The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 27, 1888, Image 3

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    rr -SWft-j
y JaUi gjMm.
-OCTOBER 27. 18SS.
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers .and Proprietors,
astokiax Ruildixq, - - cassStuket.
Terms of Subscription.
j-rye4 by Carrier, per week 5 cts
s-eiit by Hall, per month 6e cts
" " ono year. $7.00
1 roe of postage to subscribers.
Tint Astobian guarantees to Its adver
tisers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
No conncil meeting last night no
Tho Alliance goes to Grav's harbor
this morning.
Tho city delinquent tax list aggre
gates S3.910.9G.
The Mist says apples can be had in
Columbia county for twenty-five cents
a bnsheL
"The Benj. Seioell finished lighter
ing and went up stream yesterday
There will be a closing sale at 3
and 7 p. m., to-day at D. L. Beck &
Sons'; see ndv't.
Engineer Thielsen returned from
Clatsop yesterday. Tho preliminary
survey is now completed.
It is reported that a prominent
member of the city council was mar
ried in Portland yesterday.
There will be Divine service in the
Presbyterian church to-morrow, Rev.
J. E. Day officiating morning and
To the 23rd inst., there had arrived
at San Francisco twenty-two vessels
from Alaska, with 298,011 cases and
3,733 bbls. salmon.
Services at the Methodist church
to-morrow. Subjects: 11 a. m., "The
Invisible God;" 730 P. m., to vonng
men, "The Bible."
At the Congregational church to
morrow at 11 o'clock a. m., theme
"Abiding in Christ;'' evening theme
"Wby I am a Christian."
About sixty men are now employed
on the jetty at the mouth of the river.
The work goes right along and mate
rial progress is being made.
S. G. Cole, of Albina, got some toi
let soap the other day, and thinking
one of the cakes felt a little heavy,
cut it open and found a silver dollar
in it. "Next.
The firm of Ham & Eggs are again
in partnership, though the junior
partner of the firm puts on lots of
style, as it co3ts 40 cents to own a
dozen of him.
Tho world-renowned Emma Abbott
aud her English opera troupe will be
here provided S1,000 can be pledged.
L. E. Selig will start out this morn
ing with a subscription list for her
early appearance in this city.
Clement Orteig, whose narrow es
cape from death on tho Coquille was
remarkable, "returned to the city yes
terday. He says that he owes his
life to J. W. Hume, who brought him
back from the verge of the grave.
The Astoriajj is of the belief that
if theatrical troupes lowered their
prices of admission a little thev would
do better financially. To play to 800
people at an average of 50 cents
would cost them no more than to
play to 250 people at au average of
75 cents.
Newspaper reporters have caught
on to a new system and now carry
photographic cameras to obtain in
stantnneous views of things dealt
with in their reports, either to aid iu
a graphic writing-up of their notes,
or to bo reproduced as illustration.!
of their articles.
The steamer Mischief on Tuesday
brought 2,000 cases of salmon from
tho Alsea Packing company, says the
Yaqninn 'J'oil. This company has
canned about 7,000 cases of salmon so
far this season, and have a good
prospect for securing two or three
thousand more. Last season the
cannery turned out 9,500 cases.
Next to some of the men who are
betting on the election, the most mis
taken animal we havo seen this
month was a cat, yesterday morning,
that stepped on some of that floating
sawdust near the Clatsop mill, think
ing it was solid. Poor Tommy; his
rigid limbs are rolling toward the
ocean, and his rioh tenor no longer
woos Mariar to the midnight fence.
A fine korae belonging to Dick Ma
rion lost its life yesterday in a singu
lar manner. The animal was hoisting
material to the second story of the
new brick building on Third street,
and the purchase raised throwing the
collar up about his neck and choking
him. He fell, and in falling broke
something in his body; the poor beast
lingered several hours in agony. He
was valued at S150.
The Portland News says: Rev. J.
R. Thompson, of Vancouver, is in
town on a visit This is the gentle
man who Hon. Paul achulze once
said was the "d- est best preacher
on the coast." Mr. Bcnulze greatly
admires Mr. Thompson. When North
Yakima was first started Mr. Thomp
son opened a new church, and Paul
Sehnlza stood outside beating a tri
angle and calling sinners to come in
side and be saved.
The dime museum proprietors of
Kan Franoisco are an enterprising lot
Recently it happened that a man was
going to be executed m the city jaujioon, 0 cents.
for wife murder. They wrote to him
offering $500 for the loan of his body
for thirty days, saying they would
rig it up in artistic style and use it as
a great moral example to the com
munity. The murderer declined the
offer with thanks, as he said the
money would be of no use to him
after ho was hanged.
Tho Weston Leader is the only
newspaper in Oregon advocating the
election of Streeter and Cunningham.
the Union Labor candidates for pres
ident ana vice-president. In the last
issue to hand it says: "Postpone the
coming election six months, and
Streeter and Cunningham would be
elected by an overwhelming major
ity." But you cawn't do it, my man.
Thete are 64173.829K people impa
tient now to have the election over
and done with, and to nave that event
any farther in the future than Novem
ber Gtb, 1888, wonld make the biggest
kind of a riot.
Sheriff Ross's bet S1.000 on Cleve
land's election, referred to in yester
day's Astoria's, is reported by the
Portland Telegram to be an offer
from him to Mark Mass. Mass took
him up. Onr sheriff hud a check
with him for a large amount of
money, but the check is not payable
till the 13th of November. But he
said ho'd get S1.000 in coin, and he
and Mass put up a forfeit of 100, the
condition being that the man not
ready with the thousand dollars at
noon, Wednesday should forfeit the
S100. At 11:45 Jas. G. Steele brought
in S1.000 in a sack for sheriff Ross,
and a few minutes after Mass put up
his thousand dollars. Steele is stake
bolder. It is pleasant, under the
circumstances, to hear of those large
amounts of gold coin that are being
wagered so freely.
J. C. Dement is iu Tacoma.
F. Sherman, who hns been seriously
ill, is better.
J. W. Hume and a part of his men,
returned yesterday from the Coquille.
Mr. C. B. Hegardt takes oliargo of
the government work at Fort Ste
vens, vice G. W. Freeman, resigned.
Geo. W. Freeman and wife went to
Portland last evening, en route to
Oakland, Cal., where Mr. Freeman
takes the responsible position of di
vision superintendent on the division
of the S. P. R. It, between Sacra
mento and Los Angeles. During his
two years' residence at Fort Stevens
in charge of the government work
there, Mr. Freeman has made an en
viable record and boats of friends
will be glad to hear of his deserved
Not T)r.AuR.Klnney,But His Brother, M. J.
Last year when the talented lectur
er, Miss Narcissa White, was through
Oregon, she met and became ac
quainted with Dr. Aug. Kinney, of
Astoria, one of the most prominent
temperance workers in Oregon. It
seems to have been a case of love at
first sight. After Miss White left, a
correspondence followed, which ri
pened into nn engagement, and the
affair is to be consummated with a
wedding to-day at Miss White's pres
ent home, in Nebraska. Satem
Statesman, S3.
An Explanation.
Whnt is this "nervous trouble" with
which so many seem now to be af
flicted? If yon will remember a few
years ago tho word Malaria was com
paratively unkuown, to-day it is as
common as any word in the English
language, yet this word covers only
the meaning of another word used by
our forefathers in times past So it
is with norvous diseases, as they and
Malaria are intended to cover what
onr grandfathers called Billionsness,
aud all are caused by troubles that
arise from a diseased condition of the
Liver which in performing its func
tions finding it cannot dispose of the
b.le through the ordinary channel is
compelled to pass it off -through the
system, cansiug nervous troubles,
Malaria, Bilious Fever, etc. You
who nre suffering can well appreciate
a enro. Wo recommend Green's Au
gust i-lower, its cures are mnr-
Broke His Lee.
Col. James Taylor led his- horse
from the barn yeaterdhy afternoon,
and just after mounting utm for his
customary ride the animal slipped
and fell, breaking his rider's right
leg at the ankle joint. Dr. J. A.
Fulton was summoned and rendered
surgical aid. Tho accident occasions
general regret Beyond enforced con
finement while the bone knits, it is
not likely to occasion more serious
The Clatsop county Democratic
club will meet at their hall east of
August Danielson's, this Saturday
evening at 8 p. M., sharp. Business
of importance.
Dr. John B. Plllclngton.
Surgeon-oculist and medical spe
cialist, will be at the Occident Hotel,
Astoria, all day to-day, October
27th, '88, and will give an expert's
examination, free, to all cases of eye.
ear, lung, nervous, cbronic. or rectal
disease that may apply. Four hun
dred cases ot piles, fissures, fistulas.
and reotal ulcers cured in past four
years without once using a knife or
ligature. Any amount of reference
lurnisned. lne "incurables are es
pecially invited.
Sweet Apple CIdor,
At the Astoria Soda Works.
The host Oysters In auy style, at
tne eiepnone iwsiaurant.
Wclnkard's Beer.
And free Lunch at the TeleDhone Sa-
They Boycott American Products
Territorial Progress Prize Fight Etc.
Heidelbebo, Oct 26. James G.
Flood, of California, is rather better.
Providence, RL, Oct 26, Jack
Asnton, or Providence, and Jim Fell,
of Graud Rapids, Michigan, fought
twelve rattling rounds here last night
Ashton won on a foul. Fell was bad
ly used up.
Colusa, Cal.," Oct. 26. A building
owned by S. Furtb, of the Maxwell
and Winter, sisters, of New York, was
totally destroyed by fire last night.
The lower portion was occupied by
Sterner & Mdgks, general merchan
dise store, and the upper portion was
occupied by the Masonic lodges.
Sterner & Mogka loss is 850,000; in
surance, 825,000. The lodges' loss is
37,500, partly insured. The loss on
the building is 812,000, partly in
Washington, Oct 26. The commis
sioner of agriculture has informed
the treasury department that cattle
driven from Sonora, Mexico, to Ari
zona imparts to the cattle in that
territory a contagious disease, known
as 8plenetio fever, from which large
numbers have died. He requests, in
view of the large cattle industry and
the great danger from the infection,
that importation of cattle from So
nora into that territory be prohibited
except at points where the animals
can be properly inspected. The
treasury department has accepted
the suggestion and prohibited impor
tation, except at Nogales and Yuma,
and at these points only when shown
that they are free from contagious
New YORK, Oot. 26. The following
circular has just reaohed the Chinese
merchants of New York from their
home offices in Hong Kong and
"Gentlemen: Yon afe hereby no
tified that you are to immediately
discontinue the purchase of the fol
lowing articles from American sources
and markets, as they are being se
verely boycotted by kim maid, or by
members of the tra,de3 union, or the
citizens 'of China. These articles,
now proscribed, ore petroleum, white
sheeting of all kinds, American cali
cos, watches, and American fire arms,
ginseng root and flour."
With the exoeption of a few Chi
nese firms in New York the above
circular will have no effect, but many
San Franoisco firms will feel its effect
severely, as several of them are heavy
dealers in American flour, petroleum
and cotton goods.
El Paso, Oct 26. The task of en
forcing the Chinese exclusion act
proves to be no easy one along the
Mexican frontier. EI Paso, Texas,
and Paso del Norte, Mexico, are
separated only by the Rio Grande,
wmen is at present practically ford
able, and is always so for ten months
in the year. There are two or three
hundred Chinamen in these two cities
and heretofore they have crossed
freely from ono to the other. The
collector is enforcing the law as
fully as nis small force ot inspectors
will permit, but it is an easy matter
forUninese to violate them, more
over, the Chinamen can easily comn
np tuo Mexican railroad or cross the
country from Unaymas or other Pa
cific points, and slip across the line
into tho United States.
Washington, Oct. 26. O. M. Zu
Iick, governor of Arizona, in his an
nual report to the secretary of the
interior, states that during the year
there has been steady progress in
growth and development ot the terri
tory. The population has has largely
increased. Indian depredations are
things of the past, and life and prop
erty are now safe and law and order
are supreme.
During the year 292,841 acres of
public land were entered by settlers,
200 milesot canal for irrigation are in
operatiorj, aud 100 miles additional
are to ba built during the present
The importance of congress author
izing a hydrographic survey of the
territory to demonstrate the feasi
bility of artesian wells, and water
storage reservoirs is dwelt upon at
length. The yield of gold and silver
last year was 35,771,555.
tiovernor Zulick renews his recom
mendation of last year for a survey
of public lauds in that territory and
urges an early settlement of private
land grants. He opposes the propo
sition before congress to transfer
tnese claims to a special court created
tor this purpose.
"Ify Wife Is a Terror."
Said a mild-tempered man in our
hearing. "She snaps and snarls, spanks
her children, and finds faultcontinually.
1 can't bear it any longer. Don't bo too
severe on her my friend: you little
realize her sufferings. She has lost her
former sweet disposition, and ill health
is tho cause. Dr.Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription will make her well. For fe
male diseases, functional derangements,'
bearing-down pains, and the long list of
ills that render women miserable, no
medicine can compare with this. It is
the only medicine for woman's peculiar
weaknesses and ailments, sold by drug
gists, under a positive guarantee from
the manufacturers, to give satisfaction
in every case, or money refunded. See
guarantee printed on bottle wrapper.
For all derangements of the stomach,
liver and bowels, take Dr. Pierce's Pel
lets, or Anti-bilious Granules.
A fine cup of coffee, at the Telephone
aieals Cootted to Order.
Private room3 for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
Gbliaren Cry forPitcliBr's Gastoria
Bad with Eczema. Hair all cone
Scalp covered with, eruptions.
Thought nis kai,. -would sever
srow. Cured by CutlcnraKem
edtcs. Hntr Splendid and not. n
piniple on him,
I cannot say enough in rraiio of the Cuti
cura Remedies. My boy, when one year
of ago. was so bad with eczema that ho lost
all of his hair. His scalp was corerod with
eruptions, which tho doctors said was scald
head, and that his hair would never trow
again. Despairing of a euro from physicians,
I began theuso of tho Cuticuka Remedies,
and, I am happy to sayt with the most per
fect success. Bis hair is now splendid, and
there is net a pimple on him. I recommend
the Cuticura Remedies to mothers as the
most speedy, economical, and sure cure for
all skin diseases of infants and children, and
feel that every mother who has an afflicted
child will thank me for so doing.
ilES. M, E, WOODBUM, Norway, Me,
A Fever Sore Eight Years Cared.
I must extend to yoa the thanks of one of
my customers, who has been cured, by using
the Cuticuka. Remedies, of an old sore,
caused by a long; spell of sickness or fever
eight years ago. He was so bad he was fear
ful he would hare to hare his leg; amputated,
but is happy to say he is cow- entirely well,
sound as a dollar, He requests m& to use
his name which is H. H. Cason. Mfchant
of this place. JOHN V. MINOR, DrfKist
Severe Scalp Disease Cared,
A few weeks ago my wife suffered very
much from a cutaneous disease of the scalp,
and received no relief frem the various rem
edies she used until she tried Cuticcea.
The disease promptly yielded to this treat
ment, and in a short while she was entirely
well. Thero has been no return ot the dis
ease, and Cuticuka ranks No. 1 in oar esti
mation for diseases of the skin.
Raleigh, N.C.
From Pimples to Scrofula Cored.
Cuticura, the great skin cure, and Cuti
cuka Soap. prepared from it,
externally, and Cuticuka Resolvent, the
newBIood Purifier, internally, are a positive
cure for every form of Skin and Blood Dis
ease from Pimples to Scrofula.
Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticuka, Goe. ;
Soap, 25c.: KESOLVcrr, $1. Prepared by the
PoTTrs Deuo and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass
, ac"Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases."
M pages. SO illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
RADVC skm and Scalp preserved and
beautified by Cuticura Hedi-
catzd Soap.
'Catarrhal Dangers.
To be freed from the dangers of suffocation
while lying down ; to breathe freely, sleep
soundly and undisturbed ; to rise refreshed,
head clear, brain active and free from pain
or ache ; to know that no poisonous, putrid
matter defiles the breath and rots away the
delicate machinery of smell, taste and hear
ing ; to feel that the system does not, through
its veins and arteries, suck up the poison that
is sure to undermine and destroy, is indeed a
blessing beyond all other human enjoyments.
To purchase immunity from such a fate
should be the object of all afflicted. But those
who hare tried many remedies and physi
cians despair of relief or cure.
SANFOBD'd Radical cube meets every
phase of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to
the most loathsome and destructive stages.
It is local and constitutional. Instant in re
lieving, permanent in curing, safe, economi
cal and never-failing.
Sanfobd'b Radical Cube consists of one
bottle of the Radical Cure, one box of Ca
tarrhal Solvent, and one Improved
Inhales, all wrapped in ono package, with
treatise and directions, and sold by all drug
gists for $1.00. Potter 1ruu & Chemical
Co., Boston.
No Rheumatiz About Me.
JV The Cuticura Aiiti-1'nlu
JL w Planter relieves Rheumatic,
n Mf Sciatic, Sudden, Sharp and N er
I jVfl A vous Pains, btrains and Weak-
7 Jfrlnessos. The first and only pain
V killing plaster. New, original,
instantaneous, infallible, safe, A marvellous
Antidote to Pain, Inflammation and Weak
ness. Utterly unlike and vastly superior to
all other plasters. At all druggists. 25 cents ;
five for $1.00; or, postage free, of Pottek
Dkuq and Chemical Co.. Boston, Mass,
She Was Looklnz For Cuvlosities.
Polite clerk (showing goods) Hero,
lady, is something I would like to
call your attention to thevery latest
thing out. Mrs. Rounder It there
is anything out later than my hus
band I guess I will take it, it only for
a curiosity.
Now Yon Know Whnt It U.
An "accessory after the fact," "Will
iam Henry, is nothing more or less
than a common everyday newspaper
Electric IJUtors.
This remedy is becoming so wel
known and so popular as to ncd no
special mention. All who have used
Electric Hitters sing the same song of
praise. A purer medicine does not ex
ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is
claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all
diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will
remove Pimples, Bolls, bait Rheum and
other affections caused by impure blood.
Will drive Malaria from the system
and prevent as well as cure Malarial le
vers. For cure of Headache. Constina-
tion and Indigestion try Electric Bit
ters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. I'rlce 50 cts. and 51.00
per bottle at J. C. Dement's.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
ue ooujjni at tne lowest prices, at J. w .
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Stamping and Embroidery.
Mrs. C. E. Brlggs Lessons given in
all kinds of Art Work. Rooms at Mrs.
Derby's Millinery store.
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodman's.
When You Go to Portland
Frank Fabre, Occidental hotel restau
rant, will be glad to see his Astotia
friends, A good dinner at a moderate
price anu everytinng in season.
Private ItoamM.
AMhn HVIitnlinnn Rnotnnr'iYit fn oiin.
" L-Z-tl,. "."" ,V,t"V-""" ".' ?"'
pers, parties, etc 1 110 Dest rooKea to
Coffee and cake, ten cents, at the
Central Restaurant
The finest and juiciest steak at the
Telephono Restaurant.
Telephoneliodjclns House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
60 and 25 cts per week S1J0. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Mrs. Winblow's Boototnci Syrup
should always be used for children
teething. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
cholic, and is tne best remedy for diar-rhcea.Twenty-five
cents a. hottl,e.
Leading Dry Goods and Clothing
To Gray's Harbor.
The Steamer GEN. MILES.
W. 1. Wditcomb, Master,
"Will leave for Gray's Harbor
Every Tuesday and Friday.
The Str. Dolphin.
Will leave Astoita Every Thursday Morning
Bay Center, South Bend,
and North River,
On Klioalwater Bay.
For Freight or Passage apply to
j. n. a. gray
Agricultural College,
Term Commences Wednesday,
September 13. 188M.
A full corps of expeilenced Professsors and
Arranged expressly to meet the demands
and needs of thof arming Interests of the
For students over M years ot.age who de
sire to enter the College but are not pre
pared to enter College classes by exam
To the extent required by law.
Large. Commodious, and well Ventilated.
In a cultivated and Christian community,
and one of the healthiest In the State.
Circulars, containing matter full of Interest
to farmers, will be regularly Issued and
copies mailed to each patron ot the Col
lege. EXPENSES :
Reduced to lowest figures. Two or more
free scholarships from every county.
Consult your County Superintendent.
We confidently appeal to the farmers and
Granges of Oregon to patronize the only
school established by Oregon for the pro
motion of her agricultural Interests.
For catalogue or other Information, ad
dress, B. L. ARNOLD, President,
Corvallis, Oregon.
House and Lot for Sale.
Astoria : Finely situated : good dwell
ing house ; will sell at a bargain for cash :
tor particulars apply to
Our first selection of FALL and
Winter Cloaks now on exhibition.
Comprising the very latest styles
in Ladies' Misses and Children
gant assortment of Broad Cloths,
suitable for Ladies' Tailor Made
Suits, in the very latest shades.
Call and examine them. -
Having received from New York
during the week one of the finest
selections of Fancy, Stripe, Embroid
ered and high colored Hose, late de
signs, ever shown in Astoria.
Owing to the lateness of the sea
son these goods will be sold
markably cheap.
Strike It Rich I
Groceries! Provisions
Foard & Stokes
Their largely enables
them to sell at the very lowest margin
of profit while giving you goods
thaTare of first class quality.
Goods Delivered All Over the City.
The Highest Price Fald for Junk.
The Str. Telephone
Fast Time Between Portland
and Astoria.
Leaving Astoria Monday .........S a. m,
" " Tuesday. . 2 :30 P. M.
" " Wednesday ...7 p.m.
" Friday. 7 r.M.
" " 8aturday.....2 :30 p. m.
Close connections at Kalama to the Sound ;
at Astoria with the Gen. Milu tor Ilwaco,
OysterrUIe and Grays Harbor : at Portland
with the O. S C, K. B., and west side trains,
P. & W. V. R. 11 : Vancouver and Oregon
City boats, and Eastern bound trains.
Magnus G. Crosby
Dealer is
Iron Pipe and fittings,
sheet' lead-strip lead
Pixa. AND Copper.
John G. Dement.
Successor to W. E. Dement & Co.
Carries Complete Stocks of
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries.
Prescriptions Carefally Compounded.
Agent for
Mexican Salve and
Norwegian Pile Core.
House of Astoria.
And Dealers in
Special Attention Clvento Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered in any part ot the city.
Office and 'Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. St.
A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine
At Extremely Low Prices.
All Goods Bought at This Establishment
Warranted Genuine.
Watch and Clock Repairing
Corner Cass and Sqnemoqna Streets.
Van Dusen & Go,
Hardware and Ship Chandlery,
Pure Oil, Bright Varnish,
Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas,
Hemp Sail Twine,
Cotton Sail Twine.
Lard Oil,
Wrought Iron Spikes,
Galvanized Cut Nails.
Agricultural Implements, Sewing
Machines, Paints, Oils,
Grooeriesi 3ETto.
Cut Faster
Than any oth
er axe made.
woodmen tes-
rlorlty. It goes
Deep sad Rerer
A CO.,
Attntt Astoria.
Price, tl.6&
moist Jewelry
I J.C.I rullinger
sW. ' ..J