w ?hc 5a gMte ASTOEIA, OEEGON: yEDXESn AY- JUNE 13. 1S3S. ISSUED EVEHY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) J. F. HALLOBAN & COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, ASTOIMASBPILDISQ, - - CAS3 STKKET. Terras orSnluerlpUoi. Strred by Carrier, per week Sent by Mall, per month onn vm. IScts eccts one year.. Tree of postage to subscribers. 57.00 The AsioaiAir guarantees to its adver tisers we largest arcniauonot any newspa per published on the Columbia river. Showery, yesterday. Gold is again reported discovered in this county; thi3 time within five miles of Saddle Mountain. In the police court yesterday, Fraud Hoak, drunk,- forfeited S5 bail Jim Lynch, drunk but not disorderly, fined 82. The ownership of the O. &. C. rail road company was formally turned over to the Southern Facifio manage ment last Monday. Hobson & Summerfield have opened their type-writing office and are now prepared to do all kinds of vork in the line of copying dictations, etc. It was reported yesterday evening that the Montesano which left here for Coos bay a few days ago, was ashore on tho south spit of the Ne halem. No particulars could be learned. The British bark Mary Low cleared for Queenstown yesterday carrying 47,968 bus. wheat, worth S36, 700. The British ship County of Carnarvon also cleared for Queens town, carrying 71,437 bus. wheat, val ued at 849,300. The postmaster at Cowlitz, reports that Mount St. Helens is smoking. A grayish smoke or steam can be plainly seen issuing from the sonth side near the summit. Observation through a strong glass convinces the beholder that it is from the moun tain. Not more than 15 or 20 per cent, fays the Oregonian, of the amount of lumber is being shipped east from this section as was shipped a few months since, and orders are received only for.Iong sticks or planks more than a foot in width. No other place can compete with this seotion for snob lumber. The terms of the newly elected county officers begin on the 2nd of next month. Official bonds are now in order. In this county the sheriff's bonds are fixed at 310,000, clerk 810, 000, treasurer 310,000, assessor S5, 000, coroner S3,000; the others are fixed by the oounty court Several of the newly elected officers have al ready taken the oath, of Office. Bev. Dr. G. J. Burchett, of Mo Minnville. this state, recently deliv ered an address before the national Baptist convention, in Washington City, which is a perfect gem in the way of advertising Oregon. It was published in full by a daily paper of that city and will, doubtless, from its unique style, conoise pointers and other meritorious features, bo widely copied. There is some talk at govern ment headquarters of. having all the land office business that is now done at the offices of the county clerks done at the land offices themselves. Should such an order be made the proving up, final notice proof, etc., would have io be made at the Oregon City land office, instead of at the county clerks office in this city. Bnt as to that nothing definite is known as yet. No. One .Vol. I. of the Tillamook Headlight, published at Tillamook, O. E. Wilson & Uo., proprietors, J. u, Edwards editor, came to hand yes terday morning. It is a neatly printed sheet, and starts off on its right foot. Tillamook deserves to have a good paper, for it is one of the richest sec tions of the state tnougn as yet com- narativelv undeveloped. The people of Tillamook owo'it to themselves to accord a hearty support to the Head- ligit. Toe principal exoitement on Che nsfnus street at eleven yesterday morning was a race for the heavy weight championship between P. W. Weeks and J. D. Knirns, 150 yards lor, 8200 and gate money. The former pulled down the scales at 212 aM'the latter at 183 ponnds. The time of -the race was 164 seconds. When it came to awarding the prize a dispute arose as to who won the race whioh resulted in declaring all bets off. Subsequently the heaviest of the two got a little gilt rooster with the inscription "Cleveland will be the next president," and wears it over his third rib. TJ. O. of H. All members of Clatsop Ijodge, No. 113, U. O. of H., are requested to at tend the meeting on Wednesday evening, Jnne 13th,to elect officers for the ensuing term. A. A. Cleveland, Pres. AtteaUH. A.,8miih, Secy. Gsvmbrlaas Beer And Free launch at the Telephone Sa loon, B cents. ;- ' ' . Crow, Is the leading photographer of. this, city and Is said to be as good as any in the state. I ifskidipii; iCr And mac; na oil for sale. t j;:H. DEFORCE. . i - Astoria, Oregon LAST EVENING'S COUNCIL MEETING. At the city council meeting last evening a petition signed by numer ous taxpayers of Astoria, to increase the allowance of Rescue Engine Co. No. 2, to 8200 per month, was read and placed on file. An application from F. H. Snrpre nant & Ca., to buy certain lots in the city cemetery, offering 850 therefor, for tight lote therein, was laid on the table. A communication from Bescne En gine Co. No. 2, oskingthe council to ap propriate 875 additional to maintain the team of horses, was read, and referred to the committee on fire and water. A communication from street su perintendent Clinton, relative to the crossing at Washington and Chena- mus streets recommending that the same be built immediately, was read and after some debate was on motion ordered done. The same action was taken relative to the crossing of Ben ton and Concomly streets. A communication from ex-mayor Trnllinger, relative to the three elec tric lights recently ordered to be placed, declining to so place them at contract price. The ordinance rela tive to the placing of snch lights was returned by mayor Page, with Mr. Trullinger's communication. On mo tion the commnnication was received and placed on file. A remonstrance from Cedar street property owners against the improve ment of that street was read, repre senting 2,535 feet of the 3,600 feet in the street. The remonstrance was, on motion, received and placed on file. Councilman Cleveland asked street superintendent Clinton how mnch lumber the city put down every month on Cedar street. He said that last month 3,000 feet of lumber were used on Cedar street; that about 2,500 to 3,000 feet were thus issued every month. On motion of council man Cleveland, the street superin tendent was instructed to put no more lumber on Cedar street, except on the crossings. The committee to whom wsb re ferred the petition of fire department regarding the painting of the Amos keag engine, r&ported favorably; re port adopted; reported favorably also regarding the allowance of 375 a month for the maintenance of the horses for No. 2's engine team; re ported favorably as to a majority report, there was also an adverse minority report. When it came to a vote' it was deoided that the ma jority report be adopted by a vote of four yeas to two nays. The minority report was laid on the table. The special committees reported regarding the extension of Chenamus street, recommending that the city attorney confer with J". C. Trnllinger and A. Hinman regarding n new deed of dedication; report adopted. The auditor and police judge's re port for May, showing amount of fines and forfeitures for month to be S186V 50, was, with the street superintend ent's report, read and referred. An ordinance ordering the improve ment of Concomly street was read first and second times. An ordinance providing for provement of West 6th street, i in was read hrst and second times. An ordinance appropriating 375 a month for tho maintenance of the team of Bescne Engine Co. No. 2, was read first and second times. An ordinance declaring the probable cost of improving Wall street was about to be read for the third time when councilman Welch read from the charter relative to beginning street work within sixnioths from the passage of an ordinance provi ding for such improvement City at torney Noland sustained the point made, and the ordinance in question was, accordingly laid on the table. On motion it was ordered that the Wall street grade be established. The West Ninth street matter wa3 also dug up and after being venti lated was hung up along with the other back numbers. Tho following claims were ordered paid, where accompanied by requisi requisi teon: Clatsop Mill Co, 328.20; Clat sop Mill Co., 830.82, 89.93; Electric Light Co., 3144; Sundry persons, 326; M. O. Crosby S19.58; Astoria Gas light Co. 8126.03, 812.95; W. J. Barry 89; J. T. Boss S16.49; Clatsop mill Co. 8110.08; J. F. Halloran .& Co. 869.04. On motion of councilman Welch, officer John M Olsen was elected captain of police. Begarding the city assessment roll lor the current year city nttorny No- land suggested that the council give notice that alter the board ot equal ization adjourns, no petition for alter- anon ot tne roll shall be entertained; adjourned. Found, A boat was found near Sand Island yesterday morntnz. Lencth 11 feet and 3 feet wide. The owner can have tho same by enquiring at Leinenweber's cannery. This will be the last week of the American lmce Co., 1b this City, And next Saturday will be particular ly their last day. If you want wide and beautiful lace at 5 cents and 10 cents, worth from 15 cents to 30 cents per yard. Go and see them at once, as all their laces are disappearing fast Birth's building, opposite Seaside bakery, Sunny Booms. With or witbo ut board at the Holden House. Rooms from $6 a month upward. iiiurary, eic. . Ludlow's Ladles' $3.00 Fine Shoes; also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at . P. J. Goodman's. Tho latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. " The best Oysters In any style, at the Telephone Bnstaurant. Umbrellas Repaired At my old stand. . J. Jori.nr. ,. Coffee and cake, ten cents, CentraLBestaurant . af the A fine cup of coffee, at the Telephone Restaurant. DISPATCHES FB0M THE EAST- (special to the astoeian.) Nswpobt, B. I., June 12. In the general assembly to-day Jonathan A. Chase was re-elected United States Senator by a majority of both honses, the vote stoed: Senate, Chase 29, J. W. Davis 4, Chas. H. Page 1. House, Chase 59, Davis 8, Page 1. DIVIDEND DECLARED. New York. June 12. The directors of the Manhattan elevated road to day declared a quarterly dividend of one per cent and a reduction of one- hall per cent wnicu is said to be in accordance with Gould's wishes. OBITUAIsr. Chicago. June 12. A telegram from Fort Biley, Kan., announced the death from heart disease of Mrs. For sythe wife of Col. Jas. W. Forsythe, U.S.A. ' BODT RECOVERED. Baltimore, Jnne 12. The body of T. Harrison Garrett, who was drown ed last Thursday while on a yachting excursion on the Patap3co, has been recovered. sheridan's mother dead. Somerset, Ohio, June 12. The mother of general Sheridan died to day. A NEW XORK TRAGEDY. New York, June 12. Fillipo Guas toni, ngent of the large wine house shot Mrs. Louisa Marri. in a Green St. tenement this morning and then blew out his own brains. Uuastom was an Italian. He was a constant visitor in tho Marri honsholdandhad for some time made no secret of his love for the woman. He had been warned by the woman's husband not to interfere with his domestic rela tions; notwithstanding the warning early this morning he forced himself into Mrs. Marri's bedroom where the tragedy was committed. Mrs. Marri is in a critical condition and will pro bably die. dignitaries expected. Baltimore, June 12. The com mittee in chargeof the arrangements for the convention of the national league Democratic club on July 4th hope to induce president Cleveland to attend the convention, speaker Carlisle, senators Gorham. BlacK bnrn and other prominent men will also be invited and notification of the meeting of the presidential ticket will be held while the convention is in session. KNIGHTS IK COUNCIL. Cinoinnatti, June 12. The thir teenth biennial conclave of the su premo lodge ot Knights of Pythias began its session to-day. Probably 15,000 to 20,000 Pythians have ar rived. It is understood that tho prime chancellor will recommend in his re port, the expulsion ot the rebellious Pennsylvania olhcers. A YOUNG FIRE BUG. " Buffalo. June 12. A boy named Andrew Howard, aged 14, has con fessed that he started the million dol lar fire which destroyed the drygoods store of Bavner, Henegerer & Co. He says he started the fire because he was mad at starring, the floor walker. who would not excuse him to go to a funeral at which ho was to be a pall bearer. GEN. SHERIDAN'S CONDITION. Washington, June 12. Gen. Sher idan passed a quiet night, but was a little disturbed after midnight by conghing. His general condition this morning is about the same. i An Explanation. What is this "nervous tronble" w itli which so many seem now to bo nf ilicted? If you will remember a few years ago the word Malaria was com paratively unknown, to-day it is as common ns any word in the English languagetyet this word covers only the meaning of another word nsed by our forefathers in times past So it is with nervous diseases, as they and Malaria are intended to cover what our grandfathers called Billionsness, and all are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condition ot the Liver which in performing its func tions finding it cannot dispose ot the b.le through the ordinary channel is compelled to pass it off through the system, causing nervous troubles, Malaria, Billions Fever, etc. You who are suffering can well appreciate a cure. We recommend Green's Au gust Flower. Its cures are mar velous. A man with a pair ot patent thills is scaring the people halt to death in Grand Rapids, Mioh. Tho thills are calculated to be used in driving run away horses, as they are made to be come detached from the carriage when the runaway is in its giddiest period, allowing the vehicle to stop and the horse to run along alone it he wants to. The wreFehed exhibitor is accompanied by a woman and a horse, and whenever Bho strikes a town she drives the animal npon the principal street and lets him run away. And how "ho does run! The woman meanwhile waves her hands and screams, and acts like she was about to go into a fit, while the spec tators crowd the street and stand frozen with horror, when presto, change. Tho horse becomes de tached, gallops another block and stops, and the buggy quietly slows up, and the woman jumps out and 1UUKU3, uuu fcuo uuvef fclBUIIltinb IB com plete. Our Candidate for President. lie will be nominated by the conven tion and will be elected by the. people, because he will come the nearest to fill ing their ideal of a Chief Magistrate. Electric Bitters has been given the highest place, because jio other medi cine has so well filled the ideal of a per fect ton'c nnd alterative. The people have indorsed Electric 'Bitters and rely upon this great remedy in all troubles of Liver, Stomach and kidneys. For all Malarial Fevers and diseases caused by Malarial Poisons, .Electric Bitters can not be too highly recommended. Also cures Headache'and Constipation. Sat isfaction guaranteed, or .money refund ed. Price-COc, and Slat. John C-vJJe-ment's Drug Store.; c ' " ,! The finest and juiciest steak at the reiepnono itesHurani. SORE FROM KHEETOAHKLE.l Skin entirely zone. Flesk'.a mass I or disease. - jljs diminished one third In size. Condition Hopeless. unrca oy tne cntl- enra vemeaies. For three yean I was almost crippled with on awful sore leg firm my kneo down to my anklo, the skin was entirely gone; and the nesn was one mass oi oisease. ooma pnysi- Clans nrnnnnnnnd it incnrablfi. It h&ddimin. uhod about one-third the size of tho other, and I was .in a hopeless condition. After try ing all kinrinnf remedies ard SDendinr hun dreds of dollars, frem which I got no relief j wnatever, 1 -vas persuaded io try your uUTt cuejl Kkmedies, and the result was a follews: After three days I-noticed a decided change for the bettor, and at the end of two months I was completely cured- My flesh was purified and the bono (which had been exoosed for over a year got souna. xne nesn negan to grow, and to-day, and for nearly two years past, my leg is as well as ever it was, sound inky cry respect, and not a sign of the disease tone seen. . S. G. AHERNT. Dubois, Dodge Co.. da. Terrible Suflcrlnz From Skin Disease. I hare been a terrible sufferer for years from diseases of the skin and blood, and have been obliged to shun public places by reason of my disfiguring humors. Have had the best of nhvsieians and spent hundreds of dol- lars.'but got no relief until I used 'the Ctrri cura RionntES, which hare cured me, and loit my skin as clear ana my oiooa as pure as a child's. ID A MA Y BASS. Olive Branch P.O., Miss .From 115 ponnds to 112 pound. I have taken several bottles of Cuticcri Resolvext with all the results I could wish for. About this time last year, when com mencing its use. I weighed 14 j pounds, and to-day I weigh 172 pounds. uuu. UAaii'iitiju, ivasmngton, u. u. Note. Tho CnTicuitA Rksolyeit is bevond all doubt the greatest blood purifier ever com pounded. Cuticuba. the great skin cure, and Cuti- . CUBA KOAr. an exquisite Skin Beautifier, externally .and CuncunA Resolvent, the newBlood Purifier, internally, are a positive cure for every form of Skin and Blood Dis ease from Pimples to Scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price. CtrricnBA. Goo. : Soap, 25c.:Rksolve3T, SI. Prepared by the Pottkb Druq and Cseuical Co., Boston, Mass "Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages. CO illustrations, and 100 testimonials. QAQV'O bkln nnd Sca'P nreserved and UHU1. U beautified by Ccticuba Midi CATKD tOAP. Constitutional Catarrh. No sin&Ie disease has entailed more suffer ing or hastened the breaking up of the con stitution than Catarrh. Tho senso of smell, of taste, of sight, of hearing, the human voice, the mind one or more, and sometimes all, yield to its destructive inSuence. Tho poison ib ui5iriDuics inrougnoui me system auacKS overy vital force, and breaks up tho most ro bust of constitutions. Icnored. became bnt little understood, bymot physicians, impo tently assailed by quacks and charlatans, those suffering from it have, little hope to bo relieved of it this side cf the grave. It is time, then, that the popular treatmentof this terri ble disease by remedies within the reach of ail passed into bands at once competent and trustworthy. The new and hitherto untried method adopted bv Dr. Sanford in the nrena- ration of his K dical Pore has won the hearty approval of thousands. It is instan taneous in affording relief in all head colds, sneezing, snuffling and obstructed breathing, and rapidly removes the mott oppressive symptoms, clearing the bead, sweetening the breath, restoring tho senses of smell, taste and hearing, and neutralizing the constitu tional tendency of the disease towards the lungs, liver and kidneys. Sanford's KADiCAtrujti consists of one. bottle of tho Radical Corf, ono box of Catabbhal Solvent, and IupBOvko Ihbal- KK;Tnce, 51.UU. KBDNEY DRAINS, Strains and Weaknesses, Jbp, Relieved in one minute by that mar JK3 vellous Antidote to Pain, Inflamma W tionand Weakness. the Cut Icnra im Anti-1'aln floater. The first VTJVand only pain-killing strengthening ""piaster. Especially adanted to In stantly relieve and speedily cure Kidney and Uterine Pains and Weakness. Warranted vastly superior to all other plasters. At all druggists, 25 cents: five for il.OO; or postage treo ot roTrKit unuo and uhkuical uo., Reston, Mass. HowFnnny This Sonndsl A striking instance of the popular ity of Gearin for congress, in this county, is shown in, tho support, di rectly or indirectly, of every news paper in the city and in East Port land. Most of the Republican papers support him outright and the balance do so by giving e)y words ot praise that really nre more effective than open support. Gearin will carry this county by 300 majority and come to Portland with 1.5U0 majority. Tnese are the present indications. Port land World Just Received,) - Reducing the Surplus. The disposition ot the Surplus in the U. S. Treasury engages the attention of our Statesmen, but a more vital question has our attention, and that is the reduc tion of the Surplus Consumptives. Slnco the discovery and introduction of Dr. King's .New Discovery lor consump tion, there has been a marked decroase In Hie mortality from this dreaded dis ease, and it Is possible to still further re duce the number of Consumptives. Unw ? By keeping constantly at hand a bottle, of Dr. KInc's New Discovery. and using according to directionsupon me appearance oi me nrsi symptoms, such as n Cough, a Cold, a Sore Throat, a Chest or Side Pain. Taken thus early a cure Is guaranteed. Trial bottles free at J no. C. Dement's Drugstore. SIcatis Cooked to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Control Uestaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. Private Itooms. At tho Telephone Restaurant for sup pers, parties, etc The best cooked to onier. Telephone Lodslnx Honse. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 50 and z; cts., per wceu i.oo. ew ana clean. Private entrance. When Von Go to Portland nl,l'l?nliM f A A ! A iflTI f 4i I 1if a! rnotan. rant, will be" glad-to sed his Astotia friends, A. goou dinner ar. a moderate price and everytnmg in season. ADVICE TO KOTHERS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothino Strup should always .be, used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the cums.allavs all rain, cures wind cholie. and Is the best remedy for diar rhoea. Twenty-nve cents nottic. For Tho. tnllos. flair goods, Jatest and most artistic atjles, bangs, fronts, etc., from $150 to S7 50, at Airs. W. J. Barry's. ' CullSei CryferPitWsCasitf - - r lew Lace Curtains Window Draperies HANDSOME and NEW Nottingham, Embroidered Swiss, Irish Point, Renaissance, in Single and Two Toned. Persian Drapery, Etamines, Porteriers, in Silk and Wool Tapestry. Figured Madras, etc., etc. Upwards of 3,000 yards of Nottingham Cur tain Nett from 12c to 75c per yard. C, T2i Zaeading House -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUBTAY HAHSEN, Prop!-. A Large and Well Selected Stock oi Flue At Extremely Low Prices. All Qeods Bonght at Thl ElUMIihrarat Warranted Genuine. VTntcli and Clock. .Repairing A. SPECIALTY. Corner Gas -and Squemoqua Streets. Carnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO T. W. CASE, IMPOOTK1H AND WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL SEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner OUenamus and Cass street!. ASTCKIA OREGON BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGN OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. a-osaiw MURRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers in 8peolal Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A. FULL UHE CARRIED And Supplies famished at Satis factory Terms.' Purchases delivered to any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In name's New BaUdlng en Water Street. P. O. Box 163. Telephone Ko. 8T. ASTORIA, OREGON. The Akron Lacquers. mHE UNDERSIGNED KB3PECTFULLY X calls the attention ot Cannerymen and others to the fast that be Is the Fadflo coast agent let toe M - - Celebrated Akron Lacquers, ' AM u prMM&a t ort lew prices on these goods. dnpTss ftrriosMaoa 3l8jfK2Sf Diaiis i Jewelry Caiery Jnilies! AND JUST ARRIVED. IN Ecru and White, Chenille and H. COOPER Why! How Much you could save by buying your Hats at HERMAN WISE'S the Reliable Clothier and Hatter ! Do You know that HERMAN WISE can and does sell Goods at a Smaller Profit than any other house in Astoria ? You Should examine my stock and prices. I offer them to you very low, especially now ! Do Consider your own interests when you think of buying a SUIT, SAT or STOR CTZSHXXTG GOODS. Gent HERMAN The Reliable Clothier and Halter, (DOUBLE STORE.) Occident Hotel Building, H DESIGNS Tapestry, :: p of Astoria. Do all close buyers buy their Clothes at HERMAN WISE'S in the Occident Hotel Building ? 1 I guarantee you can save ice cream 7 money for all your girls by con- suiting me! WISE f