The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 29, 1888, Image 3

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    TRre Kr"-fpe -)--
hc Ja gsfotfatt.
-JUNK 23, 18SS.
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors,
Terms of Snbscrlpllon.
Sene by Carrier, per w eek 15 cts
Sent by Mali, per month "ZZ eo cts
one year...--. S7 00
Freo of postage to subscriber!'' '
The Astoeiak guarantees to lu adier
tiserstna largest circnlation of any newspa
per pnbUshed on the Colombia river.
Co. "H" inspection to-night.
does all this rain come
Freight rates to Gray's harbor have
been cat.
The "Soap Bubble" troupe will ar
rive on this morning's boat.
This rain interferes considerably
with operations in the logging camps.
But little hay been cnt bo far and
unless the wetness lets up but little
will be.
The rainbows had a great time on
the river yesterday morning and af
ternoon. The run of fish is reported to have
improved considerably in the past
two days .
Reserved seats for "Soap Bubbles"
at the New York Novelty store. The
troupe will appear to-night.
Jno. Bernhard Strom, aged eight
een, died at 8 o'clock last evening of
consumption. The funeral will be
The Fourth of July collecting com
mittee have so far tnrned over S315
to the treasurer. There is about as
much more to collect.
As TnE Astobian relies on the tel
egraph wire for its dispatches it has
no telegrams this morning, the wire
being down last night.
The Alpha club is going to have an
A 1 ball at Liberty Hall on the night
of the Fourth. Good musics and a
good time guaranteed all who attend.
The British bark Natuna, 1,106, 13
days from San Francisco, sailed in
yesterday, anchored at Fort Stevens,
and yesterday evening was towed up
and anchored in the stream.
There will be a basket picnic at
Knappa on the Fourth of July.
There will be a free dance at the hall
in the evening. Good music has
been engaged and a good time is an
People who have lived in Oregon a
generation say that they never saw
heavier rain here than that which
fell between 12 noon and 1 p. sr., yes
terday. This is said to be the rainest
Jane ever seen in or out of the state.
Portland press and public indie
nantly protest against the action of
the schoolboard of that city in super
seding without apparent cause the effi
cient S2.000 school superintendent
by a Massachusetts importation at
Brick work to the new grade
around the custom house progresses.
A brick passage way to the subter
ranean vault beneath is now build
ing. An appropriation to provide
skiffs for navigation of the aforesaid
vault is now in order.
A report yesterday that three more
men were drowned at Sand Island
the night before could not, be traced
to any reliable source. It is feared,
however, that there has been further
loss of life, as the weather was very
rough in that vicinity.
The contract of the United States
government with the I. S. N. Co., to
transport officers, men, stores and
supplies from the forts to Astoria and
return, for S8.000 a year, closes to
morrow. It his been a sinecure on
the part of the company since the re
moval of the troopsfrom Fort Canby.
There was a meeting at the old
Armory ball last evening, nt which
every Republican league club in the
city was represented. Preliminary
work and organization was the prin
oipal business, and remarks were
made by Messrs. J. H. D. Gray, C. H.
Stockton, O. P. Henry, W. W. Par
ker, C. "W. Fulton, Reem Kanaga, 0.
B. Watson and others.
Yesterday evening an individual
caught throwing timber and planks
off Genevieve street into the water,
to be towed around to his abode, was
compelled by officer Olsen to put
them back, in doing so the would
be thief fell in the water, and after a
most tremendous kicking and splash
ing got safely ashore. After replac
ing all the portable property he was
allowed to go, being considered to
have been punished enough.
Attention Co. II.
All members of Co."H.': O.N. G.nre
hereby ordered to assemble" attheir
armorv fully uniformed and equipped
for quarterly inspection and muster
this Friday evening June- 29th 1888
t 830 o'clock p. u. sharp. By order
of Oapt Shaw.
The board of firemen of the Astoria
Fire department are hereby notified
to meet at the hall of Resone No . 2
this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. By
order of B. S. Wobslet,
Chief Engineer.
Easiness Transacted at Lat Eienlag'n
31 ee tin g.
At 729 p. sl yesterday. mavorPairo
called the council to order and coun-
cilmen Bergman, Cleveland, Sherman
and Welch answered to their names
as city auditor Jewett called the roll.
At 7:31 councilman Carruthers took
his seat. At 736 councilman Robb
and city attorney Noland took their
seats. At 7:43 the clerk finished read
ing the minutes of the previous meet
ing. The mayor congratulated the here
tofore absent members of the council
on their improved health. The reg
ular business was at once taken up.
A petition of D.H.Welch to the
board of equalization regarding al
leged unjust assessment, was read
and referred to ways and means com
mittee. A communication from W. W.
Parker regarding the same matter was
similarly referred.
Councilman Welch moved that the
names of all objecting parties be read
and the several papers referred to the
committee on ways and means.
Councilman Cleveland objected to
such procedure. Councilman Welch
stated why ho desired to have that
done. The names were read as fol fel fol
eows: E. P. Parker, D. K. Warren,
J. B. Higgins, E. A. Noyes, Astoria
Packing Co., M. Rogers, A. Montgom
ery ,.F. J. Taylor.
The mayor ordered that the assess
ment roll be brought into the council
room. The clerk did so. Tho mayor
then read the law regardiug the
proper course fsr objectors to the
assessment to follow in making such
objections. t
Councilman Welch's motion was then
passed, and on motion tho assessment
roll was referred to committee on
ways and means.
Tho committee to whom was re
ferred the auditor's and street super'
intendent's reports, reported, finding
the reports correct; report of com
mute adopted.
An ordinance declaring tho proba
ble cost of improving West Ninth
street from Water to Berry street,was
passed under suspension of rules.
An ordinance fixing tho compensa
tion of the city attorney, was read
first and second times.
An ordinance making it unlawful
for animals to run at large in tho city
of Astoria, was read first and secoud
times and laid over.
Councilman Cleveland got off a
neat little joke about the ordinance ,
amid general hilarity, and the city
attorney relieved the auditor by read
ing the West Ninth street ordinance
for him for second reading.
The ordinance setting the compen
sation of the city attorney nt $50 a
month, was read second time. Coun
cilman Bergman wanted to know it it
was a question of tariff. He and
councilman Cleveland thought that
if one be reduced, reduce all the salaries-Ex-Mayor
Hume was jnvited to a
seat inside the bar.
The ordinance under discussion
was then laid over.
An ordinance declaring the proba
ble cost of improving Cmcomly street
was read third time and passed unan
imously. The gas was then turned up con
siderably higher, and the blinds
pulled down. Most of the audience
filed out, some of them returning
chewing cloves.
The cow ordinance wa3 favored by
councilman Robb, who moved that it
be passed by unanimous consent, and
that tho rules be suspended.
Councilman Welch favored the sus
pension of the rules. Councilman
Cleveland voted against the suspen
sion of the rules, and the ordinance
laid over.
An ordinance providing for the
time and manner of improving West
Gth street was read third timo and
An ordinance making appropria
tion of $75 a month to Rescue
No 2 for the maintenance of the
horses, was considered to be on sec
ond reading. Councilman' Velch
made somo remarks relativo to the
stand he took on the matter.
He read from manuscript, taking
the ground that the proposed appro
priation was not warrantedby the facts
in the case, that it was extravagant,
and that the taxes were oiready men
enough, and that capital could not
be attracted to the place if taxes
were forced up any higher..
Councilman Cleveland stated that
he had a stiff neck and begged that
the door of tho council, room be
closed. The mayor detailed officer
Beasley to perform this duty ; he there
upon instrncted the janitor to that
effect and the door was closed.
Councilman Bergman opposed the
passage of tho erdinance: he be
lieved that while the fire department
should receivo all proper en
couragement and be properly sus
tained, that this request was to much
in the way of additional expense to
the taxpayers.
Councilman Cleveland said ho sup
posed he was expected to say some
thing, and did so, favoring the passage
of the ordinance. Councilman Robb al
so favored thepassageof the ordinance
Councilman Carruthers said'he would
oppose the ordinance and did so in a
brief speech.
Councilman Sherman said he didn't
believe that it was a good move and
would oppose tho ordinauce.
The ordinance was then lost by the
following vote, aye, Cleveland, Robb;
no, Bergman, Sherman, Welch, Car
ruthers. Tho following claims were ordered
-M. C. Crosby, 22.50; J. G. Ross
S16.49; S9.18;ElectricLight Co. 3144;
Astoria Gaslieht Co., S126.05. S12.95:
J. F, Halloran & Co., 69.04; Clatsop
Mill Co., S9.95; Carruthers At Mc
Farish 33: B. F. Allen 52.26.
The claims of W. J. Barry, S9 and
Arndt & Ferchen 12.50, Jnckins &
Stacy, 5.78, N. D. Raymond", 65,
were referred.
A resolution by councilman Welch
that chief engineer, B. S. Worsley be
called .to explain why he ordered the.
fire department apparatus to upper
town recently against the orders of
the council, was amended by coun
cilman Cleveland that ho appear at
the v?Xl meeting of the council, and
i. resolution relative to the im
provement of Wall street, was
A long discussion then ensued
about tho meetings of the board of
equalization, as to time and place of
meeting, it being finally settled that
they meet when they get ready.
City attorney Noland, reported in
reference to the extension of Che
namus street, that he had interviewed
Messrs. Trullinger and Bowlby, and
that after consultation with Mr. Hin
man they would let the council know
what they would do.
It-was now 8.55 p. ji. and the mayor
told the council that it was ad
Sheriff Ross, has returned to the
city. , ' ' Jt
The venerable Philo Cnllender has
a Harrison medal of the vintage of
1840, which he plowed up at Clatsop
suuie vears ago. xie is giving iu nave
it mounted and suitably re-engraved,
and will send it with his compliments
to old Tippecanoe's grandson next
March . ,
InwAco, June 28.
We ar6 having so much stormy
weather that the pound not fisher
men are doing n poor business.
Tho20-toalocomotive was success
fully transferred from barge to. track
yesterday, and is now getting up
A number of new net corks, over
two 'hundred of them, marked Kin
ney, are along the weather, beach.
Some one has been' stripping a net
Andrew Brown, who was drowned
on the Ubtn near the bar, 'was
on the life crew at the capo last year,
and is nsonotUapt. J. Brown of the
North Cove life crew, that rescued
the Hfo crew of the Grace Roberts
last December.
There is just about i-mile of track
laid on the railroad.
This weather is putting a damper
ou all business.
A reward of one hundred dollars
(S100) will be paid for information
sufficient to lead to the conviction
of any party or parties guilty of
wantonly running down buoys on the
coast of California.
Several automatic whistling buoys
off thecoast of this light house dis
trict, have been run "down, damaged
or sunk within the last year. This can
only bo due to criminal carelessness
and unseamanlike negligence, and
a strong effort will be made to fix
the responsibility, and to enforce the
law against any party or parties
guilty of damaging these aids to nav
igation. By order of the light house
Niconii Ludlow.
Commander U. S. A.
Light House Inspector.
Col. CopeHnd's Lecture.
Col. L, F. Copeland lectured Inst
evening, in reply to Ingersoll's "Mis
takes of Moses," to, a delighted and
edified andiencc. For pith and point,
humor and logic, satire and ridicnle,
pathos, eloquence, sentiment and
good sense, the lecture Would rank
with Ingersoll's best efforts, which is
high praise and well deserved. It
was lawyer versus lawyer, and n rich
treat for tho people who listened to
it. Chicago Evening Journal- ',
Attention Knights!
i A special meeting of Astoria Lodge
No. 6, K. of P., will b9 held on Mon
day, July 2nd, 1833 at 8 r.-M-for tho
purpose of installing tho officers elect'
for the ensuing term. A full attend
ance is desired.
H.E. Kelson-, K. of R. S.
By order CO.
The Astoria postoflice some time
ago rose from the fourth class to the
third 'class. It now rises from, a
third clas3 to a second class office.
The business for the year ending to
morrow aggregates over 88,000. so that
for thd fiscal year beginning,July.,lst,
'88, the Astoria postoflice will .be a
second class office. The next thing
in order is to increase that $8,000 to
S10,000 during the coming "year.
Then we enn have n .carrier service.
It we had a carrier service the Bfreets"
would be numbered. If the streots
were numbered the cowbells 'would
ceaso .jangling. If the. cowbells
ceased jangling people visitingthere;
wouldn't go back to tho whito' settle
ments and tell folks about a place
called Astoria, out in Oregon, where
tho cows moseyed around the streets,
and were permitted to continue to
do so. -By all means let the $8,000
be this year increased to S10.000.
A Souud Legal Opulou.
E.BahU)ridgo Munday Esq., County
Atty.,Clay Co., Texas says: 'Have used
JUectno iiitters with most happy re
sults. My brother- also -was very low
witli Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but
was cured by timely use if this medi
cine. Am satisfied Electric Hitters
saved his life."
Mr. D. I. Wllcoxson, ofllorse Cae,
Kv., adds a like testimony, savinc; Hh
postlvely believes lie would have died,
mm it uuv uccu iul xjieuLric Diners.
This great remedy will ward off, as
well as cure all Malaria Diseases, and
for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Dis
orders stands unequaled. Price CO cents
aiul$ltntJnoC.Demeut's. ....
The ladies of Grace Eniscnnal Church
will servo lunch on Wednesday the' 4th
day of July, 1888, at B. S. Worsley's
auction rooms opposite D. L.'Leck &
Sons. . '
Ice Cream and Lemonade will also be
served by the ladies throughout the day.
Leave home cooking and enjoy tho
sports of the day. -
rCorac one, come all.' "" -'' ' J
& : i ft i
jjA Girl- Wanted. ""
To cook In a small family.
Mrs E. W. Tallant.
Apply to
of. The Hold's
Sjstem of
"Here is something that may be a cari
osity to you." It proved to be an in
surance policy issued by the Lloyds of
London, Eng., for $34,000. Qne of its
peculiarities was that it boro GC signa
tures, opposite which were placed various
amounts, ranging from $250 to $1,000.
On one comer of tho first page the
head of queen Victoria met tho eye in tho
shapo of a 5 stamp. On tho other was
a circle, in the center of which was an
anchor, emblematic probably of tho
wishes of the signers that no disaster
wonld cause the payment of a loss.
"Yon naturally wonder why so many
namo3 were signed. Well, I can tell yon.
Tho Lloyds is virtually a great board of
trade, composed of what-, they call un
derwriting -members, who buy their
seats in it tho same as tho brokers
do in the New York stock exchange.
When application is made for insurance
the object to be insured is written on tbo
blackboard and the members bid for tho
risks.-the sameTas brokers do .for stocks,
each member becoming responsible for-
the amount be laces or the nsK and re
ceiving bis share of tho premiums.
"ThejLloyda office ia .situated in tho
Wall street of London, and when inside
of tho chamber, from the bustle, excito
raonfr and nproary a person wonld suppose
himself to be in the New York stock ex
change." "But why Uo you insuro in an English
company?', ,
""For many reasons. Tho Loyds is
solid and reliable. It makes no differ
ence in a vessel's rating whether she bo
old or new, and there is no redaction on
that account. The particular average is
qnly 2 instead of 5 per cent as in Ameri
can companies. Now we only insure
acunst fire and collision, and tho great
point 'of advantage in tho Lloyds is
that if wo have a collision with anotber
vessel and we are nt fault, under this
policy the Lloyds not only pays the dam
age to our vessel, but 75 per cent of the
damage sustained by tho one with which
we collide, including tho damage to her
contents, whatever they may be. You
see, this insurance 'covers anything wo
may carry,' whether it be merchandise or
baggage. as.Well as the Vessel, and makes
it an object to use tho Lloyds for insur--alice."
A Warning.
Tho modes of death's approach are
various, and statistics show conclu
sively that moro persons, die frpm dis
eases of the Throat and Lungs than'
any other. It is probable that every
one, without exception, receives vast
numbeis-of Tubercle Germs into the
system and where these germs fall
upon suitable soil they start into life
and develop, at first slowly and is
shown by a.slight tickling sensation
in tho throat and if allowed to con
tinue their ravages they extend to the
lungs producing Consumption and to
tho head, causing Catarrh. Now all
this is dangerous and if nllowedyo
proceed will in timo canso death. At
the onset'you must act with prompt
ness; allowing a Cold to go Without
your attention is dangerous and may
lose you your, life. As soon asjoul
feel that something is wrong with
your Throat, Lungs or Nostrils. ob.-,
tain n bottle oBoschpe's Qerma'nl
Syrup. It will give yon immediate "1
The Amenities of Journalism.
' "We will inform the proprietor -flf
the nreahaxe" rag that we will "bo
printing election tickets when he is
at his first love making prints of his
14-inch feet after a ewe : uand.
Heppner Gazette.
Don't Experiment.
You cannot afford to waste time in
experimenting when jour'lung ajro in
d.uiger. consumption always .seems, at
first, only a cold. l)o lift purmjt any
denier to impose upon jou with some
cheap imitation of l)r. lung's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coiiglis and
Colds, but be sure you get the genuine.
Because he canmake more piofit he may
tell vou he lias something jnsfcas good,
or' Just the .same. Dmi't be deceived.
out insist upon ciini3ar- Jvpis s i ew
Discovery, which is guaranteed to give
relief in all Tlrroat,-Lnng and Chest af
fections. .Trial bottjes free at Jno. 0.
Dcmenl's Drug Store. Jjarge bnttlesSl.
Mns. -Vi-sr.ow's Soothing Svnur
should always bo usell for Children
teething. It toothes the- child, softens
tho gums. allays, all pain, vuwn wind
cholle. anflis the "best iremeily fordinr
rhoeaVr werity-fivd cents a bottfe.
The best' Oysters m any style, at
tho. Telephone IJestaiiTant. v '
The Astor House!
Newly ltepainti'(lI?epaiH'(t, ttelillcd, Ite
fiirnlslied and Thoroughly; Ileno.ited,
A Lap, Clean,-
Dollar a Day
From a
First-cl.vss ill all Its appointments, rlpan,
! iiiit, sunny rooms, well Uirnislieil
and ) ell Kept.
.' - '
E?"l"reo Coach to and from the House.
Astoria .Soda Works,
Hansen & bo., prop's,
n. . b..j.Gi.1n T Ann Cml. T)ia k ..
Hiooa vruiiiio owwi .cittuit uuurf, hug Ap
ple Sodit, Cream Soda, Sarsaparilla, Ginger
i PmK Avinlo rlmmnni'nfl IM(!ai. St'inil.iril
Ale, Crab Apple Cham pasne Cider, btaml.ird
ra. iran-i.-iioppiwiei jqiier v.ner,
.firtAtol watpr. Kvnitw.' ttp
All order from the, City, and Country
promptly nlled
To. Gray'sHarbor.
Thc 'Steamer GEN.-MILES.
V. P. Wjutcomij, Master,
v i Will leave for Gray's Harbor -
,w Tor Freight orrassage apply to
Agent I. S. N. Co.
ew Lace Curtains
" Y
Nottingham, Ecru and White,
Embroidered Swiss, Irish Point,
Renaissance, in Single and Two Toned.
Persian Drapery, Etamines,
Porteriers, in Chenille and Tapestry,
Silk and Wool Tapestry.
Figured Madras, etc., etc.
Upwards of 3,000 yards of Nottingham Cur
tain ISTett from 12g to 75c per yard.
A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine
Diamonfls i Jewelry
At Extremely Low Trices.
All (loofls nought at This Establishment
Warranted Genuine.
"Watch ami Cloclc Repairing
Comer Ciss jind '.Sqnemoqua streets.
,-Carnaliaxi & Co.
!: "W. CASE,
Mtroirr-Kits aU) wholesale and
(irner Clieuamus and Cass streets.
ASTGIltA - - - - - OREGON
' Of Best Quality, and at
And Dealers In
Special Attention Given to Filling
! Of Ordersf ,"
And Supplies furnished at Satls
. factory Terms.
Purchases flellvered,ln any par.t of the city.
'Office and Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on' Water Street.
P. O. B it 153, Telephone No. S7.
The; Akron Lacquers.
1 ralli thn- attention of Cannervmen &nd
others .to the fact that hexls the" Pacific
coast agent tor ma "
Celebrated Akron Lacquers) '
And is prepared to quote low prices on these
croous. camptes uiruuuea uu auyucauou.
Camr, , Sniies!
Xaeading House
Much .you could save by buying your Hats
at HERMAN WISE'S .the Reliable
Clothier and Hatter !
You know that HERMAN WISE can and does
sell Goods at a Smaller Profit than any other
house in Astoria ?
Should examine my stock and prices. I
them to you very low, especially now !
Consider your own
of buying- a S17ZT.
Gents !
guarantee you
money for all
suiting me!
The Reliable Clothier and Hatter.
Occident Hotel Buildin
-' .4
of Astoria.
Do all close buyers buy their Clothes at
HERMAN WISE'S in the Occident
Hotel Building ?
you think
can save ice cream
your girls by con-
., f