T -""i1 r -w i. m a wpWWIN"1 J p ?!: gn gsifltfim. ASTORIA, OREGON: S XOAY SEPTEMBER 0, 1S8S. ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, ASTOrtlAXBuiLDlyQ, - - CASSSTUEET. Terms orSubscrlptlon. "" " earner, per week 1 nt Se.it by Mall, per mo5tliZZrZZ W CU Free of postage to subscribers. The astobiast guarantees to its adver- - v. ""6"i tircuiaiion oi any newspa per published on the Columbia river. Grouse and ducks. Bay city, Tillamook booming. connty, is The Falstaff sailed yesterday. The Idaho is off for Alaska. The Salem Vidette claims to be the only Democratic daily in Salem, itm is tough on the Journal. The infant daughter of John T. Nassa, residing near CathJamet, died of cholera infantum yesterday. Quite a number of sport-loving As tonans go to Portland to-night to see to-morrow's match game of base ball. The Oregon state fair begins the 17th. This will be the show window of the state, "What does Clatsop county propose to put in it? Tho lively little Unipqua Herald has quit favoring prohibition and has come out straight Democratic. That's right. Come out of the high grass. The Demoaat sapiently directs at tention tO tho f(t flint "Altianv " rr. a straight line from almost any place or country you can name." lietcher hfe. Rev. J. McCormac will ofliciato in the M. K. nlinrnli nt 11 i u cnlii Brotherly Love." Service' also by '" aauio on uoaru tuo '. . mat buik at4 p.m. The annual meeting of Alert Hook mm uaauer jo., will be Held at the company's rooms to-morrow evening for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. The Grismer-Davies company will be here on tho 17th inst. L. E. Selig received a dispatch yesterday stating that the juvenile opera company would be here on October 2 and II. The cost of hviug is said to have increased of late years in Portland. It is the other way in Astoria, whero the cost of living is considerably less than it used to be. It doesn't cost as much to die, either. The Young Men's Christian associ ation song and gospel meeting this afternoon at It o'clock will be led by Mr. T. A. Harding of Washington. D. C. Music by Y. M. C. A. orchestra which will be led by Prof. Francis. Wm. Smith, of Douglas county, 53 years old, unmarried, etc., wrote a letter to president Cleveland last week, congratulating him on his suc cessful administration. The next day the Douglas county court sent hiin to the insane asylum at Salem. Articles have been filed at Olympia incorporating the Tacoma, Olympia & Chehalis Valley railroad Company. Capital, S1,000,000. The object of the company is to build a line of railroad, commencing at a point on Gray's harbor, to run easterly through the Chehalis and Hannaford valleys to some point on the Columbia. ? The Northern Pacific company has purchased the Coeur d'Alene Rail way & Navigation company's entire sys tem. This comprises several boats that ply upon lake Coenr d'Alene and the Cceur d'Alene river, and twenty eight miles of narrow gauge railroad, extending from Comr d'Alene mis sion through tho Cceur d'Alene min ing regions. From July 1st to the 1st inst., there wero 99,0G9 sacks ilour, and 253,833 centals wheat, delivered at San Francisco from tho Columbia river. For the season, so far, 333,189 centals wheat have been carried to San Francisco fromhere. Underother and proper conditions these 33,318,- yuu pounds of wneat would have been loaded on vessels at the wharves in this city. There was a Republican meeting nt the old armory hall last evening, 0. B. "Watson president, Frank Pat ton secretary. Remarks were made by several present, and n general dis cussion of the "plan of campaign." It was on motion decided to have a large and enthusiastic beginning of the campaign about the first of next mouth, and the chairman appointed a committee to take charge of the matter. An attaohment suit has been brought by tho National Bank of New York against Wni. T. Coleman, Frank S. Johnson and the California Chemical company to recover S9.500 on two bills of exchange for S4,750 each drawn by the defendant com pany last January. The Merchants' National bank of New York has sued the same defendants to recover $5,000 on a bill of exchange drawn by the same company January 13th last. The Fire Insnrance Association of London, whiph 1ms over 500 sub-agen cies throughout the country, will, it is reported, soon withdraw from busi ness hero altogether and transfer to London all its surplus growing out of risks placed here. This surplus amounts to S390.575.37 net, and is in the hand of three trustees. The reason for this action is said to be the heavy losses sustained br this company in Europe. Formerly there were nearly 1000 agencies of this con cern in this country. Yesterday a party of thirty-onoyoung men leit Indiana- for Comlle, W. l where they will form a stock company for the purpose of carrying on a stock ranch. A peculiar feature of their agreement is that no member of the firm can draw bis money out of tho general fund during the first five years after the date of organization. Any one leaving the business will forfeit his investment of S500, which is the sum put in by each member. xue young men will do their own herding, branding and dealing, and will thus be enabled to avoid the ex pense of cowboys. .nong Wing, the Uninese pawn broker, whose palatial establishment is opposite the post office, is out and injured to the tune of 8800. This amount, which is a fortune to a Chi naman, in China, was stolen from him by some brother Mongolian last Fri day night. The thief deftly entered the front 'room, cut a hole under neath a bunk in which two Chinamen were asleep, got into the back room and took $800 out of an unlocked safe, on top of which another China man slept. Kong Wing has kept that safe locked ever since, and slept last night with one eye open, but so far has no clue to the clever rogue who stole his coin. Every one has heard the joke about "fencing a town in.'' An.old Nevada friend in the office yesterday, tells it as a fact that the town of Bnllionville, Nevada, is "fenced in," literally. Some time ago the two principal mining companies put up $400,000 chlorozination works that didn't work. Everything shut down, and neighboring bands of cattle came licking around the pans and settlers. and died from the effects of the chem icals on their innards. So the ranch ers got together and hauling lumber, they just naturally "fenced the town in." Time was when Bnllionville was a red hot little town with lots of coin and heaps of fun, but so goes the world. The tugs Donald and Escort towed the Fahtaff to sea jesferdav afternoon, and brought in a British bark, believed to be the Cumbiian, from Maryport, England, with rail road iron aboard. When inside Clat sop spit, aud about half way between buoy No. 0 and Fort Stevens, about six o'clock, tho vessel struck, her stern taking ground, tho vessel swing ing broadside on. There was a strong ebb tide at the time, aud the vessel is reported to have grounded lightly. There was a pilot aboard. The Oen. Canby and Dolphin arrived subse quently from the Capo and it is the opinion of those aboard that the ves sel would be got off at high water with littlo if nny damage. This is the first accident in that vicinity since the stranding of the Queen of the Parijir September 5th, 1883. Later: Tho tug Donald came up at a quarter past eleven last night, towing the Escort which had a haw ser foul in her propeller. The vessel was then where she grounded, about halt way between No. G and No. 3 buoys, on the edge of the channel, resting easy, and there was little doubt but that she would come safely off at 3 o'clock this morning, having simply sheered in, the tide running strongly out at the time. Captain Howes returned with the Donald shortly after midnight. A Flsht With Congars. "William Lousignont, living 24 miles west of Forest Grove, in this county, but near its boundary line with Co lumbia county, on the upper Neha lem, had a thrilling mountain experi ence last week. "Wednesday evening he went into the hills after his cows, and in returning found one of his sheep freshly torn open and a cougar near it. It was dark and he had no gun with him. Next morning (Thurs day) he went back to the carcass with his dog. A cougar was treed, which he brought down with his "Winches ter. Saturday morning he passed near the carcass with his three fine dogs, and discovered three cougars feasting upon it. "With a wild yell tne uogs ran lor tne big game, and succeeded in stampedincr them into trees. Lousignont is the crack shot of the mountains, and quickly dis patched two of the large, ferocious beasts. The third shot was less for tunate, and the beast sprang out of the tree onto his best dog. He hastily throw a cartridge into his gun, but it missed fire. Lousignont then ran to the resono of the dogs, using uis gun as a club. a.a overreached in striking and the wounded animal turned upon him. Quickly drawing a huge hunter's knife, he plunged it into the cougar's throat, using his left arm as a guard. Hllhboro In dependent. Fish Shitl Oil. And machine oil for sale. .I.II.DeFokce. Astoria, Oregon. Private Rouma. At the Telephone Restaurant for sup pers, parties, etc. The best cooked to order. Telephonelioditlus House. Rest Beds in town. Rooms per nifiht w and i cis., per weeK 51.50. iiew and clean. Private entrance. Fine Parlor Organ. For sale at a bargain: cash, or on the installment plan, at the New 1 ork Nov elty Store. Covers for school and copy books, blotters, slate pencils, rulers, etc., given away to all purchasers of school books aturimn cc neeirs. firiflln Xr. IlPPil hav nil L-imU nf school books used in the public schools. Sunny Booms. With or witho nt board at the Holden House. Rooms from SCa month upward. Library, etc. Steals Cootted to Order. Private rooms for ladies aud families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. The best Oysters in any style, at the Telephone Restaurant. LAST NIGHT'S DISPATCHES. General News Notes FromVariousPoints. EdwabdsvHiI.b, 111., Sept. 8. The authorities have captured a gang of expert counterfeiters, a family named Russell, consisting of mother, two sons and three daughters. A full counterfeiting outfit was captured, together with a bucketful of spurious $5 gold pieces, of which they made a specialty. They worked in connec tion with counterfeiters of paper money. IN USUAL HEALTH. New York, Sept. 8. Judge Thur- man slept nearly twelve hours last night, rose refreshed and is his usual good health this morning. He will speak at Newark to-night and return to Columbus. A FLOODED DISTBICT. Columbia, S. C, Sept 8. It has rained daily here for ten days, The Congaree, Broad and Salvador rivers are greatly swollen. Vast traots of cotton fields are inundated; the loss will be over a million dollars. GOOD FOB PORTLAND. Portland, Sept. 8. In the match game of base ball played here to-day the home club got away with the visitors. Willamettes, 7; Salt Lakes, 4. FROM ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, Sept. 8. J. L. Palmer, chairman of the Arkansas prohibi tion state executive committee, says forty counties of Arkansas have gone against license. The returns are car ried away from precincts which have large prohibition majorities. trouble again. The election troubles in the Indian territory have broken out afresh in the Chiokasaw nation. The elec tion resulted in the return of Gov Guy by a majority of 14. Corruption and manipulation of re turns are charged on both sides, and the danger of a tribal war has become so great that Indian agent Owens has gone to Tishomongo where the coun cil is in session. BIZ. New York, Sept, 8. The state ment of associated banks shows $11, 646,625 in excess of the legal require ment. Bar silver, 92l. against the governor. Grand Forks, Dak., Sept. 8. The committee by the Day faotion of the two headed Democratic territorial convention has completed its work and will send formal charges against Governor Church to the president sometime this month. The governor is charged with caucus packing and illegal methods to secure control of the territorial convention, of the use of his veto power to intimidate the people, appointing persons unfit to hold office, of illegally appropriating notary fees to his own use, of violat ing the militia law, of squandering proceeds of stock indemnity funds; of bad management of publication of laws of the territory. The chargee are supported by affidavits. a horrible murder. London. Sent. 8. The horribly mutilated body of a lewd woman was found early this moraine in a yard attached to a common lodging house in Spitalfields. Her throat was cut from ear to ear. her body rinneduneu. her bowels and heart lying on the ground, and a portion of her entrails around her neck. This is the fourth murder of a sim ilar character committed recently in this neighborheod: all the previous victims were women of the lowest oharacter. The author of these at rocities remains undiscovered. The excitement in the vicinity borders upon a panic. the g. a. e. reunion. Columbus, Sept. 7. Arizona posts of the Grand Army of the Republic arrived this morning in time to take part in the reunion. California posts will arrive this afternoon. TROUBLE IN CHINA. Washington, Sept 7. While the state department has received no official intelligence of the rumored attack by natives on the American consul at Canton, the assistant secre tary of state, Rives, said to-day he saw no reason to doubt the truth of this statement. There has been a feud in Canton growing out of the treaty trouble. Nothing can be said as to the details of the affair, but such things have happened before and are likely to happen again. RACE TROUBLES OVER. Houston, Tex., Sept. 7. Race troubles in Fort Bend conntry are now over. A number of obnoxious politicians have been ordered to leave the country and have done so. Ik Consumption lucurable? Re-id the follewing: Mr. O. II. iMorris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and phy Mfians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Diseovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumptien I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at J. C. Dement's Drug Store. Ludlow's Ladies' S3.00 Fine Shoes; also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at P. J. Goodman's. Coffee and cake, ten cents, at the Central Restaurant The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. School Bookii I School Books. Large sterk: lowest prices, at the I New York Novelty Store. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. CMlilrenCryforPitclier'sCastoria PERSONAL MENTION. Sheriff Ross returned to the city yesterday. W. H. Whitcomb claims "high boat" on the salmon-trout catch so far this season. A Model "Woman. Mr. Jones came home at an un seemly hour the other night and was surprised to see Mrs. Jones sitting up for him below stairs, with no other light than that of the electric tower on the corner to keep her company. "M-m-marie," ho said huskily, "y-you shouldn't sit up -s'lato when I'm out on bushiness." As Mrs. Jones did not answer him he continued in an alarmed veice: "Shorry, m' dear, but it's lash time tell you I'm shorry won't shpeak to me?" At thi3 moment Mrs. Jones called from above stairs: "Mr. Jone3 who are you talking to at this hour of the night?" "Thash what I like to know, m-m-my-self," stammered Jones. Mrs. Jones hastened down stairs, lamp in hand. When she saw the situation she laughed, in spite of being very angry. "It's the model," sho said, "the model I bought to-day to fit my dress on." "Yes, thash so," said Jones, tinsily. "model woman don't talk back make some fellow good xvite."Detroit free Press. The Wife Wouldn't Allow It. Five men, three of them pretty well known here, occupied a back room in a prominent saloon all last night, and judging from the cards strewn upon the floor in the morning many a deck must have been dis carded during the nocturnal venture at poker. Two of the players were well-to-do business men and the rest were clerks receiving fair salaries, and who, by the way, had accumulated some money for the inevitable rainy day. One of the clerks Every heavily; and besides giving its checks for the aggregate sum of $1,300, he even went so far as to risk his little home stead, valued at 1,900, which shelters his wife and two pretty children. Luck was against him, and he also lost that Yesterday morning the player who advanced him 81,100 on the prop erty demanded a deed to it, but the desperate and senseless clerk could not deliver "the goods," because his wife declined to sign a conveyance. Angry words followed, and it is not at all unlikely that the clerk's credi tor will bring the matter into court Portland Evening Telegram. A Warning. The modes of denth's approach are various, and statistics show conclu sively that more persons die from dis eases of the Throat and .Lungs than any other. It is. probable that every one, without exception, receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at first slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to con tinue their ravages they extend to the lungs producing Consumption and to tne head, causing (Jatarrh. Mow all this is dangerous and if allowed lo proceed will in time cause death. At the onset you must act with prompt ness; allowing a cold to go without your attention is dangerous and may lose you your life. As soon as you feel that something is wrong with your Throat, Lungs or Nostrils, ob tain a bottle of Boschees German Syrup. It will give you immediate relief. Their Chances Like Sunbeams Passing By. Somethinc like 300.000.000 feet of lumber are required annually to keep up with the growth of population of Minneapolis and ISt. Paul. And still there are hundreds of Oregon youths who loiter away their time and see one hundred and sixty acre tracts ot.the finest timber out of doors grabbed up by eastern capitalists, when they could havo it for the ask ing. East Portland Vindicator. .Electric Bitter",. This remedy is becoming so wel known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who hacused Llectric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not ex ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure Malarial le vers. For cure of Headache, Constipa tion and Indigestion try Electric Bit tersEntire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and 81.00 per bottle at J. C. Dement's. The finest and juiciest .steak at the Telephone Restaurant. A D VICK TO 3IOTHOS . Sins. Winslow's Soothino Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays all rain, cures wind cholic, and is the best remedy for diar-rhcea.Twenty-fivc cents a bottle. When Von Go to Portland Frank Fabre, Occidental hotel restau rant, win ue giaa to see nis Astoiia friends, A good dinner at a moderate price and everything in season. Oamlirlnus Boer And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. A fine cup of coffee, at the Telephone Restaurant. CANDY Manufactured and For Sale at Wholesale Prices, at The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. Gooi Bread, Cate -and Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered In any part of the city. Cloak Department. DRESS GOODS Department. LISLE rtment. Hosiery uepa Leading Dry Goods and Clothing GOOD IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY FALL STOCK WHICH IS ON THE "WAY NOW I HAYE DECIDED UPON THIS OFFER: For the Next 30 Days C3 PH I will allow you CO t3 10 per Cent on As this is evidently sufficient to interest all who believe in savins something for a rainy day, I will merely add, remember this offer when yon ro shopping. HERMAN WISE, Tie Reliable Hatter and Clothier, Occident Hotel Building. OEM) F. PAItKEK. CAW. A. HANSO?f. Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO O. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS WEEK. II The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. TILLAMOOK, Shoalwater Bay and Gray's Harbor The r. & C. S. S. Co.'s Steamer "ALLIANCE," frill sail from PORTLAND for SHOAL WATER BAY and GRAY '3 HARBOR Fare toTUlamook and Cray's Harbor. SC. Shoalwater Bay. $5. From Astoria $1 less. Freight, merchandise $5. Flour and mill feed excluding bran, S4. Freight to Shoal water Bay S4. If sufficient freight offers a trip to Yaquina and Coos Bay will be made early In August. . F. R. STRONG, President. C.P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. M Dress Ms AKRIYED! Our first selection of FALL and Winter Cloaks now on exhibition. Comprising the very latest styles in Ladies' Misses and Children's garments. FRENCH BROAD CLOTHS. An ele gant assortment of Broad Cloths, suitable for Ladies' Tailor Made Suits, in the very latest shades. Call and examine them. 1 AND SILK Having received from New York during the week one of the finest selections of Fancy, Stripe, Embroid ered and high colored Hose, late de signs, ever shown in Astoria. Owing to the lateness of the sea son these goods will be sold re markably cheap. ' C. H. COOPER, THE NEWS. CO tt a S3" n discount of d All Cash Sales. CJ-i Strike It Rich! BUVYOUR- Groceries! Provisions OF Foard & Stokes Their largely Increasing trade enables them to self at the very lowest margin of profit while giving you goods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. The Str. Telephone Fast Time Between Portland and Astoria. Leaving Astoria Monday,..... 0 a. m, Tuesday.........." ao p. m. " " Wednesday.7 p.m. " " Friday 7 p.sr. " Saturday. 2 :30 p. m. Close connections at KalamatotheSound : at Astoria with the Qcn. Miles for Ilwaco. Oystervllle and Grays Harbor; at Portland with the 0. SCR. R., and west side trains. P.& W.V. R. R; Vancouver and Oregon City boats, and Eastern bound trains. HOSE House of Astoria. MURRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers In Cannery Sillies! Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. ASTORIA, OREGON. DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAY HANSEN, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonfls Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All Goodi Bought at TbU EiUbllihment Warranted Genuine. Watch nnd Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Bquemoqua Streets. Van Dusen & Co, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sowing Machines, Paints, Oils, Grooeriesi :E2to. Fine Pigs For Sale. I HAVE SOME FINE BERKSHIRE MALE Pies for sale. Any one desirous of Improv ing his breed of hogs has here a (rood oppor tunity. Apply to D. P.Tiul.luj.M-. at J. C. Trulllngert MUL THE ASTORIA SELECT SCHOOT. OF English and Modem Language will re open September 3, 1888 It Is very Important that students who de sire an advanced course, should be present at the commencement of the term. Tuition payable in two weeks after pre sentation of bill. No deduction made for absence except lu case ofslckness. v EMMA C.WARREN, Principal u jJ- s .,(: (aasat