m t gatttj gtstovhut. ASTORIA. OREGON: FRIDAY ..MAY" 18, 1S3?. The East Oregonian says there are devils in that conntry. From all ac counts there are blackmailers there too. Chicago is having 25-cent base-ball, and a sudden feeling or robust indif ference as to what congress may do with the rest of the tariff has spread over the community. It is u matter of history that in the last seven presidential contests Illi nois has named the president four times. No Illinois presidential can didate has ever yet been defeated. ' D1DNT KNOW LOADED." IT WAS It will take 412 votes to nominate a candidate at the Chicago convention, and the Omaha Bee (Rep.) thinks that 'a great many dark horses are figur ing where to get the odd 411." Scientists are asserting that chol era will visit America this summer. But then, this class once said that ocean telegraphy was an impossibility. Inventors nnd base ball pitchers pay little heed to scientists. The Gresham movement is attract ing attention at Washington. A con gressman quotes senator Frye as hav ing said that, in his opinion, if Mr. Blaine fiually refuses to run, Judge Gresham would be the candidate. Govr.r.sor. Gray of Indiana, them an whom Mr. Cleveland prefers to have the St. Louis convention nominate for vice-president, was an uncom promising Republican up to February 22, 1872, when he was refused the nomination for lieutenant-govoninr on the Republican ticket. Farmers' in-.titutesb.ave become an institution in Wisconsin. Eighty-two were held la-t year in forty-five coun ties and 279 practical topics were dis cussed. More than one hundred lec turers and specialists imparted in struction and the state appropriated 512,000 to help the thing along. NEW TO-DAY. FOR COUNTY CORONER. ltesiilir lirimblicaii Nominee. Frank H, Surprenant. FOR COUNTY CLERK. IteKular LVnineratic Nominee. C. J. Trenchard. HIES. F. A. WHEELER Au Experienced Jlmic Teacher of VOCAL AND PIANO MUSIC. Will receive private pupils at any time. A featureoftlie course ol instruction, will be monthly recitals by the pupils in the pres ence of their friend1;, heferencp J. F. Ru dolphson. V. G. Hill. .). It. Paine, llostou. Mass. Hoomsat Key. Mr. Hail's, Lafayette treet. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. Prohibition Nn. init. Dr. Aug. C. Kinney. The Str. Telephone Fast Time Between Portland and Astoria. I.ea ing Astoria Monday. .. .C a. si, " " Tuesday iSO r. si. " ' Wednesday.. .7 p.m. " " l'ridav S r. M. " " Saturday. 2 :30 r. m. Close connections at KalaiuatotheSound ; at Astoria with the (Sen. Miles for llwaco. Oysterville and Grays Harbor; at Portland with the O. & C. K. B.. and west side trains, P.& W. V. It. It; Vancouer and Oregon City boats, and Kastem bound trains. The young man fell dead! A friend had pointed a revolver at him. "He didn't know it was loaded!" Wo often hear it stated that a man is not responsible for what he does not know. The law presupposes knowledge and therefore convicts the man who excuses crime by ignorance ! "If I had only known" has often been an unfortunate man's apology for some evil unknowingly wrought, but in a matter of general interest as for instance that laudanum is a poison, that naphtha is a deadly ex plosive, that blood heavily charged with a winter's accumulations of the wasto of the system, it is one's duty to know the" fact and the conse quences thereof. Our good old grand- motners Knew lor instance, tnat tne opening of spring was the most perilous period of the vear. Why? Because then the blood 'stream is sluggish and chilled by the cold weather, and if not thinned a good deal and made to flow quickly and liealthfully through the arteries and veins, it is impossible to have good vigor the rest of the year. Hence, without exception, what is now known as Warner's Log Cabin Sarsa parilla, was plentifully made and religiously gWen to every member of the family regularly through March, April, May and June. It is a matter of record that this prudential, pre ventive and restorative custom saved many a fit of sickness, prolonged life and happiness to a vigorous old age. and did away with heavy medical expenditures. Mrs. Maggie Kcrchwal, Lexington. Ivy., used Warner's Log Cabin Sarsa parilla "for nervous sick headache of which I had been a sufferer for years. It has been a great benefit to'me." Capt. Hugh Harkins, 1114 S. 15th St., Philadelphia, J'a., says "it purified my blood and removed the blotches from my skin." Mrs. Aarea Smith, Topton, Berks Co., Pa., says she "was entirely cured of a skin dis ease of the worst kind," by Log Cabin Sarsaparilla. Bad skin indicates a very bad condition of the blood. If you would live and be well, go to your druggist to-day and get Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla and take no other, there's nothing like it or as good, and completely renovate your impaired system with this simple, oid-lasnionea preparation oi roots and herbs. AVarner, who makes the famous Safe Cure, puts it up, and that is a guarantee of excellences all over the known world. Take it yourself and give it to the other members of the family, including the children. You will be astonished at its health-giving and life-prolonging powers. We say this editorially with perfect confi dence, because we have heard good things of it everywhere, and its name is a guarantee that it is first claBS in every particular. Political Speaking The follow ing named gentlemen will discuss mi" political rs-ues oi the day at tne following places, and all 'ate imited to attend Seaside, Tuesday, May 22, KKEJl KANAGA Skipanon, Wednesday. Mav 2.1. 11KEM KANAGA. Yestort. Satuul.-n , May 35. f. II. WATaON, 11KKM KANAGA. Oltiev, Tuesday. May 2U. " J. A. FULTON. KEK.M KANAGA Knappa, Thursday. May f!lst. C. W.KUI.IOX.IEEEM KANAGA. The sneaking at all of these placrs will be at 7 -.30. !. M. iTeclnct cominiltoes win pipum take no tice. W.UKOISI!. Cliaiiman County Central Committee. FOR CONSTABLE, Regular Democratic Nominee, E. A. Smidt. Replar BepiMicai Ticket. Important to Canners. Cleveland Gas Machine ! In Full Operation at S. Elmore's Cannery. Fire Pots g Soldering Machines all Running. STATE TICKET. Congressman, HINGER HERMANN". Supreme Judge, W. P. LORD. Prosecuting Attorney Fifth District. T. A. MoBRIDE. No Coal! No Smoke! No Dirt! No Waste of Solder ! Copper s Last Four Times as laongl WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed, Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o Tim Largest nnd finest nssortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. Received froih every Steamer. Representatives, JOHN HAI1N. H. U. PARKER. f COUNTY TICKET. H. Sheriff, K. NELSON'. Political Speaking THK Democratic Legislative Nominees Ceo. Noland and John H. Smith, Will iliscnvi Ihc political issues, holding meetings at the touewim: vol me places : Seaside. Friday. Jlav 18th. at 2 P. St. Skipanon, Saturday. May 18th, T -jn r. M West port, Monday. May 2 1st. at a f. 51. Vesjier. Tuesday. May 22d. at 2 r. ji Fisuhawk, Wednesdar, Slay 23d, at 2 i St. Mlshawaka. Thursday, May2lth.at2 i si. Gluey, Saturday. May 20th. at 2 i si. J.ev is & Clarke. Blondav. May 2Sth,2 r. si. Clifton. Tuesday. Jlay 29th, at 2 1 si. Knappa, Wednesday, May 30th. at 2 r. i ' liear Creek. Thursday. Jlay 31st at 2 r. si. Unrer Astoria. Saturday. .Iinie2d. Committeemen in each precinct u ill please make due arrangements for the speaking. The Kepuulican legislative nominees are respectfully invited to meet these candidates in joint discussion. AI.KRED KINNEY. Chairman Democratic County Committee. Clerk, P. I. DUNBAR. Treasurer, .1. C. DEMENT. Assessor, JOS. SINNOTT. Commissioners, J. G..NURNBERO. 1 v .SMITH. School Superintendent. ('. V. SHIVKLY. Surveyor, J. V. GEARUAKT. Coroner. F. H.SURVRENANT. Justice of the Peace Asloria Precinct, C. A. MAY. Constable, W. U. ROSS. HALF CHEAPER. THAN CHARCOAL ITo Risk by Fire ! I I Full particulars at Elmore, Sanborn & Co.'s Pacific Coast Agents A Man's Depends a Good Deal on His Clothes. And How He Is Dressed Depends a Good Deal on His Work. THE LEADING TATIONERS AND BOOK SELLER GRZFFXXT & EEED. J. C. CLINTONlVirgiuiaCipraiiuTfltecoStore DEALER IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS. NDTS. Candies. Smokers' Articles, Etc. New Hoods Received Dally. Opposite City Book Store. J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street. Two Doors East of Olney. Fine Clean, Tobaccos ami Smokers Articles. Sold at Lowest Market Rates. FRUITS. CANDIES NOTIONS.&C PARKER'S Phil. A. -AT- 01 IdU &9 General Election Monday June 4th. Regular Democratic Ticket. STATE TICKET. Congressman, JOHNM.GEARIN. Supreme Judge. JOHN BURNETT. District Attorney, Astoria Soda Works, HANSEN & CO., Prop's, DEALERS IN Blood Oranne Soda. Lemon Soda. Tine An- ple Soda, Cream Soda, Sarsaparilla, Ginger Ale, urao Appieunampaiieciaer.sianaara Neura Cura, Iron Phosphates Seltzer Water, iNaturat Mineral waier, oyrups, etc AU orders from the City and Country promptly iniea. Steam Engine For Sale. A FIFTEEN HORSE POWER ENGIN1 In first class condition, with all the tit tines, etc., complete, for sale at ARKDT& FERCHEN-S. Horsemen Take Notice ! SHERWOOD STEEL HARNESS. No Single or Doubletrees Used, Just the thine for use In Plowing or I-ogginK. Price. S3). For sale by Wilson & Fisher. To Rent. nrtUE WELL KNOWN TIDE LAND FLACE JU. or Kouert Mciswan on me sKipanon Apply to S. D. ADAM. For Rent. THE HOUSE FORMERLY OCCUPIED by Judge Taylor. For particulars In quire of W. L. KOBB. Boarding And Lodging House Busi ness For Sale. A GOOD TAYINO BUSINESS CAN BE bought at a bargain. For particulars apply to this office. For Fashionable Millinery, And Satisfactory Prices, See Mrs. Derby and Miss Heilborn, At Mrs, Derby's Old Stand. Xew Goods Constantly Jtecelved antl tlio Tastes of Customers Consulted. I.idles are invited to call nnd sec the Lat est Styles. John C. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. Prescription Carernlly Compounded. Agent for Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure. COUNTY TICKET. State Senator, J. F. PAGE. Ilepresentatives, GEORGE NOLAND. JOHN H. SMITH. Sheriff, WM. G. ROSS, Clerk, C.J. TRENCHARD. Treasurer, ISAAC BERGMAN. Commissioners, JOHN WARNSTAFF. JAMES HKOWN. Assessor, TIIOS. LOGAN. School Superintendent, C. R. THOMSON. Surveyor, N. D. RAYMOND. Coroner, W. A. ZTJMWALT. Justice of the Peace Astoria Precinct, A. A. CLEVELAND. Constable, H. A. SMIDT. Stokes i Next door to Foard & Stokes. Good Substantial Clothing at Very Low Prices. Rubber Boots, Overalls, Shirts. Blouses. Oiled Clothing. Ami warranted as represented. You are invited to cell. P. A. STOKES & Co. ieines, Pounds, Trap Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Ladies' and Children's Muslin Goods. Ladies' and Children's Shoes, all kinds. Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes, all kinds. Rubber Goods. Oil Clothing. Hats, Trunks. Valises, Satchels. EMPIRE STORE C.EI.0 F. FAKKFK. PARI. A. llNOh, ' -AND FISH NETTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, MADE TO ORDER OF REST Ql'ALITY. Woodberry Seine Twines AT LOWEST PRICES OK N K TTIVC COMItlNATIOX. Barbour's Salmon Net Threads. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 mill 519 Het St., Solo Agents for tlio Pacific Coast. FIRE BRICK DKAI.Kl: IK FIRE CLAY Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Brief, Cement, Sand and Plaster Wood llcllrrrpd to Order. I'Elt imoly to the Captain, or to Dntjinr, TumlnK nil Kxiirmt ItuKlnma, sri:,iii:i: i in, in i nm;ii Eben P, Parker,Master. KorTOWINd. KKEIOUT orCHAIt U. It. I'AltltElt. VWatchmaker & Va Jeweler, x. CUT THIS OUT. It Is Worth One Dollar. ANY PERSON Presenting this Advertisement atour store before the first ot June, 1888, and buying Ten not Dollars worth ot Groceries. Provision. Crocker'. Glass, Wooden ware, tamps, Canned eoods, etc., for Cash, will be allowed One Dollar for it towards payment. Goods guaranteed, law Prices. Delivered free anywhere in tne city. D. L. Beck & Sons. The New Model Range (JAN HE HAD IN ASTOI1IA, ONLY OK E. R. HA WES. Ac-iit. ('allaiidKaininelt; You Will lie Please il. E.lt. Hawes Is also Agent for Hip Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTIIEK FI KST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. rpBKEX 1 I MnnnKotauaLf J.C.I rullinger WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any oth eraxemade. Hundreds ol woodmen tes tify to its supe riority. ItgOM weep anu jrier StlekJ. CARNAHAN & CO., Asts Astoria. Price, $1.50. 1 W. L. Robb, Fire Insurance and Commission Representing, FIRE ASSOCIATION, of London. CALIFORNIA, of San Francisco. STATE, of Salem. Bents Collected. Office, rear of Odd bellows Building, on Cass Street. B. F. Allen, Handsome Wall Paper, AUTISTIC DECORATION. Painting, Papering. Graining, Etc., Done in Satisfactory Style and at Satisfactory Prices. Corner Jefferson anil Cass Sts., Astoria, Or. Van Dusen & Go. DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Seirlng Machines, Faints, Oils, Grooeriesi Elto. Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN CENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer! THIS WEEK, PIPES ai LAMS The Old Stand - Astou.l. Oregon. trikeltRich! BUY YOUK Groceries! Provisions OK Foard & Stokes 'llieir largely lncreastns trade enables t lie in to sell at the very lowest margin of prollt while giving you goods that are of flrit class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. ESTA HUSHED 1JH2. CAPITAL, SKO.000 mSsx UNEN GILL NETTING A SPECIALTY. The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of FISH NETTINGS IN THE UNITED STATES. Salmon Pise Seines. SalmonJonnJ Nets. Salmon Gill Nets. FiTFish Nettings of all kinds supplied at the shortest possible notice, and at the lowest rates. All made from our Shephard Cold Medal Twines. Qnarnntewl to be the strongest nnd most desirable twine now made especially for the . PACIFIC COAST FISHERIES. This TWINE is manufactured onlv by ourselves, directly from tho raw material. and costs no more in NETTINGS than the cheaper grades. Send for samples ; also for our illustrated catalogue. Highest awards at Boston, TMiilrulelnhia nnd London. American 2Tet and Twin Company, BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS. The New York Novelty Store Have a Finely Assorted Stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks,Optical6oods Fine Stationery, Cutlery and Fancy Goods. Of. All Descriptions, Bought in the Best Markets and CANNOT BE UNDER , SOLD by any one this side of San Francisco. Opposite Parker House, Main St., Astoria.