The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 22, 1888, Image 3

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(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors,
Terms ofSnbscrlptioh.
Sen ed lv Carrier, per week..
Sent liv Mad, per montli...
.. 15 cts
. tacts
one vear
Tree of postage to subscribers.""
The Astoeiak guarantees to its edver
mersthe largest circulation ot any newspa
per published on the Columbia rit er.
The Canadian Pacific's steamer
Zambezi is daily looked for.
Mrs. Busey's school will be in
room One, and not room seven, pub
lic school building.
The Tom Morris vrent to Shoal
water bay yesterday; the Hawalo is
still auchored in the bay.
The brig Seawaif, bound from
Gray's harbor to Mexico, put into
San Francisco on Monday to obtain
a crew.
The Kitty previously reported, ar
rived in from Hong Kong yesterday
afternoon. She has a crew" of Japa
nese sailors.
Some of the fishermen are talking
of quitting, the light catch to the
boat not presenting a very encour
aging outlook.
Rev; C. N. Hauge and C. E. Lar
sen will dedicate the the Norwegian
and Danish M. E. church at upper
Astoria next Sunday.
Clinton Rosette, editor American
Breeder, of Do Kalb, Illinois, is in
the city. J. F. Glidden, of tho same
paper is also in the city.
There will be a meeting of the
Clatsop county roaJ and construc
tion Co., at the chamber of commerce
rooms at 7:30 this evening.
Postmaster Bell is about to put
159 new lock boxes in tho post office,
in addition to the 475 now in use.
The 159 are all spoken for, aud will
be in use as soon as they can bo put
in place.
A handsome pair of stuffed Mon
golian pheasants were yesterday sent
to A. J. Meglor. A. Booth immedi
ately captured ono of the finely
mounted birds and will take it with
him to Chicago.
All members of Beaver Lodge No.
.15 1. O. O. F., are hereby notified to
appear at their lodge room at 12
o'clock sharp to-day, to attend the
funeral of their late brother, Henry
Mattson. By order, N. G.
It is said ihat Captain W. P. Gray,
of Pasco, will command tho largo
steamer being built at that place for
the Salmon river route. The captain
knows the upper Columbia river bet
ter than any other resident of Wash
ington territory.
Coroner Suprenant returned from
the north side yesterday with the re
mains of the late Henry Mattson.
He reports that another body has
been found near the wreck of the
Cairmmore, which he will visit to
identify and bury to-day.
"A very hot and very dry summer,
all over the country,'' is predicted by
good weather authority back east.
Count this part of the country ont
of the catalogue, then. A cool, damp
snmmer is the rule, here, this time.
The thermometer rarely gets above
75 degrees in Astoria.
That big 75 lb. salmon mentioned
yesterday as having been at 13. W.
Tallant's cannery, and sent by
A. Booth to Chicago, was 5G inches
long, 31 inches around the waist. It
will be in Chicago in time to furnish
a royal dinner to tho Republican
presidential nominee. Oregon raises
big salmon, big trees and big majori
ties. Every five minutes yesterday came
bulletins from the Chicago conven
tion, the most of the news being the
fact that the convention was as ready
as a crowd of boys to whoop and
cheer. Noise appears to be a very
important factor in political deliber
ations. There will probably be some
balloting to-day, though it is not
likely any definite result will be
reached before to-morrow.
The steamer Queen of the Pacific
now undergoing repairs at the Union
iron works San Francisco has had
one hundred and twenty feet of her
keel taken out. strniphtened nnd re.
placed, as well as the plates cf the
guruoaru sweat aue is to have new
corrugated furnaces. Besides tho re
pairs mentioned, seventeen of the
steamer's frames had to be taken ont
and Btraightened, as they were con-
siaerauiy Dent.
TriE Astobian of December 27th,
1837, contained an account of the
drowning of a man who had started
to beat down in a sail boat from Ska
mokawa; when near Three Tree
point the boat capsized and the three
occupants wero Hung m the water.
One was daowncd; his name is un
known. Any one living near Fisher
ton or Brookfield, and who knows his
name will confer a favor on Ins San
Francisco relatives by addressingthis
Men sometimes wear the livery of
heaven to serve the devil in, and thus
bogus newspaper men are sometimes
found. Sometime ngo two young
men announcing themselves as F. H.
Ertel and A. J. Battersby strolled
into The Astobian office nnd an
nounced that they represented the
New York Journal and Cincinnati
Enquirer, and that it pecuniary in-
ducements were sufficient they would
write up Astoria. They had very
handsomely printed cards, but had
no more to do witli journalism than
we have to do with Stanley's Central
African expedition. They were just
plain ordinary beats. They got S150
in Salem and beat Ladd & Tilton in
Portland by inducing that bank to
cash the drafts that the Salem folks
gave them for articles that never ap
peared. Ladd& Tilton must stand
the loss; Ertel and Battersby com
mitted fnrnprv insnrlnrnTirTfr rlroffa
and are now in California, working
me same racket.
The State of California is due this
morning with the following passen
gers: Mrs. E. J. Harris and daughter,
W. B. Clohl, Mrs. C. C. Dalton, J. D.
Rainey, T. B. vVillis, Mrs. J. H.
Wilder, Miss Adair, Mrs. A. Koehler,
Mrs. Reed, Miss M. Riobe, Miss V.
Paulin. C. B. Feice. F. S. Drurv.
Mrs. E. E. Blumberg and two chil
dren, C. Whitcomb and wife, Mrs.
Holmes, F. C. Kingsley and wife.
The single-scull race between
James Seeley, the Portland oarsman,
and L. Stevenson of San Francisco
came off last night, says Thursday's
uregonian. seeley won; time, 19:32.
The race was for $250 a side and the
gate receipts. Great secrecy regard
ing the course had been maintained
by tho managers of the race in order
that they might have as large a crowd
as possible on tho boat which they
proposed to run to tne course. Tne
distance was three miles, with a turn,
and tho course selected was to the
east of Ross island, from the north
end of that island up tho river to
buoys and back.
Capt. J. G. Hustler and wife are
now at Hot Springs, King Co., W. T.
Kroin The "Jnlia Foard."
Kabluk, Kodiak Island, Alaska,
Saturday, April 23th, 1883. i
To Whom it May Concern :
We, the undersigned, through per
sonal observation, do hereby assert
that Charles A. Troanor. master of
the unfortunate bark Julia Foard,
wrecked at this place yesterday, made
every exertion possible for a .seaman,
to save his vessel aud cargo, and hon
orable mention should be made of the
heroic manner in which ho saved tho
lives of his people, after there wa3 no
further hope ot saving either ship or
cargo. And we, each aud collectively,
wish to state that nothing was lost
through bad management of any de
scription whntever, and that he was
the last to leave his ship, at the peril
ot his own life.
II. 11, Boweu, Merchant of St. Paul,
A. B. Webber, Superintendent A. I.
C. T. Themes, Superintendent A. I.
F. & M. Co.
J. II. Killernu, master bark Jfope,
Peter C.OIseu, Secenly-si.v, master.
C. N. Smart, employee A. I., F. aud
M. Co.
Ivan II. Ananyoff.
W. C,' Logan, with A. I. F. & M. Co.
Frank M. Brown; D.McAuley; W.
O.Jones; seamen bnTb"Julla Foard."
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
known aud so popular a- to need no
special mention. All who hate used
Klectric Hitters sing the same song of
praKe. A purer medicine does not ex
ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is
claimetb Electric Bitters will cure all
diseases of the Liver and Kidnejs., will
remove Pimples. Boils, Salt lUieuui and
other affections caused by impure blood.
Will drive Malaria from the system
and prevent as well as cure Malarial le
vers. For cure of Headache, Constipa
tion and Indigestion try Electric flit
tersEntire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. Price 00 cts. and S1.00
per bottle at J. C. Dement's.
A Toothsome Dish.
A well-known congressman has be
come somewhat famous among his
colleagues as being the author of the
following salad, which he recommends
to his friends as being the most tooth
some thing imaginable at late break
fast; Soak a salted mackerel over
night Then boil it twenty minutes,
drain, remove all the bones and shred
the fish. Add to it three hot boiled
potatoes and mix together; season
with a liberal quantity of Tobasco
pepper sauce, white pepper and a sus
picion of anchovy paste. Wash,
drain and dry a crisp head of letuce;
dres3 it with plain salad dressing.
Arrange the whole leaves on a plate,
put a teaspoonful of the mixture on
each leaf, fold it up and eat it with
your fingers. In the language of the
Hon. Timothy J. Campbell, "Boys,
it's great,'' N. Y. Sun.
Attention K. of L.
Tho members cf Columbia Assem
bly No. 5,033 K. ot L., are called to
meet at their lodge room for the
election of officers at 8 p. si. Monday,
June 25th, 1888. By order,
Competent Girl Wanted.
To do housework in a small family.
Inquire at this office.
Telephone Lodicin- noiisc.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
50 and 23 cts., per week S1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes;
also Flexible Hand turned French Kids,
at p. J. Goodman's.
The ladies of Grace Episcopal Church
will servo lunch on Wednesday the 4th
day of July, 1888, at B. S. Worsted's
auction rooms opposite D. L. Beck &
Ice Cream and Lemonade will alo he
served by the ladies throughout the day.
Leave home cooking and enjoy the
sports of the day.
Come one, come all.
Slealg Cooked to Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
The finest and juiciest steak at the
xeiepnone restaurant.
Mumerous Dispatches From The Hall.
The Favorite Sons Placed In Nomination.
Chicago, June 21. The convention
was called to order at 10 a. si. The
roll is being called to name the mem
bers of the national committee.
It is stated that the platform com
mittee has agreed to except as to the
anti-saloon plank, which will bo dis
cussed this morning. The platform
declares that the fight between pro
tection and free trade is a welcome
issue by the president; favors revi
sion of tho internal revenue, abolish
ing the tax on tobacco excepting
cigars, cigarettes, cheroots; favors
civil service reform; the administra
tion is denounced; a resolution sym
pathizes with Irish home rule, it
will be favorably submitted to the
convention. A ballot will probably
not be reached before to-morrow.
10:40 a. si. The platform sends
greeting to Brazil on the emancipa
tion of the slaves and to the home
rule party in Ireland. Each sentence
is applauded.
The platform says: "We are un
compromisingly in favor of the Amer
ican system or protection. ' This was
greeted with prolonged cheering, all
the delegates being on their feet
11:09 a. ir. The platform demands
the reduction ot letter postage to one
cent, condemns the administration
for an attempt to demonetize silver,
and for the surrender of the fishery
privileges and for a spirit hostile to
pension legislation.
11:10 a. u. On motion of Marine of
Maryland, the platform was adopted
by a rising vote.
11:16 a. if. The roll is beingcalled
for nominations.
1150 A. si. Warnerof Connecticut,
has presented Hawley's name with
out a speech.
11:23 a. sr. Haymond, of California,
takes the platform and says Califor
nia asks to be passed; applause and
1132 a. m. Leonard Swett, of Ills.,
takes the platform and nominates
11:15 a. si. Davis of Minnesota
took the platform to second Gres
ham. 11.51 p. sr. McCall of Massachu
setts took tho platform to second
1250 p. sr. Rector, of Texas, sec
onds Gresham.
1225 p. m. Governor Porter, of In
diana takes the platform for Harri
son. 12:28 p- si Mention of Harrison's
name is greeted with prolonged cheer
ing. The Indiana men are on their
feet waving fnns.
12,30 p. sr. Porter interrupted by
cries of "Gresham" mingled with
12:37 P. si. At tho conclusion of
Porter's speech, the Indiana delega
gation rose amfcheered.
12:48 P. sr. Tho convention has ad
journed to 3 o'clock.
3:05 p. si. Tho convention
been called to order.
350 p. si. Teall of Teaxs, takes tho
platform to second Harrison.
350 p. si. There is npplansa from
the Texas delegation and waving ot
banners from Indiana which greets
Rector Gallinger, of New Hamp
shire who takes the platform to sec
onds Harrison's nomination.
355 p.m. Tho mention of Allison's
name was greeted with cheers from
the galleries and on the floor l he
Iowa delegates were standing.
4 p. si. Hepburn is still speaknif ;
not much enthusiasm.
4:03 p. si. Hepburn says tL at Alii
son would not be found returning
rebel flags (continued cheers; cries
for "Foraker.)
4:11 p. si. Iowa, Missouri and
Massachusetts cheered for Allison at
the conclusion of Hepburn's speech.
Bosworth ot Rhode Island now takes
the platform to second Allison's
451 p. si. Prolonged cheering led
by Iowa and joined by Maryland and
mo territories.
452 r. si. Roil call proceeding,
Michigan was reached, amid much
cheering. Fraser, of Mich., takes the
platform to nominate Alger.
430 p. si. Prolonged and renewed
cheers at the mention of Alger and
cries ot "He's all right."
433 p. si. Fraser's name was greet
ed with great enthusiasm on the floor
and in the galleries.
4:44 p. sr. Tho mention of Logan's
name created great applause.
4:46 p. si. Frazer quoted Gen. Jno.
A. Logan in conclusion, amid great
and continued applause.
450 p. si. Noyes of Massachu
setts, seconded Alger.
Op. si. Eagan of Nebraska, takes
the platform to eecond Alger.
5:10 p. sr. Tho crowd at intervals
takes up a cry of "He's all right."
Great laughter.
5:11 p. si. Eggors of Arizona, sec
onds Alger.
5:12 p. si. Eggers says ho
to say only a few words; great and
continued applause.
5:17 P. sr. The roll call proceeds.
New York reached; great applause.
5:18 p.m. Hiscock takes the plat
form and nominates Depew.
537 P. M. The cheering continues.
5:40 p. m. The mention of Blame
is greeted with wild enthusiasm.
0:10 p. M. Foraker's speech is
greeted with constant applause and
Delegates are on their feet cheer
ing. 5:40 p. m. The cheering for Blaine
is renewed from all the delegates.
5:42 p. m. Hastings couclndes and
the Ohio delegates are on their feet
559 p. M. Forakdr seconds Sher
man. Great applause.
A floral shield with "No reb;l flags
surrendered while I am governor" is
set on the platform. Great applause.
Foraker orders them taken away.
Foraker's speech was greeted with
great and! constant applause and
cheering. Foraker says Sherman be
longs to a family of leaders; contin
tinued applause.'
Tho whole convention is singing
"Marching through Georgiaj" chair
man Estee is pounding for order;
hissing is heard all over the hall; the
cheering continues.
u:2U p. m. The delegates are waving
open umbrellas and flags; the confu
sion is very great The roll call pro
ceeds; Langston of Virginia, takes
the platform.
633 p. m. Langston seconds Sher
man. North Carolina nnd deorgia
state banners are waving; the cheer
ing is increased.
The delegates are standing on
chairs waving flags; parasols covered
with flags are waving from the gal
lery: a mass of delegates still singinc
"Marching through Georgia.';
i.he roll call proceeds; Wisconsin
is reached amid applause. Senator
Spooner rises to nominate Rusk.
Spooner mentions Blaine; great ap
plause and continued cheering.
7.20 p. m. Miller of New York
moves to adjourn to 11 a. m. to-morrow.
Convention adjourned.
The O. R. A 5. Company Will Operate Bar
(Oregonlan 21.)
Yesterday Mr. W. H. Holcomb, general
manager of the O. R. & N. Co., announced
to a committee of the board of trade that
his company had decided to put on a
towage service at the entrance of tho
Columbia river which will be run in con
nection with tho company's river towage.
Mr. Holcomb' recent visit to San Fran
cisco was for the special purpose of se
curing tugboats, and ho has the option
of a new steel boat, an iron boat that has
seen some service, and three wooden tuers
of sufficient power. In a very short timo
a decision will ue reacneu as to which
boats will bo bought, and the new ser
vice will begin before any of the wheat
crop growing is ready tor snipment.
In order to put instant stop to com-
Elaints of ship-owners over tho present
igh rates charged for towing vessels
from the ocean to Astoria and out again,
Mr. Holcomb announced his company's
schedule of rates. They include towage
and pilotage from the ocean to Portland
and return, and aro as follews:
Vessels under 800 tons register $ 8T0
800 to 1000 tons register J00
1000 to 1200 tons register a."0
1200 to 1400 tons register 1000
Every 200 tons over 1400 50
Lighterage is to be ,ri0 cents per ton.
The reduction in charges on ships of
medium carrying capacity (between l'JOO
and 1400 tons) is nearly two-thirds from
present rates, and on larger ships more
than one-bal f . Itesident managers of large
shipping houses to whom tho schedule
was submitted say that the rates are
eminently satisfactory, and Mr. Holcomb
promised that they might safely give
notice to their firms that the rates for
the coming season would bo no higher.
This announcement will be received
with much satisfaction by every grain
producer in Oregon and Eastern Wash
ington, and by the mercantile commu
nity of Portland. It was asked of tho O.
It. & N. that a railroad be built to Cceur
d'Alene and that the company establish
a towage service nt tho mouth of tho Co
lumbia. The company will do both, aud
there is reason for conaratulation. Now
if tho terminal company will provide fa
cilities lor nandun" fteiclit. every jeas-
nnnliln rpnnr. will linv ltpnn nrvimlipil !
with. j
An Explanation.
What i3 this "nervous trouble" with
which so many seem now to bo af
flicted? If you will romember a few
years ago tho word Malaria was com
paratively unknown, to-day it is a3
common as any word in the English
language, yet this word covers only
the meaning of another word used ly
our forefathers in times past. So it
is with nervous diseases, as thev aud
Malaria are intended to cover what
our grandfathers called Billiousness,
and all are caused by troubles that
arise from a diseased condition of the
Liver which in performing its func
tions.finding it cannot dispose ot the
b.le through the ordinary channel is
compelled to pass it off through the
system, cauBiug nervous tronbles,
Malaria, Billions iever, etc. ion
who are suffering can well appreciate
a cure. We recommend ureen a Au
gust Flower. Its cure3 aro mar
velous. Mammoth Tree.
On Lewis and Clark river nbout
ten miles up and just ubovo tide
water, only fifteen miles from Astoria,
stands a spruce ou tho north sido
near the river, measuring forty feet
four inches in circumference, ten feet
from the ground and above the brace
roots, it is at least one hundred feet
to where it forks. The forks aro too
large for saw logs. There's enough
lumber in it to fence around forty
acres, build a dwelling, a barn and
enough stove wood to last a year. I
measured it with Neal AVilson to help.
It's been standing guard over that
historic river nnd every change in its
course of life, ever sinco a hundred
years before the landing of the pil
grims. Wm. Ciuia.
Is CimMiiiiptioii Incurable?
Kead the follewing: Mr. C. II. Morris,
Newark, Aik.. says: "Was down with
Absces-. of Idlings and friends and pliy
Moians pronounced me an Incurable
Consumptive. Began takingDr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, am
now on my third bottle, and able to
oversee the work on my farm. It is the
finest medicine ever made.''
Jesse Jliddlcwart, Decatur, Ohio,
says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's
Xnv Discoverv for ConsuniDtien I
would have died of hung Troubles. Was
given up by doctors. Am now in best
of health." 'fry it. Sample bottles free
at J. C. Dement's Drug More.
Umbrellas Repaired
At my old stand. ' .L Joi'i.ij,.
Mils. Wixsr.ow's Soothing Syrup
should always be used for children
teething. It toothes the child, softens
the gums. alia s all pain, cure-, wind
cholic. and ! the best remedy fnrdiai
rhrea.T wenty-th c cents a bottle.
A fine cap of coffee, at the Telephone
Coffee and cake, ten cents, at the
Central Kestaurant.
CMlOren GryfcrPitcliex's Gastoria
Window Drap
Nottingham, Ecru and White,
Embroidered Swiss, Irish Point,
Renaissance, in Single and Two Toned.
Persian Drapery, Etamines,
Porteriers, in
Silk and Wool Tapestry.
Figured Madras, etc., etc.
Upwards of 3,000 yards of Nottingham Cur
tain Nett from 123c to 76c per yard.
A large and Well Selected Stock ot Fine
Diamonds t Jewelry
At Extremely Low Prices.
All Cooils lloaght at Thli Establishment
Warranted Genuine.
Wulch :wil Clock Repairing
A SPECIALTY. Cist and Squemoqu Streets.
Carnahan & Co.
Corner Chenamus aud Cass streets.
Of Best Quality, and at
And Dealers In
Special Attention Given to Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
l"iucliases delivered In any part of the city.
Office and Warehouse
In Hume's Ncv Bulletins ou Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. S7.
The Akron Lacquers.
calls tho .attention of Cannerymen and
others to the fact that he Is the Pacific
coast agent for the
Celebrated Akron Lacquers,
And is prepared to quote low prices on these
goods. Samples furnished on application.
CaiBry Jmnijs!
Lace Curtains
Chenille and
13 j
Much you could save by buying your Hats
at HERMAN WISE'S the Reliable
Clothier and Hatter !
You know that HERMAN WISE can and does
wll Goods at a Smaller Profit than any other
house in Astoria ?
Should examine my stock and prices. I offer
them to you very low, especially now !
Consider .your own interests when you think
of buying a SUIT, HAT or IPCS.-
ircsszH-a goods.
Gents !
The Reliable Clothier and Hatter.
Occident Hotel Building,
Do all close buyers buy their Clothes at
HERMAN WISE'S in the Occident
Hotel Building ?
I guarantee you oan save ice cream
money for all your girls by con
sulting me!
.'J -
.Jt VA,k a .
i ' i