03 LAS x 'HJUJW' Mi....MI MK Ifi ASTORIA. OKKUOJV FRIDAY JANl'ARY I, immj. HRK.E HVE CENTS w .;t MNKoS CARDS. k A. Cl.EVEli.VSD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlf-e Flavel'a new brick building, corner Second and Cass streets ; up stairs. TOSI.V II. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Cass street, 2 doors bacK of Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. TJEEJI KAXACA, ATTORNEY AT I.A.W. Office over White House Cor.. Astoria, Or. GK -1 Ko. SOLA.VD, ATTORNEY at law. nice lu Klnney'b Block, opposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. I'. VT. FULTOX. O. C. FULTON FUI.T03 BnoTnERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ltooras5and 6. Odd Fellows Building. j q.A.oHLav, ttturney unit t'onimellur nt Law ilSte on Cbeuamu Street, Astoria. Orecon I A It. J. 14. L.V FOtfUii, DENTIST. KoomsU ana 12 Odd Fellows Building, AsTUIttA. -.. OREGON. T.t. A. t- A.l J. A. KUL.TOX. Cas street, between 3rd and 4th. 8pT!.U attention to DNen-es of Womeu and CuiMieu, by or A, L. Fult'-n. Special atteuti..n to surgtry. by Dr. J. A. Fulton. O ace hours from to to 12 A. a., aud 1 to i P.M. i ay TurriiK. n. u. fUYSIClAN AND SURGKON O v,k ttHiiii-.6 fyintitn Kullnlnx IIesieekck: SK corner Wall and West 9th street, ippoilte 1. V. Case's. a E. HHAXV. DENTIST. Rooms In Allen's Building, up stain, cor uer Cass and Squeniouua streets. Astoria Oregon. M US. IK. OlVEVH-ADAllt, Office and residence. D.K. Warren's for mer residence. Astoria, Oregon. Diseases of Women and Children, and of the Eye and Ear. specialties. T U. O. II. EMTE . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to Diseases of Women and Surgery. "i-mck: Opposlto Telegraph Office, up Stairs, Astoria, iit-gon. A. SMITH. DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2 Pythian Building over C H. Cooper's Store. PATRONIZE HOME 1HDUSTRY, There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous pi our citizens to send to Portland or San .Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can pet Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANT. New Goods' by Every Steamer. Call and get Hisa and Satisfy Tounelf. Pi J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. ATJCTIOW AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN OLSEN, Successor to K. C .Holden. The oldest established Commission House In Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock of Furniture on hand. When you want Bargains in Household Goods go to SHItTIX OLNE.N Carnaiian & Co. SUCCESSORS TO T. "W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALF.R8 IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus and Cata streets. A8T"KIA - OKF.OON For Sale. Ten aotrj goid land, 'mpr vd. nrcha-d. Hon und b n jtnd out build ugs. wel sn -w-d : tw we Is wrttT. wltlin .me raileil -Knappa. htiOAna the Mitch I place. For pirtlculars apply to Hnaypa.O.joa. "-"-"i. H. The Teacher ;heir minds by the use of Oyer's Sar- laijiuma, upprcciatea tee iruiu mai aodily health U essential to mental rigor. For persons of delicate and feeble :onstitution, whether young or old, this nediciuo Is remarkably beneficial. Bo lure you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla. mi?..... , ..... "j spring ana tail i taite a num ber of bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and Eastman, Stoneharu, Mass. "I have taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla "llu ncai, ueneni to my general ueaim. Miss Tliirza L. Crerar, Palmyra, Md. "My daughter, twelve years of age, has suffered for the past year from General Debility. A few weeks since, we began to give her Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Herltealth baa preatly improved." Mrs. Harriet H. Battles, South Chelmsford, Mass. "About ayear ago I began using Ayer's Sarsaparilla as a remedy for debility and neuralgia resulting from malarial exposure in the army. I was in a very bail condition, but six bottles of the Sar raparilla, with occasional doses of Ayer's Pills, have greatly improved my health. I am now able to work, and feel that I cannot say too much for vour excellent remedies. ' F. A. Pinkbam, South Molttncus, Me. "My daughter, sixteen years old, is using Ayer's Sarsaparilla with good ef fect." Rev. S. J. Graham, United Brethren Church, Buckbannon.W.Ya. " I suflWed from Nervous Prostration, with lame back and headache, and have been much benefited bv the Uhe of AVer's Sarsaparilla. I am now 80 years of age, and am satisfied that my present health and prolonged life are due to the use of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla." Lucy Moffitt, Killingly, Conn. Mrs. Ann H. Farnsworth, a lady 79 years old, So. Woodstock, Vt., writes : "Alter several weeks suflarmg from nervous prostration, I procured a bottle nf Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and before I had taken half of it my usual health returned." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rCEPAUED ST Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Prleo $1; ill bottlei, 85. Woitb $3 bottl. m h tS"OLvatjra BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Easiness Drafts drawn available hi anv part of the 0. 3. aud Europe, and on Hong Kong, China Office Horiis : 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Odd FkixowsBuildixo, Astoria, Oregon. THE Pacific Coast Express Company Will open for business between Astoria, Ilwaco and Oystervlllo ON DECEMBER 10, 1888. 0 Valuables, Money, Packages, and Ft eight carrlod at very Reasonable Ratos with tho utmost socurlty to the sender. Connection at Astoria maSe Kith Pacific Exprets aud Wells. Fargo & Co.'s Expresi Companies for all points. Office on Hustler's docic, C. r. UP3HUK. Asent. Wilson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HAXLDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOH SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Roller Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. A.VTOKIA. OltWHIN John C. Dement. DRUCCIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete stocks of Orugs and Druggists' Sundries. rrrtcrlptlons Cnrrniliy Compounder. Agent fr Mexican Salve and Norwegian PH Cure. To Trespassing Hunters. T HEREBY filVK NoriOETHAT I WILL i al'nw mi limiting in fmrt of ray dike . rnn inv tl 'e ll"l "" tny place at Vouuk' river. aJo'Dluc J G. Mirnbuiirt propt-nv. enct-s .iid dikes must not b- tsinrrrd with t-t destrnywl. ai ue-i&Mers'will be prosecuteu to tbs lUJ extent or Hie law. VJOJJKXiOBKI. THE LEGISLATURE. Frooeedisg; of The House and Senate. Salem, Jan. 16. The principal feature of to-day's session of the legislature was the assembling in joint convention in the hall of the house of representatives and list ening to the reading of the gover ernor's message. It was not long, as such documents go, but its read ing was deliberate and with marked emphasis on several por tions which it was evident the author deemed of grave impor tance to the people of the state, and therefore should be also to their constituted representatives. Particularly did he call attention, by his slow and pointed enuncia tion, to his views regarding the railroad commission, created by the legislature at its last regular session. But few of the members of either house were aware that the governor had that very morning removed the railroad commission ers from office, "for cause," and looks of astonishment were ex changed. Daring the noon recess this action of the governor was one of the principal topics of con versation. Commissioner Wag goner, who was present, seemed to think the governor had no right to remove himself and his brother commissioner from their offices, and intimated that they should continue to discharge the duties required of them by the act creating the commissioner!'. Representatives who were lawyers thought the governor had a right to remove the commis-ioners and thus render inoperative a law which he seemed to think useless. The sentiment of the legislature did not appear to be with bis ex cellency in this matter, however. Although the supreme court had decided that the commission hud no power to regulate the charges of railroads, yet it is thought that iu investigating cases of unjust charges and reporting the same to the public and to the legislature, the commission is doing good work. One member said: Many wrongs have been righted by this com mission, and we all know that the railroads have acceded many times to suggestions made by tho com missioners. The suggestion of the governor regarding the punishment of bribery was acted upon in the house in the afternoon, "Waldo in troducing a bill repealing that sec tion of the law which punishes the taker of a bribe. It should be an easy matter now to punish the bribe-giver. Representative Harm's bill to regulate salmon fishing on the Columbia river and its tributaries, prohibits the fishing for, catching or taking of salmon in the waters by means of river nets, pound nets or fish traps, but exempts traps made of wood. For constructing such prohibited nets or traps, for catching fish by means thereof, or for having in possession any fish so caught, the following penalties are previded: For the first offense, a fine of not less than 8250, nor more than $500, to which may be added, in the discretion of the court, imprisonment in the county jail for not less than a month, nor more than six months; for each and every subsequent offense, a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000, to which in tho discretion of the court, may be added im prisonment for not less than six months nor more than one year. The close season is also fixed bv this bill during the month of March, and up to the lUtli of April, and after the 10th of August, and from 6 P. 31. of each and every Saturday during April, May, June, July, and up to the 10th of Au gust until 6 P. Jf., of tho following Sunday. One half of the fine in to be paid to the informer, and the other half into the school fund ol the county where such offender i convicted. Two or three bills have been in troduced author zing the construc tion and maintenance of-booms on the Umpqua and Rogne rivers. These bills are not likely to be come laws, hut if they should, it is claimed by members well versed in the law that they would be un constitutional. It is declared that the question of right to maintain a. log tmom on any htream has at r adv ben denied by the supreme court, m the cua of some parties on the Rickreal river in Polk county-There was a sharp discussion this afternoon in the senate, aris ing trom Uimick s joint memorial petitioning congress to pay Union veterans tne diuerenco between the value of the greenbacks re ceived for their services and the actual value of their services. Coggswell, Dem., of Lake, in timated that .he -would not be able to support the memorial and moved its reference to the committee on military affairs. His motion was voted down, 19 to 11. Barin supported the resolution in a short but pointed speech. Chandler, of Baker, on being recognized by the chairman, in quired if the senate would listen to what an ex-rebel had to say. He then said he would suoport the resolution, beca.use he believed the government should make good its promises to the soldiers. Coggswell, who is an ex-Union soldier, said be had received every cent the government had promised him, and he had no claim un it. After further discussion by Barm, Vaj;er, Sinclair and Coggs well, a vote was taken, resulting hs follews: Ayes 26. nays 3, Coggswell, Stanley, Veatch and Caiithorn not voting. In the senate this morning Grav of Clatsop, introduced a bill which substantially conforms to (jrov eruor Pcnuoyer' recommendation tor the building of portage rail ways by levying a tax. The bill constitutes the governor, secretary of state and state treasurer a board of portage commissioners and em powers them to levy the necessary tax. The Republican members of the hgislature held a caucus for over an hour lo night, in pcr.-uance of a notice given at the close of the session in both houses this after noon. Senator Barin of Clacka mas, presided, and Representative Earbart of Portland, acted as sec retary. Sixty-six members were present. X wo ballots were taken. The first, which was an informal one, resulted as follews: Dolpli 40, Hon. George H. Williams 11, and one each for ex-governor Moody, congressman Hermann, state senator Fullerton, speaker Smith and others. Second ballet: Doloh 57, George H. Williams 6, district attorney Ellis of the sev enth judicial district 1, Judge Boise 1. Senator Dolpli was then unanimously chosen as tho caucus nominee of the party, and will be voted for next I uesday. Cyrus A. Dolph of Portland, to night telegraphed the result of the caucus to his brother at Washing ton. It was agreed that both houses adjourn to-morrow noon until Monday. f Doctors' Bills. Nearly all diseases originate from in action of the liver, and this especially the case with chills and fever, intermit tent fever-1, and malarial diseases 1 o save doctors' bills and ward off disease take Simmons Liver Itegulator. a med icine that Increases in numilarity each year, and has become the most popular and best endorsed mediiue in the mar ket for the cure or liver or Dowel dis eases. Telkqrapii, Dubuque, Iowa. Parties in Nephi, Idaho, have been writing to the Northwestern railroad officials, to get rates on fifteen carloads of jack rabbit car casses. A Die In The Ribs. If on the right side and lower part of the diaphragm, though playfully meant and de livered. Is calculated to evoke profanity from a chappy whose liver is out of order. When that region is sore and congested, pokes seem fleucmh. Look at a man's countenance ere you prod him under the ribs. If his skin ahd overalls have asatlowtlnge, you may Infer al-o that his t'ni,ue Is furred, his breath ai t tolie-ouj-.tliatheliaspalnsnotonly b-ne th his lib-, but alsn under ineri.bt nnulder blade. Also, that hi- bow els' aielrreiruUr and bis dlgpstlon impaired. Ins'id of makli.g a Jocose demon-iratlon on his ribs, recommend him to lake, and steadily per sist In' taking. Mm rt'er'sSti'mai'hBitier', the finest autl-biln-us ami alieiutveine.1t rlnn extant. Im-umpa able U It, also fi r dvsprpsl', rhi-um Usui, nervou'-neiS, kid ney trouble. " fv nl ague. . Real e.-tato has dei-litied mate rially at Shenendoab, Penn. Sev eral" acres have dropped about flirty feet into .an abandoned mine. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria (Then Baby, vm slci, wi cave her Caitoria. tThta theTa Child, the cried for Castoria, (Tben'iWfeeesaa Mia; (be cinato Cattorii, WTho6i4 4rtafai Java thta Cast oris AKlH0 POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes, A, marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More econ mlcul than the onlinary kind, and oaa not be .sold In competition with the multi tude of low test. ah. rt weight, alum or uhos- plmie powilers. Sulci onlu in cant, ltd val Bakio Powurk Co. ios v all-tr.. N. 1 . U. W. Cr.owLKr & Co. jeuti, rottland, regon. INSURANCE. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000 COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO. FRANK OI-KbAI i'resldrnt W H SMITH Vice-ITesldent JOUN A CHILD Srcrtar Nu. UK) Sfeond St.. I'urtlaml, Or. I.W. Case, Agent, Astoria, Or. Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE IX FIRHT CI.MM :OjhANIE8 liepieseutlng 813,000,000 PHOENIX, Uai Wind, Conn. HOME, New York, AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO C. P. UPSHUR, .Main Street Wh.irf - Astoria. Orejzon. Robb & Parker, AGENCY OK Fire and Marne Insurance, With an Aggregate Capital of S10.000.UUO. IMPKRIAI., of London. . CALIFOKNIA. of California. CONNECTICDT. of Uartiord. OaKI,ND HOME, of Oakland. LION, of London. FIlltllAN'S FUND, of California. Agents also for TKAVELLEES', of Hartford- . Lift and Accident Tickets sold for the ALLAN Line of Steamships, from Old Country to Astoria. KOBB PARKER. At old office of J. O. Bozorth. $67,000,000 Capital Llrerpool & London & Globe. North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial of California Agricultural, of Watertown, New York, London & Lancashire ot Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Represent In a capital of $57,000,000. It VAX l)DHF.X. Agent. AND Oyster Parlors The Most Topular Resort In the City. Everything First-Class. Private Entries and Private Rooms for Families and Parties. Home-Mado Pastry a Specialty. Eastern and Shoatwater Bay Oysters In Evt ry Style Wedding and Pany Dinners prepared on short notice. All kinds ot Domestic and Imported Wines and Cigars. Camo of All Kinds In Season. Iextto lament's Iirug More, Third at., Astoria. Oregon. THE VIENNA Restaurant anl Clop House. C. W. Fisher & Co., Prop's. Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO ORDER- FXne Private Room. Everything 1-1 rat Clnsa. GcneTlova Street, rear of Grlfflu & Reed's. EATUJAOHON TJAEANIEB. m Al MEM RrarsBestaM Pi ' CASH. 13S9. 1. 1. OSGOOD'S Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishing Goods. HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, Traveling Bags.Umbrellas, Blankets, Quilts, etc. Direct from the Manufacturers and ImporUrs. t27A child bnjg al onoaply as th most experienced buyer. L L. OSGOOD, Kinney's Bride Bntldias. Opposite Xlesoue Knto Heme. Street Can runninjj.by the door. -AD- CE LING DECORATIONS! 5000 double roll ot Wall Paper and Decorations x the latest stylu aad ibiAm jut received direet from'KasUm xaatoris. Also a large assortment of GAEFETS, Of all crades in beautiful nrsr detlgu New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call, ansl exiaino. CH AS. HEILBORN. The New Model Range CAN B2 HAD IN AUTOKIA, ONLY OF E. R. HAWES, Agent. Call and Kxaadne It ; Ton Will be Fleased. E.Jt. Hiwea Is also Agtnt far th Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHEK FIESTCLAS3 STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. FIRE BRICK - DXALZB IX Hay, Oats, anl Straw, Liie, Brici, Cement, Saul anil Plaster Wood StUrirti. t Ordtr. DrajUr, Tuuntir aai KxjrtM BuIbmi, "jE- - rH rrTrFin rfr TVWt" 1 K--rr. i Ti' teg". .t-nrTg rBU apply to the.Captita,.ortO' HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS JEFF'S Is tho Leading and Only First-Glass RESTAURANT. Good Cooking. Clean Serrltei. Seasonable Prices. Polite Walters. Prompt Attention. Try Him and You will be More Uian Satisfied, Everybody Says So. Private Rooms. MAIN STREET, - - - ASTORIA. The Astor House, J.G.ROSS, - PROPRIETdR. Newly Repainted. Repaired, Refl ted. Re furnished and Thoroughly Benoraied, A Large, Clean,- -set- Well-tBjt Housgl BATES: From a Dollar a Day Upwards. First-class In all Its appolntmtntu, 'clean, neat, sunny rooms' well furnished andwtllktpt. TOU ARE DiTITEO TO CALL. fSTTM etMb-to and ton tt Ecus. ONE PRICK. Astoria, Oregon. FIRE CLAY STEAMER CLARA PARKER Ebon P, Parker, Matter. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAB B. B. PA3KKB. amis, stbxsox. r. cook THE nfral Hotel EVENS0N & COOK On the European Plan. LARGS CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board bythe Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Famille, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fun, Meat, Etc, Cooked to Order. WATEIt St., Opp. Foard & Stokes A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run In connection with the Fremlies. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tablet and FrlTate Card Room. PAEKER HOUSE RESTAURANT. H. GOODWIN, Proprietor. Breakfast, 6 to 9, Dinner, 12 to 3, Supper, 5 to 8. " PARKER H0USE H. B. PARKER, Prop'r. First Class In Every Respect. Thoroughly renovated and repaired through out ; ST Urxe sunny room-. - TWO OiNINC ROOMS. Tables supplied with everything the awlcst affords. Elegant Bar and Kllilard Booms. FLbmI Wines Liquor and Cleats. rJaEEOOAGBTOTJES B9USS.