The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 23, 1888, Image 3

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..MAY 23. 188S.
.(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors,
ABTor.iAN-Bcir.nryo. - - jcass Strket.
Trmj orSubscriptlon.
Served by Carrier, per vi eek 15 cu
" " one year.. ""
Free of postage to subscribers.
00 Mq
The Astoeiajt guarantees to its adver
Users the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia rirer.
The steamer Oov.
Newell is for
The Lillian leaves for Alaska tbis
The O.K. & N. Co., has leased the
steamer Multnomah.
The bricks for Capt. FlaTel'a new
building are delayed at Vancouver.
The Telephone arrived down short
ly after two yesterday, and left np at
Letters from California say that
not since 1877 has there been such a
dry spell in that state as exists now.
Joggles was in long enough or
abort enough yesterday to say that a
tog is the only thing that has its toes
There were 51,945 votes cast for
congressman in this state in June '86.
There will be about 60,000 votes on the
4 th of next month.
George Johnson will address the
citizens of Astoria and Upper Astoria
in O'Brien's hall, upper town this
evening, at 8 o'clock.
Clatsop county's butter yield is im
proving in quality, and now ranks
with the best, commanding as high a
price as any butter in the market.
Portland never looked prettier nor
more substantially prosperous than
at present. It has a solid, business
appearance and is steadily growing.
Hilda May Jaokson, the infant
daughter ot the late Mrs. Jackson
died yesterday morning. The funeral
will be from the residence of Chas.
Newman at two o'clook this nfter-
For sometime effort has been made
to have the custom house grounds
suitably attended to. The effort has
borne fruit, and sealed proposals will
be received by collector Hobson till
2 o'clock next Saturday afternoon.
See advt
With commendable enterprise the
Goldendale Sentinel appears without
losing an issue. The type, building,
press, and the whole establishment
watftotally destroyed in the big fire,
but the next number was printed at
The Dalles and the Sentinel will
still stand guard over rebuilt Golden
dale. The total increase in the river and
harbor bill, as reported to the senate,
is about 31,500,000. As it now goes
back to the house the appropriation
for the canal at the Cascades, is $300,
000; mouth of the Columbia, $500,
000; lower Willamette and Columbia,
in front of and below Portland, $100,
000; Willamette above Portland,-S29,-000;
Tillamook bay, $50,000; Ya
quina bay, $150,000;
The acting secretary ot the interior
has reversed the decision ot the com
missioner ot the general land ofQco
in denying repayment to Minerva A.
Widger and Hannah A. Whiteside
of purchase money paid on their re
spective canceled preemption cash
entries, on certain land in the Olym-
pia land district. By the decision of
the actincr secretary, appellants in
these cases will get refunded their
purchase money.
The actine secretary of the inte
rior has affirmed the decision of the
commissioner of the general land
office in rejecting the application of
O. W. Bnrrago to make a private cash
entry ot certain land in the Oregon
City land district, on the ground that
under the act of congress approved
January 31, 1885, offered lands that
uau oeen covered by private casli en-
tmaa nVinl. -MA..A Bnliannnnnllii nnn
celed, did not become subject to pri
vate cash entry.
From all accounts, San Diego is
not bo prosperous. Tho recent $250,
000 fire there is said to have been in
cendiary, and the insurance com
panies have taken alarm and are re
ducing policies there. One promi
nent insurance company refuses to
accept riskE on San Diego property.
During the recent "boom," many of
the buildings erected were "veneered"
that is, they were constructed of
frame and they covered with one
thickness of give them a solid
and substantial appearance. Of
course wheu a fire occurs in such
structures, a total collapse is almost
The finest photographic work in tills
city is done at Crow's gallery.
Take your babies to Crow.
The best Oysters in any style, at
uie reiepnone itesiauranu
Do Ton Est or Bay Candy ?
Pure Candy manufactured and for
sale at lowest prices at the Oregon Ba
kery. Fine Dwellls jr Boose to Beat.
Good terms to suitable tenant. Inquire
at tbis office.
When You Go to Portland
Frank Fabre, Occidental hotel restau
rant, will be glad to see his Astoila
friends, A good dinner at a moderate
price and everything In season.
Villard Again Doming to The Front.
MUiVATrmT!. Mnv f Pnnl fjrnlf-
kan, the anarchist agitator, has been
released irom tne House or correction
after servinrr bnt rit waoItb- Tiia gi.
tence of one year's imprisonment on
account of a technicality when tho
legislature enacted that Ben tence for
feloniAH Rhnnlll Tint TlPffin tnrnn nnfil
the prisoner was actually locked up.
xt am not mention tne misdemeanor
and CDDRAnnpntlr thn timo nnnnl hv
Grattkan in jail pending appeal to
the supreme court applied on the
original sentence. Tho district at
torney will take the case to the su
preme court
Coltjmbcs, Ohio. May 22. The
supreme court this morning granted
a motion lor leave to Hie a petition in
error to the Franklin county court of
common pleas in the case ot Allen O.
Myers, sentenced to three months'
imprisonment for contempt of court.
growing out of an article which he
wrote during the progress of
tne tally slieat forgery case.
Tne conrt refused the motion for
leave to file a petition in error to the
circuit court of Portage county in the
caseofBlinky Morgan, the Bavanna
murderer, sentenced to hang June
Chicago. May 22. The board of
trade adopted an amendment yester
day abolishing the rule of prohibit
ing corners, by a large majority. This
action is significant, the local pa
pers say, for the reason that a comer
in May corn has been among the
possibilities and a corner in July
wheat might also occur without sur
prising an body.
Washington, Moy 22. The Bill
ings, Clarke's Fork & Cooke city
railway company navinc secured
right ot way through the Crow reser
vation, will, it 13 said, commence the
construction of a road at once with
expectation of completing nearly the
entire road to Cooke city this season.
don tedbo ILTj.
Milan. May 22. The emperor of
Brazil has had a serious relapse.
New York, May 22. At tho annual
meeting of the Oregon & Transcon
tinental Co., on June 18th, it is un
derstood that Henry Villard will be
elected president of tne company.
An address will be issued to the
stockholders in Villard's name in
which he states that having rendered
valuable assistance to the company
in a critical stage of its affairs he
now feels called upon to aid in secur
ing more satisfactory results in fu
ture for tne stockholders for this
purpose. He says he has obtained
the co-operation of foreign capital
ists which he represents and his
friends in evidence of their intentions
to infuse new life into the company
have already acquired large interests
in stock. In conclusion he requests
co-operation of stockholders in the
proposed effort for the rehabilitation
of the Oregon & Transcontinental
Ottawa Ont., May 22. Petitions
asking the commutation of the capital
sentence passed on Grady and Bacette,
the murderers ot McLeish, a half-
breed, have beeu considered by the
governor in council. He decides that
tho law must take its course. The
two men therefore will bo hanged at
Begina next month.
Lexington Ky., May 22. J. W.
Sherman, proprietor ot the Sherman
stock farm lost by pneumonia the 5
year old bay stallion, Hector Wilkes,
by George Wilkes, dam,Uame Ulyncb
by Harold. He was never campaigned
and was untried as a stallion but the
owner refused $15,000 for him a
short time ago.
Washington, May 22. The presi
dent to-day approved the act estab
lishing the additional land district
in the state of Oregon. It will be
known as Harney land district, and
embraces one-fifth the area of the
Augusta Maine, May 22. The
Democratic state convention met this
morning and was called to order by
S. S. Jones of the state committee.
A. Powers was chosen chairman and
made a brief address advocating con
tinuance ot the administration of
president Cleveland.
St. Louis, May 22. The supreme
court yesterday received a mandate
from theUnitedStates supreme court
in the case of .Brooks. Alias Maxwell
The court adjourned without fixing
a date for the execution. It will not
convene again until June 4.
Money To Loan.
1 nquire at ofHce ot W. L. itobb.
Heals Coofcea to Order.
Private rooms for ladies and familie-i:
at uentrai itestaurant, next to Foard &
Umbrellas Repaired
At my old stand. J. Joplix.
We try to keep on band all the vege
tables and fruits in the markets. Give
us a call.
Thompson & Koss.
A fine cup of coffee, at the Telephone
Private Bourns.
At the Telephone. Restaurant for sup
pers, parties, etc. The best cooked to
Booms To Beat.
With or without board. From
t 50
a week upwards. Apply at Mrs. E. C,
nomen s, comer jenerson ana Main.
Telephone Lodirlns Honse.
Best Beds in town. Booms per night
60 and 25 ct&, per week S1.S0. New and
ciean. rnvaw entrance,
To Sent.
A good house; 8 rooms; fine localltv.
Inquire of 1. W. Case.
Sheriff Boss to N. Johansen, lot 7,
blk. 35, lot 2, blk. 105, lot 6, blk. 93,
McCIure's Astoria; $22.
Sheriff Boss to M. J. Galloher, lot
2, blk. 133. McCIure's Astoria; $4.50.
W. H. Herren and wife to W. J.
Herren, lots 9, 10, 11, 12, blk. 138;
Jos. Northup and wife to J. H.
Hisel and wife, 80 acres T. 6, B. 6;
Mary Campbell to Christian Peter
son, 160 acres T. 7 N. B. 9 W; $1,000.
B. Wistar Morris to Mary Bodney
Adair, part Adair's slough, T. 8 N. B.
10 W. $1.
G. O. Moen to Hiram Brown, blk.
23. Olney's Astoria:51,000
Kane Olney to 0. B. Thomson all
interest in the Cyrus Olney estate ex
cept lot 2, blk. 163, McCIure's As
toria; $15.
Warren Olney and wife to O. B.
Thomson, all interest in McCIure's
and Cook's land claims, excepting
water frontage rights, etc.; S75.
Jas. P. Metz to Jno. H. Stalker, 40
acres, sec. 13, T. 7 N., E. N. W; $200.
Hiram Brown to O. H. Page and
wife, M blk's 21 and 28, McCIure's
Astoria; $1,500.
Geo. Anstey and wife to G.Hansen,
tract land sec. 19, T. 8 N, B 8 W.; $20.
P. Suttor to A. Sattor, 20 acres
sec. 34. T. 7 N., B. 8 W.; S50.
L. D. Coffman and wife to C. H.
Page, K lota 7 and 8, bl'k 55, Shive
ley's, Astoria; $825.
W. L. McEwan and wife to Wistar
Morris and Mary B. Bodney, W.
traot sec. 27, T. 8 N., B. 10 W, 299
acres; S2.800.
Jas. Brown to C. Boss, qnit claim
deed, lots 7 and 8, bl'k 51, MoClnre's
Astoria; S3.
H. P. White and wife to Malcolm
and Wm. McFarland, 160 aore3 sec. 1,
T. 7N.,B.6W.,$5,000.
Geo. W. Yocum and wife to Ida 0.
Newell, quit claim deed, lot 14, bl'k
127, McCIure's, Astoria $1.
E. 1). McKee and fomily aro in the
Clark.Longhrey, of Knappa, was in
the city yesterday.
F. A. Moore of St. Helens is
registered at the Occident
Jno. N. Griffin and wife were in
New York city on the 14th inst.
V. Boelling is raising some fine
strawberries on his Young's river
fruit farm.
Hon. Philo Callender, of Knappton,
contemplates a visit to New York
this summer.
W. L. McCabo is in Council Bluff),
Iowa, and will return about the 15th
of next month.
"Aunty" Fox, whom every one
knows and esteems,has returned from
Idaho, stopping at East Portland,
and is expected iiere next week.
Eobt Miller, formerly of Sunshine.
but now a prosperous mill man of
itathdrum, Idaho, returned home last
night from a brief visit to 'his old
camping ground.
An Explanation.
What is this "nervous trouble" with
whioh bo many seem now to be af
flicted? If you will remember a few
years ago the word Malaria was com
paratively unknown, to-day it is;as
common as any word in tho English
languagej yet this word covers only
the meaning of another word used by
our forefathers in times past. So it
is with nervous diseases, as they nnd
Malaria are intended to cover what
our grandfathers called Billiousnoss,
and all are caused by troubles that
arise from a diseased condition of the
Liver which in performing its func
tions finding it cannot dispose ot the
b'.le through the ordinary channel is
compelled to pass it off through tho
system, causing nervous troubles,
Malaria, Billions Fever, etc. You
'who are suffering can well appreciate
a cure. We recommend Green's Au
gust Flower. Its cures are mar
velons. Cheap Travel on The Colombia.
The war ot rates has begun and
anybody who can fish up a dollar ont
of his side pocket can have lots of
travel on the Columbia this summer,
The rate of 75 cents to Portland or
$1 tor the round trip made by the
O. B. & N. Co., was met yesterday by
the Telephone, which announces that
passengers will be carried to and from
Astoria to Portland for 91, orsl.WJ
for the round trip. It is possible
that eveu that rate will be reduced
before the summer is over, though
these rates are cheap enough. Too
cheap, a good many will say, as it
offers a premium for purchasers to
go to Portland to bny what they
would otherwise buy at home.
So far as practicable the people of
Astoria will stay by Capt. Scott, and
the Telephone. It was he that with
the Fleetwood first started the op
position on the lower Columbia that
for the past six years has proved so
successful, and whatever little ac
commodation the O. B. & N. Go. finds
it in its heart to grant Astoria is
largely due to the existence ot alert
and permanent opposition.
Tbe Verdict Unanimous .
W. D. Suit, Druggist Ulppus. Ind.,
testifies: "1 can recommend Electric
Bitters as the very best remedy. Every
bottle sold has given relief In every case.
One man took six bottles, and was cured
of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing."
Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellviile,
Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medi
cine I have ever handled in my 20 years'
experience, is Electric Bitters.'' Thou
sands of others have added their testi
mony, so that the verdict is unanimous
that Electric Bitters do cure diseases of
the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a
halt dollar a bottle at W. E. Dement &
Co.'s Drug Store.
The finest and juiciest steak at the
Telephone Restaurant,
The Ohio Sap takes the lead. Guar
anteed strictly pure.
Thompson & Ross.
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodman's.
Bufferings Intense. Head nearly,
raw Body covered -with Mores,
Cured br the CntlenraBcmedleB
Messrs. Srevnts & Bawls, Monroe, N, C.
Dear Sirs. -About two months ago, on your
recommendation, I bought a bottle of Cuti-
Salve and one cako of Cuticuba Soap, for
my son, aged thirteen years, who has been
afflicted with eczema for a long time, and I
am pleased to say that I believe tho remedies
have cured him. His sufferings were intense,
his head being nearly raw, his ears being
gore except the gristle, and his body was cov
ered with sores. Ills condition was frightful
to behold. The sores have now all disap
peared, his skin is healthy, eyes bright, cheer
ful in disposition, and is working every day.
My neighbors are witnesses to this remark
able cure, and the doubting ones are requested
to call or write me. or any of my neighbors.
Winchester P. 0 Union Co., N. U.
Mo-ikoe. N. C, Oct. 28.1SS7.
Gentlemen Mr. William S. Stephenson ot
this county brought his boy to town to-day to
let us see him, and to show ua whatimcuuA
Rkmxdies had done for him. This is the case
referred to in our letter to you some time ago.
To look at the boy now, one would suppose
that thore had never been anything tho mat
ter with him seems to bo in perfect health.
Wo have written and herewith inclose what
his father baa to say about the matter,
wrote it just as he dictated.
Wo are selling quite a quantity nfCuncurtA
Remedies and near nothing but praises for
them. Wo regard the Ctm cuba Remedies
the best in the market and shall do all we can
to promote their sale, Yours Truly,
Druggists and Pharmacists.
CimcuuA, tho great skin cure, and Ctrri
cuica SOAr. prepared from it. externally,
and Cuticuha Resolvent, the nef blood
purifier, internally, aro a positive cure for
every form of skin and blood diseases from
pimples to scrofula.
Sold ovorywhero, Prico, Ccticoba, 600.;
Soap, 23c.; Rksolvcit. Si. Prepared by the
Pottkr Drug and Chemical Co., Bostsn.Mass
s"Send for "Uow to Cure Skin Diseases."
Cf pages. SO illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
PLES,, rough, chapped
anaouysiun prevented Dy urrircai
Sneezing Catarrh.
The distressing sneeio, sneeze, sneeze, the
acrid, watery discharges from the eyes and
nose, the painful inflammation extending to
tho throat, the swelling of the mucous lining,
causing choking sensations, cough, ringing
noise in the head and splitting headaches,
how familar theso symptoms are to thousands
who suffer periodically from head colds or in
fluenza, and who live in ignorance of the fact
that a singlo application of Sanford'8 Rad
ical Cube For CATARRn will afford in
stantaneous rclitf
But this treatment in cases of simple Catarrh
gives but faint idea of what this remedy will
do in the chronic forms, whore the breathing
is obstructed by choking, putrid mucous ac
cumulations, tho hearing affected, smell and
taste gone, throat ulcerated and hacking
cough gradually fastening itself upon the de
bilitated system. Then it is that the marvel
ous curative power of Sanfokd's Radical
Cure manifests itself in instantaneous and
grateful relief. Cure begins frera the first
application. It is rapid, radical, permanent,
economical, safe.
Sankord's Radical Cure consists of one
bottle of tho Radical Cuitn,one box ca
tarrhal Solvh-st and an Improved In
haler -price, $1.
Pains and Weaknesses
Instantly relieved by the Cntl
euro Anti-Pain I'luHter, a
new, most agreeable.instantaneoui
and infallible pain-killing plaster,
especially adapted to relieve Fe
male Pains and Weaknesses. War
ranted vastly superior to all other plasters,
and tho most perfect Antidote to Pain.Inflam
mation and Weakness yet compounded. At
all druggists, 25 cents: five for $1 00; or post
age free, of Potter Ditua and Chemical
Co., Boston. Mass.
The Salmon Catch.
The salmon catch to date this sea
son is believed to bo about up to last
season's figures to this time.
There are about 400 less boats on the
river this year than there were last,
which will give those that aie en
gaged in fishing a better chance to
earn something.
The catch per boat of late seasons
does not compare very favorably with
that of formor years. In 1877 one
large cannery reports a catch to one
boat of 4,638; in 1882 and 1883 'the
same cannery reported an average ot
1,000 to the boat; for last year an
average catoh of 650 salmon" to the
boat is reported.
A Woman's lHsoorcrj-.
"Another wonderful discovery has
been made and that too by a lady in
this county. Disease fastened its clutch
es upon her and for seven years she
withstood its severest tests, but her vi
tal organs were undermined and death
seemed imminent. For three months
she coughed incessantly and could not
sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr,
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion and was so much relieved on tak
ing nrit nose mat sue slept all night
and with one lottle has been miracu
lously eurcd. Her name is Mrs. Luther
Lnlz." Thus write YV. C. llerriek A Cn
of Shelbyville. N. C (Jet a free trial
unuicat w.r.. jjement & uo.s Drue
Croup, YYhooping Cough and Dron-
cnitK uuineutaieiy relieved by Shlloh's
Cure. Sold by J.C. Dement.
Giimltrliiuq Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Tf vnn ctill rnnf Iho TTirrlilnn.l t.n-wl
of condensed milk, call on us ami we
will be pleased to accomodate you.
Thompson & ltoss.
For lame Hack, Side or Chest use
Shiloli's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents.
For sale by J. C. Dement
That Hacking Cougn can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure, We
guarantee it Sold by J. C. Dement.
For The Ladles.
Hair goods, latest and most artistic
styles, bangs, fronts, etc., from 81 00 to
S7 50, at Mrs. W. J. Barry's.
The Str. Telephone
Fast Time Between Portland
and Astoria.
waving Astoria sionaay ... c a. m.
.i"c3uay........z:30r. jj.
" " Wednesday.. 7 r. m.
" Friday... J 7 p.m!
" ' Saturday 2-.30r.ji.
Close connections at E&lama to the Bound :
at Astoria with the Oen. Miles lor nwaco.
Oystervllle and Grays Harbor; at Portland
with the 0. 6 O. B. B.. and west side trains.
P.& "W.V. E. B; Vancouver and Orecon
City boats, and Eastern bound trains.
ew Lace Curtains
Window Draperies
Nottingham, Ecru and White,
Embroidered Swiss, Irish Point,
Renaissance, in Single and Two Toned.
Persian Drapery, Etamines,
Porteriers, in Chenille and Tapestry,
Silk and Wool Tapestry.
Figured Madras, etc., etc.
Upwards of 3,000 yards of Nottingham Cur
tain Nett.from lSc to 75c per yard.
The laeading House
A Large and Well Selected Stock ot Fine
Diamonds t Jewelry
At Extremely Low Prices.
All Goods Bought at Tali QUbUthment
Warranted Genuine.
Watch and Clock Repairing
Comer Cass and Squemoqua Streets.
Carnahan & Go.
Comer Cuenamus and Cass streets.
ASTORIA - - - - " - OREGON
Of Best Quality, and at
And Dealers In
Special Attention Given to Filling
Of orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terras.
Purchases delivered In any part of the city.
Office and "Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 87.
The Akron Lacquers.
calls the attention of Cannerymen and
others to tbe fact that he Is the Pacific
coast agent for the
Celebrated Akron Lacquers,
And is prepared to quote low prices on these
goods. BarflflesfurrJshedonappllcaton.
Cannery Snips!
Much you could save by buying your Hats
at HERMAN WISE'S the Reliable
Clothier and Hatter !
You know that HERMAN WISE can and does
sell Goods at a Smaller Profit than any other
house in Astoria ?
Should examine my stock and prices. I offer
them to you very low, especially now !
Consider your own interests when you think
of buying a SUIT, HAT or 3TR
Gents !
The Reliable Clothier and Hatter.
Occident Hotel Building,
of Astoria.
Do all close buyers buy their Clothes at
HERMAN WISE'S in the Occident
Hotel Building ?
I guarantee you can save ice cream
money for all your girls by con
sulting me!
i-. .