en Tfftff ASTORTA OREGON TUESDAY APRIL ii. 1889. PRICE blVE CENTS- VOL. XXXI 1 NO. 7!) BUSINESS CARDS. A TEBETBLE DIBASTEB. THE rOUE NEW STAES. CASH. GOODS MASKED VS PLAI'FiaCBES. ONE PRICE. A. C:iEVEIi,VSD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OS-e Flavel'i new brick building, corner Second and Cass streets ; up statrs. 3 OHM 11. SJIITZr. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Cass street. 2 doors back of Odd Fellows Building. Astoria, Oregon. StESU XAXAIJA. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oliice over White House Cor., Astoria, Or. V.TT VTTORXKY AT LAW. ... in Klnuey'.s I'.lock, opposite City i ,. Astoria, Oregon. t.-.V l-ULTOK. U.C. FUI.TOX VVI.10 imOTIIEKS, ATTOllNKYS AT LAW. .Hms5and C.OJd Fellows Building. t. A. BOW'LBY, . m.ruey uud Counsellor nt Law 'v-e on Cbenamns Street, Astoria. Oregon I -J It J. K. Ii FOKCR. DENTIST. ItoowiU ana 12 Odd Fellons Building. ASTORIA. --- - OREGON'. D lit. A. 1, ASDJ. A, FIILTOS. Cass street, between 3rd and 4th. Special attention to Diseases of Women and Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Special attention to Surgery, by Dr. J. A. Fulton. Office hours from 10 to 12 A. M and 1 to I P.M. J AY TUTTliE, 31. 1. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OrricB Booms 0 rythisa Building. Residence : SE comer -Wall and West 3th streets, opposite I. W. Case's, K. NB.VW. DENTIST. Uijoms In Ailen's Building, up stairs, cor net Cas3 and Squeraoqua streets, Astoria Iregoii. M: IW. IK. OlVEXN-ADAIIt, Ofilce and residence. D.K. Wanen's for mer residence, Astoria, Oregon. Diseases of Women and Children, and of Ihe Rye ana Ear, specialties. JV$.. K.F.3TKS. rllYfeHUAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to Disease-) of Women and Sunrerv. irncic : Opposite Telegraph omep, up Mam, Astoria, jregon. IT. A. HI! ITU, 'Iffo DENTIST. Rooms l and 2 I'ythlan llmMIng over C. H. Cooper's Store. I ii. jiAXsr.r.L. XOTAUY rUBLK', Real Estate end Commission Agent. Agt'in for the American Building and Loan Association. One door west of Telegraph office. PATRONIZE HOWE INDUSTRY There Is no occasion for the most fastldi cms of bur citizens to send to 1'ortl.ind or San Francisco tor Custom Rfiado Clothes As they can pet Better Fits. Better Work inanship.and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with JIEANY. Now Coeds by Every Steamer. Call an.! Sc lilm and Satisfy Yourself. P. J Meany. Merchant Tailor. AUCTioia- AND COMMISSION HOUSE. HAETIN OLSEK", Successor to E. CJ Jloldeu. The omest established Commission House In Oregon, Goods of all kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock of Furniture on hand. When you want Bargains in Household lioousgoio MARTIN OL.8K.N For Sale. The Nolan Ranch on Young's Bay. 2 MIlos from Astoria. 377 acres of best land in Clatsop county. IW acres High Land, balance, rich Tide Land, nearly all dyked. Oood House of 7 rooms, two Barns, and other outbuildings ; Steamer Landing, Or chard, yielding 700 bushels pery ear ; Together with 20 Much Cows. 10 Hogs, span Hor-es, Chickens and all Farming Im plements, now In good repair"; 2 Boats and Scow. Fine Spring Water. Price $15,000, Terms, half cash, balance on mortgage. Further particulars apply to J.II.MANSELt. Real Estate Agent. Astoria, or. Joiin 0. Dement. DRUGGIST. '.Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. -J'rrfcrlplloii Carefully Compounded. Agent for Mexican Salve and . : Norwegian Pile Cure, QEO.M'EAir. SAM. FREEMAN. McLean & Freeman. BLACKSMITHS. Special Attention paid to all Ship and Steam boat Repairing. HORSESHOEING. Loggtng Camp Work a Specialty. All kinds otBtacksmitalDg done to order. Shop, comer Jefferson and Olney streets, -Astoria, Oregon. Y A, Bast of All .' j -..icities, Ayer's Cherry l'ec : - - - i.i greater tie.-uaml lliaa cvtr ?. irenaratiou for Throat and Lunc S ii'ul-j is so prompt iu its effects, sc a;:ccai.c to tho taste, and so widely :.i"uii, as this. It is the family laedi- ir.i .n thousands of households. "I have sn ITered for years from a l-ioucliia! trouble that, whenever I take i old or am exposed to inclement weath er, (.hours itself by a very annoying ti-kliu: sensation iu the throat and by iiilieulty in breathing. I have tried a ijreat many remedies, but none does so well as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral which always gives prompt relief in returns of my old complaint." Ernest A. Hepler, In-pcctor of Public Roads, Parish Ter ro Bonne, La. " I consider Ayer's Cherry Pectoral a most important remedy For Home Use. I have tested its curative power, in my family, many times during the past thirty years, and have never known it to fail. It will relieve the most serious affections of the throat and lungs, whether in children or adults." Mrs. E. G. Edgerly, Council Bluffs, Iowa. "Twenty years ago I was troubled with a disease of the lungs. Doctors afforded me no relief and considered my case hopeless. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and, before I had finished one bottle, found relief. I continued to take this medicine until a cure was effected. I believe that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life." Samuel Griggs, "Waukegan, I'll. " Six years ago I contracted a severe cold, which settled on my lungs and soon developed all the alarming symp toms of Consumption. I had a cough, night sweats, bleeding of the lungs, pains in chest and. sides, and was so prostrated as to be confined to my bed most of the time. After trying rarious prescriptions, without benefit, my physician finally determined to give me Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took it, and tho effect was magical. I seemed to rally from the first dose of this medicine, -and, after using only three bottles, am as well and sound as ever." Eodney Johnson, Springfield, 111. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drugguti. Pries $1 ; alz bottlti, ti, INSURANCE. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000 COLUMBIA a; INSURANCE CO. FRANK DEKUJI President W. II. SMITH VIce-lTesident JOHN A. CHILD . Secretary No. 160 Second St. Portland, Or. I.VV. Caso, Agent, Astoria, Or; Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE IX FIRST CLASS C03IIW.VIK8 Representing 813,000,000 PHGENIX, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York. AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO C. P. UPSHUR, Main Street 'Wharf - Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London&GIobe.North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial ol California Agricultural, of watertown. New York, 1-onrtou & Lancashire of Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Represent In a capital of 867,000,000. . VAN HUH EX. Agent. Robb & Parker, AGENCY OK Fire and Marine Insurance, With an Aggregate Capital of Slo.ooo.0u0. IMPERIAL, of London. CALIFORNIA, of California. CONNECTICUT, of Hartford. OAKLAND HOME, of Oakland. LION, of London. FIREMAN'S FUND. orCalifornia, Agents also for TRAVELLERS', of nartford- Life and Aircidpnt. Tickets sold for the ALLAN Line of Mftunsmps, rrom out country to Astoria. ROBB & PARKER. At old ofllce of J. O. Bozorth Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HAEDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOB SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Roller MUIb, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTOBIA, OBEQON. CANDY Mnnufactured and For Sale at Wholesale rrlces, at The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. Good Bread, Cafce and Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered In any part of the city. Piano For Sale -CREAT-At Worslev's' Auction Roonn. Second hand Emerson Sacare. WUl sell on fiw installments. Apply for terms. WINTER & HARPER, FDffi KABfflE Ri .Or. 71 Morrison St., Portland Sinking of tl.B German and American Vessels at Samoa. San Fbixcisoo, April 1 Farther particulars of the disastrous storm at Apia have just been received. The hurricane burst upon the harbor sud denly. The German man-of-war Eb er was the first vessel to drag her an chor. She became unmanageable and was driven helplessly on the reef which runs around the harbor. She struck broadside at 6 o'clock. The shock caused her to lurch and to stagger back, and she sank in n mo ment in deep water. Most of her men were under the hatches and scarcely a soul of them escaped. The German war vessel Adler was the next to succumb. She was lifted bodily by a gtgantio wave and cast on her beam ends on the reef. A ter rible struggle for life ensued among the officers and sailors aboard. Many plunged into the raging surf and struck out, some reaching the shore in safety. Others clung to the rig ging until the masts fell. Of those in the rigging only two gained the shore. The captain of the Adler and several other officers were saved. Meantime the United States steam er Nipsic had been dragging her an chors and drifting toward the shore. The captain, however, managed to keep her under control and ran her on a sand bar. Boats were immedi ately lowered and the whole company were saved with the exception of six men. These were drowned by the capsizing of a boat. The United States steamer Vanda lia was carried before the gale right upon the reef. She strnok with a terrible shock, hurling the captain against a Gatling gun, and he fell stunned. Before he could recover a great wave swept the deck and washed, him and others away into the sea. The vessel sank fifty yards from the Nipsic, and several of the officers and men went down with her. Oth ers perished while making desperate efforts to swim to shore. Some of the ship's company tried to save themselves by clingling to the rig ging, but the heavy and swift-running waves dashed over them, and one by one they were swept away. By this time night had set in. Many natives and Europeans had gathered on the shore, all anxious to render assistance to the unfortunate crews, but owing to the darkness they were wholly unable to be of service. Soon after tho Vandalia had sunk the American warship Trenton broko from her anchorage and was driven upon the wreck of the Vandalia, whence she drifted to the shore. The bottom of the Trenton was complete ly stovo and her hold halt full of water. As the morning dawned the German man-of-war Olga, which had hitherto withstood the gale, although much battered by the heavy seas that con stantly broke npon her, became un- maneagable and was driven upon the beach, where she lay in a tolerably favorable position. Following is a record of the officers and men lest: Eber Captain and all other officers except one, and seventy-six men. Vandalia Captain, four officers and forty men. Nipsie Seven men. Adler Altogether fifteen persons, King Mataafa sent n number of men to tue assestance of tlio wrecked ships. They rendered splendid aid in trying to float the Olga. Catarrh Cured, A clergyman, after years of suffer ing from that loathsome disease, Ca tarrh, and vainly trying every known remedy, at last found a recipo which completely cured and saved him from death. Any sufferer from this dread ful disease sending n self addressed stamped envelope to Prof. J. A. Law rence, 88 Warren St., New York City, win receive tne recipe iree oi cliarge. In January and February tltere were twenty-one cases of suicide at Monte Carlo. There have been sev eral cases this month. This season is considered the most prosperous in the history of the place. Tho win nings in February alone amounted to JElOU.UUU. HOW DOCTOBS COXQIXK DEATH. Doctor Walter K. Ilammond says : "Af ter a long experience I have come to mo conclusion tnai two-minis ot an deaths from coughs, pneumonia and consumption, might be avoided if Ack er's English Cough Beniedy were only carefully used in time." This vrondcr- iui liemeuy is sow unacr a positive guarantee uy j. w.iionu, Druggist. Senator Chace's resignation has thrown little Bhode Island into a perfect ferment There are a score ot ambitious men who are struggling iur uiB piace. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria (Vhen Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. tVhen she- was a Child, she cried for Castoria, SVhen hs became Miss, she dune tofeastoria, JVhen she had Children, she gave them Castorii The London Times was founded in 1778 nnd wm fnnnrlora.1 in 1QOO T dividends, whioh were once a half million yearly, have fallen to nothing. The nnisft mnrfa liv tlin Thnmlinn ; hardly audible. CABELE33 MOTIIEB8. Ttlanv mnthpra linva nermiH.,1 .t.n: chidren to die before their eyes when iucy uiiKui uavu oeen savea. Any tle of Acker's English Baby Soother at hand, runs a risk which she may some- nuic ickici. it una suveu mo lives oi thousands of children, and is doing so every year. J. W. Conn, Druggist. It ia best to pardon the man who talks constantly about himself. Hn wants to be sociable and knows noth ing else. N. O. Picaune BETTER THAN IttOODT BATTLES. General WheateroftfNelson.savsi'Mv exuerience in tho English armviwwpii ns in America, convinces mo that notfj ing so tborougrdyimriness the blood or adds to health, vigor and life as Ack- -ye Jin rs Jsngjisa jJiooa .Elixir." this great lemcayis soia ;unaer a positive gnat ntee by J. W. Conn, Druggist. How the New States dan. Be Indicated on the Standard. From the A. T. Graphic. The suggestion is made that with the addition oi lour new states to the Union there should be unifor mity in placing stars on the Union flag. There is no provision by law for tne arrangement ot tne stars, or the relative size of tho stars and stripes. The stars might be put in to the blue ground in six rows of seven stars each, one over the other. This plan might be varied by placine the stars iiEe tne alternate squares on a checker board. As the law does not provide and it is desirable to have uniformity, these two plans are most likely to be followed. Here is the checker-board outline. DYSPEPSIA, DESPAIR, DEATH. These are the actual steps which fol low indigestion. Acker's hnglisli Dys pepsia Tablets will both check and cure this most fearful of diseases. Guaran teed by J. W. Conn, Drugqist. Oscar Wilde has reformed, and now acts and dresses like a sensible man. Of course he isn't making so much money as when he was making a fool of himself. TX.UII.VG HUE IS TUE VEIN'S. We hold positive proof that Acker's Enclish Blood Elixir cures all blood poisons where cheap sarsaparillas and so-called purifiers fail. Knowing this, we will sell it to all .who call at our store on a positive guarantee. J. V. Conn, Druggist, Farmers in the northwest are al ready sowing spring wheat. Do not lie awake nights and cough ! Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will relieve the cougn and indnco a good nignt's rest This is tho earliest opening of nav igation on tne Hudson since lasz. Peak's Soap is the most elegant toilet adjunct. The Str. Telephone Fast TimG'Bstween Portland and Astoria. LEAVE I'OHTIJVN'I) : Foot of Alder Street Dally, except Tuesday. at .T-flo a.m. J.KAVE ASTOKIA : Wilson & Fisher's Dock. Daily, except Tuesday, at 8 :CO i m Carnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO T. W. CASE, IMroitTEltS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Comer Clienamus and Cass streets. ASTCKIA OREdON CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Police Judge o the city of Astoria, in accordance with an order made by the Common Council of the city of Astoria, by Ordinance number lOfiS. entitled an ordinance ordering the Auditor and Po lice Judge to issue warrants for the collection of Cedar street assesssments, approved February 2Gtli, 1889, said warrant bearing date the .28th day of February, 1889, commanding me to levy upon lot number 4, in block number ire, in the city of Astoria as laid out and re corded by J. M. Shlvely, to collect an assessment of twenty-three dollars, which assessment was made for the im provement or Cedar street between West Gtii street and Salmon street, bv Ordinance number 1005 entitled an or dinance declaring the probable cost of improving Cedar street from West Cth street to Salmon street, approved De cember latii, 1888, 1 nave this day levied upon lot number 4, in block number 112, inShively's Astoria, and on Monday, the 22nd day of April, 1880, at one o'clock p. m. of said day in front of the court house door in tho city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will proceed to sell lot number 4, in block number 112, in Shively's Astoria, to tho highest bid der therelor, to pay said assessment, costs anu expenses ui tan', caul sate to ue lor u. s, goiu coin. Astoria, March 20th, 1889. AY. J. BARRY, Chief of Police. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued bv the Auditor ami Police .luilcrn of theOitvnf Astnrin in accordance with an order mado by the uommon uouncu oi mo city ot Astoria, by ordinance No. IOCS, entitled an ordi nance ordering the Auditor and Police Judge to Issue warrants for the collec tion of Cedar street assessments, ap proved February 2Cth. 1889. Said war rant bearing date the 28th day of Feb ruary, 1889, commanding me to levy upon lot No. 3 in block No. 139, in the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively, to collect an assess ment of twenty-three dollars, which as sessment was made for the improvement ui ueuar street uctween west-utn street and Salmon street by ordinance No. 1003, entitled an ordinanc&deciaringthe prouaDie cost ot improving Cedar street Irom West-Cth street to Salmon street. approved December 13th, 1888, I have this day levied upon lot No. 3 in block No. 139 in Shively's Astoria, and on Monday, the 22d day of April, 1889, at one o'clock P. M. of said day m front of the court house door in the city of As toria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will pro ceed to sell lot No. 3 in block No. 139 in Shively's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, cost and expenses of sale. Said sale to bo lor u. a. gout com. tisiona, jiarcn 2uui, ihxj. W.J. BARRY, Chief of Police. 0WDER Absolutely Pure ThU powder never varies, A marvel oi purity, strength and wliolesomeness. More economical than tho ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or ihos B hate powders. Sold only in cans. Rovai. akino PowDcr. Co. 105 V'all-st.. N. Y. D. W. Ckowlev & Co. gents, Tortland, Orejjon. MARKETS. Washington Market. JIalu Street, Astoria, Orrson. i:i:kg MAN JL CO, imiopkietoiss OESPECTFOLIA' CALL THE ATTEN- JEe tion ol tho public to the fact that the aoove Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND REST QUALITY OK FRESM AHD CURED MEATS 1 1 Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. "Special attention given to supplying ohips. STAR MAHKET. WHERRY & C0EIPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, Vogotatoles, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OITOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEIm CHKXAailTS SSreet, AhJorin. Oc. Eoadway Market. P. O'HARA, Prep'r: Opposite Foard & Stokes. A First-Class Meat Shop. Fresh and Salt Meats. All Purchases Delivered in any Part ol J. Abercrombie. (Next door to Carnahan & Co.'s.) BUTTER, CHEESE. EGGS, POULTRY, I'OTATOES, FISH AX1) CAME, Fruit, Nuts, and Candles. (ieneral Commission Merchant. CnENAMUS STIIEET, - - ASTORIA. CHI5I1. EVKNTOJf . F. COOK EVENSON & COOK. On tho European Plan. LARGE CLEAN 110021S, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order. WATER St., Opp. i-'onrrt &. Stokes A FIRST CLASS SALOON Kun In connection with the Trcmlses. The uest ot WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card llooms. a m n a "feqkOKS'&d'H BACKER, r ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available In any part of the U. S. and Europe, and on Iloug Kong, China Office nouns : 10 A. at. to 3 r. jr. Odd Frxtows Building, Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF OP POLICE SALE. Notico is hereby given that by virtuo of a warrant issued by tho Auditor and Police Judeo of tho city of Astoria, in ac cordance with an order made by the Common Council of tho city of Astoria, by ordinance No. IOCS, entitled an ordi nance orderinn tho Auditor and Police JudRe to issue warrants for tho collection of (Jedar street assessments, approved February 26tb, 1889. Said warrant bear ing date the 28th day of Februarv, 18S9, commanding mo to levy upon lot No. G in block No. 138 in the city of Astoria as laid out and recorded bv J. M. Shivelv. to collect an assessment of twenty-three dollars, which assessment was made for the improvement of Cedar street between Vest-Cth street and Salmon street by or dinance No. 10G5, entitled an ordinance declaring the probable cost of improving Cedar street from Wcst-Cth street to Salmon street, approved December 13th 1888. 1 have this dav levied nnon lot N'n. G in block No. 138 in Shively's Astoria, ana on iuonuay, ine ssaa aay ot April, 18S9, at one o'clock P. M. of said day in front of tho court house door in tho city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will proceed to sell lot No. G in block No. 133 in Shively's Astoria, to tho highest bid der therefor, to pay said assessment, costs nnd expenses of sale. Said sale to be for U. S. gold coin. Astoria, March 20th, 1889. "W.J. BAKRY, Chief of Tolice. THE FOR SPRING AND SUMMER I am receiving direct from the factories the best values and most handsome designs in Men's imported, all wool Scotch Cheviot Suits: also in Navy Blue Flannels and Ya ht Cloths", besides BOY'S and CHILDREN'S SUITS, MEN'S FINE PANTS and light weight OVERCOATS. In Soft, Felt and Stiff HATS, direct from the best manufacturers, I have obtained the latest styles and shapes, which I sell at as close a margin as can be sold, as well as any line of goods that I carry, for I do not believe in bunkum in business, such as resorting to any faking scheme as is often used by advertising a stock as bankrupt goods; an underwriter's sale; on account of removal or repairs, and selling off at cost to make room for new goods, otc, when it is merely done to force goods. The only true and honest way for merchants is to charge an honest and fair per cent. Mark his goods in plain figures, and give to each and every customer alike the same goods for the same amount of money. "One persons money is as good as anothers." Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Quilts, and a full line ol Furnishing Goods. J3F"A child buys as cheaply as the most experienced buyer. I.L.OSGOOD, Kinney's Brick Building, Opposite lfescue Engine House. Street Cars running by tho door. AND CEILING DECORATION 5000 double roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of tho latest styles and shades just received direct from Eastern factories. Also a large assortment of 6AEPETS, Of all grades in beautiful new designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Et$. Call and examine. CHAS. HEILBORN. The New Model Eange CAN BE HAD IN ASTOBIA, ONLY OF E. R. HAWES. Afient. Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E.K.HawesIs also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTIIER FIBST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. M, B. PAREEE, K DEALER IU f FIRE BRICK Bay, Oats, anj Straw, Lime, Wood Dellrered to Order. Drsjln?, Teaming ind Express Basinets. IEK apply to the Captain, or to rem; -IN- Canned Goods AT HEADQUARTERS Astoria Grocery and Canned Coods Co., At Old I. X. L. Corner, Opposite Parker House. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE VIENNA Restaurant ani Clop Honse. C. W. Fisher &. Co., Prop's. Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO OKDEK- Finc Private Rooms. Everything ilrst Class. Genevieve Street, rear ot Grifiiu & Eeed's. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Seaside Bakery. BcstMilU Bread ana CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturers of Flno Candles. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Candies. JOHNSON, BKOS. Magee, Argand and Acorn Stoves i Ranges, Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY WARRANTED, WATER CLOSETS, PLUMBISO GOODS, PUMPS, SIXKS, ASD BATH TUBS. JNO. A. MONTGOMERY, 1 Y?s i Astoria, Oregon. FIRE CLAY Brict, Cement, Sand ani Plaster STEADIER CLARA PARKER Ebcn P, Parker, Hasten For TOWING, FKEIGHT orCHAK JU. B. rAKKEK. amiiii and Groceries. Is the Leading and Only First-Giass RESTAURANT. Good Cooking. Clean Services. Keasonablo Prices, rolito Waiters. Prompt Attention. Try Him and You will be More than Satisfied, Everybody Says So. Private Rooms. SIAIN STREET, - - ASTORIA. The Astor House, E.E.ROSS, PROPRIETOR. Newly Repainted, Repaired, Refitted. Re Inrnlshed and Thoroughly Renovated. A Large, Clean,-- WelRept Honse. RATFK. From a Dollar a Day Upwards. First-class in all Its appointments clean neat, sunny rooms, well furnished 1 ' and well kept. YOU ARE INVITED TO OAXL. ES-Free Coach to and from the House. H. JACOBSON, o jj, """" "" anu importer ot baddies. Harnocc pm ,n, . AT P0RTLA5H PRirvf' lC' JEFFS I CHENAMCS STREET. Opposite Yilsoa&Fish'Sdock,A3torla, or,