C?) thc gaitif gtoriim. ASTOKIA. OllEGON: Sl'NDAY Al'KIL 22, 1SSR. AUHXa TlfEIIi EXEMY. Of all the surprises in politics the most surprising is to meet an Ameri can of Irish birth or parentage who favors free trade ami thus aids Eng land in her effort to break down the prosperity of the United State. It is natural to suppose that an Irish-American would have sufficient gratitude for this great country that give3him shelter and prosperity, to at least refrain from doing anything to help England in her attempt to do with the United States manufactures what she long since did with Ireland's manufactures. Ireland had reached a considerable degree of industrial development prior to the revolution of 1GS3, but from that time forward, her industries, one after another, were deliberately strangled by laws passed by the Eng lish and Irish parliaments, until the most searching scrutiny failed to find a single vent for the hated industry ot Ireland to respire. The consequence was that the people were driven to the laud as the only means of getting a livelihood. The rack rent system be gan, andfn one generation the rentals of Irish estates were more than doubled. Swift denounced the in iquity of forbidding the country to make the best of its own resources and defended the people from the charge of idleness by reminding their critics that English policy had left them nothing to do. This state of things continued until the uprising of the volunteers secured the indepen dence of the Irish parliament in 1782. The Irish tariff was adopted 1783. It found the habit or manufacturing all but extinct in Ireland, excert in the northeast counties where the linen manufacture had always been fostered by bounties and protective duties. It was opposed with great determination by statesmen who scoffed at the no tion of taxing the country into growing rich. Butunder its influence the woolen industry of the south and west revived and the Irish people began to emerge out of their poverty and unifonuity of occupation. Black .Tack Fitzgib bon, the earl of Clare, had resisted the passage ot the law with all the energy of his powerful, but ill regu lated mind. But in 1798 he said: 'There is not a nation on the face of the habitable globe which has ad vanced in cultivation, in agriculture, in manufacture, with the same rapid ity in the same period as Ireland.' " "By wholesale bribery," the treaty of union was carried in 1800. The mer ciless competition of the British cap ital was as effective as the merciless leg islation of the English parliment. Des titution became general in the Irish towns; and throughout the country (e cept where the linen industry pre vailed) the people were driven back upon the land aud forced to compete with each other for the possession of the soil." (Harvard Lectures, Apple tons, 1SSG.) What said England to this? Hear the London Times: 'For a whole generation man has been a drug aud population a nui sance" in Ireland. s " "In the abstraction of the Celtic race at the late of a quarter of a million a year, a surer remedy for the inveterate Irish disease" has been found "than any human wit could ever have imagined." Carlyle, said; "The only solution to the Irish problem is to Hood the whole island six feet deep with water for 21 hour," and all England applauded. All England now strives to conquer the United States to her way of think ing and occasionally is presented the singular spectacle of an Irish-American aiding England in the work. It'OJLLVS MGUTS-AXI) LEFTS. Tite ballot is not a prerogative; it is a duty, and for the most part a very irksome duty. If we could only have our politics attended - to for us by prosy most of us would bo glad; and, indeed, a large proportion do in fact relieve themselves of this too esacting duty, escept now and then when a spasm of patriotism, brought on by a fever of partisanship, quickens the pride or self-interest which they call conscience. The question is not whether women have a right to vote, but whether they have a right not to. The great body ot the silent women in America claim exemption from po litical duties as they do from serving on juries, on fire engines, and in the militia. If the women of America ever vote, it will be, not because it is their right, but because it is a duty which they cannot refuse to under take. If they do not vote now it is not because men are refusing them the ballot which they are too timid to demand, but because no oue has yet convinced them that they have not a right to be exempted from a duty which they dread and their fitness for which they distrust. The ballot is, after all, only a subtle form of force; andj as we have had recent terrible illustration in onr own country, they that use the ballot must be prepared to compel obedience to its decisions by forces that are not subtle. Sup pose the men of any community vote for license and the women for prohi bition, who will enforce on the men the decision rendered at the polls if the men should not be loval enough to enforce it against themselves? . The question is one not unlikely to arise, aud it illustrates the essential nature or the function of the ballot and what its assumption necessarily involves. No person should ever issue a com mand which he has not power to en force, and this principle is as applica ble to a class as to an individual. It is because, more or less clearly, the great body of women see this princi pie that they do not respond to the demand made upon them to take up the ballot and all that taking the bal lot involves. Tun other day Oskaloosa. Kansas, elected a woman for mayor and a city council composed of women. The Chicago JYews thinks that the trans actions of that worshipful body may hereafter include items like the fol fel fol eowing: An ordinance regulating the amount of sumir to be used in making quince preserves. An order for a spe cial committee to be appointed by the mayor to discover the best method of darning socks. An ordinance re quiring all storekeepers, shopkeepers and tradesmen or even- sort to place mirrors in their front windows. An ordinance compelling all persons of the male sex to remain at home after dark unless accompanied by their wives. An ordinance providiug for an annual distribution of spring bon nets. An ordinance prohibiting jokes about bustles and false fronts. An ordinance abolishing white horses. Boston papers loudly commend the introduction or what they call "kin dergarten schools." The fonnders of the kindergarten system would if alive suggest to the editors the pro priety of a little dictionary study, since the word "kindergarten" alone has all the idea which can be given by the two. "Tun company is not guilty; we censure the corpse." Such was the purport ot a verdict of a coroner's jury on a fatal accident at a grade crossing. People have no right to use public streets it a railroad company wants to cross them. Let them climb trees and jump across the tracks. Judgt: Ghesiiam is Btill being boomed as a suitable candidate for the Kepublicans to nominate for pres ident nest June. The judge is nu in corruptible statesman, never cleans his finger nails, is a foe to monopoly and voted for Sam'l J. Tilden in 187G. A Necessary Measnre. The same courage and public spirit which led Now xork, when she had a population of about a million, to undertake the great work of the Erie canal ought to animate Oregon to day. AVe should not relax our efforts to rouse congress to appreciate the importanco of the improvement of the Columbia and acknowledge it by generous appropriations, but in the mean time a state of 250,000 people and including so rich a city as Port land onght to spend half n million of dollars in helping herself to prosper ity. Oregonian, 21. Itelucin;r the Surplus. The disposition ot the Surplus in the U. S. Treasury engages the attention of our Statesmen, but a more vital question has our attention, and that i the reduc tion of the Surplus Consumptives. Since the discovery and introduction of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, there has been a marked decrease in (he mortality from this dreaded dis ease, and it is possible to still further re duce the number of Consumptives. How? By keeping constantly at hand a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, and usinglaccordiiig to directions, upon the appearance of the first symptoms, such as a Cough, a Cold, a Sore Throat, a Chest or Side Pain. Taken thus early a cure is guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Jno. C. Demenfs Drug Store. Twin c.n, Twines, Twines. .1. 0. Ilanthorn is agent for Dunbar, MacMasters & Co.'s salmon twines on the Pacific Coast, and guarantees to satisfy the trade in prices and quality equal to any on the market Private Itoinnx. At the Telephone .Restaurant for sup pers, parties, etc The best cooked to order. Any case of Croup can be easily treat ed and cured by using "The Child's Cough Syrup." Full directions with each package, which can only he pur chased at Demenl's drug store. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. Every mother is interested in know ing that a special preparation for chil dren, called "The Child's Cough Syrup"' is now for sale only at Demenfs" drug store. I. O. O. F. Notice. Members of Beaver Lodge No. 33, are requested to get their tickets for the an niversary ball in time. Tickets can he had at J. XV. Conn's Drug Store, John Hahn'sShoe Store or at C. A. Slay's. The proceeds will be donated to the Odd Fellows Orphan home. All are re quested to come. By order of Committee. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. The county court met at ten o'clock yesterday morning. The following named were admitted to citizenship: Cosmo Potrato, Niles Anderson, J. W. Stigolich, Ludwig Larsen, John Sa parovich. Anton Antoncich, Peter Radmilovich, Baldissare Miran. The appointment of Mrs. E. Coe as guardian of the estate of Terry apd Ben Coe was rescinded. . The renort of county treasurer Rpreinan was received and accepted. The resignation of C. K. borensen, ns nssepsor. was received and accepted The bill of A. T. Brakke in the case ot the State vs. Partland was disal Inwert. The resignation of A. L. Sackett as snnprintendeht road district, No. -1 was received and accepted, and i) J. Ingalls appointed in his stead. Aajourned to Monday, April 23, at 10 A. M. Telephone Lodging House. I5et Beds in town. Booms per niulit soaml Sets., per week SUA New ami clean. Private entrance. Amiitcrsarj-Exercises anil Bull. The. sixty-ninth anniversary of the es tablishment of I. O. O. F in this coiui ti v, will be celebrated by Heaver Lodge No. .-v., on the 2Gth inst. The anniversary exercises will com mence nromntlv at eicht o'clock and will he open to all members of the or der and their friends. After the close of the anniversary ex ercises there will he a nail, admission to which will be one dollar, tickets ad mitting gentleman and ladles. Will vim suffer with 1JvseDSl.i and Liver Coumlaint? Shiloli s vitali.er is auaranteed to cure you. Sold by .1. C Dement. Sleepless Nights made miserable bv that terrible couch. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by J. C. De ment. Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by .1.0. De ment. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free For sale by J. C. Dement. The best Oysters in any the Telephone Kestaurant. st vie. at NEW TO-DAY. Treasurer's Notice. NOTICE IS nEKEBY GIVEN THAT there Is money In tbe County tieasury to pay all outstanding county warrants pre sented at the county treasurer's office prior to April 22(l.lh8fi. I.BHKUMAN. Astoria Or.. April 21. 1888. Fancy Bazar. Co to Nora Rappleyea's For a full Une of Fancy Work. Materials. Cloves, Mitts, Embroiderlei, Dressgoods, Plush, Satins, Buttons, Undemear, Corsets, Ifoalery, etc., etc. Lessons given In Embroidery. Stamping done to Order Ladles invited to call. One door South of Astouiajj OnUv. 0. R. & N. Co. SySew Ticket Office On and After Tuesday April HI, Ili.i Com pany Will Open a (.'it j PASSENGER OFFICE. At Flavel's Wharf and Warehouse. FOK MKIMA COLEMAN'S BANK. All Tickets will be Sold at the New Oflice. The Portland Night Boats w III Arrive and Depart and Portland Baggage and Freight .will lie received &t this wharf. E. A NOYKS. Agent. JOB PRINTBNG. Neat, Quick And Cheap at The ASTORIAN JOB OFFICE. Treasurer's Notice. NOTICE IS HEUEBY CIVEN THAT thero Is money in the county treasury to pay all outstanding county warrants pre sented at the county treasurer's office prior to January 1st, ISSfi. Interest thereon ceases from this date I. BERGMAN. County Treasurer. Astoria Or., April 18th, 1SSS. rfluTIEC I WIIJ. Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any oth er axe made. Hundreds ot woodmen tes tify to IU. supe riority. Itgoei Deep mnd Meier Stleli. CAItNAHAJJ 4 CO., AgenU Aitorii Price. $1.60. wtrrinAcuuBL' J.C.Truilinger VlYatchmaker Jeweler. '7yt - . i . "" 'J Van Dusen & Co. DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil. Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas. Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Serrlns Machines, Paints, Oils, Groceries, Etc, H. EKSTR0M, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. Special'Attemion Paid to REPAIR! NC. A Fine Line of Jewelry, Clocks and Watches onHand. All Woik Guaranteed. Water St.Eat of An;. Danlrlwn'i. For Fashionable Millinery, And.R.U'sf.ietiir. Prices, Pee Mrs. Derby and Miss Heilbqrn, At Mrs, Derb.v Old Stand. Xew Good ConNtantly Iterelied nml the Tauten of Customer Consulted Ladies are invited to rail and see the lat est Rtjles. Depends a Good And How He Is Dressed Depends a Good Deal on His Work, .vr- - Phil. A. Stokes & Go's. ( Next iloor to l'orml .V Stolen, i Good Substantial Clothing at Very Low Prices. Rubber Boots, Overalls. Shirts, Blouses. Oiled Clothing. And warranted ni represented. You are invited to cpll. P. A. STOKES & Co. Seines, Pounds, -N1) FISH NETTING OF MAIM' TO OKDKK AT LOW KVl' I'HK'KS OF HENRY DOYLE & CO., Hole Agents for Patrons Throughout the Continent Nets. Netting. Lines and Twines, their wants Require. ' Size meshes made from .'MC to 8 inches Square; or. S-B to IU inches diagonal or stretched. Fishermen can procure samples and prices of their home merchants. Gloucester Net and Twine Go. No. 96 Commercial St., Boston. Kaeloi'i nt GlouceHlrr. 3IaH., with nil .Wiv it ml Improved Ini'hlnery. Syi.va.sts Smith (Ti'in Rylvanu? Smith & Co.. (lloncpster). Joii.v ts. Dennis (Kiirn Dennis . Ajer. (Uoucester). .Inii.vK. Dijstin, .In. (l'lnn John l'evv Son. (iloncester). CrnRdK H. PFuKissCHlrintJeorgelVrkiiis & Son. (iloncester). . . .. . Umiun It. Haskhli. (rinn It. Haskell & Sons. (Iloncester), Wm. E.Stovvk (Firm Whitney, Tonsland & Co.. Boston). Wm. ijrnvrK, liostnn. II IN1IS OP LO.U KXPKUIKXCK AUK EMIAOKH EL B. F1HHEK, t DEAI.EU IN I FIRE BRICK Hay, Oats, anfl Straw, Lime, Wood Deltrercd to Order. TER apply to the Captain, or to The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN ASTOUIA, ONLY OF E. R. HA WES, Agent, Call and Examine It ; Yon Will be Pleased. E. It. Havves Is also Agent for the Buck. Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace-Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. -A Full Stock on Hand. John C. Dement, DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. ' Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. t'rrirrliillons Cnrcnillj- foinpniimleil. Agent for Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure, .1. a. v KASKK. THE W. K.WEI.T0 iNEWSB-DEA. FIKS1 CLASS RESTAURANT AND SALOON Fraser A AVeltou. ProprV. I N'e.c: WaterStreet, - Astoria, Oregon. Oysters in Any Style, llegnlar Meals 23 cents. lieds, 25 aud WW. llesi Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the liar. Spring Millinery, NOVELTIES AND FANCY GOODS. AT Mrs. W. J. BARRY'S, Nel to Odd Fellows lluildins. SljlMi, Fresh. Reasonable in Price. Plumes, Mats, liiuhons. a Fine Stock non Open for Inspection. MKS. W. .1. HAItltY Deal on His Clothes. - EVERY DESCRIPTION, OK l'.KST QI MTV. a mm a N K ITINO COMIJINATION. 517 and 519 MarW St., the Pacific Coast. can Have Made to Order any kind of W.M. STOWE. President (l.ate President ineriean Net Twine Co., ltoston) JOIINC. DKNNI.S. Vice-President (Presi dent Cape Ann Nat'l Hank, (iloncester). I (l. Pi:OCTi:i, Treasurer. (President First National Hank, (Iloncester). MARSHALL N. lUCK. Superintendent (for IK years Supt. of the factory of the Amer ican Net and Twine Co., Boston). KOK KICH DEPART)! EXT IX THE FACTOIiV FIRE CLAY i rops, Brict, Cement, Sad an! Plaster Drajinr, Teaming and KjpresN Ilnslncis, STEAMF.lt B CLARA PARKER Eben P, Parher,tlaster. Kor TOWING, FKEIGIIT orCUAK 11. 11. FA11KKR. A. "V- ALLBHT WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALEIi IX Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed, Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and "S'egeta.bles. lleceived fresh every Steamer. THE LEADING TATION GRXFFX2T J. O. CLINTON DE.VI.EK IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS, NUTS. Candies. Smokers' Articles, Etc. i New Goods Received Dally. Opposite City Hook Stoic. ERS AND BOOK S Dry Goods, Glothing, Furnishing Goods. Ladies' and Children's Muslin Goods. Ladies' and Children's Shoes, all kinds. Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes, all kinds. Rubber Goods, Oil Clothing. Hats, Trunks. Valises. Satchels. c.Ri.o r. r.vr.KFi:. ('AULA. MVSsO.S, Parker & Hanson SUCCESSOHS TO O. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE I New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS WEEK. PARASOLS. The Old Stand - Astoria, Oregon. KSTAI1MSHEI) 1R12. ill ,4rdMu.wLMA!i i UNEN GILL NETTING A SPECIALTY. The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of FISH NETTINGS IN THE UNITED STATES. Salmon Parse Seines. SalmofTonnd Nets. Salmon Gill Nets. !"Fish Jfettinzs of all kinds supplied at the shortest possible notice, and at tlie lowest rates. All made from our Shephard Cold Medal Twines. Gnaraiif eed to be the strongest and most desirable twine now made especially for th PACIFIC COAST FISHERIES. This TWINE is manufactured only bv ourselves, directly from the raw material and costs no more in NETTIXOS than the cheaper grades. Send for samples; also foronr illustrated catalogue. Highest awards at Boston Philadelphia and London. ' American 2Tet and Twin Company, BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS. The NewYorkNovelfy Store Have a Finely Assorted Stock of Jewelry,Watches, Clocks,Optical Goods Fine Stationery, Cutlery and Fancy Goods. Of All Descriptions, Bought in the Best Markets and CANNOT BE UNDER SOLD by any one this side of San Francisco. Opposite Parker House, Main St., Astoria. ELLERS. & REEL. Virginia CpaniMacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors EastorOlney. Fine Clears, Tobaccos and Smokera Articles, Sold at Lowest Market Rates. FRUITS.CANDIES NOTIONS.&o ItRich! ' YOUK -UUYYOUK ! Groceries Provisions - -OF - oard & Stokes 'I heir Luxely increasing trade enables them to .sell at the very lowest margin ot prollt while giving yon eoods that are or first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. I 'the Highest Price Paid for Junk. CAPITAL, SKO.OOft u Strike