The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 09, 1888, Image 3

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?hf ga gjstotfatt.
(Monday excepted.)
rnbUshets and Proprietors,
.v-troBiAyBctLDiyo, - - Cam Street.
Terms (Subscription.
gen ed by Carrier, per week..
15 cts
. 60 cts
odiii uy jiau, per montn.
.. ." one ear....
Free of postage to subscribers.
Thk astomax guarantees to it ruber
tUcrs the largest circulation of any new na-IK-r
published on the Columbia river.
A plain, simple, ordinnrv opening
' wiuiiu oc iieea a on .Monanv evrn
The 1. W. 0. T. U., entertainment
oh xnaay was an enconraging finan
cial snoces3.
-ur. ii. Goodwin has taken the
farter House restaurant and solicits
a snftie or the public patronage.
The British Hard came down the
nverye3terday with hor cargo com--plete,
and anchored In the stream.
Men's Song and Gospel service at
the Zoung Men's Christian associa
tion rooms this afteroon at 3 o'clock.
Miss Nora Itapplejea has received
some ot the latest styles of fine goods
in her line, and calls attention to it
in hor adv't
The Alliance and Gen. Mite are
delayed in Gray's harbor fav unfavor
able'weatherasjs the Dolphin in
Sho3lwater bay.
t ..
The roadway below Trullinger's is
safely passable except at occasional
intervals when the posts are knocked
out by drifting logs.
At the Congregational churoh to
day, at 11 o'olook a. M.: Theme,
"Bearing one another's burdens."
Evening theme, "A snre enre for
Th'e Pacific Coast Express company
will begin business between Astoria
andjOstervillo to-morrow. Patron
ize a "home enterprise and have some
public spirit about you.
Nominations for conncilmen hare
baen made by Eepublicans and Dem
ocrats, and the votes cast next Wed
nesday will probably be very much o
matter o! individual preference.
The New York Novelty Store calls
attention to their holiday announce
ment. Their stock is largo and is an
ornament to their commodious quar
ters in Flavel's new brick building.
There will bo a meeting of the
chamber of commerce next Monday
evening, at half past seven. There is
business of importance, and members
are requested to ntteud-jvithoitf fnr
ther notice.
J. K. Armsby, the great canned
goods man of Chicago, is reported as
saying that "a mute funeral would be
a giddy earthquake compared to the
canned goods business at present, it
is so quiet"
Contractor Y. H. Smith ha the
twelve-inch sewer pipe laid from the
lower end of Benton street across
Firststrpet, bnt finds the weather of
tbe pa5t day or two something of a
hindrance to progress
The British bark Embleton cleared
yesterday for Queenstown with 70.217
busT wheat, valued nt 863,200. The
British bark Scot thh Bard, cleared
for the inmo port with 'A 1,23(1 bn.
wheat, valued at 33.319.
At a meeting of Democrats nt the
court bouse last evening, for the pur
pose of "nominating two conncilmen
to serve for three years, I. Weeks
was nominated for the first ward, and
J. B. Elbon for tbe second ward.
Services at the Methodist church
to day. - The baptizing of children
and-' adults following the morn
ingerrice. Subjects, "The Relation
.of Children to the church;" "The
Cicnits of Grace." Good music and a
'felQomoJEpr all.
"Ajcqrrespondent who is younger
tbaiftwenty-one years of age wisbes
to know if a young man nineteen
jeara ot age, and an orphan, can vote
aa oity election. He cannot legally
castaTote. The law wisely avoids
offering a young man any induce--roent
to become an orphan.
The Bev. Dr. Aberigb Mackay of
.Fans, wno is in tnis country in the
interest ot the Old Catholic move
ment, is expected to preaoh at the
morning service in Urace onurcu to
day, and in the evening will address
the congregation on the subject of
the work in behalf ot which he is
- The funeral of John Setterlind will
take place from coroner Hnrpren ant's
undertaking parlors to-morrow at 2 , under the auspices of the Scan
dinavian .Benevolent society, mem
bers ot tho society are requested to
meet at their hall, at 1 p. m.. to attend
the funeral. The interment will be
at Clatsop cemetery.
Tho well and favo.rably known
Parker House hotel restaurant and
dining room, newly furnished, is now
open under the supervision and man
agement of Mr. H. Goodwin, whose
extensive and successful experience
in 'the restaurant business in New
York and Sau Francisco guarantees
satisfaction to either tranBientor per
manent boarders.
The so ow schooner Ludvalg, whi'e
beating around Smith'a point yester
day on her trip up Young's river, was
strack by a Bquall and both masts
west by the board- Copt. Brown
went to her assistance with tbe gov
ernment KlpimAr TTir.tnrihrfiiic lint
found he had too big a oontraot, so
nc came Dacg ana tne inona went
down to the dismasted vessel and
towed her back to the city.
Sergeant J.N. Griffin took a trip
below to look after the government
teiegrapn line yesterday, and found it
very much demoralized below Tanzy
point, near Kindred's place. The
river is washing in thoro and under
mining the telegraph poles.
At a meeting held "by ltepublicaus
last evening at the city hall, for the
purpose of nominating two council
men to be voted for next Wednesday,
John Fox was nominated for council
man for the first ward, and Judge J.
Q. A. Eowlby for tho second ward,
both to serve three years.
If you wish to save yourself regrets
ouy j our jewelry and holiday pres
ents of home dealers, then it you are
not satisfied yon have .responsible
persons to come back on. They can
and will sell you goods of the same
quality cheaper than any traveling
outfit that camps in tbe city for a
night or two and then skips.
Yesterday was a blustery day.- The
wind from the southwest brought-the
rain in stinting torrents, wmdowB
rattled, shutters were blown down,
houses shook, dangling signs went
flippity-flop, umbrellas were demor
alized and general discomfort pre
vailed. The barometer suffered from
the general depression, indicating
'sj.'ol at 0 o clock last evening.
Sheriff S. F. Albert came over from
Gray'a river yesterday, where ho has
oeen adjusting soma county road
business, and'went up on the Tele
phone to Cathlamet. It is stated
that Wn. Masten, who left Ska-
mokawain a skiff after shooting John
Setterlind, la'st Friday, was nt Cath
lamet, waiting tor an (opportunity to
give himself up to sheriff Albert.
E. 0. Hoi den has been instructed
to conduct two sheriff's sales, to take
place to-morrow at two o'clock, at
the court house door, viz.: Lots 1
and 2, block 29, and tbe Opera Honse
thereon, to satisfy moitgage held by
Geo. W. Hume; and lots 3 and -1 of
subdivision "D," Olney's addition, as
recorded by Hustler and Aikin, on
deoree of foreclosure in favor of J. V.
County clerk Trenchard is recover
ing from the injury to his shoulder
which was the result of a fall on
Wednesday evening, after dark,
caused by jhe precipitous irregu
larity of the grade on Second street
in the immediate vicinity of the post
office. Nocturnal pedestrians in that
part of the city wend their weary way
with fear and trembling humility, for
he who goelh forth with pride may
have a fall.
On account of material chauces
and alterations to be made in her
store consentient on the dividing it
off, to make room for G. W. Bncker's
restaurant, Mrs. W. J. Barry has in
structed auctioneer E. C. Holden to
dispose at public auction of a large
surplus stock ot millinery and fancy
goods. The sale, it is expected, will
be for one night only. Ladies should
be on hand, therefore, .it half past
seven to-morrow evening at Mrs.
Barrj'a millinery store.
The property, real and personal,
belonging to the Lewis and Clarke
Lumber k Manufacturing company,
nssignedbv the creditors to Judge
Bowlby, was sold yesterday by auc
tioneer is. U. Holden, at the court
house door, in accordance with public
announcement in The Astoriax.
The steam sawmill and box and shin
gle factory, together with the timber
on and 11 years lease of the south
half of section 12, township C, includ
ing right of way and tramway from
tho same to navigation on Lewis and
Clnrke river, was sold to C. S. Wright
for S,V00. The 1G0 acres of land
owued by the conipan) in the sume
section brought 31,750 and was also
bought by ,C S. Wright. A lot of
personal property consisting of two
yoke of cattle, wagon and other sun
dries, was pnt up in severalty nnd
knocked down to various bidders for
S425.75. The sale aggregated 87.
67575. .
The city council deserve credit for
the action they have taken to enp
press the disturbance which from the
very first marked tho appearance of
the Salvation Army in this city. The
noisy, boisterous, deviltry-concocting
crowd, whjph nightly gathered at the
barracks to witness and participate
in the cirens on Sunday as well as
other nights, did more to inculcate a
spirit of lawlessness and profanity
among the young people in sight and
hearing than could-be -offset by the
combined influence for good, ot all
tbe preachers in this city. One of
police judge Jewett's little sermons,
quietly -but firmly delivered, does
more to moralize and subdue some
mischief makers than weeks of mild
remonstrance and sweet persuasion
from less official sources. Since
judge Jewett pronounced sentence on
'one ot tbese disturbers ot the publio
peace mere nas oeen a marjtea
change nnd a blissful quiet has Bet
tied over the barracks, and it does
not seem too soon to assert that
prompt repression ot hoodlnmism is
the safest, cheapest and most satis
factory way to secure quiet, good or
der and respect for tie person and
property of citizens.
TelcphoueliOdKlns Uou&r.
Best Beds In town. Booms per nlulit
50 and 2T. cts-, per week SI JO. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Jlesla CooKcd to Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard .fc
Wcinliard's Brer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone sa
loon, S cents.
Ludlow's Ladles' &MK) Fine Shoes;
also Flexible Hand turned French Kids,
at P. J. Goodman's.
Property Ownen Should Assist tbe Koad
Which Will Enhance the Valne
of Their Property..
It may be hoped there will be little de
lay in tbe building of tbe Astoria &
South Coast railroad. Senator Dolph
has introduced a new bill giving the com
pany tho right to bridge Young's bay,
and as there is no opposition whatever
to this, congress will probably grant and
the president sanction it. Before the
end of the next congress pleasure seekers
may bo able to ride in cars to Clatsop
The above is taken from vesterda 'a
Oregonian. It may truthfully be
said that from the very first public
mention of this Astorian enterprise
notning but words ot encouragement
and predictions of success in connec
tion with it have been uttered by
the various papers published in
Oregon, which have alluded to
it at all. and but verv few
have, failed to -do . so;: Astorians
appreciate this kindly mention
by the press. So far as we can form
an opinion, it seem3 to have been the
aim of -the directors of the Astoria
and South Coast Railway company,
to carry on the , work with as little
publio parade as possible, preferring
to iec me woric as it is continued and
accomplished speak for' itself; mind
fnl we presume 'of the old rndagej
"Actions speak louder than words."
Intelligent,-thoughtful men know
that there are many difficulties to be
surmounted in the preliminary
stages of railroad construction, even
though it be but a short line: Some
times it takes a great deal of patience
and 'persevering argumentation to
convince a man that he is working
against his own personal pecuniary
interests in denying the right of way
through his property, which perhaps
is laud that heretofore "has. been al
most worthless because unimproved
and unproductive, but which will be
enhanced in value very materially so
soon as it shall, be. known that the
very road he is obstructing . will run
through it. We need not go far to
find a case in point. In the construc
tion of the railroad from .Ilwaco
along tho weather beach toward
Shoalwater bay, an obstruction
ist of the kind referred to
gave no little amount of
trouble and annoyance' .to the
directors of that road. HeTefused
to give the right ot way and rejected
a compensation far exceeding tbe
value of the gronnd required. Arbi
tration did not unit him and the com
pany wa3 compelled to apply for the
legal remedy open to them, and the
result was the obstructionist was al
lowed by the court n paltry one 'hun
dred dollars for the land required, a:
sum much less than the company had
previously tendered him. We do not
refer to this particular one of the
many difficulties which it requires
time and patience as we.ll as good
bnsiness judgment to surmount be
cause of any trouble of the kind now
delaying the work on tho Astoria and
South Coast, we know ot none sneh.
On the contrary we are given to un
derstand that a majority of the prop
erty owners between this citv and Sea.
side have already conceded to the com
pany the right of way alone the line t
surveyed oy enter engineer Henry -JJ.
xnieisen, anu we nave no aoaut.mat
any who may havo hesitated, will
after .mature consideration, fully
realize that they have much-more-to
gain than to lose, by cheerfully grant
ing tho right of way if able to do so,
ana it not in circumstances to give, j
meu iu us& uuiy u proper irau mir
remuneration for their land at "it-,
present value, and thus advnnce their
own interests while they are facilit'it
ing the construction of a road winch
cannot but be a lasting benefit to
every man, woman nnd child, resident'
in Clatsop county.
llon'l KAiicriiiicut.
You cannot afford to n;te time in
tAperinienting hon jour lungs are in
danger. Consumption always seems nt
lir-t.onty a coUI.-Do not. permit any"
dealer to Impose upon von with some
cheap jinilation or ))r. King' Xpw Dis
coery foi Consumption. Coughs and
Cold-, hut he sure mi get the genuine.
Because he can make more piofit liMnav"
tell j on lie has something just as goodC
or just the same. Don't-'he decenetl.
hut insist upon getting Dr. King's New
Discovery, which is guaranteed to glc
relief in all Throat. Lung and CheM af
fections. Trial bottles free at Jno. 1'
Dement's Drugstore. J.irge hottlesSI
The following is told "of the little
three-year-old son ot n prominent
merohant in Salem.- AVhenever he
burta himself or. thinks ho does and
commences to cry, his mother nlwnya
turns his attention by saying some
thing funny to him and his tune is
changed to laughter. But, a few days
ago, he thoughtthe exigencies of the
case demanded more serious consid
eration. He fell off the porch nrid
hurt his mouth so that it bled. He
ran into the house crying and met h"s
mother with her customary smile; he
saw she was abont to say something,
and he cried out through hia sobs,
"Don't stop me, mamma, don't stop
me; I want to cry'like sixty." "Well,
go in, my boy, nnd cry it out.'-' said
his mother, almost convulsed by the
serio-comic attitude of the case
All of Herman Wise's customers are
invited to call at his store from now un
til Christmas Eve and leave their .id
dress. Santa Clans has a surprise In
store for yon.
Go To Thompson A Koss.
For the Dew Drop "Drips, tho be3t, pur
est and mo3t delicious.
For the Ohio Sap, the purest Maple
Syrup In the market.
For G. & D. Extra Mlnco Meat In
Jirs, and Atmore's in pails.
For the Self-rising Buckwheat flour
y fine;
For Anchovv Fish, Anchovy Sauce
and Anchovy Faste, etc., etc.
Coffee and cake, ten cent, at tbe
antral iiesiauranc
For Sale At a Bargain.
xj ttsmga corner ioi suuaiea on. ins pro
posed line of the Street Railway exttnuon.
Apply-to- W.B.ADAIB.
.J. P, Hynes is aojouming
" How Men 'Die, "
If we know all the methods of ap
proach adopted by an enemy we are
tho better .enabled to ward, off the
danger and pospone the moment when
surrender becomes inevitable. In
many instances the inherent strength
of tho body suffices, to enable" it to op
pose the tendency toward -death.
Many however have lost these forces
to such an extent that -there ,i3 little
or do help. In other cases aiiille
aid to the weakened Lungs will make
all the difference between sudden
death and many years of useful 'life.
Upon the first symptoms of a Cough,
Cold or any trouble ot the Throat or
Luugs, give that.61d andwellknown
remedy Bosohee's German Syrup, a
careful trial.- -It' will prove what
thonsands.say of itto be, the '.'bene
fpctorof any home.": . . .
i - -
- - - - . X v
The Oregon legislation cbnveneson
Jan. 14th 18S9," on which day Wrn
Kapus,. Bobert MgLean.'. and "dt W
Fulton, presidential electors, will
meet at tbe capital in Salem at 12
Q'clock- noon,'4o -oast-their vote for
president ' and 'vice-president, .The
Oregon legislature in its' fifteenth
biennial session, -is composed as fol fel fol
eows: of 60 representatives, 51 are Ee
publicans and 9 Democrats; 30'sona
tors, 21 are Eepublicans and 9 Demo
crats. There are 72- TJepublipans "on
joint ballot and' 23 Democrats.
Modest Jack Dempsey.
A New York special to the Kaii
Francisco Examiner says:
Jack-Dempsey, who. has been away
ever since the revival -ot 'interest
among high-flying sporting men,
which began with -tho coming. of
Charley Mitchell and has been (light
ened by the recovery of Sullivan, has
oeen neard.irom
Mitchell made him an offer'through
the newspapers ; some time ago of
81,500 if Dempsey would stand-before
him for an eight .round glove
fight and get knocked out. .
Dempsey is roughing it around
Baquetto lake. In a letter published
in the Brooklyn -EYterdated Novem
ber 20, ho says: .
"I readthe notice and feel quite
thankful to Charley Mitohell for his
magnanimous offer. L will bet him
S5.UO0 that he can't stop md in eight
rounds. He has made a proposition,
and as be has an unlimited amount
of cash he can well .afford to stand
tho racket. He had .better consider
the proposition of the California Ath
letic club. If ho is so confident why
loea he. not accept that offer of
85,000 and I think they will give more
than that. I have never Bald I conk!
whip or lick or beat Mitchell, or, for
that matter, any other, man. I have
said tbatlyould figBt-fiim,.and nm
willing' to do so andl do mr ,be?t
to win.-' - ---
'Mo imf-rvleWfieBtji', JJooti nnd
flOtiS Ht- - -.P. JlUOODMA-.
-'Aihttii'tiMenrralil&rtW-uTtftfj. ci"
Iii mifiu'i" rt together with tli" uU'i.M
h-u inner, ami toilet- articli?1," itt! cm
ims bought At the lowest prlww, M .1. W.
Cunn'rf -drug stonViiippoMte OcMilent
hctel, Astoria. " "r:r.;.
Tho Largest
Ever shown in Astoria can be found at
Of Boat Quality, and nt
Neat, Quick And Cheap at -The
AST0RIAN'j6B office
Embracing many New and Elegant Novelties
for the present Holiday season.
In order to avoid the usual afternoon rush, dur
ing the next two weeks, we would recom
mend our Lady friends to call
in the forenoon.
and Best Stock
Shoalwater Bay and Gray's Harbor
The V. & 0. 8. S. Co.'s Steamer
m sail trora rOCTLAXD as follews:
ORAY'S II ARBOR-Thursday, October 4.
11, 18 and 25. November J, 8, 15, 22 and 20,
December 6. 13, 20 and 27.
SHOALWATKK BAY October -t and 13.
'i ember 1.15 and 29. December 13 and 27.
TlkLAMOOK-OIonday-October 1. 15 and
?). November 12 and 28. December 10 and
Steamer leaves rortland. from foot of C
street at 8 F. M. on above dates. Astoria a
A M. the lolloping momlnir.
Tbe Company reserves lne light to change
time and place ot sailing.
F. . bTROXO, President.
C.P, UPSHUR, Agent Aitorla.
G9 BAfc Kh 0.
be on Exhibition.
Come Off!!
Who Says
Look into my corner window
and see the kind of suits I offer
for the small sum of
These Woolen Suits are worth
from $15 to $17.50, but you can
have one at the above price until
after the HOLIDAYS.
The Reliable Halter and Clothier,
. Occident Hotel Building.
Goods ! !
You can't afford it ?
- '7 -- --