U) mt gntty gtfMlm. ASTORIA. OREGON SUNDAY OCTOBEK 14, 1888. THE BASIS OF CREDENCE. Not very often does it occur to any one to ask why he believes or disbe lieves a statement made to him. If the statement does not seem incredi ble, or tho person making it has no apparent motive for deceit oris known to be trustworthy, the statement is accepted. If, on the other hand, the statement is astonishing, if it is calcu lated to benefit the person making it, or if the latter is not known to be trustworthy, his word is doubted or rejected. And whether it be accepted or doubted or rejected, the question of his religious or theological belief does not enter into consideration once in a million times. The idea that only those can be believed who hold a particular theory as to man's origin and destiny, or that the fear of fu ture punishment is the only thing which insures truthfulness, baa no ex istence in ordinary social intercourse. Yet this is tho idea that has for ages been dominant in the adminis tration of justice, so called; and in spite of all the arguments which com mon knowledge of men have brought to bear against it, it is clung to as per sistently as if it were Jbelieved that the foundations of justice depended upon it. Iu the city of Chicago, only last week, the question was raised whether a witness was competent to testify in court who avowed his dis belief in God and in future punish ishment The witness was not an atheist in the ordinary sense of the word. He did not deny the existence of God. His faith or unfaith con sisted in having no positive belief in the existence of God. He did not know, he, said, whether God existed or not. no would neither affirm or deny the proposition. His position as to a future state of existence in which he might be punished for the ems or crimes committed in this world was the same. He neither affirmed nor denied such a state. He declared, however, that he was ready to take the oath because it was re quired by the statutes of the state and that it was binding on his conscience for that reason. It was claimed by the prosecution, whose witness the agnostic was, that under the constitution of the state of Illinois his testimony must be re ceived. That instrument provides that "no person shall be denied any civil right, privilege or capacity on account of his religious opinions." The court held the witness competent and admitted his testimony; but the defense took an exception and will carry the question to the supreme court of the state for final decision. That decision will be awaited with interest, but there can scarcely be a doubt as to what it will be. "With such a constitutional provision as that referred to, tho court will have no excuse for evading the teachings of common sense as to the real grounds of belief in human testimony. It there ever was any foundation for the theory of the defense in this case there is none now. Common experi ence is wholly opposed to it Intelli gent men no longer believe that a witness is trustworthy because of faith or profession or untrustworthy be cause of a lack of faith. Juries never hesitate to discredit testimony just a3 people judge in ordinary intercourse of the weight of what is said to them. The " solemnity of an oath" still goes for something, bnt it goes for far less than it used. ItEQAKDiNa the election in Wash ington territory, The AsTORiANha3 this to say: Apart from the presumed desire of American citizens to aid American interests, the citizens of Washington territory have a direct personal interest in the election for congressman. Residents of Washing ton territory who want that section to remain a territory, will vote for Mr. Yoorhees; a vote for Mr. Voorhees is a vote for vassalage. Those who want to see Washington a state will -vote for Mr. Allen. A vote for Mr, Allen is a vote for statehood. This is the question for Washington voters to consider. It is hardly consistent for people to come over from the north ern side of the Columbia crying about being "out in the cold," and then go back and vote to be kept out in the cold by the party of which Mr. Voor hees is a distinguished representa tive. The Atlanta Constitution, a lead ing Democratic paper, contains in a recent editorial the following ndvico. "It is a safe rule and good policy to buy from the nearest shop or factory nt which you can be satisfied in price or quality. In Atlanta, if yon live here, in Macon if you live there. But if not in your city, then in your state. If not in your state, then in a neigh boring state, A factory stands for a .gTeat deaL It means more ihan a number of men who give the farmer a market for his produce, and the mer chant trade, and houseowners tenants. It means a steady and weakening drain on our resources stopped, the outgo of money checked, cash kept at home to .build up raste places." When the first baby bom in Den ver was announced by her father, Lish Harvey, twenty-eight years ago, a public meeting was held in the town, and among the other presents a lot of land was donated. The piece went out of Harvey's hand3 by his re fusal to pay its taxes. To-day the girl sings in a concert garden at Den ver, and the lot that was given her is worth 82,000,000. Flour in those days was worth, 8100 per barrel. The best-paid" drummers traveling for Chicago houses are five men in the grocery trade, who receive salaries of from 88,000 to 810,000 a year. There are perhaps a hundred traveling men in the Lake City who make S5,000 a year, but the average is not above 84,000. - A company has been formed for the purpose of manufacturing soap from a natural soap well at Buffalo Gap, D.T. The soap is skimmed from a boiling spring aud hardens by ex posure to the air. It is like soft clay and can bo gathered with n shovel. The sea serpent seen near Charles ton, S. C, has a beak-shaped mouth, and its head is oval aud quite large. Perhaps it is a misfit sea serpent, the regulation reptile baring, as we all know, a head like a horse and about as big as narrators can make it. am In the current number of the Fo rum Mr. Edmund Gosse discusses tho question, "Has America a Poet?" and answers it in tho negative. the sec ond o in the gentleman's name seems to have been changed into an s; doubtless a misprint Tiin people of the United States are receiving a tremendous amount oi political education this year. It is costing 820,000,000, but it is money well and wisely spent The only foe we need fear in this country is igno rance. i The federal deputy marshals and deputy supervisors who will look after the purity of the election in New York will make a small army of be tween 3,000 and 4,000 men. Thus far about 1,000 have been appointed. TnE question of calling a constitu tional convention is one of those that will come up at the next session of tho legislature. Our Candidate for President. lie will ba nominated by tlie conven tion and will lie elected by the people, because he will come the nearest to lin ing their ideal of a Chief Magistrate. Electric Hitters has been gixen the highest place, because no other medi cine has so well filled the ideal of a per fect ton'c anil alterative, Tiie people have Indorsed Electric Bitters and relv upon this great remedy in all trouble of Liver, Stomach and kidneys. For all Malarial Fevers and diseases caused by Malari.il Poisons, Electric Bitters can not be too highly recommended. Also cures Headache and Constipation. Sat isfaction guaranteed, or money refund ed. Price 50c and SI at John C. l)e ment's Drug Store. advice to moth k us. Mrs. Winsi.ow's Soothixo Syhui should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays all pain, cures wind cholie, and is the best remedy for iliar-rhoKLTwcnty-five cents a bottle. The best Ovsters m any .-.tvle. at the Telephone Restaurant. McalB CooKcd. to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. Ludlow's Ladies' 5:5.00 Fine Shoes; also Flexible Handturned French Kids, at P. J. Goodman's. A fino cup of coiree, at the Telephone Restaurant. Coffee and cake, ten cents, at the Central Restaurant The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodmajj'.s. The finest arid juiciest steal: at the Telephone Restaurant. Private Kounis. At the Telephone Restaurant for sup pers, parties, etc. The best cooked to order. When You Go to Portland Frank Fabre, Occidental hotel restau rant, will be glad to see his Astoiia friends, A good dinner at a moderate price and everything in season. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. V. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. TILLAMOOK, Shoalwater Bay and Gray's Harbor The P. & C. S. S. Co.'s Steamer "ALLIANCE," Will sail from PORTLAND as follows. GRAY'S II ARBOR-Thursday. October i. 11,18 and 25. JMOvemuer i, s, 15,22 and 2, December c. 13, 20 and 27. SHOALWATER BAY October 4 and IS. November 1.15 and 29. December 13 and 27. TILLAMOOK Monday October 1. 15 and 29. November 12 and 20. December 10 and 2L .... Steamer leaves I'ortianu. irom ioot 01 u street at 8 P. M. on above dates Astoria 0 A M. the following morning. The Company reserves lhe light to change time and place of sailing. F. R. STRONG, President. C.P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. An Important Announcement About six weeks ago, while at business. I waa suddenly attacked with excruciating pains in my feet, knees and hands. So seTere tho attack that I took my bed Immediately, and In two or three days my Jolnta were swollen to almost douMe their natural size, and sleep was driven from me. After suffer, lng the most excruciating pain for a week, using liniments and various other remedies, a friend wiio sympathized wlthjny helpless condition, said to me: "Why don't you get Swift's Specific and use It. I will guarantee a cure, and If It does not the medicine shall cost you nothing." I at once secured the S. 8. 8, and after using It the first day, had a quiet night and refreshing sleep. In a week I felt greatly benefitted. In three weeks I could sit up and walk about the roomaud after using six bottles I wa3 out and able to go to business. Since then I have been regularly at my post of duty, and stand on my feet from nine to ten hours a day, and am entirely free from pain. These are the plain and simple facts In my case, and I wlU cheerfully answer all Inquiries relative thereto, either In person or by mall. Thomas Mabxhxix, U W. 13th street. Hew York City. NisnriLLX, Tax. I have warded off a se vere attack of rheumatism by a timely resort . to Svrtf t's 8peclflc In all cases where a per manent relief is sought this medicine com mends Itself for a constitutional treatment that thoroughly eradicates the seeds ot dis ease from the system. Ber. W. P. HaEBBOJt, D. D. New YOBS, 51 Tra Avt After spending SK to be relieved of Blood Poison without any benefit, a few bottles of Swift's Specific worked a perfect cure. C Pobtxb. VrcsxA, Ok.-My little gtrl, aged six, and boy, aged four years, had, acrofula. to th worst- aggrarate shape. They were puny and sickly. Today they are healthy and ro bust, all the result of takings, a a. Jos T. COLLtXE. Lady Lake. Scoter Co, Fla. Tout S. B. S. has proved a wonderful success In my case. The cancer on my face, no doubt, would have soon hurried me to my grave. I do think It Is wonderful, and has no equal. B. H. Btbo, Postmaster. Waco. Texas. Hay 9, 1333. 8. S. Co- Atlanta, Ga. : Gentlemen Knowing that you appreciate voluntary testimonials, we take pleasure In stating that one of our lady customers has regained her health by the use of four large bottles of your great remedy, after having been an invalid for several years. Hertroubls was extreme debility, caused by adlsease pe culiar to her sex. Willis & Co., Druggists. Three books mailed free on application. All druggists sell S.S.S. The swirr Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta Ga. Hew York.736 Broadway. Report of the Condition OF THE' FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASTORIA, At Astoria, in the State of Oreeon. at the close of business. October 4tn, 1S3K. RESOURCES. l.iinnn.l discounts S181.70I C3 Oveidrafts secured and unsecured 1.B52 05 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation r-'.suu ntlier stocks and bonds 25.3SS 07 line from armroved reserve aaents 25.876 53 Due from other National Banks i I.CC5 8S Due from State Ranks and bankers 25,510 5J Furniture, and fixtures l.uuu Current expenses and taxes paid... 1 301 40 l'timiums pald... 2.800 Rills of other Banks 4W) Nickels and cents 23 Specie 41.3CS Legal tender notes.... . 985 ltiwlinntinn fnnd with U. S. Treas urer (5 per cent. of circulation) 502 50 Total - 23'l,891 91 LIABILITIFS. Capital stock paid in .. S5O.O00 .'.000 Surplus fund . Undlv lvided profits U.702C7 National bank notes out standing 10 o'jO IndUidualdeposlts sub ject to check $210,801 40 Demand certificates of deposit.. 53.271 7S $201,139 24 Total. , $3.15 891 91 State of Oregon, I. County of Clatsop. ?- I. S, S. Cordon, cashier of theabote named bank, do solemnly snear tliat the above statement is true to me uesi oi my kuovvi edge and bolief. S. S. GORDON', Cashier. Subscribed and sn orn to before me t Ids 121 h day of October, isss. K. I,. PARKER. Notary 1'ublic. Correct Al test: GEOKCiK FI.AVKI.. ") .10IIN A, DEVLIN. J-Directors. O. C. FLAVEL. J J. 0. CLINTON DEALER IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS, NUTS. Candies. Smokers' Articles, Etc. New Hoods Received Dally. Opposite City Hook Mtorr. YfTEinla Clner anfl Tobacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. Fine Cigars, Tobaccos and Ssiolers Articles, Sold at Lowest Market Kates. rHUITS. CANDIES NOTIONS.&c Shingles for Sale. The Lewis and Clarke Lumber and Manufacturing Co. Have for sale at Grai '.s Wharf, in lots to suit, the finest and bet sawed Cedar Shin gles ever offered in this market. For price Astoria, Oregon, OFO. M'MCAK, SAM.FP.FEMAN. McLean & Freeman. BLACKSMITHS. Special Attention paid to ail Ship and Steam boat Repairing. HORSESHOEING. Logging Camp Work a Specialty. AH kinds of Blacksmltbing done to order. Shop, corner Jefferson and Olney streets, Astoria, uregon. JOB PRINTING. Neat, Quick And Cheap at The ASTORIAN JOB OFFICE G. A. STINSON & CO., SLACKSMITHING, vi rapt. Rogers old stand, corner of Cass aud Court Streets, snip and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. OSLO F. PABEEB. CAEIiA.nANSOK' Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS WEEK. The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. Valuable Property For Sale. HALF MILE FRONTAGE On the Columbia River, west of Astoria, in trout Of Sees. 23 aud 24, T. 8 N..R. 10 W.; suitable for mill sites, nharfage, etc. Will be sold l'i its entirety, or in lots to suit. Write or apply to HIRAM GRAV dw Sklpanon.Or. Allen & Krosel. Handsome Wall Paper, ARTISTIC DHCOKATION. Painting, Papering. Graining, Etc., Done in Satisfactory Stjle and at Satisfactory Prices. Corner Jefferson and Cass bts., Astoria, Or. J. H. D. GRAY Wholesalo and retail dealer In. GROCERIES FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT General Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. H MY niTY BOOK STORE. LB - - --t . ..- ... ...-.- . , THE LEADING STATIONERS AND GHZFFZ2T ESTABLISHED 1M2. m imvmitfmm-m r it rwc II . xiiiiiiiiiiiit;iiiliiTSfnKii.-amniuiiiiiiiijjs:i r LINEN GIU. NETTING .A.SPECIALTY. The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of IN THE UNITED STATES. Salmon Perse Seines. SalionMfli Nets. Salmon Gill Nets. PS"Eish Nettltisjs of nil kinds supplied al the ilinrto.--t piiMlilp noliro, ami at the lowest ralps. A'l made from our Shephard Gold Medal Twines. Guaranteed to be the strongest mid most PACIFIC COAST FISHERIES. Tins TWINE js in uuifactured only by oiii.-elvp.s, directly troui the raw material, and costs no more in NETTINGS than Hie eneaper grades. Send for samples; also for our illustrated i-iiiiauciputu aim i.onuon. JLmerioan XTet and Treino Company. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. HL B. PARKER, FIRE BRICK OEAIER IN Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime,. Brlci Cement, Sand and Plaster Wood UellTered to Order. Dnjlng, Teaming and Express Bnslneti, wJhrii. ( TTTil IEB apply to the Captain, or to Seines, Pounds, Traps, - FISH NETTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, MADE TO ORDER OF BEST QUALITY. Wootlbeny Seine Twines AT LOWEST PRICES OF NETTING COMBINATION. Barbour's Salmon Net Threads. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 8liil 519 Marti:! St., Sole Agents for REMOVAL Owing to intended removal from our present location to Flavel's new brick building, we will fren: now on, until further notice, Sell Our Entir freat Bargains in ISvesMng. THE NEW YORK NOV Main Jeweler. City Jax Notice.' TVJOT1CK1SHEREBYGIVENTHATTUE J-l Tax Roll of the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, is now in my hands for col lection and will remain with me for thirty das, after which time the taxes lemainlng unpaid will be deemed delinquent, and as such will be returned to the Auditor. J. G, HUSTLER, City Treasurer and Tax Collector. BOOK SELLERS. & S.EED. CAPITAL $.130,000. I!, L Watchmaker ' Jeweler. X'v' tS?lHc ISitr NETTINGS. de9irnble twine now mnde especially for the catalogue. Highest award atlloston, FIRE CLAY STEAMEIl CLARA PARKER Eben P, Parker,MaBter. ForTOWINO, FltEIQHT orCIIAR 11. II. PAUUKIt. AND - the Pacific Coast. WE OFFER St., Opposite Parker A JP A m-.mk.q, Wg s, .ah, ja,dHBA4i.aBbW,fra,B m, WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and "BTegetables. Received fresh every Steamer. PARKER'S rat S C?" 3 Ik ""ssr EMPIRE BARBOUR' Irish Flan Threads HAVE NO EQUAL ! rfttB50 GRAND PRIX PARIS 1378, AND GRAND CROSS OF THE LEGION D'HONNEUR. They received the ONLY GOLD MEDAL For FLAX THREADS at tho London. Fisheries Exhibition 1883. And have been awarded HIGHER PRIZES at the various INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS, Than tho goods of any other IN THE WORLD. Quality Can Always bo Depended on. Experienced Fieiilse no Otter. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO. AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. WOODBERRY SEINE TWINE, ROPE and NET TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES, POUNDS and TRAPS furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices. I-Souse. TTJFJlSr?8 Laird, Schober & Mitchell's FINE SHOES. A FULL LINE, Satisfaction Guaranteed. STORE. sutiWisr- V-w'Ajs ggjvys .-ii-e! 6-aftV,