y.TJ !- - -gr s if . y- C3; VSTORIA, OREGON: TlIUItMUY -JUNE 21, 1S88. ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) J. P. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, Astokian-Building, - - cassStuket. Terms ofSubscrlption. Serel bv Carrier, per week Sent by Mail, per month 15cts ecets one year.. Free of postage to subscribers." -57.00 The Astoeias guarantees to its adver tisers the largest circulation of any newspa per published on the Columbia river. The King Cedric previously re ported, arrived in yeater-day. The Kate and Anna started for northern waters yesterday afternoon. The Aureole arrived in yesterday afternoon, and went to Knappton to load. The moon and the California dele gation to the Chicago convention, will be full nest Friday. ratting up the iron front of Capt. Flavel'a new brick block attracts a large crowd of spectators. The Hassalo went down to the bar yesterday and probably crossed out, as it was smooth, as nsual. Local items are thankf ally received tip to two o'clock a. m. Politics ar gued from-two to three r. sr. All members of the uniform rank, K. of P., are urgently requested to meet at their hall at 8 o'clock this evening. The Alliance arrived in yesterday, with cargo from San Francisco, after an absence of three years from the river and proceeded inland. E. M. Grimes of Seaside, is reported quite ill. His condition last evening was pronounced such as to occasion grave fears as to his recovery. In the justice com t yesterday Jim Petty and Thos. Dunn, arrested charged with stealing S2j 00 from a poker gamo in Music hall, were dis charged. A salmon weighing seventy-five pounds, was on exhibition at the Co lumbia River Packing Co.'s premises yesterday. Mr. A. Booth sent it by express on ice to Chicago. Mrs. Busey will open a summer school in No. 7 school building. Those parents who would like to enter (their children, please call on Mrs. Busey, corner of Main and Court streets. The result of the O. R. & N. elec tion will probably bo that the joint lease scheme is knocked in tho head, and that the company will put tugs on the bar, as soon as it gets a good ready. The towage rates on the river are at present up to the old tariff. The King Cenric will be towed to Port land and back by the Lurline for S300. She draws about fourteen feet going up, and is expected to draw considerably more coming down. Tho loss of the Venture will be heard with interest. Diligent in quiry last evening failed to elicit the name of but one ot tue crew or tne ill fated vessel Al Pfilmatier, a well-known resident of this vicinity. The names of tho other three men who shipped here could not be as certained. This, according to the popular de lusion, is the longest day in the year. It has just 24 hours, the same as any other day, but is generally called "the longest day." Busy folks are jnst as badly crowded for time to-day as any day. That is a funny idea.a man complaining that ho "hasn't time enough" to do this or that. He has all the time that is going. If the days were 30 hours long, though, some of us would have more time than at present. A firemen's tournament will be held in Portland to-day, under the auspices of tho Portland volunteer firemen's association. There will be teams present from Walla Walla and the Willamette valley, and prizes of coin, cups, and trumpets will reward the victors. The prizes will be as follews: Sneed race. S200: wet test. 3100 and a solid silver trumpet (value S100) given by Mayor DeLash mut; champion's race, S100 and a solid silver trumpet given by the Exempt Firemen's association of Portland; hundred yard foot race, 50; 250 yard foot race, S75; open to any member of tho competing hose teams in the hose contest' of Friday and Saturday. Yesterday Chas. Gustinson. aged 23, and his boat puller, Alfred, fish iiiEr for the Astoria 'Packing company were in their boat,lying at anchor off Great Republic spit At the turn of tho tide the water grows rough in that locality, and yesterday was no exception to the rnle. As the waves rolled in the two men finally con cluded that they would be safer on shore, and leaving the boat struck out for the spit, but were over whelmed by the waves and both drowned. Gustinson was well known on the river, and his loss is greatly deplored. The boat puller was an almost total stranger. The boat and net were brought np to the cannery yesterday afternoon. O. N. G. Co. "H" will give a grand ball July 3rd, at now armory halL There will be new music bv the "Western Ama teur band. The managing committee will do their utmost to see that every one has a good time. THE 0HI0AG0 CONVENTION. The Proceedings of The Erst Day. Aew Yobk, June 20. The Herald &ni Tribune say that the New York delegation will not vote for DeDew. The foiecast of the papers as to the outcome is as divergent as three days ago. Chicago, June 20, noon. The crowd is collecting slowly. The con vention will bo called to order about 12 0. ' Geu. Spaulding of Michigan, says the sub-committee on platform has adjourned till 830 p.m. The plat form will be reported to-day. 12:47. The convention has voted to effect permanent organization. 12:52. The chairman announces that the committee on credentials will report at 8 r. m. A motion by Roche of Illinois, has been made, calling for a report from the organizing committee. 1 p. si. Permanent chairman M. M. Estee of California, has been in troduced and begun his speech to the convention. 1:03 p.m. Estee briefly referred to the Oregon election ot two weeks ago. Roche of Illinois, took tho platform and presented a solid silver and gold gavel to the chairman of the convention. 1:03 p. m. Works of Illinois, has presented to the chairman a gavel made ot wood from a desk in n tan nery at Galena belonging to Grant; received with great applause. 1:13 p. m. Bayne of Pennsylvania, is reading the report of the com- mitteo on rules. 1:1G p. m. Tho report ot tho com mittee on rules gives Dakota ton votes and Washington six. 150 p. m. Hoar of Massachusetts, moves that the report of the com mittee on rules be adoptod, with the exception of that relating to the election of alternates. Bntterworth of Ohio, moves that the limit of time of nominating speeches be mnue fifteen minutes; and speeches second ing nominations to teu minutes. 1:42 p. m. Bntterworth's motion to limit speeches has been defeated. 1:45 p. m. Hoarof Michigan.moves to take a reces3 to 8 P. m. Conven tion adjourned to 8 p. m. 2:30 r. M. Under the rules adopted the report of the committee on cre dentials and platform naming the members ot the national committee must be acted upon before presenta tion and balloting ot candidates be gins, as the committee on platform will not be ready to report till to morrow. Nothing will be likely to be done outside of the credential con test, which it is said will be carried into the convention. It is announced on good authority that the committee on credentials will seat the 14 Wise delegates. Upon reassembling the convention was called to order at 824 p. m. 835 p. m. The convention has adopted a resolution of sympathy with Germany by a standing vote. 930 p. m. The committee on cre dentials have sent word that they will be ready to report in twenty minutes. Gov. Foraker, of Ohio, has been re quested to address the convention and take3 the platform amid great applause. 9 P. m. Gov. Foraker, of Ohiois speaking. He says the candidate of the Republican party will at least be a gentleman. THE VIRGINIA DISPUTE SETTLED. 9:10 p. m. The committee on cre dentials will recognize the Wise dele gates from the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 10th Virginia districts. 9:12. Hepburn, the chairman, pre sents the report of the committee on credentials. 9:16. The committee on credentials' report seats the Mahone delegates at large from Virginia. 9:45 p. m. The committee on cre dentials as to delegates as large from Virginia adopted the recomendation sejiting Mahone. The Cnstora llone Grounds. Tho work of fixing up tho custom house grounds in better shape than heretofore, began yesterday morning, and our citizens will certainly appre ciate the improvement when finished. The work which has been awarded by the department to W. B. Head iugton, consists of filling in the grounds to an average of three feet higher than tho present level, build ing a new fence all round the grounds, with a gate at eacu corner and n car riage way at the west door, and build ing new sidewalks. Thero were sev eral bids: Holt & McCurtrio, S3.29S; L. Hartwig. 83,605.15; Snrprenant & Ferguson, 53.078; W. li. Headington, S2.800; John Wirt, S4,504. The contract was accordingly awarded to Mr. Headington. The grounds will be raised two feet, all around the streets, then terraced five feet back, and then raised an other foot, after which the grounds will be ready for the growth of trop ical vegetation. The corner gates will be a great improvement. . Attention K. of L. The members cf Columbia Assem bly No. 5,033 K. of L., are called to meet at their lodge room for the election of officors at 8 p. m. Monday, Junoaitu, 13S3. uy order, M.W. Notice. The ladies of Grace Episcopal Church will servo lunch on Wednesday the 4th day of July, 1888, at B. S. Worsley's auction rooms opposite D. I. Beck & Sans. Ice Cream nnd Lemonade will also be served by the ladies throughout the day. Leave home cooking and enjoy the sports of the day. Come one, come all. Meals Cootced to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. When Yon Go to Portland Frank Fabre, Occidental hotel restau rant will be glad to see his Astotla friends. A good dinner at a moderate j price aud everything in season. THE MIND CUKE. A Notion That lias Much in Its Favor. "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread," and no matter whether it is the roadway 'tween here and upper town, or the true policy for Bismarck to adopt toward France and Russia, a newspaper man is always ready with on opinion about things present Tho faith cure, or "Christian sci ence" is the latest, and a good many Astorians are interested in it Some vho come to scoff remain to pray,and from being incredulous sneerers, be lievers. A good deal has been written about it, and it is being given the same attention that the laying on ot hands, or madstones, or freckles, or prohibition, or s wellheads, or the sup pressed vote in Louisiana, or other kindred worries, demands at the hands of an overdosed public. How one looks at "the faith cure" depends on how he or she looks at anything. Some people are naturally believing; others are of an investigating turn of mind; others see the funny side of a thing and want to make sport of things sacred and holy. The faith cure deserves respectful consideration. It is in brief a firm belief in the efficacy of Divine inter position; a settled conviction that many complaints and ailments can be cured or removed by prayer and proper mental attitude, and a dispo sition to depend more upon the in fluence of the mind on the body and less upon drugs and medicines. There is just enough of physiological truth about it to give it respectable foun dation, and enough foolish shadowy possibility about it to make it ridicu lous in tho eyes of people who feel naturally inclined that way. Liike everything else in this world it finds endorsement in tho Bible. That is, there are texts in that an cient history that give ground for in terpretation ot Biblical origin of faith cure. For instance in James is read, ' and the prayer of faith shall save tho sick man, and tho Lord shall raise him up, and if he be in sins they shall be forgiven him." The mind has, plainly, a great deal to do with the body. One can imag ine he is sick, and sickness follows, if really ill, he can help or hinder recov ery by the way ho feels about it. And it is obvions that there is a certain class ot diseases, mostly imaginary, that "the mind cure" will aid in dis pelling. Hysterical people, hypochondriacs, idlers, busybodies, overworked peo ple, people whose lives are monoto nous, cases ot arrested mental devel opment, those who uncon sciously exaggerate, slandered, un successful politicians, people tired of their surroundings, and people who have fallen in love with themselves and have no active rivals, are pecu liarly susceptible to a perversion of belief about this matter and are in clined to claim more than can bo justly admitted in favor of the "mind cure," which is at present epidemic in Astoria. Far be it from a silly scribe to rudely jostle Heaven's anointed with unsanctified hands. If any one or two have succeeded in forming a partnership with the Almighty, as junior members ot tho hrm and can get points on the inside or the Great Beyond, not vouchsafed to the scoffer or the unworthy they are fit subjects for congratulation. Uut it there is anything funnier than trying to cure dyspepsia or a used up kidney or a bad case of sore eyes by prayer and belief in a series of lectures, it has not come under the writer's obscrv.i tion since the last circus struck its center pole in the court house yard. "There is nothing good or bad in this life but thinking makes it so," says Shakespeare in Hamlet, and that expresses it all. As the man thinks, so he is. The man who car ries a potato in his pocket to keep off the rheumaliz has no right to laugh at the man who thinks he can euro his liver by praying nnd expressing his belief that he is better. The chief charm of the "faith cure" is its newness to some people. There is no devotee so sincere as tho now convert to an old faith. The "faith cure" is as old as the ten command ments, but in these days of electric lights, and telegraph wires, it is dressed in a garb and eagerly em braced by thousands as a novelty. People who have tired of church and doctor think they have discovered something that combines the best features of both and discards tho dis agreeable features of either, and have made a sort of a little tin God ot an idea that has nothing new abont it but the present mode of expression. It is to be said for the mind cure, that it invariably makes better the firm believer in its teachings. This is a merit in the mind cure, that gives it better standing than belief in the Salvation army or free trade, or free love, or the Malthusian theory. The mind bure is not a discovory; it is a revival, and is just the very belief and practice that may serve as an antidote to many of the ills ot this little life of ours that is so full of illusions and imageries. PERSONAL MENTION. L. E. Selig returned from Portland yesterday. Capt. J. A. Brown of Portland is in the city. Special agent J. A. Mnnday is in the city. iwi Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no snecial mention. AH who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not ex-i-t and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Hitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidnevs. will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and inner anecuuns caused uy impure uioou. Will drive Malaria from the system ntul prevent as well as cure Malarial le vers. For cure of Headache, Constipa tion and Indigestion try Electric Bit ters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and S1.00 per bottle at J. C. Dement's. Ludlow's Ladies' S3.00 Fine Shoes; also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at P. J. Goodman's. EEJIAKKS FEOJI JOGGLES. His Opinion of Presidential Requirements. Joggles, who hasn't been around for some time, came in yesterday and putting his feet up on the table in that sociable way he has, said: "I've been down there looking at them bul letins in front of Alex Campbell's sa loon. 'Pears to me the more I read the less I can mako out I guess it's my own fault, but I'll wait till them fellows at Chicago nominate for sure and then I'll think about it. Bnt don't you think there's a good deal of fuss about this thing ot president? more than there need be. To hear folks talk you'd think that a little room 7x9 would hold all the men in the country that are fit to bo presi dent Now I'll tell you what I think. I think that it doesn't need such an almighty smart man to be president. It just wants a plain common sense business man with just enough gump tion about him to do nothing half the time and say nothing the other half. This country is chuck full of smart men. It runs useii. Tnats the reason it is so easy to "rule" it. Why Great ScottI Here we are CO.000.000 people, all free and enlightened and I'll bet you that in any city or town or school district in the United States yon can go out and catch np a man that would make a good president. We don't depend on no one man nor two. nor twenty." " 'N' I'll tell you another thing I be lieve. It takes more smartness, hard work and effort every way to run a business fceptin, you run it in the ground) than to run the government. Take a grocery man or a dry goods man, or any other business man es pecially in a little town. Why think ot tao tbmgs lie s got to Keep in ins head.andtheworkhe'sgottodo. Pnt one of these overworked hard run fel lows into tho presidency and ho'd think by contrast ho'd strnck a soft snap, i tell yon it s no tries to do tilings wnen everytning is done lor you, and all yonvo got to uo is to look wise, and it anything comes np go and ask the advice of some fellow that's paid to know jnst that ono par ticular thing. "I met a man this morning that sez. "we must have Blaine or we're gone." Now he s way off, it he thinks the country can't get along without Blaine. 'S'posing Blaine should die. What; are we going to quit; let go; go out of business? not much!" ADd Joggles spat upon tho floor with great vehemence. A Warning. The modes of death's approach are various, and statistics show conclu sively that more persons die from dis eases of the Throat and Lungs than any other. It is probable that every one, without exception, receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at first slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to con tinue their ravages they extend to the lungs producing Consumption nnd to the head, causing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed fo proceed will in time cause death. At the onset you must act with prompt ness; allowing a cold to go without your attention is dangerous and may lose you your life. As soon as yon feel that something is wrong with your Throat, Limps or Nostrils, ob tain a bottle of iioscliees uermau Syrup. It will give you immediate relief. Changes In Steamboat 31 aster-. Capt. L. A. Bailey, who at one timo had charge of the river division of the Oregon Railway & Navigation company, and who for some months past has been captain of tho 8. (f. Heed, one of tho night beats between Portland and Astoria, recently ten dered his resignation. Ho has ac cepted a position in the Portland & Coast Steamship company and will assume command of the steamer Al liance, which will ply between Port land and Shoalwater bay, Gray's har bor and other points along the coast. Capt Henry Emken, who has for so long had command of the towing steamer Ocklaliama, has been pro moted to the captaincy of tho . (J. Reed. Capt John Tell, who has been pilot on tho steamer Dixie Thompson, will hereaftor take his place in thewheelhonse of the Ockla hama.Oregonian, 20. I.s Consumption Incurable? Head the follewing: Mr. C. II. -Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and phy sicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taklngDr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is Hie finest medicine ever made." Jesse Miuulewart, .Decatur, oino, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumptien 1 would have died of hung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at J. C. Dement's Drug Store. Umbrellas Repaired At my old stand. J. Jori.ix. ADVICE TO aXOTIIKKH. Mrs. Window's Sootiiinq Sviiup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the cuius, altavs all rain, cures wind cholic and is the best remedy for diar- rhcea.Twenty-five cents a bottle. A fine cup of coffee, at the Telephone llestaurant. Coffee and cake, ten cenU, at the Central Restaurant Private Boning. At the Telephone Itestaurant for sup pers, parties, etc. i lie nest cookwi to order. The finest and juiciest stealc at the Telephone KcsUunint. The best Oysters in any style, at the Telephone Kpstaurant CldrenCryforPitcIier'sCastoria B ew Lace Curtains Window Draperies HANDSOME and NEW Nottingham, Ecru and White, Embroidered Swiss, Irish Point, Renaissance, in Single and Two Toned. Persian Drapery, Etamines, Porteriers, in Chenille and Tapestry, Silk and Wool Tapestry. Figured Madras, etc., etc. Upwards of 3,000 yards of Nottingham Cur tain Nett from 12c to 76c per yard. . Tl&e Xaeading Mouse -TIIE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAY 1IAXSEN, Frop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonfls s Jewelry At Extremely Low Trices. All (ioods Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Wntoli :tnI Clock Itcpairiug A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets. Carnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPOUTKKS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Comer Clicnamus and Cass streets. ASTCHIA OREGON BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGN OF THEJOLDEN SHOE. JOHN 3EC.3ECKT. MURRAY & CO,, GROCERS And Dealers fn Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. ASTORIA. OREGON. The Akron Lacquers. TnE UNDERSIGNED' RESPECTFULLY calls tho attention ot Cannerymen and others to the fact that he is the Pacific coast agent for the Celebrated Akron Lacquers, And is prepared to qqote loir prices on tliesa goods. Samples furnished on agplljatton. Cimry Snjjfc! AND JUST ABBIVED. IN 1. COOPER, Why! How Muck you could save by buying your Hats at HERMAN WISE'S the Reliable Clothier and Hatter ! Do You know that HERMAN WISE can and does sell Goods at a Smaller Profit than any other house in Astoria ? You Should examine my stock and prices. I offer them to you very low, especially now ! Do Consider your own interests when you think af buying a STOTX1, S&T or I'UK 2T2BSJKra GOOES. e I I guarantee till IS money WHIl.9 suiting HERMAN WISE The Reliable Clothier and Hatter. (DOUBLE STORE.) Occident Hotel Building, 0ESI6NS of Astoria. Do all close buyers buy their Clothes at HERMAN- WISE'S in the Occident Hotel Building ? you can save ice cream for all your girls by eon- me! P