PJ V gmty gfofan. ASTORIA, OREGON: n:iiu. -MAY 18, 18S8. ISSUED EVERY MORNING iMonday excepted.) J K. HALLORAN & COMPANY. Publishers and Proprietor. vr.n:iA P.uir.mxn, - - JCass Strkkt. Trm or.Snbscrlptlon. Si-ri i'J iv Carrier, per eek wiit In Mall, per month .. 13 cts - wets $7.ai one j ear. Tree ot pottage to subscribers" The Astoria,- guarantees to its :uher tiNersthe largest circulation ot any nen -.paper published on the Columbia rh er. Arndtand Ferchen have a fifteen horse power steam engine for sale. Geo. Johnson will address the Democratic club at its headquarters this evening. It is said that a bumble bee is largest when first , hatched. Same way with candidates sometimes. Snow is reported in northern Wis consin. Here the air is sweet with the scent of flowers and the musical voices of tuneful birds. The proud prerogative of American citizenship and the honors of Ameri can sovereignty are being dailv con ferred at the county clerk's office. Hansen & Co, proprietors Astoria Soda works are doing a good business and furnish an assortment of palatable beverages that are much sought after. An emperor, an editor and a man with a tape worm are the only three individuals, who are entitled to say "we." This lets one correspondent out. Mis? Emma Warren's school closes this afternoon. There will be literary exercises beginning at 2 r, m. and the friends nnd patrons of the school are invited. Both tickets are now in the field for consideration and the nnme3 of the several candidates to be voted for on the fourth of next month ap pear in this issue. Mrs. Parsell, of Alpine, has been nppointed a notary public; this is be lieved to be the first instance in which n woman has been appointed notary public in Oregon. The ball at the Pacific Union can nery to-morrow evening gives prom ise of being a pleasant affair. There will be addresbes from 7 to 9 r. si., when the grand march will be plaj ed. A. T. Brakke, 0. A. Hanson and others will address the audience at the Pacific Union cannery before the ball begins to-morrow night, the speaking having no bearing on or re ference to county politics. The gardeners at and near Smith's Point show what indefatigable indus try can do. They have made what was a tangled swamp a mot produc tive piece of ground and are making money supplying Astoria with vege tables. A jepreaenative of the Standard Oil Co., is in the city looking for n suitable location for a warehouse. It is thought a site can be found west of Union town near Smith's Point, which will be safer thnu one nearer or in the city. Two young men on Bear river Pa cific county last fall sold their hay at SIC a ton, though had they waited they would have got more. After figur ing up they found they had cleared $55 an acre. Hard work is not easy, but there is no place in the United States that hard work will give a mirer return than in this section. The Mississippi valley folks are heiner drowned out. Last winter tliev were, some of them, frozen to death; next Angnst they will be sun- struck or Halt DaKea. it mey want to enjoy life let them come to God's country where there are no cj clones, ii( freezes, nor floods, and where me can enjoy himself or herself thir teen months in the year. .T. H. DeForce's oil works on Young's bay has not started up this season yet; the proprietor thinks of beginning operations next week. The market for animal oil is not what it was, petroleum products large ly taking its placo. The proprietor proposes starting a box factory there if the further manufacture of oil should prove unprofitable. Any man who wants honest work or an opportunity to safely and prof itablyinvest a little capital can have a good chance in this state and north westvcbast. There are a good many who want such a chance, but who don't know where to go to get it Such people will make no mistake in coming to northwestern Oregon and southwestern Washington. U. W. Jb niton must nave made a good, ringing speech at The Dalles, as 'the Dalles correspondent of the Facifio Express tries to be fanny in his report of Mr. Fulton's speech, because he saw fit to talk about the tariff. Probably had he talked about prohibition and the Mosaic account of the flood he would have secured that correspondent's approbation. Good climate, pure air, rich soil, freedom from floods or drought, good schools and churches, peaceful law abiding population, are among the attractions and inducements that Clatsop county offers to intending immigrants. But it does't want any croakers, grumblers, lookers for soft jobs, or men who think the world, owes them a living, but who are too lazy to collect the debt The committee from the Portland board of irsde that investigated the Thf sailor boarding house "outrages" have done just what The Astobian prophesied they would do hunted the trail till it led straight into the cabin of the shipmaster and then dropped it If they had just kept on it would have got so interesting as to savor of a personal controversy, for the trail extends inland from the shipmaster s quarters. To illustrate what Clatsop county land can do, the writer will cite one instance that came under his obser vation this week. A farmer on John Dajs cnt 48 (forty-eight) tons of hay from twelve acres of land last vear. This hay he sold for S25 a ton. There is 31,'JOO. from twelve acres, in one year, 8100 an acre. Here are thou sands and thousands of acres of -just snch land in this countv. Big crops all over the state. Crons never fail in Oregon, and any man that owns a bit of land has a sure thing and need not be sick or fear climatic trouble. Send this little chunk of truth back to some poor fel low that you know way back in the Mississippi valley whocrawled out from under the wreck of his barn in the last cyclone, and who is now taking quinine every day for the shakes, and tell him it is the exact fact. In the United States senate last Wednesday senator Mitchell's bill providing for a survey of the lapids of the Columbia river nt The Dalles and Celilo, with a view to the con struction of a boat railway, and np propriating SoOO.OOO for "the com mencement of work, passed the sen ate. In view of the fact that the bill may not pass the house as a separate measure, the Oregon senators will en deavor to get some suitable provision in tne river and harbor bill for com mencement of the work. The Astoriak has no objections to the Pacific Express publishing items without -credit from these col umns, being inclined to compliment that clever journal on the good taste shown in its selections. But it mod estly, and in a spirit of proper humil ity, asks tuat they be reproduced as written. For instance; it is stated in yesterday's Jixpiv that Astoria spends S2.000 n year for the educa tion of its children. Please make that 820,000. brother Express, and may Heaven's choicest blessings at tend you and myriads of white robed angels bo jour guides and guardians to the shining shores of everlasting bliss. It is thought that the river nnd harbor bill which has passed the house of representatives, will be re ported by tho senate committee next week. It is thought that the appro priations for Oregon will be increased as follows- Coqnille river, from 822,- 000 to 825,000. Ynquina bav. from 8120,000 to S150.000: for improvement of Tillamook bay and bar. S5.200; Willamette river, S15.000 to S29.000; 814,000 of which is deemed necessary to be used for revetment of the Wil lamette river above Corvallis. to pre vent n cut off; mouth of the Colum bia, from 5370,000 to 3500,000; lower Columbia and Willamette, below and in front of Portland, from 880,000 to 8100.000; cascades, from S17D.000 to 8300,000. LIVELY TIMES AT H.WAfO. Ii.waoo May 10. N. Clinton and crow with their new pile driver arrived down yesterday in tow of tho Tonquin nnd to-day are at work driving piles for tho railroad company. The Walluskt arrived down also and discharged a donkey engine to be used on tho pile driver on the lakes aud marshes. W. F. Mudge well known in Astor ia will have charge ot this branch of the work. Jos. Surprenant is here also. Our town presents a busy scene nt present and tho hotels are doing rushing business. Another blacksmith shop is being erected, that will make tonr we have. It's summer with us. wnrm and pleasant. Busy times on the weather beach. Several houses are being built and the indications are that this will be the most prosperous season ever known here. Mr. Bromley superin tendent of construction ot the light house department is at the Cape making improvements. I). For The r-ailies. Hair uoods. latent and nio-.t artistic stjles, bangs fronts, etc., fiorn i "ai to S.7.-rf),at Mis. W..I. Uarry's. We still haea quantity of the cele brated Underwood pure leaf lard on hand. Give it a trial before its all gone. Thompson & Hos1-. If v on still want the Highland biand of condensed milk, call on us and we will be pleased to accomodate jou. XHOJtrSON K JiCSS. You will find the Goodwin brand of butter, always a favorite in the Astoria market at Thompson- & Koss. The Ohio Sap takes the lead. Guar anteed strictly Dure. TnOMPSON & Koss. We try to keep on hand all the vege tables and fruits in the markets, (live us a call. Thompson & Itoss. Girl Wanted. A good gill can get good wages and a good situation. For particulars inquire at this office. To Bent. A good house; 5 rooms; fine localilv. Inquire of 1. W. Case. Wanted, By a Scandinavian weman: a situa tion to do upstairs work in a hotel or private family. Apply at Si. Gibson's saloon! money To Loan. Inquire at office of W. L. Robb. Twines, Twines. Twines. J. O. Hanthom is agent for Dunbar, MacMasters & Co.'s salmon twines on the Pacific Coast, and guarantees to satisfy the trade- in prices and quality equal ro any on tne m&tKet. THE NEW TELEPHONE. She Will Arrive at Astoria To-Morrow. The new steamer Telephone that rounded Tongue point for the first time one misty March afternoon in '85 and went up in flame and smoke at upper Astoria, one Sunday night last November, will be sneeeeded by the new Telephone which is hnishea nnd thoroughly equipped, nnd which will leave Portland for this city at seven o'clock to-morrow morning. There will be a big crowd to meet nnd welcome her upon her arrival at her dock. She will return at half past two to-morrow afternoon. The day that the Telephone was burned, the night boat of the O. It k N. Co. began running, it being a sin gular coincidence; since the two night boats began running in addi tion to the two day boats, one leaving here every morning except Sunday at six o'clock, and another every even ing except Friday at eight o'clock, the question has been a hundred times discussed; "Where is Scott going to get in?n "What will be the Telephone's trip card?" Here's where Scott "get3 inf THE TELEPHONE'S TIME CAKD. Leave l'oBTtiSD,Snnday.. . 8:00 a. m. Tuesday.. . . 7.-00 " Wednesday... 7.-00 " Thursday. ...1130 p.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m. Leave Astobu, Monday G-00 a. m " ' Tuesday . 2:30 r. m. Wednesday 7.-00 " Friday.. . .70" Saturday . 2:30 " Arriva at 1'obtlixd, Monday 1:30 p. m. ' Tuesday.. 9 JO " " " Thursday.. 30 a. m. Saturday.. 3-00 " " " Saturday.. 930 p.m. Arrive nt ABToniA.Sunday " " Tuesday. . 30 r. si. 123QM. 1230 " 0-00 A. M. 1230 m. Wednesdav. Friday.... " ' Saturday . It will be seen that the regular Sunday trip will be retained; leaving Porllaud at 8 instead of 9 . m.. as before, and that round trips will be made on Tuesdays, Wednesdajs and Saturdays. Thursday is tho only day in the week that tho boat will not either leave from or arrive nt Astoria. The time table published above is an interesting one and indicates lively work for a boat that will ar rive and leave every hour ot tho tweuty-fonr from 0 a. m. to 11-30 p. m. An Explanation. What is this "nervous trouble" with which so many seem now to bo af flicted? If jon will remember a fow years ago tho word Malaria was com paratively unknown, to-da it is ."as common ns any word in the English language, yet this word covers onh the meaning of another word used by 1 our forefathers in times past, bo it is with nervous diseases, as the and Malaria are intended to cover "what our grandfathers called Billiousness, and all are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased conditiomof the Liver which in performing its func tions finding it cannot disposo of the bile through the ordinary channel is compelled to pass it off through the system, causing nervous troubles, Malaria, Billions Fever, etc. Yon who are suffering can well appreciate a cure. We recommend Green's Au gust Flower. Its cures are mar velons. Why The Numbers Are Changed. The hotel clerk finds innuy curious people. If at some time there lin been n sneide in one of tho rooms, the first dutv of the clerk is to see that the newspaper reporter does not get the number of the room. And if he should, the uumbcr is changed as quickly as possible. The reason for this is that tho average arrival who is posted on the suicido invariably asks the clerk what room it occurred in, and follows tho inquiry with tho re mark that he''doesn't want that room." There is hardly a first-class hotel in the country that hasn't had some sort of a tragedy, and the clerks are never supposed to know what room they ocenrred in. .llcrit Wins. Vtleircto-.ay to inn oilizeiw, that we have been spiling Dr. KingV. Xew Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life rilK, IlueklenV Arnica Salte and Electric Hitteis, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand readv to refund the purchase price, if satisf.ie toij lcsiiiU do not follow their use. These lemedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits, .ino. C. Dement Druggist. The best Oysters in anv the Telephone Kestaurant. stjle. at lo You Eat or lluy Canity r Pure Candy manufactured and for .ale at lowest piicesatthc Oregon Ba kery. Are you made miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation. Di77iness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow fcfcin '.' blnoh's Vital i7crisa jtositivc cuic. For sale Itj .1. C. Dement. l'ri vate ItoimiH. At the Telephone llestaurant for sup pers, parties, etc. The best cooked to order. Rooms To Rent. Willi or without board. From SI a week upwards. Apply at Mrs. E. 1 lolden's, corner Jefferson and Main. AMVICKTO MOTHERS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothino Svp.up should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, tot lens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind clumc and is the best remedy for diar-rhn?a.Twenty-five cents a bottle. Telephone liodcinz House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night CO and 25 cts., per week S1.50. New and clean. Private entrance. SniLon's Cure will lminediatelv relievo Croup, Whooping Cough, and uronciims. aom oy j. u. Dement. CMlirenCryforPitclier'sDastoria A WHOOP FROM WALLA WALLA. The Only Walla Walla Wah Wall, published at Walla Walla, Walla Wallacounty, Wash. Ter., by J. Watermelon Redington. a bad man1 from Hennner. is received. It is not a thing ot beauty, and may not be a joy iorever, but iiKe tne muscaao mestica, it gets there just the, same. It is chuck full of joaks and1 will be read when Donnelly. Shaksneare and the tariff are forgotten, nnd probably oerore then. Here are three of the advertise ments: Henry Hominy hereby offers his valuable services as night guard of watermelon patches. Punishment in flicted on boy poachers is guaranteed painless; none but careful and xperi enced assistants mployed; terms -i of the crop. Also, will herd cows off your side Walk at night for the cow. Also, will contract to supply joung ladies' seminaries with pure moun tain chewing gum in quantities of not less than 14 barrels per month. My gum-patch in the beautiful Blue mountains is kept in a high state of cultivation. Befers without permission to the Duke of Delaware and Crown Prince of Boad Island. Prairie Schooner "Belle of the Buf-falow-wallow," now lying in port at foot of Polar street Neither the cap tain or crew will be responsible for any stuff furnished the consignees of this bark beyond four barrels of beer to each man, and the usual amount of cigarettes allowed on other vessels of the United States navy. Prefer ence will in all cases be given to arti cles of homo manufacture, and dajn the xpense. J. Jerkline. Notice to Mariners. Look out for a chuck hole in the road on the grand driveway around the garrison, where the ground was imperfectly summer-fallowed while Windy Jack held the brush-harrow over it 6 years ago. It bears N NE S SE N of the bow jib of the mountain howitzer ne ar the guardhonse. Jack O. Lantebn, Stipe, of gov. candlestix in this hot-house dist. Here is a little chunk of editorial- Ensilage for canary birds is fast finding favor as a popular plate which cheers but doe3 not make drunk. It is imported in large quan tities from tho rocks on Sand island, where the sea-gulls deposit it on tho walking-beam of the Great Republic. Tho price at which it is retailed in the drug stores shows that it must have been smuggled through tho As toria custom-house. Tho Wah Wah is full of native strength and solemn beauty and goes on TnE Astorian's X list without a murmur A SnIV liiX'Stmeiit. Is one which is guaranteed to bring von satisfactory icsulfr. or in case ol failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan jou ean buy from our ad vertised Druggist a bottlo of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It is gnainiiteed to bring relief in every case when used for anj affection of Throat, hung-, or (Uiest such a$ Consumption, In flammation of Lung-,, Bronchitis, Asth ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taite, pel feet ly safe, and can alvvavs be de pended upon. Trial bottles free atilohn t Dement's Drug htdrc. The finest and juiciest steak at the Telephone KesUnrant. .Nhiloh's Catarrh Kemedy a posi tive cure tor Catarrh, Diptliena aud Canker Mouth, bold by .). C. Dement. Collee and cake, ten ceuK at the Central llestaurant. For the best photographs ami luitjpes go to Crow's (lallerj. A Nasal Inieetor inv with each boltle of Shiloh's Catarrh IJemedv "rice .Ml cents, hold by .1. C.Demetit. "llackmetack." a lasting ami fra grant perfume. Prices.1; ami so cents, ild by .I.C. Dement. All the patent mulieines advertised in this paper, together v ith the choicest perfumery, and toilet artu-ies. etc can liflmiiiilit nt. tin- lowest liners, it. I. IV. Conn's dun: store, opposite Ocident hotel. As! nna. Camltriims Uecr Ami Vice Lunch at the Telephone h.i loon, n cents. Kino OwelUnc House to Itent. Good terms to suitable tenant. Iuiiiiie at this ollice. When You Co to Portland Frank Kabre, Occidental hotel restau rant, will be glad to see his Astotia friends, A good dinner at a moderate puce and cverjthing in season. Vol Dy.spepsiaandLiver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle ... of hiiuons vuanzer. it never fails to cure. Sold bv J. C. Dement. Umbrellas Repaired At mv old stand. J. Jopi.in. The latest stv le of Gents' Boots and Shoes at I J. Uoodman s. A fine cup of coffee, at the Telephone llcsl am ant. Tlic Steamer lUontcsniio. Will make regular round trips between IVestport anu Astoria every uay laun day excepted,) Ieav ing Westport at C a. m; returning leave Wilson & Fisher's wharf at 2 p. m.. tonchinc at all wnv landings. (Svensen's Wednesdays and Saturdays.; u. n. y klcu. Ludlow's Ladies' ?.-!.00 Fine Shoes; also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at P. J- Goodman's. Meals Cooued to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. Notice. THE mi SEUTE3 OF STOCK OFTHE JL. ASUJria DUUIMU& iuiu uvau A.-3UU11UUI1 consisting of 250 shares will be opened June 1st. 1888. The subscription books are now open at the Secretary's office. L. RonR Secretary. For Rent. -i FINERESIDENCEONCEDAKSTREET ' Inquire ot Jas. Taylor. 5ew Lace Curtain; Window Draperie ME Nottingham, Renaissance, HANDSO Persian Drapery, Etamines, Porteriers, in Chenille and Tapestry, Silk and Wool Tapestry. Figured Madras, etc., etc. Upwards of 3,000 yards of Nottingham Cur tain Nett from G Tlie . laeading House -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! OUSTAY HANSEN, Prop'r. A I-are and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonfls s Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All (IoocIh nought at ThN KutablLlimmt 'Warranted Genuine. H'liteh nml Clock Repairing A SPFCIALTV. Curlier Cast anil Squemoqua Streets. Carnahan & Co. MNVRSSOKS TO T. "W. CASE, IMl'OltrKIW AM) WI!OLKS.Y!.K AND ltKTAII. I1EAMSKS IN GENERAL IERCHAHDISE, Corner Clienamus anil Cass streets. ASTCKIA OKEGON BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, -AT THE SIGH OF THEJOLDEN SHOE. MUBRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers In Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part ot the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. SI. ASTORIA. OREGON. For Sale. FINE BLOODED 8ADDLE MARE. . Enquire ot B. A. Foster. Fort Stevens, For Sale Cheap. A FINE BLOODED MARE. HER PED Impnti hn t-ivpn Sold for want of use. Also a good business buggy and harness and a nearly new delivery wagon harness. D. L HECK & SON. Cannery Supplies ! AND JUST ARRIVED. AN IN Ecru and White, Embroidered Swiss, in Single and Two Toned. 121ao to 75c per yard. ill Dont IT'S ALL VERY Summer Which I expected a month ago, was delayed, on account of the Strike on one of the Eastern Roads. I Received this Fine Selection this week, and it will do You Good to look at them. Iiat est Slia&es, A No. I Trimmings and Finish, And what will please you reasonable for inferior goods, even; But they Must Go. HERMAN WISE The Reliable Clothier and Hatter. Occident Hotel DESIGNS Irish Point, PLAIN: A CASE OF most, the Price would be J of Overcoats STORE, Building, .