xy t gaUtj gsforian. ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY. .MAltCII 10. 1889. ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.)! J. P. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, astokiax Building, - - CassStukkt. Terms ofSuMerlptlon. Served bv Carrier, per week . 15 cts Sent by Mall, per month be cts ' " one j ear. $7.00 Free of postage to subscribers. The Astokian' guarantees to Its adver tisers the largest circulation ol any newspa per published on the Columbia river. Tin plate is slow of sale in San Francisco at S5.25 a box. The Lurline leaves for Portland at nine o'clock this morning. It ia reDorted that J. R. Frieraon, well known here, died last week in San Francisco. And now the rash for timber land is toward the upper and middle Ne halem, and many are headed that way. Mrs. E. W. Tallant received yester day afternoon the sad news of the death other mother at Nantncket, Mass. Special meeting of Ocean Encamp ment No. 13, L O. O. F., to-morrow evening at 1-30. Easiness of impor tance. Sam'l Elmore returned yesterday from an extended visit to his father, who has almost completely recovered bis health. The O.E.&N. Co.'s newS25,000 boat building at Portland, for the up per Willamette, will only draw thir teen inches. Stephen Butts and It. Searcy, are putting in a large fish trap just be low Warrior rock, near the foot of Sauvie's island. A twa year old deer at Bergman & Co.'s attracted considerable attention yesterday. It came from Gray's River, and is a littlo beauty. The Walluski is still carrying rail road iron and has COO tons more to deliver, which, at the dock, is done at the rate of one rail a minute. Albany and Corvallis youths have established a new industry. They capture and ship to Arizona Chinese pheasants, where they are worth 6 apiece. John Jones, is building a slat-trap and will locate it at the Tall Timbers, 14 miles above Puget island. C.Dris coll ia putting in a trap a short dis tance above Westport slough. Mr. and Mrs. Flanders, of Crooked creek, and Mr. and Mrs. Goldbeck, of this city, are all happy over the arri val, at their respective homes, of a baby boy last Thursday night. The Cathlamet Oazette says that the majority of the logging men will begin operations in a few weeeks, and some of them are now making prepa rations to commence work at once. The Wizard Oil concert troupe will be here this week. They are going to try and beat the Astoria city hawk er's license by selling song books for a dollar and "give the medicine away." Parties on the Cowlitz are out and injured by the drought this winter. Xhey .spent several thousand dollars putting in a boom for logs, but the rains didn't come and the logs are still non est. The genial Tom Crang, pilot on the Telephone, is out $G0 two 20's and two 10's, which were stolen from his trousers pocket last Friday night Tom doesn't know who the thief was, but the money is gone. From the number of tin cans being manufactured in the several can neries, it looks as though all hopes of catching a few salmon' in the Co lumbia the coming season had not been wholly abandoned. The Albany Democrat thinks: "If Salem, Albany and MoMinnvillo want a route to the sea at Astoria they Bhould get in and take Sherman in Jus march to the sea as an example. He did something beside talking." Col. A. H. Stone, of Knappa. di rects attention to the fact that -since Harrison's inauguration there has tiaon nn mnil rprAlvpr1 nMvnnnn-i KnA Knappa, too, gave Harrison 31 ma jority. Bepnblics are, indeed, un grateful. The O.K. &N. lay off gives the other boats on the river about as much work as tbey can getaway with. The company say they are making money by not running their boats on the lower Celumbia: the other boats certainly are. Layman's high license law fixes li cense for the sale of sale of spiritous and vinous liquors in less quantities than one quart at $100 a year, and for malt liquors in the same quantity at 3200 annually. It is now in force. It does not apply to incorporated towns. Capt. Dan Graham, master of the bar tug Escort No. 2, came in yester day afternoon, from the offing, where in two hours time, with three lines, be and two others aboard caught 125 fine fish. The water there ft teeming with fish just begging to be hauled aboard. Says the Albany Herald: After carefully reviewing the situation of the railroad construction proposed by the lines mentioned it is a safe pre diction that within two years the cars of the Chicago & Northwestern will bo running from Albany to Astoria and to xaqmna. In the justice court yesterday the case of the state vs. Edith Holmes, charged .with larceny of S80 from Chas. White, was dismissed. Charles had SS0 when he entered, the domi cile and nary a cent when he emerged: ho isn't as rich by S80. but he knows a heap more than he did. Last night Sheriff Smith tele graphed that he had arrested Jno. Langley, better known as "Biddv Doyle." and will bring him down to day. The aforesaid is wanted here on a charge of embezzlement, and will have a chance to explain matters before Justice May to-morrow. The following from the C003 bav Newsol the 6th, will not meet with unanimous assent here: "Notices, is sued by the Columbia river fisher. men's protective union, were posted iu iubu nisi eeK, uu vising nsnermen and others not to go to the Columbia river, as there i3 a surplus of labor mere now." A prominent physician of this city or wiue oostetricai ooservation states that singularly enough, so far as he knows, pvpr Rinpp. fVin Knmmtiai ale tion, all the boy babies born here and uereaoouis uave itepuDiicau parents and all the girl babies born since that event have Democratic parents. He says he can't understand it. Who can? It passeth all understanding. Col. Jas. Taylor yesterday cele brated his 80th birthday. Coming here in 1847, at the age of 33, he has been for forty-two years a prominent resident or uregon, and is to-day as active and energetic as many a man not half his years. He was yesterday the recipient of many cordial greet ings on the rounding to completion of eighty years of an honorable and useful life. In the Congregational church, morning theme. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee," in the evening a sacred concert. In the Presbyterian church morning theme "The More Noble," in the evening song service, address "John Knox." In the Methodist church, morning theme "An easy re ligion," song service in the evening, address "Surprises of judgement." Congregational singing. Gentlemen of the city council, if you have time take a walk to-day nnd look at the "streets." Your attention is gently directed to Benton. Mam, First, Second, West 6th and the "roadway." God moves in a myster ious way bis wonders to perform, and if some Higher Power didn't regard Astoria with considerable friendliness several Astorians would long ago have been kilt intirely in going over that miserable bit of ancient history known as "the roadway." The strike on the O: R & N. boats on the Sound is reported to be at an end. On the river the O. It. &a: offi cials have issued an. order rescinding wages IU per cent., but, the men de cline to go back to work at the old figures, asking for an increase, bo that the deadlock still continues. Captains ot tow boats who wero get ting siixj a month, ask 3125: mates on all the boats getting S60 ask 75: pilots getting $75 ask $100; engineers on Willamette boats getting $90 ask 31UU, and second engineers on all the boats getting $60, ask S75. As com pared with elsewhere these are low wages and justified by tho arduous character ot the work. There is bie money to be made just now off the mouth of the river. There are several shoals or bevies or flocks or schools or groups or runs of seal, genuine fur seal about fifteen miles outside, and there is quite a little fleet out there tending to them. Yesterday there were the two schooners previously reported, and a third, the Penelope, with 151 skins aboard. The Penelope ia an Ameri can schooner, ot Shanghai, fourteen days from San Francisco. The two pilot schooners are out along with the three sealing schooners, but up to last accounts had no seals. At present pilotage outlook, it would be a paying business for the boys to get some ammunition and have a crack at those same seals. Every seal of them is worth from $5 to $8. Tho Nebalem Coal company held a meeting in Portland last Tuesday. The claims are situated in T. 4 N., R. 4 W., and on sees. 2, 10, 14, 15, 22, 23, 26, 27, 34 and 35, and cover an area ot about 7.000 acres. The coal meas ures con3ist ot six true veins or seams, with numerous smaller ones. The dip or pitch of coal is 10 to 40 decrees, course 76 degrees east. The quality is semi-bituminous, and equal to any mined on the Pacific coast. The formation is good and solid, with sandstone roof and bottom. The coal can be mined for 75 cents per ton and put on cars. And can be opened either by shaft or tunnel. Plenty of fine timber suitable for logging, and streams large enough to float logs are found, and a railway can bebnilt to the mines either from Scappoose and connect with the Northern Pacific or Columbia river, or one can be built from Forest Grove, a distance ot thirty miles. Tnere are, says tne world, probably 50,000,000 of tons of saleable coal in the fields already taken up. According to the Pendleton Trib tine the locomotive engineers and firemen on the O. B. & N. lines were about to strike even before the cessa tion of work on the river and sound division. The Pendleton Tribune of the 1st. says: Trouble is brewing among the engineers and tireman on the line of the V. U. & JN. company. On Monday last a grievance commit tee aDDointed by the engineers and fireman, went to Portland to confer with Assistant Manager Cookingham and other officials ot the roadin the hope ot reaching some satisfactory conclusion regarding their complaints. It is understood that both engineers and fireman are dissatisfied with the extra work forced upon them and this with other complaints has led to a threatened revolt. The situation is said to be of a serious nature and un less some satisfactory arrangement is agreed upon a general strike will be ordered, embracing not only the O. B. & N. road bat its connections. One of the engineers stated this morning that the men intended to stand firm and secure their demand or a strike would be inaugurated that would be as extensive and complicated as mat of the (J. 15. & O. road. The comer ence at Portland is still in progress and it is hoped that an understanding will be reached without the men De ing ordered ont on a strike. Latest From Samoa. The following cipher dispatch is the latest procurable from Samoa. It is to be hoped that the statements are exaggerated. The wires seemed to be working badly toward the lost, and the whole thing appears some what disconnected, Tohnffdhhrtshnhntogdndodtcaerlit aacnednnetokbhanedanpfradhkaceote hPueltnttremepoocnenmrewgorhyay nreenvoenfogs,zekdedircnmeiohtkdtv etanaorsdrxtsgwuehebhoeubehTcwht IcaehseiasbtaeylhepbpDadathdbrogit nslawyoninadnkstaenodmrepggtetrea gcaofcmeke.iropucsnrwoichitiatsl.ton Jennitha rdcwri rh ssesnnnwtonoer ecyhedtedan,ityoegekercdelrfeewnaiw aancnbfetwaexgetmcnheauorhhweace udom.sssueedgrrildetoregrvceketrfwt ciceorog.dniteparanafelbnteeaanehud oeestdynewtntapooslsboidetceotnnad mownldwindguaekwetksmtri-liheratn doiltddceytastacaepkcoboiobslidaaid iyrnatooellfproygrunfr-nreojoeiwptlo eoetethradietw.ihtitpahitthnocAannat h t tit uy e oeoibnit t erip ne e ek a gt eea r hi niiwl sin. rteci- e lhil oail ae ae t ct heratue b h ih ha o re i 1 . i a t e e a o titti s ian ; 1 u i er oee a tb naa a r ye 1 r r n t r , ae Ida o Who Is Your Best Friend? Yourstomachot course. Why? Be cause if it is out of order you are one of the most miserable creatures liv ing. Give it a fair, honorable chance and see if it is not the best friend you have in the end. Don't smoke in the morning. Don't drink in the morn ing. It you must smoke and drink wait until your stomach is through with breakfast. You can drink more and smoke more in the evening and it will tell on you less. If your food ferments and does not digest right, it you are troubled with Heartburn, Dizziness of the head, coming up of the food after eating, Bilionsness, In digestion, or any other trouble of the stomach, you had best use Green's August t lower, as no person can use it without immediate relief. At the Congregational Church. There will be a sacred concert at the Congregational church to-night, wnen tne ionowmg numbers will be given: 1 Anthem, "ComeWearv Souls." 2r-Hymn, Creation. 3 Solo, selec tion. 4 Hymn, Jewett. 5 Solo, se lection. 6 Hymn. ,-Lux Beniuna." 7 An them, Higfc in the Heavens. 8 Doxology. A Safe Investment. Is one which is cuarantet-d to brim? you satisfactory results, or in caie of failure a return of purchase pricts. On this safe plan you can buy from our ad vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's new discovery mr consumption, it is cuaranteed to bring relief in every case when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest such as Consumption, In flammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asth ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, eta, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can alwavs be de pended upon. Trial bottles free at J. W. Conn's Drug Store. A Grand Concert. Prof. Pratt's concert announced for next Thursday's evening promises to be a grand affair. The programme is an excellent one, embracing a creat variety of style and varied 'sentiment ranging from grave to comic. -No citizen withiu reaching distance can afford to miss this rare treat. Try John A. Montgomery when you want a Stove or Ranee. II is rhpnpi- than others as regards quality and quantity. Oh sflv 1 TImvp 'nn coan tlm nal:..A Stoves at John A. Montgomery's. ITpntinrr KFavoq thaqnm. 4l.n.. n..A ... fnrp. in Awnriit Pnol inH 7, o,n..A at John A. Montgomery's. He has the largest stock and greatest variety. -T. A. MTintfrnmorv hnrc Almnt ... manufacturers and consequently can sell cheaper than others. e have first class workmen at John A. Montgomery's. Jobbing in tin and plumbing. Meals Cooked to Order. Privato rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. I. O. O. F. Members of Beaver Lodge are re quested to meet at their Lodge room on the evening of March 14th, 1889, to de cide upon the proper manner of cele brating the 67th anniversary of our or der, on April 2Cth. By order N. G. Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes; also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at P. J. Goodman's. The latest stvtn nf fJonta' Rnnh n.i Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. Coffee and cake, ten cents, at the Central Restaurant Mrs. Derby is receiving her spring aijica jl iuuiiuery. Tender, Juicy Steak at Jeffs. GMldren Cry frFitclierrs Castoria CAPTAIN PAUL BOYTON. The Famous Swimming Expert Here. A hearty looking ruddy faced man is Uapt, Paul iioyton who came down on yesterday morning's boat. He is unequaled for water journeys in the world's history, and is at homo on the surface of the stormiest ocean. He has crossed the English channel, floated on the German ocean or the North sea, gone up and down the Atlantic coast, the Gulf of Mexico and in his rubber suit bids defiance to storm. He has saved innumerable lives and has a bushel of decorations stowed away sent him by kings and princes in grateful acknowledgement for having rescued their subjects in various parts of the world from drowning. His mission here, ia of a practical nature. He wants to get three car loads of sea lions and seals, some mink, otter, mountain lions, and other animal bric-a-brac, for Lincoln Park Chicago, the New York Cen tral Park and the Philadelphia Zoo. He wants anyone who can get hold of a seal or sea lion to keep him and he will pay for the animal. He is going down to the Seaside, and expects between the mouth of the Necanicum and Tillamook head to se cure all the seals he needs. He wants to put them into stout boxes, with lattice work overhead, and a little water in the boxes and carry them ou the cars, feeding them a little fish on the way. He has a trainer who trains tho seals and teaches them all manner of cute tricks. On his visit to the shores of the North sea last year he brought back a large number of seals, and was then commissioned to come to Astoria and get some seals from this vicinity. The last time the writer met CaDt. Boyton. prior to yesterday, was in July 1874, at Cape May, New Jersey. Since then he haa been on every body of water of any prominence in Eu rope and America and thinks this northwest country unequaled in point of grandeur and scenio beauty. Me will go down to the beach on Tuesday, with a complete outfit and will it blessed with ordinary luck, be able to take back'with him some spec imens of the giant phocae. . Your Attention Is Invited. As the season for bouse repairing is now ou I wish to state that I have extended my stock of wall paper to more than double the size of last season. My stock ordered of 18S9 goods consists of 8,330 double rolls not including borders and decora tions. As my stock is selected from goods of sixteen manufactures I feel confident I can show a superior line, a greater variety than has ever been exhibited iu Astoria. Hand work, flittering, flowers, etc., painting on ceilings before or after paper is put up. Lincrasta waltou famished and finished in metals or colors. Pa pier maohe decorations furnished and finished inlatest styles. Call and ex amine my stock ot wall paper. Bespectfully, B. F. AiiiiEX. When The Legislature Is Not In Session. "A lie stuck to" is not as good as the truth iu journalism. Oregonian, 9. if iiuiGdeiio itim noidii i Clothing,Furnishing Goods, Hats, Trunks, Valises, etc. To the Trade, I take pleasure in informing the trade that I have received in the last 20 days nearly 200 CASES Of staple and choice goods, which 1 oiler at a very close margin to CASH BUYERS. Tt is my desire to attract to As toria some of the Gray's Harbor and Shoalwater Bay and Columbia Piver jobbing trade, which now goes to ban E rancisco anu rort- land: and knowing that 1 must quote extremely low prices to es tablish ousiness relations wun you, I hereby extend a cordial invita tion to you to examine my big stock and prices. B Am Anxious to Please. HERMAN WISE, The Reliable Dealer in CLOTHING, HATS, F0R11ISH1& GOODS, BOOTS, Occident Hotel Building. I I 2 casus of G&o'rmigisk I have just received my new stock of Spring Clothing1, bought from first hands (the manufacturers) not from the middle-men (jobbers) this time, thereby saving my customers one profit, which means from $3 to $5 on each suit of clothes. All the new designs of goods, cut in the very latest style. A Good Business Suit - - - $10 Boys School Knockabout Suits only $ 3 Good Pants from $1.50 and upwards. Ill Sole Agent for Astoria, of the celebrated GHRIST1T HATS. To My Patrons. It is a source of pride to me to be able to announce that I now have beyond question, the most complete and select stock of Men's and Boy's CLOTHING, FURN ISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, BOOTS, SHOES, and such other goods as are usually kept in a FIRST CLASS M'en's Outfitting Estab lisnment; not only do I claim pre cedence in Astoria, but I may justly claim to equal any of the large clothing stores in Portland; and 3'ou will award me the "cake" please, when it comes to "low prices"! You will find in my store, Garments from the cheapest to the finest, and finished in a man ner taxing the ingenuity of the leading American tailors. I will say no more. Please call at your leisure and let me astonish von! save money fey your goods of gy Eli COOPER, TILLAMOOK, Shoalwater Bay and Gray's Harbor The T. & O. S. S. Co.'s Steamer "ALLIANCE," Will sail from POKTLAND as follews: GRAY'S HAEBOR-Thursday, October 4. ll, 18 and 25. November l, 8. 15, 22 and 23, December 6. 13, 20 and 27. SHOALWATKU BAY-October 4 and 18. November 1.15 and 29. December 13 and 27. TILLAMOOK Monday October 1. 15 and 29. November 12 and 25. December 10 and 24. Steamer leaves Portland, from foot of C street at 8 P. M. on above dates. Astoria G A. M. the following morning. Tlie Company reserves Ihe right to change lime and place of sailing. K. K. STRONG-, President. C.P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. QKO. M'LEAI,-. SAM. FltEEMATT . McLean & Freeman. BLACKSMITHS. Special Attention paid to all Ship and Steam boat Repairing. HORSESHOEING. Logging Camp Work a Specialty. AH kinds of Blacksmlthlng done to order. Shop, corner Jefferson and OIney streets, Astoria, Oregon. A Fine ami Well Selected Stocli OF Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, etc. AT H. EKSTROM'S Jewelry Establishment. All goods warranted, as guaranteed. Opposite Crow's gallery, Astoria, Oregon, BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, -AT THE- SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. jo:o:isr F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., SUCCESSORS TO J. O. H.OSS County Coroner. First Glass Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material, Next to astorian office. shoes. HHSHi sing The Str. Telephone Fast Time Between Portland and Astoria. LEAVE PORTLAND : Foot ot Alder Street Daily, except Tuesday. at .." fio A. M. LEAVE ASTORIA : Wilson & Fisher's Dock. Daily, except Tuesday, at 8 -.00 p. ji, Morgan & Sherman. GROCERS And Dealers In Special Attention CIvonto Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. SI. ASTORIA, ORFCiOiV. For Sale Seaside Lots. CHOICE LOTS IN MULKEY'S ADDI tion to Ocean Grove for sale upon rea sonable terms. Now Is the time to buy be fore the boom. Apply to CEO. NOLAND. Or C. It. Thomson. Theo. Bracker. Wholesale and Retail-Dealer in CIGARS, TOBACCO, MEERSCHAUM. Wood and Olay Pipes, Playing Cards, CUTLERY AND NOTIONS. Tills being a branch of the n mfcld, Smith Company, Importers ami Whole sale Dealers in Portland, I can sell to tho Trade and other customers at Portland and San Francisco rates. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. A Square Piano. Enquire of I. W, CASE, -Agent. Cannery Supplies !