cj sf ISL mu gaily MfotfH. ASTOBIA. OREGON: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 6. 1SSS. The Montgomery, Ala., Advertiser says there Trill be lively times in Ala bama politics two years hence. Quite a number o weak-kneed Democrats will go into the new proposed protec tion party. In the senate last Tuesday, Mc Donald, of Minnesota, presented a petition of the citizens of North Da kota for immediate admission into the Union, South Dakota and Montana, and for the consideration of North Dakota, Washington and New Mex ico; referred to committee. Capt. Eamset, of the JO. S. cruiser Boston, says from inquiry on his ar rival at Port au Prince in regard to the seizure of the steamer Haytian Republic, he found she had been selling munitions of war, and going up and down the coast carrying in surgents. She was taken by a Hay tian man-of-war and condemned, ap parently in the regular way.. i The following are the congressional expressions of Cleveland's message: Springer, Democrat, of Illinois, said: "It is as strong on the tariff question as the lost one, though not so explicit. It is a good paper." Congressman Heed, Republican, of Maine: "A year has brought about a great change. Then it was a condi tion that confronted us, and not a theory, and now, apparently, it is a theory and not a condition." Senator Ingalls, Republican, of Kansas, said: "President Cleveland's imperturbability is entirely too perfect to be the result of self control." Congressman Boutelle, Republi can, of Maine, said: "It is the old straw threaded again. The message is weary, stale and flat, and unprofit able."' Senator Gorman, Democrat, of Maryland: "It is a very interesting statesmanlike document." Congressman Foran, Democrat, of Ohie: '"The president has consented to let wool alone this time. If he had been so discreet before, the Republi cans would not havo had the next president and the next house. A sfeoiaii from Washington says: Leaving out of account tho ono dis trict in Tennesseo over which tho state canvassing board is disputing, and giving each party two representa tives from West Virginia, as appears to be the case, tho Republicans will have 166 members of the next house of representatives and tho Democrats 153. Giving the Democrats the Ten nessee district, which, according to the returns is not theirs, and three out of the four districts in West Vir ginia, which they claim, the Republi cans will still havo a majority of five votes. Certificates have been issued in all the doubtful districts except those named in West Virginia and Tennessee. Gov. Taylor, of Tennes see, seems determined to issue the certificate to the Republican candi date in order, it is said, to make friends with that party. He is a can didate for the senate against Isham G. Harris, and is a protectionist. He expects to receive the support of the Republicans in the legislature, which he cannot hope for it he does not give a certificate of election to Evans, Republican, who claims it by over 800 majority. U.S. FINANCES. From The Report of The Semury of The Treasnry. Washington, Dec 4. The annual report ot tne secretary of the treasury shows that the total ordinary reve nues of the government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1888, amounted to 5373,266,074.76, of whioh 8219,091,. 173.63 was recived from customs du ties, and 8124,296,871.93 from internal revenue taxes. The total receipts from all sources exceed those for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1888, by 87,862,797.10. The ordinary expenses of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1888, 8259,653,958.67, leaving a sur plus oi siia,t)iz,iiu.uy. The decrease in expenditures as compared with the Year ended June 30, 1887, was 88,278,220.30, notwith standing the payment of more than $500,000 for pensions in excess of what was paid for ,that purpose in the latter mentioned year. The estimated receipts for the the year ending June 30, 1890, are 8377,000,000, and the estimated or dinary expenditures for the samn time are 8275,767,48134, showing a surplus or ciui.zoz.oii.wj. The foregoing statements of the snr plus, do not take into account the sums necessary to be expended to meet the requirements of tho sinking fund cot, amounting to more than S47.000.000 annually. The cost of collecting tho customs revenues for the last fiscal year was 2.44 per cent For the year 1885 it was 3.77 per cent. The excess ot internal revenue taxes collected during the last fiscal year over those collected during the year ending June 30, lsav, was S5,480,174.26, and the cost oi collecting this revenue de creased from 3.4 per cent, in 1887 to less than 3.2 per cent for last year. The tax collected on oleomargarine was 8723,948.04 for the year ending June 30, 1887, and SS61.130.8S for the following year. ber 29. 1RSS wna SQft 11 (UR Rl Tho surplus revenues from that date to oudbou, iooy, as estimated, are syd, 865.208.25, making the total accumu lations of June 30, 1889, which could ut usea in tne purchase or bondd, $171,810,054.09. Between September 29 and Nov ember 12, 844,399,509.50 has been paid fnr lmniH PnneainAnltt. Zt vnA bonds were bought between now and ouuo lu ueii, ine surplus wonia men amount to 8127,000.000. With a sur plus already accumulated amounting to8101,000,000,thiswouldmakea total of 8228,000,000 which might be used during the next nineteen mouths for the purchase of the interest tearing debt. Calculations on this basis would show ihat the principal and interest on the 4 per cent, bonds could be paid before 1900. A REPENTANT EAS0AL Suit Against a Sugar Combination. BritUli Politics Fatal Railway Collision Vi'otk In Conzrcss. London, Dec. 5. Raymond Heath, conservative, yesterday said that he believed the government at the next session of parliament would nsk for n loan of ten million pounds sterling, to be devoted to strengthening the navy. DIDS'T KEEP THE 1IOXKY. " MiLWAUKGE,Dec 5. President Ln cas, of the First National bank of Columbus, Indiana, who was recently robbed of a largo amount of money by William Schruler. his bookkeeper, is in the city in search of some of the plunder. Luoas camo from indoor, Uu- tario, where he made n settlement with Schruler and secured a mem orandum of places where he de posited ins ill gotten cams. Scliru- ler arrived in this city Friday and placed 3192,000 in securities in the Merchants Exchange bank. He then went to Waukesha, Wisconsin, and placed 845,000 in the Waukesha National bank, niter which he skipped to Canada. President Lucas secured the Waukesha money yester day and this morning tho Merchant's Exchange bank delivered the bulk of tne plunder to him. Lucas is on bis way to Chicago, where ho expects to add 86,500 from some Chicago bank. Schruler has been given his freedom from prosecution. SUIT AGAISST THE 6ITGAE COMBINATION. New Tor.K, Dec. 5. The case of the people against tho North River Sugar Refining company, was contin ued this morning. James U. Uarter, counsel for defendant continued his argument. He said the combination cf sugar refining companies, was not intended as a monopoly for the man ufacture of sugar, nor was it for tho purpose ot increasing tho price of sugar. Sugar, he -said, was a com modity limited only by the inability to manufacture raw material unlim ited in supply, and all that was re quired for its manufacture was capi tal and labor. There were other com modities that are by nature restricted in supply, and a combination to con trol such, for the purposo of increas ing its value might come under the charge of a violation of law. Sugar is not a necessity of life although, being so much used by people- all over the globe, it might bo nearly so considered. FATAL COLLISION. YorNQSTowN, Ohio. Dee. 5. -This morning at tho Lake Shore road, n mixed passenger train collided with a freight train while both were running at the rate of forty miles en hour. Conductor James Kennedy of tho passenger tram was instantly hilled: James McCoy, fireman, and Patrick Riley, brakeman, were fatally injnred. Albert Lindsay, an engineer, was badly hurt. Roth engines and ten cars were wrecked. THE TAEIIT BILL. Washington, Dec. 5. When tho tariff bill was taken ud. Harris of Tennessee, moved to lay on the table an amendment to tho house bill pro posed by the committee of finance, which is the whole sennto bill, and demanded the Yeas and Nnys. The motion was rejeoted by a strict party vote, Yeas 19, Nays 26. Is Consumption Incurable? Read tho follewing: Mr. C. 11. .Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and phy sieians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at J. C. Dement's Drug btore. Tho latest style of Gents' JJoots and Shoes at P. J. Goodmas's. Ship Carpenter's Notice. mENDERS FOB REPAIBINO TOE deck JL. and cabin work on board tho British barque Assel. ot Ayr, will be received at tho office ot Lloyds Agency, Astoria. The work to be performed can be seen on board the vessel. The lowest or any bids need not nec essarily be accepted. JOHN GILMOUB. Master. Astoria, Oregon, 4th December, isss. Meeting Notice. TTHK ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK holders otibe Masonic Land and Build In Association of Astoria. will beheld at tho office of Capt. George Flavel.on Wedno pay. December 19, 1SS8, at two o'clock r. si. for the purpose of electing live Directors for the ensuing yer, and for the transaction of such other business as may coaio before tho meeting. . . , 8. T-McKEAX, Secretary. , Astoria, Gr , Nov. 18, lSbS. US. ENGINEER OFFICE. TORTLAND. Oregon. No vembee i"i.i8S8. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this otflco until 12 o'clock (noou) standard time, December 15. 1888, lor furnishing and delivering 150,000 tons, more or less, of rock on boanf barges, for Jetty st mouth of Co lumbia River. Attention is invited to acts of Congress approved Frbniary at, 1S83, and February 2T 18aT. Vol. 23. oai?e3J2. and Vnl 21. page 411; Statutes at Lame. For all ln- ionuaiioa, appiy u mus. a. uanaoury. Major, Corps of Engineers, t. 3. A. Notice. IW -- J uiiUQIIOlUllDUAUCiill J-l nor tho master, J. OUmour. or the Brit- lau uaujuu auci, irom unsDane, win oe ac countable for any debts contracted by tho crew while In lllll nnrt. without Ihn lntn order. 1 L.CIIKKltY. Astoria. Or.. Die. 3, IS8. A Return Tubular Boiler for Sale. -I f FEET LONG. 51 INCHES IN DTAME XU ter, with stack, breeching, lumace fort, fittings, complete. Inquire of AKNDT & FERCHEN. THE Pacific Coast Express Company Will open for business betwi en Astoria, llwaco and Oy&tcrvlllo on DECEMBER lO, (888. 0 Valuables, Money, Packages, and Freight carried at very Reasonable Rates with the utmost security to the sender. Connection at Astoria made with Pacific Expiess and Wells. Fargo & Co.'j Kxprcii tympanies ior au points. Olnce on Hustler's docK. C. l CrJIlCK. As. at. Ordinance No. 1063. An ordinance amending ordinance Xo. 453, entitled, 'To provide a board of health and to protect the public from contagious and infectious dUea-o." np pioved March 15th, 1882. The City of A'toria does om.ilit u? follews: Seel. That sections of ordlnaM'P No. 4.J. of Astoria, entitled, "To proioa board of health and to protect the public from contagious nnd infections diseases,-' approved March 10th, 1882, be and the same is hereby amended so as to reaa as ionews: Scc.8. It shall be the duty of arh physician in this city to report to th." Uoard of Health, in writing, every jm tient ho shall havo Inborlng under tho Asiatic cholera, or smallpox, or other infectious diseases, immediately after ne snail oc satisuca oi mc nature ot tno disease, and also to report every case of any such disease immediately after the same may come (o his knowledge; and, further, it shall be the duty of eeiy Mich physician to report to the Board of Health every case of death, f r.m any such disease, coming to his knowledge Immediately after it shall have occurred or come to his knowledge. Sec. 2. That section l) of saidoidl nancp. Xo. 453, cnlltlf d "To provide a Board of Health nnd to protect the pub lie from contagious and infectious dis eases,"' approved March 15th, 18.82, be and the same is hereby amended so a9 to read as follows.: Sec 9. It shall be tho duty of every person keeping a hotel, boarding house, or lodging house in this cityyto report, in writing, to the Board of Health, im mediately, the name of every person" boarding or lodging at his or her house whom he or she shall havo reason to be lieve to be sick with the cholera, or smalloox. or any other contacious or in fectious disease, and any deaths occur ring at nts or ner nousu ior nuy such diseases; and every master, owner or consignee of a vessel lying at a wharf or in tho harbor of Astoria, shall make a like report in tne same time. Sec 3. That section 10. of ordinance Xo.453. of Astoria. entitled. "To provide a Board of Health and to protect the pub lic from contagious ana infectious dis eases," approved March 15th. 1882, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follews: Sec. 10. It shall be tho duty of the owner or occupant of every house, store, building or tenement in the city, where in any person may be sick with the cholera, smallpox, or other contagious or infectious disease to give notice. In writing to the Board of Health imme diately after the existence of such dis ease shall come to his or her knowl edge. Sec. 4. Section 11 ot ordinance No. 453 of this city, entitled uTo provide a Board of health and to protect the pub lic from contaulous and infections dis eases." approved March JStb, 1882, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follews: Sec. 11. That it shall be and is here by made tho duty of the owner or occu pant of every house, store, building or tenement In this city, wherein any per son may havo the diphtheria, smallpov, typhoid fever, scarlet lever, measles, whooping-cough, chicken-pox or any other dangerous or contagious disease or diseases, to give notice to- tha public immediately o the existence of such disease , in such house, store, building or tenement the following tings in the following cases. 1. Iu case of diphtheria, a green flag. 2. In case of scarlet fever, a scarlet Hag. 3. In case of variola or varioloid, a yellow flag. 4. In case of Asiatic cholera or yel low fever, a black flag. r. In all other cases, n whito flaiz. Such flag bhall.be placed In some con spicuous piace on tne premises, wnere it may be seen by persons passing on the street near said premises. In case the owner or occunant of such house. store , building or tenement shall fall or neglect to place such flag as. aforesild, it is hereby made the du:y of the chief oi ponce oi saia city, as soon as no is in formed of the existence of such disease In any house, store, building, or tene ment, to cause such flag to be placed as aforesaid. Such flag, when so placed by the owner or occupant or Chief of Police, shall remain there until such nerson havinc ?uch disease shall have so far recovered that no danger by in- icction or otnerwiso snnn remain, sucn flag shall not be less than one foot wide uy ono ana a nail iect long. Passed the Common Council Nov. 27. 1888. Attest: v T.S.Jewett. Auditor and Police Judge. Approved Xov. 28th, 1833. C. H. Paoe, Mayor. TENAI.TY. Sec. 15. Any person who shall vio late any of the provision of sections 8, 9. 10, 11, 12. 13 and 14 of this ordinance, and any person who shall neglect or re fuse to obey any order or regulation made by the Board of Health In the ex ercise of the powers conferred by this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a mtsdemeanor. and, upon conviction thereof before the Policd Judge, shall be punished by a flue of not more than ono hundred dollars, or by impris omennt In tho Jail of the city of not more than twenty days. The Board of Heallh shall cau30 to be pn secuted all cases of violation of anv of the provisions of this ordinance, and all fines ImDosed and collected un der this ordinance, shall go Into the Po nce tuna. For Rent. A HE AT COTTAGE IN UPPER ASTOBIA xjl item, 5io per montn. Appiyto Tf.fi. ADATR. JEFF'S Is thro Leading and Only First-Glass RESTAURANT. Good Cooking. Cleju Vnices. Reasonable Prices, fajte HaltrM rTomp- Ai!f itloo. -Try fllcj aid Tim !1I to ' . .More'h2u'rfatled. Everybody Says So, Private Rooms. MAIN SiRKKr. - - - ASTORIA. BAZAAR. At itie Bazaar you will flud a Tull Assort ment of all the Latest Novelties in Fancy Work. l.essons'illven In Embroideries and Lustre Painting. .StaraploK Done to Order. NORA RAPPLEYEA. One door south of The Astortax Office. C.ls Ftrei-t. J. O. CLINTON UUAI.RK IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS. NUTS. Candies. Smokers'' Articles. Etc. New Goods 'Received Dally. Opposite City Book Ntore. ESTABLISHED 1812. ftm .Irr ffi.TSi,,,,,,,.-, - .i ti ivisi-i i n lUMiniiei ir. KKP fel,, I A f L1NEN GILL NETTING A.SPECIALTY. ' The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of . ,- tt IN THE UNITED STATES. Purse Seines. Salmon HTEish Nettings of all kind5upplled at the shortest possible notice, anil at the lowest rates. All mado from our Shephard Gold Medal Twines. Guaranteed to be the strongest and moat PACIFIC COAST FISHERIES. Tins TWINE Is manufactured only by ourselves, directly from tho raw material, and costs no more In NETTINGS than the cheaper grades. Send for samples; also for our illustrated catalogue. Highest awards at Host on Philadelphia and- London. JLmerioan. XTet and Twin Company. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. B. PARKER, FIRE BRICK DBAiiuiiji FIRE CLAY Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Brick, Cement, Sand- anil Piaster Woo.1 Dellrered to Order. Drajlug.Traniinv mil Krm titular. Utl 23X;3SMvSS;!!v5f3BiS?.- lg-Z-.'!i5:-g?-J-:4j KiirTOWI.Ni). KRKK3HT ortiRAB fEt; -p!y to the Ci.ptatn. or to ' j3& 1. B. rAUHKlt. John 0. Dement. DRUCCIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks ot Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. Prescriptions Carefully rmnpoanded. Agent tor Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure. StrikeltRich! -BDVYotrrt- Groceries Jj Provisions -OF- Foard & Stokes Thelx largely Increasing trade enables -them to sell at the very lowest margin of pront while giving you poods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price raid -for Junk.. The New . Watchmaker Jeweler. Xv' I Valuab,ePrPerty For Sale. HALF MILE FRONTAGE On the Columbia RUer, west oi Astoria, in front ot Sees. 23 and 21. T. 8 N..K. 10 W.; suitable Ior mill sites, nharf age. etc. "Will be sold Iu Its entlretv. or In lots to salt. Write or apply to niRAM OKAY div Sklpanon, Or. CAPITAL ?XJO,O0O. l sfd: k. - 'HT NETTINGS. PomMets. Salmon GillHets. desirable twine now made especially for the vr 1:1,111:11 IL 111 I PARKER Eben P. Parker,Ua8ter. ' -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! QUSTAT HAKSEN, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Flue At Extremely Low Trices. All Hoods Bought it This EsUbllsbment Warranted Genuine. Watch nnd Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Comer Cass and Squomoqua Streets. OELO K. r.U'.KKH. CARL A. HAN80K. Parker & Hanson SDCCESSOES TO C. L. PARKER, DEALES-Df" GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS 'WEEK, The OKI Stud Aitorra Oregon. DiainJein LOOK OUT W Yor An&ouGemesif. A V.- MMsX: - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEII IN Groceries, Provisions and Ml! Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. : o- The Largost RUd finest assortment of . Fresh.. Fruits and ITegotables. Beceived fresh everr Steamer. m in cw mmwi wsvmmzmwt m phi imh piaMMMac3MBpwpHW Next Boor barbou Irish Flax HAVE NO tfuno :rfn8' tiEmMmiisBimmm wtj GRAND PHIX PARIS 1378, AND GRAND CROSS OF THE LEGION D'HONNEUR. They received the ONLY GOLD MEDAL For TLAX THREADS at the " London Fisheries And havo been awarded HIGHER PRIZES at the various " INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS, Than tho goods of any other in the World, -r Quality Can Always he depended on. ExperMceff Fislrermen Use : ho Other. I HENRY DOYLE & CO.t- .5 1 7 and 519- Market' Street, ' ' ACENTSFOR WOOBBEHHV .REINE' TING--Constantly on Hand.- SEINES, POUNDS and TSAPS-ftmushea. to order atlowest Factory Prioes. to Postoilce. - - Lowest Threads EQUAL ! etRtU(7 Exhibition 3.883. SAN FRANCISCO. PACIFICCOAST. TWINE. ROPE and NET