(H) ASTORIA. OREGON: TUESDAY AUGUST 14.1SSS. To Gray's Harbor. The Steamer GEN. MILES. W. P. 'Whitcojib, Master, Will leave for Gray's Harbor Every Tuesday. For Freight or Passage apply to J. II. 0. GEAY Agent I. S. N. Co. TILLAMOOK, Shoalwatcr Bay and Gray's Harbor The P. & C. S. S. Co.'s Steamer "ALLIANCE," Will sail from PORTLAND for SHOAL WATEK BAY aud G KAY'S HAKBOP. Fare to Tillamook and Graj's Harbor. SC Shoalwater Bay. $5. From Astoria $1 less. Freight, merchandise S3. Flour and mill feed excluding bran. SI. Freight to Shoal water Bay $1. If sufficient freight offers a trip to Yaquina and Coos Bay will be made early in August. F. R. STRONG. President. C. P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. Watchmaker Jeweler, John C. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists Sundries. Prescriptions t'lirctully Compounded. Agent for Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, s.t Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Stockholders Meeting. mHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE A stockholders of the O. F. L. &U. asso ciation will be held on Thursday, August 23d, at two p. st , at Odd Fellows Hall, for tne purpose oi electing set en directors and transacting such other business as may come before the meeting. G. HEED. President. A. .1. MEGLER. Secretary. Astoria. July SOtll. 1888. Virginia Cigar anfl Totacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. fine Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers Articles, Sold at Lowest Market Rates. FRUITS. CANDIES NOTIONS.&c FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING, At No. 15, above Foard & Stokes' Store, Water Street. Mrs. Ahlberg is an Experienced Dressmaker Swedish and Finland languages spoken. ETTY AHLBERG-' -THE DIAMOND PALACE! OUSTAY HANSEN, Trop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonfls s Jewelry At Extremely Low Trices. All floods Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Wntch ana Cloch Repairing - A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squcmoqua Streets. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO T. "W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE; Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTCRIA OREGON BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE- SICN OF THEJOLDEN SHOE. Fine Pigs For Sale. I HAVE SO ME FINE BERKSHIRE MALE Pigs for sale. Any one desirous of Irnprot -Ing his breed of hogs lias here a good oppor tunity. Apply to D. r.TrnllJnger, at J. Ci Trullfiiger's Mill. MUSTANG LINIMENT ilESICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT, for Mas and &ZUZ. Greatest Curative eilacQverycTcr mate. VcTX X4K Concomly Street Assessment Notice NOTICE is lierebv ciren that the as sessment made by ordinance No. 10M! of the city of Astoria, Clatsop comity, Ore son, and which ordinance passed tlic Common Council on the 24th day of July, 1888, and was approved on the 2Sth day of July, 1888, for the improvement of Concomly street in the city of As toria, Clatsop county, Oregon, from Mam sirecr to tne west enu oi tjoiicom Iv street, in the manner provided by or dinance No. 1043 of the city of Astoria, and which ordinance passed the Com mon uouneii on the "JStiiaayoi .inne, 1888 and was approved on the 20th day of June 1888, on each of the follow ins described lots and portions of lots front- ins on salu portion ot satu street, is now parable at the oilice of the Uityireas- urer in u. s. gold com ana unless paiu within fh e davs of the final publication of this notice, to-wit, on o before Tues day, AtiRiist 21st, 18S8, the Common Council will order warrants issue 1 for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follews: , J. Hume, lot No. 8, block No. 1 : cost ot rjlankintr. $10: cost of sidewalk. 25: total cost, 33. J. Hume, lot No. 7, block No. 1; cost of plankinj.'.SlOj'costor sidewalk, 525; total cost $.53. F. Sherman, lot No. 0, block Xo.l; cost of planking, S10; cost of siduw alk, S23; total cost, $33. i' . Miernian, lot .o. s. uiock .o. i; cost of plankinp, S10; cost of .sidewalk, S25; total cost, S3."j. D. Graham, lot No. 8, block No. 2 ; cost ofplankhiE.SlO; cost of sidewalk, $23; total cost, 33. D. Graham, lot No. 7. block No. 2 ; cost of plankinE,$10; cost'of sidewalk, ?23; total cost, S35. Catharine Goodman, lot No. (, block No. 2; cost of planking, $10; cost of sidewalk, 25; total cost, $:. I'. J. Goodman, lot No. o, block No. 2 ; cost of planking, S10; cost of sidewalk, 23; total cost, S33. WVW". Parker, lot No. 8, block No. 3; cost of plankinp, 3; cost of sidewalk, 23; total cost, 30. Mary A. Dillon, lot No. 7, block No.3; costot plankins, 5; cost ot sidewalk 23; total cost 30. J.S.Kupec, lot No. ft block No. .".; cost of plankinp. 5; cost of sidewalk. $25; total cost, 30. Astoria Iron Works, lot Ao.fi, block No. 3 ; cost of plankinp, 20 ;total cost,20 Jake Kamin, lot No. 8, olockNo.4; cost of plankinp, 30; cost of .sidewalk, 25; total cost, 55. M. J. Kinney, lot No. 7. block No. 1; cost of plankinp. 30; cost of sidewalk, 25; total cost, 55. l.L. Turner, lot No. C, block No. 4; cost of plankinp. 30; cost of sidewalk, 25; total cost, 35. 11. L. Turner, lot No. 5, block No. t; cost of plankinp, 30; cost of sidewalk, 25; total cost, 55. Est. It. Hobson, lot No. 8, block No. 5: cost of plankinp, 8; total cost, 8. Est. It. Jlobson, lot No. 7, block No. 5; cost of plankinp, 8 ; total cost, S8. Est. it. Jlobson. lot No. li. block No. 5; cost of plankinp, S8; cost ot sidewalk, 25 ; total cost, $.. F. J. Taylor, lot No. 5, block No. 5; cost of plankinp, $10; total cost, $10. AT. Nowlen, lot No.S, block No. C; cost of plankinp, 10; total cost, 10. M. Nowlen, lot No. 7, block No. fi; cost of plankinp, 10; total cosl. 10. .fas. Taylor, lot No. ;, block No.G; cost of planking, 10; total cost, 10. A. Gilbert, b "f 1' No. 5, block No. C; costof planking. 10; total cost. S10. .las. Taylor, lot No. h, block No. 7; costof pianking, $70; coM, or sidewalk, 23; total cost,'i". J 1. 15. Parker, lot No. 7, block No. 7; costof plankinp, 10; total cost, 10. E. C. Crow, lot No. li, block No. 7; cost of plankinp, 10: total cost. $10. E. C. Crow, lot No. li, block No. 7; cost of planking, 10; total cost, $10. W. II. Gray, lot No. K, block No.S; costof plankinp, 70; cost of sidewalk, $25; total cost, 03. W. JI. Gray, lot No. 7, block No. 8; costof plankinp. 70; cost of sidewalk, 25; total cost, S'.C. M. and M. Jiogers, lot No. 0, block 'o. 8; cost of plankinp, $70; cost of side walk. 23; total cost. $05. C.L. Parker, lot No. 5, block No.S; costof plankinp, 70; cost of sidewalk, 125; total cost, 05. Mrs. P. Uoelling, lot No. 4, block No. 0 ; cost of plankinp, 70; cost of sidewalk, 25; total cost, 05. Mrs. P. lioellinp, lot No. 3, block No. 0 ; costof plankinp, 70: cost of sidew.illc, 25; total cost, 05. Mrs.P.Boellinp. lot No.2, block Xo.fi; costof plankinp, 70; cost of sidewalk, $23; total cost, 05. Mrs. II. O. Forth, lot No. 1,. block No. 9; costof plankinp, 70; cost of side w alk. 23; total cost. 95. C. llaltes, lot No. 4, block No. 10; cost of plankinp, 70; cost of sidewalk, 25; total cost 05. George' Hill, lot No. 3, block No. 10; costof plankinp, 70; cost of sidewalk, 25; total cost, 05. Ben Young, lot No. 2, block No. 10; cost of plankinp, 70; cost of sidewalk, 25; total cost, 95. J. T. Gray, lot No. 1, blockNo. 10; cost of plankinp. 70; costof sidewalk, $25; total cost, ?'.:.. J. O. Jlanthorn. lot No. 4. block No. 11; cost of planking, 10; total cost, 10. 3Irs. II. O. Forth, lot No. 3, block No. 11; cost of planking, 10; total cost 10. A. Gilbert, lot No.2,block No. 11 ; cost of planking, $10; total cost, S10. M. Wise, lot No. 1. block No. 11; cost of plankinp, 10; total cost, 10. J. Q. A. Bowlbr, lot No. 4, block No. 12; costof planking, 10; total cost. $10. Mrs. C. Wciman, lot No. 3, block No. 12: costof plankinp, 10; total cost. 10. E. A. Taylor, lot No. 2, block, Xo. 12; cost of planking, 10; total cost, 10. E. A. Taylor, lot No. 1, block No. 12; cost of planking, 10; total cost, S10. T. A. Hyland, lot No. 4, block No. 13; cost of plankinp, 30; total cost, 30. W.Ii.Jtobb, Tot No. 3, block No. 13; costjof plankinp, 30; total cost, $30. J. Coffey, lot No. 2, block No. 13; cost of plankinp, $30; total cost. $30. G. Itced, lot No. 1, block No. 13; cost of plankinp, 30; total cost, 30. Mrs. W.W. Parker, lotNo. 4. blockNo. 14; cost of planking, 5; total cost, 5. Sirs. W. W. Parker, lot No. 3, blocfcNo. 14: costof planking, $5; total cost, $5. Mrs. W. W. Parker, lot No. 2, Block No. 14: costof planking, 5; total coat, $5. Mrs. W. W. Parker, lot No. 1, block No. 14 : cost of plankinp, 5; total cost. $5. Est C. J. Trenchard, lot No. 4, block No.15 ;cost of plankinp,10 ;total cosr,$10 Est. C. J. Trenchard, lot No. 3, block No. 15 ;cost of plankingrSlO ;total cost,$l0 Est, C. J. Trenchard. lot .No. 2, block No. 15 ;cost of plankinglO ;total cost10 Est. C. J. Trenchard, lot No. 1, block No. 1J5 ;cost of plankingio ;total cosf ,$10 Win. Edgar, lot No. 4, block No. lii: costof planklng,10; total cost, 10. C. S.Wright, lot N'o.3, block No. Ml; costot planking. 10; total cost, 10. C. E. Bain, lotNo.2,blocfc No, 1C; cost of plankinp, $10; total cost, 10. G. Karwonen, lot No. 1, block No. in; cost of planking, S10 ; total cost, $10. By order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S.Jkwt.tt, Auditor and Pr.lipp Judge. Astoria, Orepon, Aug. 2,1888. MUSTANG LINIMENT MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT cures all ail ments of Houses, Hums and Cattle. Bab In i North Pacific BREWERY, JOHNKOPP. - - - Proprietor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any In the Market, AT AS KKASOXA15LE A PRICE. The North Pacific Brewery Beer 13 Pure and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and is Furn ished in Quantities to Suit. Lesve orders With A, W. TJtzmger ne to Bergman & Co.'s, or Fred Cooke, next tn Foard & Stokes. " U.illy Delivery In Any Fart of the City. THE COSMOPOLITAN. Utzinger and Grosbauer, Props. Fine Billiard Tables: Best of Wines and Liquers: Choice Cigars. . A First Class Place of Social Resort, liun in a First Class Manner. AUG. DANIELSON. SWLE ROOMS, Corner ot Water and West Ninth Streets. Choice Llguors anil Cigars ! Every Attention to the Comfort of Patrons. Agent for the Thlngvalla Steamship Line Direct. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Goto THE OEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - PKOl'P.IETOIt Old Corner Saloon, Phil. F. Bowor, Prop'r. Fine Wines, Liquors ; Cigars, till Chenanios Street, - Astoria, Ogn. GERMANIA BEER HALL Tlie Celebrated WEINHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Glass. WM. BOCK, Proprietor. LOEB & CO. Wines, Liprs and Cigars. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS. THE TRADE Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly anil Accurately. Agents for First Class Foielgn and Domestic Brands. Main street Opposite Parker House, ASTORIA. - - - - OUEdON. The Astor House Saloon. CEO. M. ROWE, Everything Everybody Else Says, and More Too. The best is none too good for friends and patrons. Will Try to Please. Tho Astor House (Saloon. Cedar Street Improvement Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Astoria, Clatsop county, Of cgon, propose to order the improvement of that portion of Ce dar street in tho City of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon,as laid out and recorded bv J.M. Shively, from the east side of West-Sixth street to the east side of Salmon street, by replanking said por tion of said street to a width of sixteen feet through the center thereof with new and sound fir plank four inches in thickness; said improvement to be made to the established grade of said street, and unless a remonstrance, signed by the owners of two-thirds of the nrortortv fronting on said portion of said street uij nieu wiiii tne Aiiuiior ana 1'Olice Judge within ten days of the final Dup lication of this notice, to-witi on or be fore Monday, August 27, 1888, the Com mon Council will order said improve- liituu iu uu maue. By order of the Common Council. Attest: T. S. Jr.WKTT, Auditor and Police Judge, Astoria, Oregon, August 2, 1888. MURRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers In Special Attention Clvento Filling ur uraers. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part ot the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 113. Telephone No. ST. ASTORIA, OREGON. I 1110 DiBEBUonMalnPhlladelphla Hid KJIrCnJNeTspsper Adver i5fg J "' r'fuaingAgcncy of MesaM. W. AVER A SON, our authorized agents. MUSTANG LINIMENT SIEXIOIN 1IUSTAKO LINIMENT cores Paxs, Om Sours, Caked BntiSTi-all Isrunouitoit. Cannery Supplies HEADACHE " I was for many years a perfect martyr to Headache and Dyspepsia, and some times thought it would kill me. After trying many remedies, and finding them of no account, I concluded to fry Simmons Liver Regu lator, and I am now and have been .for fifteen years a stranger to a headache. I can recommend the Regu lator,' for it 'is noTiumbug." B. I. Dodd, Putnam Co., Ga " Ihave suffered "for five years -with 'the Sick Headache, and find it is the only thing that will give me relief."-: W. J. Alston, Ar- kadelphia. Ark "I use Simmons " Liver Regulator when troubled with Head ache. It produces a favor able result without hinder ing my pursuits in business. I regard it as a ready pre scription for Disordered Liver." W. W. Wither. .)e3 Moines, Iowa. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Phlladelpha, Pa Price 81.00. Great English Remedy. TraJa M.rk. Murray's Specific. A guaranteed aire for all nen oils diseases, such 'as wealc Memory. Loss of Brain Power, Hysteria, Headache, Before Taking. ProstrationWafeef uiness.Leu- ii n in tna MQir . Karvnn, corrhoea. Universal Lassitude, Seminal Weakness, Iinpotency and General loss of power onne uenerauve ur- itmi. pans, in eunersex. causea oy indescretlon orover exertion, and which ultimately lead to Premature Old Age. Insanity and Consumption. S1.00 per box or six boxes for SS.0O. Sent by mail on receipt of pi Ice. Full particulars In pamphlet, sent free to every applicant AfterTiklng, We (Juarautee Six Boxes To cure any case. For every $5.00 order re- ceivea. we sena six Doxes witn written guar antee to refund the money If our Specific does not effect a cure. Address all communications to the Sole maniuacturers. THE HURKAY MEDICINE CO. Kansas CAtv. Mo. Sold In Astoria by J. W. Conn, sole agent. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. EUCENE CITY. Net session begins on Monday, the 17th of September, lSSs. Free scholarships from every county In the state, Apply to your County Superin tendent. Four Courses : Classical, Selentillc, Liter ary, and a short English Course In which there Is no Latin, ureek, French or German. The English Is pre-eminently a Business Course. For catalogues orother information, aiiuress j. w..iurittMJ., rresiaenr. Assessment Notice. A N ASSESSMENT OF S3 PER SHARE ax nas ueen ie leu upon me capital stock of the ClatsoD Co Koad and Construction Co. and all stockholders are hereby re quested to call at the secretary's olllce and pay their assessments at once and oblige, Sec. Caution. WTE CAUTION ALLPERSONS AGAINST i T buying a check No. 515 ot F. M. war ren's.of Catlilamet, amount $375 : made in fatorofJohnl.indqulst. LT pontile bacXJohn LlndquLst has made his mat k, F. It. Stokes witness. Payment has been stopped. FOAHD&SfOKES. Van Dusen & Co. DEALERS IN Hardware anil Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Jiaciunes, l'alnts, Oils, G-rooerlQs, lESto J. C. CLINTON DEALER IN CICARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS. NUTS, Candles. Smokers' Artlolea, Etc New Goods Becelved Dally, Opposite City Book Store. H. EKSTR0M, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Special Attention Paid to REP1IRINC. A Fine Line of Jewelry, Clocks and watches on Hand. All Work Guaranteed . Water St., East ot Aug. Danielson's. Astoria Soda Works, HANSEN AXO.Prop's, DEALERS IN BlOOd OraTlfftt Crua TamAn'Oid. PtnA An. pie Soda, Cream So'da, SarsaparlUa, Ginger Ale. Crab Apple Champagne Cider. Standard t:ur i,-ura. iron rnosphates seltzer w aier. Natural Mineral Water, Syrups, etc. All orders from the City and Country promptly niled. HUSTINC LINIMENT MEXICAN MUSTANO LDmiENT,ued vtgor- I xistrUdesthtoSwlimer,WIndGall3,SorcI-acfcS. Prom Truckman To Millionaire. Thirty-years arro a freckle laced, stout English lad, broganed and roughly dressed, applied for work in a wholesale shipping and chand ler house on South, street. He was given a place pushing a hand truck, and he did his work satis factorily. He found a better sit uation presently and drifted away. The other. day a tosy cheeked man stepped along among the trucks and the crowd of South street to find the place where he once worked as a roustabout and labor er. He could have well afforded to have sought the old store in a carriage, but he did not, 1 hough he is a millionaire now more than three times over, and lives when at home, in one of tin grandest houses in Cleveland,' Ohio. His name is Samuel Andrews. When he left New York he went west and made some, money in the then comparatively unknown trade of tar roofing. He saved what he had made, and when the Standard Oil company was formed he got in on the ground floor. The way to millions was then opened to him. New York Graphic. On Salmon bav. iust north of Seattle, is being established one of tne largest commercial enterpnses on Puret sound. The lamest cre osote and wood preserving works iu iuc uiiueu oiaiL's is :u course of erection, and as mnr.h as SI 25.- 000 will be laid .out in 90 days, over S100.000 worth of machinerv teing now made to order back east. The companv's capital is $1,000,000. The co'llapse in the Eastern and Lake Shore's trestle work along Elliott bay last spring, wnen tne engine was submerged, showed how quickly the dreaded toredo destrovs nilino-. nnd so far j i r the only preventative that has given general satislaction is Creo soting, which is strongly endorsed by engineering authorities. The capacity of the works will be 100 piles in 24 hours, Hard pressed "If anybody was ever more pressed for time than I am I'd like to see him." "There's such a fellow on exhibition at the museum." "Who is he?" "An Egyptian mummy." Life. If you see your hired hand using a tool awkwardly, it will pay you to kindly show him the better way. Most men are anxious to do their work in the best way if they only knew how. A writer says that the best cure for mange in dogs is gunpowder mixed with vinegar. Gunpowder mixed with shot is just as effective and works quicker. Buclilrii'.s Arnica Snlvo. Tiik Best Salve in the world fot Cuts, Uruises.Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheinii, Feer Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Krup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to Rive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale liy.l. C. Dement. Land For Sale. A f OR SO ACRES OF LAND ADJOINING rtyJ Seaside I'ostofllce. Twenty acres good bottom land. Pasture for 'JO head of cows. For particulars write or call on. N. A. EI5ERMAN. Sea Side Clatsop Co., Or. S.ARNDT&JFERCBEN ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH a a r uj VXD tteKHSVjf urKHH- Boiler Shop JSJRV All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. Aspeclalty made of repairing CAJ5JNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STKEET. WANTED. 200 Men for Railroad Work. Wages, S2 per Day. For full particulars, transportation, etc., call at B. S. WORSLEY'S Auction House, from S a. m. to c r. si. Allen & Krosel. Handsome Wall Paper, AUTISTIC DECORATION. Painting, Papering. Graining, Etc 'Done in Satisfactory Style and at Satisfactory Prices. Corner Jefferson and Cass Sts., Astoria, Or. Tide Land For Sale.. 1 fTO ACRES OK FINE TU)E LAND, X. A about two miles west of Knappa. House. Orchard, etc. Good bargain. For particulars write to Box 5, Astoria. MUSTANG LINIMENT Hexxcuc McsTAXa LcmnST conquers Spaves, Sc8ATCB3asd&nuBalnHoESE3&zulHBLr&. ft r COMPOUND THE CELEBRATED NERVE TONIC. A WnnH tn thf Nonunna h noru w Tne nervous A healthy boy has as many as you, but he doesn't know it That is the difference between "sick" and "well." Why don't you cure yourself? Celery Compound will do it. Pay life once more. Thousands have. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors. Burlington. Vt llwaco Steam navigation Co FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco. Couuectlng by stages and steamboats for Oystervillc, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER &BL "GEN. CANBY," Tuos. Parker. Master. Will leave Astoria dally (Sundays excepted) for Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco, at 8 A. M.. except aa below. With Oysterrllle Malls and Express daily, and Through Mail's to points beyond, and Montesano, W.T., on . Mondays, 'Wednesdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays and Saturdays the Oen. Canby will make two round trips, leaylffir Astoria first time at a a.m. and on second trip (about 2 r. m.) 3 hours at ler ar rival tiom first trip. Tickets to llwaco.... . (at the olllce) 50 rents Round Trip SI OO Passengers will save 25 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. llwaco Freight per Ton, $2.00 HyFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the office of Uie company, (lra"S wharf, foot of Benton street. J. II. D. QUAY, Agent. DR. SPINNEY fc CO'S NORTHWESTERS .DISPENSARY, 183 First St., corner Yamhill, Portland. All Chronic, Nervous and Private Diseases of Men and. Women Successfully Treated. Such as Lost Manhood, Nervosa and Physical Debility, Exhausted. Vitality.Seminal Weak ness, Spermatorrhoea, Prostatorrhoea. Impo tency, Gonorrhcea.UIeet, Syphilis, Disease of the Kidneys. Liver, Lungs. Heart, and Stomach : Prematura Docllne. WEAKNESS IN WOMEN, and all Functional Derange ments that result from youthful follies or ox cess in later years. Toung Men Who may bo suffering from the effects of youthful follies or indiscretion will do well to avail themselves of this1, the greatest boon ever laid at tne altar oi sunering numanuy. DR. SPINNEY wilt Unaranteet to Forfeit S5UO for every case- of Seminal Weakness or private disease of any kind or character which he undertakes and f.ilH tn C" MIDDLE-AGED MEN There aro many at the age of ."M, to CO who are troubled with too frequent evacuations of tho bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation and a weaken ing of tho system in a manner the patient can not account for. On examining tho urinary deposits, a ropy sediment will often bo found, and sometimos small particles of albumen will appear, or tho color will bo of a thin, whitish hue, a rain changing to a dark, torpid appearance. There aro many men who clio of this difficulty, ignorant of tho cause, which is tne second stage ot seminal weakness, uu. SPINNEY will Guarantee a lVrlert Cnre in snch casesand a healthy restora tion ot tne gemto-urinary organs. floors, 10 to 5 nnJT to 9 : Sunday, S to 11 A M only. Consultation free : Examination, $J.0O. IE Ife HEALTH. Le RlcUau's Golden Balsam r.'o. 1 Cures Chancres, first and second Btancs; Sores on tho Less and Body; Sore Ears, Eyes, Nose, eta, Copper-colored Blotcho. Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and all primary forms of the disease known as iyphllis. Price, S3 OO per Bottle. Le Richau's Golden Balsam N'o.a Cures Tertiarv. JlercurialSyphllitic Rheu matism, Pains in the Bones, Pains in the Head, back of the Neck, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Sj philvtie ltash, Lumps and con tracted Cords, Stillness of the Limbs, ami eradicates all disease from the 8 stem, whether caused by indiscretion or abuse of Mercury, lcaiinfr the blood pure and healthy.. Price S5 OO per Bottle. Lc Hlchau'B Golden Spanish Anti dote tor the cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Irritation Cratcl, and all Urinary or Geni tal disarrangements. Prlco $3 50 per Bottle. Lo Ulchau'a Goldeu SjmnUU In jection, for severe cases ot Gonorrhoea, Inflammatory Gleet. Stricturcslc. Prlco SI no per Bottle. Le Richau's Golden Ointment lor the effective healing ot Syphilitic Sorcn, and eruptions. PrireSl OO per Box. Lo Richau's Golden Pills Nrno and Brain treatment; loss of physical pow er, excess or ocr.iorIc, rrostratiou, etc. Prlco S3 OO per Box. Tonic niid Nervine. fVnt everywhere, C. O. D., rccurely packed per express. C. F. RICHARDS: CO. , Amenta, 417 129 Sansomo street. Corner I'hr, a San Francisco. Cat. . CIUCl'LUt MAILED FItF.1- " LIFERENEWER DR. PIERCE'S New Galvanic CHAIN BELT witn iectrto bu sorv. Moat powerful. ' auraoie ana perieci d 1 (Jiutn iJAtterr in tne world. Cares Nervou De- BDeDsIaLJ?: Kidney Disease. Kheumatlsm. eatneas 'frre" of Sexual Oreana Gall or send ktampzor " iJampnieCo". Addresa Magnetic Elastic Tbus3 Co.. 704 Sacramento st. Ban Francisco. Cal.. or 304 N. 6th at.. BLLonKMo. MUSTANG LINIMENT .MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT rubbed in sarc3 many araroablo Eorso and Male's limbs. .Ji -if fy n is A e77wn mM DISEASE. ..DK- r ilsv-v Ml lP, 'JmL iTjffiffiiffiE!cflff . NS--jff Ffl nw in wm tin '. " .FAr eM -. V'UntR- w Caw You are Painfully aware that you have ners? Ten are fck- It is easy. Don't wait. Paine's your druggist a dollar, and enjoy Whv not vou? TRANSPORTATION LINE.S 0. R. & N. CO. TO PORTI.ABD, And Way Landings. The Steamers of the O. R. & N. Co. car- ii?t?U'eU-8-.mi"I-sIedve "le Company Dock Kvery in.y, Sundajs excepted, at o A. M ."ru,1.nlnhgg;i1tnedie1ayrr1onuenda.n't " ",y TO SAN FRANCISCO. The only line of Steamships to San Fran- nreUajs'18 'eaJe Compan"s Dock every Regular Line of Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage and Lightetage. STORAGE OF AM. KMJs. Inquire at Companv's Dock or at City Of- Additinnal Steamboat Service on the LOWER COLUMBIA The Fast and Elegant Steamers, R. R. Thompson and S. G. Reed. "Will run as Xle'lit ItoatH between AHtorln and Portland. leaving Astoria at 8 v. jr. : returning. I.ea e Portland at It ao l at.. KVKRY SIGHT. Connecting with All the Trains. M. U. IipZORTH, K. A. NOYEH. Ticket Airent. Agent. TO UI FHA1ISC0, CAL -BY WAV OF THF Southern Pacific Company's LINES. The Mt. Shasta Route. Ouicker In Tlmothan any Other Route Between Portland and San Francisco. LEAVE PORTLAND 4 P. M. Dally THROUGH TIME 39 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOIIKINT MI.KEl'ISU CARS For accomniodatloii or Spcond-class fasi fiijicrs, attached lo Rxpross Trains. KAICI! (mm Portland to Sacramento and S.inFianciseo, Illlllnutl-d .... Sci.l OO Firnt 'lnHH I.lmlti-d - - '40 UU Second 'liihM ' - 81.1 M IU KOKIII.Hi:, E. P.KOCEKS. Manager. Asst.tl. F. & Pass. Ak. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE! rn Pacific Railroad! TWO TRAINS A DAY! NO CHANGE OF CARS ! Shortest Line to Olricago&AH PointsEast via ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS. THE Northern Pacific E. R. Is the ON'IA Line Kunnmg Passenger Trains, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, Palace Dining Cars (meals 75c). Luxuriant Day Coaches, Kmlrrant Sleepers (tree o! charge;, FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST See that your tickets read its theXortheri Pacitlc II. R. and aioiil ckange of cars. Leave Portland at 1 A. M. and 3:15 P. M. dally; arrhre at Minneapolis, or fat. Paul at noon fourth day. PACIFIC DIVISION Train leaves Front and G street dally at 7 A.M. and it A. SI.; arrive at New Tacoma 1 :15 and t :15 P. M connecting rtth Company's lor all points o PiiKet Sound. CIIAS. a. FEE, Gen'l Western Pass. Agent, St. Paul. A.D.CHARLTON. Gen'l Western Pass. Agent, No. 2, Washington St., Portland Depot, -"orner First and U streets, Boat Building. JOE LEATHERS Ls at the old stand prepared to build all kinds ot boats used ou the Pacific Coast. Builder of steamers Electric. Favorite. Tonquln, and others. Model Making a specialty. Stock and Workmanship llrst.class. I prescribe and tnlljr etiQorse Big U as the, only specific for the cer tain cure ot this disease; G.H.IN0BAHAM,M.J. Amsterdam, N. Y. We have sVild Big O for many years, and It has n ven tne ua: oi satis faction. 1. U.UVCHE&CO.. Chicago, 111. SI. Sold by Druggists. SoM by J.W. Conn, Astoria, Oregon, MUSTANG LINIMENT MEXICAN MUSTANG 11NIMENT should al waya be kept In Horsx, Stable arul Factory. PrCoras tn B sWl to & daTSVW BQurutaed not I1 WEm eaataSlrifitart. v B9 urionitrUn ISIlinl H-t-lfll Be l Ctsfilniiatl,HBBB.ss TradSSBBBJlftrLV U . i TC'S5rr3L. --t