V fo gaily gtftoriim. ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY - JULY 8.1838. At Hamilton, Canada, a man who borrowed an umbrella and did not re turn it lias just been sentenced fb jail for one year. . . The protection o American indus try is the most important question since that of the protection of the American Union was settled on the battle-field. ABostox man bet $50 that a bar rel filled with gas would weigh more than an empty one. His eyes opened very 'wide when he saw that it did not weigh as much. . RECoxxorrEBixa parties following Stanley's route have found the bones of numerous victims, evi dently of the struggles with the na tives. Relief for Stanley's camp is going forward. Ml The big timber raft will belaunched at Joggins, Nova Scotia, during the present month. The raft contains 22,000 logs, is valued at $30,000, and will take six days at $100 a day to reach Now York. Ik the electoral college of 1881 Cleveland obtained 219 votes and Blaine 182 votes. .Cleveland got twenty states and a popular vote of 4,845,255, to Blaine eighteen states and 4,818,671 votes. . Peesons visiting "Washington have, perhaps, regared the capitol as com plete, bat it is, in fact, an unfinished building, and the house has just ap propriated $100,000 for a grand por tico and staircase at the west front The police force in Birmingham, Ala., costs the city nothing. At least that's what a local paper asserts. The revenue from firms pays all the police expenses, and at times there is a sur plus, which in one instance amounted to $1,000. A New York fanner named Ladd, who has long been insane, was kicked on the head by a horse the other day and knocked senseless. "When he came to ho was as sane as anybody, bat could remember nothing of the last fifteen years. . While the Emperor of Brazil was ill in Milan his estimated expenses were 400.000L The regular hotel bill was l.OOOf, but on account of his illness other guests had to leave, and for thirty-five days the cost was 65, 000L A physician from Paris made two trips to Milan for 40,000f, two Italian doctors were paid l,200f a day, and he had to give a lot of fees. The Alta has dug up Gen. Harri son's great, great grandfather's tomb stone, and boldly publishes the in scription upon that tombstone. That certainly proves that Harrison is an unfit man for president It was a great mistake for Ben Harrison, of Indiana to have a great, great grand father; it was a great mistake for Ben Harrison's great, great grandfather, to have had a tombstone put over his grave; and it is a great stroke of en terprise for the Alta to have dis covered the tombstone and the in scription, "in Surry county, Virginia, in 1615." By the way here is that dreadful inscription. "He was loyalle to ye king." That settles it He'd ort to' ve been a. rebel in 1645. Not An Uncommon Occurrence. A person sees a good many strange things in this world, but wo believe one of the oddest scenes ever wit nessed was last Sunday evening while strolling along the streets of Astoria. In one of the upper rooms of a tall, Ittuk looking botel.Tjear the O. R. & N. dock, were two men sitting, hold iug a fish pole, attached to which wuh a long line. A hook was fastened to the line and dropped into the wa ter surging about the foundation of the building, and ever and anon, the bold fisherman would yank in a sea bass uf goodly propostions. The room in which they were sitting was 'occupied as sleeping apartments by the twain, and whether they were fishing for their supper or for past time, we did not enquire. It is the first time we ever witnessed fishing from a bedroom before. Pacific Journal 5. Private Rooms. At the Telephone Restaurant for sup pers, parties, etc. The best cooked to order. Fish Skid Oil. And machine oil for sale. J. II. DeForce. Astoria, Oregon. Crow Is the leading photographer of this city and is said to be as good as any In the state. Meals Cooked to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & stores'. n. Umbrellas Repaired At my oldtand. J". Jorr.nr. Floe DtrelllBc Hoaso to Rent. Good terms to suitable tenant Inquire at this office. .WILLIAM "NYE, Tronbled With Clann. He Trie Pychie neaim. IIIi Disease a Lack or Equilibrium in Thought. For about two years 1 have been trying to find ont about Psychic healing, and to more folly understand other methods of avoiding the expense incident to the em ployment of druggists and physicians in the treatment of disease. I have hesi tated about saying much relative to this matter through the pres3, because I feared that it might invade the realm of religion, bnt I am now convinced that these methods, so far as I have observed, are entirely distinct and separate from all kinds of religion, and therefore may be safely discussed without running the risk of interference with the belief which every, man has a riRht to enjoy unmo lested. I have also obtained the consent of both the Allopathic and Homoeopathic schools of medicine. The druggists also told me that I would meet with no oppo sition from them in a free and open dis cussion of this matter of low-priced and painless healing. QUESTION'S ANSWERED FOB THE fATIENTS. 1. What is the treatment? Psvchie or mental. 'It 13 not mesmerism, mag netism, nor win power. 2. Upon what is the treatment based? A Dhilosonhv of mind. 3. What is the basio principle? There is a supreme cause in tne universe, mat causa is smrit or mind. 4. What is affirmed of infinite mind? It is unchangeable in truth. There is no causation outside, of it, as it includes the whole, none hipher than' it, as it holds the same of all its parts. 5. What is its essenco? Truth, which is lifo, wisdom and love. G. What is man's relation to infinite mind? He is related to the infinite as his finite thought is related to himBelf. He is a thought of infinite mind. 7. What is health? To finite thoncht. a relative expression. In reality it is wnoieness man's true inuentnnce. 8. What is disease? An expression for man's belief in falsehood or a lack of equilibrium in thoncht. 9. Does that apply to all forms of so called disease? It is a universal principle and admits of no qualifications. ' 10. How is equilibrium or health re stored? 13v realizing the truth. I have oored over this cireular a cood deal. I have been a frreat sufferer for years, but had never before fully realized that it was "a lack of equilibrium in thought." The doctors had kept this bade, -iney deluded me witn tne luea that it was spinal meningitis. If they considered it "a laok of equilibrium in thought," they were afraid to offend me by telling me so. Lately I have suffered a good deal also from indigestion, brought on by "a lack of equilibrium" on the part of the Ameri can raw clam, which I am passionately fond of, but with which I soon become extremely bored, On Wednesday I dropped in at a place where a man was closing out some misfit clams at a low price. I need not enlargo again over these clams, sutnee it to say mat x win bnvno more clams at a forced sale. I immediately thought of the Psychic treatment. According to query and an swer No. 8, my disease was simply "an exnression for man's belief in falsehood." The man had fold me that the clams were fresh and that he had pulled the stinger out of each ono. I rode up Broadway in one of Mr. Sharp's cars and attracted considerable attentionbymyrestlessmanner. Several people got off. earlier than they had in tended, and wauced tne rest oi me way . I had left the address at my lodgings, but I thought I could find the place by inauirine. All New York people are kind about telling a man where to go. They always tell mm even it tney nave to ten him to co where the worm dieth not but squirmethon for ever and ever. Several people have already addressed this hack neyed rem art to me, iorgettmg tnat i am utterly tired of it. I was directed to climb the stairs of a very high'building. - If-a man happened to fall out of the upper window he would strike the ground in the form of a fine spray. I have since learned that I was in the wrbng building. I asked a lady at the head of the stairs if she knew where I could set the eauilibnuni of a tew rest less clams restored. She said that she was engaged in the Psychio Industry and invited me in. . The room was plainly furnished with a datK-browed door-mat and an umorena. The mat had a number and street en graved on it that belonged up near Har lem. I was in great pain and becced pile- ously to be thrown out of the window, but the healer told me to be quiet and direct my faith towards the pit of my stomach. I tried hard to do so but it did not seem to make any difference." Then I was told that my faith was inferior in quality and deficient in quantity. She said I must exercise the most implicit faith and give her two dollars. I did so. The healer said that just as soon as I could firmly believe that my.pain had gone, I would find that I was free from it I exerted myself trying to believe till I was blaok in the face. The per spiration stood on the brow of my faith in great knobs. Every little while I could hear my confidence rip down by back in its great effort to assert itself. It did no good. We are told of many Strange and al most miraculous cures bv this new meth od, if it can be so called. Patients who have been supported by charity and one crutch have risen and cone forth recon structed; large, eating cancers have sud denly lost tneir appetites and ceased to eat, and in one instance a new eyeball sprouted and grew an . old socket full of optic Large classes are formed to re ceive instructions in the faith cure, and if they succeeded in believing the above statements they are Graduated. Sometimes the treatment works well on the disease, but injures the patient in some other way. Sometimes a cure is worked by the lay ing on of hands and sometimes this is omitted. The laying on of bands is not Tepulsive to me in all coses, but it can be overdone. In riding from Chicago to Portland, Or., I once had a watch which gave me a good deal of trouble by out stripping the local time along the road as we journeyed west. A gentleman on the train, who was a psychio heeler, laid his hands on the diseased watch and it dis appeared. The chief objection to psychio healing is the absolute failure in long standing cases of poll evil,-blind staggers and glanders. In a nutshell, the theory is that if you believe you are healed, you are healed, but the most stubborn resist ance to this doctrine is met with among both horses and mules. I am free to confess, however, that my first impression about faith cure was er roneous. It is not a method of curing enfeebled or broken-down faith, but it is a means, wunout, medicine, of treating by psychio' influences all diseases, from the insidious and death-dealing pip to the long-waisted and rapacious tapeworm. I am treating this subject as absolutely devoid of anything miraculous and on the theory that an 8 11-wise providence is not going to reconsider its decrees of dis ease or death simply because the sugges tion is made by an unknown person who in KBiuig - per pup lur uiaung ma re quest. Still, I do not wish to be unfair. I do not wish to be put down as the relentless foe of psychio healing, and so 1 am going to give it another trial. I am now trying it on ray hair. Btix Nik. FROU COOS BAY. Fete Scott iii tends runniug salter ies on the bay and Umpqua this sea son. The Coquille Fishermen's Union have fixed the prico of salmon af 10 and 60 cents for the coming season. The O. B. F. P. U. held another meeting last Saturday afternoon, and raised the prico of salmon for the coming season to 15 and 75 cents. Charley Norris, who went to the Columbia a few weeks ago, writes to a friend that the run of tjalmon con tinues very light, and that not one fisherman out of a hundred is mak ing expenses. The tug Columbia, Oapt. Magee, left last Wednesday for Ycquina, to bring down the Southern Oregon Co.'s river steamer Montesano. They found the Yaquina bar rough and the steamers Willamette Valley and Mis chief lying inside bar bound. The Columbia crossed out again next day, bnt without the Montesano, it being too rough for her. Coos Bay News, 4. Rongh on Mr. F. Clare, a bright little four-year old, and her two-year-old brother Rugely, are always sajing a speech begin ning: When I was young and had no sense, I bought a rooster for fifty cents. One day Claro walked into the par lor while one of her young aunts was entertaining a gentleman. "Mr. F , she said, "you were born right young, weren't you?" Mr. F admitted that he wa3. "Is Mrs. F your wife?" was the next question. "Oh, no," he replied, "sho is my mother." "Well," remarked Miss Clare, "when your mother was youngand had no sense, she had you, didn't BheY" t m . Tlie Verdict Vnaiilinou. W. D. Suit, Druggist Bippus. Ind., testifies: "1 cau recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. Ono man took bix bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years standing." Abraham Hare, druggist Bcllville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medi cine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thou sands of others have added their testi mony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at V. E. Dement & Co.'s Drugstore. When Yon Go to Portland Frank Fabre, Occidental hotel restau rant, will be glad to see his Astotia friends, A good dinner at a moderate price and everything in season. ADYICKTO 2IOTHKRN. Mrs. WrasLow's Soothino .Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, h! tens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind choltc, and Is the.best remedy fordiar-rhoea.Twenty-five cents a bottle. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can be bought at the lowest prices, at ,1. V. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. The finest and juiciest steak at the Telephone Restaurant. Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes; also Flexible Hand turned French Elds, at i". j . u ocp man's. Sunday Excursion The Steamer Cen. Miles. Will leave amy's Dock at 9 do a. h., To-Day, For Fort Stevens, Fort Cinby and Ilwaco ; Returning, will leave Ilwaco at 4 p. u. Fare for the Round Trip, 81. J.H. D. GRAY, Agent. For Shoalwater Bay and Gray's Harbor. The Portland and Coast a 8. Co.'s Steamer "ALLIANCE," Having first-class passenger accommodations, Will sail from Astoria for Shoalwater Ray and Gray's Harbor, Sunday morning, July 8th.lR88. FARE from Astoria to Gray's Harbor $3. Shoalwater Bay, U, FREIGHT to Gray's Harbor fi per ton. . To Shoalwater Hay S3 per ton. F. It. STRONG. President. C. P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. For Rent. DWELLING WITH 8 ROOMS. Lo cated head Cass street Enquire of . "-. J.'W.CASE, The Str. Telephone Fast Time Between Portland and Astoria. Leaving Astoria Monday... - " " Tuesday.. ...0 A. II, ..3:30P. H. 7 P. M. , -7 V. U. .3 -.30 P. SI. Wednesday, niiay " " Saturday.... Close connections it Kalania to the Sound ; at Astoria with the Hen. Mile lor Ilwaco, Ojstervllle and Grays Harbor; at Portland with the O. s C. R. it., and west side trains, F. & w. V. R. It ; Vancouver and Oregon City boats, and Eastern bound trains. For Sale. ATOKY AND HALF HOUSE CON talnlng seven rooms, and outbuildings, with lot 6QxlM in Bhlvely'i Astoria. Fine view;-good locality. For terms enquire of O.T.BLIS3ETT. PHIL. A. STOKES & CO. - FOB Big Bargains in Men's Clothing ! Go to the Emporium. PHIL. A. STOKES & CO. (Next door to tfoard &. Stofcea.) Everything a IXEan Wears Sold at Very Low Prices and warranted exactly as represented. NO BETTER CHANCE IN ASTORIA TO GET CLOrHING OF ALL KINDS AT BOTTOM PKICES. PHIL. A. STOKES CO. eines. Pounds. Trans. AND FISH NETTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. MADE TO ORDER OF BEST QUALITY. Woodberry Seine Twines AT LOWEST PRICES OF NETTING COMBINATION. Barbour's Salmon Net Threads. HENRY DOYLE & CO., ' 517 ani 519 Infat St., Solo Agents for the Pacific Coast. S.ARNDT&FERCHEN ASTORIA. OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP Boiler Shop All kinds or ENGINE, CANNERY, AKD STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. Aapecl<y made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYKTTK STREET. EASIER Thau any o'li eraxejnado. Hundreds ol woodmen tes tily to Its supe riority. ItgOH Deep and Setet Sticki. CAKNAIIAN & CO., A cent Aatorit rrlce, tl.60. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO,, SUCCESSORS TO J. C. ROSS County Coroner. First Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material. Next to AaroniAN office. JOB PRINTING. Neat,-Quick And Cheap at The ASTORIAN JOB OFFICE Farm Implements WE HAVE IN STOCK, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Sulky Hay Rakes, Tedders, Horse Hay Forks, Dutton's Mower Knife Grinders, Etc. Agents for the Osborne Mowers, Reapers, and Self Binders. Extras for all kinds of Farm Machinery famished on short notice. WILSON A. FISHER. JBUPlBt I AXE. I urmniAouuM. J.C.I rullingcr MfcC" ffijMffj53fr,ryy'fr ifli'Me3rI'r!Jt ! - Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HARDWAEE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin and Copper. Hughes & Go Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. H. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val Blatz Bottled Beer. Finest brands of Key n tm ana uomesuc uigars. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited. All orders from the City and Country promptly tilled. Squemoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. FOK SALE. House Two Lots The Finest and Rest Arranged Cottage In Astmia ; unoice i,ocauon command ing a View of the Entire City. THE PROPERTY COST 84,500.00 WILL SELL FOR $3,500.00 Reason for Selling : The owner has per manently located out of the State. Apply to W. C. ROSS. Concomly Bt., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or General Machinists and Boiler Hate. Land and Marine Engines noiLEii WOItK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPECIALTY, Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. Join Fox-.. . .. .President, and Sunt. A. h. Fox, Vice President J. O. HrjsTi.KB,........Sec and Treas. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. EUGENE CITY. N ext session begins on Monday, the nth of September, 1888. Free scholarships from every county In the state, Apply to your County Superin tendent. Four Courses : Classical, Scientific, Liter ary, and a short English Course in which there Is no Latin. Greek. French or Herman. The English Is pre-eminently a Business Course. For catalogues or other Information, address J. W. JOHNSON, President. Astoria IroB WorKs M,-. 1T A.'WltJW:' -1.1 1 J iT WHOLESALE AND 1SETAIL DL'ALEK IN' Groceries, Provisions and Mil! Feed, Crockery, Glass Plated Wai e. o The Largest and finest assortment if Fresh. Fruits and ITegeta'oIes. ' Received fresh every Steamer. THE LEADING STATIONERS AND GR1FFIIT niiiiikii. w Dry Goods. Clothing, Furnishing Goods. Ladies' and Children's Muslin Goods. Ladies' and Children's Shoes, all kinds. Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoas, all kinds. Rubber Goods, Oil Clothing. Hats, Trunks, Valises. Satchels. FMP RF CTOPr J. C. CLINTON DEALER IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, rRUITS.NUTS, Candies. Smokers' Articles, Etc. New Goods Becelyed Dally, Opposite City Book Htore. Hi, JSb FIRE BRICK dkalkk in FIRE CLAY Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Briei, Cement, Sand ani Plaster Wood Delliered to Order. Drajine, Teaming ml Express Bnslnnn. TEK apply to tne Captain, or to OKLO P. PARKKR. CARr. A. HANSON'. Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN CENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS "WEEK, The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. SEERSUCKERS The New Model Eange CAN BE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF E. R. HA WES, Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Wlilbe Pleased. E. R. Hawes Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. H. EKSTEOM, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. Special Attention Paid to REPAIRING. A Fine Lino of Jewelry, Clocks and Watches on Hand. All Work Guaranteed. Water St, East of Aug, Danlelson's. The New York Hive a Finely Jawelry, Watches, Cloeks,OpticalGoods Fine Stationery, Cutlery and Fancy Goods. Of All Descriptions, Bought in Hie Best SOLD by any one this side of San Francisco. Opposite Parker House, Main St., Astoria. - . - " "" am-KariL: .CJ. -M s, - IB.II B W oUyK dhllfcliV c S.SED. VirpiaCiprauaTotacoSiore J. W. B0TT0H, Proprietor, Water Street, Tv o Doors East of OIney. Fine CI?ari, Tobacco and Smokers Articles. Sold at Lowest Market Rates. FRUITS. CANDIES NOTIONS.&o STEAM KK I'Lilii PiUtRlill Eben P. Parlcr,M aster. ForTOWINH, FHKHUIT orCUA!. II. It. I'AltKKIt. fiUVYOUR- Groceries! Provisions OF- card & Stokes Tlieir lrj;cly lncreastnc trade enables tliem to sell at the very lowest marfrlu of pront wliilo givlns you eoods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING, At No. 15, above Foard & Stokes' Store, Water Street. Sirs. Alilberg Is an Etperienced Dressmaker Swedish and Finland languages spoken. ETTY AHLBERG- Assorted Stock of Markets and CANNOT BE UNDER SfrikeltRich! NnvnlfvStnrp yP9 vflHJ t.J!t J i