The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 25, 1888, Image 3

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She gtatti) gstorim
..DF.CEMEER Zi. 18Kb
(Monday excepts.)
Publl'iiera and Proprietors,
Term orSnbucriptlon.
Serve! bv rarrier. per week 15 cts
Sent by Mill, per month...... iiect
' " " one ear ST.OJ
free of pusLige to .sulxcribora.
Thk AsToittxv Knamnteef to Its adver
tisew the largeit circulation of any newipa
' per published on the Columb'a river.
Feels gooi to sret bick.
A Merry Christmas to all.
Yesterday's weather was superb.
Areryon on to the big wedding next
aatnruay uigntr
The banks, public offices, etc., will
ob ciosea to-aay.
The ateamer Oen. Miles goes to
way a uaroor to-morrow morning.
ThaSezosHand Willamette crossed
oat yesterday. The Doxford sails
to day.
By comparison with other cities
Astoria looks bright, lively and full
ji Duswe.
The small pox scare is snbsiding in
Portland, and only two public cases
are now reported.
Special waiters for private families
in separate rooms at Ktioker'a Unnst
mas turkey dinner to-day.
The display of Christmas beef,
mutton, etc, is enough to make a
healthy man's mouth water.
For cleanliness, comfort, conven
ience rnd good fare, the Astoria hotels
are the equal of those elsewhere.
The Alliance sailed jesterday af
ternoon; the Signal arrived in, and
will leave for Portland this morning.
There is a big rush for timber land
in this section. It is valuable, and
will become more so in the near fu
ture. The handsome doll at the New
York Novelty store will be raffled off
at 7 o'clock this evening. Interested
persons will please call.
The funeral of Mrs. Jas. Scott took
place last Sunday afternoon and was
largely attended by sympathizing
"friends and acquaintances.
Beaver Lodee, No. 35, and the Sis
ters of Rebekah will have n Christmas
tree at the lodge room this evening,
to be followed by a social dance.
Oneco. a noted Oreunn trotter, the
property or McKtiiirht Bro? of Al
htn, trotted i mile on the Oakland,
Oal., track last Thurd-iy in '220.
Sheriff Smidt jeste-dny sold the
Mix W-tgnex property, nclu iio? five
lota at Willinmsport and lots 5 ant'
6. blk. 51. to Alex Gilbert, for S537.5D.
a good buy.
The man who predicts the weather
for this coist has made some very ac
curate reports this peasou, nearl
every prophoy resardiug the woath
. er proving trne.
Tin miil service on this coast i
next to no service at all. Papers
mailed at this office for San Franois
co do not reach there for two weeks,
and often are never heard of at all.
At two o'clock yester.l.iy morning
Wm. Humbel whs attacked by a fit
iu front of the Occident hotel, remain-
mi; speechless for half an honr. He
was removed to a place of safety and
yesterday afternoon had almost en
tirely recovered.
The main difference between Ore-
t ,S1I . ....
soa auu.iMiitoruia, is mat tins is a
better country to live in. The Al
' mighty does the irrigating for Ore
gonians. and in our sisterstate. man's
P'uny efforts to compete with the Cre
ator are unsatisfactory.
A most tastefully arranged restan-
rant is that of G. W. Rocker, next
door lo Dement's drug store. Mrs.
Backer evinces her experience by the
. attractive manner in which the vi
ands are set forth, and those who go
onco go again. To day there will be
a fine Christmas turkey dinner at 12
o'clock. You are invited.
A man can always tell exactly how
tall- he is by walking though a low
doorway in the dark. Next morning
be can-measure the height of the
door, and theu measure from where
it struck to the top of bis head, add
the two together, subtract the swear
ing nnd multiply by what o'clock it
was when he got home, and the re
sult will be his net height.
The S. G. Reed, brought down a
singular bit or cargo yesterday morn
ing in the shape of some stone sinkers
for buoys, weighing 0,500 pounds
apiece. Tbey came all the way from
Pittsburg rather a long way to hanl
rock to Astoria and pay 850 a ton
freight on it when rock just as good
conld be had close by. The mistake
was probably that while iron sinkers
were ordered by the officers here, the
stone article was sent.
The fleet of small steamboats which
ply these waters and at stated times
make their regnlar trips to Skipanon,
Knappton, Ilwaco and the settlements
along the banks of John Day's. Lew
is and Clark's, Young's and Gray's
rivers: have dnnoe the last few days
brought crowds of visitors to this
ci y. who have been liberally patron -
izjig oar stores in the purchesing- of
Christmas presents for young and
old. The Astobian wishes them all
a merry Christmas.
Messrs. Surprenant k Carruthers
returned yesterday afternoon from
lanzy Point, where tbey have been
making extensile repairs to Capt
Flavel's wharf, the hydraulic process
having been used. The piles were
driven eighteen and twentv feet.
Next February the I -rmer will go to
SJioalwater bay, where he will drive
niles for the railroad company to
"ighteen feet of water, bnilding a
roadway 21 feet wide, in which will
be built a wharf 21 x 00 feet.
The Hume Packing oompany has
filed articles of incorporation in San
Francisco, to pack and preserve fish;
to do a general merchandising, man
nfnctnriug and transportation buBi
ness, and to transact all business in
-idental thereto iu the states of
California and Oregon, and in the
territories of Washington and Alaska.
The capital stock is 3100000. all of
which has been subscribed by the
following directers: Geo W. Hume,
Leon A. Mainon. AL Brigenau, Jay
Ueming and a. J. J lows.
Everybody knows the handsome
and gallant Dan O'Neil, now purser
on the tieea, and everyone has noted
the ever present button hole bonquet
that he wears. On a reoent visit to
ban Francisco, as he was about to da
part he stopced at the Lotta Foun
tain and told an Italian flower vender
to put him up some roses and violets
and green stuff. The man did so, but
on Dan banding him a dollar, the
Italian said, "No, no. I see you on the
Columbia. I know all the time yon
lika the flower. 1 lika a man that
lika the flower." and not a cent
would he take. Ho had recognized
him whilo salmon fishing as the man
that "iiKa tno nower."
The Ashland Record is informed
that the deer skinners np on Rogue
river have slaughtered 3.&UU head of
deer during the cast season for their
hides only. They follow the deer
around all seasons in the mountain
fastnesses in that region and make
it almost impossible for anybody
but experienced woodsmen to kill
game on their route to the beautiful
scenery of that -section and Crater
lake. Theso deer skinners are a
crowd of worthless rascals and out
throats, and the people around there
who can bear witness are intimidatad
by the fear that these fiends will seek
revenge by killing their stock or de
stroying other property, so they are
continuing year by year their crimi
nal business without molestation.
Notice C. R. F. P. V.
The regular monthly meeting of
the 0. R. F. P. Union, will be held at
Liberty hall, on Wednesday, Jan. 2d,
1889, at 7 p. sr, sharp.
All members who are in good stand
ing, and interested m the price of
salmon for the season of 1889, should
attend this meeting.
A. Seefbldt, Secretary.
How Men Die.
It we know all the methods of ap
proach adopted by an enemy we are
the better enabled to ward off the
danger and pospone the moment when
nrrender becomes inevitable. In
nany instances the inherent strength
f the body suffices to enable it to op
pose the tendency toward death.
Uany however have lost these forces
to such an extent that then? is little
or no help. In other cases a little
nd to tho weakened Jjungs will make
all the difference between sudden
leath and many years of useful life.
Upon the fhbt symptoms of a Cough,
Oold or any trouble of the Throat or
bungs, give that old and wellknown
remedy Bnschee's Ge-man Srun. a
careful trial. It will prove what
thousands say or it to be, the "bene
I'actor of any home."
Card of Thinks.
I take this means of extending my
thanks to the ladies, friends and
brother firemen for their kindness
during the siokness and last sad
rites of my beloved wife.
I shall always cherish a grateful
remembrance of the same.
Jas. Scott.
To the "Incnrable" Sick!
Dr. J. B. Pilkincton. Snrgeon-Ocu
list and Medical Specialist, will be
at the Occident hotel, Astoria, all dav
Saturday, Dec. 29tb, 18S8. and will
give special free examinations to all
sufferers from Eje, Ear, Nervous.
Chronic or Rectal disease. Over 400
cases of Piles, Fissures, Fistulas and
Rectal Ulcers cured without using
Knuo or ligature.
I. O. O. F. Notice.
O.T. and sisters having presents
tor Christmas tree will leave them at
hall on the morning of Dee. 25th.
Doors ill be open 7 r. si. Dec.
25th. Exercises to commenoo at
730 p. sr. 3Jy order of
Chairman of Oommitteo
Carnauan&Co.'sshow windows and
counters are being filled with a very
fine assortment of Perorated French
China of every description. Also Sil
ver and Plated ware. Carvers sets, Din
ner ana iea sets, Extension ana .Elec
tric Lamps. All for the hoi idays.
If vou wish something In the lino of
cann d vegetables, better than the ordi
nary brands, try the Dew Drop. Canned
sweet corn, Maine Succotash, canned
Nevr Jersey pumpkin, tomatoes aud
Boston uaKed beans.
Thompson & Ross.
All of the Velocipedes, Wagons,
Rocking Horses, Sleds and other bulky
goods at the NewTork .Novelty Store
must oe ciosea out oeiore unnstmas, as
we have no place inwhlcjvtp utore
them. They will Jiittasac?
1 ,
Go to Jeff's lerojrsten.- -
X Christian Revival last ETealng.
The opera house was comfortably
filled last evening to hear Mr. Moody
in one of his Christian revival ad
dresses. After prayer and a ohoral service
finely rendered by several ladies and
gentlemen of the city, Mr. Moody an
nonnced a hvmn, "God be with you
till wo meet again," the entire audi-
enoe rising and loimug in the mel
Mr. Moody, a portly, clear spoken
man about nfty years or age, an
nounced that there would be 'three
meetings to-day. one at 10 a. m., one at
JiJOandoue at 8 p. it. Rev. A. Leltay
announced that there would be btcuI
lection taken up to defray ball. Jeut
and incidental expenses, which was
done, and another hymn, ''Jesus', my
Savior" sung. Mr. Moody then ut
tered a fervent prayer after which
Mr. Burke sang a solo, "Thoiigh
your sins be as scarlet, they shall.. be
made white as snow." Mr. Moody
then cited Paul's epistle to the' Gala
tians, "Be not deceived: God.ia not
mocked. Whatever a man aowetb,
that shall he also reap." The speak
er said he wanted to get that into the
minds of Astorians. It any one pres-;
ent didn't believe the Bible, all right,
let it ge: say it isn't true, what are
you going to do with this truth. It's
a fact, whether you believe it or not.
If any one got mad and went out, all
right; it that truth hits any one so
hard that be got mad about it, he'd
do well to go out, but the text was
true; it couldn't be denied.
We've all been deoeived some time';
if nothing else our own hearts have
often deceived us, but the God of the
Bible deceives no one, nor can He be
deceived. But the latter part of the
text be would call attention to. We
all reap what wo sow. the same kind
and more of it. A man reaps his
croo himself; wrong always comes
back on the wrong doer. The man
who steals your pocket book loses
more than you do. All you lose is
your pocket book, but he loses bis
peace of mind and his hopes of
heaven. So with all who in greed
for gain tempt their brother man.
Thb curse comes back to all such.
In God's kingdom the same crop
comes from the same seed as in the
natural kingdom. The question was
not how good men can get to heaven,
but now bad men could get there.
That's what the moBt of ub is in
terested in. The story of Jacob and
of David was told in proof that they
reaped what they sowed. And they
reaped misery n hundred times more
than they sowed. So with all wrong.
When we reap the wrong comes a
crop a hundred times as much.
Me argued that retribution is in
evitable, and that thero is no escape
from the compensation of orime, nnd
because of that men should be care
ful of tho seed that is sowj. Conse
quences are something that no one
can dodge.
Plain, hard, common senso prose.
unwelcome truths, bluntly expressed,
was tho thread of his speech, on
which he strung argument, advice,
example, warning, anecdote, pathos
and sympathy, moving many of his
audience to tears, forming a most ef
fective address.
In a straightfoward way. calling
things by their right names, ho held
his -audience with marked attention,
as in an-easy, conversational minner
be illustrated bis text by examples
from his rich aud varied experience.
and urged his hearers to bear well in
mind the fact that as a man sows, so
will he reap.
After an intermission, dnringwhich
the choir sang th'e 179th hjmn, "I
hear Thy gentle voice," Mr. Moody
resumed his remarks, and said that
ex-attorney gene'l Williams, of Port
land had been interested in Paul'
epistle tn the Romans, and had been
impressed favorably with the prom
ises and declarations contained thero-
ln. JUr. Moody argued that unbelief
was the crowning sin of the wotld to
day, for unbelief was giving God the
lie. The speaker held that n man is
necessarily affected by what ho be
believes, and that the first thing nec
essary is to beliove.
Tn a most convincing manner he
closed his address, and called for
converts, and while the oboir and
audience sang Old Hundred,
many came toward in rosponse to the
Mr. Moody i3 worth hearing, and
everybody is invited to-day.
Of health and strensth renewed and of
ease and romfort follows the i sc of
-rup of Figs, a- it acts in i aruiony
with nature to effectual v cleanse tlit
sys'em when costive or bi lious. For
sal- ii 5 c and SI 00 bottles by all lead
ing drugsists.
If jou want a tjpe writer ca'l on M.
B. Bozorth at the i. R. A N. Co's c ty
ticket office, "who is the authorized agent
for the Hammond.
You can sao money bv using Mr.
Gilbert's ZInfaindel wlne3 instead 'of
coffee or tea. It Is much healthier anrf
costs only GO cents per gallon. It is
three years old. He also has peach and
apricot brandy. Don'tforgethis French
LOgnac. ALEX. lilLBEET.--
J. W. Conn has tho largest and best
assortment of Flush goods In the citv.
consisting of Ladies' and Gents' Dress
ing cases, uaor cases. Broom Holders.
etc Also a full line of tho Best Per
fumery in the market, which will be
sold cheaper than tho same can be
bought In auy other store. Call and
Our stock of Polls. Doll Carriages.
Wagons, Velocipedes, and toys of every
description, were never so cheap. A
large and splendid assortment awaits
your inspection, uriffix & heed.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at. I. W.
Conn's drug store. opjttMte Ocident
nctei, Astoria.
Jno. Bryce, Jr., is in the oity.
Mrs. Allen Noyes is in the city.
Rudolph Prael is in tho oity for the
J. P. Dickinson is confined to his
honse by illness.
Mrs. P. L Cherry returned from
up river jesterday.
W. E. Dement and family were in
San Jose, Cal , last "week.
Mrs. Lamley returned from Port
land jesterday mprning.
Lou Allen will remain in San
Francisco till March next.
W. J. Strong and wife are in the
city, the guests q! Mr. and Mrs E. G.
Hxildeo.. -, .!"- - - '
F,-Er .Shnte haara situation on ja
government steamer iu San Francisco.-
. - -. ''
J. F, Ilallorau and family returned
yesterday from a six weeks' sojourn
in California. . ""
JvWIHumeisin'.San Francisco,
aqd may be' 2000. ricEer before ha
is .Tiny poorer. V -
- Dwigbt Mqody the'distingnlsned
revivalist, was,. a cagsenger on"jes
terday.moruiqg'soat fc
" Louis McLeanJnigbt'clerk at the
International hotel, of Portland, has
fallen heir to S35,l)00. ' !
. S. Schlussel was reported. very low
last evening, and grave fears are'' en
tertained for his recovery
Capt. LSmitftlbVfirstfsettler in
Albina, has1 gone to Aberdeen to take
charge of the steamer Aberdeen.
Dan Priest, late of St. Paul, now
of Oakland, is taking in the city. He
thinks oar fire 'department is hard to
State senator J, H. D Gray has the
thanks of The Astobian for a gener
ous (Jbnstmas remembranco of fat
and juicy ojsters.
J. T. Kinney, R. -Hanselman, J. C.
Adams and wife, H. O. Hippie and
Amo3 Kendall went to Portland on
last evening's boat.
D. P. Thompson and E. L. Smith
are mentioned in connection with
the speakership ot the lower house
of the Oregon legislature. Either
gentleman would worthily and cred
itably fill the position.
Mrs. CIayon, of San Rafael. Cal
l's iu the city, the guest of Mrs. Kate
Hobson. Mrs. Clayton was a former
resident of this.t county, for many
years, residing "at the Seaside, at
which place she will make a sojourn.
returning with hec daughter.
Mr. Reem Kanaga and Miss Tillia
Hartwig wore married at the resi
dence of the bride's parents last Sat
urday evening. The bride ia one of
Astoria's favorite society young
ladies, and tho groom-has an enviable
reputation as a oainstakipg and thor
ougb lawyer. TSlAstobian joins a
host of friends trad , well wishers in
tendering the ydnng couple hearty
?& v.
To patrons-of the Columbia Water
Co. We will allow no water closets
or urinals to be. attached to our works
except sen closing. And we would
recommend the Detroit Sauitarj
closet as the cheapest and best for
all. Jas W. Welch,
" Sapt. C.V7. Co.
lii i n ' j. I
-:. A- Fulland Complete Stock of
Plush Gases,
Manicure Sets,
: j ; .. Cologne Cases.
Fine Leather and Plush Albums,
Silver Ware. Bisque ware and Figures.
Christmas-Cards, Leather Goods,
- -i Brass Goods, Toys and Wagons.
. ' Dolls and Doll Carriages.
Everything that you want at the Christmas Headquarters.
A Fiiuj aud Well 8clcctel SlocU
Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, etc.
Jewelry Establishment.
ji?All goods warranted, as guaranteed
Opposite Crow's gallery, Astoria, Oregon,
Embracing many New and Elegant Novelties
for the present Holiday season. ,
In order to avoid the usual afternoon rush,:dur
ing the next two weeks, we would recom
mend our Lady friends to call
in the forenoon.
Shoalwater Bay and Gray's Harbor
The r. r C. 3. S. Co.'s Steamer
Will sail from PORTLAND as follews:
GRAY'S nARBOR-Thnrsday, October 4.
11,18 and 25. November 1, 8, 15,23 and 29,
December 6. 13, 20 and 27.
SHOALWaTKK BAY-October 4 and 18.
N- vemberl.isan'ia). December 13 and 27.
TILLAMOOK Monday October 1.15 and
29. November 22 and 28. December 10 and
Steamer leaves Portland, from foot of C
street at 8 P. M. on above dates. Astoria 0
A M. tbe following morning.
Tlic Company reserves lbe right to change
tlm and place of sailing.
. k. aTKUNG. President
C.P. UP3HTJK, AgMt Astoria.
Reed s
be on Exhibition.
Come Off!!
WtlO SayS You cant afford it P
Look into my corner window
and see the kind of suits I offer
for the small sum of
These Woolen Suits are wNorth
from $15 to $17.50, but you can
have one at the above price until
after the HOLIDAYS.
The Reliable Hatter and Clothier,
' Occident Hotel Building; .
T'V.- .v.
vwb.b C
Goods 1 !
w -, ,