:Br, ":"" 7"rfr '"S. "'" WJ-Wrfj,j-v-f jjj(BW5P3e-: V-- 0) VOL. XXX NO. 137. ASTORIA OREGON TUESDAY JUNE 12 1888 PRICE JblVE CENTS BUSINESS GAUDS. rOttS H. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Olflce. Koom 1 and 5. aver City Book Store. G EO. XOIjAIBD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. oillce In Kinney's Block, opposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. C, W. F OLTOH. a. a JTHLTOS FM.TOK BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. UuomsSand 6, Odd Fellows Building. 0. K. THOMSON, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Social attention given to practice In the IT. 4 Land Office, and the examination ot land titles. A roll set ot Abstract Hooks lor t:iatsoD county in office. office Up stairs, opposite Telegraph orace. A. BOWIiBY. I. Attorney and Counsellor at Law office on Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon p II. WATSON, Atty.at Law and Deputy Dist. Atly, All business before the U. S. Land Office a pecialty. Astoria, - Oeeqon. Du J. K. TA'WbCK, JDENTIST. Kooms U-and 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA, OREGON. I)UH. A. Ij. ASO J. A. FL'liTOX. PUj-jsIcIshs and Surgeons. Office on Cass street; three doors south ot odd reuows Duuaing. Telephone No." 41. IAY TUTTJCE, 31. V. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OrriCB "Rooms 6 Pythian Building. Kfjiidence: SB corner. Wall and West 9th streets, opposite I. W. Case's. A. E. SHAW. DENTIST. ltooins In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. M BS. SB. OWEN8-ABA1K, Office and residence, D.K. Warren's for mer residence, Astoria, uregon. Diseases of Women and Children, and of the Eye and Ear. specialties. rB.O.B.KSTKS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, Oregon. rB. ALFKED KIXKF.Y, Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at bis. office, and may be found there at any hour. TK. FBAXK PAGE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Opposite Telegraph Office, Astoria, Oregon. rjELO P. FABEEH, SURVEYOR 0FCLAT80P COUNTY AHD City Surveyor of. Astoria- Residence r Near Clatsop'MlIl. N. D..Haymond,i)epnty. OfficeatCttVHsJt. H. A. BKITH, DENTJST. Rooms 1 and 2 Pythian C H. Cooper's Store. Building over PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens' to 'send to Portland or San Francisco lor - Custom Made-Clothes As they can pet JJetter'Flts. Better. 3?.ork manihip.and for less Money. By Leaving thelr.Orders with MEANY. Hew Goods Hy' Every Steamer. fall tad See Him ul Satlifr Yourself. P. J Meany. Merchant Tailor. ATJonaowr AND COMMISSION HOUSE. . MARTIN OISEN, Successor to E. C. Holden. The oldest established .Commission House in Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on com mission. --- v Auction Sales Every Saturday. General' Jiepaft-ing JobbTng. and Uphol stering doaer 4 '-fT "- ' ' ' Fine stoikstFarhlture on hand. Whenoa'want Bargains in .Household Goods CO tQ 13 V . MAKTIX OL.SK.N Steam Engine For Sale. A FIFTEEN' HORSE POWER ENGINE xa. to nt class conaiuoB.mui an mem- ttaM.etcv,eempwser-ier8aieat! t. .- . . TARNDT&TERCHEN'S. BBP For Toilet Use. Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the hair soft and pliant, imparts to it the lustre and freshness of youth, causes it to grow luxuriantly.eradicates Dandruff, cures all scalp diseases, and is the most clean ly of all hair preparations. AVFR'Q Vigor has given me r I Ull 0 perfect satisfaction. I was hair I had was growing thinner, until I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor. I used two bottles ot the Vigor, and my head is now well covered with a new growth of hair. Judson B. Chapel, Peabody, Mas3. HAI3 that ha3 become weak, gray, and faded, may have new life and color restored to it by the use of Ayer's Hair. Vigor. Mvhairwasthin, faded, and dry, and fell out in large auantities. Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped lie falling, and restored my hair to its original color. As a dressing for the hair, this preparation has no equal. Mary N. Hammond, Stillwater, Minn. 1IRflR youth, and beauty, In the V lUUilj appearance of the hair, may be preserved for an indefinite period by the uso of Ayer's Hair Vigor. A dis ease of the scalp caused my hair to be come harsh and dry. and to fall out freely. Nothing T tried "seemed to do mo any good until I commenced using Ayer's Hair Vigor. Three bottles of Ilii3 preparation restored my hair to a healthy condition, and it is now soft and pliant. My scalp is cured, and it is also free from dandruff. Mrs. a. a. Fan, Milwaukee, Wis. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Bold by Druggists end Perfumers. Perfect Safety, prompt action, and wonderful curative properties, easily place Ayer's Pills at tho head of the list of popular remedies for Sick and Nerv ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail ments originating in a disordered Liver. I have lccn a great sufferer from Headache, and Ayer's Cathartic Pills are the onlv medicine that has over given me relief. One dose of these Pills will quickly movDjmy bowels; and fret mv head from pair.. William. L. Page, itiihiaoad, Va. t T Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Mm Sold by all Dealers In Medicine. WiIson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Boiler Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. Tie Mteft States RESTAIJiRANT R. Ls JEFFREY, PROPRIETOR. Refitted, Ready For Business For -The Season of 1 888., Everything in Season and Nicely Served 10 Experienced Cooks, Obliging Walters. 10 The best placed beforo our patrons. For a Good Heal, go tn JEFE'S At the Old Stand, on Main Street cinn Tn Mnn - MOHTH.can be CDIlrU U UlQUU. made ivorklr.clfor .us. Agents preferred wlio can furnish theirown horses and give tlielrwhole time totb.e"husl- ness. spare moments may -De proniamy employ and cities. B. V. Johnson & Co. CU UUU. A few vacancies in towns 1099 Main St., Richmond, va. & JOHN- - MONTCOMEJUCi A Has a First Class : $ STOCK. -.4 ODDS AND EKDS. Condensed Paragraphs Pacts, of Numerous In New York there 67,000 men and 50,000 women who are idle. In the German reichstag there are 338 smokers and 39 non- smokers. The pride of Kingman county, Kan., is a bull that weighs 4,250 pounds. A New London, Conn., family owns a parrot said to be ninety years old. Orer two-thirds of the saloons in Philadelphia are closed by the Brooks law. Camp meetings are called in the South "heavenly immigration con ventions." One thousand Iowa women own their farms and give them their personal attention. Bald-headed Indians are becom ing numerous since the adoption of hats and caps by the race. The records of the patent office show that women have obtained patents on 1,900 inventions. The average Mexican laborer supports his family on 10 cents per diem, invested in corn and beans. There are 50,000 Chinese in Australia in a total population of a little1 over two millions and a half. It is said that both the Spanish and native parties in Cuba are in favor of secession from Spain.' Eighteen thousand Irish girls who have been assisted to emigrate sent home iUoO,000 in hve years, ine Indiana women's prison and reformatory, near Indianapolis, is managed exclusively by women ine Atlanta uonstuutton says that the negroes of Georgia own more than 812,000,000 worth of property. The railroad bridges in this country, if placed continuously, would reach from New York to Liverpool. Red Jacket, Mich., lias a popu lation of 2,300 and not a church in which the English language is spoken. It is said there is a single county of Iowa that raises more wheat each year than all the New En gland states. "Women arc the state librarians of Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Mich igan, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee. A ton of ropes made from the hair of tho women in Japan is used in building the $300,000 Buddhist temple in Kioto. A new album 'for locks of hair is introduced. .It. contains speci mens from the beads of those who are dear to the owner. The rate of mortality among the Indians increases about 10 per cent a year. The more they are civilized the faster they die. A slip of ivy taken from a French castle at Pau has been se cured by the Yale college students of '88 for planting on their class day. It is said that there are between fifteen hnndred and. two thousand women in the northwest who are interested in ranch and stock prop erty. Near Quitman, Ga., there is a farm of 8,000acres, 0,000 of which are under cultivation in cotten and corn., One hundred and fifty plows are used. Ilelena, M. T., claims to be the" wealthiest city in the country in proportion to its population. It has twepty-seven. millionaires and many othersnear there. Immense numbers of stoats and weasles are .being imported into New Zealand in order that thev may destroy the rabbits which are a pest in that country. All the policeman in Kansas City are churchmen, two of them are elders and several are deacons. Muscular Christianity is appre ciated at Kansas Citv. According to professor Sargent, .the strongest wood in the United States is that of the nutmeg hick ory of the Arkansas region, and the weakest the JVest Indian birch. 'fx.-. .- Tjie greatest amount.o'f. pay re ceived by any, -United States re tifeq officer is $104,000,' bygoner- al J. C. Robinson. General Rick etts had received about 100,000 at the time of bis death. : A noted tree in Ohio was planted by Oliver Comstock in 1823, and now measures twelve feet seven inches in circumference and covers a space of ground sev enty feet in diameter. The area of Mississippi exceeds 30,000,000 acres, and less than 5, 000,000 acres are in productive purposes, the amount oi tilled and in the state to-day beiner smaller than it was in 1860. According to the thirteenth an nual report of the Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago contains now about 800,000 souls against 4,835 in 1840. In 1840 the population of New York city was 312,710; at present it is in the neighborhood or 1,600,000. On tne-first of June, 1844, there was f& frost about Philadelphia which blackened the corn, and on the 7th of June that year a fro3t in Massachusetts which cut the corn. 18IC is famous for having a frost in every month of the year. Bos ton Traveler. The first steam fire engine was made by Mr. Braithwaite in Lon don in 1830. In 1841 the first steam fire engine was used in New York. Cincinnati was the first city in which they were adopted by the Fire Department. Self propelling steam fire engines were first built about 1872-73. The Stops of an Organ, With such important functions as the liver, are of course productive of serious bodily dis turbance. When it relaxes its secretive and distributive aenvity, bile gets Into the blood and tinges the skin and white of the eyes with vellow, the bowels becomes constipated the tongue coated, the breath sour. Then come headaches, vertigo and congestion of the organ, accompanied with palnin Its vi cinity or under the right shoulder blade. Khali blue pillbethe remedy sought? Mo. for mercury in any form is pernicious. What then? Experience indicates Hostettert Stomach Bitters as the true remedy for In activity of the liver. It not only'rela'Stes the bowels without Dam. but has a direct stimu lating effect upon the hepatic gland Itself, the seat and oricln of the troubl Jie. ah nia- Iari.il complaint Involves disorder of .the liver, and of these" tho Bitters ls the most popular curatives It also conquers dyspep sia, nervousness, rheumatism and kidney troubles. ' In 1840 lieutenant Tcchow was dismissed from the German army for surrendering the Berlin armorv in the insurrection to the civic Kuard,.nnd was condemned to fif teen years' imprisonment in a lort- rcss. lie escaped to Australia and now, at the ago of seventy three, ho has returned, hoping that he was included in the amnesty proclaimed by the now emperor. The minister of war decides that his offence, was unpardonable, and that he will bo reimprisonod, pro bably for life. Children' Gryifor Pitcher's Castoria tVhen Baby was sick, ire gave her Castoria. iVhen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, .tThen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, iVhcn she had Children, she gave them Castorlt An ex-congressman seized a whiskey bottle at the Hoffman house and filled his glass to the brim. "Give me a spoon to take that fly out," he said. Put another drop in," replied the" bartender, "and float him off." POWDER Absolutely Pure. iTnls powder never varies, A marvel of .punty, sxrengiu ana wuuiesuiucuess, juore economical than the ordinary klnds.'and can 'notfoe sold in' competition with 'the-nmia-tiufn at low test. short.welKht. alum or nhos- phate' powders. Sold only n ran. Botai. bakijjo Powdeb oo.-w8wau-str.-n; v. &4KIN6 Was a Many a true word is spoken' in jest. One of general fahendans earliest campaigns was against tne Oregon Indians. Old general Wool was in command, and lieu tenant Sheridan procured for his greater comfort a pair of leggings. General Wool thanked nim and good humoredly said the donor of the leggings would be a colonel some day. This was before the war, when colonelcies were few andthe road to them very long. Sheridan placed a more modest estimate pn his own abilities. When the war opened he thought if he had a chance and wasn't killed, he might come, out of it a major. Constipation has Uany Victims, And the endeavor to find relleTwith the cathartic, the injection, the aperient and laxative are distressing, These'are re sorted" to time and again, until the sufferer is almost in despair, as he gains only a brief respite. lsy-iaicinR Simmons iiver itecuiawr, the bowels will be gently turally as if no medicine m raoveu as na- ,ad been taken. Regularity in taking thenicdlclne will soon effect a permanent relief. A French company, with a capi tal of $17,000,000, is said to be waiting for permission from the Russian government to begin work on a canal that will unite the sea of Azov and tho Black Sea. The canal will be 118 kilo meters long, will take hve years to construct, and will benefit the southeastern districts, which pro duce grain, salt, minerals and fuel We have found no remedy, for malaria, so reliable and safe as Ayer's, Ague Cure. A Wilmington, Del., firm last month shipped a 24,000 pound shearing machine which is to cut 9x24 inch flat iron. Ayer's Sarsaparilla requires smaller doses, and is more effec tive, than other blood medicines. The ship carpenters in two yards at Bath, Maine, recently struck against a reduction from $2.50 to $2 per day. Its superior excellence proven In millions of homes for more, than a quarter of a cent ury. It Is used by the United States Gov ernment. Endorsed by the beads of the Great Universities as the Stronzest-'Pnrest. and most Healthful. Dr. Price's " Cream Baking Powder does not contain- Am monia, Lime, or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PKICEBAKING POWDEB.CO.. NEW YORK, ' CHICAGO. v ST. LOUIS. The Str. Telephone Fast Time Between Portland and Astoria. Leaving Astoria Monday .... c a. m, ", ' Tuesday . 2:301-. M. " " ,Wednesday7 p.m,j " !FrldayUi7 p.m.- ' . " Saturday. 2 :30 r. m. Closo connections at Kalama to the Sound ; at Astoria with the Qcn. Milts for Ilwaco, Oystervllle and Grays Harbor ; .at. Portland with tho O. & a It. K-.and west side, trains, P. & W. V. K. B ;,'Vancouver and Oregon City boats, and Eastern bound trains. Astoria Soda Works, HANSEN & CO., Prop's, DEALERS IN Blood Orange Soda, Lemon Soda. Pine Ap ple Soda, Cream Soda, Sarsaparilla, Ginger Ale, Crab Apple Champagne Cider, Standard Nenra Cnra, Iron Phosphates Seltzer Water, Natural Mineral. Water, Syrups; etc All ;orders from the City, and. Country promptly filled, " . . Fop Rent. DWELLING WITH '.8 .'BOOMS. LO jcated; head', Cass Jtreet Enquire of T ' - - '1,-W.OABK, When General Sheridan. Lieutenant. fes-- PURE -ffi p?PRICE's CREAM Making rScu j "It Is not what one makes. It is what ono I AuFBBir CASH- saves that makes them rich." ONE PRICE. SAVE MONEY ! fr Buying Your Goods AT . I. L. OSGOOD'S, Who sells his goods strictly for gets them direct-irom the manufacturers and sells them un der a lower expense and smaller profit Mian any other legitimate house on ihe coast. I now havo in stock in Men's and Boy's Clothing, viz: Men's Suits (51 to 42 size) from Youth's Suits (12 to 17 years) from Boy's Suits (9 to 12 years long pants) 4from ....;. 4.00 to 7.C0 Boy's Suits (4 to.12 years short pants). from . '.I .'. 2.50 to 7.00 Boy's Sailor Suits (3 to 8 years short pants) from 1X0 to 5.00 Boy's Fine Jersey Suite (4 to 8 years short pants) from 4X0 to 5.00 Boy's Fine Kill Suits (2 to 5 years) new styles .'. 5.00 Men's Wool, Cassimere, and Fine Pants from... ; 2.50 to G.G0 Boy's Caasimere Pants (12 to 17 years) from 1.75 to 3X0 Boy's Short Pants (4 to 12 years) from.. JSFFull lines in Furnishing Good's, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Vnlises, Umbrellas, Blankets, Quilts, etc., etc. J3F"A child buys as cheaply at my counters n3 the most experienced buyer. Country orders filled correctly and with dispatch. Opposite Kcscue Engine House. AStOffl&j (J2?gO& ' Street Cars running by the door. WEsXa PAPER CEILING DECORATIONS! 5000 double roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of the latest styles and shades just received direct from Eastern factories. Also a large assortment of GARPETS, Of all grades in beautiful new designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call and.examine. CHAS. HE1LBORN. HOTELS AND. RESTAURANTS CHRIS. KVKXSOIT. F. COOK THE Sehtral Hole EVENSON & COOK On tho European Plan. LARGE, CLEAN ROOJ&S, A FIRSTrCLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month. Prlvato Rooms for Famlllos, Etc. Transient Custom solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order. . TVATKRSt., Opp. Foard & Slokcs A FIRST CLASS SALOON Bun in connection with the Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Rooms. PARKER HOD n. B. PARKER, Prop'r. First Class In Every Respect. Thoroughly renovated and repaired through out ; 87 large sunny rooms. TWO DINING ROOMS. Tables supplied with everything the market affords. - - - Elegant Bar and Billiard Booms. Finest Wines Liquors and Cigars. FBEE COACH TO THE HOUSE. THE Casino Restaurant One block from the O. R. & N. Dock, M. M. SERRA, Proprietor. A Good Meal For 25 Cents. Oysters In any Style, 25 cents. In connection with this Popular Restau rant Is run a first-class Saloon," well stocked with choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. S.RNDT & FEECHEN ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine" Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP Boiler Shop WmKXmWJ All kinds of ENGINE, GANNERY, AKD STEAMBOAT WORK -. Promptly attended to, Aspeeialty made of repairing OANNERYDIE8, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. i Cash, and at One Price to all, and $5.00 to $25.00 4.50 to 13.00 1.00 to 1.75 INSURANCE. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000 COLUMBIA. FIRE A! MASM INSURANCE CO. FRANK DEKUM President W. H. SSIITH. Vice-President JOHN A. CHILD Secretary No. 160 Second St, Portland, Or. I.-W. Caso, Agent, Astoria, Or. $67,000,000 Capital LIverDOOl & London & Globe. North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut commercial ot California Agricultural, of Watertown, New York, London & Lancashire ot Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Eepresent- ln a capital of $87,000,000. B.VAK DC8KN. Agent. J. 0. B0Z0RTH. FIRE INSURANCEACENT. Insurance written in llrst class Enzllsh and American companies at lowest going rates. Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE IN FI31ST CLASS COMPANIES Representing 813,000,000 PHCENIX, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York, AGBNC3r,FACIFlC EXPRESS CO C. P. UPSHUR, Main StreetiWharf - Astoria, Oregon. W. L. Robb, Fire Insurance and Commission Representing, FIRE ASSOCIATION, of London. CALIFORNIA, of San FrancLsco. STATE, of Salem. .Rents Collected. Office, rear of Odd Fellows Building, on Cass Street. I. -W. Case, BANKER. ESTABLISHED' - - 1870. Transacta.a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in any part of the 0;r S. and Europe, and on Hong Kong, China Office Hours : 10 A. m. to 3 r. t. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. Spring Millinery, NOVELTIES AND FANCY GOODS. AT Mrs. W. J. BARY'S, Next to Odd Fellows Building. Stylwlt, Fresh. Reasonable In Price. Plumes, Hats; Ribbons. A Fine Stock now - Open for Inspection. I 3IRS. IV. J. BARRY. ftfc.-3fc&s;