w -3 4i VOL. XXXII NO. 81. ASTOTITA, OREGON, SUNDAY, APRIL 7. 1880. PRICE JblVE CENTS BUSINESS OABDS. A A. Cl.EVEIiASD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OISi Flavel's new brick building, comer Second and Casa streets ; u; stairs. rous H. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Cass street. 2 doors bac!c of O id Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. TOEEJI KASACA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OTlce over White House Cor., Astoria, Or. 1 ko. .vola.vo, It AfTORNKY AT LAW. w :i Kinney'.-. Bloc, i.pposlto City '. !l Astoria, Oregon. . r CLTO.V. C rOXTON rSILTO.- KStOTHEKS. ITOKNEYS AT LAW. ..msoand 6. Odd Fellows Building. ' H. a. aowuiv, .fi.-i :oij Connsellor nt liBW 'i. j on Chenamus Street, Astoria. Oregon jSt J. K. I. V POKCR. OENTIST. um:ui It .urn 12 Odd I'ellons HuUding. iSTOKIA. --- - OREGON. i) HS. A. U ASUJ. A. KUHiTCS. r.iss street, between Srd and 4t!i. Special attention to Disease? of Women and Children, by l)r. A, L. Fulton. Special attention lo Surgery, by Dr..!. A. Fulton. Offlce houw from 10 lo 12 A. m and 1 to 4 V. M. -J AY THTTIjE, 31. I). PHYSICIAN AND SDKGEOX OKMcst Rooms C rythlanBulldhiK. Ukside.vck : SE corner Wall ami West tilt stroets. opposite I. W. Case's, A.. K. NIIAW. DENTIST. Room in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor iet Cass and diuemoqua streets. Astoria reson. M IM. OK. OlVSTCg-ADAIIt, Office and residence. U.K. Warren's for mer residence, Astoria, Oregon. Diseases of Women and Children, and of the Eyo and l'.jr, specialties. BVR.O. B. KS.TKS. i'UYblUlAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to Diseases of Womei .and surgery. 'kick: Opposite Telegraph Ofllee, up ;StaIr3. Astoria, negon. DENTIST. Kooms 1 and 2 Fjtlilaii Iluildlng over O. 1L Cooper's More. T II. 3It.VS!:tiL, NOTARY PUBLIC, Real Estate and Commission Agent. Agent for the American Building and Loan Association. One door west of Telegraph office. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Thera'ls no occasion for the most fastidi ous or our cit'.zms to send to I'ortUnd or San Francisco lor Custom Made Clothes As tlvy cau cot Better Fits. Better Work- unansuip.uua ior less jiouey. .By leaving their Orders with MEANT. 'Hew Coods by Evory Steamer. Call dI See 11 1 in and Sitlsfj Tonrscir. P.J Mcany. Merchant Tailor. jSlTTOXODXT AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN OLSEW, Successor to E. C .Holdcn. Tho oldest established Commission House In Oregon. Uooils ol all Kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing. Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock cf Furniture on hand. When you want Bargains in Household ItOOUSgOlO JIAKTIZS OI.SE.N For Sale. The Nolan Ranch on Young's Bay. 2 Miles from Astoria. 377 ncres of best land In Clatson counts-. 100 acres High Land, balance, rich Tide man. nearly ail tiyKea. flood House of 7 rooms, two Barns, nnd other outbuildings : Steamer Landing, Or- jhnrfl- Ylflfllnrmm nnahjil. a .mi. Together tilth 20 Milch Cos, lo Hogs, span iiur-es, uuicKens ami an canning im- Slcmenls, now In good- repair ; 2 Boats and cow. Fine Sprlng.Watcr. Frlco 815,000. Terms, halt cash, balance on mortgage. Further particulars apply to , J.n.MANSELL. Real Estate Agent, Astoria, Or. flKO.M'LEAIf. BAM. FRKKMAN. McLean & Freeman. BLACKSMITHS. Special Attention paid to all Ship and Steam- uuab repairing. HORSESHOEING. lagging Camp Work a Specialty. All kinds of BlacksmitblDg done to order, shop, corner Jefferson and Olncy streets, -Asturia, unrgon. Notice Leading Lines. I AM PREPARED TO LEAD LINES AT 8 cents per lb, for lead used. Including - - ERIK &ANULA, J yi At Occident Cannery ,LY A. HXITII est of 'oiih medicines, Ayer's Cherry Pec toral is in greater demand than ever No preparation for Throat and Lung Troubles is so prompt in its. effects, sc agreeable to the taste, anil' so widels known, as this. It is the family medi cine in thousands of households. "I have suffered for years from a bronchial trouble that, whenever I take rnlil rtr nm pthaqmI tn InMAmnn .an.i. cr, shows itself by a very annoyinc kiitviiui; auuaaLiuu m mo luroat anu uy difficulty in breathing. I have tried a front TTlflTnr T'lY(w1ioa htt nnnn .1aa .... well as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral which rtinaia ics I'ruuipi renei m returns OI ray old complaint." Ernest A. Hepler, Inspector of Public Roads, Parish Ter re Uonne, La. " I consider Ayor's Cherry Pectoral a most important remedy For Home Use. I have tested ita curative power, in my f.imily, many times during the past thirty years, and hare nerer known it to fail. It will relieve the most serious affections of the throat and lungs, whether in children or adults." Mrs. E. G. Edgerly, Council Bluffs, Iowa. "Twenty years ago I was troubled with a disease of the lungs. Doctors afforded me no relief and considered my case hopeless. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and, before I had finished one bottle, found relief. I continued to take this medicine until a cure was effected. I believe that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my lifo." Samuel Griggs, Waukegan, 111. "Six years ago I contracted a severe cold, which settled on my lungs and ioon developed all the alarming symp toms of Consumption. I had a cough, night sweats, blecdin of the lungs, pains in chest and sides, and was so prostrated as to bo confined to my bed most of tho time. After trying various proscriptions, without benefit, my physician finally determined to give me Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took it, md tho effect was magical. I seemed to rally from tho first dose of this medicine, ana, after using only threo bottles, am as well and sound as ever." Kodney Johnson, Springfield, 111. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by nil Druggists. Pricc$l; sixboUles,$Sa Ko Potash, Or any other fVSineral Poison. It Is Nature's Rcmedr, ciada cxcluslrelj from Roots end Herbs. It Is perfectly Harmless. It is tho oaly remedy known to tho world that has ever yet Cured contagious XXotyX Itilson in all itl stages. It cures Jlcrcurlal Rheumatism, Caacer, Scrofula, and other blood diseases Leretorora considered incurable. It circs any disease caused from Impure blood. It Is now pre scribed by thousands of tho best physicians la the United States, as a tonic. We append tho statement of a few : ' I have used S. 3. S. en patients convalesc ing from foor auil from measles with the 1 .est results. J. N. Che-hey. M. I) , EUaville, Qa." Esesec. Oi. Willie White was afflicted with scrofula seven years. I prescribed S. 3. 2., and to-day he is a fat and robust bov. C. VT. PAaSKE, 1L D. Ricnaotn, Va., Dec. 13. 1S53 I hac taVen thrrc bottles of &wlf ft Spcdce for secondary t-i oil poison. It acts much better than pot ail, or any other remedy t ha e ever uetfd. 1J. F. WisnrxD. JL D., Formerly of Sussex Co., Va. Do. E. J. Hale, tha well-known druggist ami physiclau. of Xashvllle, Howard County. Ark. writes: Having soma knowledge as to what S. S. S. is composed of, I eau safely pwirami nd It as tha reiredy for all skin ills tiw . It matters not what the name may do." Vk hsvo a book glrfns n history of this witntlrrfiil remedy, and its cures, from all ovLr 11 jo world, which will convince ou that rll we sav 1 true, and which we will mall f-ri on app'lcatloiu Xo family should bo wtivitlt. We havo auothcr on Contagious li. oJ Pl on, sent on samo terms. VA I'eius history of your case, and out P'lvmj-ui will ndMselili jou by letter, in kw t ft conrdoncc Wo will not deceive 3j'l0WiUly. For i!u by all druggists. Thb Swirr Sreemo Co Drancr 3, Atlanta, Oa. New Voik. Tie Broadwav. lyjndoa. yjic Cj Snow HIJL IXSUUANCE. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000 COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO. FRANK WEKCM President W. H. SMITU Vice-President JOHN A. CHILD Secretary No. 1C0 Second St, Portland, Or. I.W. Caso, Agont, Astoria, Or, Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE IX riKST CLASS COMPAXIKS Hepresentlng 813,000,000 PHCENIX, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York, AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO C. P. UPSHUR. Main Street Wharf - Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London & Globe, North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut Commercial of California Agricultural, of Watertown, New York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Kepresent in a capital of $67,000,000. B. VAN 1BHKX. Agent. Notice. TVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE -Li undersigned has applied to the County court of Clatsop count v, Oregon, to have bis name changed to John E. Parmer, and that his petition therefor has been set by said court for hearing on Saturday, April luiu, lecsi, ai,nine o ciock a. ii. - : ,- J0HNE.PALMQU1ST. -Datca -April End, J8S9. Is iarur5 FDffi M 1ME AN INSULTED BRIDEGEOOJI. One of the Terrors of Modern Illustrated Journalism. "Is this the editor?" "Yes, sir. What can I " "My name, sir, is Grumpy. I was married last week." "Let me offer my congratulations, Mr. Grumpy. I am glad to see you. By the way, we published in this morning's paper quite a fall account of your wedding." "Yes, sir. I paw it." "You have come, perhaps, to order some extra cop" "I have come, sir, for personal sat isfaction. Your reporter asked for photographs of Mrs. Grumpy and myself, to use in writing up the wed ding, sir." "Yes. Didn't he-" "He said he would have engravings made from them and run them in with the article ho wrote about the affair." "Well. Was there any "And some lop-eared, wopper jawed, bow-legged, gourd-head of a printer in this office mixed up the portraits, sir. You published me this morning, sir, in your advertising col umns as n Tennessee barber who had suffered for fifteen years with a lame back and a sore throat, and had boon cured by twenty-seven bottles of Dr. Billjaw's Compound Eitraot of Han kus Fankus; and you run tho por trait of that infernal Tennessee bar ber in your account of my wedding, sir. You can stop my paper, sir. And now, will you show me the type setting department of this office? I am on the warpath this morning, sir, bigger than n grizzlx bear, and I am going to ilnd tho man that mixed those cuts and reorganize him from the ground up!'1 In the excitement and confusion that followed some one hastily turned in a Are alarm, and it took tho entire department and a squad of police to quench the fiery young man.--C7MV.a-go Tribune. Elevation of the Grocery Stoic. One effect of the evolution in our food supply has been elovating the grocery store to be one of the most attractive of shops. Formerly tho grocer's stock consisted of a few bar rels of sugar, molasses and salt meat, with tho addition of coffee, tea and spices; and neither in looks nor smell was the grocery store an attrac tive place. Now, the buyer is greeted with a bewildering variety of package goods, bearing attractive labels, many of which reach up into the realms of art Instead of many different kinds of goods weighed out in the same scale, each contaminating tho other. more or less, and requiring a large lorco of clerks, somo of wnom might carelessly weigh or measure too littte or too much, the consumer receives packages bearing the guarantee of large establishments, tidily and cor rectly packed, while the grocer is benefited by no loss in weight, more perfect responsibility of employes for stockfns a given number of puck ages can be required or the money therefore, and an 'intelligent boy or girl can serve a customer more quickly, correctly nnd satisfactorily with package goods than an adult clerk could with goods which have to be put up at the time. A larger volume of baeiness can thus be handled with less help, nnd the gro cery store has become one of tho brightest and most attractive in the list of shops. Critic In place of that constantly tired out feeling, Ayer's tnrsaparilla yvill give jou strength. Iu the land grants made to tho new states it is provided says the Oregon Scottt that all school lands have not brought over S2 and often less. If the lands this state owned had been kept and sold for what they aro actu ally worth, the irreducible school fund would figure np millions where now we havo thousands. School lands could have averaged S10 an aore easily, and there was no need to sell beforo they would bring that much. Why is it Ithat public inter ests are trifled with while each in dividual interest is made the most of? School land3 have been bought and sold on speculation, and those who have bought generally have renlized f ally 810 if they cared to sell. Mail carriers in Morocco are said to avoid risk of losing their places by oversleeping by tying a string on one foot and setting the end of it on fire before they go to sleep. The string, they know from experience, will burn so long, and when the fire roaches their foot it is in time for them to get up. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria tVhen Zeibj was Elck, we gare her Castoria. JVTjen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, tVhen she became Miss, sho clung to Castoria, (Then she had Children, she gare them Castoria Thousands of flasks of whisky are sold on the Btreets of Pittsburg every Sunday, and tho papers there call it 'pocket license. The Stomach Distils Acids. These, If existent In anatural quantity, and unvitiatcd by bile, play their part in the functions of digestion and assimilation. But the artificial acid resulting from the inabil ity of the stomach to convert food received by It into sustenance, Is tho producer of flats ulance and heartburn, which are the most harrassing symptoms of dyspepsia. The best carminative Is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Far more effective Is It than carbonate of soda, magnesia or other alkaline salts. These invariably weaken the stomach without pro ducing permanent bene9t.No man or woman chronically dyspeptlcand consequently ner vous, can be In possession of the full meas ure of vigor allowed by nature. Therefore, Invigorate and regulate the system, and by so dome protect it from malaria, rheuma tism and other serious maladies. The Greek chamber of deputies has voted a dowry of SSO.OOO to Prin cess Alexandria, who is betrothed to Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovitch, and S108.000 to build a residence for the Duke of Sparta, who is engaged to Princss Sophia of Prussia. A central exchange houso has just been established in St. Petersburg, for Asiatic wares. It has a capital of 3,000,000 rubles and among its pro moters are the leading merchants in Turkinstan. Khiva, Bokhara, Afghan istan, Persia, India and Turkey. The demand for lizard skins for purses and similar objects is said to have exhausted tho supply in Java. The government has interfered to protect the lizards, who aro wanted as scavengers, and lizard skins have to be obtained now from south America. A locomotive of American manu facture on the Erie road Wednesday hauled the Buffalo day express the ontTrn rlitnn(n frrrm .Tprsov flitv tn Buffalo, 423 mile3. This is the great est run ever maao uy one engine. It is proposed to bring tho waters of l'Oegern Sec to Christiania, Nor way, through an 8-mile long tunnel through gneis3 rock. AN OPEN QUESTION. tt Xlarrlson a Descendant of Poca hontas? It is popularly believed that Presi dent Harrison is descended from Pocahontas and from the Parlia mentary soldier and regicide General Thomas Harrison who was executed in 1CC0. Pocahontas, daughter of Powhatan, manifested a friendliness for tho early white settlers of Virginia when she was but a girl. The story of how she Eaved tho life of Captain John Smith, who had been captured and con demned to death by her father how she, on several occasions .made known to the Bettlers their dange. when about to bo attacked is well known to all acquainted with tho early his tory of America. Her subsequent marriage with John Rolfe, at Eng lishmanher removal to England whoro a son was born, from whom numerous wealthy families of Virginia claim descent is the basis of the opinion 'aat President Harrison is one of her descendants. Whether this be true or not it is, however, well-known that President Harrison is .a descendant of a noted family,- distinguished .alike in peace and war. The name of "Harrison is already indelibly written Upon tho pages of American history, for Gen eral Wm. Henry Harrison the ninth President of the United States was the grandfather of Uen. Ben. Harrison. The election of another member of the Harrison family is but another proof of the prevailing disposition of tho public to return to healthy ad ministration of public affairs so characteristic of tho early years of government. A similar desire has been manifested for a revival of early manners and customs in many various ways, of which mention in particular can be made of the prevailing demand for those old time preparations which were so successfully employed in the prevention and cure of the ills and ailments which frequented the early log-cabin homes. After much inquiry and research a noted manufacturer has procured tho originaljinethods usod in their prepara tion nnd again under the name of Warner's Log Cabin Remedies, the public is possessed of those well known preparations for the euro of coughs, colds, consumption in its early stages, blood disorders, catarrh, dys pepsia, dobility, and other common disorders. Notwithstanding the large amount of time, attention and expense which the manufacture of Warner's Safe Cure demands its well-known repu tation as the only remedy for the pre vention and cure of kidney diseases being world wide the manufacterer is resolved to push the merit of War ner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla to the front because of its splendid blood purifying properties and great value as a household remedy and spring time system renovator. Pocahontas, during her life-long friendship for the white settlers of Virginia, besides her many acts of kindness, is said to havo contributed much valuable information to the log cabin home concerning the successful methods employed by the Indians in the treatment of disease and it mat ters little whethtrthe alleged relation ship between hersolf and the Presi dent be true or not for tho name of Pocahontas is already immortal. There are two classes of people in this world those who make fools of themselves and thnso wrm ilnn't need to. Catarrh Cured, A clergyman, after years of suffer ing from that loathsome disease, Ca tarrh, and vainly trying every known remedy, at last found a recipe which comnletelv cured and s.ivnrl Mm f mm death. Any sufferer from this drpml- ful disease sendinc n coif nrlrTroocnl stamped envelope to Prof. J. A. Law rence, oa warren at., wow iorfe Uity, will receive the recipe free of charge. Tho linn an bill mnVinr it n fAlnnv to steal a dollar's worth of corn from a farmer's field has been passed by the Tennessee senate. Do not lie awake nights and cough ! AVPT'S fMlprrv Pprtnrnl will fnllnrn tl,n cough and indnce a good night's rest A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, FKOPJtIETORS. Headquarters at Stain Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Tour patronage is solicited. . Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes, A marvel of purity, strenath and w holesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold iii competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or jihos B hate powders. Snldonliiincan. Koval akiko Pownr.n Co. los V'all-st. N. V. B. V. CnowixY & Co. L gents, Portland, Oregon. cnr.is. kvexson". V. COOK THE BBUf&U! EVENS0H" & COOK. On tho European Plan. LARGE CLEA3 I1003IS, .1 FlllST-CI. ISS HESTAUHAXT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Kamili, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. ()5"itcr, 1'ish, Meat, Etc., Cooked to Order, TS :it., nj. I'oaril H Silken A FIRST GLASS SALOON I'un in connection Willi the Piemiscs. The Bost of V1NE3, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Ccod Millard Tables and Private Card Itooms. CHIEF Or POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby oiven that bv virtue of a warrant issued bv tho Auditor and Police Judga of tho city of Astoria, in accordance with nn order mado by the Common Council of the citv of Astoria. by ordinnnco No. 10GS, entitled an ordi nance ordering tne Auditor and 1'olico Jude to issuo warrants for tho collection of Cedar street assessments, approved February 2Gtli, 1889. Said warrant bear ing date tho 2StU day of February, 1889, commanding mo to levy upon lot No. 4 in block No. 122 in tho city of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively, to collect an assessment o"f twenty-three dollars, which assessment was made for tho improvement of Cedar street between West-Cth street and Salmon street by or dinance No. lOUl, entitled an ordinnnco declaring the probable cost of improving Cedar street from West-Gtb. street to Salmon street, approved December l:tth, 18S3, 1 have this day levied upon lot No. t in block No. 122 in Shively's Astoria, and on Monday, tho 22d day of April, 18S9, at one o'clock P. M. of said day in front of tho court houso door in tho city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will proceed to sell lot No. i m block No. 122 in Shively's Astoria, to the highest bid der therefor, to pay said assessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said sale to bo for U. S. gold coin. Astoria, March 20tb, 18S9. W. J. UAKItY, Chief of Police. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued bv the Auditor and Police Judge of the Citv of Astoria, in accordance with an order made by the Common Council tf the citv of Astoria. by ordinance No. 10G8, entitled an ordi nance ordering inc Auditor aim 1'olice Judge to issue warrants for the collec tion of Cedar street assessments, ap proved February 2Gtli, 18S9. Said war rant bearing date Hie 28th day of Feb ruary, lt89, commanding me to levy upon lot No. 3 in block No. 139, in the City of Astoria as laid out anil recorded by J. II. Shively, to collect an assess ment of twentj -three dollars, v, liich as sessment was made for the improvement of Cedar street between West-Gth street and Salmon street by ordinance No. 10C5, entitled an ordinance declaring the probable cost of improving Cedar street tram WestGth street to balmon strcer, approved December lath. 18S3, I have this day levied upon lot No. 3 in block No. 139 in Snivel j 's Astoria, and on Monday, the 22d day of April, 1889, at one o'clock P. M. of said day in front of the court house door in tho city of As toria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will pro ceed to sell lot No. 3 in block No. 139 In Shively's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, cost and expenses of sale. Said sale to be lor U. S. gold coin. Astoria, Jlarch 20th, 1839. W.J.BARRY, Chief of Police. Boa&way Market. P. O'HARA, Prep'r: Opposite Toard & Stokes. A First-Class Meat Shop. Fresh and Salt Meats. All Purchases Delivered in any Part of the City. J, Abercronibie. (Next door to Carnahan & Co.'s.) I.ARD. IIAM, BACON, BUTTER, CHEESE. EGGS, POULTRY, POTATOES, FtSEt AND GAME. Fruit, Nuts, and Candies. General Commission Mei chant. CIIENAMUS STKEET, - - ASTORIA. Rooms for Rent. I7WRNISI1ED ROOMS AND UNFUR ? nlshed Kooms. suitable for housekeep ing, for rent. MRS. A. RAPrLE VEA. Cass street, one door south of Astokiax office. PffiBiiral IhrA tm E3 "3 n M H n -H H UUQfl S&UBHg S 0 K3 CASH. GOODS MARKED IX FOR SPRING I am receiving direct from tha factories the best values and most handsome designs in Men's imported, all wool Scotch Cheviot Suits; also in Navy Bine Flannels and Ya ht Cloths, besides BOY'S and CHILDREN'S SUITS, MEN'S FINE PANTS and light weight OVERCOATS. In Soft, Felt and Stiff HATS, direct from the best manufacturers, I have obtained the latest styles and shapes, which I sell at as close a margin as can be sold, as well as any line of good3 that I carry, for I do not believe in bunkum in business, such as resorting to any faking scheme as is often used by advertising a stock as bankrupt goods; an underwriter's sale; on account of removal or repairs, and selling off at cost to make room for new goods, oto., when it is merely done to force goods. The only true and honest way for merchants is to charge an honest nnd fair per cent. Mark his goods in plain figures, and give to each and every customer alike the same goods for the same amount of money. "One persons money is as good as anothers." Trunks. Valises, Blankets, Quilts, and a full line of Furnishing Goods. JSA child buy3 as cheaply as the most experienced buyer. I.L.OSGOOD, Kinney's Brick Building, Opposite Rescue Engine House. Streot Cars running by the door. IJM -AND- 5000 double roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of the latest styles and shades just received direct from Eastern f aotories. Also a large assortment of Of all grades in beautiful now designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains. China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call and examine. CHAS. HEILBORN. cmzrwKm'a The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN s Asjeiu. Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E. E. Ilaw es Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand, FIRE BRICK DEALER IN Hay, Oats, ani Straw, Liie, Brici, Cement, Sanfl anfl Plaster Wood Dellrered to Order. Drajiny, Teaming and Express Business. TEH apply to the Captain, or to B 3K Wok Ban WSJ B -IN- Canned Goods A HEADQUARTERS Astoria Grocery and Canned Coods Co., At Old I. X. L Corner, Opposite Parker House. H. ML THATOHEE, HOTELS AND KESTAURAXTS ga HB IKS g THE VIENNA rf S III Restaurant ani Chop House. C. W. Fisher &. Co., Prop's. Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO ORDER- Fiuc I'rivatc Kooms. Everything Js irst CInss. GeneUcve Street, rear of Grlfllu & Reed's. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Seaside Bakery. Best Milk Bread ami CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturers of Fine Candles. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Candies. JOHNSON, BROS. H. JACOBSON, Manufacturer and TmDorter of Saddles, Harness.- Collars, Whins. Saddlery Hardware, Horse Clothing, Robes, Lca.uci:, uaiiae .LrillinuilgS, eiC, AT rORTLASD PRICES. Opposite Wilson &Flsher's dock, Astoria, Or, ONE PRICE. AND SUMMER ASIOc l&j VjrQgOJi. RATIONS! ASTORIA, ONLY OF PLAIX FIGPBES. itXrt&ifiEisSK, H BE OkflBMP a FIRE CLAY STEAMEB CLARA NHH Ebcn P. Pprker.Mastcr. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAH II. li. VASS.li.Kll. and Groceries. Is tho Leading and Only First-GIas RESTAURANT. Good Cooking. Clean Services. Reasonable Prices. Polite Waiters. Prompt Attention. Try Him and You will be More than Satisfied, Everybody Says So. Private Rooms. MAIN STREET. - - - ASTORIA. The Astor House, E.E.ROSS, PROPRIETOR. K7ur;K.dKSfl'ted. Re- .U4u,j iuoTaiea. A Large, Cleaa,- """"felReptHoise. RATES: From a Dollar a Day Upwards. First-class In all Its appointments elaan neat, sunny rooms. 'well I fSaWed ' and well kept. YOTJ ARE INVITED TO CAT,T, -Free Coach to and from tha House. Bargains ! dL&&$&&