J 3- -TJ-" Jv?irFm.iemmi!lM w ASTORIA. OKEQON: FRIDAY JULY 20. 1SSS. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OP ASTORIA rfsa sis ix ran m vbb. o Coloraft. Mi hrumer. Iirbk 103S Klttr.lIrbk.W3 Borrowdale, Jaa. Drummood. Am sp Rosecriui. Br k 1193 Nrtpna.Brbk.ua WeadoTer, llr bk V&SSBLS UX TUB WAY. .front Foreign Ports, far the Colambla Blrcr An&mba, Br ip 1UQ Liverpool Andes. Br bt 631 if ewcestle A Benj. bewail. Am tit 1X2 X T Mirzapore. Br s;, 11S6 S D Moel-y-don. Br tk 1039 S D Saraca. Br bk 8G Liierpool TIIIK TABIiR FOB ASTOUIA. 1IIOII WATKK. I LOW WATER. Kira Second. I First. Second. i 1 3 a a a 2 e li s a e j a h i P a h a P h. m. , A. . ft. m. S ft. m. a C3I 7 49 7 01 7 53 845 3 31 10 15 10 51 11 29 055 1 57 2 59 355 4 41 5 21 5 57 C33 7 07 7 41 8 1G 852 9 28 231 12 38 21 17 11 1 39 237 333 425 5 10 552 0 31 7 10 7 CI 833 9 19 10 01 10 57 1159 101 2 12 3 21 130 523 G23 7 13 8 01 9 CO 10 cw 11 04 05 11 50 12 3 1 J' -01 05 -i 107 -0 7 0 01 0 41 1 20 2 01 2 4S 33) 4 40 ssi 7 II 8 41 10 00 11 (3 11 M o or 0 52 141 -0 91 0 8 -0 6 05 -0 2 0 3 09 14 2 14 2 43 :: 15 3 52 433 5 19 C 1G 7 21 8 24 925 10 23 11 15 12 4"! 129 2 11 10 11 11 03 1159 1 10 25 333 4 31 527 G 15 C59 7 41 15 09 0 3 -05 -11 -1C -17 -17 8 0 The Lours between mldnlgnt add noon axe decimated bv a (A. MA those between noon and midnight by p (i. m.). oft. oom.a denotes midnight, oft. 00m. denotes noon. Tub height is reckoned from the level ol average low er low waters to which the sound ings arc "lven on the Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. SHIPMENTS FOREIGN. JUI.V. 3 To Quttnsfoirn per King Cenrlc Wheat. 7G.G15 bus. from Portland $50,300 6 Tii Iquiqul per Ophelia. Lumber 1.001233, feet from Aslorla....$13.907. 7 To Queenstoicu per Maiden City. Flour. 22.500 bills, from Portland $78,750 ASTOKIAR DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICERS. United States Senators.. J; g; Jjgg Representative in Congress-Blnger Hermann Governor .... Sylvester Pennoycr Governor's Secretary- ...... V. A. Munley Secretary of State G. W. McUrlde Assistant Secretary -.. B. F. Giltner State Treasurer.., G. W. Webb Suo't Public Instruction K B. McElrov State Printer F. C. Baker Clerk School Land Board Napoleon Davis Sun't Insane Asylum .Dr. Harry Lane Sup't Penitentiary . Hobt Clow I W. P. Lord Judges Supreme Court ...- W. W. Thayer ( it. .-. airauan Judges Circuit Court First District L. E. Webster. Second It. S. Bean. Tliird It. P.Boise. Fourth Department I.E. D.Shat- tuck: department 2, L. B. Stearns. Fifth F. J.Taylor. Sixth L. Isom and G. V. Walker. Seventh-J. II. Bird. Railroad Commissioners J. n. Slater, of LaQrande; Geo. Waggoner, of Corvallis; and J. it. N. Bell, of Itoseburg, chief clerk. Health Ofllcer Dr. O. B. Estcs COUNTY" OFF1CFRS. County Judge ..... . .. C. II. Page Countv Commissioners J V-l.." 'I?.1" 1 F. W. Smith, Clerk Sheriff Treasurer. Assessor C. J.Trenchard W. (1. Ross J.C. Dement . Jos. Sinnott MARKETS. Washington Market, Slain Street, Astorin, Oregon. IIEROSIAK dt CO, PftOPKIKTOIlS RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the public to the fact that the aoove Market will always be supplied 1th a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! I Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. "Special attention given to supplying 6U1(J3- STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, a? Fresh and' Cured Meats, Vegotatoles, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. orrdsiTR Occident hotel, CHK.VAJins Street. Astoria, Og, THE Roadway Market. P. O.HARA, Proprietor. Opposite Foard & Stokes. Butcher and Dealer in All Kinds of 3MC353.T Ship. Supplied on Favorable Terms. Meat Delivered a'l over Town. To Gray's Harbor. The Steamer GEN. MILES. W. P. Wihtcomb, Master, Will leave for Gray's Harbor Every Tuesday. For Freight or Passage apply to J. It. 0. CEAY Agent 1. S. N. Co. MUSTANG LINIMENT MEXICAN injSTANQ LINIMENT, for Mas and Beast. Greatest Carativo discovery ever made. SOCIETV 3IEETIKGS. Temple Lodge, No. 7A.F.A.M. KEGDLAR COMMUNICATIONS B first and third Tuesdays in each "XX month, at 7 o'clock, p. m., at theVN Uall in Astoria. Members ol the order in good standing are invited to attend.. iiy oraer oi tne w.h. Beaver Lodge No. 35, L O. O. P. REGULAR MEETING EV ery Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock, at the Lodge room In Odd Fellows Hall. Asto ria. Sojourning members of the order in good standing, cordially Invited to attend. is vomer n.u. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. F. KEG ULAK MEETINGS OF OCEAN En campment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, In the Odd Fellows Building, at seven p M.. on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Sojourning breth ren cordially Invited. By order G. 1 Seaside Lodge No. 12. A. O. U. W KEGULAR MEETINGS OF " SEASIDE Lodee No. 12. A. O. U. W. will be held In their Hall In Pythian Castle, on Saturday evening ol each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order in good standing, and brarv will be ouen fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. W. W. JS. JOHNSON, uec. - A9tor Lodge No. 6, B of P. REGULAR MEETINGS EVERY WED nesday evening at 7 :30 p. ji. at Pythian Castle. Sojourning Knights in good stand ing curuiany inviteu iu aueua. By order C. C. H. E. NELSON, K of R. and S. Select Knights ol A. O. IT. W. REGULAR MEETING OF NORTH westem Legion" No. 2, will be held at their headquarters In Pythian Castle on 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 8 p. M. Members of the Legion in good standing and visiting comrades are invited to attend. Drill each month. By order of commander. H. A. Jr.li l II, Uec, Scandinavian Benevolent Gooietv. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS nOi'IK ty at their rooms in 1'ythlan building at eight o'clock r. M.. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, AUG. UANIELSON, Secretary. Company H.O. N. G. REGULAR DRILLS EVERY WEDNES day evening. Regular meetings first weanesaay oi eacn monm at 8 r. m A. S.9UAW, Commander. Clatsop Lodge No. 113, TJ. O. of H. DEGULAR MEETINGS EVERY X Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in lodge-room over Camahan & Co.'s stoie. So journing brothers invuea to aitenu. Common Council. TJEGULAB MEETINGS. SECOND AND Xli fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at TK o'clock. B9Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Counon. at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council noias its regular meeting. THOS.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Great English Remedy! Ttxie, Mark. Murray's Specific. A guaranteed cure for all nervous diseases, such as Weak Memory. Loss of liraln Power, Hysteria, Headache, "IMIfi In thft Itnplr Kpri'mw Bwora uKinff. Prostration Wakefulness.Leu pnrrtinp.i. ilniversni Ijissitude. Seminal Weakness, Impbtency and General low of )iunEi u&iic jit.ci...i j.- .-. -.. . gans, in eiiner sex, causcu uy ladcscretion orover exertion, and which ultimately lead to Premature Old Age. Insanity and Consumption. S1.03 per box or six boxes for S.j.00. Snt by mall on receipt of mice, run particular) in pamphlet, sent free tnoery apl'itcaut AftorTiklne, We Gnarantee Six Boxes To cure any case. For evcrv S5.00 order re ceived, we send six boxes with written guar antee to refund the money if our Specific does not effect a cure. Address all communications to the Sole Manufacturers. THE MURRAY MEDICINE CO. Kansas City, Mo. Sold In Astoria by .1. W. Conn, sole agent. Street Grade Notice. NOTICE is hereby Hi veil that ilie Com mon Council of the city of Astoria pro pose io alter the pradc of Wall street in the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Ore gon, as laid out anil recorded by J. M. Shivelyas follows, to-wit: At me crossing or wall and West eighth street from 83 feet as now estab lished to 89 feet above the base of grades. At the crossine of Wall and West Seventh street from 74 feet a? now es tablished to 77 feet above tne base of grades. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten days of the final pub lication of this notice, to-wit: on orbe- lorebaturdayJiUy28tli,188S. the Com mon Council will establish said grade. By order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S.JEWETT. Auditor and Police Judge Proposals For Bids. TDIDS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL 12 j-r a.m., tnuay,.iuiy 20th, 1888. Forfur liishinir all the material and hiillillnir -ihnur eleven hundred feet of roadway nearSralth's point. Specifications can be seen by calling at J. W. Conn's store. The one receiving the contract will be required to give bonds iur me uiiuumeni oi ins contract, lslds to be made at price per foot. The company reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. CLATSOP ROAD & CONSTRUCTION CO. Offcie of U. S. Engineer, TiiiKTKKNTn Distmct, Portland, Oreg., July 9th. 1888. 1'RorosAis will be received at this office until noon on Thursday, the 30th day of Au gust, for furnishing all the materials and la bor necessary for the following named works : 1. For the Metal-Work of the Lichtllouse Tower for Cape Meares, Oregon. 2 For the erection of the Tower at Cape Meares. Oregon. 3 For the Construction of two Keepers' Dwellings, two Oil Houses, Barn, two Cis terns, and Draining. Grading, etc . the grounds of the Light-station at Cape Meares, Oregon. Separate proposals will be received for each class of work, specifications, drawings, and full lnfojmatlon relative to which can be obtained on application to this office. iiesponsiDie persons, who can- xuisiy me Unht-Houso Engineer that they actually In tend to submit Drooosals. will be given an opportunity to visit the site from Astoria. The right Is reserved to reject any or all uius, ana to waive any aeiecis. T. H. HANDBURY. Major of Engineers. U. S. A.. Llght-Houso Engineer. MUSTANG LIHIMENT Heiicak UusTASa LtstHCfT conquers Spavis, SCEATctrcs and Snoxxs In IIobses and lluus. Ai ? , , FfRADfe Li r MARK I B An Important Announcement About six weeks ago. while at business. I waa suddenly attacked wltn excruciating pains In mr feet, knees and hands. So severe the attack that I took my bed Immediately, and in two or three day my joints were swoUen to almost double their natural size, and sleep was driven from me. After suffer ing the most excruciating pain for a week, using liniments and various other remedies, a friend who sympathized wlthjny helpless oondltlon,sald teme: . . "Why don't you get Swift's Specific and use it. I will guarantee a cure, and If It does not the medicine shall cost you nothing." I at once secured the S. 8. 8., and after using It the first day, had a quiet night and refreshing sleep. In a week I felt greatly benefitted. In three weeks I could alt up and walk about the room, and after using six bottle3lwas out and able to go to business. Since then I have been regularly at mr post ot duty, and stand on my feet from nine to ten hours a day, and am entirely free from pain. These are the plain and simple facts In my case, and I will cheerfully answer aU inquiries relative thereto, either in person or by mall. Thomas iUEKnjjr, 11 W. 13th street. New York City. Nashville, Trsx. I have warded ofi! a se vere attack of rheumatism by a timely resort to Swift's Specific In all cases where a per manent relief Is sought this medicine com mends itself for a constitutional treatment that thoroughly eradicates the seeds ot dis ease from the system. Rev. W. P. IUKM30S, S. D. New Toair, 51 7th Ave. After spending $20) to be relieved of Blood Poison without any benefit, a few bottles of Swift's Specific worked a perfect cure. C. PoaTEa. Viexsa, Ga. My little girl, aged six, and boy, aged four years, bad scrofula in the worst aggravated shape. They were puny and sickly. To-day they are healthy and ro bust, all the result ot taking S. 3. 3. Joz T. collier. Laov Lake. Scutes Co., Fla. Your S. 8. S. has proved a wonderful success In sny case. The cancer on my face, no doubt, would have soon hurried me to my grave. I do think It Is wonderful, and has bo equal. 1). II. Btbd, Postmaster. Waco, Texas, Hay 9, 1383. 8. S. Co.. Atlanta, Ga. : Gentlemen Knowing that yon appreciate voluntary testimonials, we take pleasure in stating that one of our lady customers has regained her health by the use of four large bottles ot your great remedy, otter having been an Invalid for several years. Her trouble was extreme debility, caused by a disease pe culiar to her sex. Willis & Co., Druggists. Three books mailed free on application. All druggists sell S. S. S. The Swrrr SrEcmc Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta Ga. New York, 756 Broadwy. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHN KOPP. - - Proprietor. Patronize Home Industry! Wo supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any In the Market, AT AH ItEASOXAIH.K A I'HICK. Tie North FaciSc Brewery Beer Is Fare and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and Is Furn ished in Quantities to Suit. Leave orders With A, W. Utzmger next to Bergman & Co.'s, or Fred Cookc, next to toara s atones. Dally Delivery In Any Part of the City. TIIE COSMOPOLITAN. Utztnger'aad Grosbauer, Props. Fine Billiard Tables: Best of Wines and Liquers: Choice Cigars. A Ftrt Class l'laco of Social Hesnrt, Kim in a First Class Manner. AUG. DANIELSON. SAMPLE ROOMS, Corner ot Water and West Kinth Streets. (Me Liprs ani Cigars! Every Attention to the Comfort ot Patrons. Agent for the Thlngvalla Steamship Line Direct. The Gem Salofin, The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors fiotoTUE OEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PUOPRIETOB Old Corner Saloon, Phil. F. Hower, Prop'r. Fine Wines, Liquors g Cigars, J 401 Cbtnamus Street. ... Astoria, Ogn. GERMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARO LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Class. ffJl. DUCK, Proprietor. LOEB & CO. Vines, Liprs and Cigars. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS COODS. THE TRADE Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands. Main street Opposite Parker House, ASTORIA, .... OREGON. The Astor House Saloon; CEO. M. ROWE, Everything Everybody Else Says, and More Too. The best Is none too good for Irlonds and patrons. Will Try to Please. Tlio Astor House jgaloon. MUSTANG LINIMENT MEXICAN HUSTANQ LINIMENT cures all aU mentsof Hoeses,Mcls sad Cattle. Rubral 'sinfifrSie iKjJkz s..'yg. -t -KX T'slBSS'avS Its peculiar efficacy Is dno .,. as much to the process ana NOTHINCl skill In compounding nsto Like it the Ingredients themselves. nut it Take u Jn t,me It chccks diseases In the outset, or if they be advanced will prove a potentcure. Ko Hoe stall le WloaHt It takes the place of a doctor and costly pre- tx,-.. scrlptions. All who lead FOR WHOSE sedentary lives will And rfnpfiT ltthe best preventive of utr,tM and cure for Indigestion, voasnparion, Headache, liiuonsness, FUes and Mental Depression. No loss of time, no Interference with business while taking. For children It is most In nocent and harmless. No danger from exposure after taking. Cures Colic, Di arrhoea, Bowel Complaints, Feverish ness and Feverish Colds. Invalids and delicate persons will find It the mildest Aperient and Tonic they can use. A little taken at night insures refreshing sleep and a natural evacuation of the bowels. A little token In the morning sharpens the appetite, cleanses the stomach and weetens the breath. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. "I have been practicing medicine for twenty years and have never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system." L. M. Hixtom, u.d Washington, Ark. JIarks of Genuineness: Look for theYed Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, and the Seal and Signature of J. H.Zellln & Co., la red) on the side. Take- no other. J. H. ZEllW & CO., Philadelpha, Pa ' Price Sl.OO. West Ninth Street Assessment Notice. NOTICE is hereby oiven that the as sessment made by Ordinance Ko. 104.r of the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Ore con, and which ordinance passed the Common Council on tho 2oth day of Jane, 1883, and was approved on the 9th day of June, 1838, for the improvement of West-Ninth street in the city of As toria, as laid ont and recorded bv J. II. Shivery, from the south side of Water street to the south sido of Berry street, in tho manner provided by Ordinance No. 1012 of the city of Astoria, and which or dinance passed tho Common Council on the 22d day of May, 1888, and which was approved on the 23d day of May, 1888, on each of the following described lota and portions of lots fronting on said portion of said street is now payable at the office of tho City Treasurer in U. S. gold coin, and unless paid within five days of the final publication of this notice, to-wit: on or before Tuesday, July 24th, 1883, the Common Council will order warrants issued for tho collection thereof. The as sessment is as follews: Jas. Taylor, lot No. C, block No. 118; No. yards fill, 324; total No. yards, 324; cost of grading, $81,00; cost of planking and sidewalk, $125.00; total cost, $20G.0O. Mrs. L. Ferrell, lot No.C, block No. 115; No. yards cut, 50; total No. yards, 60; cost of grading, $13.50; cost of planking and sidewalk, $75.00; total coat, $88.50. Mrs. E. S. W. Case, lot No .7, block No. 115; No. yards cnt, 100: total No. yards, 100; coat of grading, 525.00; cost of plank ing and sidewalk, $75.00; total cost, $100.00. J. Kamm, lot No. C, block No. 17; No. yards cnt, 4; total No. yards, 4; cost of grading, $1.00; total cost, $1.00. Mrs. S. F. Wood, lot No. 7, block No, 17; No. of yards cnt, 5C; total ynrdsr.6; cost of grading, $14,00; cost of planking and sidewalk $75.00; total cost, $89.00. Catholic Church, lotNo.C, blockNo. 20; No. yards cut, C81; total No. yards, C81; cost of grading. $170.25; cost of planking and sidewalk, $80.00; total cost, $250.25. E. It. Hawes, N lot No. 7, block No. 20; No. yards cut, 50: total No. yerds, 50; cost of grading, $14.00; cost pf planking and sidewalk, $57.00; total cost $71 00. W. E. Dement, S of lot No. 7, block No. 20, No." yards cut, 1503; total yards, 1508; cost of grading, 5377.00; cost of planking find sidewalk, $114.00; total cost, $491.00. Mrs. E. Shoppard, lot No. C, block No. 55, No. yards cut, 2297; total yards, 2297; cost of grading, $574.25; cost of planking and Bidewalk, $171.00; total cost, $745.25. C. H. Page, NX of lot 7. block 55; No. yards out, 440; total No. yards, 410; cost of grading, $110.00; cost of planking and sidewalk, $57.00; total cost, $1C7.00. M. Wise, S& of lot No. 7, block No. 55; No. yards cnt, 321; No. yards fill, C; total No. yards, 327; cost of grading, $81.75; cost of planking and sidewalk, $114.00; total cost, $195.75. G. W. Parker,-lot No. 12, block No.5C; No. yards cnt. 71; No. yards fill, 90; total No. yards, 101; cost of grading, $40.25; cost of planking and sidewalk, $171.00; total cost, $21L25. G.W. Parker, lot No. 1, block Xo. 56; No. yards cnt, 319; total No. yards, 319; cost of eroding, $79.75; cost of planking and sidewalk, $171.00; total cpst, $250,75. C. H. Page, Jof lot No. 12, block No. 19; No. yards cut, 51; total No. yards, 51; cost of grading, $12.75; cost of planking and sidewalk, 85.50: total cost, $98.25. Hiram Krown, pf lot No. 12, block No. 19; No. yards cut, ill; total No. yards, 51; cost of grading, $12.75; cost of plank ing and sidewalk, S85.50; total cost,$98.75. V. C. Norris, S. 73 ft. of lot No. 1, block No. 19; No. yards cut, 9; total No. yards, 9; cost of grading, $2.25; cost of planking and sidewnlk, $39.00; total cost, $41.25. J. W. Frey, N. 77 ft. or lot No. 1, block No. 19: No. vards'cut. 5: No. vards fill. L2; total No. yards. 7; cost of grading, oiw:: cost ot piankmg and sidewalk, ?4i.w; total coat, $42.75. IL Brown, lot No. 12. block No. 18; cost of planking find sidewalk, $2.00; iouu cost, $2.00. Mrs. Annie Parre. lot No. 1. block No. 18; cost of planking and sidewalk, $2.00; totai cost, 5a.w. rC. S. Brown, S. Ji- of lot No. 12, block No. 11C; cost of planking and sidowalk, Si.uu; total cost, Sl.UU. C. W. Shively, X. J of lot No. 1. block No. 110; cost of planking and sidewalk. $30.00; total cost, 830.00. -By order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, July C.1SS8. Astoria Soda Works. HANSEN &. CO., Prop's', rPAi.T?ns in Blood Orange Soda, Lemon Soda. Tine Ap- imo o.u , i. j-f am aoua, oarsapaiuui, uiukci Ale. Crab Apple CliampaimeClder.Standard Ncura Cura, Iron Phosphates Seltzer Water, Natural Mineral Water, Syrups, etc. All orders from the (Jit and Country promptly filled. MUSTANG LINIMENT MEXICAN MOSTANQ. LINIMENT rutted in taxes nany aralaabls Horse and Male's limbs. AswS.?ia. . "The Gray Mare is The Better Horse." A ccntleinen who had seen the world, one day rjave his son a span of horses, a chariot, and a basket of ejrgs. "Do you," said he to the boy, travel upon "the high, roatl until you come to tho first house in which is a married couple. If vou find that the husband is tnaste'r there, give him one of the horses. if, on the contrary, the wife is the ruler, give her an egg. Ri'turu nt once if you part with a horse, but do not come back as lung ns you keep both horses and there is an egg remaining." , Away went the bov full In mission, and, just beyond thy b r- der of his fathers estate, I. : a modest cottage. He aliglm-d fiom his chariot, and knocked at the door. The good wife opened the door and courteaied. "is your husband at home. "No;" but she would call him from the hav-field. In he came wiping1 his brows. The young man told them his errand. "Why," says the wife, bridling and rolling the corner of her apron, "I aluays do as John wants me to do; he is mv master; ain't vou. John?" "Then," said the boy, " I am to give vou a horse; which will vou takeV" " I think," said he, "as how that bay gelding seems to be the one as would suit me the best." "If we have a choice, husband," said the wife, "I think the gray mare will suit us the best." " Np," replied-John, "the bay for me; he is the more square in tront, and his .legs are better." " Now," said the wife, " I don't think so; the gray mare is the bet ter horse, and I shall never be con tented unless I get that one." " Well," said John, "if your mind is set on it, I'll give up; we'll take t he-gray mare. "Thank you," said the boy, "al low me to give vou a fresh e from this .basket; it is a nice fresh one, and you can boil it hard or soft, as your wife will allow. The rest you can imagine. The young man came home with both horses, but not an egg remained inside the basket. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria SThen Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. iThen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, iYhen she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria, ffhen she had Children, she gave them Castorlt A tree that was cut down near Whatcom, W. T., yielded 35,000 feet of lumber, which, at 7.50 per thousand, makes the tree worth S2G2. The Whatcom IineMe savs that timberlands in thecoun- ty will average ten such trees to an acre. Simon Saropian, who resides at Fresno, Cal., two years ago became naturalized, and not long since he concluded that he would not be an American citizen any longer. So he tore up his papers and now says he is a subject of Turkey again. Rttelilrn's Arnica Snlrr. TifK BnsT Salve in the world fot Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and alt Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give periect. sausi action, or money rouinucu Price 25 cents per box. For sale by. I C. Dement. School Meeting Notice. fOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN TO THE 1-1 legal voters of School District No. One, Astoria, i,i:u.so() county. Oregon, mat a meeting will be held In the school house of said district on Saturday. July 21st. 1S88. at 7 :30 p. si., for the purpose of Ievving a lax to support a school In said district for the ensuing year. Also to levy a tax to pay In terest on Hie present Indebtedness. Also to levy a tax. lor incidental expenses oi said dlstnst. Also to lew a tax to redeem some of the outstanding bonds. And to-transact sucn omer ousiness as may properly come before the meetlnjr. lty order ot the Hoard of Directors of said AJistricr. J. G. HUSTLEI!, clerk II B. PARKEK, Chairman, Astoria, July nth, 1888. Notice. mnE ANNUAL MEETING OF TIIE -ft. stockholders of the Jensen Can Flllin Co., will be held at the office of the Astoria Iron Works at 2 o'clock r. 3f.. on Saturday July 28th, 18W. By order of the President. Secretary, NOTICE. ASTORIA, July Ctll, 18SS. I have this Cth day of July. 1883. sold my entire real estate and insurance business to Messrs. Robb and Parker, for whom I re spectfully ask a continuance of the patron age heretofore extended to myself. AH lia bilities incurred prior to that date are as sumed by me and I will collect air hills due me at that date. J. O. BOZORTH. Referring to the above we respectfully ask a continuance of the patronage heretofore extended to Mr. Bozorth. We will hereafter he found in the onice foimerly occupied by him. and liavingsuc ceeded to the excellent line of Insurance Companies represented by him, have 'he very best facilities for doing a gentral Fire insurance Business, ROBB & PARKER, MUSTANG LINIMENT MEXICAN MUSTANO LINIMENT, used vlgor nsbr Is deathto Swlnney.Wlad OalU.Sorc Dicks. -3.ssftas! A Summer Summer's heat. debilitates both nerves and body, and Heatl ache, Sleeplessness, Nervous Prostration, and an "air-played-out" sensation prove that Paixe's Celekt CoirroTXD should be used now. This medicine restores health, to Nerves, Kidneys, Liver, and Bowels, and imparts life and energy to tho heat prostrated system. Vacations or no va cations; Paixe's Celery ConrouifD is tho medicine for this season. It -is a scientiOc combination of tha best tonics, and those who use it begin the hot summer days with clear heads, Strong nerves, and general good health. Paixe's Celert Compound is sold by all drug?i?ts, 51 a bottle. Six for $5. WELLS, KICHAKDSOX & CO., Prop's, Burlington Yt. And HotWe tea Steai Mption Co FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens.. Ft. Canby and llvvaco. Connecting by stages and steamboats for Oystcrvillc, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER Sb "GEN. CANBY," Tnos. parkkr. Master. Will leave Astoria dally (Sundays excepted) for Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco, at 8 A. M., except as below. With Oystervllle Mails and Express daily, and Through, Mails to points beyond, and Montesano, W.T., on Mondays. "Wednesdays and FridayB. On Tuesdays and Saturdays the uen. Lanoy win mane two rouna trips, leaving Astoria first time at s a.m. and on second trip (about 2 p. t.) 3 hours atier ar rival from first tnp. Tickets to Ilwaco ..... . (at the office) ."0 oi-uts Round Trip SI OO Passengers will savo 25 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. Ilwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 HyForTickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the office of the company, Gray's nharf, foot of nenton street. J. U.D.GRAY, Agent. DR. SPINNEY & CO'S NORTHWESTERN' DISPENSARY, 183 First St.. comer Yamhill rortlanM. AU Chronic, Nervons and Private Diseases of 31 en and Women Successfully Treated. Such as Lost Manhood, Nervous andPhysical .Debility, Exhausted Vitality.Seminal Weak ness, Spermatorrhoea, Prostatorrhcea. Impo tency, Oonorrho?a,Gleet, Syphilis, Disease of tho Kidnoys, Liver, Lungs. Heart, and Stomach ; Prematura Decline, WEAKNESS IN WOMEN, and all Functional Dorango ments that result from youthful follies or ex cess in later years. X"ovLxxg; Men Who may bo suffering from the effects of youthful follies or indiscretion will do well to avail themselves of this, tho greatest boon ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity. DR. SPINNEY will Guarantee to Forfeit 850t for every case of Seminal Weakness or private disease of any kind or character which he undertakes and fails to " MIDDLE-AGED MEN There are many at tho age of SO to CO who nro troubled with too frequent ovneuntiona of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation and a weaken ing of the srstom in a manner the patient can not account for. On examining tho urinarv deposits, a ropy sedim'ent will often bo foun J, and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, or tho color will bo of a thin, whitish hue, again changing to a dark, torpid appearance, 'ibere are many men whodio of this difficulty, ignorant.of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. DR. SPINNEY will Guarantee n I'erfect Cure in such casos.'und a healthy restora tion of the genito-urinary organs. Hours, 10 to 5 and 7 to 9 : Sunday, 8 to 11 a st only. Consultation free : Examination, $2.00. HEALTH. La Itlcnau'a Golden Bnlun T.'n uures uaancres, first and second stajea Sorea on the Legs and Body; Sore Ears, Eyes, Nose, etc., Copper-colored Blotches, Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and all primary forms ot the disease known a Syphilis. Price, 85 OO per Bottle. La Itlchau'a Golden Balsam No.3 Cures Tertiary, MercurlalSyphllltlc Khen. matlMa, Pains In the Bones, Pains In tfio Head, back of the Neck, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Lumps and con tracted Cords, Stiffness ot the Limbs, ami eradicates all disease from the system, whether caused by indiscretion or abnse of Mercury, leaving the blood pure and healthy.. Price 85 OO per Bottle. to BIcnan'a Golden Spanlsli Anti dote for tho cure of Gonorrhoea, Cleet, Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Cent, tal disarrangements. Price S3 So per Bottle. - I.e Ulchaa'a Golden Spanlsli In. Jectlon, forsevcro ccsesot Gonorrhoea, Inflammatory Gleet, Strictures.ic. Frlco 81 30 per Bottle. Lo Rlchau's Golden Ointment for the effective healing of Syphilitic Sore, and eruptions. PrlcoSl OO per Box. La Bichau'a Golden Pills -Vno and Brain treatment; loss of physical ,n -cr, excess or over-work. Prostration etc Price S3 OO per Box. Tonic ana Nervine, Sent everywhere, C. O. D., securely packed per.exprcss. - C. P." RICHARDS A: CO. , Acents, 427 & 423 Sansome street. Comer Clay, 4B San Francisco, Cal. m, CIRCULAR MAILED FREE. LIFERENEWER Altt. r-AHJiuta h Galvanic. CHAIN BELT with Electrio Somen. ory. Most ppweftnl. i aurame ana I perfect Chain Battarr.In tu 'world. Cares Nernm Ha. bllitjr, Paul In tb Back. Kidney Disease, Rhenhalism, ot Sexual Organs. Cal Hr send PamnhletNo.2. Add rj. Magnetic Elastic Tbuss Co. 704 Sacra JJhto st. Han Francisco. Cnl.. or 3Q4 N. 6th at.. Bt. Mul.Mq. MUSTANG LINIMSNT MEXICAN MUSTANa LINIMENT c t(3 Piles, Old Sours, Caked Beeastj all I Miox. -i&h $523 fewwdj " " f E"I 'DISEASE. .' .702. FURCfQtiV WSi8 Dyspepsia J5 Weakness '42reS" Bfamn fn '" TRANSPORTATION LINES. Of. E." & H. GO. - WW J s-UUUtllgba 7 . .1 "- ' lire vf. Ab. 1 x, KjKUt CiW rylnetbe U.S. malK leave Hie Comp;un uock. jwcry 3iov.sunt.ajs except int. at : Hnuunln'ggil'thr.r'' ""' P"K TO SAN FRANCISCO. lhe onlylirfe of Steamships to Kan Pnn ciscov Steamers leave Companj 'a Peck everv five dais - ". Regular Line of Tow Boats and Earges, For Towaze and I.i2liter.iro. STOBAfiE OF AJ.t. lll.tns. Inquire at Compam 's Dock or at City Ot- Additional Steamboat Ren Ice cm Up LOWER COLUMBIA The Fast and Elegant Sleamen, R. R..Thompson and S. G. Reed. Will run as Xlsht Itonts between Astr.iiu nml Portland. Lea imj Astoria at 8 r. si. : retnrnirr. Leave 1'oitland at 1 1 so i at.. KVKIIY SIGHT. Connecting with All the Trains. JI. I5. BOZORTH. F, A. NOYES, Ticket Acent. Acent. TO SAN" FRANCISCO, CAL., BV WAV OK TIIE Southern Pacific Company's L1XF-S. Tho Mt. Shasta Route. Quicker in Timothan any Other Routo Between Portland and San Francisco. LEAVE POnTLAMD4 P. M. Daily THROUGH TIME 39 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. tiii'kist sr.r.r.riAt; cars Foraronmniotlation of Seconil-elass l'ass (users attached to Fxprrss Train-.. FA It i: from I'nrtland to Sacramento ami San Francisco, riiiiiiMto.i .... si.-;oo. Flint t'luss l.Imifrd - - ViO OO Seeontl CIuhh ' - S13 OO 1L KOLIII.EK, K.1M:0(!F.KS. Manager. Asit.l!. F.Sasi.ARt GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE! Northern Pacific Railroad! TWO TRAINS A DAY! NO CHANGE OF CARS ! Shortest Lino to Ohicago&AllPointsEast VIA ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS. THE Northern Pacific E. R. 13 the ONLY Line Kiumlng Pasitnjrcr Trains. l'ullnian PalaceMff ping Cars, l'alice Dining Cure (meals 75cJ, Luxartant Day Coaches, Emigrant Skeperi (free of charge), FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST See that roar tlclets reail Tia the J'ortlieri. Paclllc li. 11. and aiold change ores". Leave 1'ortland at 7 A. M. and 3:ir. 1'. JI. daily ; arrire at Slinneapolis or bt. I am at noon fourth day. PACIFIC DIVISION Train leaves lront and (! streetdailyatTA.M.andllA.JI.; arrive at New Tacoma 1 :15 and B :I5 1 . M.. connecting vi ith Comuaiiy's for all points on I'uset Sound. CIlAS.S.FEE.Gcn'nVcsternrass Agent, St. raul. A.D.Ct'AULTON, fien'l Western l'ass. Agent, No. 2, Washington St.. 1'oilland Depot, jorner First and C slrecLs, Boat Building. JOE LEATHERS Is at the old stand prepared to build all kinds of boats used on the Tacillc Coast, Builder of steamers Metric. Favorite. Tonquin, and others. Model Making a specialty. Slock and Workmanship first.class. I prescribe and fally endorse Hie t as the only specific for the cer tain cure ot this disease. U. II. iKOnAHAU.M. n. Amsterdam, K. Y. We have sold Big C for many years, and it has iVPnineDea;oi8aii3 laciion. 1). K. DVCTtK & CO.. Cblcaeo. I L Trad 31. Sold by Druggists, "Sold by J. wrConn, Astoria. Oregor, " MUSTANG LINIMENT MEXICAN HUSTAXCJ LINIMENT should al ways bo kept la Uovss, Stable wad Factory. sm&jv- atherltivigorator Vl TO & DATS.'H QunatHd not mm gSu CAOMStrlCt&If. ES vrdonijtjtij fglXuziaisleilCD. vgL Cincinnati jHHoi Ivll ti