yesterday on busi
ness. Messrs. M. J. Kinney, Chas. Brown,
and H. F. Prael returned from Ore
gon City yesterday, where they had
been proving up on their timber
This is what you ought to have, in
fact, you must have it, to fully enjoy
life, Thousands arc searching for it
daily, and mourning because they find
it not. Thousands upon thousands of
dollars are spent annually by our peo
ple in the hope that they may attain
this boon. And yet it may be had by
all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters,
if used according to directions and the
use persisted in, will bring you Good
Digestion and oust the demon dyspep
sia and Instead Eupepsy. We recom
mend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia
and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and
Kidneys. Sold at EOc. and S1.00 per bot
tle by J. W. Conn, Druggist.
A. V. Alien keeps a complete supply
of fresh Chilled Shoalwater bay Oysters.
Go to A. V. Allen's for a can of f resli
Shoalwater bay Oysters. They are de
licious. Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
California, so laxative and nutritious,
...;,!, tli yripflirinal virtups of nlants
known to be most beneficial to the
human system, forming the UJNL.Y rtK
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one is using it
md all are delighted with it. Ask your
druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu
factured only by the
San Frakcisco, Cal.
Looisvilm. Ky. NBivY0,KtN.Y
A Flue nnd Well SelcctcH Stock
Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, etc.
Jewelry Establishment.
All goods warranted, as guaranteed.
Opposite Cron 's gallery, Astoria, Oregon,
My customers will please take
J JLL JL I i lO t
In CLOTHING, which I can Ruarantco as to prico nnd quality,
in tho way of
Hats and Furnishing Goods
I carry an exceptionally fine and varied
You will find it to your
Largest and
ality is
Prices Away Down !
The Reliable
Occident Hotel Building.
I have just received my new stock
of Spring Clothing, bought from first
hands (the manufacturers) not from the
middle-men (jobbers) this time, thereby
saving my customers one profit, which
means from $3 to $5 on each suit of
All the new designs of goods, cut in
the very latest style.
A Good Business Suit - - - . 10
Boys School Knockabout Suits only- $ 3
Good Pants from $1.50 and upwards.
Sole Agent for Astoria, of the celebrated
Mrs. Rappleyea & Co.
Wc Invite the attention ot Hie Ladies to
our new store.
Ladles, please call and examine our Dress
Goods and Prices before purchasing else
where. Fancy work materials. Stamping
done to order.
Dressmaking done in all tho latests tyies.
Cass street one door south ot Astokian
Special Announcement.
tVJrs. Derby
Has received a full assortment of Spring
and Summer Millinery.
Having secured the sen ices of a first-class
Milliner, she hopes to meet with the liberal
patronage ot the ladies ot Astoria and vi
cinity. notice that I havo secured some
assortment. I have also added a complete
line ot
interest to select from the
Finest Stock !
Dealer in
sairr money
youa? goods of
GKRisTir i-iiurs.
The Lurline.
Portland and Astoria!
Main St. Wharf.
Daily, omitting Monday, at ... 7 a.m.
OX SUNDAY, at 7 P.M.
Every Night at . ...-. 8 r. si.
Seaside Boarding.
Parties desiring Good Board and Clean,
Comfortable Lodging at Reasonable
Terms, can be accommodated at
Mrs. May Ross' Private Boarding
Three blocks below Grimes' Bridge, Sea
side, Oregon.
Ho for Tie Seaside!
Free Camping Grounds at Austin's,
There is an abundance of clams, crabs,
trout, oysters and all kinds ot salt and fresh
water fish.
Good safe Sea bathing, fresh air and the
dcsi nuniing grounos in America.
Campers and visitors can find at my store
everything they requlro In the way of an
outfit and provisions.
A first class bar and billiard table are
connected with my establishment.
Board from $T to SO per week.
For particulars call on or address
Postofllce Store, Seaside, Oregon.
Austin's is open the year round.
Jeweler. X s
Astoria Gallery.
Or any Kind ol Photographic Work,
Call at the
Good Work and Reasonable Prices
Misses C. & Z. CARRUTHERS,
(Successors to H. S. Shuster.)
-Li undersigned ha3 applied to the County
conn oi uiacsop county, uregon. 10 nave
his name chanced to John E. Parmer, and
that his petition therefor has been set by
said court for hearing on Saturday, April
I3in, iku, at nine o ciock a. w.
Dated April 2nd, 1889.
Net Floats
V d'X
Morgan & Sherman
And Dealers In
Special Attention Given to Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered In any part of the city.
Office and "Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. ST.
Carnahan & Co.
Comer Chenamus and Cass streets.
Candles. Smokers' Articles, Eto.
New Goods Received Sally,
Opposite city Boole Store.
To Canners.
Jensen's Patented Can Capping
Will Cap and Crimp 05 CASS per MLtUTE.
It has proved to Reduce the Leakage more
than 60 per cent, less than hand capped.
Price, SG00. Orders complied with by
The Jensen Oan-Iilling Machine Oo.
Overseers Wanted
travel. We wish to employ a reliable
person In your county to taclc up advertise
ments and show cards of Electric Goods.
Advertisements to be tacked up every
where, on trees, fences and turnpikes, In
conspicuous places, in town and country in
all parts of the United States and Canada.
Steady employment ; wages $2,50 per day ;
expenses advanced: no talking required.
Local work for all or part of the time. Ad
dress with stamp, EMORY SCO.
Managers, 241, Vine St., Cincinnati, O.
No attention paid to postal cards,
Van Dusen & Co,
Hardware and Ship Chandlery,
Pure Oil, Bright Varnish,
Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas,
Hemp Sail Twine,
Cotton Sail Twine.
Lard Oil,
Wrought Iron Spikes,
Galvanized Cut Nails.
Agricultural Implements, Sewing
Machines, Taints, Oils,
G-rooerloiBi 3SSto.