a to gaily ;toviatn ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY JULY 1, 18SS. VOLUME XXXI. "Wrrn malice toward none, and charity toward all," The Astorian to-day enters upon its 81st volume, and tho sixteenth year ot its existence. It is thankful for tho generous and substantial patronage accorded it, and in the future as in the past will work for the best interests of the city and county, and the material progress of this section of the commonwealth. They are telling the followingstory in Washington to illustrate Mi. Ful ler's skill as a lawyer: It is said that one of his earliest exhibitions of clev erness whioh brought him fame was was tho defense of several Polanders charged with murder. Fuller suc ceeded in getting them separate tri nls, and then defended them one after another. It was so managed that the offender thought to beleast guilty was tried first The trial was a long one, but Fuller ultimately triumphed and secured an acquittal. The other cases were at once called, when to the emazement of every one, duller in troduced in their behalf a full con fession of the crime by tho one who had just been acquitted. With cir cumstantial detail the criminal told of the murder, making it plain beyond question that he was the guilty party. He could not be tried again, as the law provided that a man could not be put twice in jeopardy for tho same crime. At the same time tho confes sion cleared all the other defendants. Texas is troubled with a plethora of cash. Its bonded indebtness is only $4,500,000, which tho holders will not exchange for tho money, pre ferring to draw the interest; and there is in tho state treasury a surplus of more than 2,000,000. Tho school fund has a surplus of 810,000,000, for nearly half of which no safe invest ment can be found. The farmers, to whom tho stato has been selling its lands at forty-nine years' time, with only 5 per cent interest, in the hope that they would be very dilatory about paying the principal, are piling in the money on tho overburdened stato treasurer. Tho counties are doing tho same. To add to its misery the state has 30,000.000 acres ot land yot to sell, which are bringing every year higher and higher prices. In the official report upon Russian statistics for 1885 it is mentioned that in that year tho population amounted to 109,000,000, that tho birth rate ex ceed the death rate by 900,000 a year. and that of 853,000 young men eligi ble that year for military service, only 228,000 were enrolled. Servico in Russia lasts, howover, for twelve years, and the total meaning of the figures is that tho Russians are incom parably the most numorous of tho white peoplos, and her means of forming and renewing her army at least four times as great as that of any first-class nation. If sho ever produced an emperor with military genius who was also ambitious, those would be serious facts. In tho twenty-one presidential elec tions since the beginning ot tho pres ent century New York, Now Jorsey and Connecticut have all stood to gether nine times, New York and New Jersey against Connecticut five times, and New York and Connecticut against New Jersey five times. In one election, that of 1828, tho voto of New York was divided. In only a single presidential year since Thomas Jefferson's first term has New York failed to carry either New Jersey or Connecticut with it Mr. Kebnan, of tho New York pro duce exchange, told tho inter state commerce commission that Min neapolis flour could bo bought four cents a barrel cheaper in Glasgow than in the city of New York. Tub panels of the Carnegie coach that is bearing the Blaine party through eastern England are orna mented with the stars and stripes crossed with tho Union Jack. A woman was burned alivo for witchcraft, recently' in tho depart ment of -La Libertad, Peru. Telephone liodjrlnjr House. Best Beds In town. Rooms per night CO and 25 cts per week SL50. Now and clean. Trivato entrance. Crow Is the leading photographer of this city and is said to bo as good as any in the siatc. Ludlow's Ladies' S3.00 Fine Shees: also Flexible Uand turned French Kids, at IT. J. UOODHAN'S. Fine DireUlaK Honse to Bent. Good terms to suitable tenant Inquire at this office. Private Booms. At tho Telephone Restaurant for sup pers, parties, etc. The best cooked to order. LATEST PE0M THE EAST. Gen. Sheridan Gone to Massachusetts. A General Shut Down In The Iron Hills. (SPECIAL TO THE ASTOBIAN.J NewYobk, Juno 30. Representa tives of the bull clique of tho coffeo exchange this morning, state that the several offerings in Juno coffee wore settled yesterday. Three firms how ever havo refused to settle, and de clared they would only pay the in trinsic value o tho ceilee: -lint the clique resolved that they should pay tne same price as the others, and if they did not settle before noon to-day their names would bo posted on the exchange as having failed to carry out their contracts. PRESIDENTIAL APPROVAL. Washinqtok, June 30. Tho presi dent has signed the Indian appropri ation bill. CANSOT'ATTESD. The Cincinnati exposition com mittee has been informed by the president that on account of the pres sure of business, he cannot accept its invitation to nttend tho exposition nt this time. He has now in his hands 130 bills that must be examined and disposed of during the coming week. PROPOSED PRIZE FTOIIT. Boston, June 30. Mr. H. Hough ton telegraphed from San Francisco to Geo. Godfrey, colored heavy weight pugilist, that tho California club had agreed to put up n pnrso of 81.500 for a finish glove ficht in Au gust,between Godf rey.and Peter Jack son, Australian colored heavy weight, the loser to take 8300, and that 8400 wonld be allowed Godf rey.for expens es. Godfrey has wired his accep tance of the terms. THREE NEW FURNACES. BinuiNanAir, Ala., June 30. Seven hundred thousand dollars was placed in the bank here to-day, to bo used in the erection of three new blast furna ces in this vicinity. Tho fnrnaccs are to be seventeen feet eaoh. Tho projectors of the enterprise are H. F. Bardenben, ot Birmingham and par ties from Charleston and Savannah; the work to begin immediately. 001X0 TO MASSACHUSETTS. Washington, June 30. Gen. Shor- idan was removed from his house to the Swatara about 11 o'clook this morning. The Swatara sailed nt 1:15 p. m. Gen. Sheridan was safely aboard about noon. His transfer from bis home to the vessel occupied an hour and was accomplished with out tho slightest obstacle or delay. The general rested well last night He bore his removal excellently, and when the vessel steamed away was in at least as good condition as before leaving home. QIJAS3 FACTORIES CLOSED. Pittsburg, June 30. The summer shut down of Hint glass factories commenced to-day; all the factories in the country have banked their fires and G,G0U employees will take rest lor six weeks. The annual wage confer ence of flint glass and chimney blow ers will begin Monday. No impor tant changes in the scale seem proba ble. GONE TO TURRUr. New York, Juno 30. Among tho passengers who sailed for Europe to day in the Canard steamer wero the duke and duches3 ot juanoorougn and Margaret Maher, the actress. AN AQED VETERAN. New Brunswick, N. J., Juno 30. Gen. John B. Mcintosh, U. S. A., retired, died last night at his resi dence in this city of heart disease, aged 90 years. WON BT SATIETY. Lodnon, June 30. At Sauilown park to-day, the Willmington Btake was won by Satiety. IN TnE IRON MILLS. Pittsburg, June 30. Both the iron masters and their men presented a firm front this morning. When the day shift went off this evening it was announced thnt all the mills in tho west bnt twelve, operated by non union men, would close down lor an indefinite period. A dispatch from Youngstown. Ohio, reports tho mills in tho Mnhoning valley are preparing for protracted suspension. .Notwith standing the discouraging reports received by mill men, they do not seem to be worried. Almost all who have been spoken to. bcliove the sus pension will not continue longer than two or threo weeks. The shut down is necessary nt this timo of year for repairs and stock taking. Tho manu lecturers have, they claim, used the same argument for years, nnd always opposed the amalgamated association as vigorously as at present Since the strike of 1882 the. scale has beon signed in conference, but with one execution nnd that was in 1835 when tho strike was declnred. One by one the firms Binned tho scale that year. and the strike was over and the mills all in operation. m I Merit Wins. Wo desire to say to our citizens, that we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery-for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills. Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and havo never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. We donot hesitate to guarantee t1iivi ,.. 4iv,n nrr1 nm etntwl ni9r ti refund the purchaso price, If satisfac tory rosuits ao not ioiiow tneir use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely uu uimr munis, duo, C. Dement Druggist. Tho latest stylo of Gents' Boots and snoesac i-.j-uoodmahs, TVnen Yon Go to Portland Frank Fahre Occidental hotel rcstau rant, will bo glad to see his Astotia friends, A good dinner at a modi-rate prico ana everyining in season. Steals CooKed to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families at Central Restaurant next to Foard & Stokes'. CMltaCryfoPiWsCastorig SOME THINGS AND OTHEES. Tho capacity of England's ships is 9,000,000 tons. Canada cider is being largely sold in the States. Bleaching by electricity has boen successfully carried out in Belfast, Ireland. A Wallincrford. Conn., firm has just made fifty silver urns for tho Khedive of Egypt. The longshoremon ot Gladstone, Mich., havo struck against loading flour for 30 cents nn hour. Tho oxport of tea from Amoy, China, to the United States during the last season was 18,297,617 pounds. Thus far during the present year there has been a remarkable avoid ance of strikes. Nearly forty-five hundred girls and women are employed around the Oppela mines, many of them at night The value of tho mineral produc tion of Canada during 1887 was 82, 429,712 more than that of tho previous year. The largest flour mill in tho world will be established at Daluth, Minn. The capacity will be 6,000 barrels a day. Tho bricklayer's strike nt Omaha for eight hours has been lost. The men will work nino hours a day for 84.50. We used to gdt our shipping ropes from France, but now we manufac ture them ourselves, and got a small quantity from Canada. Grand Rapids, Mich., is tho great furniture making center ot the United States. It has forty-two furniture factories whioh employ 1,200 men. The whole vnluo ot fonoes in tho United States may bo set down at 82,000,000,000, and it costs S1,000,000,- vw annually to Keep them m repair. It is "nn ill wind that blows nobody any good." Traders in New York and Boston are reaping quite a pecuniary harvest in selling red bandanas. Tho orange crop for this year, it is predioted, bids fair to bo tho largest ever raised in Florida, judging from the quantity of fruit now on the trees. The Knights intend to start a co operative colony on several hundred acres of ground near Glenwood springs, Col. Canning factories and other establishments will bo oper ated. Railroad construction for 1888 will probably not fall much below 12,000 miles. Last year tho construction was the greatest ever known in tho country, being a little short of 13,000 miles. The capaoity of the Findlay, Ohio, natural gas wells spurting already is 50,000,000 feet, and it is claimed that if all the beds were developed, suffi cient oil could be obtained to supply tho world. Calico print works nt Providence, R. I., are running night and dny, and with an extra force of 300 hands, to fill an;order for 2,000.000 bandanas. The manufacture of nil other goods has been stopped. Not one day laborer in Amsterdam owns his own homo. The idea that skilled workmen in this country may earn enough to buy houses for their families is incredible to nrtisaus of tho same class in Holland. Peanuts are becoming a popular nnd profitable crop in Georgia. The peanut plant makes good forago and rich and nutritious hay, and 125 bushels to a singlo acre will raise and fatten many pounds of bacon. Maryland's oyster output comes from about two hundrod miles of fisheries. The annual production is over ono million cases of oysters worth about 85,000,000, of which about 82,000,000 is made by the 5,000 employees. Thirty cobblestone payors employed by tho city of Brooklyn struck week before last, for 84 a day in the placo of 83.50. Tho men have been working eight hours a day. In New York city the pavers get 83.25 for n 10-hour day. Tho workingmen of Indianapolis, hold a mass meeting week before last, at which resolutions were passed de nouncing tho contractor who has the contract for laying the natural-gas pipes, for employing Italians, who work for 60 cents a day. Tho output of the Birmingham, England, pin mills is 30,000,000 a day. Other factories in that country havo n capaoity of 17,000,000 pins per day. Franco turns out about 20,000,000 a day and Holland nnd Germany 10.- 000,000 eaoh. Tho pin machines cut the wiro to pin size. head, point. ponsn, sort and suck them in papers. the NEW TO-DAY. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING, At No. 15, above Foard & Stokes' Store, Water Street. Mis. Ahlberg la an Experienced Dressmaker Swedish and Finland languages spoken. ETTY AHLBERG. TJEE.JI KAKAGA, ATTORNEY ATLaW. Rooms, rythlah Building, Astoria, Oregon, Sunday Excursion The Steamer Cen. Miles. Will leave Gray's Dock at 9 :00 a. m., To-Day, For Fort Stevens, Fort Canby and Ilrraco : Returning, will leave Ilwaco at 4 r. li. Fare for tho Hound Trip, SI. J.H.D. GRAY, Agent. City Book ire Wor 4th July Goods! Eaargest Stock in tlae Gtty. 25 Cases Fireworks Just Received. Theso nre the genuine unexcelled. Tho best in the world. Guaranteed new and fresh. Largo Stock of Flags, Festooning, Crackers, Torpedoes, Paper Caps, Pistols, otc, etc, all of which will bo sold at Market Prlcos. Parties desiring exhibition cases of Firo Works should cnll early nnd ex amine our stock. Country ordors solicited nnd filled promptly. GRIFFIN & REED. PHIL. A. STOKES & CO. -FOlt- Big Bargains in Men's Clothing ! Co to the Emporium. PHIL. A. STOKES & CO. (Next door to Foard fc Stokes,) Everything a Mara Wears Sold at Very Low Prioes and warranted exactly as represented. NO BETTER CHANCE IN ASTOIUA TO GET CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS AT BOTTOM PRICES. PHIIi. A. STOKES GO. Seines, Pounds, Traps, FISH NETTING Of'eVERY DESCRIPTION, MADE TO OKDEK OF DKST QUALITY. Woodberry Seine Twines AT LOWEST PRICES OF NETTING COMIS1NATION. Barbour's Salmon Net Threads. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 Market St., Sole Agents for tho PaciGo Coast. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAFSTRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, T1TI AND Ooppor. Hughes & Co Wholesale and Eetall LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do rnestio Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. n. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Vat IUatz Bottled Beer. Finest brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. liquors for Medicinal Purpose1). Family Trade Solicited. All orders from the City and Country promptly filled. Squemoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. Farm Implements WE HAVE IN STOCK. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Sulky Hay Rakes, Tedders, Hone Hay Forks, Dutton's Mower KniTe Grinders, Etc. Agents for the Osborno Mowers, Reapers, and Kelt Binders. Extras for all kinds of Farm Machinery furnished oil short notice. WILSON A FISHER. Store. Works! FOR SALE. House Two Lots The Finest and Best Arranged Cottago in At tm la ; Choice Location Command ing a View 01 the Entire City. THE I'ROrEKTY COST $4,500.00 WILL SELL FOR $3,500.00 Reason for Selling: The owner has per manently located out of the State. Apply to W. G. ROSS. Astoria Iron Works. Concomly St., Foot ot Jackson, Astoria. Or General Machinists ni Boiler Maters. o Land and Marine Engines BOILER WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPECIALTY, Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. jonjf Fox- President, and Sunt. A. L. Fox,............ ..Vice President J. O. Uuhtlkk, Sec. and Treas. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, to Capt, Rogers old stand, 'corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. "WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALEU IN Groceries, Provisions and IViiii Feed. o Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o Tho Largest nnd finest assortment of arresfc. Fruits and TTegetables. lleceived fresh every Steamer. n tv onnir c UUJJL THE LEADING STATIONERS AND CRXFFXIT I nii.iiiLI!. u? Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Ladies' and Children's Muslin Goods. t Ladies' and Children's Shoes, all kinds. Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes, all kinds. Rubber Goods, Oil Clothing. Hats, Trunks. Valises. Satchels. EMPIRE J. C. CLINTON DEALER IN CICARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS, NTJTS, Candies. Smokers' Articles, Etc. New Goods Received Dally. Opposite City Book Store. EL B. PAEKEE, K DKALKIt IN" F FIRE BRICK Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Brici Cement,, Saud anl Plaster Wood Dellrcred to Order. Drajinu-, Training and KTiirns limine". PER apply to the Captain, or to GFLO T. PAIIKKR. C VIU. A. II NSOJf. Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer TIII8 WEEK. The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. SEERSUCKERS The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OK E. R. HAWKS? Agent, Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E. R. Hawes li aH6 Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER KIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Kant). H. EKSTROM, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. Special Attention raid to REPAIRING. A Fine Lino of Jewelry, Clocks and Watches on Hand. All Work Guaranteed. Water St., East of Aug. Daniclson's. y M E3 FIREWORKS! Fourth ot July Goods. BANNERS, CRACKERS, FLAGS. " Largest Stock. Lowest l'rices-. The New York ULaJtaBlF oyuHii,.- '"'--.TTJy fl 2c KEED. Tirpia Cigar aiiuToteco Store J. VI. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. t'Iiu CtifurT, ToSacrns and Srao'.crs Articles, Sold at Low est Market Kates. FRUITS, CANDIES NOTIONS.&c FIRE CLAY stka:iii:ic CLMA nuu Eben P, Parker,llastcr. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCIIAK. JI. It. PAItKKIt. r.UY YOUR- Groceries I Provisions -OF- oard & Stokes Their hugely increasinff trade enables them to sell at thf very lowest margin or prolit wluli' Kivmc you jkkmU th.it are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Prico lald for Junk. rTh. Olsen, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST, (Iraduated from Copenhagen, Denmark. Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Articles. Water St., Opposite Ilamburg House. Novelty Store Strike! Rich ' .W-.vi.es : Sto-ASv! feak&& mAk.4 , ., J-ZLiii!