0) IU'1 ir -'I III III -sssffi-Ll ilqft tls I 1 II A m;i.. xxxi no ir ASTORIA. OREGON THURSDAY JULY 19. I88S PRICE JblVE CENTS BUSINESS CARDS. roii.vH. smith, ATTORNEY AT LAW. nfflce. Room -1 and 3. over City Book More. r.KU KAX.VGA. ATTORNEY AT LAW. i: m9. Fj thian Buildm:?, Astoria, Oregon. t 1 :. ..!!. i.m. . v rroKXKV at law. "Ve In Kinnej-'s Block, opposite City ' i'I. Astoria, Oregon. v kui.tox. n.arciTOS n'LT3 UROTIIEKS. ITOIINEYS AT LAW. nns 5 and C. Odd Fellows Building. ft K.TU03I80S, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. leiil attention given to practice in the . l.ind Olllce. and ttio examination o i.nut titles. A full set ot Abstract liooks tor I'latsup County in olllce. office Up stairs, opposite Telegraph Offlce. I . A. nOWLBY, tttoriicy and Counsellor at Law i.nVe on Clieuamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. I II. WATSON, tiy.at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All b'isluess before the U. H. l.ind Office a i-eclalty. ASTOKIA, - - OKKOON. rU. .1. K. r.A KOKCft. DENTIST. Rooms 11 ana 12 Odd Fellows Building. ASTOKIA, - - OKEUON, J Ki. A. 1. AM) .1. A. FUITON'. Physicians ami Surfrroiis. Office on Cass street, three doors south of odd Fellow's building. Telephone No. 41. JAY TUTTIjIZ, 31. I). PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON ' j.-fu-z Kooms 6 Pythian Uuiltlhijr. Ursidrkcr: SE earner Wall and West "I h streets, opposite I . W Case's, t IS. SHAW. DENTIST. Kooms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astotit rfgoii. TIt. IH. OW"i:S.AIAIK, Ofilce and residence, 1), Id. Wanen's for mer residence, Astoria, Oregon. Diseases of Women and Children, and of the Rye and Ear, specialties. 1) K.O. It. I'.STKH. PHYSICIAN AND SUKOKOX. office : Oera Building, tip stairs, Astoria, Oregon. D It. A1.PKK1) itix.vi:v. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his office, and may be found there at any hour. J"It. FBAStt VAGF., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Opposite. Telegraph Office, Astoria. Oregon, ("1 KIM F. 1'ABKEU, SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AND City Surveyor of Astoria. IJlileiiee : Near Clatsop Mill. N. D. Raymond, Deputy, office at CiCV Hall. a. SHirii, DENTIST. Rooms l and 2 Pjlhlan Building tiver C. 11. cooper's Store. PATRONIZE HOWE INDUSTRY There is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Rlado Clothes As they can pet Better Fits. Bitter Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. Mew Coods by Evory Steamer. Call and See Him and SntUfr Vonmeir. P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. u. LTJ0'3?XO3Ja AND COMMiSSION HOUSE. A MARTIN OLSEIJ, Successor to C C .nolden. Tlie oldest established Commission House In Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock of Furniture on hand. When yon want Bargains in Household Goods go to MARTIN OJC8E.5T ROFULA I do not believe that Ayer's Sarsaparilla has an equal as a euro for Scrofulous Hu mors. It is pleasant to take, gives strength to the body, and jro duccs a more perma nent result than any medicine I ever used. E. Haines, North Lindale, Ohio. I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in my family, for Scrofula, and know, if it is taken faithfully it wi 11 thoroughly eradicato this terrible disease. Humors, Erysipelas, W. F. Fowler, M. D., ureenvuie, xenn. For forty years I have suffered with Erysipelas. I havo tried various remedies Canker, and for my complaint, but louna no renet until I commenced using Ayer's SarsapaHIIa. After taking ten bot tles of this medicine I am completely cured. H. C. Aruesbury, Rockport, Me. . I have suffered, for Catarrh, years, from Catarrh, which was so seero that it destroyed my appetite and weak ened my system. After tryinjr other remedies, without re lief, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla,' and, in a few wont!:", was cured. Sifsun L. Cook. 900 Albanv St.. Can be cured by purifying the blood with Boston, Mass. Ayer's Sarsanaril'.-i is superior to bm. uiooa purtuer that 1 ever tried. I lino taken it for Scrofula, Cankor, and-Su'..-Rhoum, nnd rceciw 1 much benefit from it. It is good, also, for a weak stomach. Millie Jane Peirce, S. Bradford, Mass. t f Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Stun. Price 81: elx bottles, k3. WilsonJ Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS MILL FEED AGENTS FOK SALEM PATENT ROLLER HILLS Portland Roller Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTOKlA.OKKGON. The Unitea States RESTAURANT R. L. JEFFREY, PROPRIETOR. Refitted, Ready For Business For The Season of 1888. a Evorythlns in Season and Nicely Served 10 Experienced Cooks, Obliging Waiters. 10 The bast placed before our patrons. For a Good Meal, go lo JEFFS . At the Old. Stand, on Main Street (Dinn Tl QJQfln A MOXT1I can be vDlUU U y)0UU made working for us. Agents preferred who can furnish their own horses and give their i hole time to the busi ness. Snare moments may be profitably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. 15. F. Johnson & Co., 1099 Main St.rKlclimond, Va. (ft JOHN A. MONTGOMERY Has a First Class STOCK. Q - THE GBAPH0PH0NE. The time has arrived when you can talk and wrap up -what vou say in a sheet of paper, put a two cent stamp on it, send it to your friend and he can unwrap it and hear every word you said in ex actly the same tone of voice you used in dictating it. This is all possible, provided you both own phonographs, the new machine that has just made its advent. It looks like a sewing machine. It runs noiselessly, by foot power, and all you have to do is to talk to it through a mouth piece on the end of a flexible rubber tube. You can talk as fast as you like and as loud; you can whistle, sing or furnish any kind of music, and the graphophone will take it all down, and reproduces it every two minutes for the next 100 years if you wish, each time accurately in every syllable and tone, even to the little peculiarities of your diction. The way it's done is this: Your voice travels through the tube and agitates an isinglass diaphragm at the cud of it, and the diaphragm gives motion to a needle, which records the sound-waves on a little black cylinder or a flat sheet of pasteboard ot wax and parathne. Then you hear it again by the re verse process, the little, recorded wave traveling back again along the tube to your ears, both of which it enters by means of the forked ends to the tube, which di vides near the face of the hearer and sends the sound in both sides through little transmitters which barely rest on the fleshy pa'rt of the ear. Two men can. carry on'a dialogue with the same grapho phone. Thus a lawyer could take a deposition, or a newspaper re porter could perpetrate an inter view, and then send the block cylinder up to the type-setter, who could put it on his graphophone and put it in type word by word, or two words at a time, or a whole sentence, just as he wished, for there is a regulator to n, or the type-writer man could reduce it to paper. Two of the cylinders can be talked to on the same machine, and thus you have one to send away and one to preserve. Here are some of the things it will de: It will preserve your wife's cur tain lecture when you have Won to the lodge and you can sit down to the machine and listen to it when you return about 2 a. st., without causing your better half the annoyance of sitting up to de liver it in person. It will enable you to near the death bed remarks of a friend in his own voice fifty years after he is in his grave, and your grand children down to the thirtieth gen eration can hearyour parting words in the same way. It will take a man's will in his own voice and words, and when it is presented to probate it will be its own witness. It will give you Patti's singing or Edwin Booth's oratory or the dulcet melody of tho bewitching harp that plays up by the O. R. & N. dock, and you can hear it all in your own house, and when you feel lonely you can send out to the nearest graphophone ' store and buy a couple of dozen good stories on cylinders and hear your graph ophone relate them. And this is only a part. Reader, use your own imagination. 11 you've a girl tuat is somewhere else, just think of her voice coining to you over the rail, perhaps 1000 miles away, saying, "Don't flirt, Charley." And think whaUterrifio dunning letters you could write! What scoldings you could trans mit by mail in all the grandeur of your own voice. Well this machine has come. -It is the result of the agile in genuity of Professor Charles Sum ner lainter. A company has been organized, and the machine is being put on the market, nnd is already in use in many places. ' Then, again, a newspaper man can connect his graphophone with the telephone and send in a Jong special, which can. be taken on another graphophone at the other end of the line. Besides this it will record a number of voices speaking at- the same lime. Areporter talked into a graphophone and the grapho phone talked back in his own voice and the voice of other people, and sang to him and whistled and gave a hand-organ sonata at the office. There is an invention being per fected to go with the graphophone. It is a jet of water-receiver, which will take all tlie 'voices in a circle of thirty-one feet, thus doing away with the speaking-tube. The pasteboard cylinders of the graph ophones hold about a third of a column of language, and cost about 3 cents. They come in smaller pieces. So one can write a letter on the graphophone and it will cost him less than stationer. My son, don't jump at conclu sions when you see" a man going to the bank with his head in the air and the ends of two $20 bills ostentatiously sticking out between the lpaves of his bankbook. He may not be going to deposif 5, 000 in twenties. He may be go ing' to take up a ninety-day note that is so close to a protest that the recording angel is listening to hear the notary swear. Isnr dettc. To old persons and those who fear to derange their stomachs Simmons Liver Regulator -presents itself as a most aumiraoie remedy, uwmg to us mini action it can bo taken bythe weak and' debilitated at all times nnd under any circumstances with perfect safety. One of tlie most venerable of the U. S. Sen ate, the late A. II. Stephen'", of Ga., said "Simmons Liver Regulator is mild and suits me better than more active rem edies." The Chicago authorities think that too many men are slugged and sand-bagged along the banks of the filthy stream called Chicago river, and a police patrol boat is loudly called for. Since January 1 last nearly 100 bodies have been taken out of the river, in most cases the victims of thugs or river thieves. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria (Then Baby was sick, we cave her Castoria. Then she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,' ifhen she becamo 2flss, she clung to Castoria, iVhen she had Children, she gave them Castoria Didn't know it was loaded To h nny is a bright bov, and his brightness sometimes leads him into saying things he should not. An instance occurred recently, and when the visitors had jrono lie was called up for settlement. "Well sir, what did you mean by talking as you did?" asked his mother, sharply, "Wy, mamma," he ro- phed,."l didn't know the doggone mouth was loaded." 'Wash In (j ton Critic. Drucrcrists and all others who sell Ayer's Ague Curo arc author ized to guarantee a euro in every instance. Try this medicine first. Thoy were outside the garden wall. "Well," ejaculated Eve, who, woman-like, gave hcrallcged husband the greater bhare of the blamo, -CI hope you are satisfied now." We ought to be, my dear," replied Adam, trying to be hilari ous under distressing circumstan ces; "we've, got the earth. A Xraud may be polished to look like the real, but will soon need another rubbing. P0WD Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes, A marvt-I of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or jihos Shate powders. Sold on!t fn earw. Hoyal AKina Powdkb Co. 106 Wall-st. N, Y. p51l Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes for more than a quarter or a cent ury. It is used by the United States Gov ernment. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as tho Strongest, Purest, and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Making Powder does not contain Am monia. Lime, or Alum, bold only in Cans. PItlCi: P.AKING POWDEJj CO., 'RW VOUK. CHICAGO. Sr. LOUIS. G.A.STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, it t. It i "ts o'd stand, corner ot Cass ami Court btreeio. Milp .nid Ginnery work, Hor:e;.':'o!ne. Wagons matfe and repaired, flood worlr iru.ir.niterd. Magnus 0. Orosby Dvaler in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES. TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, John 0. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. l"recriiillons Careful' Cnniiiouiiilri). Agent for Mexican Salvo and Norwegian Pile Cure, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, P.Y ROBS & PARKER. - K Good residence lots on easy terms 1DclIin", beautiful location, with two lots, graded. 2 Dwellings, good location, with 1 lot each. IGood Farm, well Improved, on tide wa ter, in Clatsop county. A good buy. 8 Acres on John Daj's River, all slashed. Tliose-deslriii!; to purchase or sell proper ty will do w ell to call on us before making arrangements elsewhere. . l,:OUD & PAKKEK. UNIVERSITY GF OREGON. EUCENE CITY. Net session begins on Monday, the Kill of September, ISSs. Free scholarships from every county in Hie state. Apply to your County Superin tendent. Four Courses : Classical, Scientific, Liter ary, and a short Knglish Course in whicli there Is no Latin, (reck, Frencnor German. .The English Is pre-eminently a Business Course. For catalogues or other information, address J.W. JOHNSON, President. 'O Wholesale and Kelail - LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do mestic; Wines, Liquors and Cigars. .1. II. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val Kl-itz Bottled Beer. Finest hrands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. r Family Trado Solicited. All orders from the City and Country promptly filled. Sqnemoqua Street, - Astoria, Oregon. V Watchmaker Jeweler. s I JVJ HiiDfims is. m J "It Is not what one makes, It is what one saves that makes them rich." CASH. -Announcement Extraordinary ! While I do not believa in the advertisements often used to catch trade, such r.3 -,.... " uu 4. uuouikb, icuiumi, oversiocKeu, etc., ana which, aro claptraps inmost instances, as good business men are not overstocking removin" experimenting, etc., which in the end, would be at thoir patrons expense. But at times there are circumstances which one has no control over, snch as tho unusual wet month of June, which entirely destroys the STRAW HAT TRADE for that Tiinntn. nnrl wTl ansae T ycnaivnl nnttt fQ lnnA urtfttn a ..u, HUM nuwVCM . !OW64ieU WtftUV J Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, WhioU are so balky in their nature, and for my want of store room for mv new and large assortment of MEN'S, YODTH'S and BOYS' CLOTHING which I nm beennnine to receive nlonor with new stvles in FTJTOTTSmvo nnnns itu TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS UMBRELLAS, BLANKETS, Quill's, etc.. And whereas, my And to close out these Straw Hata as concluded to make this announcement, sell nil Straw Hats as follows, viz: All straw hats I havo been selliiifjat 2.00 for si no !; " " 1.50 for 1.00. - 1-25 for go. ' 1-00 for 75. 75 for :. 50. " . " " 50 for : 40. " " 40 for 30 '' " "m 25 for... :..;.. ir JST'A child bnya as cheaply at my counters ns the most experienced buyer. Country orders filled correctly and with dispatch. I. L. OSGOOD, Opposite ltescua Engine Ilo'use. . isLstOriS., OrgOH. Street Cars running by the door. wax i w-Mwmm -AND- CEILING DE 5000 donble roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of the latest stylos nnd shde3 just reoeived direct from Eastern factories. Also a large assortment of CARPET " Of all Rrados in beautiful new designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call and examine. , CHAS. HEILBORN. HOTELS AND BESTAURANTS cunts, kvensou. F. COOK THE lentral Hotel EVENSON & COOK On the European Plan. LA11QE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month. Private Rooms tor Families, Etc. Transient Custom solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order, IVATKIlHt., Opp. i'oard & Mtokes A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run In connection with the Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Rooms. PARKER HOUSE. II. JB. PARKER, Prop'r. First Class in Every Respect. Thoroughly renovated and repaired through out ; 87 large sunny rooms. TWO DINING ROOMS. Tables supplied with everything the market affords. Elegant Bar and Billiard Booms. Finest Wines Liquors and Cigars. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. THE Casino Restaurant One block from" the O. B. & N. Dock, M.M.SERRA, Proprietor. A Good Meal For 25 Gents. Oysters In any Style, 23 eents. In connection with this Popular Restau rant is run a fl'st-dass Saloon, well stocked with choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The Astor House, .I.G.ROSS, - PROPRIETOR. Ncvly Ilenalnted. RepairedRefitted, Re furnished and Thoroughly Renovated, A Large, Clean, .2eh- ell-iept House. RATES: From a Dollar a Day Upwards. First-class In all its appointments, clean, neat, sunny rooms, well furnished and well kept. ' YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL. -Free Coach to and from the House. ONE PRICE. llgU I.UOCD Ul coods aro alwaj3 l AJ, in Plam Figures Boon as possible, recardless of cost, I havo that on and after Monday, July lGtu. I shall INSURANCE. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000 COLUMBIA A E INSURANCE CO. FRANK DEKOJt President W. II. SMITH Vice-President JOHN A. CHILD Secretary No. 100 Second St., Portland, Or. I. W. Case, Agent, Astoria, Or. $67,000,000 Capital ..v..uu UUI1UUU n UlUUU, WUtlU UI1UM1 and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut. Commercial of California Agricultural, of Watertown, ifew York, Loudon & Lancashire of Liverpool. cuin.. r ira insurance uoiupames, uepreseni In a capital of $07,ooo, OOo. B. VAN 1U8EN. Agent. Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE IX FIRST CLASS COHPAMKH Kepresenting 813,000,000 PHOENIX, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York, AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO C. P. UPSHUR, Main Street "Wharf - Astoria, Oregon. It W, Case, BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available In any part of the D. S. and Europe, and on Hong Kong, China Office noon : 10 A. si . to 3 r. si. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. Robb dt Parker, AGENCY OK Fire and Marine Insurance, With'.in Aggregato Capital of ?10.00U,000. IMPERIAL, of London. CALIFORNIA, of California. CONNECTICUT, of Hartford. OAKLAND HOME, of Oakland. LION, of London. FIREMAN'S FUND, of California. Agents also for TRAVELLERS', of Hartford Life and Accident Tickets sold for the ALLAN Lino of Steamships, from Old Country to Astoria. ROBB & PARKER. At old oftlce of J. O. Bozorlh. Allen & Kresel. Handsome Wall Paper, ARTISTIC DECORATION. Painting, Papering. Graining, Etc., Done in Satisfactory Style and at Satisfactory Prices. Corner Jefferson and Cass" Sts , Astoria, Or. CORATONS! FffiE H