The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 20, 1888, Image 3

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jttt 5l0ritt,"
(Monday except e J.) .
Publishers ana Proprietors,
wimymm,i,BB . . cassStkekt.
Terms or.SubriptIon.
S'T.lli'iVf rrier J'er week 13 er
Jm-iii by Mall, per tiiontJi
1 rec (if postage to subscribers.
ne j car.
- Cects
Tiik Astomas Guarantees to its ader
liters the largest circnlation ol any newspa
per published on the Columbia river
Tiie Jos. Drummond
salmon for Liverpool.
is loading
Frank L. Parker Las
pointed a notary public.
Jacob Kamm talks of pending -the
fnfhiidni... 11.. n -
1 uvut uu me nonnu
The state baseball tournament
gaa at Baker City yesterday.
Ihe 1 elephone starts on the
lamet excursion at 8:30 this
liiera 13 no finer fresh meat on
the coast than that supplied by the
Astoria ineat markets.
This Astoria buys and pava for
more telegraph than any other "news-
luper m iuo state, outside of Port
laud. llankin and his company in
their great play of "The Now Dan
ltes at Boss's opera house next Mon
day night.
County warrants issued prior to
July 15 18S6 are payable with inter
est to date at county treasurer De
ment's office.
Strangers and visitors to tho city
aro always welcome at tho Y. M. C. A.
rooms, whore they will find tho latest
leading newspapers, magazines, etc.
Sometime ago Priuevillo coucluded
it needed a minister, and advertised
for one, and aminislersaw thoadver
tisement and went there and filled a
long felt want.
Tho Tillamook Headlight is relia
bly informed that Messrs. Kinney
Bros., of Astoria, have completed all
arrangements for building a cannery
at Goose point.
Jack Depauger, a former conductoi
on the Oregon & California road, and
who was injured iu the mishap near
Dnnsmuir last fall, has sued tho
company for S25,000.
George Marshall of San Bernar
dino, Cal., died of smallpox last
Wednesday night at Miller's station,
a few miles north of Albany. No
other cases aro reported.
Tho CprvallisiV'wies complains that
Mongolian pheasants are getting
alarmingly thick iu that section. It
is said that one covey will eat and
destroy more grain than a hog.
Timber cruisers are out iu every
direction looking for and locating
timber land. Some of of them are
employed by eastern capitalists.
Others arc eastern capitalists them
selves. There was a pleasant social and
supper at Liberty hall last evening
under the auspices of tho Y. M. C. A.,
and a literary entertainment of un
usual tncrit, tho eveniugbeiugenjoyed
by all present.
Several Astorians arc pleased to
know that McKee Bankin is to ap
pear here, having seen him elsewhere.
He is considered to be a great actor.
Reserved seats may be had at the
New York Novelty store to-morrow.
Mat Stevens was accidentally
drowned near the middle sands yes
terday. He was aged 23 years. It is
not known if he had auy relatives
here. Any ono knowing anything of
his people should address Wm. Hen
dren, this city.
Blackberries have arrove. Plums,
nectarines, apricots and other fruit
are plenty, of fino llavor, and ridi
culously cheap. Oregon is favored
in having two fruit seasons, ono when
early California fruit is received, and
later when our own unrivaled Oregon
fruit is ready to eat.
Tho new recruits for the Salvation
army need vocal practice. Their
street singing of evenings is wo fully
out of tunc. Tho way they squawk
"if you're not a lover of the Lord"
will make nobody want to go to
Heaven when they die, if that is a
specimen of the celestial melody.
In tho vicinity of the hospital T. J.
Patton has been making a nuisance
of himself, and his actions got so in
tolerable that ho was yesterday after
noon arrested upon a charge of insan
ity, which is about the most char
itable construction that could bo put
on hia pranks. He will bo examined
G. W. Ross, of R03S Bros., proprie
tors of tho opera house, desires to say
Hhat he has been to considerable
tVouble and expenso in securing Mc
Keo Rankin and his troupe, and other
first class entertainments and is will
ing to leave it to the judgment of tho
Astoria public as to tho quality and
standing of tho attractions heseenres
for the theater.
Uncle Bill Chanco has many droll
tales at early times on this coast, and
though he makes no effort to show it,
ho is really one.of tho most authentio
living sources of information about
early times iu this state' No event
worth remembering since '53 has oc
curred between theSiskiyons and the
Olympic range that he does not re
member and can accurately recall.
The Oregon is due from San Fran
cisco this morning with the following
iacuKere: o. ureen ana wife and
sistor, J. L. Doyle, E. A. Parsons, A.
J. Childs. S. Hamilton and wife. Dr.
Slater, A. T. Begley, Kev. T. F. Lau
rence, J. E. Rhodes, E. B. Webber,
Miss O. Lieb, W. A. Blackeney, E. J.
iuomas, Jirs. a. Smith, H. Gerson,
M. Nunan, J. W. Scott, M. Johnson.
J-uo Pacific base ball club met at
mo jiook and ijadder rooms last
evening and effected an organization,
electing P. W. Weeko nri7ipnf. nnri
manager; P. S. Cook, secretary, and
a. Hughes, field captaiu. The mem
bers are, P. W. Weeks, Harry Hughes,
P. S Cook, W. Binder, A. W. Meany,
M. Warren, Geo". Noland, John Hay,
ci iciguavn, jno. utrant.
B9Pm TCnnnrro mfn.nflj f.nm D.I.
laud yesterday. He still keeps that
black band on his Harrison hat and
S3VS it isn't tlio ImnI tl.-. a:h
guishes the politics of the wearer; it
inn umor 01 tne nat. tub Cleve
land hat is a nutria brown; the Har
rison hat fl np.irl nrnv nr,a nnn ...
- - r-"" ("( wuu tuu ticui
a broad black band of any texture on
either hat, and it will still be a Har
rison hat or a Cleveland hat.
iuesday evening, says the Orego-
man, tnirty salmon were taken out
01 tne Clackamas river, at the hatch
, 10 ascertain it tuey were ripe
cuuuguior stripping. It was found
that it will be two weeks yet before
the eJB8 Can be 11RP1. Tim cmlmnn
which contained about 100.000 ecca!
were then returned to the river.
Prof. Tilvinrrarnn S(nna .!. in Z
charge of the hatchery, says that it
it the intention to begin taking ogg3
uuuiu August i.
For some time past an individual
named Guiseppe Giovali has been
grossly insulting L. Srera and wire,
and uttering abusivo and obscene lan
guage at every opportunity. Yester
day afternoon Serra, stung with the
taunts of Giovali, seized a revolver
and fired twice at him. They were
both taken in charge by chief Barry,
Serra promptly giving bonds for his
appearance in tho justice court this
afternoon. Giovali wns Wtnrl nn
and will be given a hearing this after
noon. A ladr. Who evidentk'
what she is talking about, says that a
kiss on tne iorenead denotes rever
enco for the intellect; a kiss on the
cheek, that the donor is impressed
with the beauty of tho kissed one,
but flint n ltisq nn llm Una i"a n tnlran
Of IOVO. Kissintr tlio Imnil nf nnntbor
expresses willingness to servo her;
om Kissing yonr nana to another is a
love-token, signifying that you would
kiss her with your best affection and
grace if sho were near onongh. D'ye
mind that now.
In the justice court yesterday
Henry Peters, who has been fishing
a cannery boat for tho Astoria Pack
ing Co., was arraigned and convicted
of having taken eight salmon to a
whiskey scow nnd sold tho salmon.
Ho was given 5 days in tho county
jail. Then Robert Harrison, of the
firm of Harrison & Butts, proprietors
of tho whiskey scow was put on his
defense, and upon examination on a
charge of receiving stolen property,
was held in the sum of 8400 to await
the action of the next grand jury.
"Ought vouncr pirls to read Mia
daily newspapers" is the title nf .1
brochure read by Dr. W. T. Harris, -of
Con-ord, Mass., at the teachers na
tional convention iu San Francisco,
Why certainly if the old man pays
for the rianer. Bnt no f!rl. nld nr
young, should read the daily paper
unless she believes that the head of the
house rhacks up his littlo old fifteen
cents a week. This' may not be the
stand roint from T)nr TTnpi-io
treated the subject, but so much in
this world depends upon the point of
There was a pleasant gathering ot
the residence of ex-mayor J. C. Trull
inger lMt evening, the occasion being
tho marriage of his daughter, Miss
E. A. ITrullinger, and Mr. W. D.
Mack, Af Cheholis, W. T., the mar
riage ceremony being performed by
Rev. G. .5. Hall, pastor of the Con
gregat.r,al church. Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Mack left on the boat last
evening on a bridal trip to Victoria,
B. O. Tieir future residence will be
at Hoauy m, and the young couple
havo the beat wishes of a host of
friends for a long happy life.
The first carload of fresh halibut
sent easV from tho Sound met with
ready sale, as the following from the
Boston Traveler shews: "A carload
containing 20,000 pounds of fresh hal
ibut in pood order arrived in New
York Monday, shipped by Solomon
Jacobs at Seattle, W. T.. June 7th,
caught by the schooner Mollie Adams
and selling for 12 cent3 per pound.
This is a new venture and will be
watched with much interest. It is
expected that it will affect the ship
ments made by halibut syndicates at
Gloucester, Mass. Among the mem
bers of the concern at Gloucester, it
is the general topic."
Mr. C. O. Utzinger of Crookston,
Minnesota, a brother of A. W. Ut
zinger of this city, arrived yesterday.
Mr. Utzinger is favorably impressed
with Astor.a, and may conclude to
ca9t his fortunes with us. He is the
mayor of the city of Crookston, a
place about the size of Astoria eight
nin6 mil&s from Winnepeg,
Manitoba, tho center of n fine
wheat growing region. The
longer Mr. Utzinger stays in
Astoria the better he'll like it, and if
Tin nllliTpct tinpa ft mnnfn ha'll 1a
writing back to his Crookston friends,
H.-ii it.. , , 1
sen mo waoie uusiness nnu come
out to God's tonntry."
From Malv;o .to California; from
tho Gulf of Srjxieo to the frozen re
gions of the itirtli. politicians are so
mixed up tlityou can't tell tother
from which nld which from tother.
All along sinlitlthe presidential nom
inations weroj made, it has been a
prevalent opinion that the republi
can hat was ahjoarl ping with a blaok
band and bidding to match, -and
that the democratic hat was a pearl
plug with a black band, and politi
cians have been recognized accord
ingly. Now comes the annonncement
from'the largest hat house in Amer-
icu reversing liiih inf.i. nnn jniprnrin
comes the information from Belva
Lockwood that the emblem of her
party is a pearl plug hat with a black
garter around it.
The following is what judge Davis,
a level headed. Illinois man says of
the local newspaper. We publish it
for the benefit of some who. sponge
their reading or are perpetually
growling oecause tilings aro not run
to suit them: "Every year every
local narifir trivPH frnm 81 OfM tn
85,000 in free lines for the sole bene
fit of the vicinity in which it is lo
cated. Nn nthpr ncrpnnv nan ni will
do" this. Tho local editor, in propor-
Tin1 - Ivan o. J3 1
wuu iu uu uiettus, -uuea more ior uis
town than any other ten men, and in
all fairness, man with man, ho ought
to be supported, not because you
may happen to like him or 'ndmire
his writing, but because a local paper
IS the best investment n enmmnnitv
can make.. To-day the editors of tho
local papers do the most work for
the least mnnfiv nf nnv TnAn nn onpfli
Subscribe for your local paper, not as
a cnarity, rntt as an investment."
Notes From Ilwaco.
Ilwaco, July 18, 1888.
Past "two doys the thermometer
registered 95 in the shade during the
forenoon, but dropped considerably
in the afternoon. Undoubtedly it's
the warmest weather this summer.
At the seaside bathing was not only
considered fashionable, but delici
ously refreshing. Right in town,
where bathers are always protected
from the rather too cool northwest
winds.there was a grand gathering
of families, without the assistance of
the adult mnlen. nn Tnpurlnv nftor.
noon, and they indulged in a good
water picnic, utterly regardless of the
prevailing fashion in bathing suits
and yet most becominclv nnd mml.
estly attired. A large nnmber of sea
side visitors and eottneera nrn Ar
riving on the Potter every trin. Mnnt
of theso nassencers natroi.izA thn
beaoh wagon to reach their destina
tion, owing to the foot that the wagon
can take passengers right from the
dock, while on the other hand, as tho
railroad bridge is not quite completed,
the cars cannot conneot direct
with tho boat In a few days how
ever there will be direct communica
tion between cars and boat. Tho
railroad is completed and iu fine run
ning order from Ilwaco to within
200 ft. of the Harvest Home hotel
grounds to-day. Probably within
the next 24 hniira thn raila Trill ha
laid as far as Jenkins at Long Beach
or East Portland camp. A ball at
that place on next Saturday evening
is announced. As an nvirlAnen nf
prospectitve prosperity along the
beach this summer, it may bo men
tioned that there is a barber's tent at
"Jenkins" nnd nlsn nnn nf. "Sfnnto"
When lasteason it was considered
unnecessary to havo a shop on the
Several of our pound net men are
over to Gray's Harbor looking for
locations to continue their vocation
this coming fall.
A Warning.
The modes of death's approach are
various, and statistics show conclu
sively that more persons die from dis
eases ot the Throat and Lungs than
any other. It is probable that every
one, without exception, receives vast
numbers of Tubercle Germs into tho
SVStem nnd whnm tlmnn rrcrma ffill
upon suitable soil they start into life
and develop, at first slowly and is
shown by a slight tickling sensation
in tho throat and if allowed to con
tinue their ravages they extend to the
lungs producing Consumption and to
the head, causing Catarrh. Now all
this is dangerous and if allowed to
proceed win in timccanso death. At
tho Onset VOU must net with nrnmnf.
ness; allowing a cold to go without
your attention is dangerous and may
lose you your me. as soon as you
feel that something is wrong with
your Throat. Luncrs or Nostrils, nh.
tain a bottle of Boschee's German
Syrup. It will give yon immediate
Wm. Kyle arrived yesterday.
Judge Taylor returned from Hills
boro yesterday.
Capt. Archie Pease takes charge of
the 2'. J. Potter.
H. Delaney returned' yesterdav
from the Foley springs, much im
proved in health. ,
Two of Capt. J. H. D.Gray's broth
ers, CaptW. P. Gray and' Capt. A.
W. Gray, are master and mote of the
new steamer City of Ellensburjt on
the upper Columbia.
To-Pay's Excursion.
The ladies ot the Presbyterian
church will give a grand basket pic
nic, to-day. The'elegant new steamer
Telephone has been secured and a
good time is assured to all who go.
Ice cream will be for sale. Tickets
for adults 75 cents; ohildren 50 cents.
Special terms to families. Boat leaves
at 830 a. M. The exoursion will be
to CathlameL Tickets can be pro
cured at J. 0. Dement's, M. O. Cros
by's. Thompson & Ross', Parker &
Hanson's, and Wm. Edgar's.
A World Beater.
Bufpaio, July 18. The bay mare
Belle Hamlin trotted a trial half-mile
heat yesterday afternoon, at the But
falo driving park, in 1K12K, a 2:03
gait This beatB the world, Maud S.
The finest and juiciest steak at the
Telephone Restaurant.
Children Cry ferPffeher's Caatoria
Olever. Escape of An Important
Singular Accident In a St. Lbnjs Theater.
(special to nn: astoeiax.)
WAsmiJaTOK. July 19. The nresi-
dpnf hfia nnnrnvpd thn nrrrinnlfnrol
and district of Columbia appropria
tion bills. ;
St. Loue July 19. A YiecnHiir
accident ocourred at -the Standard
theater last night resulting in pro
bably the fatal -Imrning of Ed. Hill
and M. Dwyer .aged 19 and 21 years
respectively and the severe injury of
several other attaches of theater.
The men were engaged in fumicatinrr
the theater with sulphuric acid
which Hill and Dwyer were pouring
from nlnnn intrs. Both inir p-mlnddl
at once scattering tho aoid in every
direction and saturating the cloth
ing of both young men and bespater-
lnfr tlinso nenr. Hill nnrl lim-ai
were nearly-crazed with the pain and
ran mrougu me Bireeis ionowed by a
crowd until caught by a policeman
and taken to the citv disnpnanrw
where their burns were dressed. In
their flieht they had torn almost nil
their clothing off and reaohed the
dispensary nearly nude. The othe'r
wounded men were able to go to the
dispensary withont assistance but
they are severely injured.
Port HunoN.JulylU A sensational
incident occurred last night following
the exnminntion of Fred nnd fllma
Saunders who were arrested Juno 9,
for smuggling opium. Chas. Label,
of Indiananolis. was broucht here to
testify in the case. It was under
stood that he had turned state's evi
dence and testified that several piano
boxes of opium had been shipped
to him at Fort Wayno and Indian
apolis and reshipped by him to San
Francisco. Saundors' brothers wero
held for trial and tho bail fixed at
85,000. District' attorney Black and
deputy U. S. marshal Stein left for
Detroit on the evening traiu with
Label. They had him handcuffed
nnd intended to hold him until trial.
When the train was four miles west
of this city Label jumped up, ran to
to the door of tho'car and made his
escape. The trainwas "stopped but
too late to be of service as there was
a bucrcv standinc npnr hv infn nrhinh
he jumped and drove away at a rapid
rate 01 speeu. xie arovo direct to
Saunders three miles below hero on
the bapk of,the-St: Clair river where
a boat was waiting for 'hfm. Ho is
now in Cnnndn nhrf nnf nf tho. rnnr1.
of the United States nuthnritips. ITn
was tho Quly witness against Saun
ders brothers and it will be a hard
matter to convict them now.
- v
For Fit4t iMaocs
A great amount of political ensineer
ing will be ilonp by friends or candidates
to SPeurn. fnr f hpir limn thn flrcl nlrin .t
the ticket, and the .!& man will prob
ably secure the co&d placp. Then if
indorsed by tlio majority of the people,
thp nlpptinn i iQaiirpl tflnntrio l?Wtii c
has been put to the Trout, its merits
passeu upon, nas been indorsed, and
unanimously -given ' the first place
theielief and cure of all Diseases of
Kianeys, jiver and Momacli. Klectric
Hitters, being guaranteed, is a safe in
vestment. Prien rniiTmul SI nw hnftln
at J no. C. Dement's Drnr Store.
Telephone J,KlKtn;r House.
llcst Beds in town. Itooms per night
."0 and '2T cts., per week Sl-r0. New and
clean, l'tivato entrance.
(3 row
I.S the lnmlilHf ilintnrnnlini' nf Miic nil v
and is said to be asj?ood asanv in tin;
state. ,
T ninl.'OWnmfrtr n Inrir.i cfnMr f
goods to arrive shortly we will sell the
remainder of our stock of children's
Carriages, Wagons, and Velocirodes, at
1 lfnpa onnll n ! a1aa aaa
All tlifi nnrpnt mpdirm..c friimrttcrwi
In this paper, together with Uu choicest
hotel, Astoria.
Sunny Kon'iu.
With or witbo nf. hnnril nt tin. Hn!,ln
House. Ttnoms frnni.dn ntmilli ntiuiT
Library, etc.
Cnuiurlnus Beer
And Fi ro Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, r cents.
Fish Skid Oil.
Ami machine oil for sale.
Astoria, Oregon.
Fine IMrelllDslIouhc to Kent.
Good tonnslo suitable tenant. Tnnnim
at this office.
Ludlow's Ladicb' S3.00 Fine Shees:
also Flo
L-xible Hand turned French Kids,
Tim latest stvlinf Qents' Itnnfc nml
Shoes at P.J. Goodman's.
ClatMip Fcrrj Regular Trips.
Will llRL'in rnndnv.' .lull' III T.nnvn
Adair's Landing atS::50-A. jr. and 4:30
p. m. Leae Astoiii Landing, J, a. si.
and 5, r. ji.
Farm Implements
Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Sulky
Hay Rakes, Tedders, Horse Hay
Forks, Dutton's Mower
Knife Grinders,' Etc.
Agents for the Osborne Mowers, lleapers,
and hell Binders.
Extras for all kinds of Faun Machinery
furnished on short notice.
a itamaa nt 4ta luinntv tnnrl tt Hlnl.n
-- uvmco wi me huuu.j .uuiu-A UlrtlAiJp
county. Oregon; entered July Htb. 1S3J. the
iiama 111 uuiiu jlskui ii.v uccu uuauKl'U m
John Wilson.
Having been very fortunate in our selection of the above goods this season, we have
. still a few left, and will sell them at manufacturers cost.
& HI IlyUlO
fSUSTAV HANSEN, l'rop'r.
A Iir'e and Well Selected Stock ot Fine
Diamonfls i Jewelry
At Kxticincly Low Trices.
All ( nought at This Kstaljlishiurnt
Warranted Genuine.
Wntch :iimI ClocU Repairing
Corner Ciss and Sfluemoqua Streets.
Carnalian & Co.
. .T. W. CASE,
Comer Chenainus and Cass streets.
Of Best Quality, and at
And Dealers in
Special Attention Civento Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
rurchascsdelivcred In any part of the city.
Office and Warehouse
In Hume's New Eudding on Water Street.
1. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37.
astoria, - onr.aoy.
Assignee's Notice.
-Li underslcned has been annolnted ns-
signee of the Thistle Packing Company, and
all persons having claims against it, are re
quired to present tho same, duly-verified, to
tne assignee, within three months from this
date. May nth. 1S88.
k Department !
aTcost !
All the remainder of our Summer
Jackets and Ulsters.
About four dozen ladies fine
Will be cleared out at cost.
Leading House of Astoria.
Van Dusen & Go.
Hardware and Ship Chandlery,
Pure Oil, Bright Varnish,
Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas.
Hemp Sail Twine,
Cotton Sail Twine.
Lard Oil,
Wrought Iron Spikes,
Galvanized Cut Nails.
Agricultural Implements, SciyIh?
Machines, Taints. Oils.
Grooeriesp 3E3tc.
CANDY Manufactured and For Sale at
Wholesalo Prices, at
The Oregon Bakery
A. A. CLEYELAN'D, Prop'r.
Gofli Bread, Cake ani Pastry
None but the Best Materials Used.
Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers
Bread delivered In any part ot the city.
Seaside Bakery.
BostMilk Broail aud
Manufacturers of pine Candles.
Ornamental Confectionery
And Ice Creams.
Wholesale and Kctall Dealer la Candles.
Wholesalo and retail dealer In.
Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc.
General Storage and 'Wharfaire on reason
able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria,
Than any oth
er axe made.
Hundreds ot
woodmen tes-
rlorlty. Itgoei
weep ana fleror
& CO.,
Agents Astoria,
Price, SI.S0.
InUPLBE 1 cut
I HDsrrajaaM
I am overstocked with
And rather than carry tliunn over until
next season I offer them at
Everybody can afford to keep cool now.
Come and get a
Straw Hat!
At almost
Half Price!
Clothier and Hatter,
Occident Hotel Building.
A Sacrifice.