The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 07, 1888, Image 3

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    , vTT? V-??'Kl8
lt gaily gtstotfim.
JULY 7. 1SS3,
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers ami Proprietors,
astoriax Building, - . Cassstuket.
Terms orSnbscrlptlon.
Serv ej by Carrier, per week 15 cH
Sent by Mall, per mouth.. "' a &Z
" " one year. I stm
Tree ol postage to subscribers' '
The ASTOEIAK guarantees to Its adver
tisers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
The telegraph line is working all
right again.
Something new The Telephone res
taurant will after this date, be open
all night.
The minstrels parado at two this
afternoon. Come out and listen to
the music
The steel bark Maiden City, hence
to Europe on her maiden voyage,
takes 45,000 sacks flour.
Hick's & Sawyer's minstrels at the
opera house to-night. Reserved seats
at New York Novelty store.
The British bark Opliella cleared
yesterday for Iquiqui, Chili, with
1,004,233 ft. lumber, worth S13.907.
There will be an auction of house
hold furniture at Olsen's nuction
rooms at half past ten this forenoon.
Dr. Gunderson, of Portland, will be
at the Central hotel every Saturday
from C in tho morning to fi in the
At Thursday night's meetiugof the
Astoria Building and Loan Associa
tion 5,000 was loaned for a period of
G2 months.
The Congregational church, which
has been receiving extensive repairs,
will be reopened for divino service
one week from to-morrow.
The excursion of Grace church
guild to Cathlamet on the S. O. Heed,
which had been postponed, will tae
place on Thursday the 12th inst.
Dr. Darsey S. Baker, a well-known
and wealthv resident of Walla Walla,
who built the first railroad into Walla
Walla, died in that city last Thurs
day, in the 65th year of his nge.
The salmon run has improved little
little if any during the past week.
Nine to the boat is the best heard of.
Tho pack tip to date is not over half
what it was last year up to August
1st, when 351,055 cases had been
The several electric lights attract
large moths, butterflies and night in
seots, tho glare luring them to des
truction. The light in front of C. H.
Cooper's recently attracted two very
large white one3, each about six
inches across.
People who wonder where house
flies come from may bo interested in
knowing that they are to bo met
with on the plains 200 miles from any
house, and that they buzz around the
highest peaks of the Andes as else
where. They havo been-known since
the days of Adam and Eve and they
propose to stick right by and see the
show out
About a thousand people gathered
on Chenamus street yesterday after
noon to see a man perform on a tight
rope stretched from Fl a vol's building
to Hawes building. Ho walked
the rope with ease, carried his
"brother," stood on his head, and
worked the crowd for coin at inter
vals. He did all ho promised to do
and gave a good entertainment.
A brand new invention for gather
ing the nickels is on exhibition in Bos
ton. Ton drop a 5-cent piece into
the slot and the machine bets S500
that you will live twenty-fours longer.
and a smaller sum that yon will not
be injured by accident during that
time. In other words, the machine
presents yon with an accident policy
of S500 good for twenty-four hours.
It ought to prove a boon for base-ball
This afternoon Miss Kate A. Gibbs
of Portland, will open her studio in
this city in the parlors of the M. E.
church. She will have on exhibition
a large number of oil paintings, in
landscape and flowers; also decor
ative work. She will be pleased to
meet all persons interested, to whom
tnis will give an excellent oppor
tunity of inspection, and for selection
of copy. Class work will begin next
Monday at 9 a. si.
While the crowd was waiting yes
terday afternoon to see "the world re
nowned Davison brothers" perform
upon the slack wiah, tight rope, some
one on the north side or. tue street
raised a yell, and in a minute 653 men
and boys had boltedin the gate and the
word .went round that two boys had
fallen from tha roof and were drowned.
After a good deal of regret had been
expressed, it was found that the
rumpus was occasioned by a dog
which bad caught sight of n rat and
nabbed it, to tho great delight of the
small boy.
The assignees of W. T. Coleman &
Co., have published a statement em
bodying the reduction of assets esti
mated by Mr. Coleman. There is a
reduotion in the bills sold to the
Bank of California, 58,889, a reduc
tion in the estimated value of the
San Rafael property and other real
estate, of 8163,440: of tho borax com
panies and other stock of 450,000;
a reduction in the estimated value of
merchandise, salmon, etc., of $162,
825; making a total reduction of the
estimated value of tho assets, of 81,
310,5SG.34. The firm statothat it will
be some time yet, in the complicated
condition of affairs, before they can
offer a proposition in view of settle
ment to their creditors.
During the month of June the
highest temperature was 75' on the
9th: IllQ InwPftt Tift nn liocn-maI.itn
The mean temperature of the month
was 53.9'. During tho month 2,843
miles of wind blew by, The Jprovail
ing direction was sonthwest. The
hitrllPsfc Vplnrlfv flffnino1 Trrna !1 tviilna
Daring the month the rainfall was
7.23 inches. This was very unusual.
The rfiinfnll fnr .Tnn 'S7 a-na Rl nt
an inch; fnr .Trim 'Rfi 9. (Vi inMioj.' HT,
nr-n int 7 ' " ""'; -in, z.ui. xne month was the
wettest of any June in the history of
the state.
A statement has been prepared by
me commissioner or the general land
office which shows tho compensation
earned nt ench of the different land
offices throughout the country, by
theregisters and receivers therefor
dnrinc tho fiscal vear ending June
30, 1837. By this statement it is
shown that tho total compensation
paid to land registers and receivers in
Oregon aggregate 329,480.10. At the
following offices. La Grande, Las
Crnccs, Oregon City and The Dalles,
compensation was in eaclrcase 56,000.
At Roseburg it was S5,8SG.10. At
four offices iii Washington territory,
namely. North Yakima, Olympia,
Spokane Falls and Walla Walla, the
compensation was jnst 86,000 in each
case, and at Vancouver it was
$5,037.3G, aggregating in the whole
territory 827,037.30.
Few people are aware, says an ex
change, that the proud boast that the
sun never sets on the British empire
is equally applicable to the United
States. Iustead of being the western
limit of the Union, San Francisco is
only about midway between the
farthest Aleutian Isle, acquired by
onr purchase of Alaska, and East
port, Me. Our territory extend
through 197 of longitude, or 17"
more than half way round the globe.
When the sun is giving its final
gleam to our westormost isle, on the
confines of Behring's sea. it is already
flooding tho fields and forests of
Maine with its morning light, and in
the eastern part of the state is more
than an hour hish. At tho very mo
ment when the Aleutian fisherman,
warned by tho approaching shades of
night, is pulling his canoe towards
the shore, the wood-chopper of Maine
isbeginning to make tho forest echo
with tho sound of his ax.
Somo ingenious persons havo given
a meaning to the location of postnge
stamp3 on a letter. For example,
they say that when a stimn i3 invert
ed on the right-hand upper corner it
means that the person written to is
to write no more. If the stamp be
placed on the left-hand upper-corner
and inverted, then the writer declares
his affection for the receiver of the
letter. When the stamp is in tho
center of tho top it signifies an affirm
ative answer to a question, or the
question, as the case may be; and
when it is at the bottom, or opposite
this, it is a negative. Should the
stamp be on tho right-hand corner, at
a right angle, it asks the question it
the receiver of the letter loves the
sender, while in the left-hand corner
it means that tho writer hates the
other. There i3 a shade of difference
between desiring one's acquaintance
and friendship, for example: the
stamp at tho upper corner on the
right expresses the former, and on the
lower left-hand corner means the lat.
ter. TJje learned in this language re
quest their correspondents to accept
their love by placing tho stamp on a
line with the Burname, and the res
ponse is made, if the party addressed
be engaged, by placing the stamp in
the Bame place, but reversing it. Tho
writer may wishto say farewell to his
sweetheart, or vico versa, and does so
by placing tho stamp straight up and
down in the left-hand corner. And so
on to the end of tho chapter.
The Hicks-Sawyer Hinstivls.
This troupe gave a good perfor
mance at Ross' opera house last even
ing: good all throucb. every act and
feature being well done. Tho voices
are sweet and musical, there are no
broad gags, the dancing is graceful
and tho fun is genuine. The one
feature of the acrobats is
alone worth the price of
admission. No better tumblers ever
appeared in Astoria. There will be
another performance with change of
programme this evening. The com
pany's uniform which went by mistake
from Tacoma to Portland will arrive
to-day, and the entire company, in
full uniform will give a parade, con
cert and drill in front of No. 2's nt 5,
sharp this evening. To-night a fare
well performance at the opera house.
. .
Still Harpin; on 3Iy Daughter.
Blaine is coming to Oregon. Ho is
half worshipped by the Republicans
since he so deferred to their wishes
as to decline to go on the ticket.
They love him to death for keeping
out of tho way. Pacific Express
(Prohibition), 5.
The regular monthly meeting of
the C. It. F. P. union will be held nt
Liberty Hall Saturday July 7th at
7 r. M. sharp.
A. SnAFiKLU, Pros.
A. S ottos. Sec'y.
Telephone I.odiclujr House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
50 and 23 cts per week S1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
" A fine cup of coffee, at the Telephone
At Two O'clock To-lnj-.
Those holding numbers for the raffle
of Ii. Simmon's cow atthe Scandinavian
PaeklneVo.'s Dremises are hereby no
tified that tha raffle will take place at
two o'ciock mis aiternoon. ah
chances must be paid for before the
raffle begins.
D. P. Thompson is in tho city.
A. P. Anderson, of California, is up
here on a visit.
Mrs. Jas. Fox contemplates depart
ure for Port Townsend on the 1st of
next month.
Prof. Johnson, late principal of the
school in district No. one, will soon
represent the extensive publishing
house of Law, King & Law.
Mr. Mattoon of Vermont, is in tho
city, the guest of H. B. Parker, whom
he used to know about 40 years ago,
back in the Green Mountain state. .
The Fourth ut MishawaLa.
Mishawaka, July 5th.
I will tell you how we celebrated
tho Fourth. There were about sixty
five gathered at the school house, and
as our entertainments aro scarce, out
here and the Fourth of July only
comes onco a year, every one went
with the intention of enjoying them
selves and trying to have fun enough
to last through hay harvest, and I
think they succeeded.
About eleven o'clock tho school
children, uuder tho teacher. Miss
Sophia Gronnell, formed outside and
marched into tho school honse,
where their songs, declamations and
dialogues wore well rendered. Somo
of the others read essays. Tho Dec
laration of Independence was read,
a few remarks were made by W. A.
Wherry (some of tho babies cried
with a good share of patriotism while
the declaration was being read).
We all went out to a grove where
a tablo had been prepared, and it
seemed that the ladies were vieing
with each other to see who could fur
nish the most victuals and who made
the best pies and cake, and who would
succeed in getting their supply di
minished first. You may bet some of
us done good service wheu it come to
that; aud if every one did not get
enough to eat it was because thoy
wero afraid of a shower of rain.
After dinner wo nil amused our
selves with swinging and croquet and
other games, and driuking lemonado.
We did not have anything stronger
visible. After a pleasant dancing
party and somo fireworks in tho even
ing, wo all went homo wishing tho
Fourth come oftener.
Election Wagers.
Bolting has begun. It is never too
early or too Into to wager on politics.
It will bo seven months before tho
electqral fouut by congress next Feb
ruary wL"")h will finally decide the re
sult of the pending presidential con
test. But for all that a great deal of
money has been put up to bo idle
during that period. Of course thee
is no argument in a wager, but there
is excitement in it. It is a good way
to express one's confidence and there
is the chance for 'gain, hence a resort
to it In every conceivable form,
from chnrch fair to horso race and
from strawberry festival to pooling
booth. However, I hear that repre
sentative Woodburn of Nevada is on
tho rampage and offers to bet a thous
and dollars on each state that Cali
fornia, Nevada and Oregon will go
Republican next November. I nlso
hear that senator Bowen has an opin
ion that he is ready to back up with
810.000, 1 understand he will select ten
northern states including Connecticut.
New Jersey and New York, and
place a thousand dollars on each one
of them with an ndditional'one thous
and on tho general result. As
a matter of course ho is a Harrison
man and on the other haad Dockcry
is ready to make large sums of money
talk for tho Democracy, and so it
goes. 11 asJtington Special.
At Uoss Opera Ilonse To-night.
The nicks-Sawyer Colored Min
strels made a very attractive display
ou tho streets yesterday and from
the pleased expression of those who
witnessed tho performance, thoy must
havo made a good display there also.
They give a very nice entertainment,
thoir singing being specially good,
while their dancing, fancy military
drills and funny business are equal
to anything of the kind ever seen
here. For somo reason there seems
to be a special charm about their
work which is not possessed by white
minstrels. Already there is a large
advance sale for the week. Last
night tho honso was packed. Pitts
burg Diipalch, Sept. 13.
An Explanation..
What is this "nervous trouble" with
which so many seem now to be af
flicted? If you will remember a few
years ago the word Malaria was com
paratively unknown, to-day it is as
common as any word in the English
language, yot this word covers only
the meaning of another word used by
our forefathers in timos past. So it
is with nervous diseases, as tltev and
Malaria aro intended to cover what
our grandfathers called Billiousuesa,
and all are caused by tronbles that
arise from a diseased condition of the
Liver which in performing its func
tions finding it canuot dispose of the
b'.Ie through the ordinary channel is
compelled to pass it off through tho
system, causing nervous troubles,
Malaria, Billions Fever, etc. Yon
who nre suffering can well appreciate
a cure. We recommend Green's Au
gust Flower. Its cures are mar
velons. Lost.
On Monday, July 2d, a trii dollar gold
piece. Finder will bo suitably rewarded
by leaving the same at this office.
GamitriuiiK Deer
And Free hunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, S cents.
When You Go to rortlaml
Frank Fahre, Occidental hotel restau
rant, will ho glad to see his AMotia
friends, A good dinner at a nnnlerate
price and everything in season.
Fine Dwellinc Honse to Iteut.
Good terms to suitable tenant. Inquire
at this office.
Every Night I Scratched
Until the Skin Tvas Saw. Body
Covered with. Scales like Spots
of Mortar. Cnred liy the Cutlcura
I am going to tell yoa of the extraordinary
change your Cuticdra Kkmediks performed
on mo. Abonttholstof April last I noticed
somo red rimnles like comine ont all over mv
body, but thought nothing of it until some
fimo later on, when it began to look Hkospot3
or mortar spotted on, ana wnicn camo on in
layers, accompanied with itching. I would
scratch overy night until I was raw, then tho
nextnUht tho scales, being formed nican
whilo, were scratched off again. In vain did
I consult all tho doctors in tho country, bat
withentnid. After civinc un all hoDpsufrc-
covery, I happoned to seo an advertisement
in tno newspaper aooui your i;oticur iu:si-
and obtained almost immediate relief. 1 be
gan to notice that tno scaly eruptions gradu
ally dropped off and disappeared one by one.
and have been fully cured. I had tho discaso
thirteen months before I began taking tho
Cuticuiu Remedies, and in four or five weeks
was entirely cured. My discaso was eczema
and psoriasis. I recommended tho Cuticuri
Keuedies to all in my vicinity, and I know of
a great many who havo taken them, and
thank me for tho knowledgeof them, especial
ly.mothers.who have babes with, scaly -eruptions
on their heads and bodies. I cannot ex
press in words the thanks to you for what tho
Cuticvea Remedies havo been to me. My
body was covered with pcales. and 1 wa3 an
awful spcctaclo to behold. Now my skin is
as nice and clear as a baby's.
GEO. COTEY, Merrill. Wis,
Sept. 21, 1SST.
Feb. 7. 1SS3. Not a trace whatsoever of tho
discaso from which I suffered lias shown itsell
smco my cure, ULO. UU1K1.
Wo cannot do iustico to tho esteem in wliipli
Cuticuri, the great skin cure, and Cuticur v.
Sotr, an exquisite Skin Roautifior, prepared
from it, and Cuticuev Kesolvkst,- the new
Wood Purifier, are held by tho thousands
upon thousands whose lives havo been mado
nappy by tno euro ot agonizing, humiliating,
itchinfr. scalv and nimnlr diseases of tho skin.
scalp and blood, with loss of hair.
Sold everywhere. Trice : Ccticuka. CO
cents; Soap. 25 cents; Kksolvknt. $l.(X.
I'repared by tho Pottek Ditco and Uhkji
icalCo., llostoivMass.
SendTor'UIowto Curo Skin Diseases," 01
pagos. 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials".
niML'iiKd, black-heads, chapped andoily
rilll skin urovcntcd by Cencur: v Mrdi-
cated Soap.
Catarrhal Dangers.-
Tobefreod from tho dangers of suffocation
whilo lying down; to brealho freely, sleop
soundly and undisturbed ; to rise refreshed,
head clear, brain activo and frco from pain
or acho : to know that no poisonous, putrid
matter defiles tho breath and rots away tho
dolicato machinery of smell, tasto and hear
ing ; to feel that tho system does not, through
its veins and arteries, suck up tho poison that
is sure to undcrmino and destroy, is indeed a
blessing beyond all other human enjoyments.
To puichaso immunity from such a-fate
should bo tho object of all aftlictcd, 1'utthoso
who havo tried many remedies and physi
cians despair of relief or cure,
SANFonn'ri ItAniCAi. CuitK meets every
phaso of Catarrh, from a simplo head cold to
tho most loathsome and destructive stages.
It is local and constitutional. Instant in re
lieving, pormanent in curing, safe, economi
cal and never-failing.
Sanford's KAniCAi. Cukk consists orono
bottlo of tho ItADirTAT. Cinew nnn Uv 1S1 !4
TAUlrflAt. Polvkxt, and one Imi-kovkd
iJ.HAi.KK. all wrapped mono package, with
trenti'o and direction?: and sold bv all drug
gists for HM. I'enr.i: ltii:&i:riKMit'Ai.
jKK jsusiox. z
No Rh'eumatiz About Me.
tx eifniiaiiTi:
' a The Ciilicni'.ivtiiti-I'iilii
SKf I'luitor' rclioves Uhcumatie,
i Mf Sciatic, Sodden, Sharp and .Ncr-
l 9Vw A vous Tningrttrains and YFenk-
l f tlnosses. 'IliaJnSt and only pain-
killing plaster. New, original,
instantaneous, intalliolo.'safo, A marvellous
Jntailn.A In lln.I. 1 .. fl Am ... n . t ah a .. .1 IV..1.
iuiuuuiuujitiui .uuuiiiwuiiuii iiuu ik dull
ness. Utterly unlike and vastly superior to
nil other plasters. At all druggists, 25 cents ;
nvo nir si.ou; or, lwsiago ireo, ot rotTKit
Dltuii aniiCiikjucalCO.. Boston, Mass.
In Slemoriam.
At a regular meeting of I'eaver
Lodge No. K, I. O. O. F., tho follow
ing resolutions wero adopted on the
death of Henry Mattsen:
"WiiEKEAa, It has pleased the Su
premo Kulor of the universe to re
move from our midst aud from tho
field of his labor whilo yet in tho
prime of his life onr worthy and re
spected brother Henry Mattson, and
WnEREAS, liy tnis sail bereavement
this lodgo is called upon to mourn
tho loss of a trne friend and a faith
ful Odd Fellow, therefore, bo it
Resolved, That in this our sudden
affliction, wo bow to tho hand of the
all wise Providence, who sees but for
our good, and in this sudden warning
He reminds us that in tho midst of
life wo aroJin death.
Mourning our brother's demise, wo
tender our heartfelt sympathy to his
family and friends.
Ilesolced, That the lodge room be
draped in mourning for thirty days
and tho members wear tho iiHtial
mourning badge
Resolved; That a copy of these res
olutions bo sent to.his family and to
Tin? Astokian and Pioneer for pub
lication, and a copy bo spread on the;
minutes ot this lodge.
rcrit Wins.
We iles'ue to say to onr citirens, that
wti have been selling Dr. King'r. New
Iicoverv for Consumption, Dr. King's
New Life 1'ills. Biieklen's Arnica Salve
-t.l Tlnrtt i in I(i ffiivc" rilt.l li'H'.i iirnv.v
111 II lilt itl lt t'tku i r nuu 141 ( libit
handled remedies that sell as well, or-
II. a. t.....j. ..I.'a. .lintl 1. I 1nA.A I nnlinfn.!
mill iliHI l II siivn iiuiii;t,i.ii .-.lll'MUi;
tion. WVilnjiot guarantee
lliatu iifiift tiiiwi mul vn ctiml wittl, itt
llirill 1 lllj 1,111. ,.. II.. II. UUHIII 1LLIUJ .
refund the. uiTliae .price, if satisfac
tory leMilts do not 'follow their use.
1 1U-M- it luniii-r u.nt- wm mi-ii leiiL
Dopularitv purely on their merits. .Ino.
C. Dement Druggist.
lnu TX(2 f'! RArtTlIIVM Cx-Tt
XlllVt II 1.1i'll1M1 ll IH'W lllt.U WjlllJI
should always he used for children
teething. It tootlics the child, softens
the gum. allays all pain, cures wind
elmlle. and is the best remedy fnriliar-
riiti'a. rweniy-iive cents a imhiic.
All Hie patent. metfiemes ailvei'lised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
he bought at the lowest prices, at. I. V.
Conn's drug store, opposite Ocidcnt
licU'l, Astoria.
Sunny "Rooms.
With or wltho ut hoard at the Moldcn
House. Koonis fromSfiamonth upward.
Library, etc.
Coffee and cake, ten cents, at I lie
Central Ilestaurant.
Umbrellas' Itepairotl
At my old stand. .1. .Inrus.
Chiiaren Cry forPitcIier's Castorig
ew Lace Curtains
Nottingham, Ecru and White,
Embroidered Swiss, Irish Point,
Renaissance, in Single and Two Toned.
Persian Drapery, Etamines,
Porteriers, in Ohenille and Tapestry,
Silk and Wool Tapestry.
Figured Madras, etc., etc.
Upwards of 3,000 yards of Nottingham Cur
tain Nett from 12c to 75c per yard.
Flie leading House
A Uirjje and Well Selected Stock of Fine
DiaMuS i Jewelry
At Extremely I.ow Trices.
All CooJs nought at This Establishment
Warranted Genuine.
W-.ilt-ti nml Clnrlc Repairing
Cimiei Ci-w and Saueiiioqua Streets.
Oarnahan & Co.-
t. W. CASE,
Cm tier ClK'uaiiitii aud Cass streets.
AS'lCKtA ----- OltEGON
Of Best Quality, and at
And Doalcrs In
Special Attention Ctvon to Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchase's delivered in any part ol the city.
Office and "Warehouse
In nnnie'i New Raildlng on Water Street.
V. O. r.ox 153. Telephone Ko. 37.
The Akron Lacquers.
Jb calls' tha attentlonol Cannervmen and
"others, to-the fact that 'ho Is the Pacific
' Celebrated Akron Lacquers,
And ta prepared to quote low prices on these
oods. Samples furnished on application.
Do all dose buyers buy their Clothes at
HERMAN WISE'S in the Occident
Hotel Building ? "."'..
Much you could save. by buying your Hats
at HERMAN WISE'S the Reliable
Clothier and Hatter !
You know that HERMAN WISE can and does
sell Goods at a Smaller Profit than any other
house in Astoria ?
Should examine my stock and prices. I offer
them to you very low, especially now !
Consider your own interests when you think
of buying a SX7ZT, SAT or FtJR
The Reliable Clothier and Hatter.
Occident Hotel Building,
of Astoria.
I guarantee you can save ice cream
f money for all your girls by con-
suiting me!
" - -,.'