SJ Flic ga 3Mn. ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY. MAY 20. 1SS8. ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY. Publishers and Proprietors. A8TOBIAX BCILPISO, . . CAg3 Stuket Terras of Subscription. Served by Carrier, per week 15 cts gent by Mall, per month kcJm " one year.. .. 1st W Free of postage to subscribers. The Astomah guarantees to its adver tisers the largest circulation of any newspa per pnbllshed on the, Columbia river. Three daily boats on the Portland ronte. The street cars are a big advertise ment (or Astoria. The Dolphin has been granted a passenger license. Portland raised over 81.G00 for the sufferers by the Qoldendale fire. Round trip tickets to Portland S2.G0 this week; probably lower next week. Considerable building and improve ment is noticeable in every part of the city. The regular quarterly examination for teachers' certificates begins on the 30th inst. The first Oregon strawberries of the season were brought down on tho Telephone yesterday. A Portland bathing establishment advertises the employment of a eunnoh from Constinople. Pshaw, they needn't have gone so far. Capt. Scott, of the Telephone, det sires to express his grateful appreci ation and sincere thanks for the cor dial reception given tho new steamer Telephone yesterday. Mrs. . DePrans, metaphysician, and teacher of Christian science, oomonly termed mind cure, is now at the Occident Hotel. AH persons desirous of treatment, or instruction will make early application. The county Kepublican league will meet- at the hook and ladder rooms to-morrow evening at eight o'clock; a full attendance is desired. By order of the president, C. B. Wat son president; F. L. Parker, secre tary. Don't forget the ball to be given by Rescue Tender team to-morrow night. The committee propose seeing that there will be a pleasant evening to all who attend, and will spare no effort to make the party in every way a suc cess. At the June election in thi3 county in '86, the vote on congressman stood, Hermann, Republican, 857; Butler, Democratic, 873; Miller, prohibition. 90. The total vote of the state was,' Hermann, 26,918; Butler, 25,283: Mil ler, 2,753. Orders have been issued from the treasury department to the captain of the revenue cutter Bear, to pro ceed to the vicinity of seal islands and perform her usual duty of ar resting all vessels engaged in cater ing seals within tho limits of Behring sea. The men that went round with long faces, wagging their heads wise ly and prophesying loss when the street car line was building, haven't a word to say. It is well patronized and is making money right along. Same way with other projects that have existed only on paper for lo these many years. The way to do n thing is to do it. 0. W. Fulton spoke at Hillsboro last night. W. T. Burney speaks there to-morrow night. John M. Gearin speaks there the next night There is probably less speaking here than any other place of any size in the state, though there are few places of its size that have a greater number of men who are well fitted to speak on public. questions. The 17th of May anniversary ball at the LXL premises last evening was a pronounced success. There was a good time, all present enjoying themselves. Messrs. A T. Brakke and O. A. Hanson made speeches commemorative of tho day, there was good music, n spacious ball to dance in and & bountiful fmpper, nnd just enough there to make it au occasion rr pleasant remembrance. The Parker House flew its new flag yesterday. For the last two months painters, plumbers, paper-hangers and carpenters havo bean busy reno vating and repairing inside and out, and the entire establishment has re ceived a thorough overhauling. It is one of the largest hotels in the state, and will compare favorably with any of them in all that makes a hotel de slreable and comfortable to the trav eling public. At the recent session of the grand lodge of Oregon LO. O. F. the fol lowing officers were elected: Grand master, Charles L. Palmer, of Baker City; deputy grand master, O. D. Doan, of The Dalles; grand warden, G. H. Burnett, of Salem; grand sec retary, John M. Bacon, of Oregon City; grand treasurer, John G. Wright, otSalem; grand representa tive, R Alexander, of Pendleton; grand herald, J. E. Brooks, of Mc Minnville; grand chaplain, W. G. Simpson, of The Dalles. Hon. John O'Keane, receiver of the land office at Vancouver, fur nishes the Western World, published at Chicago, the following valuable facta: "At a very close estimate there yet remains vacant in thia din trict 350,000 acres of unoccupied sur veyed ana, i,8bo,UUU aores or un surveyed land and 650,000 aores of railroad land. Of the surveyed government land, about 218,000 acres lie in Klickitat county, and the re mainder is distributed through Ska mania, Clark, Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, Pacific, Lewis and Chehalis coun ties. The land in Klickitat is chiefly open and suitable for stock and grain. The remaining land lies west of the Cascade range and is chiefly heavily timbered, a large portion of 11 oeing covered witn a superb growth of fir. These lands when oleared are excellent for agricultural purposes. lhe railroad lands are withdrawn from market at present, but we ex pect those in Klickitat. Skamania and Clarke counties to be restored to the public soon, as the railroad is -not built, nor is there any prospeot that it win do. ' PERSONAL MENTION. Wm. Howe is building a yacht to run Dy coal on. H. B. Parker is moving his family residence northward on his property. Wm. Tarrant, while on his exten sive eastern trip visited Washington, D. O., and shook hands with presi dent Cleveland. Jas. P. Clark and Miss Lavanche Wakeley were married last evening, Rev. Geo. C. Hall performing the marriage ceremony. PACIFIC COUNTY ITEMS. The logging camps at Nasel are running in full blast, there being about 150 men engaged in tho busi ness, of which 120 are iu the employ the Nasel logging company and about thirty working for Graham & Ross, making a total of 150 men who are making a great change in the appear ance of this section. Ore from the recently discovered ledge on the Willapa was senf to San Francisco by John Wood of South Bend, to be assayed and returns are expected dally. Some of the rock was sent to Portland, and an assay disclosed over 86 of silver to the ton, with a percentage of copper, and the ore sent to San Francisco is much better looking than the first lot. It is free milling ore and can be worked very cheaply, and Mr. Wood believes, from present indications, that it will pay to work, although he does not ex pect very large returns. The ledge is very extensive, and is within about four miles of the Nasel. It is to be hoped that it will turn out rich and pay for working it. Tournal. Oregon Fir. Tho two oar!oad3 of 11 sticks of Oregon fir, that were consigned to J. Fraser, were on the team track of the Chicago and Rock Island road, near Taylor and State streets last week. The timber was snbseauentlv deposited in the yard of the Marsh and Bingham comoanv. north nier. They were lately described in the Lumberman as ranging from 16 to 22 inches in diameter, and from 44 to 50 feet in length. Four of them were purchased by George Halket, boat builder and illagstaff maker, east end Kinzie street bridge, who will con vert them into tall flag poles. The timber opened out as sound ns a dol lar, the knots in the heart being small and without the slightest sign of rot. This exterienoa was hiffhlv satisfactory to Mr. Fraser and the boat builder, and both are now ready to swear to the value of Oregon fir. Northwestern Lumbermen. Marine Item. Tho James Q. Blaine is heiner gen erally overhauled at Brownsville, and is undergoing a new coat of paint. Shipping Intelligence, Pittsburg Dispatch. Allttie natent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Ccrrumery, ana 101101 articles, etc-can 0 bought at the lowest prices, nt.l.W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. ADVICE TO 3IOTUEIIS. Mrs. Wijjsi.ow's SooTiriNa Svnur should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, sot tens the gums, allays nil pain, cures wind cholic, and is the best remedy for diar- rncpa. i weniy-nve cents a Dome. Twines, Twines. Twines. .!. O. Jlanthorn Is agent for Dunbar, MncMasters & Co.'s salmon twines on the Pacific Coast, and guarantees to saiisiy tne irane in prices anil quality equal to any on the market When Von Go to Portland Frank Fabrc, Occidental hotel restau rant, will be glad to see his Astoila friends, A good dinner at a moderate in iic uiiu ever) tiling in season. Coffee and cake, ten cents, at the Central Restnnrant For the best photographs ami tintypes go In Crow's Gallery. Gambriims Beer And Free Lunch at the Telephone .Sa loon, fi cents. Fine OirrlllcgllotiHC to Unit. Goorttermstosiiitablc tenant. Inquire at this office. MenU Coobed to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard Clones'. Umbrellas Repaired At my old stand. J. We trv to keen on hand all lhe. vivo. tables and fruits in tho markets. Give us a call. Thompson & Ross. A fine cup of coffee, at the Telephone Restaurant The finest and juiciest steak at the Telephone Restaurant The Ohio Sap takes the lead. Guar anteed strictly pure. Thompson & Ros. To Bent. A good hnnse "-5 rooms; fine loralitv, Inquire of 1. W. Case. LYH0H LAW IN INDIAN TEE. Attempted Buicide of An Astoiian. Woodwabd, Indian Ter., May 19. A party of vigilantes captured four men driving a herd of stolen ponies in No Mans Land Thursday night and lynched the whole party. Iwo of them were noted outlaws, known as Chitwood and Dandy Hook. The brothers of Chitwood havo declared vengance. THE EMPEBOB'S CONDITION. Beblik, May 19. The emperor coughed more last night and did not sleep so welL He felt stronger, how ever, this morning and rose at 0:30. An hour later be went out into the park lot a walk.- law abelishing: slavebt. New Yoke, May 19. The following particulars 01 tne new law aooiisning slavery in New. York have been re ceived: All emancipated negroes now on conee plantations are required to remain there until tne next conee crop is gathered, but in the meantime they are to receive a small rate of wages from their former owners and shall not be locked up in their quar ters as formerly. The former owners receive no compensation for the lib erated slaves. Nearly 1,0UU,UUU are liberated by the new law. In recog nition of this enlightened measure in removing the last vestige of slavery from tne new world tne pope Has sent a golden rose to the princess regent of Brazil. 'white cap'' huxe. Evansville, Ind.. May 19. Smith Hogan of Spencer county, a member ot tne u. A. it ana a pensioner, was taken to the woods by a ''white cap'' switch committee a few nights ago and given sixty lashes on the bare back for alleged wife beating. Hogan was left gagged and tied to a tree. THE BLAINE PARTY. New York, May 19. Letters from the Blaine party in Europe indicate that they will not take the coaching trip in Scotland with the Carnegies. Mrs. Blaine expeets to sail for home Jane 16 accompanied by her daughter, Gail Hamilton nnd the Misses Blaine and Davis. YEItl'ICT affirmed. New York, May 19. The verdict of S102.000 in favor of David Steward against C. It. Huntington for nonper formance of his contract upon sale of 200 shares of Central Pacific stock in 1870 ha3 been affirmed by the su preme court. GOINO TO THE WEDDINO. London. May 19. The prince of Wales ha3 left London for Berlin to attend the wedding of prince Henry and princess Irene. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Portland, May 19. Last night Andrew Olsen, an Astoria fisherman, nttempted to commit suicide by swallowing morphine. Physicians hastily summoned, gave an antidoto and saved bis life. Trouble with his wife WB3 the cause. A AVarnins. The modes of death's approach are various, and statistics show conclu sively that more persons die from dis eases of the Throat and Lungs than any other. It is probable that every one, without exception, receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs into tho system and where these germ3 fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at first slowly nud is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to con tinue their ravages they extend to lhe lungs producing Consumption and to the head, oausing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death. At the onset you must act with prompt ness; allowing a cold to go withont your nttention is dangerous and may lose you your .life. As soon as yon feel that something is wrong with your Throat, Lnngs or Nostrils, ob tain a bottle of Boschee's German Syrnp. It will givo you immediate relief. A Threatened Failure. San Francisco, May 18. It is re ported in commercial ciroles that the British Columbia Packing company is deeply involved through the failure of William T. Coleman & Co, who has been carrying them through for some time. Headquarters of the company in this city stated that the company's liabilities ore from 850,000 to 00, 000. The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druggist Bippus, Ind., testifies: "1 can recommend Klectric Bitters as the very best remedy. Kvcry bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing."' Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellviflc, Oltln. affirms: "The best selling medi cine 1 have ever handled in my 20 vears' experience. Is Electric Bitters.' Thou- .Mima ui uiiiuis imtuudueu iiieir testi mony, so that the verdict is unanimous thflt. KleCtrie "RHtnra flrt nilvn lior.ncr.n nr the Liver, Kidncvs or Blood. Only a ituiiiiiiii.ii u uuuii;u . r.. iionient v Co.'s Drug Store. ivcnurwln I'riee 10 and 75 cents ner imttin v,im by J. C. Dement Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Sluloh's Cure is the remedy for you. .Sold by .I.e. De ment For lame Back. Side or Cnesr. n Shlloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents. r or saie oy j. u. ueuient. For TItc r.nilies. Tlfiii rrinla tnfact .nil mn..t ....;.:- styles, bangs, fronts, etc., from 51 no to S7 .TO, at .Mrs. W.J. Barn's. We ctill lifive n nunnlitv nt ilia .ni brated Underwood pure leaf lard on nana, uivo u a inai oeioreit's all gone. Thompson & Ross. If you still want the Highland brand of condensed milk, call on us and we will be pleased to accomodate vou. Thompson & Ross, You will find the Goodwin brand of butter, always a favorite in tho Astoria market at Thompson & Ros9. ME STEAHEE TELEPHONE. A Flattering Reception to The New Steamer. Six months ago the steamer Tele phone wa3 burned at Upper Astoria, au ner uown inp ixum f uruana, vjapi. Scott beaching the vessel and every one on board getting safely on shore. The work of building a new boat was began as soon as possible and yesterday the new Telephone rounded Tongue Point on her first trip to Astoria, wnere a nearly welcome awaited her. Her appoaranco had been anx iously looked for, and as she ap proached the docks and wharves were lined with spectators. The new boat presented a fine ap pearance as she came flyine alone and rounding to floated up to the old, accustomed landing place. Flam were flying from prominent buildings, the Western Ama'teur band was at the wharf playing lively musio, the steamers in part saluted the new comer with repeated whistles, the cannon on Hustler's dook boomed out a welcome, and cheer upon oheer arose from the assembled crowds for the new steamer. As soon as the gang planks had been got out, and some of the passen gers had got ashore, a throng of As- torians passed on to the new boat to see ana inspect ner. Uapt Scott, IS. A. Seeley. nnd Parser Barnard were happy and were the recipients of nearty handshakes and congratula tions on again appearing with so splendid a boat. In a few minutes thero wero peo ple iu every nook and corner of the boat from the bold to the pilot house, looking aud. examining. The Aa- torian tins previously published a full account of the new craft, and it need but be said that she is a longer boat thau the old Telephone and in many respects an improvement over the craft Capt Scott say? that she is satisfactory in every way and that he believes she is the fastest steam boat on the Columbia river. "As soon as things get limbered up, and the machinery gets going, he win let her out some day and see what she can do. Yesterday the boat came down with 100 pounds of steam, iiu being regulation, and made her regular landings "just tho same as it nothing had happened. She passed tho railroad bridge at Portland at 7:03 yesterday morning; St. Johns 7-31; mouth of the Willam ette at 7:54; left St Helens nt 8:15; left Ealama at 927; left Rainier at 10:07; left Skamokawa at 1232, and arrived here at two o'clock. All along the river it was a continual ovation, people cheering as she passed , and nt every landing place crowding aboard "to see tho new boat." Among thoso who came down yes terday afternoon were J. B. Mont gomery and wife.Russel Montgomery. C. W. Roby nnd family, Judge F. J. Taylor. Chas. S. Wright, Jno. A. Beck, W. SLotan, Mrs. De Prans, W. J. Anderson, W. A. Campbell, M. M. Dee, C. E. Carr. Miss K. N. Top per, Capt. J. E. Lombard and son, Capt. Granville Reed, W. K. Smith, J. T. Davis, J. E. Davis. Gustat Wil son, W. W. Leghorn, B. E. Vestal, Ed. Wright of the Pioneer, B.D. Sigler, U. B. Scott and wife, E. A. Seely and wife, ,C. R Barnard and wife. Geo. W. Gates. Chas. Brown, S. Hirschfoldt, H. M. Teets, H. B. Stevous, F. Moore, Geo. W. Soott, J. O. Jaokson, A. T. Ambrose of the Sittings, Mr. and Mrs. P. Shannon, Mr. and MrH. H. W. Shields, P. W. Smith, H. E. Battin, Albin Nelson, Job. Ross, F. N. Corley, A. McDon ald, Jos. Leis. G. F.White. 0. Ster ling, Geo. Colwell, Miss Kate Rich ardson. Mrs. Mary Barron, Miss Mary Weist E. H. Floes- of the Mist. J. E. Mayo, and a hundred others. Many 01 tne ladies ot Astoria graced the occasion with their pres ence and several of them presented tho Telephone with magnificent bou quets and baskets of brilliant flowers, which when massed on the table in the ladies' cabin gave it the appear nnco of a conservatory The officers of the boat aro, Capt. U. B. Scott; pilot, Thcs. Crnng; purser, U. it .Barnard; mate, (J. J. Hooghkirk; chief engineer, J. N. Scott; assistant engineer, Perry Scott; steward, John McGillas. Alio Astoria agent is u. it. uono hoe, the Portland agont, E. A. Seeley. The James, wno nave excellent taste in these matters, say that the white and gold decorations, the car pets, tables, easy chairs, rugs, pic tures, mirrors, etc., are in harmony and give the after cabin the appear ance ot n drawing room. There is a fine piano, and books and papers lie within easy reach. By tho timo these nasty notes were penciled the familiar tones of the whistle had been twice heard, and at three o'clock the Telephone cast off nnd started for Portland on her first up trip, her flags and streamers flut tering in the breezo, the blue water lapping her lines and gleaming in the brilliant sunlight, nnd her decks crowded with passengers, a straight column of white steam from her white collared smoko stack, 03 with splashing wheel and rushing prow she started on her career, receiving a parting cheer from those who had remained to see her off. A AVomau's Discovery. "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its clutch es upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but her vi tal organs were undermined and death seemed imminent For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr, King's New Discovery for Consump tion and was so much relieved on tak ing first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miracu Iouslv cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther i.iit Tims write V. C. llerrick & Co.. nf sheihrvilln. N. C Get a free trial bottle at W. K. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at r. j . uoopman s. Children Cry frPitclier's Castoria lew Lace Curtains WindowDraperies HANDSOME and NEW DESIGNS Nottingham, Ecru and "White, Embroidered Swiss, Irish Point, Renaissance, in Single and Two Toned. Persian Drapery, Etamines, Porteriers, in Chenille and Tapestry, Silk and Wool Tapestry. Figured Madras, etc., etc. Upwards of 3,000 yards of Nottingham Cur tain Nett from 12c to 75c per yard. p H H ff H -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAT HANSEN, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonfls i Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All Oooda Banght at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Watch and Clock Hcpalriug A SPECIALTY. Corner Ca.u and Squemoqua Streets. Carnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO T. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamui and Cau streets. ASTCRTA OREGON BOOTS AND SHOES! "Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGH OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. tTODECOSr TTAECN. MTTREAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers In Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished nt Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 87. ASTORIA, OREGON. For Sale. FINE BLOODED SADDLE MARE. . Enquire of K. A. Foster, Fort Stevens. Cannery Sillies! For Sale Cheap. A FINE BLOODED MARE. HEH PED xajgree eao be given.- Sold for want ot use. Also a Reed business bossy and harness and a nearly new delivery wagon harness. 6, L TJECK & SON. AND JUST ABBIVED. IN Mouse COOPER, Why I Do all close buyers buy their Clothes at I HERMAN WISE'S in the Occident Hotel Building ? H Much you could save by buying your Hats flUI at HERMAN WISE'S the Reliable Clothier and Do You know that HERMAN WISE can and does sell Goods at a Smaller Profit than any other house in As'toria ? You Should examine my stock and prices. I offer them to you very low, especially now ! Do Consider your own interests when you think of buying a SUIT, 2.2LT or FUK 2TXSHZCTG GOODS. ents! HERMAN WISE, The Reliable Clothier and Hatter. (DOUBLE Occident Hot fSrse Sus'; :-,$.' Z& of Astoria. Hatter ! I guarantee you can save ice cream money for all your girls by con sulting me! STORE.) Building,