r'r v ; .vt' C3J IV VST01UA, OREGON: TH l'KSIAY HT.ZaUO U.ST ao. 18oS. ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) J. F. IIALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers aud Proprietors, ASTOItlANlSUII.mXG, - - CASin:KKT, Terras or.Subscriptlon. Sen piI liv Carrier, per w eek is cts .. .1 ,vu rtr ln,Iiiu............. Wit 1 ree of postage to subscribers. ,.$7.Ui The ASTOitiAN- guarantees to its adver sers the largest circulation of any newspa per published on the Columbia river. To-morrow night. The Hnngarian Band. 'ihe schooners Adair anil Mary Dod'je arrived in yesterday. The steamer Dolphin goes to Sb.oalw.ater bay this morning. After to-morrow it will be legal to shoot wild dncks in this state. The Vunboyne, Anambu aud h'al tlaffaia at the O. R. &N, dock. The Wrestler Gnishes loadiug lum ber at the Clatsop mill to-dav for Australia. Reserved scats at tbo New York Novelty store for the Hnngarian Band performance. The Columbia arrived in yesterday with freight and passengers for As toria aud interior points. The season at the beach is about over, and some, of the family skele tons are returning to tho closets. The seaside sojourners who re turned to the heated interior now re alize that they went back too soon. The Court street school house is being put in trim for the fall session of school, which begins next Monday. The weather yesterday was warm ouough to mako light clothing and the shady side of the street bo in de mand. Qnite a number of applicants for certificates are attending tho teach ers' examination at the Court street school house. Fishing matters on Gray's harbor aro reported at a standstill, the dead lock still continuing between tho canners and the fishermen. Subscribers to the Clatsop Road & Construction company are requested to call on secretary Thomson and pony np the second assessment. Lieut. Swift, of the U. S. 'hijjnal corps is in the city to superintend the placing of the Columbia cable from Ft Stevens to Scarborough head. City attorney Noland returned from Oysterville yesterday. From him it is learned that the Johnson murder trial has been changed to Clarke county. There will be a meeting of the chamber of commerce this evening at 7i0 to discuss matters relative to the portage and steamboat transfer at Celilo and the Cascades. Tho widow of Clement Orfeig, who who died from his injuries at the Coqnille, gets S2,000 from Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W, of which her husband was a member. A letter from Gray's harbor gays that the residents there propose to take matters in their own hands ns to fishing, and that it is not im probable that a collision may eii3ue. The Real Estate Journal of Ta coma comes asking an X. So soon as our Astoria and South Coast road gets going there will l-e a chance for n real estate journal here. Speed the day. In his newspaper ronnds at 330 yesterday morning, Frank Snrpre nant found a fire on the approach to the O. R. & N. dock, which was just bursting into a blaze. Tt had been apparently smouldering for some hours. A celebrated historian once wrote a work on snakes in Ireland. Hero is the entire velume: "There are no snakes in Ireland." A work on police court items in Astoria at present would be equally brief for similar reasons. Reports from Tillamook are to the efiect.that the strike is over there, and that the fishermen have begun work. A compromise has been ef fected on the Sound, und the canner ies over there will start work next Monday. A telegram from the Hungarian Band state3 that owing to tho in tense heat in Portland the troupe has canceled datas and will be here to morrow night The Portland press praises tho company, and thoy will, doubtless, have n good house here. Tim general health of the city is good at present There are a few sickly children seen on tho streots, but they are new arrivals from the heated interior brought hero to re gain health aud plumpness by a brief sojourn by the shore of the sounding The schooner Michigan, which went below with a large cargo of spruce lnmber. had her machinery put in place in San Francisco and is now a steam schooner. She was built at Skamokawa and is a hand some vessel. She put off her Astoria freight yesterday and proceeded up river. The recent advance in the protect ive tariff on imported cablegrams of 37J cents a word is not the reason nt -Oatttj gstotfim. The Astokun has no dispatches this morning. The line is busted in the brush somewhere. Perhaps it's just as well. Whenever the wire breaks it make3 one rustle for local items all the harder. A Tacoma man named F. F. Schwartz was declared crazy last Monday and sent to Steilacoom. The poor fellow fancies himself to be a newspaper man. The Ledger says "ho seems to be an educated man and used to good society." That lets hiin out. Ho made a mistake in his choice of residence. Thcro is only ono man in Astoria who can correctly name nud locate all tho streets, and if he should up and die, the other 5,999 would be in a deuce of a fix. People living hero lo these many years don't know the name of the street they live on, such knowledge not being necessary to the proper enjoyment of life. The Columbia cable is loaded on a framework built on the fora'd deck of the Walluski aud will be brought down hero from Portland to-day. P. J. McGowau has given permission to have the cable landed at his wharf, and ou the Washington territory side it will bo run to Scarborough head via his place, thus avoiding chafing ou the rocks as before. A Bulgarian monk who speaks 32 languages is heading this way on a lecturing tour and has Astoria on his list. Great Cfesar! what have we done. Can't some one coax him on board a ship lit Portland. The Ore gonian says the ships don't have to stop at Astoria any more, but can put straight out to sea. In this case such facilities would be fine. The News represents president Adams, of the Union Paoific, as say ing, in a conversation with a promi nent railroad man: "I am strongly opposed to entering into a joint lease with the Northern Pacific, aud noth ing would induce mo to consent to such an alliance. The position of the Union Pacific, under tho present condition of affairs, is a very strong one, aud an alliance with the North ern Pacific would weaken instead of strengthening it" The ordinance granting a franchise to the Astoria and South Coast rail way company has not passed tho city council yet, but it probably will at the adjourned eonncil meeting to be held this evening. The officers and directors are working energetically to make the matter move on satisfac torily and need the hearty co-operation and assistance of every ono in Astoria in furthering an object that is so manifestly for the public good and common prosperity. Dell Baker was working in the har vest field, says the Columbia Chroni cle, and about ten days ago tied a piece of sacking twine tightly around his arm to keep his shirt sleeve in its proper place. The string retarded the flow of blood in the arm, pro ducing a blood clot, which brought on erysipelas, resulting in gangrene. Drs. Pietrzycki and Bores were sent for Saturday evening to amputate the arm, but the patient was too far gone wljen they arrived, and died shortly after. The editor we beg her pardon the editress, with the accent on the tress, ot the Davenport, W. T., Times is a woman. Some one in Tacoma has been making .snoots at the editor-ess of the Times and that jour nal rises to remark that "There isn't money enough in Tacora to buy the Times, and there isn't a man there unless it bo Col. Steele heavy enough to handle the female demo, cratic editor hereof." That's the kind of a hairpin the boss of the Times is. r - - Au Astoria fruit cannery in opera lion is a pleasant sight to one who likes to see the town develop manu facturing industries, and ono that can be seen at, George & Barker's where about forty employes, chiefly women and girls, are deftly and neat ly putting up pears and plums. The operationis a simple one, the pears alter peeling ana Halving, being put into two-and-a-half-pound cans, sir- uped, soldered nnd cooked. There are CO 2lb cans in each case. So far abont 1,000 oases flue fruit have been packed; tho calculation is to pack about 1,000 cases more this sea son. The brand is the same as on the firm's salmon "The Epicure." The grounds about the custom house nre now almost raised to the lovel intended. The programme now is after leveling tho uew deposit, to scatter fertilizer nnd then sow grass seeds. The next move should be to put an additional story on the build ing, or at least fit the roof so that it won't leak, for the leak gets through and cracks the plaster and runs on to the floor and spoils the carpet, and trickles onto the lower floor and per colates through the ceiling and drips on the government papers and things, and in timo will cause the massive masonry to crack and give way. To savo all this Undo Sam ongbt to fix the roof before it is too eternally late. The proverb "It never rains. but it pours," was exemplified at the Clat sop mill yesterday. About eleven o'clock yesterday morning nn employe named John Mnnson got his hand onto a planer which tore it in a terri ble manner, necessitating surgical aid. At ono o'clock P. E. Linn was working near a lathe bolter when a beard ilew back and struck him in tho eye, inflicting an ugly gash. At two o'clock J. McKenna met with the third nnd most serious accident. los incr two of the fingers of his left hand by contact with a shingle saw. The rest ot tne any rne employes nanaiea things very gingerly, but alter the third accident there's rarely any like lihood of a recurrence. "Whoever told you that about pres ident Adams and the Potter was off," said a steamboat man yesterday. "Now, I'll give you the true business. He nnd his party, which numbered seventy-five, came down to speed the Potter and find out just what time she could make.'' "Hey there," said a well known resident, an hour after, "I see you are dead wrong on that Potter excursion of Adams and the railroad tyees. If you want to know I'll tell you. They came dowu here on the Potter to hold a director's meeting, without the bother of inter ruption." Why they came down here is getting to be the boss conundrum. Everyone knows, and no one really knows. Probably they wanted to get a few shares of Astoria and South Coast railroad stock. There is big turvel everywhere: to Ilwaco, Shoalwater bay, Gray's har bor, Tillamook, Portland and San Francisco. Every boat is crowded. As for the night boats, the Telephone and the Potter, their passengers are legion. The passenger travel to and from Astoria, is something unusual this season. A Walla Walla man in the office yesterday, said, "I'm heart ily glad you folks have taken hold of this matter yourselves and made up your minds to build a railroad to tho Seaside. That's the way to do. As toria by right should be the center of all this seaside business, and if the matter is put in tho right shape, yon ought to have 30,000 people here from eastern Oregon and Washington ev. ery year." It is a fact that with tho Astoria and South Coast railroad built it is reasonable to expect that 25,000 people would make this their home four months of the year. Wo have a bigger bonanza than the Corn stock in this magnificent ocean beach at our gates, and nothing will devel op it iu bo marked a degree as tho construction of the railroad to the seaside. PERSONAL 3IENTION. Mrs. M. Rogers is convalescent. J. G. Megler is over from Gray's harbor. Mrs. Allie Davidson has returned to the city. H. Wise goes to Sau Francisco next Sunday. , F. D. Winton returned from Oyster ville yesterday. J. W. Clemens, of Cathlamet, was iu the city .yesterday. J. Strauss starts next week o.i a business trip to New York city. Gen. J os. E. Johnston, U. S. rail road commissioner, is in Portland. A. Balmanno was in the city yester day, and goes to Ilwaco this morn ing. Jos. Pinschower returned yester day from a business trip to Pacific county. Prof. Piatt, the principal of tho Court street school, is expected to arrive to-morrow. Hon. D. K. Warren and family start next Monday on a two months' visit to the eastern states. Councilman Cleveland, of this city, is now a full fledged attorney of the Washington territory bar. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Sanborn con template leaving next week on n three months' visit to the Atlantic coast. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Gill, ot Sacra mento, Ca!., were in the city last Sun day, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Barry. That estimable lady's many friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. Marion Trenchard is greatly recovered from her recent severe illness. Fine watches, bracelets, jewelry, and novelties of various kinds tor sale this week at a great bargain at Olsen's mic tion rooms. Must bo fold by Satunl iy. Notice. There will be the regular monthly meeting of the C. R. F. P. U., on Tues day evening, Sept. 4th, 18S8, at Liberty Hall, at 7 p.m. A. Skaff.i.dt, President. A STTTOX.Secietary. Sunny Rooms. With or witho nt board at the Holden Housp. Knouts' from SO a month upward. Library,-etc. Teloilionelodicinj; House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 50 anil 23 cts., per week S1.50. New anil clean. Private entrance. School ItooKs! School IlookH. Large steck: lowest prices, at the New York NoeIty Store. Fine Parlor Orgnn. For sale at a bargain : cash, or on the lustnlliuent plan, at the N'ew York Nov elty Stoic. ' Found. A pair of gold-bowed -spectacles. Owner can have same by applying to Thompson & Ross, piove property and pay charges. Coffee and cake, ten cents, at the Central Restaurant The best Oysters in any stj le, at the Telephone Rpstaurant. Private Koiihih. At the Telephone Restaurant for sup pers, parties, etc. The. best cooked to order. Ludlow's Ladies' S.t.00 Fine Shoes; also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at P. .f. GocnuAN'g. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Uooiiman's. ADVICKTO MOTJIKKN. Mns. Winslow's Sootiiino Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all rain, cures wind cholic. and is the best remedy fordiar-rhnea.Twenty-fivo cents a bottle. All tho patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc- can be bought at the lowest prices, at.l.W. Conn's drug store, opposite. Ocident hctel, Astoria. Fish Skill Oil. And machine oil for sale. J.ILDEFoncE. Astoria, Oregon. Cbildren CryforPitclier's Castoria THE BOARD OF ENGINEERS Will Report On The I5th Of December. At Tuesday's session of the board of engineers: to hear the views of those interested in removing obstruc tions to navigation in the Columbia river, O. H. Dodd gave it as his opin ion that the problem at Celilo could best be solved by the construction of a portage railway for boats around the falls there, this portage railway to bo so constructed as to carry a cradle large enough to hold any class of vessel, steam or otherwise, ot n capacity of COO tons. This cradle is to be so constructed as to also carry barges of 300 tons capacity. This, he claimed, was necessary on account of the two stages of water at different seasons of the year to wit: low and high. These conditions are frequent ly met with in' the Snake and Colum bia rivers. It was further stated by Mr. Dodd that the board of trade had given tho matter of the improvement of tho rivers a great deal of thoughtful at tention during the past seven years. That innnmerable plans aud devices had been snbmitted and considered for overcoming tho physical difficul ties at Celilo. That after all these had been carefully considered the plan of Major W. A. Jones, United States engineer, for a portage railway at Celilo, had been adopted by the board of trade by resolution, as beine by far tho most feasible and expe ditious. In relation to tho Cascade rapids. Mr. Dodd thought that tho canal and locks should be completed as soon as possible. That the canal should be fifty feet wide, and it would bo still better if it was ,8ixty feot wide, and that it should be bo arranged that a vessel 210 feet long could bo taken through. Col.Mendell assnred Mr. Dodd that tho Cascade locks would be com pleted as soon as possible. The mat ter of the portage railway would be carefully looked into, and on Decem ber 15 the report which the board will make will be opened. The investiga tion which the board had begun will not be finished by tho original bonrd hi person, but thoy will send compe tent men to finish the work. Ex-Senator Grover also appeared before the board ot engineers, and gave his views in regard to how the obstructions to navigation should be romoved. Col. Mendell left on last night's steamer for San Francisco. News, 29. An Explanation. Whnt is this "nervous troublo" with which so many seem now to bo af flicted? If you will remember n few years ago tho word Malaria was com paratively unknown, to-day it is as common as any word in tho Enclish language, yet this word covers only the meaning of another word used bv our forefathers in times past. So it is with nervous diseases, as they and Malaria are intended to cover what onr grandfathers called Billiousness, and all are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condition of the Liver which in performing its func tions finding it cannot dispose of the bile through the ordinary channel is compelled to pass it off through the system, causing nervous troubles, Malaria, Billions Fever, etc. You who are suffering can well appreciate a cure. We recommend Green's Au gust Flower. Its cures nro mar velous. -. , Sencil Him liiglit. 4 "Now, there's tho tariff "lie began: (The day was very hot) The people roso up to a man And killed him on the spot. For First llac. A great amount of political engineer ing will be done by friends ofcaiiiliilati-s to secure for their man the first place on the ticket, and tho best man will prob ably secure the coveted place. Then if indorsed by the majority of the people, the election is assured. Electric Hitters has been put to the frnitf. its merits passed upon, has been indorsed, and unanimously given the fust place among remedies peculiarly adapted to theielief and cure of all Diseases of Kidneys, Liver and Stomach, Electric BUters, being guaranteed, is a safe in veMv.cnt Price 5oe and Si per bottle at J no. C. Denient'.s Drug Store. .llenlH Cooked to Order. Private rooms for ladies aud families: at Central Restaurant, ne.t to Foard & Slnkes. Oainliriims Beer And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, Scents. When Von Go to I'ortluiut Frank Fabre, Occidental hotel restau rant, will be glad to sep his Astotia friends, A good dinner at a moiierafp price and everything in season. The finest and juiciest steal; at the Telephone llestmrant. A fine cup of coffee at the Telephone Restaurant. Van Dusen & Go, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil. Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Paints, Oils, G-rooeries, Etc. Notice of Purchase. I HAVE THIS DAY rUKCHASKI) THE Roadway Market All bills anil accounts ot the market up to the 17th Inst., are to he paid to and collected by Jno. w. Welch. Astoria, August 17th. 18SS. A U- Referring to the above, I would say that I have resumed the meat business and will keen a good supply or fine fresh meats, at my former stand. Meat promptly delivered In any part of the city. Cloak Department! ATCOST! All Wraps, Gapes, Dolmans, Having been -very fortunate in our selection of the above goods this season, we have still a few left, and will sell them at manufacturers cost. Parasols PARASOLS . The IX OKDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY FALL STOCK WHICH IS ON THE WAY NOW I HAVE DECIDED UPON THIS OFFEK: 13 he Next 30 Days I mil allow yon 10 per Gent on 13 As this ia evidently sufficient to interest all who believe in saving something for a rainy day, I will merely add, remember this offer when yon go shopping. CJ HERMAN WISE, Tie Reliable Hatter anil Clothier, Occident Hotel Bnilng. THE ASTORIA SELECT SCIIOOL OK EnRlish and Modem Lancu.iRCS will n open Septembers. 1RS3 It Is ery Important that students who de sire an advanced course, should be present at the commencement of the term. Tuition payable in two weeks after pre sentation of bill. No deduction made for absence except in ease ofsickness. 1EMMA C. WARUEN. Principal. - Big Bargains in Men's Clothing ! Co to th.o Emporium. PHIL. A. STOKES & CO. (Next door to Foard & Stokes.) Kireyiliing a IVEan Wears Sold at Very Low Prices nnd warranted exactly ns represented. NO BETTElt CHANCE IN ASTOIUA TO GET CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS AT BOTTOM PRICES. FHIX. A. STOKES & GO. the remainder of our Summer Jackets About four dozen ladies fine and SUN UMBRELLAS Will be cleared out at cost. COOPER Leading House of Astoria. NEWS. OS OS cs-i a discount of AH Cash Sales. 3 E3 ro o& C31 VirpiaCipr ani Tolacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. Fine Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers Article, Sold at Lowest Market Rates. FRUITS. CANDIES NOTIONS.&c TOKES & CO. FOR - and Ulsters. Parasols! MUERAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers In Special Attention Clvento Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered in any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. 1. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. ASTORIA, OREGON. Farm Implements WE HAVE IN STOCK, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Sulky Hay Rakes, Tedders, Horse Hay Forks, Button's Mower Knife Grinders, Etc. Agents for the Osborne Mowers, Reapers, and Self Binders. Extras for all kinds of Farm Machinery furnished on short notice. WILSON & FISHER. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAY HANSEN, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonds g Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All Goods Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Watch and Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets. Fishing Twine. We bog to inform tho Fishor-i men of the Pacific Coast, that our Twines for Seines and Traps, can be relied on ae equal in Quality to any made. Our judgment is based on the testimony of Fishermen that use it, and not our own. Gloucester Net & Twine Co., Boston office, 91 Commercial s'tfoucester- Cannery vies! c . ."Li. j, " .rflj; aS. A&&2htmL&mJL&t -U,