C 0 i gatttj gjstorium ASTORIA. OREGON: SATURDAY- FEBRUARY 0. 1S30. CHAUACTEIilSTlC. Taylor, Young & Co. -write a letter to the Oregonian in reference to some figures hi a recent issue of The Asto ria regarding charges on commerce at Portland and at Astoria. They do not controvert Tun Astokian's state ments, which are true; nor do they deny their correctness. The Orego nian characteristically heads the com munication "a crushing answer to false and silly statements.' The answer is the reverse of "crush ing," being more in the nature of con fession and avoidance. The state ments themselves, were neither "false"' nor "silly," as of course, the Orego nian well knows, the whole thing being precisely as stated. Could any flaw be picked in TnE Astorian's statements tho Oregonian would take a fierce joy in doing so, but it can't, and it knows it EX PASSAXT. The Astomax is in receipt of a re monstrance against the publication of such "filth as appeared in this morning's issue," referring doubtless to tho publication of tho sworn testi mony before tho coroner's inquest in tho Livingstone case. We might be flippant, and say that we are not above reporting in this paper anything that Divine Provi dence permits to occur. We might bo sarcastic and suggest that people usually find what they are looking for; that to the pure all things aro pure, and if any nastiness existed, tho nastines3 was in tho nasty mind of our correspondent and not in what she read. But wo will not be flippant nor sar castic, bat sincerely and respectfully respond by saying that in onr judg ment tho case required the publica tion of the testimony to show the facts and clear up all surmise and mystery. That is one of the things a newspaper is for. When Dr. Sam'l Johnson finished his great work, a dictionary of tho English language, and it was pub lished, he was met at dinner one day by a lady who prudishly said, "Oh, Doctor, how nawsty you are; you put nil fl,n nntrofw nrrla ?n vnlll" linnt- ' "Oh ho, madam," said Dr. Johnson, So you ve been looking them up, have you?"' Valvular Disease oi Heart. DR. FLINT'S REMEDY in case of hrconic valvular disease of tho heart, should ha used to remove the affection and abolish the pain which is felt with or without muscular exertion. Descrip tive treatise wan se with each bottle; or, ad lc Drug Co., N. Y. dress Mac! Seal FMiin" The seal fishing season is now at hand. Captain Nixon, of tho A. P. Hotalijg Co., states that thero will be six or seven seal schooners sent off from Seattle this season. Already captain Nixon has started one of his, tho Allie I. Algar, which left last Saturday. The Venture is now un dergoing repairs and taking on sup plies preparatory for starting Friday. The Algar, with twenty-three men aboard and provisions for the season, left Saturday for tho Yuenena bay, forty miles below tho month of the Columbia river. She will remain there until March, when she will go into the Behring sea for tho season. The Venture, which leaves Friday, will have ten men and provisions for the season. Sho goes first near tho mouth of the Columbia river, and after remaining there a while will go near the upper end of Vancouver island, and will remain iu that locality until about July 1st, when she will go to Behrings sea. The captain thinks the prospect for tho season's catch is very flattering. The reports are that the weather is finer than ever known before at this season, and altogether the outlook is favorable. The Algar and Venture will return about the 1st of October. Seattle Times. 7 A AVomau's Discovery. "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its clutch es upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, hut her vi tal organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months slie coughed incessantly and could not sleep. Sho bought of us a bottle of Dr, King's New Discovery for Consump tion and was so much relieved on tak ing first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miracu lously cured. Her name is Mrs.Luthcr Lutz." Thus write W. C. Ilerrick & Co., ofShelbyviIle,N. C., Get a free trial bottle at J. W. Conn's Drug Store. Telcplioneliodsrlns; House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night CO and 25 cts., per week 1-50. New and clean. Private entrance. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goqdmas's. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. Tender. Juicy Steak at Jeff's. Steals Cooked to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. "Wclnliard's Beer. And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. OHAETEE COMMITTEE Report Regarding Amendments. Aa Draft of Bill For Some Changes. At a meeting of the chamber of commerco last evening the following report was read: To the President anil Member-, of the As toria Chamber of Cemmerce: Gentlemen: Your committee to whom was referred the draft of a new charter for the city of Astoria, known a" house bill No. 107, beg leave to report that wc have had tho same under consideration, that we find many changes from the old charter, and some of them of .1 ery lm portant nature, so much so that thev cannot be properly and maturely consid ered in time for this term of the legisla ture. Instead of all tho sections in which changes wero made being checl.ed as was slated at tho meeting held Monday evening, we find that not half of them wero so checked. Inasmuch as theie is insufficient timo to consider a new charter as a whole m timo for this legislature, wo recommend that onr delegation- ill the legislature be requested to prevent the passage of said house bill No. 107. and we herewith pre sent a bill for amending the charter iu a few important particulars, aud recom mend that it be forwarded to our deU-g i tion in the legislature, and th.it thev bo requested to uso their endeavors to have tho sanio substituted for house bill No. 107 and passed. AVo recommend that a committee on charter bo appointed to collect necessary material and "data for a new charter, pro vided that such a new charter is desirable in the near future. I. W. Csr. Tntti: J.TAW.03. aiLi'voc. Isaac 1!i:kujun. 51. C. Cnosm. February 7th, 1SSX A EILL For an act to amend suctions one, two, twenty-eight, SI, :!5,9..'iS.andtil, of an act entitled "An act to incorporate tho city of Astoria, in ClaNo.i con!, Oic gon." Be it Enacted by the Lcijhhtlice A , mbitj of the Stale of Oregen: Finsr. That section 1, of an act enti tled "an act to incorporate tho city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, Oregon," and which was annroved October L'Jth, 187C, be and tho samo is hereby amended to read as follows, to wit: Section 1. The city ol Astoria is bounded as follews: Beginning at tho northeast cornor of the donation land claim of J. M. Shivcly, and Susan L. Shively, his wife, in Clatsop county, Or egon, as established and designated by tne surveys anu piais oi mo Liiueu States, running thence south on tho said claim line, to the southeast corner of tho town of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. II. Shively. in said county and state, thenco southwesterly along tho southern limit of s-nd town to Salmon street; thence westerly, along the south ern limit of said town, to the claim lino on the west of said donation land claim: thenco westerly on the south lino of tho John McCluro donation land claim, to a point ono hundred feet south of the southwest corner of block No. Vfl of tho town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McCluro as extended by Cyrus Olney; thenco north on tho west lino of tho extension of the said town of Astoria to its intersection with Squemcqua street; thenco west ou Squemoqua street extended to tho west lino of saw Ate Clure's land claim; thenco north along said west lino to tho stato boundary lino of the stato of Oreaon; thence easterly along tho said stato line to a point north of tho northeast corner of the Baid J. 31. and Susan L. Shively donation land claim and thenco south to tuo placo oi begin ning. Second. That section 2 of baid act b,o amended so as to read as follews: Section 2. Tho inhabitants of the city of Astoria aro hereby constituted aud de clared to bo a municipal corporation by the namo and style of tho "City of Asto ria," and by such namo shall Uavo per petual succession, sue aud bo sued, plead and be impleaded in all courts of justice, and in all actions, suits or proceedings whatover; may purchase, hold ami re ceive nronertv. both real and personal, within the city, for public buildings, pub lic works, and .city improvements; may purchase, take, hold and control real es tato when sold for city tixes, or for any improvement ordered by tho council, but the purchaso price m such caso shall not bo less than tho full amount of such delinquent tax or assessment, together with tho costs and expenses nccrunu. thereon; may rent, lease, or disposo of tho samo for the benefit of tho city; mav purchase, hold and receive property, both real and personal, beyond the city limits for city parks and burial purposes, for tho establishment aud maintenance of a hosnital or hospitals for the reception of persons affected with contagious or other diseases, for work houses and uouscj of correction; also for the erection of water works to supply the city with water, and may control, lease, sell or disposo of such property for the benefit of tne city. All property, both real and personal, belong ing to aud vested in the town of Astoria, shall, on tuo passano of this act. becomo tho property aud bo vested m the City of Astoria, ana it may control, lease, sen or dispose of tho same for the bueiit of the city. It shall have and uso a common seal and may alter and brca!; the same or mako a new one, at pleasure. Third. That section 2S of said act bo amended to read as follews: Section 23. A vacancy in any office, caused by a failure of the person elected to quauiy tnereior, as prescrioeu iu ecc tion 21, or mado by or consequent upon the judgment of any court, or in any of the cases specified in section 27, must bo filled by appointment, by a majority of tno remaining acting qualiheu members of the council, to continuo until tho next regular election thereafter, when Ins suc cessor snail be elected to fill tho unex pired term. Tourth. That section 31 of said act bo and tho samo is hereby amended to read as iouews: Sr-CTION 31. Tho mayor is cx-officio president of tho council and shall preside utei iL3 uujiuuiuwuu:) wueii iu. Messioil. Ho is not entitled to vote except in case of a tie, when in all cases except upon the questions of tho appointment or re moval of an officer, ho shall have tho casting vote, iio nas authority to pro serve order, enforce tho rules of tho coun cil, and determine tho order of business subject to such rules, and to ah appeal to tho council. If tho mayor should be ab sent at any meeting of tho council, tho council must appoint one ot tneir own number president, to servo during the meetinc Or until tho mayor attends, Fifth. That section 30 of said act be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follews: Section 30. A majority of tho whole number constituting the council, as then provided by law, is a majority of tho council or members thereof, within tho meaning of this act; Provided, that in case of a vacancy or vacancies iu such councn,a majority oi tne remaining mem bers shall be a sufficient majority to fill such vacancy or vacancies. The concur rence of a majority of a quorum is a sufficient majority to determine any question or matter, other than tho final passage of an ordinance or tho appoint ment or removal of an officer. Sixth. That section 39 of said act be and tho samo is hereby amended to read as follews: Section 39. Tho'power and authority given to tho city, and to the council, by this act shall be enforced or exercised by ordinance unless otherwise provided; and a majority of tho council may pass any ordinance or make any by-law, not re pugnant to the laws of tho United States or this state, necessary or convenient for carrying such power and authority, or any part thereof, into effect, or as may bo necessary to secure the peace and good order of the city, or the health of its inhabitants. Soventh. That section 53 of said act bo aud the samo is hereby amended to read as follews: Section 53. The assessment of prop erty shall be made in tho manner pre scribed by law for tho assessment of property for stato and Jcounty taxes ex cept that no indebtedness shall be al lowed or deducted from the assessed val uation of property. But the form of the assessment roll, and the rule for ascer taining the ownership of properly, and in whoso name it may bo assessed, may bo prescribed by ordinance, and the time of making such assessment and tho re turn thereof, and of applying to the council for a revision thereof, must be prescribed by ordinance. Eighth. That section 01 of said set bo amended to read as follews: Section 01. Ho must issue all licenses authorized by city ordinance, upon do livery to him of the receipt of the treas urer, for tho amount of money required for such license, and tho filing of any bond or undertaking required to bo filed byanylaworanyordinanco of tho city. The report of the committee was adopted. Tho proposed bill was then Dassed on oy sections. Sec. 1. was amended to insert after words "claim line," "commencing nt south line of Shive ly s Astoria at Tulip street, thenco on Tnlip street to Broadway, thence south on Broadway to Berry, thence on Berry to W. 5th street; thence south on W. 5th street to south boundary lino of city as laid out by J. 31. Shively: thence west ou said boundary line to tho claim line on tho west." Section 31, was on motion, laid on the table. Section 53 was debated at creat length; was finally amended so as to insert after the word "that," in the 5th line, the words "no credits or mortgages shall be assessed for pur poses of taxation nnd." ihe rest of tho sections wero passed: Adjourned. Ludlow's Ladies' ?:;.00 Fine Shoes; albo Flexible Hand turned Ficnch Kids, at P. J. Goodman's. NEW TO-DAY. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have been appointed administrator of the estate of Neil Livingstone, deceased, and all persons lialiiK claims against said estate aro required to present the same, duly veiilied, to inc. at the office of the C. It. F. P. U., in Astoria. Clatsop county, Oregon, within six months from this date. ALEX. HAITIAN. Astoria, Or., Feb. Stli, 1E89. ROSS'OPERAHOUSE ONE NICHT, ONLY, Saturday, February 9, '89. EICHARDS & PRINGLE'S FAMOUS Minstrels, Headed by the Emperor of the Minstrel World, Billy Kersands! Supported bj the Greatest of a'l Trios, George Jackson, AXI) Mallory Bros And a Coterie of Colored Stars. Grand Street Parade by The Georgia Cornet Band. ltcsencd Seats at The New York Novelty Slore. JOHN A. MONTGOMERY Has a First Class STOCK. 8 :es Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Roller Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. - ASTORIA. OREGON. ws!son Fisher All Kinds, Sizes, and Prices Wholesale and Retail. Agents for the Celebrated Lyon & My JUHiSl pun osJBIilfl AND ISSn ReasonaWe in Price. ORGANS.raCii i.51AlSl.lSil.U 1S41'. taaijiL ij.wu.uuu. fff?KHLW!B. ft w mm& t)ur & . . , v . 4 j UNEN GILL NETTING A SPECIALTY. The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of . IN THE UNITED STATES. Salmon PnrsB. Seines. SataDPoiu Ms. Salmon Gill Nets. JSTEish Netting3 of all kinds supplied at the shortest possible notice, and at th8 lowest rates.' All made from our Shephard Gold iftffledal Twines. Guaranteed to be the strongest and most desirable twine now made especially for the PACIFIC COAST FISHERIES. Tins TWINE is manufactured only bv ourselves, diiectly from the raw niatei ial, and costs no more in NETTINGS than the cneaper grades. Send for samples; also for our Illustrated catalogue. Highest awards atUoston Philadelphia and London. JLmorican 2Tet and Train B05TON, MASSACHUSETTS. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAV HANSEN, 1'iop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine At IMii-mel Ia Trices. All Goods Kought at Ihh EslablUliment Warranted Genuine. Watch anil ClocU It-i:iriii A SPECIALTY. Coiner Cass and Squemoqua Streets Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSOI13 TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHAMSE, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA OREGON Theo, Bracker. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In CIGARS, TOBACCO, MEERSCHAUM. Wood and Olay Pipes, Playing Oards, CUTLERY AND NOTIONS. This being a branch of the Itosenfcld, Smith Company, Importers and Whole sale Dealers In Portland. I can sell to the Trade and other customers at Portland and San Francisco rates. Diamond Jewelry X Watchmaker Jeweler. X BEAUTIFUL IN' Tone Finish, Every instrument war ranted for Cvo years. ' Company. INSURANCE. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000 COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO. FRANK DEKUM ...President Y. II. SMITH Vice-President JOHN A. CHILD Secretary No. IU0 Second St,, Portland, Or. I.W. Caso, Agent, Astoria, Or. Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE IX MUST Ul.ASH CMIPAMDN Rcpiescnting 813,000,000 PHCENIX, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York. AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO C. P. UPSHUR, Main Street Wharf - Astoria, Oregon. Robb & Parker, AGENCY 01' Fire and Marine Insurance, With an Aggregate Capital of $10,000,000. IMPERIAL, ot London. CALIFORNIA, of California. CONNECTICUT, of Hartford. OAKLAND HOME, of Oakland. LION, of London. FIREMAN'S FUND, of California Agents also for TRAVELLERS', of Hartford . , . ,, , ., Life and Accident. Tickets sold for the ALLAN Line of Steamships, from Old Country to Astoria. KOBB & TARKER. At old office of J. o. Bozorth. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London Globe, North British and Mercantile of London and Kdlnbnren. Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial of California Agricultural, of Watertown, New York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Represent In a capital of SGT,ooo,0Oo. B. VAN 1U8EX. Agent. Notice iS nEREBY GIVEN THAT TOERE ARE funds In the city treasury to pay all' War rants endorsed prior to Oct. 1st. 1888, J. G. HUSTLER, . . , -. , . City Treasurer. Astoria, Jan. 30,152?, -" -i I.' FIRE MB lAfiffl VALENTINES ! Silk Valentines! STYLISH VALENTINES. VALENTINES ALL SIZES, IJUYYOUi:- Groceries!) Provisions OF Foard & Stokes Their largely increasins trade enables them to sell at the very low est margin ot profit while giving you goods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. WHOLESALE AND JPpH WrmW9fs I wiiej Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. c The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and "ETogetables. Received fresh everr Steamer. For Sale. Ten acres good land, improved, orchard, house and barn and outbuildings, well sup plied; two wells water, within one mile of Knappa, known as the Mitchell place. For particulars apply to WAKD LENT. Knappa, Oregon. HAVE NO MBtJffj, V-yyyo -rf lif l i i i i ill HWil'Mi MBriJIpi i 11 Mill E,sL&.H3 ttBJjr ttt',ta...in GRAND PKIX PARIS 1878, Axn GRAND CROSS OF THE LEGION D'HONNEDR. They received the ONLY GOLD MEDAL For FLAX THREADS at the London Fisheries Exhibition 1883. And havo been awarded HIGHER PRIZES at tho various BRBTEREyATBOEUAL EXPOSITIONS, Than tho goods of any other LN THE WORLD. Quality Can Always be Depended on. EXufirienGuu Fislerm Use no Her. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 5 1 7 and 51 9 Market Street, AGENTS FOR nrnn-mj-PTJ-OV ST.TWP, TING Constantly on Hand. TRAPS furnished to order at 'ALENTiES ! ace Valentines ! STYLES AND PRICES ! ! CF.I.O F. PAUKF.R. CAItl. A. HANSON Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer TTIIS TVEEK, The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. KETAIL DEALER IN Net Floats IX LOTS TO SUIT AND OF THK BEST QUALITY, At WILSON & FISHER'S EQUAL ! CRUM"7SJ5f SAN FRANCISCO. PACIFIC COAST. TWTNT5. -"ROP'E nnrl WET SEINES, POUNDS and Lowest Factory Prices. 5,000 Yarfls RiDDon Jul- - 3&eSiaifesr C