C2J Wt gnUij grtorluu. , ASTORIA. OREGON: THURSDAY JJUNE 21. 1SSS. 1 PNEUMONIA." I Wby not Call thli Terrible Scourge by Its Rightful Same? (Kew Tori Telegram.) Many a strong, well-built man leaves "home to-day; before" night lie will have a chill and in a few hours will be dead! This is the way the dreaded pneu monia takes people off. ' The list of notable men who are its victimslis appalling. It sweeps over the 'land like a scourge and destroys poor and rich alike. Everyone dreads it Its coming is sudden", its termination usually speedy. "What causes it? Pneumonia, we are toldjWs. invited by a certain condition of the syBtem, indicated if one has occasional chills and fevers, a tendency to cold in the throat and lungs, rheumatic and neuralgic pains, extreme tired feel- ings.short breath and pleuritic stitches in the side, los3 of appetite, back- onhn Tioi-trnna unrest. ficaldinc sen sations, or scant and discolored flu; ViBorfflnttArinps. sour stomach distressed look, puffy eye sacshot and dry skin," loss 01 sirengiuiuuu virility. !V-t These indications may,not.,appear together, they may come disappear " and reappearIor,years, tire person'npt i;:J A1..4. 41.... nn nfnMfa Ytrqrn. realizing luub liicjr iuo " n ing of a coming calamity. "In other words, it pneumqniadoes nbaTaTasavIctunlefsoinsiav-' Ing'fcbclf eymptomB tfometfess'&uadei. (but quite as fatal ImlladyS certainly, trill BiS3&zzZ4gf3 -Afelebrated r-New York pLysraan J-toVTihe 2W6wffejJhat pneumonia wa3 ' a secondary 'disorder, the"c?D0suroJ and cold- being simply thcjfagenS which develops the disease, already, dormant in the system, because" the kidneys have been but partiallyoinj; their duty. In short, pneumonia) is ;but an early indication of o'brigEt's diseased condition. TKis-im'Daired action may exist for years withouttlie patient suspecting it because nopain will be felt in the kidneys or their vicinity and often jtan bo -detected - only by chemical' andr&icroscopical obseryations.i'$s3a0)5s - -i "vNearlylSO.of'tfioiOueatris inNew York city the firstweek in April (and in six weeks 781'deathsJ were caused by pneumonia l-w-: pe-p The disease is very obstinate, and if the accompanying kidney disorder is very far advanced, recovery is im possible, for the kidneys give out .en tirely, and the patient is literally vsuf focated by water.- - s-???4 Theenly safeguard against -pneumonia is to maintain a vigorous condi tion of the system?" and-thus prwent its attacls&by using whatever will radicalljvand effectually i'restoro full vitality to the kidneys, iorifthey are not sound, pneumonia cannot'be pre vented. For thisvpurpose theresis nothing equal to Warner's safe cure a remedy known to millions, used probably by hundreds of thousands and commended as a standard specific wherever known and used. It does not pretend to cure an attack of pneu - momabut it "(foes remove the cause of and prevent that disease if taken in time. No reasonable man can doubt this if he regards the personal ex perience of thousands of honorable men. . , "When a physican says, his patient has either bright's disease or pneu monia he confesses his inability to cure, and in a measure ho considers his responsibility ended. In-many instances, indeed, persons- are re ported as dying of pneumonia, heart disease, apoplexy and convulsions, when the real cause of death and so known by the physician is this kidney consumption. Thousands of people have it without knowingitjand perish of it because their physicians 'will'not tell them the facts 1 The same fate awaits every one, who will not exer cise his judgment in such a matter. ALb 1IANDS DEOWXED. The Crew of the Schooner Venture Lost Their Lives. "Bad news from the Venture" said Mr. J. C. Nixon yesterday. "I bought tlje schooner -Venture' at'Astoria'last spring. She was built for deep sea fishing, but I fitted her out as a sealer, with a big fish net, TO SCOOP IN THE SEALS Without killing them. She had four men .nboard,. captain cook, and two hunters. She was making a good catch along her journey to the north, but I have just learned that three weeks ago, while off Prince of Wales island, on the coast of Alaska, the two hunters, while out in a small boat loosing alter the net were - CAPSIZED ANri DROWNED. The captain and cook, tho only sur vivors on board, placed tho Venture in charge of an Indian agent, and started in a canoe for Fort Simpson, 70 miles distant, and nothing has been heard of them since, I fear every man belonging to the schooner is drowned, though, the captain and cook may yet turnup. I am daily expecting full particulars, and will let the Post-Intelligencer have them when they ceme: 'The'crew was made up at Astoria, where the men all be longed." Seattle Post-In telligencer, iy. -. - Crow Is the leading photographer of this ritv and is said to bo as good as any In the state. Fop TIic Indies. Hair gob'dsj latest and most artistic styles, bangs, fronts, etc., from Si CO to 57 SO, M .airs. Y. Jf Jarry s. Gambrlaus Beer And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 8 cents. OHAIEMAir ESTEE'S SPEECH Upon Taking His Seat Yesterday. An Arraignment of The Administration (special to the astoeian.) CmcaGo, June 20. Chairman M. M. Estee took his place as presiding officer in the convention to-day. He began his speech by thanking the convention tor . the favor conferred through him on the Pacific coast in placing him at the head of the con vention. He said that in choosing from the long list of illustrious names that would be presented to the convention it would be impossible to make selection of a more fitting standard bearer of the great Republi can party than the voicing of the principles of that party in the plat form and that was still easier since those principles were known of all men; that the present administra tion had been from the first a perpet ual menace to the industries of the country, to' the discouragement of new enterprises and the closing of the avenues of new lines of labor. He supported this statement by statistics showing the decreaso of ex ports, of ship bnilding, etc., during the. past three years as compared with a like period during the ten pre ceding years The wholesale intimi dation and practical disfranchisement of the Republican voters of the south was characterized as monstrous; their very helplessues.i pleading in the strongest terms for protection of their rights as citizens. President Cleveland fa arraigned as false to his declaration as a civil service reformer, it being alleged that he, duriug his Dnei lerm, nas removeu mure puunu officers without cause than any one of his predecessors. He is charged with having violated the spirit of the constitution in nnwarr.iut..blo ex ecutive interference in the legislative branch of the government, having vetoed more bills than all other presidents from Washington down, giving therefor flippiant reasons. The foreign policy hdministration was ar raigned as cowardly and nn-American. Reference was made by chairman Estee to tho declaration that to get rid of tho nrnlus in the trcasnn tho president has decided that wool and otuer rarm prouncis mnsi go upon the free list, adding that this dogma had been answered by the people of Oregon as a preliminary rattjo along the skirmish line, pre saging a complete victory m Novem ber, He alleged that the same forces are arrayed against each other in 18S8 as in 1861. The difference is that tho attack was upon the armies of the nation in 18G1; in the- present year it is upon the country's jndus tries. On the side of opposition to our free institutions, then as now, was tho solid south, the northern "dough faces," British influence with its Cobden clnb and its American mem bership. As to the surplus which is tho great Democratic text for free trade, there would be none were our ports protected by fortifications, our navy reconstructed, our rivers and harbors imnroved. needed public bnildings erected and vetoed pension bills were laws. TITE BLUXEAOV ritOGRVMlin. CmcAao, Juno 20. It is reported among the Blaine men that Califor nia has agreed to vote for Stanford on tho preliminary ballots, in order to .save their effectiveness for the Blaine movement at tho time agreed upon. M. H. De Young, the editor of the San Francisco VhronHe says: '"It is not true that while the delegates of the Pacific coast are all for Blaine, they don t exactly know wjat to Uo at first" A PENNSYLVANIA TEAGEDY. (special to the ASToaiVN.) Pittsburg, June 20. This morning Mrs. Josephine Mnrck of Alleghany city, administered strychnine to her three children aged 7, a and 4 years, and then swallowed poison herself. In less than three hours the mother and two of the children were dead and the youngest has no prospect of recovery. The motive for the deed is supposed to have been anger, because her husband had ordered his brother from the house, whom he suspected of criminal intimacy with his wife. Dr. Jekyll ana Mr. Hyde. That was a weird and sensational performance last night at the opera house.- All the actors played their part well, but the principal character as interpreted by Mr. Ueo. AL Wood deserves special notice. It was as fine a piece of strong acting as has ever been seen on that stage. The whole play jt a somber one fnll of mystery, tragic throughout, and fasci nating to one. who realizes how pos pible the whole thing is, and how real the unreal may become. The transition from a benevolent man to a fiend and the reverse constitutes a most original plot, and the way that Mr. Wood carries out the author's conception is an interesting studv The scene where Miss St John as Florence Jekyll. first realizes the dual identity of her father and Sir Uanvers Uarew'a murderer is ns dm. matio as anything can well be and was admirably portrayed. Tho play will be repeated to-night and purely as a psychological study is worth seeing. Fish Skid OH. And machine oil for sale. J.H.DeForck. Astoria. Oregon. The latest style of Gents' Jkmts and Shoes at P. J.GooiniAy's. Nunitj-IIoouif. ..With or witho nt board at the IloMen House. Rooms fromSGa niontli upward. Library, etc Fine Dwellloj-House to It-nt. Gopdtermstosuitable tenant Inquire at this office; Ail the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles', Wcc.iu be bought at the lowest prices, at J. V. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. AGAINST THE CHINESE. Proposed Plank Tor The Platform. (special to the astoeias) Chicago, June 20. Osborn, of Los Angeles Cala., a member of the com mittee on resolutions, is working hard to secure the incorporation of a plank on the Chinese and silver ques tion that will be satisfactory to the California delegates and all the peo ple on the Pacific coast. "I can safely say," said Osborn, this after noon", '"that we will secure the adop tion of an anti-Chinese plank that will be in every way satisfactory to the coast Chinese labor will be de nounced in strong terms and ringing resolutions will recommend tho en actment of any legislation that may be needed to help drive out the Chi nese labor. As to silver the resolu tions will contain a moderate plank. It may not be quite as strong as some of us people on the coast desire bnt it will be a great step in the right direction." rj&CBS OH FOR PAIN. CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Toothache, Soro Throat, Swellings, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Scolds, frost-bites. SoldbTDrntl!ftianaDelriEierrwher. FlftjCtntJ The Charles A.VoselerCo., Balto.,9Id. DIED. At Seaside. June 'G.18S3. Hugh l.loyil Laiglihin. infant ton of K H an.l Ni rah E. Laighton, aged C months, io !iaj s. NEW TO-DAY. Money To Loan IN LOTS TO SUIT ON IMI'IIOVKDCOUN L tr property. Innulrenf J. 0. 1107.0 I5TI I. Annual meeting. mil i:n:uLVKAXNrAi.Mi:rciiN(; ok i. tin' stockholders o; tlie Mt Ilooit ltrl.iti;jl.. will be held at tlie ofllceof tlie secret iry in Astoria, Oregon, on S.mird.n lnl :li, lfti. Inrtlin purposo of eleetlnj; :i biunt oi director and tlie traii'artliiK of such oilier butiuev. as niaj come before the ineetlii!:. Hv onlerjof the lloudof Director'. 1. A. STORKS, i-ecietary. Astoiia..! line 13th. 1SS3. Grand Excursion And Basket Picnic by tlie Ijidles of (Irace Cliurcli. Tlie Fine Steamer S. G. Reed H.vs been engaged for the ocealou and ill lea e Fla el's Dock al 8:30 A. M., "Wednesday, June 27. FOR Bayview Grove at Cathlamct. Tlie Western Amateur Band lias been en- fcased for ttio occasion, 'licketi, one ioI- l.ir. Children halt price. Itedueed rates to families. Tickets can be had at the Citv Bonk Store, .1. C. Dement's aud J. V. Conn's. Ice cream, lemonade, etc.. can he h id on board aud at the grounds. Good trout streams, swings, etc. A good time Is guaranteed to alt who go. ill return at G :00 p, in. 53yNo disreputable characters allowed on board. Hoss' Opsra Souse. Mr. O. W. Ross takes pleasure in announcing TOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY, WEDNESDAY THURSDAY, JUNE 20 AND 21, The Eminent English Actor George M. Wood, Supported by MissMargueriteSUohn And a sterling company of English celebri ties In the success of the century. Dr. Jekyll . Mr. Hyde, OR A DOUBLE LIFE. A Oreat Success In London. New York, Chicago. Boston. St. Louis. Kansas City, and late at tho Alcazar Theater San Francisco. Reserved scat sale opens 10 A. M. at New York No elty store. REGULAR PRICES. JOB PRINTING. Neat, Quick And Cheap at The ASTORIAN JOB OFFICE To Gray's Harbor. The Steamer GEN. MILES. W. 1. WniTCOun, Master, Will leave for Gray's Harbor Every Tuesday. For Freight or Passage apply to J. D. I. OBAY Agent I. S. N. Co. TRADE EfifsBEjE! MARK City ulyGo Isa2?ses'2 Sto!k in ilxe 5 25 Cases Fireworks Just eceivod. The:-e aro the genuine unexcelled. The best in the world. Guaranteed new and fresh. Largo Stock of Flags, Festooning, Crackers, Torpedoes, Papor Caps, Pistols, etc., etc., all of which will bo sold at Market Pricos. Parties desiring exhibition cases of Fire Works should cnll earlj and ex amine our stock. Country orders solicited nnd filled prompt!. important Io banners. In Full Operation at Fire Pots Soldering No Goal ! No Smoke ! No Waste Coppers Xiast Four HALF CHEAPER THAN CHARCOAL ! ! ITo Risk by Fire ! Fall particulars nt Depends a Good And Mow He Is Hressed. Depends a Good - Phil. A. Stokes & Go's. (Next door to Foard & Stokes.) Good Substantial Clothing at Very Low Prices. Rubber Boots, Overalls, Shirts, Blouses, Oiled Clothing, And warranted as represented. You are invited to call. P. A. STOKES & Co. Seines, Pound -AND FISH NETTING OF MADE TO ORDER Woodberry Se AT LOWEST PRICES OK NETTING COMBINATION. Barbour's Salmon Net Threads. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 ail 519 MarM St., Solo Agents for tho Pacific, Coast. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HARDWARE, IROH, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAFSTRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, 7133. AND OII53tr- S. Elmore's Cannery. Machines all Running. of Solder ! Times as Long I Elraoro, Sanborn & Co.'s Pacific Coast Agents. Deal on His Clothes, Deal on His Work. AT - 89 I I C&P, EVERY DESCRIPTION, OF BEST QUALITY. ine Twin IpBFIES WII.1. Cut Fastei EASIEB tKBTcaACizsjtn; J.C.I rullinger Tli;tn uuy.ii . er axe made. Hundred nf I woodmen tes I tifVtOitl;imp. I rlority. It rocs Micks. CAltNAHAN & CO., Agents Attoria. Price, $1.50. !U W MMsE&MW WHOLESALE AND Groceries, Provisions end villi Crockery, Glass f Plated Ware. rf Tbe Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Frwtiis and Vegetables. lteccivcd fresb BH - THE LEADING IHIIURERd HPilJ mm mLLuk&, GK-SFFiaT saim mar-tr-j:' Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Ladies and Children's Muslin Goods. Ladies' and Children's Shoes. a!i kinds. Men's and Boys" Boots and Shoes, all kinds. Rubber Goods, Gil Clothing. Hats. Trunks. Valises. Satchels. J. G. DEALER IX CICARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS, NUTS, Candies, Smokers' Articles, Etc New Goods Received Daily. lpoItn City Itoolc Stoic. FIRE BRICK DKALEI: IN Hay, Oats, anft Straw, Lime, Wood Dellrcred to Order. F-rgixS mf " r::?Ti'5y;jf"ggg:J even r. rai pSrSgjgfelr- '""-. 3 ForTOlVINO, FR. --yi8' TER .iDoly to the Captain, orto fiKLO P. PAISKER. CVKLA. IIA.ON B- i n is HarKpr ftHflnsnniwLiHR snrnESsniw Til C. L. DEALERS IN GENE ALMERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer, THIS TVEEK, PIPS ai LAIS Tlie Old Stand - Astoria, Oregon. The New Model Range CAN RE HAD IN ARent. Call and Examlno It ; You Wid he rieased. K. R. Ha-. es Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIItST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. H. EKSTR0M, PRACTICAL WATCHiWAKER. Special Attention Paid to REPAIRING. AFino Line of Jewelry, Clocks and Watches on Hand. All "Work Guaranteed. Water St., East of Aug. Daniclson's. FIREWORKS! Frurifi of Ji'Iy G"ods. BANNERS. CRAC t-.RS. FLAGS. Largest htock. Iv,i-sf I'n cs The New York RETAIL DEALEtt IN every Steamer. &. S.SISJB. ltosjs j amigsccMummMiB YiraimaCicar anfl Tolsacco Store J. VJ. BOTTOM, Proprietor, AVater Street, Two Doors East of 01ne. Hne Clsari, Toliscco and Smoktrs Artlclrs, Sold at Lou est JIaiket Rates. FRUIT3. CANDIES NOTIONS.&c PiLKKB., FIRE CLAY Erict, Cement, Sand ani Plaster Drajin?, Teaming and Kinross i:udnesfi. STEAMKK iiUKii i'lHIKIiii ben P. Parhcr,Mastet. EIGHT or CI1 A I. II. It. FAKKKIt. h tr I liUYYODR- Groceries! Provisions -OF- tokes Tlieir I.irscly Incre.islii? trade enables tltem to sell at the very low est margin of profit while Kivin you coods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price raid lor Junk. ASTORIA, ONLY OF kfQh yllBllUll a n x&rtgiiUi&b bj a ScSi ireF n muvMKjitemjumKsmBmnjuvmaJf """ -immjiwiwgJH'iiiiwi Th. Olsen, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST, Graduated from Copenhagen. Denmark. Dealer in Drugs. Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Articles. Water St., Opposite namhurg House. Novelty Store V