The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 05, 1888, Image 3

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    e? '
(The gutty gwsforiau.
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors.
Term orSubdcrlptlon.
Served by earner, per week 15 cts
tent by Mall, per inontli..... . cc cts
" " " one year ;.)
tree of postage to subscribers.
The astorian guarantees to its adver
tisers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
Finnish picnic to-day. Wonder
will it finish the rainy weather.
The ship Braemar and barkentine
John Wooiter went to sea yesterday.
A Seattle man advertises he will
write poetry or advertisements to
D.Dobbin3 has bought the little
steamer New York for rise at the
Shoalwater bay cannery.
Kev. .T. V. Milligan, the former pas
tor of the church, will preach in the
Presbyterian church this morning.
Holland & McMahon's equestrian
and gymnastic congress will be here
next Friday aud Saturday, giving two
performances each day.
Baseball match game at Alderbrook
at two o'clock this afternoon. Four
coaches connect with the street cars
for the baseball grounds.
The fourth annual tonrnnment of
the sportmen'a association of the
northwest will be held at Walla
Walla on August 13, 14 and 15.
At the residence of Mrs. Nancy
Welch last evening Burgess Wm.
Bice, and Melissa E. Church were
married, Rev. G. C- Hall officiating.
At the Congregational church
tins morning, subject, "The Hun
ger of the Human Heart." In the
evening, lectnre; subject, "Self Es
County clerk Trenchard yesterday
issued marriage licenses to Peter Jo r-
gensen and Christina Polsen; and to
Burgess Wm. Bice and Melissa M.
The Congressional Record, the
city and county tax lists and other
works of fiction make interesting
reading. They are amusing and in
structive. The Finnish Brotherhood will have
an excursion to Ilwaco on the T. J.
Potter to-day, leaving at 9 a. m.
There will be a ball at Liberty Hall
in tho evening.
Yaquina bay is so lonely that when
a Columbia river fishing boat puts in
there the fact is telegraphed abroad,
and the newspaper has a column
article about it
"Crossing the Red Sea" at 11 a. m.,
and "Bible Tempranco" relative to
the use of intoxicating drinks as a
beverage, at 730 r. si. at tho Metho
dist church to-day.
What grow as close as a bunch of
grapes, was brought in by Job Boss
yesterday as a cluster of plums from
a tree that is overloaded and break
ing down withsimilar fine fruit.
The self supporting Episcopal par
ishes in this state are Trinity church
and St. Stephen's chapel, Portland;
St. David's, East Portland; St Paul's;
Salem and Grace church of this city.
In the police court yesterday Mrs.
Ness, drunk and disorderly, $10 fined;
Ed. Ohler ditto, ditto; Suice Seal.
drunk, forfeited S2; Thos. Peterson,
wife beating, sent to jail for 20 days.
In the justice court yesterday, Jno.
Gilmore, charged with the larceny of
a watch aud chain from Jacob Ander
son, was bound over in tho sum of
$250 to await the action of the grand
The Qen. Canby will leave for
Ilwaco and the forts this morn
ing at seven o'clock, sharp, connect
ing with the Undine upon her arrival
from Portland. Go on tho early boat
and avoid the crowd.
Jas. Winstauley and wife left Liver
pool, England, July 19th, arrived at
Salem, Oregon, at 11 a. si., August
2nd, bought a farm at 2 p. it., and
started farming at 6 a. sr. the follow
ing morning. Time!!
The Oregonian reports catfish in
the Willamette. It is to be hoped
that they will get no farther down.
They are a dirty, voracious fish and
death on the young salmon and the
nobler breeds of the finny tribe.
McMahon's circus next Friday nnd
Saturday will supw ur AiaerDroon,
and thus save $300 license fees that
the city would charge tnem 11 tuey
showed inside tho city limits. The
Astoria street railway company will
run the Clara Parker and a barge
from the Main street wharf, every half
hour, from noon on the days of per
formance, also have five coaches to
connect with the cars for Alderbrook.
An exchange says: The best recipe
we can give for warm weather is as
follews: Bathe frequently, eat light,
vegetable diet, sleep during the cool
hours of night, discard pork and all
fatty meate, attend church and prayer
meeting, and pay the printers what
yon owe en subscriptions or adver
tising. By these means good health
will be assured, eternal salvation in
the next world, and a good obituary
notice in this.
We Astorians don't know what real
genuine trouble about postoffice mat-
ters is. Over at Seattle five days'
mail is piled up, there is only one
delivery clerk, people have to stand
and wait all day and then go away
unsorved. Up to tho 1st the citizens
paid three clerks, but when they quit
subscribing to the fund that paid
them, tho government discharged
them. But the surplus in the na
tional treasury is piling right up just
the same.
The following derivations of the
names of presidential candidates are
given in American Notes and Quer
ies: The name of Cleveland is a
corruption of Cliffland, so called from
its situation in a steep, rock locallity.
Thurmau is from Thor, the Saxon
god and man. Its figurative mean
ing is one having the strength and
wisdom of Thor. Harrison means
Henry's son, or Harry's son. It is
identical in meaning with Harris and
Herries. Morton is a local name,
from the parish of Morton, in Niths
dale, Dnmfrieshire, Scotland- Mor,
in the Gallic, signifies big, great, and
ton is from dun, a hill. Morton, the
big or great hill.
At a special meeting of the Seaside
Lodge No. 12 A. O. D. W., last even
ing, a committee of arrangements of
five members and a committee of re
ception of twenty members, were ap
pointed to receive and properly care
for Industry Jiodge No. 8 A. O. U. W.
on the occasion of their excursion to
this city on the T. J. Potter next
Saturday. Industry lodge is a large
and active lodge, and comes next in
numbers to Seaside Lodge No. 12 of
this city, which is the banner lodge
of this jurisdiction, having between
250 and 260 members. By the way,
the visitors next Saturday will prob
ably bring a fine banner with them
for the banner lodge. Grand Master
E..L. Smith, of Hood river, will ac
company the excursionists-
S. Eisfelder, manager of a weekly
paper called the Enterprise, entered
the private office- of ex-senator James
G. Fair in the Nevada bank building
in San Francisco last Friday after
noon, and told the senator he had
prepared an article reflecting greatly
upon the senator's private character,
and which he said he proposed to
publish in his paper unless given $5,
000 for its suppression. The senator
did not stop to consider the proposi
tion, bnt struck tho blackmailer a
powerful blow and knocked him down
in a corner. Eisfelder made an at
tempt to draw a revolver but the
senator resumed the attack and the
man made a hasty exit, passing
through a room in which there were
a number of clerks, who also forcibly
assisted him to the street.
The Columbia is due from San
Francisco this morning with the fol
lowing passengers: Mrs. G. Ingalls,
E. Baldwin and wife, Mrs. F. Wise,
A. C. Bacon, C. M. Bradshaw, A. S.
Woodcock, Mrs. Brown, G. H. Atkin
son, J. H. Bagley, J. H. Wood, Mrs.
Fenna, P. Rosenstein, W. B. Gonnd,
W. Q. Johnson, Mrs. C. H. Richards,
C. M. Wooll, J. H. McCormaek, W.
Johnson, T. Byan, G. W. Moore, J.
Kellogg, Hannah M. Pierce, Miss H.
S. Schute, Miss S. D. Schute, C. G.
Perrin and wife, Miss Monroe, Miss
Blanchard, J. J. Murry, J. Crimmis,
MissM. Crimmis, P. Glenn, C. W.
Smith, P. Guilford, D. B. Janes, T.
Jones, C. Jones, M. L. Bassett, C.
Hogel, R. Waugeman and wife, W.
8. Jones. J. W. Hall, S. Hall, C. E.
Brooks, F. S. Scharfer, Mrs. E. E.
Fordham and two sisters, Mrs. F.
Weihe, Mrs. E. B. Phelps, Mrs. G.
Wood. Mrs. Chainey, Miss Orford,
Miss Young, Col. M. Graham.
Gustav Hansen returned from Port
land yesterday.
Chas. Holton, advance agent Mc
Mahon's circus, is in the city,
Mr. John D. Wilcox, proprietor
Portland Newt, came down yesterday
E. C. Holden returned yesterday
from a lengthened visit to Spokane
Falls, tho climate of which place does
not agree with his constitution.
Miss Kate Shively, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shively, who has
been spending the vacation with her
parents, will leave for San Francisco
next Wednesday to resume her
studies at the Normal school from
which she will graduate.
The latest style of Gents' Boots anil
Shoes at P. .1. UoopmajT.
The best Oysters in any style, at
the Telephone Restaurant.
Coffee and cake, ten cents, nt the
Central Restaurant
When Yon Go to Portland
Frank Fabre, Occidental hotel restau
rant, will be glad to see his Astoiia
friends, A good dinner at a moderate
price and everything in season.
Pencil Brandy.
A fine lot of genuine peach brandy
received and for sale at Alex. OilbprK
Fine Dwelling Ilonse to Jlent.
fiood terms to suitable tenant Inquire
at this office.
A fine cup of coffee, at the Telephone
Telephone Lodging House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
wj ami & cis., per weeK $j,&u. new ana
clean. Private entrance.
Sunny Rooms.
With or witho ut board at the Ilolden
Bouse. Rooms fromSG a month upward.
Library, etc.
Ludlow's Ladies' 53.00 Fine Shoes;
also Flexible Hand turned French Kids,
at ". J. UOODSIAN'8.
Fish Sltid Oil.
And machine oil for sale.
J. 1L DeForce.
Astoria, Oregon.
Heals Cooned to Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
The finest and juiciest steak at the I
Telephone Restaurant. I
To Send in One's Own Handwriting.
(special to the astorian.)
Washington, Aug. 4. Prof. Elisha
Gray has obtained letters patont for
an instrument called the Telauto
graph, designed for transmitting
messages by wire by sender in his
own handwriting, doing away with
skilled operators. This invention is
based on the discovery of a new prin
ciple in controlling electric current,
whereby apulsatory current is pro
duced. All previous attempts to
transmit handwring have been based
on the use of a variable current.
Washington, Aug. 4. The follow
ing telegram was received at the war
department this morning from Gen.
Howard in reference to the firing at
the sub agency near San Carlos, Ari Ari
eona: "San Francisco, Aug. 4 The fol
lowing has just been received from
Gen. Miles at St. Themas: Every
thing is reported quiet at Porter's.
The firing was among the Indians and
they did not intend to disturb any
one at the sub agency.'1
New York, Aug. 4. A Richard
springs special says: Robt Garrett
ex'-president of the Baltimore and
Ohio railroad has suffered a relapse
to his old nervous trouble and has
gone to his residence near Baltimore.
It is believed that a long term of com
plete rest will be necessary to fully
restore him.
Cincinnati, Aug. 4. John. Robin
son, the veteran showman, died this
morning aged 80. He spent almost
his whole life in the management of
circuses. He has been succeeded by
his sons for a few years past who
have amassed large fortunes.
A Touching Obituary.
It is strange how eager people will
run after something, no matter how
utterly destitute of a scintilla of
merit. They will buy foreign pork
and lard in preference to the home
made article, no matter how worthless
the foreign. We have an illustration
at hand that fits the question. Only
about a year ago a consumptive sheet
was started in this city. It was a
worthless disreputable sheet from the
start, but it gained quite a foothold
for a time. Its conceited editor ro
sorted to every device to keep it afloat,
but it only survived long enough 'to
become a stench to its friends. It
feasted on the carrion of spite and
vituperation, and even got down to
blackmail. It was a disgrace to
journalism. Its columns were pros
tituted by malignant abuse. It never
spoke for the interests of the east
side. Letters signed by its editor
were sent broadcast begging support
lor the sinking concern. But its
grave is so low that not a bubble will
ever come to tho surface to mark the
place of its descent Yale, garbage.
East Portland Vindicator.
The "Kicker's Vigorous Policy.
We extract the following from the
last issue of the Arizona Kicker:
"Our Policy, Heretofore as our
readers know, the Kicker has almost
entirely abstained from publicly criti?
cisiug the evils which all know to ex
ist under our noses. Wo have be
come tired and disgusted with our
selves for this lack of spunk, and
next week we will open a red-hot
campaign on
"The mayor,
"The common council,
"The fire department,
"All secret societies,
"The saloons,
"The gambling dens,
"And on various other organizations
and institutions reeking with corrup
tion. "It will bo a spicy issue. It will
make more than a ton of human hair
stand on end. It will make a thous
and hoarts thump like piledrivors.
Chicanery, deceit, hypoorisy, theft,
robbery, arson and murder will be
properly tagged off and tags pinned
to the right coattails.
"Order your extra copies at an
early date. Advertisers should send
in their copy by Saturday. Don't
neglect this golden opportunity.
Another may never come.
Don't Experiment.
You cannot afford to waste time in
experimenting when your lungs are in
danger. Consumption always seemi, at
first, only a cold. Do not permit any
dealer to Impose upon yon with some
cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, but be sure you get the genuine.
Because he can make more profit lie may
tell you he has something just as good,
or just the same. Don't be deceived.
out. insist upon getting JJr. King's New
Discovery, which is guaranteed to give
relief in all Throat, Lung and Chest af?
fections. Trial bottles free at Jno. C
Dement's Drug Store, Large bottlesSl
Gnmbriuus Beer
And Free Lunch at tl)B Telephone Sa
loon, Scents.
Mrs. Winslow's SoOTniNo Syrup
should always be used for children
teething. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
chollc, and is tho best remedy for diar-rhopa.Twenty-five
cents a bottle.
Indies' Nurse
During confinement Mrs. Gr.o. Pk
dersen, Opposite Clatsop Mill, Asto
ria, Oregon.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Private Booms.
At the Telephone Restaurant for sup
pers, parties, etc. The best cooked to
CWlCLreE Cry fwPitclier's Casforia
A European Alliance.' Big Hoeds:
Constantinople, Aug. 4. Munrie
Pasha, special Turkish envoy to Ber
lin, has presented the sultan's con
gratulations to emperor William on
his succession to tho throne. He
took the emperor an autograph letter
and a gold casket set with brilliants
and containing a smoking set.,
New York, Aug. 4. Three more
bodies have been fonud in the burned
Bowery tenement, ono woman and
two men. ine remains were unrec
ognizable. Shortly after noon another
aeaa Douy was aiscoverea in tne
building, that of a man, but unrecog
nized. Among the bodies recognized
at the morgue was that of Jennie
Marks, a tailoress. .
St. Petersburg, Aug. 4. The river
Vistula has oversowed its banks and
inundated the country around Minsk
and Progue. The river Moldan con
tinues to rise, villages on its banks
are submerged and many inhabitants
Put out the light.
Worcester, Masn., Aug 4. Hon.
Adam Thayer, judge of probate for
this county and a well known politi
cian, committed suicide by cutting
his throat with a razor this afternoon;
temporary insanity is snpposed to
have been the cause. .
London, Aug. 4. The St. James
Qazette correspondent at Berlin says:
In political circles tho alliance be
tween France and Italy is regarded
to be of the most serious character.
New Tore, Aug. 4. For tho week
ending to-day, the bank reserve shows
a decrease of. S3S5.810. The banks
now hold 826,950,375 in excess of the
25 per cent rule.
An Explanation.
What is this "nervous trouble" with
which so many seem now to, be af
flicted? If you will remember a few
years ago the word Malaria was com
paratively unknown, to-day it is as
common as any word in the English
language, yet, this word covers only
tho meaning of another word used by
our roreiatners in times past. So it
is with nervous diseases, as they and
Malaria are intended to cover what
our grandfathers called Billiousness,
and all are caused by troubles that
arise from a diseased condition of the
Liver which in performing its func
tions finding it cannot disposo of the
bile through' the-ordinary channel is
compelled to passat off through the
system, causing nervous troubles,
Malaria, Billions Fever, etc. You
who are suffering can well appreciate
a cure. We recommend Green's Au
gust Flower. It3 cures nro mar
velous. f. . .
- Congressman Honk Tells A Story.
Leonidas Caesar Honk, who repre
sents -the Republican district lying
"in the Tennessee mountains," holds
his grip on its hardy mountaineers by
his story-telling stump-speeches. He
is a great rabble-rouser, but beyond
that his strong point is his clever
way of telling clever stories. The
other night he told one of his best at
the ratification meeting held by the
Republican national league of Wash
ington, to point his declaration that
it they wanted to win thoy must
work promptly and efficiently. "There
was an old darky." be said. "whoBo
master had some fine fat turkeys.
Old Unole Jake made up his mind
that he must have one of those tur
keys; and, as he told tho story, he set
to work to get it by prayer. M prayed
to the Lord,' he said, 'that he would
send me one of those turkeys. I
prayed that way morning and even
ing for a week, but still that turkey
didn't come, and I tell you my mouth
was just a watering for it. So I says
to myself I must change that prayer.
And so I prayed one evening that the
Lord would send me after that tur
keyand, brethren, thnt job was done
before daylight' "Philadelphia
The Boston Boy At School.
One boy was asked to define a com
mon and proper noun. He wrete:
"William is a proper noun and
Billy is a common noun."
Another was told to write what he
had learned in physiology. He did,
"The body is composed of three
parts tho head the trunk and the
abdomen. The head contains the
brains, if you have any. The trnnk
contains the heart and lungs. The
abdomen contains the vowel a a. e, i,
o and u, and sometimes w and v.''
What in the world that last bright
boy was thinking of his teacher may
have been able to puzzle out, but pro
bably no one else can. The answer
however, was actual. Roiton Trans
cript. A Sound Legal Opinion.
E.BaIubrldge Muuday Esq., County
Atty.,Clay Co., Texas says: "Have used
Electric Bitters with most happy re
sults. My brother also was very low
with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but
was cured by timely use of this medi
cine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters
saved his life."
Mr. D. 1. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave,
Ky., adds a like testimony, saying: He
postively .believes he would have died
had it not been for Electric Bitters.
Th,ls great remedy will ward ojt, as
well as cure all Malaria Diseases, and
for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Dis
orders stands unequaied. Price 50 cents
and SI. at J no u. jjemenrs.
Astoria Soda Works,
HANSEN & CO., Prop's,
Rlnml Orange Soda. Lemon Soda. Pine Ad-
ple Soda, Cream Soda, Saisaparilla, Ginger
Ale, Crab Apple Champagne Cider, btandard
weura uura, iron rnospuaies aeiizer Yater,
Natural Mineral Water. Syrups, etc.
All orders from the City and Conntry
promptly nueu.
Cloak Department!
Wraps, Capes, Dolmans,
Having been very fortunate in our selection of the above goods this season, we have
still a few left, and will sell them at manufacturers cost.
Parasols! Parasols!
About four dozen ladies fine
Will be cleared out at cost.
The Leading House of Astoria.
A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine
Diamonds i Jewelry
At Extremely Low Frloes.
All (J001U HouRht at This Establishment
Warranted Genuine.
VTiitcli anil Clock Repairing
Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets.
Cariialian & Go.
I. "W". CASE,
Corner Chenamns and Cass streets.
Of Best Quality, and at
And Dealers In
Special Attention Given to Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered In any part ot the city.
Office and Warehouse
In Ilume's New Building on Water Street.
r. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37.
Assignee's Notice.
undersigned has been appointed as
signee ot the Thistle Packing Company, and
all nersons havlne claims acalnst it. are re
quired to present the same, duly verified, to
the assignee, within three months from this
date. May 17th, 18SS.
the remainder of our Summer
Van Dusen & Co.
Hardware and Ship Chandlery,
Pure Oil, Bright Varnish,
Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas,
Hemp Sail Twine,
Cotton Sail Twine.
Lard Oil,
Wrought Iron Spikes,
Galvanized Cut Nails.
Agricultural Implements, Sewing
machines, taints, oils,
Q-rooeriosi Elto.
CANDY Manufactured and For Sale at
Wholesale Prices, at
The Oregon Bakery
A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r.
Gooi Bread, Cate ad Pastry
None but the Best Materials Used.
Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers
Bread delivered in any part ot the city.
Seaside Bakery.
Bestlrlilli Bread and
Manufacturers of Fine Candles.
Ornamental Confectionery
And Ice Creams.
Wholesale and Ketall Dealer In Candles.
Wholesale and retail dealer In.
Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc.
General Storage and Wharfage on reason
able terms. Foot ot Benton street, Astoria,
Cut Faster
Than any oth
er axe made.
woodmen tes-
tiry to its supe
riority.. It goes
Dmb aad JfeTtr
& CO.,
Agents Aitorii,
Price, ll.CO.
I J.C.I rullinger
and Ulsters.
This Way
Men ! !
I've iust received a small sue
Silk Flag 'kerchiefs, you ought to buy ;
juokb aem aim democrats maa;
Shake at 'em the Mellcan Flag I
Gimme Your
Though rather scarce, these handker
chiefs 1 tried hard, and I got there Hannah !
So wipe your patriotic neses
With n Roman Silk Bandana !
P. S. The supply of those Bandana
and Flag Silk Handkerchiefs is limited
at present, so you had better call early.
Clothier and Hatter,
Occident IMel Building.