The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 07, 1889, Image 3

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She gatttj gtorim
.MARCH 7. 1889.
(Monday excepted.)!
Publishers aud Proprietors,
Terms or.Snbscrlptlon.
Ser pd b v Carrier, per week . 15 cts
Sent by Mail, per montli Co cts
" " " one year $7.00
Free of postage to subscribers.
The Astorian guarantees to Its adver
tisers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
Did you eTer see finer weather?
The Alliance arrived
Gray's harbor yesterday.
in from
Eastern apples find ready sale in
Portland at S4.50 a barrel.
That terrible north coast begins to
get in its work early this season.
The W. C. T. U. will meet at 3 this
afternoon at the hall of the Y. M. C.
A. All the ladies are invited to at
tend. The 13 months old daughter of John
Erickson, of Uniontown, died yester
day. The funeral will take place to
morrow. The members of tho Western Ama
teur band are requested to meet at
the band room for rehearsal at 7:30
this evening.
Messrs Reed, Thompson and Camp
bell have had issued unto them their
commissions as state fishjeommisaion
ers. Tho pilot commissioners have
not yet received their appointments,
Is it a coincidence that the passage
of the pilot bill, the combination with
the Telephone and the attempt to cut
tho employes wages down ten per
cent, all came together in the coun
cils of the O. It. & N. Co?
What a thing habit is! "Lots" of
folks went to the post office yesterday
to get their morning mail, only to
"drop" on the fact that there was
niiey mail, about the time they got
to postmaster Bell's headquarters.
Bear and elk stories have been
very scarce this season, no 3-clawed
toed bear has showed up and no elk
with another prong entwined in his
horns. The hen with 28 cents in gold
in her gizzard is still unheard from,
the southern Oregon cougar and the
eastern Oregon catamount are also
still to hear from.
Every year we have to do without
mail for a day or so. If it isn't one
thing it's another. We had supposed
that this "winter," when the coldest
day was as a day late in the spring
would be back in the Mississippi val
ley, that there would be no trouble in
getting mail right along, but hadn't
counted on the strike.
Says the Kelso Ceurier: The
shipment of smelt is very lively just
now. Wednesday there were shipped
by express from Kelso, 23,725 pounds,
and by the steamer Kellogg 12,000
pounds. Yesterday the shipments
were still heavier. The price has
fallen considerably, and sales are now
slow at half a cent a pound. The
smelt business is a bonanza for the
express companies.
On the morning of April 30, 18S9,
at 9 o'clock, it has been suggested
that the church bells all over the
country shall ring to celebrate the
event of one hundred years ago, when
the church bells thronghout the thir
teen states rang out to call the peo
ple to pray for the success and pros
perity of the country under General
Washington, that day inaugurated
president of the United States.
The river pilots passed a bill of
tLeir own last Monday and it wasn't
in the legislature either. The O. R.
k N. Co. hasn't got everything their
own way yet. The Portland board of
trade is busy drafting a bill to be
presented at the next legislative ses
sion, transferring Portland to the
mouth of the river. Just whether it
will be vetoed or not depends upon
who happen- to bo governor at the
'Rescue" and "Mollio", the two
kangaroo hounds at Rescne No. 2's
engine bouse, are a never foiling
source of amusement to the boy3.
"Mollie," however, appears to be de
veloping objectionable traits. Though
well fed she is constantly on the look
out for food and of ttimes is not over
ly scrupulous as to how she procures
it. lira oiuer uay a citizen was qui
etly proceeding homeward with a
nice beef rib roast for his better half
to. roast for the family dinner.
"Mollie" smelt the meat and jump
ing up knocked the roast out of the
man's arms, and picking it up started
at full speed for her favorite corner.
The man took it in good part, and
going back to the butcher shop
bought him another roast.
On Washington's birthday Presi
dent Cleveland by n stroke of his pen
added numerous shekels to the pock
et of his arch enemy, General Ben
Butler. The signing of the territory
billhas made it necessary for the
government to replace its 8000
national flags with new ones having
in four additional stars, and the
United States Bunting company at
Lowell, Mass., of which Butler is the
principal stock holder, enjoys the
monopoly of its manufacture in this
country, Jand is now hard at work
making tho necessary 'material to
meet the enormous demand shortly
to be made upon it The average
size flags used by the government
is thirty by fifteen, and forty by
twenty feet, varying in price from 827
This alone insured the bunting cor-
poration an order of nearlv S200.000.
and besides this there will be a large
puuuc uemanu ior new nags. This
demand tinder ordinary circum
stances is over 2000 of the largest
size flags n year. This year, due to
the novelty of the additional stars
the order will bo larger. The United
States Bunting company is sure of
half a million dollars out of the
thing, and as Ben owns two-thirds of
the stock of the company, his profit
will be corresponding. The mill em
ploys 700 hands, who from to day will
work night and day.
Captain Boyton's dres3 has been
described thousands of times, but in
connection with this another descrip
tion is admissible. The dress is man-
ufacturedfrom the finest vulcanized
rubber, divided into two parts, the
junction being at the waist. The
pantaloons terminate iu a steel band
over which the tunic fits with a strap
over all. making a perfectly water
tight joint On each thigh, on the
breast, on the back and at the back
oi tne nead, there ore five internal
compartments, each having a sep
arate tube for the purpose of inflat
ing from the mouth. When incased
in thisjsuit the only part of the body
exposed is the face. A double blade
paddle, which he uses at will, driving
himself feet foremost, and his little
iron Doar, modeled after the hull of an
ironciad, named "Baby Mine," com
pletes his sea-going outfit. This boat
alone is a wonder. Sho is thirty
inches long, twelve inches wide with
a depth of hold of about ten inches,
completely decked over with the ex
ception of a hatch which is protected
by a water tight cover. In her hold
are stored signal rockets, thermom
eter, barometer, chronometer, maps,
charts, revolver, shotgun, ammuni
tion, hatchet, rubber cement and
patch cloth, bowie knife, small spirit
stove, note book, pen and ink,
cup, knife, fork, spoon, copper kettle,
frying pan, quinine, cigars, brandy
and ten days provisions. On her
deck are fastened headlight, compass
and watch, making this as complete
an outnt as a transatlantic gray-
E. P. Thompson is in the city.
Chns. Rohr goes to Brookfield.
Mrs. and Mis3 Rappleyca have re
turned from California.
Councilman Fox and street super
intendent Clinton returned from
Portland yesterday afternoon.
S. Wylie from the Nasel reports
every prospect of a prosperous sea
son in that section, which is rapidly
filling up.
A Ten Years' Sentence.
Prof. Livingstone, recently convict
ed of an attempt to commit rape, was
brought into court yesterday morn
ing to receive sentence. Ho had a
chance to make a speech, and im
proved the occasion. He commented
freely upon the witnesses, the prose
cuting attorney, the judge and the
jury. Talking of the latter he ex
pressed bis belief that one of the
jury was all brain and no heart,
another all heart and no brain. He
went on quite a while, and at last
stopped, being out of breath. Judge
Taylor then started to make a few
remarks, when Livingstone interrupt
ed him, but the judge promptly
stopped him. "You've made your
speech," said he, "now let me make
mine." He then sentenced him to ten
years in the penitentiary. "All right.
judge, all right," said Livingstone,
"it is quite immaterial to me whether
it is ten years or ten minutes.' He
asserted his innocence of the crime
of which he had been convicted, and
at the conclusion of his remarks was
led back to his cell from which he
will shortly be taken for ten years
confinement at the Salem peniten
Harrison's Cabinet.
Washington, March 5. President
Harrison to-day cent to the senate
the following nominatiens:
Secretary of state, James G. Blaine,
of Maine.
Secretary of the treasury, William
Windom, of Minnesota.
Secretary of war, RedGeld Proctor,
of Vermont.
Secrelary of the navy, Benjamin
Tracy, of New York.
Secretary of the interior. John W.
Noble, of Missouri.
Postmaster general, John Waas
maker, of Pennsylvania.
Attorney general, W. H. H. Miller,
of Indiana.
Secretary of agriculture, Jeremiah
Rusk, of Wisconsin.
The senate immediately confirmed
the appointment.
. .
It is very important in this age of vast
material progress that a remedy be pleas
ing to the taste and to the eye, easily
taken, acceptable to the stomach and
healthy in its nature and effects. Possess
Ine these Qualities. Svmn of Figs is the
one perfect laxative and most gentle di
uretic K11UWI1.
Tote ofTIiauks.
To Hon. John Ilahn.:
The members of the Columbia River
Fishermen s Protective Union hereby
return to you their sincere thanks for
uieeuorts you maue in tneir uenaii mir
ing the last session of the legislature
and assure vou that what vou have done
is duly appreciated by every member of
tne union.
By order of the C. R. F. P. Union.
Astoria March G, '189.
For Rent.
A cood nine-roomed house, at a low
rate, centrally lecated: Inquire at The
AsTORiAN olhce.
Wcinhnrd's Beer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, c cents.
tSo to Jeff's lor Oysters.
Mrs. Derby is receiving her spring
styles of Millinery.
The Situation Is In General Unchanged.
The Telephone arrived at four
o'clock yesterday afternoon with 154
passengers and a quantity of detained
mail. She left for Portland at eight
o'clock last evening, carrying a big
lot of people, and all tho mail posted
to the moment of departure. She
will be down this afternoon, as usual,
but will have no mail, nor will she
take up any mail to-night
Capt Scott's agreement is to bring
the mails down on Mondays, Wed
nesdays and Fridays. This he will do
but Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur
days don't go. So that there will be
no mail till to-morrow afternoon when
the Telephone will bring down Fri
day morning's xnaiL
With the O. B. & N. boats the situ
ation is unchanged. They are tied
no at the Ash street dock in Portland
and will stay tied up till the question
is settled.
Following is from yesterday's Ore
Banna the afternoon a delegation
from the csDtains and engineers had a
conference with assistant manager Cook
ingham and superintendent Johnson, of
the u. it. e N. uo., out no agreement
could be arrived at.
Mr. Cookingham wished the men to
return to their duties till he could make
some arrangement with his superiors
east, but they refused to go to work till
their demands were acceded to, and even
fncreased them by advancing the wages
of second engineers from $G0 to $75 per
The officers and crews of all the boats
were accordingly paid off and lost even
ing there was no one about the boats ex
cept the parsers and watchmen.
The strikers feel confident that the
company will be obliged to accede to
their terms as nearly every captain and
engineer on the rivers belongs to their
association, and it will bo impossible to
secure new men, as they must take out li
censes and to do so must be recommended
by at least three licensed captains or en
gineers, whichever the case may require.
The strikers have no ill feelings against
the officers of the company here, as they
know that the orders to reduce their pay
came from the east and if the officers
from whom it emanated had been fully ac
quainted with the condition of things
here it would probably not have been is
sued. The order reducing wages did not
reach the Snake river boats till yesterday
and nothing has been heard from them
nor from the bar tugs in regard to the
The whole thing comes from an ef
fort to run things at long range.
The order for reduction came from
Omaha; it was a sort of snap judg
ment; nobody was prepared for it;
the employes were not told that after
such a date so and so would be the
case, but were notified of an instant
reduction. This doesn't go with in
telligent American citizens, and while
it is a matter of serious inconven
ience to this city, the sympathy of
the majority of Astorians is with the
employes in the stand they have tak
en. If they hold firm the company
will have to accede to their terms.
Just What He Was There For.
As fonny a thing as ever occurred
in a court happened at Nanoleon. O..
before Judge Potter nnd a jury. A
case was on trial, and an outsider
seated himself on one of the punch
eons at the far end of the Danel of
jurats, there being no other available
seat. When the defendant's counsel
arose to address the jury he scanned
tne race of each closely, and naturally
his gaze was directed to the furthest
man from him. who didn't haDnen to
be a juror at all. Glaring at him, he
"Gentleman of the jury. I want to
know what this man (referring to the
piainim in tne case; nas come into
court for? What is his business?
What right has he here? What is he
seeking for? Again I repeat, gentle
men of the jury, why is ho here?"
The countryman imagined that the
question had direct reference to him
self, and when the lawyer paused to
give duo weight and emphasis to the
question, he jumped to his feet and
"What am I here for, you cross
eyed cock of the walk? What am I
seeking for in this here court? I'll
tell yon in short order, you weazen
faced old sun of n gun. I've been
here three days awaitin for my fees,
and nary a red kin I git Pay me my
witness fees, nnd I'll git out of here
This unexpected oration brnnalit
down the house, and the lawyer never
finished his able argument Cincin
nati Enquirer.
How Men Die.
If we know all the methods of nn
pronch adopted by an enemy we are
the better enabled to ward off the
danger and pospone the moment when
surrender becomes inevitable. In
many instances the inherent strength
or. me Doay sumces to enable it to op
pose the tendency toward death.
Many however have lost these forces
to such an extent that there is little
or no help. In other cases a littlo
aid to the weakened Lungs will make
an me aiuorence between sudden
death and manv veara of useful lif.
Upon the first symptoms of a Cough,
Cold or any trouble of the Throat or
Lungs, give that old and wellknown
remedy Boschee's Germau Syrup, a
oarful trial. It will prove what
thousands say of it to be, the "bene-
acior oi any uome.
The Lease Not Valid.
TAsmjuTON. juarcn 1j. in nn
opinion given by Justice Miller in the
case ot tne Uregon Railway & Navi
gauon company, piaintiu in error,
versus the Oregonian Railway Com
pany Limited, the court holds that
the Oregonian company had no pow
er to lease its railroad and that the
Navigation company had no power to
take the lease,
Tender, Juicy Stcajt at Jeff's,
Taylor, F. J., J. Mar. 6.
State vs. Lizzin TCIaitt nrriai- ilia-
missing prisener: discharged and
uuuuB c&uueruieu.
State vs. A. Zohard, jury charged,
verdict, not guilty.
Mvra RnsRpl vo T n Ti-m-fi, ,i
cree for plaintiff.
Wm. E. Warren vs. F. H. Worsley;
F. M. Wnrren vs. .Tn TWlo nn-
tinued for service.
State vs. N. Davich: demurrer sus
tained, defendant rKuMinrrrol n.,,1
bonds exonerated.
H. Oliverson VS. OInfsnnrnTin faille.
A. Zetterman vc A. TXfprmnn xn.
D. TJ. Beck & Son vn. mfont""Ar,li'
Co.. continued.
T. A. Johnson vs. N.'J. Johnson,
State vs. N. F. Livingstone, sen
tenced ten years in the -npnitpntinrv
and pay costs.
Adjourned to 10 a. m., March, 7th.
Loss of The "Port Gordon,"
Port ToWNatrwn MnrM, r: rpi,
British bark Port Gordon, loaded
wnn a general cargo Irom Liverpool
for "Pncrpf Snnnrl nriffo -rann t11..
Wrecked last Wednpmlnv nnrl fnni.
seamen were lost, forty miles south
oi uape nailery, ane tug sea Jjion
left for the wreck. The vessel was
valued at SfiO.000 nml tho nrr, t
390,000; fully insured. The cargo
was owned by Balfour, Guthrie & Co.,
of Portland. The full particulars are
TAfiOMA. TMnmll fi A fnloryrnrr, I...
just been received here by Alexander
Baillie. manager for Bnlfnnr Ontln-in
& Co. here, that the British hark
Port Gordon, from Anlrnaonn Snnl
land, bound to Taooma and 132 days
out, was wrecked forty miles below
Cape Flattery, on the 27th nit. The
vessel is an iron one, and carried
1.300 tnna of firA-nriplr fn M nnbn
ovens of the Wilkeson Coal and Coke
company, and 400 tons of pigiron for
Balfour, Guthrie & Co. She was the
firdt vetWpl firPf Pnnairrnol trnm ftvanf
Britain with a full cargo for Tacoma.
a our men are Known to have been
lost, and the vessel and cargo are n
total wreck.
A Sound Legal Opinion.
E. Bainbridge Muuday Esq.. County
Attv..Clav Co.. Texas snvs; wiiivoiiQml
Electric Bitters with most happy re
sults. My brother also was very low
with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but
was cured by timely use of this medi
cine. Am satisGed Electric Bitters
saved his life."
Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Ilorse Cave,
Ky., adds a like testimony, saying: He
postively believes he would have died
had it not been for Electric Bitters.
This great remedy will ward off, as
well as cure all .Malaria Diseases, and
for all Kidnev. Liver and Stomach Dis
orders stands unequaled. Price 50 cents
anu 51, at jno u. uement's.
Tllfi latest strle nf flanta' Tinnta nml
Shoes at P. J. Goodman's.
Coffee and cake, ten cents, at the
Central Restaurant.
All the Datenunedicmes advertked
in this paper, together with the choicest
pertuniery, ana toilet articles, etc can
he bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Oc-'.ident
betel, Astoria.
Wholesale and Retail ! !
Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats,
Trunks, Valises, etc.
To the Trade.
I take pleasure in informing the
trade that I have received in the
last 20 ddj-s nearly
Of staple and choice goods, which
1 oiler at a very close margin to
It is iny dosire to attract to As
toria some of. the Gray's Harbor
and ShoalwaterBayand Columbia
River jobbing trade, which now
goes to San Francisco and Port
land; and knowing that I must
quote extremely low prices to es
tablish business relations with you,
I hereby extend a cordial invita
tion to you to examine my big
stock and prices.
6 Am Anxious to Please.
Tho Reliable Dealer in
Occident Hotel Building.
I have just received my new- stock
of Spring Clothing, bought from first
hands (the manufacturers) not from the
middle-men (jobbers) this time, thereby
saving my customers one profit, which
means from $3 to $5 on each suit of
All the new designs of goods, cut in
the very latest style.
A Good Business Suit - - - $10
Boys School Knockabout Suits only $ 3
Good Pants from $1.50 and upwards.
will saire money by
your goods of
Sole Agent for Astoria, of the celebrated
To My Patrons.
It is a source of pride to me to
lie able to announce that I now
have beyond question, the most
complete and select stock of Men's
SHOES, and such other goods as
are usually kept in a FIRST
CLASS Men's Outfitting Estab
lisnment; not only do I claim pre
cedence in Astoria, but I may
justly claim to equal any of the
large clothing stores in Portland;
and you will award me the "cake"
please, when it comes to "low
prices"! You will find in my store,
Garments from the cheapest to
the finest, and finished in a man
ner taxing the ingenuity of the
leading American tailors. I will
say no more. Please call at your
leisure and let me astonish von!
of the Season !
Shoalwater Bay and Gray's Harbor
The P. & C. S. S. Co.'s Steamer
Will sail from PORTLAND as follews:
GRAY'S HARBOR-Thursday, October 4.
11, IS and 25. November 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29,
December 6. 13, 20 and 27.
SHOALWATER BAY October 4 and IS.
November 1. 15 and 29. December 13 and 27.
TILLAMOOK Monday October 1. 15 and
29. November 12 and 20. December 10 and
Steamer leaves Portland, from foot of C
street at 8 P. M. on above dates. Astoria G
A. M, the following morning.
The Company reserves lho right to change
lime and place ot sailing.
F. R. STRONG. President.
C.P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria.
McLean & Freeman.
Special Attention paid to all Ship and Steam
boat Repairing.
Logging Camp Work a Specialty. All kinds
of BlacksmlthlDg done to order.
Shop, corner Jeff erson and Olney streets,
Astoria, Oregon.
A Fine and Well Selected Stock
Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, etc.
Jewelry Establishment.
AH goods warranted, as guaranteed.
Opposite Crow's gallery, Astoria, Oregon,
Of Best Quality, and at
3T. O. IO.O S S
County Coroner.
First Class. Undertaking
New Styles, Caskets and funeral material.
Next to Astohiah office.
The Str. Telephone
Fast Time Between Portland
and Astoria.
Foot of Alder Street
Daily, except Tuesday, at .7:00 a.m.
Wilson & Fisher's Dock.
Dally, except Tuesday, at . 8 :00 p. m,
Morgan & Sherman.
And Dealers In
Special Attention Given to Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terras.
Purchases delivered in any part of the city.
Office and "Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No, 37.
For Sale Seaside Lots.
tlon to Ocean Grove for sale upon rea
sonable terms. Now is the time to buy be
fore the boom. Apply to
Or C. it. Thomson.
Theo. Bracker.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Wood and Olay Pipes, Playing Oards,
Thisbemgabranchcfthe lin-rnrelil,
Smith Company, Importers and Whole
sale Dealers In Portland. I can sell to the
Trade and other customers at Portland and
San Francisco rates.
A Square Piano.
Enquire ot
Cannery Spies!