.& (Hie gitjj gtjstadatt. ASTORIA, OREGON: l'KIDAY. -DECEMBER II. 1SS8, I83UED EVERY MORNINQ. (Monday excepted.) J. P. HALLOHAN & COMPANY. Publishers and Proprietors, AsToni.uf Bcildixc, - - CassStrekt. Tcrmi ofSnbscription. Served by Carrier, per week. boat by Stall, per montb.... . I'ree of postage to subscribers. .. 15 cts 60 OU 97.00 THE Astoria- guarantees to IU adver tisers the largest circulation of any ncirspa per published on the Columbia river. To-nlgfifj-" AtliibertyHalL Will --L. Visacher. And Joseph H. Taylor. Mr. ht E.-.Selifj has taken the man agement of Boss opera house. The Firth oStronsa arrived down at noon in tow of tho Dixie Thomp son. The steamer Michigan will load lumber at Skamokawa for San Pedro, vai. The Alliance came down from Portland yesterday and lies at Main street wharf. The British bark Trongate cleared for Queenstown with 18,335 bbls flour valued -at 872,940. The Dolphin leaves for Shoalwater bay this morning on her last regular trip for" this "winter, r The wind went a 60-mile gait at the cape on Wednesday, and 69 miles an noor on Tuesday night. Contractor Smith, has the sewer pipe on east side of Benton street laid from the river south, across Sec ond street. Ex sheriff W. G. Boss, leaves to-day for an extended trip to his old home in Nova Scotia, which he has not visited for many years. Go and hear the celebrated soldier lecturer, poet and wit, and the cele brated banjo virtuoso, violinist and vocalist, at Liberty hall this evening. The Wtllamttte anchored off-Fort Stevens yesterday, but did not cross out The Oregon made no move yes terday, but expects to go out this morning. M. Stndzinski has & fine stock of jewelry and silverware from which to select your holiday presents, and at prices as low as can be expected for honest goods. - The.- Miles goes to Gray's harbor this morning with a cargo of mer chandise, and will bring back about the lost of the Gray's harbor salmon pack for this year. A close observer says that the dif ference between a camel and a man is that tho camel can work a week with out drinking, while.a man can drink a week without working. The investigation of the OcKlahama and P. W. W. collision was begun yesterday at Portland under the au thority or United States inspector Ferguson and McDcrmitt. The funeral of Domitro Sovico took place yesterday afternoon from Coroner Surprenant's undertaking parlors, under the auspices of the O. 1J. F. P. -Union, to Clatsop cemetery. Tho proceeds of the entertainment at Liberty hall this evenine will bo applied" to purchasing a library for tne 1. .u. .. A. reading room. Uo and hear the fnif and help alons a good work'. . i , Iteem Ka'naga, hoi been appointed deputy district attorney tor the r uth judicial district of Oregon, by secre tary of strafe i. A. AlcUriue. His ap pointments dated Dee. 10th. '88. A judicious, and.- worthy appointment " -. . . - Gnstat ' BiaAsen, the experienced jeweller,"' will '"supply you with nny-tuingv-yda "need from a gold headed cane, to the. finest and most elaborate jewelry. "A 'look in his window will convince you of the vsluo and variety of his stock. Our, merchants are laying in large and aUracJiTe'-Stocks of goods for the holiday1 tfade,in'tid will furnish any thingj"ariyone"may need at a fair price;,;rLt thenrsupply your wants, and then'When the next bilk comes to town you will have no use for him. The Capital Journal says the statement that the present number, 284, jn the state penitentary, is the largest number ever there at one time, is incorrect. It says several years ago there were 293. It is now expected there will be 800 before. spring. Boy cigarette smokers are informed that at a recent examination of can didates for the naval academy" in the St8te of New York, ten out of twenty two were rejected by the examining physicians, as disqualified by what is termed the "tobacco heart," caused by cigarette smoking. We aro requested by Eev. G. O. Hall, to announce that the Congrega tional ohnrch sociable, set for this evening at the residence of Mrs. Welch, is indefinitely postponed in favor of the entertainmentto be given at Liberty Hall under the auspices of the Astoria Y. M. O. A. John Jack and Annie Firmin who played in Astoria some ten years since, as old residents will recollect, will play at Boss' opera bouse next Monday evening. They present an attractive programme, which cannot fail to please. Reserved seats on salt at the new York Novelty store. The ship Varuna is lying at the 0. E. & N. dock anxiously waiting for 350 tons lighterage to complete cargo, for which she has been look ing several days, in order to get ready for sea. If the company wishes to continue to enjoy the monopoly, it onght to have boats and barges suf ficient to give the vessels guick dis patch. CapL Dan Graham has sold lot? 1 and 2 in block 86, McOlure's Astoria, to captain Dan MoVicar for 81,250 cash in hand. Captain Graham says he has saved his railroad assessment already in tho advance in value he has received on this sale. This is a practical demonstration of the fact that ono should spend money to make money. The council committee oh streets and public ways have materially im proved the approaches and descents at the corners of the north side of the custom house square by nutting in steps less steep and inclined planks to render the ascent or descent more gradual, and also by putting a new light at the northeast corner. Of coarse it will never be right until the streets are all 'brought up to the grade, but this is a great improve ment and will perhaps prevent the occurrence of some serious accident. - . - - . . . - Mr. M. C. Crosby, one of the direct ors, and Mr, Henry B. Thielson, chief engineer, of the Astoria and South Coast Railway Co., went down to Ulatsop plains last Tuesday morning and returned yesterday. This special mission was to interview all tne par ties owning property through which the survey line of tho road .has been located, who had not ns yet granted the right of way. They report having me; witn gratifying success. Witn but few exceptions, reasonable and satisfactory terms were agreed upon with all the parties interviewed, and there seemed to be no disDosition on the part of any one, wilfully and pur posely, to binder the construction of the road. This is as it should be. If any one will be immediately bene fited by the enterprise, it will be the property owners between Trullinger's farm and Seaside. Henry Sample, n colored waiter. employed at the Occident hotel, was arrested last evening and lodged in the city jail for cutting a couple of Chinamen, employed at the same place. It appears that Sample com plained of the dilatoriness of the cook in filling his orders, whereupon tne cook lost uis temper and angry words were passed between the two, culminating in an attack by the Chi naman on the waiter with a large knife. A general scrimmage ensued, in which two other Chinamen rushed to the -help -of their chiof. Overpowered by numbers. Sample seized a cleaver, with which he struck his antagonist on the head and one of his other assailants'onthe arm, he himself having a narrow es cape from a murderous cut from a knife, which fortunately only pro duced a skin deen wound in his neck. The combatants were then parted and fortunately none seriously hurt. II.WXCO SOTES. Ilwaco. Dec. 12. Daring the blow yesterday after noon a spar buoy washed ashore here. It is marked with alternate vortical stripes of black and white. The con necting link was worn through b at trition. A fina lead-colored skiff also came ashore. It looks like a schoon er's yawl. The funeral of the late Joseph II. Gold took place at two o'clock yes terday afternoon, at the school house. Justice Dal ton conducted the serv ices. The remains were interred in an alder grove, overlooking the Wal licut rivor. The severity of the weather prevented many from follow ing tho remains to tho grave. Mr. Gold daring life enjoyed the respect and good will of the entire commun ity. Even up to-liH death he was a hard worker and seldom found time to ht idle. Sumxei:. l'KI!50NAli'StF.NTION. Geo. W. Heald and wife leave for California to-day. George H. George leaves for Cali fornia on the Oregon this morning. "Who In Your Best Friend? Your stomach of oourse. Why? .Be cause it it is out of order you ore one of the must miserable creatures liv ing. Give it a fair, honorable chance and see if it is. not the best friend yon have in the end. Don't smoke in the morning. Don't drink iu 'the morn ing. If you must smoke and drink wait until jour stomach is throngh with breakfast You can drink more and smoke more in the evening and it will tell on yon less. If your food ferments and does not digest right, if you are troubled with Heartburn, Dizziness of the head, coming up of the food after eating, Biliousness, In digestion, or any other trouble of the stomach, you had best use Green's August Flower, as no person can use it without immediate relief. Three of a Kind U Hard to Beat. John Wyatt'a wife, living two miles west of Corvallis, says the Capital Journal of the 11th mat, gave birth to triplets yesterday. All aro doing well. Our stock of Dolls, Doll Carriages, Wagons, Velocipedes, and toys of e ery description, were uever so cheap. A large and splendid assortment awaits your inspection. Guiffix & Beep. Suicide. DB. FLINT'S .REMEDY has saved more lives by timely use, and has kept from suicide or the insane asylnra more victims of nervous disorders than all the physicians with their pet methods of lrea'tnenr. Des-rlntlve treatise with each b ttIe;or, address Mack Drug Co., All of Herman Wise's customers are Invited to call at his store from now un til Christmas Eve and leave their ad dress. Santa Claus has a surprise In store foryou. . Sweet Apple Cider, At the Astoria Soda "Works. TELEQEAPHI0 NEWS.. The""Taquina Bay" in aBacl Situation. Triihligtou Coulp 1 California Tragedy Sclentlfle Slugging. New York, Dec 13. "Whisky" Byan, of Brooklyn, and Jim Forrell, of Philadelphia, fought at Phelan early this morning, under Queens- oury rules, ityan won in nine ronndp. It was a scientific rather than a slugging match. WASHINGTON NOTES. Washington, Dec. 13. The death of Major Edward B. Spaulding, of the Fourth Cavalry will cause the following prometions: Captain Mi chael Cooney, of the Ninth Cavalry, to be major of the Fourth Cavalry. First Lieut Joseph Garrard, of the Ninth Cavalry,-to be captain of the Second. Lieut. Alfred B. Jackson, of the Ninth Cavalry, to bo first lieu tenant. A BIT OF GOSSIP. Chicago, Dec. 13. A special from Indianapolis says a significant bit of gossip regarding the next -cabinet. came from one' of General Harrison's! friends to-day. and relates to the rec ognition the Pacific coast will proba bly receive. There are various rea- sons for the belief that one of the ad ministration advisers will represent that section, and according to the gentleman whose views are followed. the honor will not fall on a Califor nia man, bnt-Senatar Mitchell, of Or- gon, is likely to be the choice- of. the president-elect. THE XAQUINA BAT. Corvallis, Dec. 13. A Gazette spe cial from nu Oregon Pacific official dated Yaqnina, 950 o'clock this morn ing, says: "The condition of the steamship Yaquina Bay has not ma terially changed since yesterday. Heavy seas are breaking over the ship nt every tide, gradually washing off the upper works. The ship's hull, engines, rudder and wheel appear to be standing the strain splendidly. Diving apparatus will be used as soon as cessation of heavy seas per mit engineers to locate the spot where the water obtains access to the en gine room and fire room; then efforts will be made to effect temporary re pairs to enable the ship to bo pumped out and floated off. Of course, all depends upon the weather, and so far, since Sunday night there has been comparatively no cessation of strong winds and very heavy seas. Very powerful pumping apparatus is at hand and both the liesolute and Favorite jltq in con stant readiness and attendance. A FATAL AFFBAT. Sah Beknabdino. CaL. Dec 13. Soon' after the NationaLBank opened tnis morning two strangers from Ari zona entered, and one presented a check and asked ' that it be cashed. H. Morse, cashier, told him he would nave to be identified. AYotOs-foK volverandHhot Morse ' through thS.? j5.iP;3&J'M body. Morse returned fire, pntting two bullets into his assailant. Six or seven shots were fired, when the strangers ran, bnt were arrested and lodged in jaiL It 'is thought that Morse and his assailant will both die. One shot struck O. W. Filkins. of Biverside, who was in the bank, but his watch saved his life, It is be lieved the men entered the bank with the design of robbery. Cashier Morse died half an hour after the shooting. The man who did tho shooting gives tho name of John Oakes, bnt refuses to talk. It is naid ' that the third man, who has nol .jet been arrested, was seen trying t be side door of the bank while' shooting was going on. Oakes was shot iu the arm, ear and back, but it is believed that none of his wounds are serious. Later investigation .shows that Oakes has lived hero a month, work ing for a railroad company. Nino shots were fired before Morse fell. Oakes has lotters showing that he has recently been in the insane asy lum iu Nevada. The man who went to the bank with him was n deputy Bhoriff from Arizona. There is in tense excitement here over the affair, as Morse was very popular. He leaves a wife and three children, nu aged mother and brother. There was some talk of lynching, but the law will probably take its course, as the doctors havo pronounced Oakes sano at the time of the shootiug. A Sound Legal Opinion. KBainbridse Muiulay Kn.. Coimlv Atty., Clay Co., Texas says: 'lIacuM'il Electric Bitters with most hnnnv re sults. My brother also was very low with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medi cine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life.' Mr. D. I. wilcoison. of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, saying: He postively believes he would have died had it not been for Electric Bitters. This great remedy" will ward off, as well as cure all Malaria Diseases, nnd for all KMnev. Liver and Stomach Dis orders stands unequalcd. Price 50 cents ana ?i, at Jnou.ucmeni's. Ml We are selling Bisque Figures, Vases, Cups and Saucers, Dresden ware, etc., at remarkably low figures. Call and examine. - Griffix & Keep. Our stock Is now cemplete: it will.be to your Interest to buy now while you can get good selections. Griffin & Kkf.d. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at V. J. Goodman's. Tho general verdict is that Griffin & Keed have tho largest and best-assortment of Holiday Goods ever shown in the city. Weinuard's Brer. And Free Lunch at tho Telephnno Sa loon , 5 cents; , Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes; also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at P. J. Goodman's. Our Dew Drop brands, of canned fruits take the lead. We have apricots, peaches, cherries, pine appie, DiaciiDer- rles, etc, "HOMPSON &B.OS3. i CMleaCfifePitclii&toria COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Deomberl3, '88. Pursuant to adjournment the court met at 10 a. m. F. W. Wosterlund, admitted to citi zenship. The application of John -Welch, Jos. Cox and A. D. McDonald post poned. N. D. Baymond' appointed county surveyor. Assessment roll entered nnd tax made 22 mills, as follews: State purpoes 3 7-10 mills. University 1-10 mills. Militia 2-10 mills. Cnln nnlinAl K Willie Co. debt and int 2 -10 mills. Current expenses 10 5-10 mills. Assessors account of poll tax- re ceived and approved, and" receipts ordered cancelled. Assessors account approved and ordered allowed when sworn to and filed. . Order made that no more naners or documents be allowed taken from the county clerk's office without an otcler irom eimer me cuuuvy juugo or a commissioner. Adjourned io 1:30 p. m. when the court met. Clerk instructed to prepare a cor rect statement of the footings" of the assessment roll, certify to same and forward to. the secretary of state. " N. D. Baymond appeared and qual ified -as county surveyor with J. W. Gearhart and N. Clinton as surities. Thomas G. Damons admitted to citizenship. Bill of Jos. Sinnptt as county as sessor allowed.,. V . Bill of Ness allowed. Bebate on li-censo allowed Daniel son and Johnson, 825. Sundry bills alky-rea". Adjourned sine die. Virl of IThanki. I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to all who so benevolently contributed to the collection taken up for me by Mra. I. O. Anderson and John Larson, of uppertown. This kind treatment at a stranger by the Astoria people will never be forgotten by, N. N. Elyebacii. Don't Experiment. You cannot afford to waste time in experimenting when jour Iunga aro in danger. Consumption always seems, at first, only a cold. Do-not permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. Ring's New Dis covery for Consumption,, Coughs and Colds, but be sure you get tho genuine. Because he can make more profit he may tell you lie lias something just as good, or just the same. Don't, bo deceived, but insist unon getting Dr. Kino's New Discovery, wliich Is guaranteed to give jelief in'all Throat." tung and Ohest af fections. Trial bottles free at Jno. O Dement's Drug Store.Largc bottles Si All the paxent-niltcineiailvi'itisfd hcrel, Astorinr JT -ypj lf .you wish soniethW In tho." line of canned Vegetables, better tharrthe ordi nary brands, try tho Dew Drop. Canned sweet corn, Maine -Succotash, canned ixcw jersey pumnum, totuatons and Boston baked beans.,: , Open Oysters By the pint or quart at the Red Comer Market. Bedrock The.'X-argest and Best Stools -OK TOYS, DOLLS, 11 1 J Ever shown in Astoria can be found at Griffin & Reed's BOOTS AND-SEOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE- SIQN OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. JOEC3NT LaJSRT. JOB PRINTING. Neat, Quick And Cheap at The ASTOBIAN JOB OFFICE MONDAY MORNING OUR Holiday Will Embracing many New and Elegant Novelties for the In order to avoid the usual afternoon rush, dur ing the next two weeks, we would recom mend our Lady friends to call in the forenoon. H I V 9 JLJLi FADING NOVELTIES Prices Goods ! AND- yHllUiip TILLAMOOK, Shoalwater Bay and Gray's Harbor The P. ft n. S. S. Co.'s Steamer "AM.IANCE," Will sail from POBTLAND as follews: GRAY'S IIARBOB Thursday. October 4. 11, 19 and 25. Norember 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29, December 6. 13, 20 and 27. SHOALWATEK BAY October 4 and IS. November 1.15 and 29. December 13 and 27. TILLAMOOK Monday October 1. 15 and 29. November 12 and 26. December io and nj. " Steamer leaves Portland, from foot of C street at 8 P. M. on above dates. Astoria 6 A M. tbe followlce morning. Tlio Company reserves lbe right to change time and place ot sailing. V: k. BTBONGf President. C.P. DPSUUIt, Agent Astoria. -OUT- or be on Exhibition. present Holiday COOPER, THE HOUSE OF OH ! Come Off!! WhO SayS You cant afford it ? Look into my corner window and see the kind of suits I offer for the small sum of $1 1.25 These Woolen Suits are worth from $15 to $17.50, but you can have one at the above price until after the HOLIDAYS. ERMANWI The Reliabje-Htter ,$ Clothier Occident tfte,! BuUJiiug" Goods ! 1 season. ; ASTORIA. x A