C?J m JJaUy gtftoriau. ASTORIA. OREGON: rnuiSDAY AUGUST3l).lS88. It All PILOTAGE. The Oregonian in its editorial leaderyesterday takes positive ground regarding bar pilotage and towage. It thinks that bar pilot charges should be reduced one-half and that licensed river pilots should bo done away with. It abandons its former position that the towage and pilotage service should be kept separate, which it long urged, and is now of the opinion that the master of the tug that tows the vessel should and could act as pilot also. There will be a strong effort in the next legislature to bring these changes about, when the matter will be fully, and, lot us hope fairly, dis cussed. On this matter The Astorian has this to say: It is believed by many that there are too many bar pilots. One thing is, however, evident, viz.: that no tug company, not even the O. It. & N. Co., can afford to entirely dis pense with the services of a pilot on board of a vessel going in or out This is not a mere matter of economy. It is a que3tiou of insurance. The pilot in a measure represents the un derwriters. In case of disaster to the tug, the hawser breaking, or other un toward accident, the master of the tug has all he can do to attend to Lis own vessel. In that case what be comes of the vessel? True, the pres ence of a pilot on a ship's deck'does not insure immunity from disaster, bat if a pilot be there the responsi bility in case of loss is not on the owners of the tugs. Tho whole thing forms an interest ing question, and one that needs thor ough discussion. Whatever is done in the matter in the legislature or out of it should be done only upon ma ture deliberation, and with no other purpose than the general good and the mutual prosperity of tho river. The famous question that in ante bellum days so agitated political cir cles in Philadelphia, as to "who struck Billy Patterson," promises to be en tirely eclipsed during the present po litical campaign by the controversy that has sprung up between tho pres ident and tho senate over the identity and character of a certain Mary Ann Dougherty. A person bearing that name obtained a pension some years ago, upon proof that her husband had died of injuries received in the mili tary service. After she had enjoyed tho pension for awhile the husband had the bad taste to apply for a pen sion in his own behalf. Mrs. Dough erty's pension was thereupon cancelled and it appearing that the husband had not been injured in service, his application was denied. Mrs. Dough erty then applied to congress, stating that she had been blown up into the air and dreadfully injured while mak ing cartridges for the government, that her elder sou had been killed by machinery while working for the gov ernment in a navy yard, and that her younger son had been stolen away by an officer of the government. A pen sion bill was thereupon passed for her through both houses, but was vetoed by tho president on the ground that the only sure thing about Mrs Dougherty was that she was utterly unworthy of belief and had been nine times arrested by the "Washington police for quite a variety of breaches of tho law. Uiwin that veto party lines havo been drawn, and perspiring senators are spending part of the dog days in respectively assert ing and denying that she wa3 blown up, and had a son killed and a son stolen, and that sho was insane at the times she was "run in" by tho police. One hot point of debato is over the exact number of times sho has been arrested, and another whether a certain George Bancroft who certifies to tho character and credibility of the lady is the emi nent historian and statesman, or a pen sion attorney of the same name, like wise residing in Washington. Unless some new matter comes up shortly to displace this one, wo may look for any number of false Mary Anns at the dime museums and possibly on the stump. The comic feature in the Dougherty case is that the facts could all be settled in a day to anybody's satisfaction, if so many on both sides of politics were not concerned to keep them unsettled till near tho middle of next November. Within a radius of sixty miles of Nashville, Tenn., there is found a tree that is said to bo tho shittim wood of ark fame. Celebrated botanists from all over the country have examined the trees and agree that they grow no where else on tho globe. They have decided that it is the shittim wood ot which Noah's ark was constructed, mention of which is mado several times in the Bible. The tree is me dium sized, with very dark, smooth bark, and the wood is of a bright gold color. In early spring tho trees are laden with long, white blossoms, MtA'iiAuii .- J4--m...- . Kruxtei J&xtkSi in&tuc nbatdjiai'i closely resembling great ostrich plumes. There seems to be no doubt about the identity of the trees, aud it is remarkablo that they are found only in this small area and so few at that What is said to be the same species grows abundantly in Coos county, in this state. It is interesting to notice that while in tho United States people are con sidering the means of restricting im migration, in Mexico they are consid ering means of attracting it. A num ber of Mexican journals have lately devoted considerable attention to the matter. Among these is the Mexi can Financier, which declared in a recent issue that to fulfill her destiny and make the most of her resources Mexico must add to her working pop ulation by immigration and coloniza tion. The journal quoted does not look for immigration from the United States, where the inhabitants are well contented with their lot. It looks to Europe, and particularly to Germany, Italy and Spain, to supply the want. WHh proper effort it thinks the amount of Italian immigration into Mexico might be made to equal that which Brazil receives. There is said to bo more Ameri can silver than Canadian silver in circulation in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Eecently the Winnipeg bankers de cided to accept American dollars at only 93 cents, half dollars at 45 cents and quarters at 20 cents, but the peo ple refused to indorse the regulation and our coin passes there at par. During the securing of the right of way for the Ilwaco railroad, judge Briscoe, of Pacific county, was the re cipient of many uncomplimentary remarks, being charged with being an obstructionist, and asking money for what would manifestly benefit him. Have we anv Judce Briscoes in As toria? It is to bo hoped not l Their Business Booming. Probably no one thinghas caused such a general revival of trade at J no. C. Mo ment's Drug Store as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact mat it always cures anu never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases (juickiy cured. You can test it before buying bygetting a trial bottle free, large size SI. Every bottle warranted. NEW TO-DAY. Ross' Opera House, W M ! FRIDAY, SEPT. 31st. First American tournf the latest European noelty. RDM. ROSNKR'S Jlojal Hungarian Military Banfl anfl Specialty Co. Thisgi eat musical attraction as imported from 4Suil.i. l'estli. for the OriilicMim Theater, San Francisco, where tliev liae pl.ned S2 consecut ive u ecks. Tin- most successful en gagement on tlie Pacific Coast. 'Hie band appearing in their beautiful Hungarian Crown Officers' Uniform, coiuurhing Fifteen Solo Artists, headed by EIr. EOSNER. Organ and Harmonium Virtuoso. SIONOR CAltLC), The lightning Painter, who will paint a pic ture in oil, a) by W indie?, in full new ot the audience, in 15 minutes. In addition the uionarchs of the air, coi.r. and smitiiers. In trapezeaml high wire walking. , A. WERTHEIM, - Proprietor ami Manager. Entire change of programme nightlj'. popular prices, Resened seats open Thursday morning. August Colli, lUA.M.at tlie New York Novelty store. Notice. rjnllK SECOND ASSKSSMKNT OF TEN JL Dollars per share on the stock of the Clatsop County ltoad and Consti uction com pany is now due and paj able at mv otuce. All stockholders are requested to call at my otllce and settle at once and oblige. C.R. THOMSON. Sec'j. GEO. M'LKAX, SMI. FREEMAN. McLean & Freeman. BLACKSMITHS. Special Attention paid to all Ship and Steam boat ltepairing. HORSESHOEING. Logsing Camp Work a Specialty. All kinds of Biacksmithing done to order. Shop, corner Jefferson and Olney streets, Astoria, Oregon. Notice. NEtTIIEK TIIE DNDERSICNT.D MAS ter or agent of the Pritish bark ltmrn 7t win i rpsnnnsihlR for anv debts con tracted by tho crew of said vessel during her stay in inis port. C.P.UPSHUB. AgentCIUS. SIEDMANN. Master. Astoria. Aug. 27th, '8S. Tom U- VWatchmaker Jeweler. Wanted. 1 AflftKOCKMEN AND GRADERS. l,UWv Good w;irps guaranteed. In quire of CIIAS. METZiSElL agent for M5AKLE&DEANE. Albany. Or. Or HOBU & PARKER. Astoria. To Gray's Harbor. AND SHOALWATER BAY The Steamer GEN. MILES. V. P. WniTnisiB. Master, Will leave for dray's Harbor Every Tuesday and Friday. The Str. Dolphin. Will leae Astorli Every Thursday Morning 'lor Bay Center, South Bend, and North River, On Shoalwater Bay. For I reiglit or Passage apply ti J. II. I. QUAY Agent. Atorl. Oregon State Fair ! -THE 2li- Aimnat State Fair will be held in the Fair gi omuls near Salem, commencing on the 17TH OF SEPTEMBER, And continuing one week. Cash Premiums to tlie amount of $15,000 Will be awarded for Agricultural, mechanical and stock exhib its, works of art and fancy work and for tri als of speed. Tlie premiums offered have been increased In man v cases, and new classes hate been added.' No entry fee charged In divisions J, K. L. and Q. A magnificent fild of horses entered, and there will be splendid contests of limning and trotting eacli day, Tlie different transportation companies will make liberal reductions in lares and freights. -pecial attention is called to the premiums offered for con ty exhibits of grains, grasses and fruits. Entries will be received in tlie secretary's oluce in Salem, beginning six das before the faie, and on the fare grounds from Fri day before the fair. Persons desiring to ex hibit In divisions J. K. O. F. and Q, are re quested to make their entries on Friday and Saturday before tlie fair if possible. All en tries close on Monday, September 17th, at 7 :30 p. m. -PRICES OF ADMISSION : rvmnon ticket for men (six days), ei r.n Coupon ticket for women (six days).., imtt1? -SI UU D.iy ucKei lor iiicu. ..... Dav ticket for women- Tickets to grand stand at race track noa 25c lor males over 12 years....... s 1-adles to the grand stand free. Those desiring to purchase booths will ap nlv rn thi se:?rirarv. J37send to the .secretary at Salem for a premium usr, .1. T. GREGG. Secretary, WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER rpupiEx 1 lULbk MOTTO ACM20.1SS.' J.C.I rullinger Than any oth er axe niaae. Hundreds of woodmen tes-tlfvtoitssunc- i norlty. It pots ircrp anu never Sticl. CARNAHAX & CO., Ageots ABtont Price, Sl.r.O. JOB PRINTING. Neat, Quick And Cheap at The ASTORIAN JOB OFFICE THE STATE Agricultural College, COUVAI.US, PKECOX. Term Commences Wednesday, Si'iitriiibcr 13. 1SS. FACULTY : A full corps of ejpeiienced Frnfesssnrs and Teachers. tOUnSE OF STUDY : AiraiiRed expressly to meet the demands and needs of tjie farming interests the Mate. FltEFAKATOBY DEPAItTMENT. For students over 11 years nf ace who de sin to enter the College but are not pre pared to enter College classes by exam ination. MIMTAItY TUA1NINO : To the extent required by law. BUILDINGS: Large. Commodious, and well Ventilated. LOCATION : In a cultivated and Christian community, and one of the healthiest in the state. EXPERIMENTAL STATION : Circulars, containing matter full of Interest to farmers, villi be regularly Issued and copies mailed to each patron of the Col lege. EXPENSES : Reduced to lowest figures. Two or more free scholarships from every county. Consult your County Superintendent. We confidently appeal to the farmers and Orauees of Oregon to patronize the only school established by Oregon for the pro motion of her agricultural interests. For catalogue or oilier Information, ad uress, B. L. ARNOLD, President, Corvallls, Oregon. Notice C. R. F. P. Union. ALL FISHEP.MEN AKE BEQUEVTED TO keep away from Nehalem, Tillamook, Nestucca, and the Coqullle river. No settlement has been made with Can- ners. A, SUTTON, Sec'yC.K. F.P.Union, Astoria, August 25, 'Si. CHIEF OF POLICE BAIiE. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Police Judge of tho City of Astoria, in accordance with an order made by the Common Council of tho City of Astoria, by Ordinance No. 1047, entitled an Ordi nance ordering the Auditor to issue war rants for the collection of assessments ro nmininc unpaid on West-9th street be tween Water street and Berry street, ap proved July 25, 1888. Said warrant bear ing date the 25th day of July, 1888, com manding me to levy upon lot No. C, in block No. 118, in the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively to collect an assessment of two hundred and six dollars, which assessment was made for the improvement of "Vest-9th street between water street and Berry street by Ordinance No, 1045, entitled an Ordinance declaring the probable coat of improving West-9th street from the south side of Water street to the south aide of Berry street, approved June 29tb, 1838. I have this day levied upon lot No. 6 in block No. 118, in Shively's Astoria, and on Fridav. the 14th dav of September, at 111 rt'rt1rtl A Tir t .mil il. in fmnt ff the Court house door in. the City of As toria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will pro- Shively's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, coats and expenses of sale. Said sale to be for U. S. gold coin. Astoria, August 14, 188S. W. J. BARRY, ,1D' Chief of Police, UlllHKUK t'UMCE .IAIjK. NOTICE is hereby Given that by vir tue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Police .ludge of the City of Astoria, in accordance with an order made by the Common Conneil of the City of As toria, by Ordinance No. 1047. entitled an Ordinance ordering tlie auditor to issue variants for the collection of as sessments remamins unpaid on West !h street, between -Water street and uerry street, approved .iiuv jsiii. iknh, said warrant bearing date the 23th day of .Inly, 1RS8, commanding me to levy upon the south 7.T feet of lot No. 1, block No. in, in the City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively, to collect an assessment of forty-ono and twenty-five 25-100 dollars, which assessment was made for tlie improve ment of West Oth street, between Water street and Berry street, by Ordinance No. 1045, entitled an Ordinance declar ing tlie probable cost of improving West Hth street, from the South side of Water street, to the South side of Berry street, approved .lune 29th. 1888, I have this day levied upon the south 7:1 feet ot lot No. 1, in block No. 19, in Shively's Astoria, and on Friday, the 14th day of September, at 10 o clock a.m.. of said day in front of the court house door In the City of Astoria, Clat sop County' Oregon, will proceed to sell the South 7.1 feet of lot No. 1. in block No. 19. In Shively's Astoria, to the high est bidder tnereior, to pay sain assess ment, costs and expenses of sale. Saul sale to lie for IT. S. nold coin. . W. J. BARRY. Chief of Police. Astoria. August 14th, 1888. CHIKF OF POLICE SALE. XO't'IOE is hereby given that by vir tue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Police Judge of tho City of Astoria, in accordance with an order made by the Common Council of the City of As toria hy Ordinance 'So. 1047. entitled na Ordinance ordering the Auditor to issue warrants for tho collection of as sessments remaining unpaid on West !)th street, between Water street and Kerry street, approved July JBtli, 1888, said warrant bearing date theMtli day of J uly 1888. commanding me to levy up on lot No. 12. in block No fiG. in the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively, to collect an assessment of two hundred and eleven 25-100 dol lars, which assessment was made for tlie improvement of West Oth street be tween Water street and Berry street, by Ordinance 1045, entitled an ordinance declaring tho probable cost of improv ing West Oth street, from the South side of Water street to the South side of Herry street, approved June 20th, 1888, 1 have th3 (Jay (aviod upon lot No. 12, in block No. Cfi, in Slpvply's Astoria, and on Friday, the 14tli day nf Septem ber, at 10 o'clock A. si. of said day in front of the Court House door in the City of Astoiia, Clatsop County, Ore gon, will proceed to sell lot No. 12, in block No. fin, in Shively's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to p.iv said assessment, posts and oxponses ot sale. Said sale to he tor V. h. cold coin, tV. J. HARKV, , Chief of Police. Astoiia. August 14th. 1888. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that by vir tue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, in accordance with an order made by the Common Council of the City of As toria, by Ordinance No. 1047, entitled an Ordinance ordering the Auditor to is sue warrants for the collection of as sessments remaining unpaid on West Oth street, between Wafer street and. Berry street, approved .Inly 'J.itl), 1H38, said warrant hearing date the 25th day of July, 1883, commanding mo to levy upon the N orth V, of lot No. 1, in block No. llii, in the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively, to collect an assessment of thirty dollars, which assessment was made for the im provement of West Oth street, between Water street and Berry strett, by Or dinance 1045, entitled an Ordinance de rlaringtheprobablocoit ot improving West Oth street, from tho South side of Water street to the South side of Berry stioct. approved June 29th. 188S, 1 have this day levied upoii the North of lot No. 1, in block No.llfi, In Shively's AsU.ria, and on Friday, the Hth day of Septenilier, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day in front of the Court House door in the City of Astoria, Clatsop County, gon. will proceed to sell the North & of lot No. 1, in block No.llC, in Shive ly's, Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, costs anil expepses pf sale. fiai( sale to he for U.S. gold coin." W,.i.BAKItY. Chief of Police. Astoria, August :4th. 1883. Seines, Pounds, Traps, -AND FISH NETTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, MADE TO ORDER OF BEST QUALITY. Woodberry Seine Twines AT LOWEST PRICES OF NETTING COMBINATION. Barbour's Salmon Net Threads. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 Het St., Sole Agents for -v1m!5Aj. - v. BABY BUGGIES, VELOCIPEDES, WAGONS, TOYS, STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, PICTURES, CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, FIELD AND OPERA GLSSES, CUTLERY, BIRD CAGES, BASKETS, BASE BALL GOODS, DRAWING INSTRUMENTS, ARTIST MATERIAL, Main CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued bv the Auditor and Police Judge of tho City of Astoria, in accordance with an order mado by the Common Council of tho City of Astoria, by Ordinance No. 1047, entitled an Ordi nance ordering the Auditor to issue war rants for the collection of assessments remaining unpaid on West-flth street, be tween Water street and Berry street, ap proved Jnly 25, 1888. Said warrant bear ing date the 25th day of July, 1888, com manding me to lew urxm lot No. 7 in block No. 17, in the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded bv J.il. snivel v, to collect nn assessment of eighty-nine dollars, which assessment was made for the improvement of Wcst-Oth street be tween Water street and Berry street by uruinnnoe xxo. iih!, eniuieu nn urui nance declaring the probable cost of im proving West-9th street from tho south side of Water street to the south side of Berry street, approved June 29th 1F88, I have this dav levied noon lot No. 7 in block No. 17, in Shively's Astoria, and on Fridav. the 14th dav of September, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day in front of the Uourt house door in tho City of Astoria, Clatsop countv. Oreeon. will proceed to sell lot No. 7 in block No. 17, in Shively's Astoria, to tno highest bidder tnereior, to pay said assessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said sale to be for V. 8. gold coin. Astoria, August 14, 1888. W.J.BARRY. Chief of Police CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Police Judce of the City of Astoria, in accordance with an order made by the uommon uounou ot the Uity of Astoria, by Ordinance No. 1047. entitled an Ordi nance ordering the Auditor to issue war rants for the collection of assessments remaining unpaid on West-'Jth street, be tween water street ana uerry street, ap proved July 25, 1888. Said warrant bear ing date the 25th day of July, 1888, com manding me to lew upon lot JNo. 7 in block No. 115, in tho City of Astoria as laid out anu recorueu by j.m. smveiy, to collect an assessment of one hundred dollars, which assessment was made for the improvement of West-9th street be tween Water street and Berry street bv Ordinance No. 1045, entitled an ordinance declaring the probable cost of improving West-9th street from the south side of Water street to tho south side of Berry street, approved Junerjth. issa, i, nave this dav levied upon lot No. 7 in block No. IIS, in Shively'a Astoria, and on Fri day, tho J4th uay ot September, at 1U o'clock A. M. of said dav in front of the Court house door in the City of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will proceed to sell lot No. 7 in block No. 115 in Shively's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, costs and expenses of Bale. Said sale to be for U. S. cold coin. Astoria, Angust 14, 1888. W. J. BARRY, Chief of Police. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtne of n warrant issued by the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, in accordance with an order mado by the Common Council of the City of Astoria, by Ordinance No. 1047, entitled an Ordi nance ordering the Auditor to issue war rants f.qrtbo collection of assessments remaining unpaid on West-9th street, be tween Water street and Berry street, ap proved July 25, 1888. Said warrant bear ing date the 25th day of July, 1883, com manding me to levy upon lot No. C in block No. 115, in the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively to collect an assessment of eighty-seven and riU-lUO dollars, which assessment was mado for the improvement of West-Oth street between Water street and Berry street by Ordinance No, 1045, entitled an Ordinance declaring the probable cost of improving West-9th street from thq south nmo ul n uiec biruob iu iuu huivu milt ui Berry street. apprQYPd June 29th, 1888, I have this day levied npon lot No. G in block No. 115, in Shively's Astoria, and on Friday, tho 14th day of September, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day in front of the Court house door in tho City of As toria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will pro ceed to sell lot No. C in block No. 115,' in Shivelv's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said snle to he for 1. fc(. gold coin, Astoria, August 14, 1888. W. J. BARRY, Chief of Police. the Pacific Coast, THE NE Our Entire Stock ! FROM NOW ON Uniil September let, When we are going to New York TO PURCHASE THE Biggest Stock of Goods Ever brought to this market. W YORK NOV St., Opposite Farlzer WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries. Provisions and Mil! Feed, Crockery, Glass g Plated Ware. o Tho Largost and iiuest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. Received fresh overv Steamer. TY ROOK STfM11 THE LEADING STATIONER GHIFFI2T FIRE BRICK. Hay, Oals, anfl. Straw, Lime, Wood DeliTered to Or.ler. IEU apply to tbe Captain, or to Strike KIT -ISUV YOlllt- Groceries Jj Provisions OK Foard & Stokes Their largely Increaslns trado enables them to sell at tlie very Ion est margin or prollt Willie giviiiK jouimods that are of flrst class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. TILLAMOOK, Shoalwater Bay and Gray's Harbor The P. & C. S. S. Co.'s Steamer "ALLIANCE," Will sail from POKTLAXD for SHOAL WATER HAY and GKAV'S HAKBUR Fare to TillamooU and Gray's Harbor. Sa Shoalwater Kay. $3. From Astoria 51 less. Freight, merchandise $.". Flour and mill feed excluding bran, Sf. Freight to Shoal water Bay SL If sudlcient freiclit oners a trip to Yaqulna and. Coos Bay will be made early In August. F. R. STRONG. President. C. P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. TS J Laird' Schober & SU." FINE SHOES. ff S?VJL A Ktll.L LINE, &&f '$&Jii Satisfaction Guaranteed. EMPIRE STORE. UKAl Kit IN SI llilSiB a MANDOLINS. VIOLINS, ZITHERS, BANJOS, GUITARS, FLUTES, FIFI25, PICCOLOS, FLAGEOLETS, ACCORDIONS, SNARE DRUMS. HARMONICAS. Full line best quality ITALIAN STRINGS Big cut in Beading Matter. House. & HEED. itw?TP-""-- ting) Mitchell's FIRE CLAY Elicit, Cement, Sand an J Plaster ELTY STORE, S UNO BOOK SELLERS. llrajlnir, Teinilni? ami t'spres Itnilnes. STEADIER fben P. Pnrher,Master. KurTUWIMI, KirKICItr orlJHAh II. It. 1'AHKKK. BFIJI F. f.USKEK. OAKI. A. HANSOX. Parker & Hanson SOCCESSOIW TO C. L. PARKER, DEALEKS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS WEEK, I, 'QCIfl u Tlie Old Stand - Astoria Orffion. The Str. Telephone Fast Time Between Portland and Astoria. l.ea Ins Atnn.i Monday, c a. m, Tuesday .2 -.30 r. m. Wednesday... 7 p.m. " Friday 7 im. " Saturday. . 2 0 r. m. Close connections at Kalama to the Sound; at Astoria with the Gen. IHlcs for Ilwaco. Oystervllle and Grays Harbor; at Portland with t lie 0.&C.R.R.. and west side trains. P. & W. V. R. R r Vancouver and Oregon City boats, and Eastern bound trains. if Hi llnnrlt UIuuiJ