The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 21, 1888, Image 3

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t he gaitjj guiotfatt.
(Monday excepted.)
I'nblis'icrs and Proprietors,
.VSTonivs-IJuir.Drxc, - - Cass Stiieet.
Terms ofSubscriiilioa.
s" r bk :si :a,r-cr' vm.wcci: i.-,
V, ' . " one year . er m
i reo or postage to subscribers.
The Ato::ian- guarantees to Us adver-ti-cn
the largest circulation of anv newspa
per pr.blMtpd on the Columbia river.
Thia is the 27th anniversary of tbe
Tho 3teamor Siffnal is finishing
V7ith 1 amber for San Francisco.
1!hoGe7i.21iles goes en a fishing
excursion to Tillamook rook fo-roor-row
B. S. Woraley will have an auction
sale of furniture at N. Johansen's at
10 o clock this morning.
Reserved seats this morning at the
New York Novelty Store for the
McKee Eankin performances.
Chief Barry i3 ridding the town of
the pimp3 and vags that are being
chased out of other communities.
Prospecting for coal is going on at
Phillips point, the indications favor
ing the existence of coal there. Two
shafts are being sunk.
La3t Saturday, Edward liarbgen,
was lost off the schooner J. M. Cole
man from Shoalwatcr bav, lat.-iO' C
north; Ion. 125" 3' west.
The German evangelical reformed
congregation will have divine service
by Prof. K. Schiedt, from Lancaster,
Pa., oa Sunday at 3 r. m., in tho
Uaptist church.
1st Lieut. W. A. Sherman,.Co. "H."
1st Ke'g't O. N. G., yesterday received
his commission from his excellency
Gov. Sylvester Pen n oyer, chief exe
cutive officer of tho commonwealth of
A kiln of 150,000 brick is being pre
pared at tho Youngs ltiver brick
yard. This will bo followed by one
of 250,000. Those in chargo say the
earth is of good quality and the ven
ture is expected to turn out well.
The Congregational church invites
everybody to attend their services.
Morning theme to-morrow, "Use is
gain disuse is bss". In the evening
a topic of special interest to Astori
an3 wiH bo discussed. "Faith mani
fested in industry and enterprise
justified by results" (justification
B. A. Seaborg's new boat i3 having
tho machinery placed, and Dean
Blanchard'a steamer is having a new
stern post put in at Arndt & Ferchon's
wharf. At the Astoria Iron works M.
P. Callander's new boat, tho Winona,
is progressing, and at Smith's point,
John Batter is engaged, on a new
schooner craft.
About 200 ladies aud gentlemen
and children went aboard the Tele
phone yesterday aud to Cathlamet,
where in n pleasant picnic grove they
enjoyed tho day. There was an
abundance of good things, and the
only regiet wa3 having to come homo
so soon. Tho ladies of tho Presby
terian church desire to thauk Capt.
Scott and the officers of tho Tele
phone and tho good peoplo of Cath
lamet for their courtesy.
At tho national educational con
vention in San Francisco, some of the
teachers have chosen a novel adver
tising scheme, by having a badge
printed with the follewing: "I am
from Oregon. Where are yon from?"'
which they wear by the side of the
convention badge. In order to ren
der their headqnarters conspicuous,
tho Oregon people suspended a large
banner from their windows in the
Occidental hotel, across Montgomery
One time Jim Fiske and the Erie
railroad on one side, and Vanderbilt
and tho New York Central on the
other, got iuto a big freight fight and
at last Vanderbilt's road got to haul
ing cattle for 31 a head, when tho
actual cost to his company was 32.25
a head; that is to say every steer they
carried resulted in a net loss of a Sl.
23. Then Jim Fiske began buying
cattle and shipping them over Van
derbilt's road. 'Tis said about the
same thing is now going on on the
lower Columbia.
Joggles camo loping in yesterday
afternoon and said ho had been across
the river and felt kind of poetic. He
said that the sparklo of tho sea and
tho gleam of tho sunlight and the
swaying of the pines on the cliff and
the "flutter of tbe sail that was as a
wing to waft his soul from earth's
Bteraer care3 into an atmosphere of
lighter fancy, had all so wrought upon
his sensitive spirit that he was going
to take a spin down to Clatsop. This
kind of weather does affect soma
folks that way.
A Card From Captain Scott.
Astoria, Or., Julv 20, 18SS.
Editor Astekian: There has been
so much said about the Potter and
tho Telephone racing that I feel
called upon to deny that there has
been any race, as we are rnn
nint? for rorrnlar business. But
if tho manacera of the Potter
are anxious to satisfy the public
which is the fastest boat, I am willing
to make a run for time, and will run
the same day, and start ono half hour
before or one halt hour later. The
old Telephonejaa the best record of
any boat on the coast, and the new
one can beat her on tne same water,
Capt.U. B. Scott.
Seven of a Steamboat's Crew Killed.
Terrible SnUerLig of the Unfortunate Men,
(special to the astobian.)
Louisville, July 20. A tug boat
convoy blew up twenty-sis miles
above here this morning. Seven men
were killed. The explosion of tho
steam pipe that supplied the engine
from the boiler caused the catastro
phe. The most of the men were alseep
at the time. The victims were Wm.
Page, AVm. Harrington, Bobt. Jones,
Wm. Bigley, Charles Luster, George
McCann and AVm. Kelly. They all
oeiong in rittsburg or near by .Penn
sylvania cities.
When tbe boat reached Westport
everything, according to the first
mate's story, was running smoothly.
When they were two miles above
Westport suddenly there was an ex
plosion, the boat becoming enveloped
in steam and all the machinery
stopped. Captain Bichardson hur
riedly dressed, called the survivors
abont him and made preparations to
land. After the boat had been towed
ashore, the captain proceeded to the
after cabin where the explosion oc
curred. Page lay near tho door, the
blood rushing from his month and
ears aud the flesh was scalded off his
body. McCann and Harrington were
in their berths. Death to each must
have been instantaneous, for thev lav
in the same position as when they re
tired, Jones was on the floor and
barely alive. He was horribly burned
and lived but fifteen minutes, dying
with his wife's name upon his lips.
Bigley also still lived when found,
bnt died in ten minutes. Luster
was discovered outside the cabin
lying on his face. He was not dead,
and told them that ho had run out
mere as soon as ho could recover
from the shock of tho explosion. He
was almost baked; his skull was
parched and httlo drops of blood
stood out from all parts of his head.
in two liours ho was dead. Ivel v
was pulledout from under his bunk;
no was alive but nornbly burned.
Chas. Chambers, the only other man
who slept in tho cabin, was blown out
of tho door and hud a miraculous es
cape. Ho was uuscratched, as were
also mato Korns, tho pilot and en
gineer Carr. All the others aboard
perished. Tho officers of the beat
can give no explanation of tho acci
dent, and claim tho machinery was
inspected last Febrnary aud was then
in excellent condition.
PERSONAL mention.
E. C. Pentland, of Monmouth, has
bought tho Independence West Side.
Fred. E. LeComte, business mana
ger Bonlou Comedy Co., is in the
Dr Jay Tuttlo went to Portland by
last night's boat to return Monday
Geo. M. Bowe, has returned from
superintending haying operations at
Crooked Creek.
An Explanation.
Wliril ia tliiq 'nfrvmiq trnnlilo" toiM.
which so many seem now to be af
flicted? If you will remember a fow
years ago tho word Malaria was com
paratively unknown, to-day it is as
common as any word in the English
lanr'nnrro.'Vfifc thiq trnnl pnpopa nnlv
the meaning of another word used by
onr iorcratners in times past. So it
ia with nervous diseases, as they and
ATnlnrin nrn intnnr?nl tr nmra ,lmf
our grandfathers called Billiousness,
ami an are caused Dy troubles that
arise from a diseased condition of the
Liver which in performing its func
tions finding it cannot dispose of the
b.le through the ordinary channel is
compelled to nass it oft" through rh
sjstem, causing nervous troubles.
Malaria, Billions Fever, etc. You
who are snffering can well appreciate
a cure. We recommend Green's Au
gust Flower. Its cures nro mar
velous. A decision has been rendered by
judge Deady in the suit of Carrie
Jones against the United States to
compel the defendant to issue a pat
ent to her for a quarter section of
land entered several years aro bv J. "R.
Frierson in Columbia county who paid
3100 for it under the act for the sale
of timber lands in the Pacific states
and assigned his interest to her. The
plaintiff alleges that tbe servants of
the defendant refused to issue the
patent and retained the monev paid.
The court held that the purchaser of
tho land at the land office under the
timber-sale act was tho owner of it.
and that tho United States thereafter
held the bare legal title in trust for
the purchaser, and that this right
was a property right, and the land
department could not arbitrarily
cancel it or set it aside. If it is al
leged that the sale was fraudulently
obtained, the government must go in
to court and bring suit to set aside the
sale, where the purchaser can bo
heard according to tho law of the
land. It must not be decided by fiat
law. The court held that iu the act ot
1887, giving this court jurisdiction
of any claim against the government
not exceeding S10.000, the word
claim included the demand of this
plaintiff to have a patent issued to her,
and did not refer to monov claims
only, as counsel for the government
Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes;
also Flexible Hand turned French Kids,
ill l.ii. liOOPMANS,
CIati Ferry Regular Trips.
Will begin llonday, July 1G. Leave
Adair's Landing atS30A. m. and 4:30
v. m. j.uim; isioria Aianuing, y, a. si
and 5, r. si.
The finest and iuicieat steak at the
Telephono Restaurant.
We havo three fine organs in stock
and two moro will arrive in a few days.
Parties contemplating purchasing either
for cash or on the installment plan will
find it to their advantage to call on
Gihffin & Rekd.
Tho best Oysters in any style, at
the Telephone Restaurant.
A fine cup of coffee, at the Telephone
The Victims of a West Virginia Storm.
Wheeling, W.Va.,July 20. Atnoon
to-day the revised estimate of life lost
by flood last night, put tho number
at 25. About 15 bodies have been
found. The loss in money foots up
8150,000. Tho greatest loss of life
was along Wheeling creek, and at
Triudelphia. Further search this
morning resulted in the discovery of a
number of bodies near the latter
place. Moat of them were found
among drift which had colleoted at
Elm Grove. Tho body of Wm. Gas
tien. aged 60, a prominent and
wealthy citizen, was among them.
His wife's remains were found two
miles below. The body of Charles
Caulbell, editor of the Wheeling
News Letter, aged 30, was found
among the driftwood. Mrs, Jane
Fay and her two grown up daughters
were discovered a short distance be
low Triadelphia, and the bodies of
two others named German were
found in the meadow where they had
been buried by the waves.
Tragic Death of a Needed Witnes3-
(special to the astoman.)
Dublin, July 20. Dr. James Bid
ley, medical officer in attendance at
Tullamore jail during Mr. Mande
ville's incarceration there, and who
was subpoenaed to appear at the in
quest at Michellstown, to inquire into
Mandeville's death, has committed
suicide. Dr. Bidley had been present
at the inquest daily, waiting to be
called to the witness stand, and the
evidence given to show that Mande
yille was subject to ill usage while in
jail, seemed to proy upon his mind.
His suicide has confirmed the popular
belief that Mandeville had been
treated with extreme cruelty by the
prison officials.
firttinz Ready For The Fall Catch.
State fish commissioner E. P.
Thompson has returned from a three
weeks' trip along the Boguo, Co
quille, Umpqua and Siuslaw rivers
and Coos bay. Ho tells the Orego-
man that all the canncrs on those
waters are making preparations to
operate their canneries to full capac
ity in anticipation of a good run.
Fishing will begin between August
1 and 15, continuing until October 20
or November 1.
"Tho cannerymen and fishermen
operating ou all the rivers except
Bogue want hatcheries," continued
Mr. Thompson. "Bogne river has a
hatchery which has been operated
off and on since 1877, and this arti
ficial propagation is accountable for
the three-fold increase in the run.
Bogue river is the only stream on the
Pacific coast which has been fished
continuously for a number of years
and can still bIiow an increased run.
I think we will be able to furnish
each of tho other streams with 500,
000 eggs annually, which will be
taken from the Sacramento river. It
will require ten days to ship the eggs
from Sacramento' to either of the
rivers, and upon arrival there the
fishermen and cannerymen will take
caro of them and turn the young
fish into the river when the hatch
ing is complete. Sacramento salmon
ranks next to Columbia river salmon
iu quality and is superior to the fall
fish in Coos bay or Bogue, Coqnillc,
Umpqua or Siuslaw rivers. All want
hatcheries, but if we can supply
them with eggs right along, hatcher
ies will not be necessary. It would
cost about 32,500 a year to operate a
hatchery on each of the streams.'"
And society, impose many privations
upon the female sex, in the way of dress.
First It is one freak, and then another,
and from the fact, that inauy of tlitm
are unhealthy in the extreme, it is
small wonder that many women
succumb, and that "femalo weak
nesses" are the too frequent result.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the
only positive cure for these complaints
in existence, and thousands of women
can bear witness to its efficacy. "Favorite
Prescription" is a legitimate medicine,
carefully compounded by an experi
enced and skillful physician, and
adapted to woman's delicate organiza
tion. It is the only medicine for women,
sold by druggUts, under a positive
guarautee, from the manufacturers, that
it will give satisfaction in every case or
money will be refunded. This guaran
tee has been printed on the bottle
wrapper, and faithful!)' carried out for
many years.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, or Anli-biliou3
Granules. Laxative or Cathartic accord
ing to size of dose. Purely vegetable.
The Question of the Day.
Editor Astebian: To give our
unenterprising citizens an idea what
other people iu our neighborhood are
doing, tney snouid take a trip to
Ilwaco on the steamer Canby or on
the Portland steamer Potter, look
at the narrow gauge railroad, now
being constructed by the L B. & N.
Co. to Shoalwater bay, and make cal
culations it it would not be profitable
to build such a road to Clatsop beach
and make 3100.000 per year, than to
let business go past onr doors as it is
doing at present, and all tho while
asking ourselves the question, "what
shall we do to make things, livelier."
For First Place.
A great amount of political engineer
ing will be done by friends ot candidates
to secure for their man tho first place on
the ticket, and the best man will prob
ably secure the coveted place. Then if
indorsed by the majority of the people,
tho election Is assured. Electric Bitters
has been put to the front, its merits
passed upon, has been indorsed, aud
unanimously given the first place
among remedies peculiarly adapted to
the lelief and cure of all Diseases of
Kidneys, Liver and Stomach. Electric
Bitters, being guaranteed, is a safe in
vestment Price 5oc and SI per bottle
at Jno. C. Dement's Drug Store.
Fine Dwelling House to Kent.
Good terms to suitable tenant. Inquire
at this office.
Every Night I Scratched
Until tlie Sfein was Itnw. Body
Covered with, Scales like Spots
of Mortar. Cured by the Cntlcnra
I am going to tell you of tho extraordinary
chango yonr Cuticuea Keiifdies performed
on mo. About the 1st of April last I noticed
some rod pimples like coming out all over my
body, but thought nothing of it until somo
timo later on, when it beean to look likosr-ots
of mortar spotted on. and which camo oft" in
layers, accompanied with itching. I would
scratch every night until I was raw, then tho
next night tho scales, being formed mean
while wore scratched off again. In vain did
I consult all the doctors in tho country, but
without aid. After giving up all hopes of re
covery, I happened to sco an advertiseraen
in tho nowspapor about your Cdticcr Itra
edies, and purchasod them from my druggist,
and obtained almost immlintft Tolir I !.
gan to notico that tho scaly eruptions gradu
ally dropped off and disannearnil nnn hv nni.
and havo been fully cured. I had tbo diseaso
thirteen montb.3 beforo I began taking tho
Ccticura Keuedhs, and in four or five weeks
was entirely cured. My diseaso was eczema
ana usoriasis. j. recommendpri thn iTiTTTPTn
Kemedies to all in my vicinity, and 1 know of
a great many wno navo taken thorn, and
manK mo ior mo Knowledge ot tuem, especial
ly mothers who Iravo babes with scab- emo
tions on their heads and bodies. I cannot ex-
Dross in worm tna tnank3 to you for what tho
Coticvka Kemedies- havo been to mo. Jly
body was covered with scales, and 1 was an
awful spcctaclo to behold. Now my skin is
as nice and clear as a baby's.
Fob. 7. 1S8S. Xot a trace whatsoover of tho
disease from which I suffered has shown iteh
sincomycurc, GEO. COTEY.
Wo cannot do justice to tho esteem in which
Cuticuea, tho great skin euro, and CuTicunA
Soap, an exquisite Skin Beautifior, prepared
from it, and Cuticuea Kesolvent, tho new
Blood Purifier, are held by tho thousands
upon thousands whoso lives have been mado
happy by tho euro of agonizing, humiliating,
itching, scaly and pimply diseases of tho skin,
scalp and blood, with loss of hair.
Sold everywhere. Price : CuncunA, 10
cents ; Soap, 23 cents ; Kesolvent, 51.00.
Prepared by tho Fottee Dkug and Chem
ical Co., Boston, Mass.
Send for "IIow to Curo Skin Diseases," CI
page3. 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
DIMl'LLS, black-heads, chapped and oily
rllll skin prevented by Cuticubv Medi
cvtedSoap. Catarrhal Dangers.
To be freed from tho dangers of suffocation
while lying down ; to breatho freely, sloep
soundly and undisturbod ; to rise refreshed,
head clear; brain active and frco from pain
or acho ; to know that no poisonous, putrid
matter dcfile3 tho breath and rots away tho
delicate machinery of smoll, t.isto and hear
ing ; to feel that tho system does not. through
its veins and arterie3, suck up tho poison that
is sure to undermine and doatroy. is indeed a
blessing beyond all othor human enjoyments.
To puichaso immunity from such a fnto
should bo tho object of all afflicted. But thoso
who have tried many remedies and physi
cians despair of relief or euro.
Sanfoiid's JUDICAL CoitK meets every
phaso of Catarrh, fromasimplo head cold to
tho most loathsome and destructive stages.
It is local and constitutional. Instant in re
lieving, permanent in curing, safe, economi
cal and never-failing.
Saxford's Kadicat. Cunn consists of ono
bottlo of tho Kadical Cuke, ono box of Oa-
TAKBiiAi, Solvent, and ono Improved
1MIAI.KK, all (Trapped in ono package, with
trcatiso and directions, and sold by all drug
gists for J1.00. PerTFi: Diurc & tliiKuiPAr.
CO.. Bostok.
No Rbeumatiz About Me.
IX ov. mz&uti:,
A V Tho Cuticuea Anti-l'uin
JyF IMaxtcr relievos Itheumatic,
Wf Sciatic, Sudden, Sharp and & er-
9t A vous Pains, Strains and Wcak
7JBlnossos. The first and only rain-
killimr plaster. New. original.
instantaneous, infallible, safe. A marvellous
Antidote to Pain, Inflammation and Weak
ness. Utterly unliko and vastly superior to
all other plasters. At all druggists, - cents ;
five for S1.00; or, postago free, of Pottek
What Would Make Things Livelier.
A lot of wheels, casting?, etc, for
trucks for a lot of freight cars for
tbe P. & W. V. railway recently or
dered from the east cost 812,000 aud
tho freight on the lot amounted to
310,000. A coach for the Ilwaco &
Shoalwater Bay railway cost 31,500
cast and the freight on it was 87G3.
It would seem that all these things
could be made here for less than the
cost and freight added. Tho Oregon
Iron and Steel company, when once
their works are completed, should be
able to furnish tho wheels and cast
ings, and the woodwork of cars could
be made at some of our lumber man
ufacturing establishments and the
cars loaded with lumber and sent
east. It will not be long till all these
things are done heie.Ureyoiiian, 20.
Tlicir II ii sin ess lloomiii".
Probably no one Ihinjrhas caused such
a general revival of trado at Jno. C. De-
U1UI11S uiuii oioru us meir Hiving away
to their customers of so many free trial
bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, 'rneir trade is simply
enorinous in this very valuable article
from the fact that it always cures and
never disappoints. Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all
throat and lung diseases quickly cured.
You can test it before bujin'g by getting,
a trial bottle free, large sue Si. Every
bottle warranted.
Telephone liOdirinar House.
Ilrtcf : Holla t?i Inwn. Itnnms Tinr ni"!it
50 and 23 cts., per week S1.50. New and
clean, l'nvaio entrance.
U the leading photographer of this city
and is said to be as good as any in the
Announcement. ,
To make room for a largj stock of
goods to arrive shortly we will sell the
remainder of our stock of children's
Carriages, Wagons, and Velocipedes, at
n very small margin above cost.
GmFrix & ItEti).
All tho patent medicines advertised
In this paper, together with the choicest
pertumery, ami rouet articles, etc-can
De uougiu. ai me luwesi prices, ;u.i. v .
Conn's drug store, opposite Ocident
hctel, Astoria.
Sunny Rooms.
With or witlio ut board at the Holdcn
House. Rooms frooiSGamonthupward.
Library, etc.
Gainbrinus Beer
And Free Lunch at tho Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Flsli SUlil Oil.
Anil machine oil for sale.
J. H. DeForce.
Astoria, Oregon.
Having been very fortunate in our selection of the above goods this season, we have
still a few left, and will sell them at manufacturers cost.'
A I-arge and Well Selected Stock of Pine
DiamonOss Jewelry
At Extremely Low Prices.
AH Coo.Is llousM at This Establishment
Warranted Genuine.
Wad'li and CIoclc Repairing
Corner Cass and Snucmoqua Streets.
Oamahau & Co.
T. "W. CASE,
Corner Clienamus and Cass streets.
Of Best Quality, and at
a-o:o:isr TTA3a:3Nr.
And Dealers in
Special Attention Civento Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies turnlshed at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered In any part ot the city.
Office and "Warehouse."
In Ilmne's New Building on Water Street.
Y. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 57.
Assignee's Notice
undersigned lias heen appointed as-
sifinee of the Thistle Packing Company, and
alt Dersons havine claims acalnst it. are re
quired to present the same, duly verified, to
the assignee, within three months from this
date, stay l7tn, isss.
All the remainder of our Summer
JBCK61S 90
About four dozen ladies fine
and SX7XK UmBRKXftXsiiS
Will be cleared out at cost.
Leading House of Astoria.
Van Dusen & Co.
Hardware and Ship Chandlery,
Pure Oil, Bright Varnish,
Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas,
Hemp Sail Twine,
Cotton Sail Twine.
Lard Oil,
Wrought Iron Spikes,
Galvanized Cut Nails.
Agricultural Implements, Sewing
Machines, Paints, Oils,
Groceries) Etc.
CANDY Maaufactured and For Sale at
Wholesale Prices, at
The Oregon Bakery
A. A. CLEVELAND, Trop'r.
Gooi Breai, Caie an! Pastry
None but the Best Materials Used.
Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers
Bread delivered ia any part of the city.
Seaside Bakery.
Bcstnitlli Bread and
Manufacturers of Flno Candles.
Ornamental Confectionery
And Ice Creams.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Candles.
J01IN80X, BItOM.
Wholesale and retail dealer In.
Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc.
General Storage and Wharfage on reason
able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria,
Cut Faster
Than any oth
er axe made.
Hundreds ol
woodmen tes
tlf v to Its srnie-
riority. It goes
ieep ana Jerer
& CO.,
Agents AitorU,
Price, 81.60.
J J.C.I rullinger
Uldlyl bi
1 am overstocked with
Straw Hat
And rather than carry them over until
next season I offer them at
A Saori
Everybody can afford to keep cool now.
Come and get a
Straw Hat!
At almost
Clothier and Hatter,
Occident Hotel Building.
Half Price !