0) mVmS fiixp7 m f"B sjr am zsgtmm&'sjryzzzz-&z, mtMf"4 f&i . rvTTft-i--. it- z--" . .iu- t ---3; spgirfige JJIJ&&II' VOL. XXX. NO. 147. ASTORIA OREGON SATl$RDAY JUNE 23 J 888 PRICE IVE CENTS tzi&' m . PS nm . . . . -KiSSsir jssgs - L4S 111 IP.lSlKI 1111 II ITdliSiPI NZBIHESv VS Sf.ArlB' r JMft' JQB Imjbr r&r ?jr 91 Mr -"nnVi W wttFfr mnthftiinnTnr l'cf?a I V'Vt 9 ifiSft. - BUSINESS CARDS. rOIIN H. S3UTK. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofilce, Room 4 and 5, over City Book Store. Q. KO. XObAJTO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. we In Kinney's Block, opposite City l!-i!l Astoria, Oregon. W FULTOX. O. C FULTON rUtTOIS BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. lUioms 5 and 6, Odd Fellows Building. 0. II. THOMSON . attorney at Law and Notary Public. Special attention riven to nractlee In the II. rf. Land Office, and the examination ot land titles. A lull set ot Abstract Books for cutsop county In office. UFFica Up stairs, opposite Telegraph Office. S q. A. BOWIiBV, J. ttorney and Counsellor nt Law fice on Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon p B. WATSON, Ally, at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All business before the U. S. Land Offlce a pecialty. Astoria, - - Oreook. JIt. J. K. IA FOBCK. DENTIST. Rooms 11 ana 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON, 1KS. A. li. ANI1.I. A. VUIVTOX. Vitj-slclansnml Surgeons. Office on Cass street, three doors south of Odd Fellow's building. Telephone No. 41. TAX TUTTfcK, 31. I). VHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Or ick Rooms 6 Pythian Building. Residence : SE comer V.'all and West 9th streets, opposite I. W. Caie's. A. K. SHAW. DENTIST. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner uass ana snuemoqua s.ireeis. iuunia Oregon. MJ RS. K. OWES8-ADA1K, Office and residence, D. K. Warren's for mer residence, Astoria, Oregon. Diseases of Womon and Children, and of Hie Eje and Ear, specialties. D K.O.B. F.STKS. 111 YSI01AN AND SURGEON. th kick : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, Miegon. D R. AIiKBEI K.IXXKY. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his omce, and may be found there at any hour. nit, Fll.UK "?AUK, rilYSlOlAN AND SURGEON, OppositeTelegraph Offlce, Asiorla. Oregon. -I KtiO IM.RKKR SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AND City Surveyor of Astoria, itesldence : Near Clatsop Mill. N. D. Raymond, Deputy, office at OifY Hall. HSITII, DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2 Pythian Building over C. IL Cooper's Store. PATROHIZE HOME INDUSTRY There is no occasion for the most fastidi ous ot our citizens to send to Portland or Han Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can get Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. New Goods by Every Steamer. Till and See Illm and Satisfy Tonrself. P. J Moany. Merchant Tailor. AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MAETIN 0LSEN, Successor to K. C .Holdcn. The oldest established Commission House In Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock of Furnitureon hand. When you want Bargains In Household Goods go to MAUTIJf OL8F.S For Rent. DWELLING WITH 8 BOOMS. Lo cated head Cass street Enquire of I, W. CASE, A H.A- Sore Eyes The eyes arc always in sympathy with the body, and afford an excellent index of it3 condition. When the eyes become weak, and the lids inflamed and sore, it is an evidence that the system has become disordered by Scrofula, for which Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best known remedy. Scrofula, which produced a painful in flammation in my eyes, caused me much suffering for a number of years. By the advice of a physician I commenced taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using this medicine a short time I was completely Cured My eyes aro now in a splendid condi tion, and I am as well and strong as ever. Mrs. William Gage, Concord, N. H. For a number of years I was troubled with a humor in my eyes, and was unable to obtain any relief until I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medi cine has effected a complete cure, and I believe it to be the best of blood puri fiers. C. E. Upton, Nashua, N. H. From childhood, and until with a few months, I have been afflicted with"Weak and Sore Eyes. I have used for these complaints, with beneficial results, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and consider it a great blood purifier. 3Irs. C. Phillips, Glover, Vt. I suffered for a year with inflamma tion in my left eye. Three ulcers formed on the bjiill, depriving me of sight, and causing great pain. After trying many other remedies, to no purpose, I was final ly induced to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. By Taking three bottles of this medicine I have been entirely cured. My sight has been re stored, and there i3 no feign of inflamma tion, sore, or ulcer in my eye. Kendal T. Bowcn, Sugar Tree llidge, Ohio. My daughter, ten years old, was afflict ed with Scrofulous Soro Eyes. During the last two years she never saw light of any kind. Physicians of the highest standing exerted their skill, but with no nprmnnent. success. On tho recommen dation ot a friend I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which my daughter commenced taking. Before she had used thn third bottle her stent was restored. Her cure is complete. XT. Ev Suther land!, x,vau;;eiisi, ouwwj v VJ' tt Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists. Price $1 six bottlei, $5. Wilson Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HABDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOH SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Roller Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. RESTAURANT It. L. JEFFREY, PROPRIETOR. Refitted, Ready For Business For The Seasonal 888. Everything in Season and Nicely Served 10 Experienced Cooks, Obliging Waiters. 10 Tho best placed before our pations. For a Good Meal, go to JEFJF'S At tho Old Stand, on Main Street Rlfin Tfl QQflfl A mohtii can be UJIUU IU vDuUU made working for us. Agents preferred who can furnish their own horses and give their whole time to the busi ness. Spare moments may be profitably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. B. F. JonNSON & Co., 1099 Main St., Kichmond, Va. ID JOHN A. MONTGOMERY jgk Has'n First Class bS STOCK. m IB lite Sates Dramming of The Euffled Grouse. A few years ago while looking after a miner's ditch in the solitude of the mountain forests on the UDDer Clear "Water river, I hap pened to get hold of a work on natural history; and -as the ruffled grouse were very plentiful, their habits, as set forth by trie autnor, attracted my attention. It was in the spring of the year, and they were drumming contin ually on all sides of me. I could not believe the vibration that set the still air in a tremble about my ears was made by the tapping of the wings upon logs, or upon any thing more solid than a drum head. My curiosity was aroused, and as the opportunity was at hand I de termined to settle the question as to how the drumming was done. Every day an old cock clucked at me as he jumped from an old log and started behind the thick little firs, with his ruffled neck nodding as he stepped proudly away. That log was his drumming place, and 1 soon found the exact section he occupied. No longer would I let that bird puzzle me. I seleeted a place with perfect cover as a blind, and with my ax trimmed out the brush so that I could have an unobstructed view of his resort. The next morning, armed with a Berdan rifle telescope, I was in my blind, with the glass arranged on rests, when the shy bird came noiselessly to his sacred bower to sing his matin song. He stood still and upright for a long time, as if intently listening. He puffed up his neck as large as his body, he raised the black tuft of featheis on his neck, showing a wind bag tight as a drum head; then lie thumped the sac as if to test the tension of the drum, and then: thump thump thump thump thump thump, faster and faster, till his wings were a blue blur to look upon, and the sound was a rumble like the hum of a bee on a large scale. In the interim he would smooth his feathers and listen for an answer from some charmed female; or the challenge of an enemy. I watched him until I was positive as to how the noise was made. It is made by beating in the inflated neck of the bird, by the butts of the wings, as a boy would beat upon a drum; both ends at once. I then killed the bird, examined the wind bag, and blew it up like a bladder. My glass was 30 inches long, and so powerful that I could see a 45 caliber bullet hole in white paper at a distance of 1300 yards. Yot can form an idea how distinct ly I could see every motion of the grouse. I could see him wink. Every member of the grouse family makes his call or hoot or whatever it is, by inflating the neck. The ruffled grouse is no exception. Portland Welcome. "There Is no Cure but Marriage"! How many a pompous old fraud, with an M. D, attached to his name, has of fered this time-dishonored prescription to a pale hasgaid girl, suffering from the ills of womanhood? How many a wretched hell on earth has thus been started ! for no marriage can be blessed either to husband or wife, which is taken as a pill. Out upon Mich quackery There U a cure for suf fering women a cure which will make marriage the greatest of earthly bless ings, and home the sweetest of Edens. Its name is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. Just try it, and sec the black clouds of life roll away before the glow ing sunshine of returning health and vigor. It is the only medicine for wo men, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the inanufacterers, that it will give satisfaction in every case or money refunded. See wrapper around bottle. Dr. Pierce's Pellets the original and onlvijenuino Little Liver Pills, ur.cand a vfal; one a dose. ents Sheridan commanded the caval ry in the Army of the Potomac just a year,and in that.time fought seventy-six battles, captured 205 battle-flags and over one hundred and sixty field pieces. Everyhody admires beautiful hair, and everyone may possess it, by using Ayer's Hair Vigor. Keeps the hair soft, pliant, and glossy. Never write a letter that you would not be willing to have pub lished, whether it be a love letter or a political letter. "Murder will out," and so will secret letters. The New York Sun says to girls seeking employment in the metrop metrep metrop olis: Without good 'credentials and influential friends it is impos sible to obtain a place at all desirable. Cost of Living In Oregon. . We produce the following, as published by the state board of immigration. "What is the' expense of living compared with that in the East?" Answering in a general way, the necessary living expenses in cities and towns, including servant -hire, are about ten per cent, greater than in the east. Of ..course th'fe productions of Oregon which are consumed at home are as cheap as elsewhere. Hotel rates in the towns of the interior average SI per day for transient customers. Board and lodging by the week; about $5 at the hotels; about at private houses. House rents in small towns are very reasonable. Good five room houses with ample yard attached can be had for from S5 to $12 per month. Farm hands command about 25 per month, by" the years hire; harvest bands, 1,75 to S2.50 per day; house servants about 20 per month. For mechanics, carpen ters and shop hands, tho average is probably 3 per day; masons $5. Milchcows are worth about $30 each; horses average $200 per span. As to the yield of Oregon pro ductions, we take the report of the government, actual figures furnished by the growers and the estimates made by the farmcts generally. Out of a dozen farm ers interviewed, two had less than 24 bushelb of wheat to the acre. It is a common thing to have 3S and 40 and even 50 bushels of wheat to the acre. The govern ment makes the aver.ige nearly 23; oats, 45 to S5 liusheU to the acre. It is not an uncommon thing to have a yield of 75 to 100 bushels of oats to the acre in east ern Oregon. Oats from 5 to 8 feet high are frequent in this see tioa of the state. A good deal of this grain weiojis 50 pounds to.thi, bushel. Wheat raised in this state weighs G4 pounds to the bushel; barley yields on the average 2G to 3S bushels to the acre; rye, 20 to 30 bushels. Potatoes about 25 bushels and often from 200 to 350 bushels to the acre. The growth of such things as squashes, pump kins, turnips, sweet potatoes and tho like, is simply astonishing. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria When Baby was sick, wo gaTe her Castoria. EVhen she was a Child, sho cried for Castoria, iVhen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, iVhenshehadChildren.sho gave thcra Castoria When a Kansas horse thief breaks out of iail his chance of ever getting back again is very slender. r irst, because he is hard to catch ; second, he is usually shot when caujrht. Ask for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and do not take any other. Sold by all druggists. The new wire gun at Shoebury- ness has thrown a 500-pound shell a distance of twelve miles, the greatest distance ever covered by a cannon ball. Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes', "" A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or jihos Bliate powders. Sold only in cam. Koyai. akinq Powder Co. 10G Wall-st..N, Y. P L DnVAl BAK1NO W Srf If VEn A Prisoner's Little Joke. "I hdtd a funny experience once," said a young farmer. "When I was a boy I confess, I was pretty green. I lived with my father upon a farm near Columbus, and used to haul wood into tho city and sell it for him. One day I had ented'town. with my customary load, oivhen-asT$fcj.passed a large building sV5nX3q3Rjaoked his head partly out of "tf wihw and asked if the wood was tofisale. I re plied in the affirmative: "Well throw it over this fence," came back from tho upper window. The house was surrounded by a high wall, but I managed to pitch it over and then went around to the front gate for my pay. I could not get in; 1 hammered and called in vain, when some passer by, at tracted by my frantic efforts to gain an entrance, inquired what was the matter and informed me the building was the jail. One of the prisoners had played a joke on me. I could not get my money or the wood back and returned home with empty wagon and pocket." After the Whitman massacre in 1847, a volunteer soldier, James Bollew, picked up a hunch of Mrs. Whitman's lta.tr and frave it to Mrs. America Grant of Dali.i.-!. Af ter keeping it for thirty-nine years she sent it last fall as a memorable idicto the cabinet of Whitman college, Walla Walla. At a holiness meeting near Chicago the other day a man rose in his seat, crying that it had been revealed to him that a woman in the audience was Christ incarnate tnd that the whole assemblage should fall down and worship her. Among the presents sent to the Pope this 3'car were a rowboat, a boot-blacking-- m.ichino and -a bicycle. iuu- vsEzs&r FBJFSc Its superior excellence proven in millions ol homes lor more wan a quarter ui u cent nrv. it is used liv the United States Gov. prnment. Endorsed bv the heads of the Great Uimciities as the Strongest, Purest, and mot Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Ponder does not contain Anv iiioma. Lime, or Alum. Sold only In Cans, PKICK lSAKI.Nli PO WUUll CO., NKWYOKK. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. 1776. 1888 flonrtli of July Celelratioii ! Sunrise salute of 13 guns. Grand parade at 10 a. m., participated in by cery oreanization and society in the city. (Particulars and route of parade adver tised later.) National salute at noon. Literary exercises at stand southwest corner Jefferson and Main Streets. Orator, Col. Geo. D. Copeland. Header ot tho Declaration of Independence, Frank Bewley. rrajer by Iter. Dr. E. Boat Kaee at 2 :30 P. M, "W. Garner, LL.D. Foot Itace at 3 -.30 P. SI. Bicj cle ltace nt 4 :0o P. M. Sack Kaee at 4) P.M. , ,r Procession of Duphunnics at 5 P. M. Grand display of Fireworks. THE WESTERN AMATEUR BAND Has been engaged for the occasion. Committee on salute-Co. -H," O. N. G. Grand Marshal Alex Campbell. Dr. Jay Tuttle, Capt. A. E. Shaw, Sanvl Elmore, Aug. Danielson, aids. CASH. "It to not what one makes, it is what one sates, that nukes them rich." !AVE MONEY ! "W - AT - I. L OSGOOD Who purchases his goods direot of the manufacturer and sells them strictly for CASH and at ONE PRICE to all alike under a lower expense and smaller profit than any other house on the Pacific Coast. SPSCLfiX. past result, and tho appreciation that has been shown by the people of the lower Colum bia for a strict and one price house, I also extend my sincere thanks and soliciting a continuance of your trade for MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS. HATS, CAPS, TECNKS, VALISES, TJMBRELLAlS, BLANKETS, HF"A child buys as cheaply at my counters as the most experienced buyer. Country orders filled correctly and with dispatch. I. L. OSGOOD, oppSlFXouse. Street Oars ronninjz by the door. AND CHUNG DECORATIONS! 5000 donble roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of tha latest styles and shades just received direot from Eastern faotories. Also a large assortment of Of all grades in beautiful new designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call and examine. CHAS. HEILBORN. HOTBI A?fD BESTAUKANTS CHBI8. KVENSOS. F.COOK THE EVENSON & COOK On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN BOOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month. Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order. WATKB 8t., Opp. Foard A Htokes A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run in connection with the Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Rooms. PARKER HOUSE. n. B. PARKER, I'rop'r. First Class In Every Respect. Thoroughly renovated and repaired through out ; 87 large sunny rooms. TWO DINING ROOMS. Tables supplied with everything the market affords. Elegant Bar and Billiard Rooms. Finest Wines Liquors and Cigars. FREE COACH TO THE HOU8E. THE Casino Restaurant One block from the O.E.SN. Dock, M.M. SERRA, Proprietor. A Good Meal For 25 Cents. Oysters In any Style, 23 cents. In connection with this Popular Restau rant Is run'a first-class Saloon, well stocked with choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. S.ARNDT&FERCHEN ASTORIA, OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP N1I Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, aitd STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. Specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Central Hotel ONE PRICE. Buying Your Goods Astoria, Oregon. as INSUEAXCR. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000 COLUMBIA FIRE A! MRU INSURANCE CO. FRANK DEKUM President W. H. SMITH. Vice-President JOHN A. CHILD Secretary No. 180 Second St., Portland, Or. I. W. Case, Agent, Astoria, Or. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London & Globe, North British and Mercantile ot London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial of California Agricultural, of watert own, New York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Itepresent- In a capital of $07,000,000. B.VAar BUSESf. Agent. J. 0. B0Z0RTH. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Insurance written In first class English and American companies at lowest going rates. Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE IS riKST CliASH COMPANIES Representing 813,000,000 PHCENIX, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York, AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO C. P. UPSHUR, Main Street Wharf - Astoria, Oregon. W. L. Robb, Fire Insurance and Commission Representing, FIRE ASSOCIATION, of London. CALIFORNIA, of 8an Francisco. STATE, of Salem. Bents Collected. Offlce. rear of Odd Fellows Building, on Cass Street. I. W. Case, BANKER. ESTABLISHED. - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available In anypart of the U. S. and Europe, and on Hong Kong, China Office Houbs : 10 A. m. to 3 p. m. Odd Fellowb Building, Astoria, Oregon. Spring Millinery, NOVELTIES AND FANCY GOODS. AT Mrs. W. J. GARY'S, Next to Odd Fellows Building. Stylish, Fresh, Reasonable In Price. Plumes, Hats, Ribbons. A Fine Stock now Open for Inspection. MBS. TV, J. BARRY. r - . ."(-