The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 19, 1888, Image 3

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fa gutty gtftoriim.
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors.
Terms of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per week....
iat by Mall, per month
" ' " onoyear
Froo of postage to subscribers.
- 60CtS
The AsTOHiAJf guarantees to lt adver
tisers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
. The Alhi arrived in from the Sound
yesterday, and passed np the river.
The Maxwell, Varuna and Thun
derbolt will go to bar nnohorage to
day. Tho Mistletoe social club had a
very pleasant party nt Liberty hall
la3t evening.
The Oregon Development company
will make ono more effort with expert
divera to save the Yaquina Bay.
Tho annual maetingof theMasomo
Land and Building association will
be held this afternoon at.two o'clook.
Tho Lorton and Jerusalem came
down yesterday. The former is fin
ishing her cargo at the 0. K. & N.
dock; the latter cama down with car
go complete and is lying in the
The British bark lraruna cleared
for Liverpool jesterday with 20,183
ban-fills of flour worth S79.742. lhe
British ship Maxwell cleared for
Qaeenstown with 103,361 bushels ot
wheat valued at 889.455.
The tug Hunter, captain AL
Stream, arrived in yesterday with 860
itacks of Shoal water bay oysters.
She will return to-day and probably
bring another load of oysters next
Saturday. Captain Spfoule came
over as a passenger.
Tne Knights of Labor of this city
will give a Christmas ball as per an
nouncement, for the aid of the K. ot
L. sick benefit fund. The popularity
of the organization and the deserving
object it is proposed to aid ensure a
gojd attendance. No effort will be
spared to have a good time.
The Manzan it a was busy yester
day, transferring material from the
O. B. & N. dock to the buoy depot
and taking on supplies for ber trip to
the Sound. She will start to-morrow
afternoon, and will net ten stake
lights, and pat down twenty light
spar buoys in the shallow water of
the Sound.
The Rev. G. W. Qrannis returned
yesterday from a visit to Gray's river,
W. T., where he organized a M. E.
church of thirteen members and a
promise ot several more. The Bev.
Mr. Stimpson, father-in-law of Bev.
O. B Whitmore, lately stationed here,
will watch over the interests of the
new church. Mr. Grannis was very
favorably impressed with both tho
place and the thrifty people who re
side there.
The steamer Olympian was suo
cessfally placed iu tho Esquimau dry
dock Sunday. There not being an
inch to spare, a portion of the pad
dock box on one side was removed,
then tho vessel was listed and floated.
An inch ot shellfish covered her hull.
That is tho way it is over on the
Sound. It the interesting little tere
do can't bore a vessel fall of holes,
the barnaole oovers her with a coat of
shells that dostroys her speed. The
fresh water ot the Columbia harbors
neither teredo nor barnacle and ship3
are bonefited by lying in this port.
The nsBiznees of William T.Coloman
& )o.,have sold the steamer Quickstep
to L. F.Cook. of Seattle. Mr. Cook
will remodel tho Quickstep into a
a passenger boat, and will place her
on a daily routo into Tacoma. When
completed she will acoommodate
about-,-seventy.five passengers. The
Quickstep was built in San Francisco
and was originally intended for a
pleasure boat, but liB3 been used as a
tug for some time. Several woeks
ago the Quickstep came down from
Alaska, "where she had been towing
for a cannery. It will be remembered
that the Quickstep came to the Co
lumbia, in 77, when she was char
tered bv J. O. Hanthorn for a can
nery tender. She was afterward,
owutd 0 Joe linrne.
Yesterday forenoon, about half
past ten, residents of this city were
startled by several cannon shots.
It is nothing unusual to bear one
shot from the incoming steamers, but
three or four or five in succession is
something entirely out of the usual
experience. Much speculation was
the result and all sorts ot theories
were advanced. Some suggested that
aBr.tish man-of-war had come into
port and was about to nettle the fish
eries question, hut had been blowu out
- of the water by the United States
gunboat Humphreys, commanded by
Captain Brown. It was eventually
learned that tho tiring was on board
the Norwegian bark Jerusalem. As
the name indicates, the vessel is an
old-timer, and like the merchantmen
of rears aeo carries a cannon, plenty
of blank cartridges, it not cannister,
and no telling how many terrible cut
lassea and other instruments of death
that rued to be provided against
the bold, "bad pirateS on the high
seas or the low seas. It is explained
thnf the caotain of the Jerusalem or
dered this firing simply to attraot
attention to the fact that he had got
down the river with a full cargo for
his vessel and no lighterage. The
Jerusalem registers 901 tons and the
fact that that is one more ton than
930 certainly justifies tho captain in
bis extraordinary jubilation. The
'Jerusalem U9 in the stream and ell
is quiet.
Would Hake Ships Leave All
Money in Portland.
A "Kiver Pilot," in a communica
tion to the Oregonian, says:
"If the pilotage was abolished, the ex
penso to ships would bo much more than
now, lor the loading draft would bo lur
nisbed by the tug captain, who would
natnrallv make the work easy for him
self by giving a smaller draft and enable
mm to tow tne snip down m one nay in
stead of two or three, enriching the tug
company by several hundred dollars, by
saving time and having more lighterage
to carry down river on their boats. To
all this extra expense tho pilotage charge
would bear a very small proportion, and
it seems to me that the abolishment of
river pilotage is not done to benefit the
ship3, but for the benefit of the corpora
tions doing the towing and lightering.
They could manage it much better for
themselves if there were no pilots to in
sert ere."
The Oregonian replies editorially
as follews:
"To the general observer river pilotage
seems only an additional charge upon
commerce, which ought, therefore, to be
abolished. Towage must be had, and
tho tug can pilot the ship as well as tow
it. The protest against 'giving over the
commerco of the river entirely to the
towing and lightering companies' ap
pears to be nothing to the point, since
what we are trying to do is to clear com
merce of the charge of separate pilotage.
The system should be arranged for the
benefit of commerce, without regard to
the private interests of ineividnals. We
want it arranged so that the fewest pos
sible number of men will be able to levy
charges on the commerce of tho river."
Very naturally the Oregonian sug
gests that the proper thing to be done
is .that parties between Portland and
the sea, who make their headquarters
outside of Portland, should be sacri
ficed in this misdirected effort at
economy. There is no doubt that
by loading vessels light so there is
no danger of grounding, tugs can
take vessels down the river with
out a pilot all right sometimes.
But it is a fact beyond dispute,
that it the pilot loads his vessel one
foot deeper than the master of the
tug would load the same vessel if he
was to tow ber without a pilot, it is
still oheaper for the vessel to pay the
pilot and tro down the river loaded a
foot deeper, as tho lighterage on tho
cargo for that foot in depth
would often exceed the pilot charges
several times.
It there were no troublesome bars or
crooked channels in the river and the
water was deep enough to allow ot
loading vessels to their full capaoity
then there would be no need ot pilots
from Astoria to Portland. Portland
would be a deep seaport, and there
would be no need of Astoria. But
these obstinate "ifs" are in the way.
It is not lone since there was a de
mand in Portland that the bar pilots
should be dispensed with as worse
than useless.' But it seems that
something makes them now think
that bar pilots are necessary. If
these newspaper mariner? will take
an intelligent pilot aboard and cruise
around in search of the place where
economy should begin, they will
bring up right at home and come to
anchor there. Agents commissions,
storage, wharfage, etc, all cost ves
sels money. That money helps to
enrioh Portland, so of course a reduc
tion should not be suggested there.
When the Astoria and South Coast
railroad is completed, Astoria will
show the inland economists how to
fully load vessels without having
them stick on river bars.
A. L. Sackett came over from Sea'
side yesterday.
W. T. Boss of Westport contem
plates residenoe in this city with his
A. Knapp, A. H. Stone, and J. W.
Crow of ltnappa, were in tho city
H. B. Parker and W. E. Warren,
are registered at the Oilman house
in Portland.
Merit Wins.
We desire to say to our citizens, that
wo have beon selling Dr. King's "Now
Discovery for Consumption. Dr. King's
New Life Pills. Bucklcn's Arnica Salve
and Electric Bitters, and bavo never
handled remedies that soil as well, or
that havo given such universal satisfac
tion. Wo do not hesitate to guarantee
them every time, and we stand ready to
refund the purchase price, if satisfac
tory results do not follow their use.
These remedies havo won their great
popularity purely on their merits. J.
W. Conn, Druggist
I. O. O. F. Notice.
All Odd Fellows arid the sisters of
the R- decree are requested to assist
in the arrangements for the celebra
tion ot Christmas in the O. F. hall.
Members ot committees and the
sisters willing; to help to arrange the
hall and fix up tree are requested to
meet at the hall on Monday morning
at 10 o'clock.
O. F. and sisters having presents
f jr Christmas tree will leave them at
hall on the morning of Dee. 25th.
Doors will bo open 7 p. 11. Dee.
25th. Exercise3 to commence at
730 p. M. By order of
Chairman of Committee
Oar store is not quite so crowded
in the morning; parties can have
more time in making their seleotions
bv visiting our store in the morning.
Gbiffdj & Reed.
A fall hoaso all day long yesterday
kept us busy. The publio appreciate
good goods and low prices.
Gbipfik & Reed.
Price the New York Novelty Store's
Hue of Plush 'Goods, Albums, Auto-o-ranhi
and Scran Books. If vou are
looklnR for anything of theklnd you aro
bound to get them there after pricing
A full line of Sunset Diaries for 1889.
contains the Astoria Tide tables and
other valuable information. Those dia
ries make handsome C&rlstmaspresen s
for old and young, to bo obtained only
at GBiFrra & Beed.
Tender, Juicy Stesk at Jei.
Two BeesionB Each Day on Tariff Bill.
France And The United States to Seed
War Vessels to Panama to
Keep Order.
OhabtjEston, W. Yb., Dec. 18. In
spite of the injunction served on the
county commissioners Saturday
night, they certified to the governor's
returns ot election as to congressmen
in this county.
Pabi8, Dee. 18. Owing to fears
that the canal company's difficulties
may give rise to disorders on tho
isthmus, the French novernment has
decided to send a man-of-war to
Colon to protect the French interests.
It is expected the United States will
send two.
Washington. Dee. 18. The Re
publican caucus this mornincr de
cided that the senate will continue in
session without holiday recess until
the tariff bill is disposed of, letting
the house take a recess if it so de
sires. It also decided to hold two
sessions daily, beginning at 11 a. m.
and 8 p. m.
Jackson, Tenn., Dee. 18. A desper
ate fight occurred between negroes
and whites in a remote part ot this
county last Friday. It grew out of a
lawsuit. The fight occurred in court.
Several persons were badly hurt.
The negroes sent to this city on Sun
day for ammunition, and armed with
guns, pistols and knives, they swear
they will not be arrested. Officers
went from here to arrest them, bnt
the result is not yet known. Serious
trouble is feared.
Washington, Dec. 18. In the
house a motion to increase the cleri
cal force of the civil service commis
sion gave rise to a spioy debate.
Henderson ot Iowa, charged the ad
ministration with violating the spirit
of the civil service law. The com
missioners were defended by Miller
of Tennessee. Cummmgs and
Spinola of New York, made a fierce
onslaught npon the civil service law,
and earnestly advoeated an amend
ment striking out all appropriations
tor its government
Panama, via Galveston, Dec 18.
Railroad communication with Colon
is still interrupted by the effects of
tne storm. Tne river Unagres rose
again Saturday. Tne canal works
are considerably damaged. Great
anxiety prevails regarding tho affairs
of the canal.
Duck Hill, Miss., Dec. 18. There
is nothing new concerning the train
robbery. The popular opinion is
that-Burch, who six "weeks Bgo
robbed the express messenger on the
New Orleans and Northwestern rail
way, bossed the Duck Hill job. Gov
ernor Lowry yesterday offered a re
ward ot S500 for the capture of the
robbers, and tho Illinois Centra 1 of
fers 31,UU0.
Who Ls Your Best Fiiend?
Your stomach ot course. Why? Be
cause it it is oat ot order you ore one.
of the must miserable creatures liv
ing. Give it a fair, honorable chance
and see if it is not tho best friend yon
have in tho end. Don't smoke in the
morning. Don't drink iu the morn
ing. It you must smoke and drink
wait until your stomach is through
with breakfast You can drink more
and smoke moro in the evening and
it will tell on you less. If your food
ferments and does not digest right,
it yon are troubled with Heartburn,
Dizziness of the head, ooming up of
tho food after eating. Biliousness, In
digestion, or any other trouble of tho
stomaoh, you had best use Green's
August Flower, as no person can use
it without immediate relief.
A. F. And A. M.
At tho stated communication of
Temple Lodge No. 7, held last eve
ning, the following officers were
elected for tne ensuing Masomo year:
JayTnttle, W.M.; H. O. Thompson,
8. TV.; Vf. 9. Short, J. W.; J. Q. A.
Bowlby, Treasurer ond.E. 0. Holden,
Secretary. The installation will take
place on tho evening ot St. John's
day, 27th inst.
A Safe liiTcstmenl.
Is one which is guaranteed to brine
you satisfactory results, or In caso of
failure a return of purchase price. On
this safe plan you can buy from our ad
vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption. It Is
(guaranteed to bring relief in every case
when used for any affection of Throat,
Lungs or Chest such as Consumption, In
flammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asth-
wnoopmg uougn, uroup, etc., etc.
It ls pie;
s pleasant and agreeable to taste,
perfectly safe,
ana can always De ue-
penaea upon.
Trial bottles free at J."W. Conn'sDrug
If you wish something In the line of
cann d vegetables, better than the ordi
nary brands, try the Dew Drop. Can ned
sweet corn, Maine Succotash, canned
New Jersey pumpMn, tomatoes aud
Boston baked beans.
- Thompson & Ross.
The DiSDlav of Holiday Goods at the
New Tork Novelty Store Is something
simply immense. Their prices are
lower tnan me lowest.
All of the Velocipedes, Wagons,
Rockln? Horses. Sleds and other bulkv
goods at the New York Novelty Store
must do closed out ueiore unristmas, as
we have no placo In which to. store
them. They will be sold at a sacrifice.
"WclnliartTs llrer.
And Free Lunch at tho Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents. -
The BMipral verdict Is 'that Griffin &
LReed have the largest and best assort
ment oi Holiday uoous over shown in
the city.
CMlOren cry fePjtclisr's Castorl
SeTenteen Tcan from a Skin Disease. Conld
not walk or dress pijselt A mass or dlv
cue from head to foot. Cured in eight
weeks by the Cntlcnra Remedies.
At the ago of three months a rash (which
afterwards proved t be eczema nr salt rheum)
made its appearanco or ray face A physi
cian was called, lie said teething was tho
caaso ; ho prescribed some coolins medicine.
Due me Krcs tpreaa to my ears ana head.
Another M. D. was called lie professed to
know all about tho case, called it "King's
Evil," and prescribed gunpowder, brimstone,
and lard mixed into a salve: bat the disease
continued. Theyomld Dot do anything with
it. A nother prescribed borax, water and flour;
another, linseed poultices Nena of them
did me any good at all. but made mo worse.
The disease continued unabated ; it spread to
my arms and legs, till 1 was laid up entirely,
and from continually sitting on tho floor on a
pillow my limbs contracted so that I lost all
control of them, and was -utterly hclploss.
My mother would have to lift me out and into
bed. 1 could cot around the house on mv
hands and feet out I could not get my clothes
on at all. and had to wear a sort of dressing
gown. -Sly hair bad all matccd down or fal
len off. and my head. face, and oars wcro ona
scab, and I had to havo a towel on my head
all the time- in the summer to keep the flies off.
My parents consulted a prominent physician
and surgeon here in Chicago the other physi
cians before mentioned were of-Dundas and
Hamilton, Canada. lie said ho could do
nothing for me. lie wanted to cut tho jinews
of my legs, so that I could walk ; but I would
not let him. for if I did get hotter X would
haro no control of them.
The diseaso continued in this manner until
I was seventeen years old. and ono dav in
January, 1879, 1 read an account in the trib
une, of your Cuticuba Kemkdiks. It des
cribed my case so exactly that I thought,as a
last resort, to give them a trial.
When I first applied them I was all raw
and bleading, from scratching myself, but I
went asleep almost immediately, something
l naa not uono for years, tne ottcct was sooth
in abOnt two week; 1 could stand straight,
bnt not walk, I was so weak, bnt my sores
wero nearly well As near as lean Jndgo
tho Cctkuba IUmedhs curod mo in about
six or eight weoks, and up to this date (t. e.
from January, 1W9, to January, lbsi ) 1 havo
not beon rick in any war, or havo had tho
least signs of the diseaso reappearing on me.
S732 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.,-June 30. 'S7.
Sold everywhere. Prico. Cutic-itr. Sua
Soap, 25c.: KnsnLVraT. St. Prepared by tho
Pottfb DruoamdCAkuicalCo., Boston, Mass
fc"Sond for "How to Cure Skin Diseases."
64 pages. 50 illustrat ion", and 1U0 testimonials.
Q i Hrt PLLa b;ack-heads red. rough, chapped
rllll ondoilr sain crovented bv Cctipura
Me icteiSoaf.
Constitutional Catarrh.
No single disease ha entailed more sufier
ins or hastened tho breaking un or tho con
stitution than Catarrh The sense of smell,
of taste, of sight, of hearing, the human voice,
thomind-one or mere, and sometimes all,
yield t its de-tructive infTticnco Tho pofcon
it distribute throu houttho sjstem attacks
every vital force, and breaks np tho most ro
bust of c mtitutions. Ignored, because bat
little understood, by mo t physician", impo
ten ly ass died by quacks andcharlatans,
thoso suffering from it hkro HttlA hotiR to ho
relieved of it this sido of the grave. It is lime.
men, ma; mo popular tieatmontottm tern
bladisease by remedies within tho reach or
all passed Into hands t5nce oompetcnt and
tiustw. rthy. The now and hitherto un'ri d
method adopted oy Dr. Sanford in the prepa
ration ot his -HAmcAL.rtHE has won tho
hearty approval of thousands. It is instan
taneo is in affording- relief in all head colds,
sneezing, snuffling nd obstructed breathing,
und rapidly removes tha.,mo?t oppressive
symptoms clearing tho &ead. sweetening tho
breath, restoring tho censes of smell. tato
at d hearing, and noutralUing. tha corstitu
tional tendency of tho diseaso towaids tho
lungs, liver and kidneys. "
an ohd's icaui AUCtrrtFconsiftsofono
bottle of the Ead ca -rCttiiE.ono box- Ca-
TAKKHAl.SOL.Vl.Tanlan 13!V110V11 l-
HALER ; pneo, 51. ' -
loi Tjut Dhuo & CneiacAL'CQ., Bostojt.
Strains and Weaknesses,
KolUvcd in one minute by that mar
vellous Antidototo rain.inuainma
Hon and oakticss.tho u Icilril
nii-i-.uii rinxu-r. inenrsi
and only pain-hilling strengthening
nlastor. Ksi eciallv adnntod to in
..... .:: , .. ... .
stantly relieve and speedily care Kidney and
Uterino Pains and Weakno'S. Warranted
vastly superi r to all other plasters At all
drugiti'ts. 25 cent: livo for $1 to ; or postage
free ot Poti Eit l)i:uo axi Ciikmilal. Co.,
Boston, Mass.
A Full and Complete Stock of
ManiGure Sets,
Fine Leather" and Plush Albums,
Silverware, Bisque ware and Figures.
Christmas Cards, Leather Goods, -
Brass Goods, Toys and Wagons.
-3 w
Bolls and. Bell Carriages.
Everything tht you want at the Christmas Headquarters.
X Fine aul WeUHSclcctci-l StocU
Watchesjewelry, Clocks, etc.
Jewelry Establishment.
All goods warranted, as guaranteed.
Opposite Crow's gallery, Astoria, Oregon,
Embracing many New and Elegant Novelties
for the present Holiday season.
In order to avoid the usual afternoon rush, dur-
ing thenext two weeks, we would recom-"
mend our Lady friends to call
in the forenoon.
Shoalwater Bay and Gray's Harbor
The P. & 0. S. 8. Co.'s Steamer
Will sail from PORTLAND as follews:
GRAY'S HARBOR Thursday, Ortobfri.
11, 18 and 23. November 1, 8, 15, 23 and 29,
December c. 13, 20 and 27.
SHOALWATKB BAY-Octobor 4 and 18.
N vember 1,15 and 29. December 13 and 27.
TILLAMOOK Monday October 1. 15 and
29. November 12 and 28. December 10 and
Steamer leaves Portland, from foot ol C
street at 8 P. M. on above dates. Astoria 6
A M. the following moraine.
Tlie Company reserves lhe right to change
time and place of sailing.
1'. k. ssTHONG, President
C. P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria.
be on Exhibition.
Come Off!!
Who Says
Look into my corner window
and see the kind of suits I offer
for the small sum of
These Woolen Suits are worth
from $15 to $17.50, but you can
have one at the above price' until
after the HOLIDAYS.
The Reliable Hatter and Clothic
Otddent Hotel Building'
Goods ! !
You can't afford it ?