The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 14, 1888, Image 3

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3toitg Sstodam
Til'. iiSIJAY..
JUNEll, 1S36.
(Monday excepted.)
I'uulisliers anil I'rnprietois,
AST..I.IAX IIoiLuiyo, . . Ca--A.Sti:kkt.
Terras ofSutorinlioa.
Sened 1y Carrier, per week
""ll ...., .CA 1UUI1111.,
tin vm. 'z
Vree of postage tosubscriber. " '
Tiie Astokiax guarantees to IK Kdv.r
tisers the largest circulation of any ne,. vi
per published on the Columbia river
Long rainy days.
Good hay reather.
The citizens of Ilwaco have so far
subscribed $200 to celebrate the
llailroad and steamboat receipt
books, in duplicate, a specialty at
TriE Astoeiax job office
A salmon that weighed 71 pounds
dressed, was on exhibition at W. D.
Smith s cannery yesterday.
, l'll0,l,ary Low went to sea vester-;:-
Iho Uountij of Canuimm
started down bat didn't get out.
Thero were only four petitions be
ing circulated yesterday; on bright
snuny days the average is about sis.
Kaspberries, strawberries and
peaches aro plentier. The rain is in
juring tho small fruit, but is welcome
for all that.
Over two miles of tho grade of the
iinuuo ranroau arc readv for the
rails. The projectors have" been de
layed m procuring rolling stock.
Several bandana handkerchiefs and
Cleveland roosters have appeared in
town, and Will doubtless groiv more
numerous as the snminer rolls bv.
An eminent physician savi that
kicking is one of tho most healthful
forms of exercise. Now you know
why some people aro so disagreeably
Thos. Donovan, a colored rasa,
aged 30 years, recently employed at
the Clatsop mill, died at St. Marys
hospital yesterday, of blood poisoning
in the 30th year ot his age.
With what joy tho dust brown
plains of the San Joaquin, Cal.. val
ley would hail tho generous sbowerh
that aro the present daily delight of
dwellers in the srebfoot nation !
At a special meeting last evening
Rescue Engine Co. 2 elected A. A.
Cleveland and E. Z. Ferguson dele
gates to represent tho company at the
Seattle convention on July 2 and 3.
The pilot schooner C. G. White
was at the Main street wharf yester
day taking on supplies, and will go
go to sea to-day. The boys say they
will be back to help celebrate the
Fishing near Cathlamet and above
that point continues better than
lower down this way. The seines
have done particularly well so far
this season, one man having already
canght six tons of salmon near Brook
field with two seines.
The body of a man with part of the
left hand gone, was picked up near
Knappton yesterday and brought to
the coroner here for identification.
It is found to be the body ot Jacob
Brenell, who was lost from the
Gleaner, off Tongne Point, last Jau
uary. Parents should i" possible keep
their children home at night They
do not see or hear anything on th'e
streets after dark that can do them
any good, and no father or mother
does his or her duty to those in their
charge if they allow the children to
run on the streets after dark.
Five fishermen wero picked up in
tho outside breakers by the life crew
at Capo Hancock last Tuesday morn
ing; ono of tho "tugs is reported to
have picked up five more. A large
net was found on tho weather beach
yesterday morning, this side ot Tin
kers. No loss of lifo has been re
ported. D. Warren, tho best enssed mau in
Pacific county, is at tho Occident.
He has a contract to carry the United
States mail on Shoalwater bay and
thereabouts, and tho regularity with
which tho mail was not carried is only
equaled by his ability to keep solid
with tho postal authorities at Wash
ington. Talking of tho erection of anew
lighthouse at Destruction lsianu,
fortv-fiva mile3 south of Cape Flat
tery, Captain E. W. Holmes of tho
steamer Umatilla, says that tho gov
ernment is malcini? a mistake in erect
ing the lighthouso at Destruction Is
land. He thought the proper place
was at Quinialt, where there is a
strong undercurrent, and where
many disasters occur.
It was reported Tuesday night that
tho Montesano, which left here for
C003 Bay last Saturday evening, was
ashore at tho mouth ot the Nchalcni.
The report is erroneous. Jas. Brass
field, of Yaquina, is in the city, and
he says that Ernest Laws, a passen
ger on the "Montesano, arrived in Yn
rmma Monday evenine. and told him
that tho Montesano had arrived safely
at Nestucca the eveningbefore.
Tho oldest merchant vessel, with
one exception, now in actual service
is the schooner Good Intent. She
was built by Clapp & Doringin Brain
tree, Mass., in 1813. and was origin
ally a Bloop, with square stern and
no figurehead; her length. 48 feet;
her 'breadth, 16 feet; her depth, 4K
feel, and her measure, 25 tons. The
homo jiort of the Good Intent, ac
cording to the li-i of IgSG, was Gam
den, Maine.
When tho County of Carnarvon
was going to sea yesterday morning
one of tho sailors jumped overboard
and calling to two men who were
passing by in a skiff, succeeded in
attracting their attention. They took
him aboard and rowed him to shore.
Tho captaiugrowled and swore some,
and then Rhinninr minflior Trtm. nffoi-
8ome delav. Ktnnfi nfT fn kp.t flm
being out whatever advance had been
allowed the man.
It is thought that the phase of the
inuun on the 20th wiil insure good
weather for the Grace church excur
sion on tho 20th. Every indication
points that way, and the managers are
determined to make a comnlete suc
cess of the excursion. Tickets at
Griffin &. Heed's, J. W. Conn's and J.
C. Dement's. It is de3ired that
tickets should bo procured before
going on board, nod thus avoid the
crush and hurry before leaving.
Tho Columbia is due from San
Francisco thi3 morning, with the fol
lowing passengers: S. Barrett, wife
ana daughter, (J. 1'ipner, Mrs. II. P.
Hirst. II. II. Hirst. C. P. Hirst. Mrs.
L. L. Dobbs Miss Waterhniise, Miss
J.JJrown, Mrs. D. (Jole, Mrs. Bey
nolds, Mrs. S. P. Sauborn. Man-11
Dixon. A. G. Courtney. J. J. Ileffer-
man, J. C. Sevenoaks, J. Taylor, J. C.
Lyman, E. Felloes, J. Sinclair, M.
Barnett, P. L. Ma'.lon. It. Leaven
worth, Miss Mallon, Mrs. J. Mallon,
Maggie McDonald, K. S. Howard.
Mrs. J. Wassmann, Mrs. O. Ktistel
aud child. J. It. Spring and wife. M.
Busscl, May Kearney. M. Kinney, D.
Monoge, J. Brown. II. Bennett, "l S.
Miss Mary Lawrence, principal of
Ceilar street school, will attend the
National Teacher's convention in
San Francisco.
D. II Pease was in the city yester
day. Ho reports the rain as being a
welcome visitor in his section.
Plenty good grass this year.
No IrMi.Nt't-il A :!.
"Daniel,'' said the president, "aro
all the returns from Oregon in vet?"
"No, sire: not yet."
"Is tho Jtepu'blican majority still
climbing up':"
"It is, sire," said Daniel gloomily.
"Then yon can tell the doorkeeper
that if that man Irish call. I am not
at home."'
Ifcw Kail.
A meeting of the Columbia base
ball club will be held this evening at
S r. m. in llescue Engine Co.'s hall to
transact business of importance. A
full attendance is desired.
P. S. Coon, Sec'y.
Girl IVantciI,
To !o general housework in a small
family. Inquire at this office.
TJiIh wiil bi the last week of the
Auu-i i.-an i,aee C.., in thf City.
And next Saturday will be particular
ly their la-t day. If you want wide and
beautiful lace at 5 cents and 10 cents,
worth from 13 cents to :!0 cents per
yard, (io and see them at once, as :il!
their laces arc disappearing fast. Barth's
building, opposite Seaside hakerv,
Sitsnnj- Koom-..
With or witho ut board at the lloldeu
House. Booms from.$('a month upward.
Library, etc.
Ludlow's Ladies' $.''.00 Fine Shoes;
also Flexible Hand turned French Kids,
at P. J. Goodman's.
The latest style of Cents" Boots and
iioes at 1". J. Gooiim ax's.
The best Oysters in any style, at
the ''''ephone Betaurant.
lJniIrc!J:!s Etei aired
At my old stand. .1. Jopi.ix.
Coffco and cake, ten cents, at the
Central Restaurant.
A fine cup of coffee, at tiie Telephone
;imlrlims SJeor
Ami Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, r cents.
Is the leading photographer of tins city
and is said to lie as good as any in the
Visit Sliitl Oil.
And machine oil for sale.
J. U.DeFokci:.
Astoria, Oregon.
lira's Coold to Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
For Dyspepsia andLiver-Coiupla int,
you have a printed guarantee on everv
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never
fails to cure. Sold bv .1. C. Dement.
I'rivate ltounis.
Aline telephone Kestauraiil for sii-
pers, panics, etc. l lie nest rooKcil lo
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
bn-iitli secured by ShiloJfs Catarrh Hem
!!. Prii-e Ml cents. Nasal Injector free
'"! --ale by J.C. Dement.
Telephone L.oilm JUuusr.
llest l!cdsin town. Booms per niht
.piO and 'S cts., per week 5150. New- and
clean. Private entrance. -
Fop Tiie T.alics.
Hair goods, latest and most artistic
styles, bangs, fronts, etc., from 1 SO to
7 50, at Mrs. W.J. Barry's.
CMiaren Cryforpitclier's Castoria
Interview Between Tho Famons Acitator
And Editor.
One afternoon about twenty-two or
three years ago, a debonnaire young
gentleman wBlked into the editorial
rooms of the old Louisville Journal
and asked to see Mr. Prentice. He
was clad in a handsome blue broad
cloth coat of the swallow tail style,
with smooth and guttering brass bat.
tons. His trousers were of black doe
skin, his shoes shiny, patent leather,
his vest of some heavy buff material
over which his coat was buttoned so
that it doubled in front, showing an
inch or two below the front of the
coat; and in his hand he carried a rich
looking soft hat. His hair was black,
wavy and plentiful, and bisnpper lip
was covered with a luxuriant and
well kept mustache. Altogether
there was an air ot elegant negligence
about him. Tho man was over the
medium height and build, and pre
sented a card which bore the words;
"George Francis Tnan, Civis Amen-
canns Sum."
Being then Mr. Pentice s amanuen
sis and private secretary, I presented
Mr. Tram to tho immortal George D.,
wit, poet and editor. Train seemed
to be a little staggered. I presume
he expeoted to see a large, imposing
nnu severe man, ana he behelu a
lean and slippered pantaloon.'' Mr.
Prentice wa3 peculiarly a slouchy
man then in his dress, and altogether
careless of his personal appearance.
Indeed I believo ho never had been
"dressy " His hair, which had once
been jet black, fell on his shoulders
and even about his cheeks, well mixed
with gray, and his whitening beard,
which was also very long, and which
covered nearly all of his face except
tho nose, eyes and forehead, was tied
np as close as possible with a cotton
twine, and his ears wero staffed with
cotton. Tobacco juice stained his
vest, and ho had a habit ot using his
fingers for n paste brush and of
wiping them on his pantaloons. He
had taken off his long, black frock
coat nnd replaced it with a brown,
somewhat ragged and altogether dis
reputable looking old yarn pea jacket,
or what was commonly called in Ken
tucky a "warmns." On. the table
near him stood his hat. This was a
slouch with a tall crown, aud it an
swered tho place of pockets in his
clothes, which sort of receptacles he
never used. Ho carried in his hat
everything that other men carry in
their pockets, and more too. Being
unable to write more than a word or
two at a time with his own hand, ho
would with both of his trembling.
writer's palsy stricken hands,
make out to scratch memoranda of
such things as ho desired to consider
upon tho margins of newspapers, nnd
these little bits ho wonld throw into
his hat for f nture reference. He nsu-
ally had the old felt hat about hnlf
full of them. He also carried his
packet knife, pencils, scissors, koys,
etc., in tno nar, ana J. have orten seen
him, absent mindedly. dron a well
masticated quid of tobacco into it in
stead of throwing the "old soldisr"
Ibis was the famous editor, the
author of "Tho Lifo of Henry Clay,"
tho champion and bosom friend of
Prince Harry of tho West" dnrinir
tho latter's glorious and brilliant
career as a statesman, the writer of
Closing year" and other errand
poems; tho man whose keen wit, caus
tic sarcasm, eloquence and terse
dramatic force drove giants before
him with his pan. Yet his quiver
was filled with arrows of all size,
from the quill of the eagle to that of
the humming bird, and he could in
dite a fierce philippic in prose, or tone
his sentences to a sweet and tender
song of sympathy or lore in poetry.
irain exhibited his astonishment
for an instant, unobserved by Mr.
Prentice, however, and at onco the
two fell into earnest conversation.
Traiu was in Louisville with Anna
Dickinson, Susan B. Anthony and a
number of othor leading woman's
ngnts women, nna was assisting in
their suffrage crusade. After a pleas
ant stay of a half an hour or so.
Train withdrew and Prentice Dm.
ceeded to dictate a pen picture of his
iaio visitor.
For many years Mr. Prentice had
been forced to writo by an amanuen
sis, being as before intimated, a suf
ferer from scrivener's cramp, or
writer's palsy, known in surgery as
chorea Bcriptorum. He would walk
tho lloor in n slipshod wav with hands
clasped behind him, and in n some
what piping voice, with a nasal twang,
being also afflicted with catarrh, ho
wonld dictate to his amanuensis,
punctuating tho matter as he went.
He always began his articles with
what is known in typography as a
"fist" a little cut of tho hand with
the muox linger pointing, nnd thus
his pen picture of Geortre Frnnm'n
Train was like this:
("Fistf ZzW A locomotive that has
run off the track fcommal turned n re
side down (comma) with the cow
catcher Dunea in a stump and tho
wheels making a thousand revolu
tions a minute (fall stop) A kite in
the nir that has lost its tail (dash) a
human novel without n hero (dash) a
man who climbs a tree for a bird's
nest (commn) out qn n limb (comma)
and in order to get it saws the limb
off between himself and the tree (full
stop) A ship without a rudder (dash)
a clock without hands (dash) an ar
row shot into tho air fdashl a sermon
that is all text (dash) a pantomime ot
words (dash) the apotheosis of talk
(comma) the incarnation ot gab (full
stop) Handsome (comma) vivacious
(comma) muscular (comma) as neat
as a cat fcomma) a iudffe of the effect
of clothes (comma) frugal in food and
regular only in habits (full stop) A
noonday mystery (dash) a'solved con.
undrum (dash) a cipher hunting for a
figure to pass for something (Bemi-
coion; wim me urains oi twenty men
in his head (comma) all pulliu-r in
different directions (semi-colon) not
bad as to heart (comma) bnt a man
wuo has shaken nanus with rever
ence (full stop) This is George Fran
cis Train (full stop)
Thus did Mr. Prentice drawapio
tnre of the restless agitator whioh
photographs him inside and oat, even
to-day. Will Visscher.
The Interstate Oommerco Oommitte.
Washington, Junel3. Gen. Sheri
dan slept rather more than usual last
night Toward morning he had a
period of general depression follow
ing an attack of coughing. From
this he quickly and easily recovered.
At present his appetite is sufficient,
his palseglOO and 102, his respiration
27, and his regular temperature nor
mal and general appearance better.
Gen. Sheridan's condition is so
much improved this afternoon that
his physicians have decided to omit
the regular afternoon bulletin.
Buffalo, N. Y., The second day
of the Millers' national convention,
opened with a larger attendance, An
effort was made at the morning session
to form a flour trust, but no definite
action was taken. The subject was
discussed at length; but the general
sentiment of tho convention was, that
it would be preferable to have tho
original central office where all griev
ances and troubles arising from cut
ting rates etc., should be referred.
The' subject will como np again at
the later session.
New York, June 13. Tho Inter
state commerce committee began to
day to investigate the complaint made
by tho produce exchange against sev
eral railroads for discriminating in
freight charges, more especially con
cerning export rates on grain. The
committee will also consider tho ap
plication of the Pennsylvania rail
road company for a modification of
tho order of the commission of
March 8.
Grand Lodge Officers A. F. and A. M.
Portland. Juno 13. The Grand
lodge A. F. and A. M. elected tho fol
lowing officers to-day: Jacob Mayer,
of Portland, Grand master, Brenham
Van Duusen, of Astoria, deputy
Grand master. J. F. Bobinsou, of
Eugene City. Grand senior warden.
Christopher Taylor, of Davton. Grand
junior warden, D. C. McKerchor, of
i'ortiana. urancl treasurer, i". ,1. Bab
cock, of Salem, Grand secretary.
A '.Varniii".
The modes of death's approach are
various, and statistics show conclu
sively that more persons die from dis
eases of the Throat and Lungs than
any other. It is probable that every
one, without exception, receives vast
numbers of Tubercle Germs into the
system and whero these germs fall
upon suitable soil they start into life
and develop, at first slowly and is
shown by a slight tickling sensation
in tho throat nnd if allowed to con
tinue their ravages they extend to tho
lungs producing Consumption and to
tho head, causing Catarrh. Now all
this is dangerous and if allowed to
proceed will in time cause death. At
the onset you must act with prompt
ness; allowing a cold to go without
your attention is dangerous and may
lose you your life. As soon as yon
feel that something is wrong with
your Throat, Lungs or Nostrils, ob
tain a bottle of Boschee's German
Syrup. It will give you immediate
relief. A Large Parcaase of Fruit.
Through their agent, Henry Martin,
tho Black Diamond Canning com
pany has purchased along the Sacra
mento river lfrOOO baskets of Bartlett
pears at 2 cents to 2 cents, 50.0G0
baskets of npricots ;at2 cents, 8.0C0
baskets of plums at 1J cents to 1
cents, and 11,000 baskets of peaches
at 2 cents. S. F. Call. 0.
Our Candidate for President.
lie will be nominated by the conven
tion and will be elected by the people,
because he will come the nearest to till
ing their ideal of a Chief Magistrate.
Electric Bitters has been given the
highest place, because no other medi
cine has so well filled the ideal of a per
fect ton'c and altcratire. The people
have indorsed Electric Bitters and rely
upon this great remedy in all troubles
of Liver, Stomach and kidneys. For all
Malarial Fevers and diseases caused by
Malarial Poisons, Electric Bitters can
not be too highly recommended. Also
cures Headache and Constipation. Sat
isfaction guaranteed, or money refund
ed. Price tt)c and SI at John C. De
ment's Brag Store.
The finest and juiciest steak at the
Tolephone BesUurant.
"Hackmatack," a lasting and fra
grant jn-rfiiuiu. Price 25 and 50 cents.
Soldbv.1 ('.Dement.
.Shiloh's Catarrli Jlemedy a posi
tive rur for Catarrh, Diptheria and
Canker Mouth. Sold bv J. C. Dement.
Sini,on'8 Cuke will immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Bronchitis. Soldby J. C. Dement.
And Basket Ticnlc by the Ladles
or Orace Church.
The Fine Steamer S. G. lieed
this been encased for tho occasion
and will leave Klavcl's Dock at
8:30 A. LL, Wednesday, June 20-
Bayview Grove at Cathlamet.
Tli Western Amateur Band has been en
gaged for the occasion. Tickets "lie iiol
lar. Children half price. Itednrcd
rates to amines.
Tickets can he had at the City Book Store,
J. C. Dement's and J. W. Conn's.
Ice cream, lemonade, etc., can bo had on
board and at the grounds. Good trout
streams, swings, etc. A good timo Is
guaranteed to all who go. Will
return atC:30p,m.
ty No dlsreputabl e characters allowed on
Brand ExGursion
lew Lace Curtains
Nottingham, Ecru and White,
Embroidered Swiss, Irish Point,
Renaissance, m Single and Two Toned.
Persian Drapery, Etamines,
Porteriers, in Ohenille and Tapestry,
Silk and Wool Tapestry.
Figured Madras, etc., etc.
Upwards of
jtain Mett from 123c to 75c per yard.
A larso and Well Selected Stock of Vinti
At Extremely Low Trices.
All Goods Honght at This Establishment
Warranted Genuine.
'atr!i istid Clock Jvcpniring
Corner Cass and Squcmoqua Streets.
Carnalian & Co.
I. "W. CASE,
Corner Ghenamus and Cass streels.
Of Best Quality, axd at
3"CJJE3ir inr a Trrvr.
And Doalcrs in
Special Attention Given to Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
3'iirchases delivered In any part of the city.
Office and "Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
1 O. Box 153. Telephono No. 37.
The Akron Lacquers.
calls the attention of Cannerymen and
others to the fact that he is the Taclflc
coast agent for the
Celebrated Akron Lacquers,
And is prepared to quote Jow prices on those
goods. Samples furnished on application.
ff I I
nTmnriTT i-Tmminn l
biUUlGlJ OlipiCo!
ME and NEW
3,000 yards of Nottingham Cur-
lacacimg House of
if IB J i
Do all close
Hotel Building ?
Much you could save by buying your Hats
at HERMAN WISE'S the Reliable
Clothier and Hatter !
You know that HERMAN WISE can and does
sell Goods at a Smaller Profit than any other
house in Astoria?
Should examine my stock and prices. I offer
them to you very low, especially now !
Consider your own interests when you think
of buying a SUIT, HAT or F"0"B.
EmnAN nldCi
The Reliable Clothier and Hatter.
cidenf Hotel Building,
buyers buy their Clothes at
WISE'S in the Occident
I I guarantee you can save ice cream
I money for all your girls by con-
suiting me!